FLC Summer 2012 LifeGroups Catalog

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FALL 2012

In this issue: Interest Groups . . . 3-5 Life Enrichment Groups . . . 7-8 Save the Dates . . . 9 Support & Recovery Groups . . . 11-12 Home Education . . . 13 Impact Team Section . . . 17-29

From Your Pastors… For most people, it isn’t enough to just go to church on the weekends. People want to be involved; they want to feel connected; they want to belong. That’s why we have LifeGroups at Faith Life Church. LifeGroups are designed to help you grow in your walk with God, get support from friends who can care for and pray with you, serve others, and help you truly feel like you belong. But LifeGroups are also about more than just our Faith Life Church family. LifeGroups are about reaching outside the walls of our church and into the lives of those who don’t feel like they belong anywhere. So sign up for a LifeGroup for yourself. Enjoy some good laughs, eat some great food, and make some new friends. Take the time to enjoy life this fall. Then, look at LifeGroups as a way you can help someone else experience the good life. Start reaching out to people. Talk to the cashier at the grocery store. Have a conversation with your server the next time you go out to dinner. Be a source of encouragement for everyone you come into contact with. Invite people you know and people you meet to come to a LifeGroup with you—invite them to come and belong. With love,

Pastors Gary and Drenda


LIFEGROUPS FAQ What is a LifeGroup? A LifeGroup is a group of people that meet to connect, share an interest, develop friendships, study biblical teachings, support one another, and have fun! At FLC, we put our LifeGroups into specific categories—Interest Groups (interests & hobbies), Life Enrichment Groups (study groups), and Support & Recovery Groups (recovery and help for life’s special circumstances). Where and when do LifeGroups meet? Several FLC LifeGroups meet at The Now Center, while others meet in the leaders’ homes, or in other locations throughout Central Ohio. Why are LifeGroups important? We believe that getting connected with others is vital, and LifeGroups are a great way to do that. We would love for everyone to get involved in at least one LifeGroup! How do I sign up for a LifeGroup? Once you find a group (or a few groups) that you’re interested in, feel free to contact the leader directly using the information listed for the group. What if I want to join a LifeGroup that has already started? It’s never too late to join most LifeGroups. Check with the leader of that group to find out how to jump in. Is childcare provided? Each group is different. If you have questions about childcare, please ask your LifeGroup leader. How can I become a LifeGroup Leader? To become a LifeGroup leader, you should attend the M5 Growth Track Membership and Missions sessions. The M5 Growth Track is hosted bi-monthly at FLC. Visit Guest Services for more information.



CONNECT WITH PEOPLE WHO LIKE THE SAME THINGS YOU DO AND HAVE FUN! COLUMBUS RESOURCE BUSINESS NETWORK Join other entrepreneurs in this interactive business-networking group designed to help you succeed. Bring your dreams and ideas and come be inspired by successful entrepreneur and business owner Bert Lindsay. Lunch Day/Time: Tuesdays from 12:00pm– 1:00pm (Pizza and soda lunch available for $5) Location: The Now Center Contact: Eric & Lisa Traylor at (303) 912-7610 or thenowresource@gmail.com DINING & DOMINOES (AGES 14 AND UP) Join us for an evening of good food, great company, and dynamite Dominoes! Get ready to make new friends, deepen existing relationships, and sharpen your Domino skills. Day/Time: One Friday each month at 6:30pm Location: 3382 Stadler Drive, Pickerington Contact: Nay Dismore at (614) 332-3534 or nay@nayscreativeways.com Childcare: None provided EUCHRE NIGHT REVIVED Do you know the difference between a trump and a loner? Do you want to learn? Then this fun-filled group is for you! Join us for some serious (or not so serious) fun playing Euchre!


Day/Time: 3rd Friday of each month at 7:00pm Location: 10842 Johnstown Road, New Albany Contact: George and Ann Garinger at (614) 560-4000 or ggaringer@insight.rr.com Childcare: None provided

SINGLE MOMS’ FELLOWSHIP Come connect with other single moms over food and fun, and find the support and encouragement you need in a safe, kidfriendly atmosphere. Day/Time: TBA Location: Varies Contact: Hasina Thomas at (614) 348-7390 or hasina.thomas@yahoo.com Childcare: Children welcome Requirements: Must be a single mother FIT CLUB Feeling less than inspired to get to the gym or go workout? Come get back in the swing of things with this fun group! All fitness levels welcome. Day/Time: Thursdays at 7:00pm Location: The Now Center Contact: Suzie Ellison at (740) 567-3847 or lilsuzieqs@windstream.net

FLAG FOOTBALL (AGES 12 AND UP) Red 18. Blue 21. Hut. Hut. Hike! Flag football is a great way to meet new people and make new friends! Grab your tennis shoes and come out for a great time of teamwork and fellowship. Day/Time: Sundays at 3:00pm Location: The Now Center Contact: Kyle Higgins at (740) 644-4907 or kylehiggins52@yahoo.com Requirements: Under 18 MUST have written parental consent. Must follow safety rules. GARDENING, CANNING, AND FOOD PRESERVATION Have you always wanted to learn how to grow your own fruits and vegetables, but didn’t know where to start? Would you like to learn how to preserve the things you learn to grow? Join us for this weekly class to discuss how to plan, plant, care for, and harvest a garden, as well as how to preserve the food you grow. Learn freezing, canning and dehydrating tips, and share recipes.

GLORY GIRLS You’ve heard of the Red Hat Society, right? At FLC we have THE GLORY GIRLS! These sassy, and sometimes ornery, ladies over 50 are a force to be reckoned with. Whether they are letting their hair down and putting on skits during ministry at local nursing homes, playing basketball with the teens, or wreaking havoc at the local diner with a sing-a-long, they always have loads of fun and provide sidesplitting entertainment. And, all the while they show the world that age means nothing when it comes to walking in the joy of the Lord! Day/Time: 1st Monday of each month at 10:00am Location: New Albany Garden Center Contact: Janet VanHoose at (740) 919-0346 or jb4him@insight.rr.com Requirements: Must be age 50 or older

Day/Time: Tuesdays at 7:00pm Location: 10 West Avenue S.W., Pataskala Contact: Corky Wion at (614) 915-1170 or dlocuro@juno.com Childcare: None provided

“Euchre Night was so much fun! I loved meeting new people while getting to enjoy a great game.”

LADIES NIGHT OUT—WITH A PURPOSE Let’s get together for coffee or dinner, build new friendships, and find ways to make a difference in our community! Day/Time: 1st Friday of each month at 7:00pm Location: Varies Contact: Lisa Traylor at (303) 912-7610 or 4lisatraylor@gmail.com Childcare: None provided Continued...


REACH Are you passionate about impacting communities with the love of Christ? Is it your heart and mission to actively serve others? Join us in assisting others with tasks like moving, home repairs, neighborhood cleanups, and in providing meals, clothing, school supplies, prayer, ministry resources, and much more. Day/Time: To be announced Location: Varies Contact: Heather Roberts at hroberts@faithlifechurch.org or (740) 964-7400 x 225 Childcare: None provided THRIVE - MARRIED COUPLES HANGOUT When was the last time you can say you had fun as a couple with friends? No matter how long it’s been, it’s time to step it up! Couples can gain a lot from being together with other couples. That’s what THRIVE is all about! Come meet other couples, whether newly married, long married, or somewhere in between, for fun, friendship, and fellowship. Day/Time: One Friday night per month and other dates as scheduled Location: Varies Contact: Walter & Carisa Russell at crussell@faithlifechurch.org or (614) 795-4484 Childcare: None provided Requirements: Must be married!


FOR KIDS! GAMERZ (Young Men Ages 7-13) Come hang out, eat snacks, play sports and video games, and have fun with other guys your age! Sign up today and get your game on! Day/Time: 3rd Saturday of every month from 1:00pm-3:00pm and special events Location: The Now Center Contact: Carrie Walland at (614) 947- 9058 or cmwalland@yahoo.com

2407 Beech Road Johnstown, OH 43031 740.964.7400 faithlifechurch.org

LIFEENRICHMENTGROUPS GROW TOGETHER IN THE WORD OF GOD. BATTLEFIELD OF THE MIND Discover how to apply the truths from God’s Word to your life to bring the freedom you need to win the battle over your mind! This study will be based on Joyce Meyer’s bestselling book Battlefield of the Mind. Day/Time: Mondays from 6:30pm-8:00pm Location: Newark Library, 101 W. Main Street, Newark Contact: Melissa Santiago at (740) 964-7400 x239 or msantiago@faithlifechurch.org Childcare: None provided

DRENDA TELEVISION PROGRAM STUDIO AUDIENCE Be a part of the studio audience for the taping of the Drenda program and have fun while you receive spiritually! We’ll tackle some of the greatest issues affecting people today with celebrity guests, practical relationship help, humor, inspiration, tips for living a balanced life, and much more! Day/Time: To be announced Location: The Now Center Contact: drendatv@drenda.com Childcare: Provided

CELEBRATE FREEDOM MENTORSHIP We stepped out in faith and said, ‘Yes!’ to God through our Celebrate Freedom faith campaign. It’s time to share and learn from proven leaders how to get our victory! Topics include how to stand in faith while you’re waiting for the harvest, how to hear from God on new ideas and concepts, the importance of confessing the Word, and much more! Day/Time: To be announced Location: The Now Center Contact: Celebrate Freedom Team at celebratefreedom@faithlifechurch.org Childcare: Available

“Lioness Arising was life-altering. I felt God stirring me to wake up and change my world!” 7

GOOD HEALTH – THE GOOD LIFE How can you have good health? How can good health lead to a good life? Join us each week as we learn how to achieve good health and cover topics like exercise, food preparation, vitamins and minerals, body mechanics, and more! Day/Time: Tuesdays at 7:00pm Location: 11001 Broad Street, Pataskala Contact: James Wion at (614) 915-7320 or dlocuro@juno.com Childcare: None provided Requirements: Read The Paleo Diet by Loren Cordain

HOW TO HEAL THE SICK Do you want to get a deeper understanding of healing but you don’t know where to start? Come identify the truth about healing from the Word of God, build your faith, and experience the healing power that is available to all of us. We’ll answer the questions: Does God make people sick? What about Job? Why are good people sick? Is it God’s will to heal? and many more. Day/Time: Tuesdays for five weeks. Time and start date TBD. Location: The Garner Home – 5668 Flintlock Lane, Columbus Contact: Mark and Alicia Garner at (614)-554-2448 or askmarkgarner@gmail.com Childcare: None provided

Are you ready to wake up and change your world? In Lioness Arising, Lisa Bevere offers the life and image of the lioness as a fierce and tender model for women. Discover how to become a stunning representation of strength, fiercely protect the young, lend your voice to the silenced, live in the light, and much more! Day/Time: Tuesdays from 7:00pm-8:30pm Location: 5942 Central College Road, New Albany Contact: Robin Federer at (614) 557-2933 or robinbird59@aol.com Childcare: None provided SHE GETS IT Every woman desires to be loved and to love the woman that she has become through all the seasons and changes of life. Join us as we discover our identity and value, what makes us happy, and how to find true success. “It” will change your life! Day/Time: TBA Location: The Now Center Contact: (740) 964-7400 or spiritualcare@faithlifechurch.org Childcare: Provided

KINGDOM PRINCIPLES Are you looking for a way to grow your relationship with God? Do you want to gain a better foundation and understanding of the Word? Then join us as we learn how to grow stronger in the Lord and develop lasting relationships. This is a great class for anyone that is new to Faith Life Church as well. Join us on Sunday mornings and stay for service afterward! Day/Time: Sundays at 9:30am Location: The Now Center Contact: spiritualcare@faithlifechurch.org Childcare: Children can participate in activities in Motion City. LIONESS ARISING (Women only)

W.O.W. (WOMEN OF WORTH) Are you a single woman—divorced, widowed, or never been married? Are you ready to rise above the circumstances in your life and embrace the destiny God has for you? Then this group is for you! Day/Time: Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. Location: The Now Center Contact: Rita Weekly at (740) 403-1291 or rweek129@yahoo.com Childcare: Provided



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FAITH LIFE HOME EDUCATORS’ KICK-OFF Friday, September 7 at 6:30pm Join us for a family-style potluck to kick off the new school year! R.S.V.P. to flhe@faithlifechurch.org or (740) 964-7400 x219


Wednesday, September 19 from 1:00pm-7:00pm Be a part of the studio audience for the taping of the Drenda program and have fun while you receive spiritually! We’ll tackle some of the greatest issues affecting people today with celebrity guests, practical relationship help, humor, inspiration, tips for living a balanced life, and much more! R.S.V.P. to drenda@drendatv.com


Thursday, October 18 – Saturday, October 20 See complete details on opposite page. Register now at sogetthisconference.com


Friday, October 26 from 6:00pm-9:00pm Join us for our annual harvest carnival featuring bounce houses, a petting zoo, pony rides and hayrides, games, prizes, and more! It’s FREE fun for the whole family!



Saturday, September 15 from 2:00pm-5:00pm Mark your calendar for these important sessions where you can learn more about membership, ministry, maturity, mission, and multiplication at FLC. Visit Guest Services for more information or RSVP to M5@faithlifechurch.org.


Saturday, September 22 following service Come enjoy some great food and get to know the leadership team and staff of FLC at this casual reception following Saturday evening service. All newcomers to FLC are welcome to attend! Childcare will be provided. Please RSVP at Guest Services or gettingtoknowyou@faithlifechurch.org


October 31, 2012 Get ready for part two and three of the incredible sci-fi trilogy about the epic battle for humanity. Don’t miss these ultimate live experiences this fall! Details coming soon to endworldfireandice.com


November 2012 Join us as we welcome accomplished international singer, songwriter, and producer Andrew Ironside for an evening of worship at The Now Center. More information about Andrew can be found at andrewironside.com


SUPPORT&RECOVERYGROUPS SHARE. SUPPORT. OVERCOME. DIVORCE CARE Are you going through a divorce and having difficulties? This group is where you need to be. Join with others who have been where you are and can provide you with the muchneeded support, encouragement, and shoulders you need to lean on. Let us build you up in the One whose love will never fail you. Day/Time: Wednesdays at 6:30pm Location: The Now Center Contact: Mike & Teresa Hinerman at (614)245-4127 or thinerman2004@yahoo.com Childcare: Provided

DC4Teens – (Divorce Care) Ages 13-18 Help your teen build a support system and get encouragement from the Word of God as he/she learns to cope with divorce and move forward after. Day/Time: Saturdays at 8:00pm Location: The Now Center Contact: Heather Roberts at (614) 725-4127 or hroberts@faithlifechurch.org Requirements: Must be a teen of a divorced home EVERY MAN’S BATTLE (MEN ONLY) Get answers and the encouragement you need to live in victory over sexual temptation. Day/Time: Wednesdays at 7:00pm Location: The Now Center Contact: Laverne Weaver at (330) 464-8143 or ldaweaver@gmail.com Childcare: Provided

DC4KIDS – (Divorce Care) Ages 5-12 Help provide a safe environment for your child to heal and grieve in a biblically-based setting. The focus of this group will be on helping them understand and deal with their feelings, and share and express their emotions. Day/Time: Wednesdays at 6:30pm Location: The Now Center Contact: Heather Roberts at (614) 725-4127 or hroberts@faithlifechurch.org Requirements: Must be a child of a divorced home


MARRIAGE ON THE ROCK “To have and to hold from this day forward...” If you desire to grow and learn in your marriage, we’re here to help. Come grow spiritually and emotionally as you learn the secrets of a solid marriage from couples that have been tested and tried through the fires of life. Day/Time: Wednesdays from 7:00pm-9:00pm Location: The Now Center, LLC Classroom Contact: Bob and Janet Vanhoose at (740) 919-0346 or jb4him@insight.rr.com Childcare: Provided Requirements: Must be married, or soon to be married. Read Marriage on the Rock Workbook available in the bookstore

MEALS FOR MOMS You can help bless families when they welcome their new arrivals by taking them a meal. You don’t have to be a gourmet chef! A simple meal is a huge blessing. If you are willing to provide meals, or are expecting a baby and would like meals provided, please contact us! Day/Time: Throughout the year as needed Contact: Wendy Kirk at (614) 562-6586 or wendykirk02@gmail.com SURRENDERING THE SECRET Healing the Heartbreak of Abortion Forty three percent of women of childbearing age have had an abortion in their past. Others have helped someone get an abortion. As a result, millions of women carry pain, heartbreak, and feel alone in their struggles. If you’re one of these women, you are not alone. God’s desire is to see you whole, restored, and free from the pain and hurt you’ve been hiding. Please join us for this small group study and share your heart in a confidential environment at a neutral site. Experience ALL God has in store for you— move from broken to beautiful! Day/Time: Tuesdays from 7:00pm-9:00pm Location: Confidential Contact: Monica Bilbao at (614) 432-2274 or mbilbao@gmail.com Childcare: None provided

“God wants you to be free from everything that is holding you back. The support groups here (at FLC) will truly help you overcome.”

TIME FOR CHANGE Jesus came to set you free, so why stay bound up? Learn to use biblical and practical principles to conquer life-controlling issues and walk in complete freedom from substance abuse, eating disorders, and any other habitual issues that are holding you back from the future God has planned for you. Day/Time: Wednesdays from 6:30pm-8:00pm Location: The Now Center Contact: Jennifer Loe at (614) 352-7590 or jloe@faithlifechurch.org Childcare: Provided

WELCOME HOME Join our group for veterans and their families. Come fellowship and share in the unique bond between men and women who serve and have served our country. Let us join together in fun, fellowship, and our desire to help others. Day/Time: 4th Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Location: Tim Horton’s/Wendy’s in New Albany Contact: Doug and Sue Kirk at (614) 933-8991 or suekirk2@att.net Childcare: None provided


“Faith Life Home Educators is such a great encouragement! It’s so nice having the support of other home educators who have been or are going through the same things I am.” CO-OP Are you new to homeschooling? Is your homeschooling family new to FLC? Are you looking for a way to meet new people and get your family connected? Join us once a week, for ten weeks, and participate in a variety of classes (see complete class list at FLC). There is something for kids of all ages! Come share experiences, get encouraged, and have fun! Day/Time: Every Wednesday from 10:00am-3:00pm beginning September 12 Location: The Now Center Contact: Sarah Traylor at (740) 964-7400 x 247 or flhe@faithlifechurch.org


PARENT SUPPORT Welcome to a new school year! Whether you’re teaching a child to read, or preparing your child’s transcripts for college, this group is for you! Join us for formal sessions as we discuss specific topics and strategies, and for informal nights out full of food and fellowship. Get plugged in and let’s band together on this amazing journey! Day/Time: October 8, December 7, February 11, and April 12 from 6:30pm-8:30pm Location: TBA Contact: Sarah Traylor at (740) 964-7400 x 219 or flhe@faithlifechurch.org Childcare: None provided

MAKE YOUR IMPACT Impact Teams are important at FLC. Like LifeGroups, Impact Teams allow you to connect, share an interest, develop friendships, support one another, and have fun. But Impact Teams are also more than that. These teams are how we function. They work together to make Faith Life Church and Faith Life Now effective in helping people take the next step in their journey toward and with God. We call them Impact Teams for a reason. First, they impact YOU by helping you discover God’s plan and purpose for your life. Impact Teams are your opportunity to get plugged in and use your unique giftings and talents in the best way possible—to further the Kingdom of God.


Second, by getting involved with one of these teams, no matter how small the role might seem, you help make an impact on the lives of others. Sure, making a commitment to one of these teams will require that you set aside time in your busy schedule. Sometimes it will require that you look beyond your to-do list, your calendar, and your laundry. But by doing so, you’ll help share God’s love with others. You’ll meet the needs of people at FLC, in our community, and in the world. You’ll not only help impact lives, you’ll help change lives.

8 Quick Facts About Impact Teams 1. Impact Teams help you connect, share an interest, develop friendships, and have fun.

What do you think you might like to try?

6. You can be a part of more than one Impact Team!

2. Impact Teams work together to help

Impact Teams are very diverse. You can try as few or as many as you would like!

make FLC and FLN effective.

3. Impact Teams are a great opportunity

for you to get plugged in and use your unique giftings and talents.

7. You can do a “First Serve!” You can try an area you have an interest in with no obligation to stay there.

4. By being a part of an Impact Team,

you help make an impact on the lives of others.

5. You should read through the whole

8. There’s no need to wait to get

list of Impact Teams before deciding where you might want to get involved.

involved! Contact the team now to start making an impact!

IN THIS SECTION Communications 19-20 Connections


Creative Arts & Production


Faith Life Now 27 FLC Operations 28 Spiritual Care 27 Student Ministries



Communications “I signed up for something that I knew would stretch me, and I was encouraged by my teammates. They worked with me to accomplish things I never knew I could!” COPYWRITER Do you love to write? Join our team and share the stories, mission, values, and testimonies of this amazing ministry in text through print, Web, and other mediums. Day/Time: Varies Requirements: Ability to write communication materials for print, Web, and other mediums that engage, inspire and inform readers. MUST be able to spell, and use grammar and punctuation properly. Initiative to seek out stories about what God is doing in and through Faith Life Ministries. Contact: communications@faithlifechurch.org EDITOR Do you catch spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes in almost everything you read? Do you have a slight obsession with reducing wordiness or improving content? Do you know how to use a style manual? Then this team is for you! Come help us share the stories, mission, values and goals of this amazing ministry clearly and effectively! Day/Time: Varies Requirements: Ability to proof communication


materials (print, Web, media, etc.) as needed for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and typos to help engage, inspire and inform readers. Desire to serve as a secret shopper, testing verbiage, pages, sites, etc. to find anything that is broken, clunky, or cluttered. Contact: communications@faithlifechurch.org GRAPHIC DESIGN SPECIALIST Do you have an “eye for design”? Are you detail-oriented? Do you know what the acronym C.R.A.P. stands for in design? Join our team and find out as we create visually appealing designs that will touch, move, and inspire those who look at them. Day/Time: Varies Requirements: Knowledge of design elements such as color and composition. Effective communicator. Working knowledge of Photoshop, Illustrator, and/or InDesign. Internet and email access. Contact: communications@faithlifechurch.org PHOTOGRAPHER At FLC, we love to share the stories, mission, values and goals of the ministry through photographs! Join this team and help capture images for use in print, Web, and other mediums. Day/Time: Varies Requirements: Background check. Must have a camera and way to provide photos to leader. Contact: communications@faithlifechurch.org

Communications PRESS/PUBLIC RELATIONS COORDINATOR Do you find yourself telling strangers about what’s going on at FLC? Are you an excellent communicator? We’d love to have you on our team! Help share all ministry events, conferences, and activities with the community and the press through online community calendars, local media, etc. Day/Time: Varies Requirements: Ability to write press releases and other communication materials. Internet and email access. Contact: communications@faithlifechurch.org SOCIAL MEDIA SPECIALIST Do you love Facebook and Twitter? Have an interest in Pinterest? Adore Instagram? If you’re an excellent communicator, then this team is for you! Help us share the messages of Faith Life with the world! Day/Time: Varies Requirements: Understanding of social media platforms, Internet and email access Contact: communications@faithlifechurch.org

WEB CONTENT COORDINATOR Do you have an interest or passion in Web? Do you have a good understanding of the principles of Web design and usability? We’d love to have you on our team! Help keep the content and images updated and fresh on our ministry websites by suggesting new images, graphics, content, navigation changes, etc. Assist the team in fixing anything that is broken, clunky, or cluttered on our sites! Day/Time: Varies Requirements: Solid understanding of the principles of Web design and usability, Internet and email access Contact: communications@faithlifechurch.org


CHILDREN’S MINI UPTOWN IS: Nursery - For babies under one-year-old. - A safe, loving, baby-friendly environment. Preschool - For kids ages 1 to -5. - A fun, safe, EXCITING environment jam-packed with age-appropriate songs, stories, games, and hands-on projects. G-Force Labs - A kid-friendly laboratory built for kids ages 3 to -5. - A place for kids to become “spiritual “scientists"and have fun exploring the Kingdom of God through teaching, direct application of biblical principles and ideas, and experiments! For more information, email uptown@faithlifechurch.org



-For kids ages 6 to 12. Incredible praise and worship. Energetic, fun teaching segments and awesome performances designed to help your children learn the Word of God and experience Jesus’ love. For more information, email motioncity@faithlifechurch.org




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Connections CAFÉ LA VIE TEAM The Café is growing and we’d love to have your friendly face helping to greet people who are looking for a refreshing cup of coffee or some refreshments. Café la Vie is the perfect place for you if you love interacting with people! DAY/TIME: Before and after service times CONTACT: cafe@faithlifechurch.org

be that friendly face in the crowd and offer fellowship, answers to questions about our church, and gifts! Use your gift of hospitality to help make all our special guests feel at home! DAY/TIME: Before and after service times as well as special events CONTACT: greeters@faithlifechurch.org HOSPITALITY TEAM Join this fun, busy team and help provide refreshments for the pastoral staff each week, minister to guest speakers by arranging gift baskets and personal refreshments, assist with special events and seasonal décor throughout the year!

GREETER TEAM You never get a second chance to make a first impression and we want everyone’s first impression of FLC to be the best! If you have a heart to help make someone’s first impression of FLC favorable and memorable, then we need your smiling face. Share the joy of welcoming every guest, visitor, and church family member into each service. DAY/TIME: Before service times as well as special events CONTACT: greeters@faithlifechurch.org GUEST SERVICES TEAM Do you remember your first visit to a church? Did you know anyone? Did you know where to go or what to do? Did you feel like an outsider? Our Guest Services team wants to make sure that all of our first-time visitors feel welcome and loved on. We want to

DAY/TIME: Volunteer opportunities available weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly – there’s something for every commitment level. CONTACT: hospitality@faithlifechurch.org USHER TEAM There is more to being an usher than just meeting, greeting, and seating! Join our team and be there to help make sure the Spirit of God can move freely. If you are a person of integrity we encourage you to get involved in this position designed to protect the anointing around Pastor, address distractions, assist members, maintain security, and serve leadership. DAY/TIME: Service times as well as special events and services CONTACT: ushers@faithlifechurch.org


Creative Arts & Service Production DAY/TIME: Service times and additional times as needed CONTACT: media@faithlifenow.com PERFORMING ARTS TEAM Come join us for a great opportunity to mentor, learn, and minister to others through the medium of drama.

DANCE TEAM The medium of dance is extremely useful when added to illustrate a sermon or enhance a musical number. We are looking to incorporate dance in many different areas, so commitment levels will be determined per performance. DAY/TIME: Varies CONTACT: perform@faithlifechurch.org REQUIREMENTS: Must be at least 14 years old to participate. MEDIA ARTS TEAM Media surrounds our lives and at FLC we strive to create the most creative and state-of-the-art media ministry in the nation. We’d love to have your help with television production, HD video editing, Photoshop, sound editing, set design, lighting design, art direction, etc. Desire and creativity are all that’s required!

DAY/TIME: Once per month before service times as well as special events CONTACT: perform@faithlifechurch.org SERVICE PRODUCTION TEAM Want to be a part of making every service and event at FLC top-notch? Work behind the scenes on lighting, set design, videos, staging, and more to make sure everything is as it should be so people can be ministered to effectively. DAY/TIME: Service times and more as needed CONTACT: media@faithlifenow.com

“Knowing the opportunities we have to reach millions with our media ministry makes me want to do everything I can to help us get there!”

Creative Arts & Service Production SET DESIGN TEAM Do you have a passion for interior design? Do you have an eye for scale and color? Would you love to literally “set the stage” for services, productions, and performances? Then this team is for you! Experience is welcomed, but not required. DAY/TIME: As needed CONTACT: media@faithlifenow.com SOUND TEAM Do you have a love of music and a gifted ear for mixing? Come help literally set the tone for our Praise & Worship team to minister, help protect the anointing on Pastor as he delivers God’s Word clearly, and ensure that the message can go forth uninhibited. Experience is welcomed but not required. DAY/TIME: Service times and other activities or events CONTACT: media@faithlifenow.com WORSHIP TEAM Help people connect with God in worship experiences and create an atmosphere for the miraculous through music through opportunities in our band, choir, frontline singers, special music productions, and administration. Come use your gifting for the Kingdom. Contact us for more information

about tryouts and commitment times. DAY/TIME: Thursday night practice and weekend services CONTACT: worship@faithlifechurch.org REQUIREMENTS: Must be a member of FLC and tryout

Faith Life Now PRAYER LINE TEAM Make a nationwide impact by joining our team to minister to callers from around the nation as a result of our scheduled television broadcasts and web presence. Training will be provided. DAY/TIME: Varies CONTACT: prayerteam@faithlifechurch.org REQUIREMENTS: Training

“No matter how small you

might think the role is, when you’re serving on an Impact Team you’re making a difference for the ministry, which means you’re making a difference in someone’s life.”

PRODUCT TEAM Come help duplicate, assemble media and product packages, assist with mailings, set up and sell product during special services, conferences, or events, and help customers with their purchases. We’d love to have you! DAY/TIME: Varies CONTACT: products@faithlifenow.com

Spiritual Care ALTAR MINISTRY TEAM Do you have a passion for prayer? Then, join our team and help use uplifting words to minister the power of God to those who respond to God’s voice for new birth, re-dedication, baptism in the Holy Spirit, healing, personal one-on-one prayer requests, and other needs. DAY/TIME: Service times CONTACT: spiritualcare@faithlifechurch.org REQUIREMENTS: Must be a member of FLC for at least one year. Approval and training also required.


FLC Operations with grounds keeping, or help with various indoor tasks like maintenance and general cleaning. Opportunities are available weekly or monthly. DAY/TIME: Commitment determined by availability CONTACT: facilities@faithlifechurch.org

DÉCOR TEAM Join our team and help make The Now Center even more beautiful for services, conferences, events, and special occasions! DAY/TIME: Before and after service times CONTACT: cafe@faithlifechurch.org FACILITIES TEAM Help keep The Now Center looking great! If you like the outdoors, we’d love your help

RED INK BOOKSTORE TEAM Join our team and help people who are hungry for the words find the tools they need to transform their lives or help share the gospel and make disciples. Open before and after each service, the Red Ink Bookstore provides a fresh and exciting selection of books, Bibles, music, and service CDs that minister to the whole family. DAY/TIME: Saturdays and Sundays before and after services, as well as assistance with administrative tasks when necessary CONTACT: RedInkBookstore@faithlifechurch. org

Saturdays at 6:00pm & Sundays at 9:30am & 11:30am Teens & Twenties Wednesdays at 6:00pm Prayer Thursdays at 6:00pm

Visit us at faithlifechurch.org | Like us on Facebook 26

Student Ministries COLLABORATION TEAM Get involved behind-the-scenes with the planning and prep for this group for young adults ages 20-30. Help plan fun events and community outreaches, and inspire good conversation, closer friendships, and a closer relationship with God.

“My wife and I only came back to FLC for a second visit because our kids LOVED Motion City. Now, we’ve been here more than a year and our lives have changed completely.”

DAY/TIME: Varies CONTACT: collaboration@faithlifechurch.org UPTOWN CHILDREN’S MINISTRY TEAM Do you have a heart for children and a passion to see them grow in the things of God? Join our team and watch God move in the lives of the little ones! DAY/TIME: Once or twice a month during service times as well as special events or services CONTACT: uptown@faithlifechurch.org REQUIREMENTS: Background check MOTION CITY TEAM Working in children’s ministry is NOT baby sitting and we prove that in our kid’s church services! Join us and minister to kids ages 6-12 in a setting that is loving and life-changing. We play games and sing, perform skits, tell Bible stories, share memory verses, play, and pray! DAY/TIME: Once or twice a month during service times as well as special services and events CONTACT: motioncity@faithlifechurch.org REQUIREMENTS: Background check


XM TEENS & TWENTIES TEAM Bring your own flavor and style and impact a generation by joining the XM Teens & Twenties Team! There are plenty of opportunities to get involved. Help with production, hospitality, guest services, drama, music, and more! Get plugged in! DAY/TIME: Service times as well as special events, services, etc. CONTACT: xm@faithlifechurch.org


POWERFUL. Join us every Thursday from 6:00pm-7:00pm as we pray and intercede for our nation, authorities, ministry leaders, teams, and families.


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