MOUSE in the
This is an original production of Workshop 2.0. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. For Information regarding permission contact Workshop 2.0 at info@ ISBN: 978-1545346068 Copyright Š 2017 by Workshop 2.0 All rights reserved
Chapter 1 “Maddie! Get up! It’s time for school!” Meredith Musculus liked both of her children to wake up bright and early. Maddie told her mom a zillion times that mice were supposed to sleep fourteen hours a day, but that basic fact didn’t interest her mother one bit. 1
Maddie wanted to lay in bed for a few more hours, daydreaming. She liked to keep her life calm and predictable. Her dreams, however, were action-packed and full of suspense. Sometimes she wondered if it should be the other way around. Her brother Joe raced her to the
bathroom. Now there was a kid whose days were full of fireworks and drama. Maddie couldn’t imagine getting called to the Principal’s office as often as her brother. Better to be smart and play it safe.
“Breakfast is ready,” their mom called. “Dad’s driving you to practice Joe - get a move on.” Maddie was glad she didn’t have to walk to school with her brother today. It was hard to daydream when someone kept trying to trip you and grab your bag all the way to school. She was happy to see a bowl of her favorite cereal waiting for her on the table. Any day that started with a bowl of Cheesios was a good day, for sure. “Have a rotten day at school,” Joe
told her as he packed up his soccer equipment. Better not to respond, Maddie thought as her brother headed to the car.
Maddie went upstairs to get her Math book but when she returned, the sound of her parents’ hushed tones stopped her in her steps. “I’m worried about Maddie,” Meredith said. “She’s just so quiet – in her own little world half the time.” Her father finished his coffee. “She’s a good kid – a bit timid, but she’ll be fine.”
Maddie held her breath, not wanting her parents to know she was there. Her parents were talking about her behind her back? And they were WORRIED? After all the trouble her brother got into every day, they were concerned about HER?! What’s wrong with being in your own little world, anyway? Maddie ducked behind the cabinet and waited till her parents left the kitchen. Sure, she was shy, but was she THAT shy? Shy enough to worry
about? She grabbed her backpack and tried to stop the uneasiness growing inside. “You okay, Maddie?” her mom asked. Maddie just nodded. “See you back at three,” Meredith said. “You know how I worry!” Maddie kissed her mom and headed toward school.
Maddie tried not to focus on her parents’ conversation but she couldn’t help it. Didn’t they like her the way she was? Her brother always told her to ‘shake it off.’ She hated that phrase but realized it was what she needed to do now if she were going to get through the day at school. She focused instead on the flowers and the street lights. She’d walked this path for months but had never seen that mousehole in the fence. There was certainly a lot of construction going on – would this entrance lead to the new
Recreation center? Or was this the shortcut she heard Abby and Sophie talking about at lunch?
I’m not timid, Maddie thought. I can be as brave as anyone else in my class. As brave and carefree as my
brother if I want to be. Maddie peeked into the hole which seemed to lead to the center of town. Today was as good a day as any to explore a new route to school. As she walked through the mousehole, a whirring sound suddenly kicked in. The air around her started spinning, like a mini-tornado. What’s going on? Maddie wondered. This is why I hate trying anything new! Maddie’s legs were lifted off the ground, her backpack tossed aside.
She twirled and spun and spiraled through a vortex, some kind of portal. Where was she going? Where did this lead? “HELP!!�
Chapter 2 The buzz of a cellphone was the first thing Maddie heard. She remembered falling, but she couldn’t remember landing, much less in such a big soft bed as the one she found herself in now. Shiny award trophies lined the dresser and she was wearing silky green pajamas she’d never seen 13
before. “Have a nice dream?” Maddie jumped out of bed. “Who said that?” A red dragonfly holding a tablet fluttered into view and landed across from Maddie. He was a dragon, and he could fly, but he didn’t look like any other dragonfly she had ever seen. “Now that you’ve gotten your beauty sleep in, your meeting with Cindy Shoemaker started four minutes ago.” “Who’s Cindy Shoemaker?”
Maddie’s voice trailed off as she realized the huge white letters visible through her giant sliding glass window that spelled out the word “H-O-L-L-YW-O-O-D.”
The dragonfly didn’t take his eyes off the tablet in his hands. “She’s the production accountant. We’re already four million over budget.” “Four million... DOLLARS?!” Maddie tried to remain calm. “I owe someone four million dollars?!” She pulled the covers back over her head. The dragonfly pulled the covers down again. “Don’t get too comfy. Now that your nine o’clock is out the window, your 10:30 wants to move up to 10:15, and you’ve got a breakfast meeting on the lot before that.”
Maddie’s head was spinning. She didn’t know who this creature was, but she knew he had her confused with someone else. “I’m sorry,” she squeaked. “I’m normally very good at
sticking to my schedule, but I don’t think I made any of those plans.” The dragonfly stared at her. “Yes we did.” “We?” “Me - on behalf of you. That’s how this works.” “How WHAT works?!” Maddie was always so careful to do everything that was expected of her but now she’d missed an appointment and owed someone more money than she had ever seen in her whole life?! What was going on?
“I’m Larry, your assistant. Remember?” “Larry, I’m sorry, of course,” she lied. “Where am I?” “Are we playing some kind of game? We’re in your penthouse. In Hollywood.” Maddie couldn’t believe it. “But I don’t live in Hollywood.” “I’ll make you some tea while I explain.” Larry answered Maddie’s question before she had the chance to ask. “You did fall though a vortex, right?”
Maddie nodded. It was the only thing about this she was absolutely sure of. “There are vortices all over the world,” Larry began. “Did you know the plural of vortex is vortices? Kind of like the plural of mouse is mice.” Larry smiled as if Maddie would think this was funny, but she was far too confused to laugh. “Animals like us travel all over the world this way,” Larry continued. “Maybe people too – I just don’t pay much attention to them.”
Larry looked at Maddie kindly. “It’s a way to experience another world, another person’s life. Have fun with it!” “How am I supposed to have fun owing someone millions of dollars?” Maddie looked at the hustle and bustle outside her penthouse window. “But whoever this person is, their life is much more interesting than mine. The biggest thing on my calendar today is a math test.” Maddi frowned. “Do you mind if I call my mom?” she asked. Larry passed Maddie a cup of herbal tea and then flew into the closet.
Seconds later he popped out holding up an outfit Maddie had never seen. “No time to call your mom - you’ve got enough calls scheduled today as it is. Put this on.” Maddie took the outfit off the hanger. It still had the tags on it. “This shirt cost $200?” She was surprised to hear Larry laugh. “You’ve got tell that one to Cindy Shoemaker!” he said. Maddie went into the bathroom to change. When she looked in the mirror she still saw the same little mouse face
she’d seen earlier in the bathroom back home. Maddie came out in her new clothes to find Larry swiping and typing on his tablet. “Careful not to get anything on that shirt before your big meeting with Mr. Wong this evening,” he said. “You’re meeting him at Chez Escargot.” “That sounds expensive,” Maddie frowned. Larry scoffed. “Not for you. We’ve got a golf cart coming to take you to the sound stage.”
“Sound stage?” Larry threw a briefcase into her arms and shoved her into the hall. “Maddie, get with the program! You’re the biggest action director in Hollywood!”
Chapter 3 Maddie couldn’t believe Larry just shoved into this strange, wonderful place and wasn’t sticking around to guide her. They’d only met moments ago but already she was relying on him. She had so many questions - how many people came through the mouse hole portal? Was this something that 25
happened every day? Most important – how can she get home? As soon as Maddie got into the elevator, she found herself bombarded by even more questions, but these questions were coming from a frenzied crowd of people Maddie had never seen before. How was she supposed to know about lighting and sound and costumes? She didn’t even know what was inside the briefcase she was holding. Sure, she loved WATCHING movies, but she had no idea how to MAKE one.
When the elevator emptied them all into the marble lobby, Larry was waiting by the mailboxes. Maddie breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank goodness you’re still here!” she said. “Who were all those people?
And why do they have so many questions for me?” “That was just the tip of the iceberg,” Larry said. “If you’re a big Hollywood director, you better start acting like one or you’ll be eaten alive.” Back home, Maddie and her family were ALWAYS worried about getting eaten alive – usually by Poncho, the cat next door. She wasn’t sure she could handle worrying about getting eaten alive here too, on top of convincing everyone she was a movie director. A reindeer doorman held the front
door for her. Maddie’s worries faded away as she exited the building and let out a gasp. She recognized the gates she was standing in front of her immediately – she was standing across the street from Paramouse Studios!
Maddie wished some of her friends from school were here. She could just picture her best friend Sophie’s jaw hitting the ground. She would go crazy if she knew Maddie was walking into a Hollywood studio. But she wouldn’t be walking for long – as soon as Maddie entered the gate, a giraffe driving a golf cart pulled up beside her. “Hop in,” the giraffe said. “They’re waiting for you on set.” Larry flew alongside the golf cart as the giraffe whisked Maddie through the
studio lot. “OMG!” Maddie cried. The giraffe slammed on the brakes and asked Maddie if she was okay. “There are movie stars everywhere! Look!” Maddie pointed to several actors and actresses also buzzing across the lot in golf carts. She’s been watching these movie stars since she before she could remember and here she was seeing them in real life! Maybe walking through that mouse hole portal this morning was a good thing after all. The giraffe pulled up to a large
soundstage. Maddie followed Larry’s lead and hopped off. The building was the size of a football field, set up with a fake street and fake buildings. Maddie stood motionless, in awe. She couldn’t believe how realistic it all was. “I’m about to watch a movie getting made,” she said to herself. Larry shook his head. “No, Maddie. You’re about to direct a movie.” He gestured to the chair beside them with the word DIRECTOR stenciled on the back.
Just when Maddie thought things couldn’t get any more incredible, her favorite movie star, Bryan Gosling, was suddenly walking toward her.
BRYAN GOSLING IS HERE? Maddie couldn’t believe it – she’d seen all of his movies! She was a member of his fan club! She had his poster in her bedroom! What could she possible say to him that wouldn’t sound ridiculous? Bryan approached Maddie and gave her a big hug. “Hello, honey,” he said. “How’s my best girl doing this morning?” Wait – what? In this new universe, Maddie not only KNEW her favorite movie star but
she was his GIRLFRIEND??? Luckily Bryan was there to catch Maddie when she fainted.
Chapter 4 Maddie collapsed into the director’s chair and held her face in her paws. She couldn’t believe this was her life now and she was too afraid to ask how long it would stay this way. “Places everyone!” yelled a crocodile with a clipboard. Maddie wondered if the crocodile 36
was the assistant director. “Gotta go babe, knock ‘em dead!” Bryan Gosling gave her a peck on the cheek and ran into a makeshift elevator. Maddie watched as the elevator rose to the top of a mock skyscraper. Even a kiss from Bryan Gosling – something she would have DIED for any other time - couldn’t calm Maddie’s nerves. Why were all these people waiting for her? She was brand new to this! “Quiet on set!” The crocodile took
her pace behind Maddie. A group of flamingos aimed their cameras at different angles of the stage. A group of flamingos is called a flamboyance. Maddie recalled the presentation she gave back in school earlier this year. And I thought speaking in front of a bunch of third graders was hard! Maddie turned to the crocodile who seemed to have a much better handle on the situation. “I don’t know what to say,” she gulped.
The crocodile narrowed her eyes and scanned the scene. Miraculously, she spotted something out of place. “HOLD!” she yelled. “Someone left a box of crackers right in the middle of the set. Good catch, Maddie.” “…Thanks?” Maddie replied. The crocodile left to retrieve the box. “Come on people, let’s try and be professionals here.” “That was close,” Larry whispered to Maddie. “You’ve watched enough TV to know what to say next.” “Action?” Maddie guessed.
Larry smiled. “Bingo. But without the question mark this time.” Maddie nodded. The crocodile, now a little more crabby, returned to her spot. “Places, quiet, you know the drill! We’ve burned enough daylight today as it is.” Maddie looked at each camera person, boom operator, and cable wrangler poised in position. She counted to three in her head. One. Two. Three. “ACTION!” WHOOSH! Flames shot up the
windows of the buildings on set. Police sirens blared. Bryan Gosling appeared on the balcony. He pulled a grappling hook from around his waist and hurled it at the building across from him. He tugged the hook to make sure it stuck then leaped into the air, swinging across fifty feet of safety net which Maddie noticed was placed carefully out of frame. He let go of the rope and landed perfectly on his mark. He stood up and looked around. “Wait… where is he?”
Maddie was so blown away by the action sequence that she didn’t know Bryan was asking a real question, not just reading his lines. The crocodile began banging her head against her clipboard. “CUT!” she yelled. “Somebody better know where that ox is!” A raccoon wearing a walkie-talkie headset stepped on set. “Sorry, Oscar is still in his trailer,” she said. “Let me guess - his head got so big he can’t get it through the front door,” the crocodile snapped.
“No…” the racoon frowned. “He’s feeling a little shy.” “SHY?” The crocodile was fuming. “We’re not paying him five million dollars to be shy!” “It’s his first big movie - he’s feeling a lot of pressure,” said the racoon. “Even big guys can be timid.” Those words hit home for Maddie. She knew exactly how the ox was feeling. “I’ll talk to him,” Maddie volunteered. A sea of heads pivoted to face her,
but this time the attention didn’t bother her so much. “I know all about being timid and overwhelmed. Let me talk to him.” Bryan Gosling waddled over and started munching on the crackers. “My girlfriend gives the best pep talks - she’s the one who convinced me to do my own stunts.” Although Maddie couldn’t imagine a universe in which she was a famous movie star’s girlfriend, she appreciated his support. “Just give me fifteen minutes.” She surprised herself with how
confident she sounded. Maddie leapt out of her chair and scurried towards the hall. “Trailers are the other way!” the racoon called after her. Maddie changed direction and burst through the double doors into the sunlight. Shielding her eyes with a paw she scanned the names on each trailer. “Bryan Gosling, Snailma Hyek, Julia Frogberts – aha! Oscar Ox.” She paused in front of his door and knocked gently. Five seconds went by.. ten…
twelve. What am I doing? I’m the director! Maddie pounded on the door. “Hey Oscar, come on buddy. We’re all waiting for you.” She heard the click of the door unlocking and entered. Oscar Ox was ten times her size, with muscles that showed through his fitted black T-shirt. “Sorry, boss. Please don’t fire me,” Oscar said. “I’m not here to fire you. I want to help you.” Maddie took a seat next to the hulking movie star.
“It’s hard for me to play a bad guy,” Oscar said. “As a kid, everyone made fun of me for accidently hurting people because of how clumsy I am.
Then there was that disaster at my uncle’s china shop.” “I thought it was bulls who had trouble in china shops,” Maddie said. “They do, but we oxen are even bigger.” Oscar hugged a pillow. “I don’t want people to think all I do is hurt people.” “You’re a movie star. People know it’s your job to do things you wouldn’t normally do,” Maddie said. “I guess that’s true. But I still don’t know how to be a bad guy,” said Oscar.
It didn’t take long for Maddie to think up the perfect inspiration. “Imagine you’re an annoying kid brother,” Maddie said. “Everything you do bothers and irritates your older sister. On the outside, your parents think you’re tough and exciting, but deep down you’re really a little jealous of your older sister.” Oscar laughed. “I have a kid brother just like that.” “Then we have something in common.” Maddie smiled. “So what do you say - ready to give the scene a
try?” Oscar jumped to his feet. “For you? Absolutely.” Maddie pushed through the double doors once again, happy to get the production back on track. “Places, everyone!” she called. “Oscar is here to knock this scene out of the park!” The crew stampeded away from the snack table and back to their positions. Maddie took her seat in her director’s chair and called “Action!” Once again the flames shot up,
the sirens blared, and Bryan Gosling repelled off the balcony of the high-rise. Oscar Ox met him at the bottom. He stepped onto his mark and delivered
his line: “Your goose is cooked.” “Cut!” Maddie called. “That was great!” “Moving on to the fight scene,” said the crocodile. Maddie had never been more proud of herself. Maybe she wasn’t as timid as her parents thought after all.
Chapter 5 Maddie almost felt like she belonged in this new life. Her story about her obnoxious brother had saved the scene and everyone thought she was good at her job. Mom and dad would be so proud when she told them about this! But will I ever see them again? 53
She followed the flamboyance of flamingos wheeling their cameras to the other end of the set.
Larry buzzed into view and hovered in front of her face. “And where do you think you’re going?” “To direct the next scene?” Maddie was instantly uneasy. Whenever Larry
showed up, another curve ball was usually right around the corner. “You’re forgetting your five-o-clock dinner with Mr. Wong,” he said. “Just because production is delayed, doesn’t mean your appointments are too.” “But when can I go home?” Maddie asked. Larry pulled out his tablet. “Let’s see. After Mr. Wong, you’ve got an interview with Entertainment This Evening, then a picnic date with Bryan, so sometime tonight?” “No,” Maddie spoke up. “When
can I go home home? I can’t go on two dinner dates - my mom is making lasagna tonight!” “I wish I could tell you,” Larry said. “But I’m not the one in charge of the portal.” “Who is?” Maddie asked. “I don’t know,” Larry answered. “But I do know the last person who fell through was here for three months.” “Three months!” Maddie squeaked. “I’ll miss summer vacation! And my birthday!” “Be thankful you landed in such a
sweet gig,” Larry said. “Vortex hoppers can’t do much better than Hollywood director. My last guy was stuck shoveling behind the elephants in the circus.” “So you’re a professional… vortex guide?” Maddie wasn’t sure what to call it. “You could say that,” Larry nodded. “I never know where I’ll be sent either. It’s free travel, but nowhere near as glamorous as you might think.” An alarm went off on Larry’s tablet. “Uh oh. That’s Mr. Wong. You have to run.”
Larry flew behind Maddie and pushed her into the corridor, past the makeup studio where Bryan Gosling was getting fake bruises applied by a porcupine with a belt holding different tiny brushes. “Pick you up at seven!” Bryan called. Maddie got to the curb outside and saw a limousine longer than she’d ever imagined. Techno music was blaring and a tiny bespectacled gold fish - bowl and all - was waiting inside.
Chapter 6
“Get in here, mouse!� Mr. Wong yelled. He had a surprisingly strong set
of pipes on him for someone with gills. Maddie gulped and pulled on the limo door. All the confidence she’d gained from saving the day on set was suddenly gone. She slid onto the smooth leather seat next to Mr. Wong. Staring at this goldfish in a blazer, she was instantly back to the timid Maddie Musculus she’d been before. “Normally I like to begin a meeting by asking how you’re doing.” Mr. Wong tapped the rim of his bowl with the tip of his fin. “But I feel it’s more appropriate to TELL you how you’re doing.”
“N-n-not good?” Maddie squeaked. “NOT GOOD AT ALL!” Mr. Wong shouted.
“What could possibly compel you to sabotage the biggest picture of the year?” Mr. Wong continued. “I can’t wrap my head around it.” “Well, I haven’t quite been myself lately.” Maddie looked out the window and wished she was literally anywhere else but here. Maybe there’s another portal nearby I could escape through. “Tell me how you’re going to get this picture back under budget!” Maddie trembled. She had never even been yelled at by the principal, let
alone a Hollywood executive. Mr. Wong softened. “You’re my favorite director, you can talk to me. I’m also your friend.” Maddie didn’t know how to explain it. “I don’t know what I’m doing here and I’m scared I’ll never see my family again.” Mr. Wong studied Maddie closely. “I know exactly what’s happened to you.” “You do?” Maddie was shocked but if Larry was in on the whole vortex thing, maybe Mr. Wong was too.
“You’re over worked,” Mr. Wong said. “You did Alien Orangutans and that Steven Seagull karate flick backto-back. Then we threw you into the Goosinator sequel with no break in between.”
Maddie couldn’t hide her disappointment. She had hoped Mr. Wong knew what she was actually going through. “If it’s alright with you,” she began, “I don’t really feel like going to Chez Escargot right now.” “Of course,” said Mr. Wong. “It’s overpriced anyway. I’ve had better goldfish flakes from a drive-thru.” Maddie reached for the door handle. “Don’t be afraid to ask for the things you need,” said Mr. Wong. “I care about the picture, but I care about you
too.” “Thank you, Mr. Wong,” Maddie sniffled. “I’m in the business of thinking about the BIG picture,” laughed Mr. Wong. “I may be a goldfish. but I come from a long line of carp. Know what our family motto is? Carpe Diem.” Maddie recalled a big banner at school with the same phrase on it. That means “seize the day.” Maddie climbed out of the limo. Well, if I’m going to be stuck here for the day, she thought, I might as well seize it.
Chapter 7 Maddie hurried down the sidewalk as the techno music from Mr. Wong’s limo got farther and farther away. A giant clock on the side of a studio building told her it was nearly six-thirty. “Almost time for my date with Bryan Gosling,” Maddie said aloud. I can’t believe I just said that! Wait – 67
WHAT AM I GOING TO WEAR? Maddie remembered that whoever owned the penthouse where she woke up had beautiful clothes in her walk-in closet. She’d get to play dress up! If only one of her friends from home were here. She caught a passing golf cart to deliver her back to the penthouse. “Calling it day?” asked the young zebra behind the wheel. “Not a chance,” said Maddie. “On to the next adventure.” Maddie hopped off in front of the
tall condo building she remembered from this morning. She wasn’t sure it was the right place until she recognized the Reindeer door-man. He opened the elevator door and pressed the button bearing a large capital P. “Have a good night, Miss.” Maddie watched the number above the door go higher and higher. 22nd, 29th, 31st… yikes! How high up do I live? The elevator came to a halt with a pleasant “ding” and Maddie stepped onto the thirty-fifth floor. She got to the
front door and stopped suddenly. Uh oh – I don’t have any“Forget something?” Larry was suddenly beside her holding up a set of keys. He was panting heavily and leaned against the wall to hold himself up. He’d obviously taken the stairs. Maddie scooped up Larry in the palm of her paw and placed him gently on a pillow inside. Larry gasped for air. “I really need to start jogging again.” “I never know when you’re going to pop up – and when you do it’s
always with some disturbing news,” Maddie said. Larry got to his feet and did a few stretches. “Well, I’ve got to get going.” Maddie frowned. “Going where? Don’t you stay with me until I go back to my old life?” “Our department is short-staffed. I’m assisting three different vortex hoppers right now.” Larry pulled on a tiny parka. “Lucky me, my other guy is in Siberia.” “Siberia?!” Maddie poked her head out but Larry was gone.
It took her several attempts to find the perfect dress. As soon as she did, the front doorbell rang.
“Coming!� Maddie slipped on a
nice pair of ballet flats and ran towards the door. She opened it and came face to face with two dozen roses. “I noticed you didn’t have any flowers, so I decided to fix that,” Bryan said with a wink. Bryan Gosling just got ME flowers! The bouquet was bigger than Maddie. Maddie could see Bryan was aiming for her lips. I can’t let him kiss me and find out that I don’t know how! She dodged the tip of his beak and
nervously put on her jacket. “We should really get going. I’m starving!” “I’ll drive,” replied Bryan. They took the elevator down and Bryan escorted her to the passenger seat of his sportscar. “Ready for our adventure?” This made Maddie nervous. She’d already had enough adventure for ten lifetimes. The scenery out the window became a blur and Maddie shut her eyes so she wouldn’t have to see how fast they were going.
“It’s so cute when you pretend to be scared,” Bryan yelled over the engine. Maddie felt them come to a stop, but it was still just as loud. Bryan opened her door. When she finally opened her eyes, she saw they were parked next to a helicopter.
“You’re gonna need these.” He tossed a helmet and parachute pack into Maddie’s arms. “Wait? What?” Maddie screamed. “I’m recreating our first date. Pretty romantic, huh?” Bryan lifted Maddie into the helicopter. “This time I won’t chicken out.” “Who you callin’ chicken?” the pilot called from her seat. (She was an actual chicken.) The helicopter began to shake. Maddie could see that they were several yards above the ground and
climbing fast. “Bryan, I don’t know about this.” Maddie said. “I’ve been seeing a hypnotist to get over my fear of heights,” Bryan said. “I’m finally ready to join my expert skydiver girlfriend in her favorite activity.” “I CAN’T DO THIS!” Maddie screamed. “I don’t want to seize the day! I’m a timid little mouse! I miss my family!” “What?” Bryan strapped on his parachute pack. “I can’t hear you over
the sound of the chopper.” “We’re at maximum altitude. Jump whenever you’re ready,” said the pilot. Maddie unconsciously strapped on her parachute pack and helmet. All she could feel was her heart beating out of her chest. This is it. I’m going to splatter all over the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Bryan Gosling grabbed Maddie by the hand and led her to the edge of the helicopter. She peered down at miles of empty sky and the claws on her toes almost broke through her shoes to nail her in place.
“Can’t we just have the picnic up here and enjoy the view?” she yelled. “Wish we could,” Bryan said. “But the picnic’s down there.” “Jump, count to ten and pull the cord on your parachute pac,” shouted the chicken in the cockpit. “You heard her!” Bryan bumped his helmet against Maddie’s. “On the count of three.” “I am not going to jump out of this plane!” “One.” Bryan tipped himself and Maddie ever so slightly out the
helicopter’s opening. I’m never going to see my family again! “Two.” Bryan leaned them both even further out, but this time he didn’t swing them back. “THREE!” Bryan Gosling planted a kiss on Maddie’s lips and they tumbled out of the plane. Maddie would have been in heaven if she wasn’t free-falling through the sky and screaming her head off. “Isn’t this exhilarating?” Bryan screamed over the rushing wind.
“Easy for you to say, you’re a goose. You can actually fly!” Maddie answered. “Five, four, three, two, one. PULL!” Bryan ripped the cord on his pack. His parachute shot out above him but Maddie was still hurdling towards the ground.
She frantically felt up and down her pack straps for a rip cord. WHERE IS IT?! She was getting closer and close to the grassy field below. If she didn’t find that cord soon, she could forget the picnic dinner, the lasagna dinner, and any other dinners ever again. Finally her fingers found the cord tucked behind her. She pulled with all her might, but instead of a parachute, out popped Larry. “It was nice knowing you,” Larry shouted into Maddie’s ear.
“HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT?” Maddie was terrified. “Because you’re about to fall through another vortex,” Larry answered. Suddenly Maddie wasn’t falling through the sky anymore – she was tumbling through the familiar swirling black of a vortex. She smiled. Sorry Bryan, you’ll have to dine alone tonight.
Chapter 8 SMASH! Maddie opened her eyes. Everything was dimly lit; she was surrounded by three pairs of feet. I know those feet! She was back home in the kitchen. Not on her usual chair, but splayed underneath the table. 84
“Maddie!” her mom cried. “Settle down and stop making such a ruckus!” Maddie scrambled to her seat and looked around the room. Sure enough, Joe and Dad were here too. “I’m home!” she cried. “I can’t believe I was only gone a day!” Joe looked at his sister quizzically. “Since when is school sleepaway camp? Of course you were only gone a day – we all were.” Maddie stared at her mother taking a lasagna out of the oven, her father setting the table, and Joe
pouring glasses of water. She was HOME. She ran over to Joe and gave him a giant hug. “GET AWAY FROM ME!” Joe wiped where Maddie had hugged him, as if she’d covered him in germs. “What’s wrong with you? You’re acting even weirder than usual.” Their mom inspected Maddie from across the room. “Are you getting sick, honey?” How could she tell her mother that she’d just directed a film, kissed
a movie star, and jumped out of a plane?! Would they believe her? It took several moments to gather her thoughts.
“I know you and Dad worry about me sometimes,” Maddie began. “Thinking I’m too shy and can’t take care of myself. I just want you to
know I’m actually stronger than I look.” Both parents approached their daughter. Had she heard them talking about her this morning? Maddie DID seem different now. But just as they were about to ask for details, Maddie jumped onto her chair at the kitchen table. “I made it home for lasagna!” Her brother raced to his seat and grabbed the serving spoon. But for the first time ever, Maddie reached across the table and took it from his hand. “I get the first piece,” she said. “I earned it.”
Joe watched his sister serve herself then the rest of the family. He’d definitely have to keep his eyes on her for a while. “Anything interesting happen today?” their father asked as he served the salad. “I met a new friend,” Maddie said. “His name is Larry and he’s a dragonfly.” As Joe told the others about his soccer game, all Maddie could think about was her magical day. Would the portal still be there tomorrow? Would
it take her back to her Hollywood penthouse or somewhere new? There was only one way to find out.
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Contributors Grace Butterfield is a budding writer who lives in Pomona, CA. She is a huge fan of all things literary, especially H.P. Lovecraft. Faith Butterfield is a young illustator and cartoonist in love with all things annimation. She attends City College and is looking forward to art school. She lives in Pomona, Ca. Xavier Romo is Workshop 2.0’s resident layout artist.He studies animation and design at the Exceptional Minds digital arts school.
Workshop 2.0 uses a micro-enterprising model to assist special-needs artists with editorial, vocational, and marketing guidance to bring their art to life. Participants practice social skills, collaboration, brainstorming, and giving and receiving feedback. Most important, they feel the connection and pride that comes from contributing to a creative, supportive community.
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