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Faith Radio Ministry Magazine Jan-Mar 2020
Kelly Treadwell, host of Faith Songs PERSISTENT IN PRAYER
Faith Radio believes in the power of prayer and the special opportunity that corporate prayer provides. Coming before the Lord with other believers in a time of confession, adoration, thanksgiving, or supplication is a powerful, faith-building experience. This is one of the reasons the Faith Radio staff prays together every weekday morning for you, our listeners, and any needs that we know of in our community. We encourage you to send us any prayer requests you have and know that we will be praying for you. We also publicize and support corporate prayer events that we know are occurring in our listening area.
Montgomery has several regular corporate prayer events for which Faith Radio has been a partner. Recently, the ONE Montgomery Prayer Service was held in conjunction with the inauguration of our new mayor, Steven Reed. The event was held at Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church and was a special time of unifying prayer for the city. The O.U.R. Montgomery (One United Reaching Montgomery) Prayer Walk has been organized by Montgomery area pastors and Christian leaders to have corporate prayer walks in different Montgomery neighborhoods on the first Saturday of each month. On the first Saturday of the month, believers gather in a designated neighborhood to fellowship and pray for the needs of that community. By involving believers and Christian leaders from the particular neighborhood, participants learn the community’s specific needs and get a very localized view of where God is already at work. Faith Radio’s Billy Irvin is a frequent prayer walker and said, “These prayer walks not only grow the fellowship of believers beyond the walls of their church and neighborhood, but they also open your eyes to the many great things happening in our community that we don’t hear about.” For example, Irvin learned
of programs where churches are meeting the needs of students by supplying backpacks to elementary children and stocking food pantries in the schools. One church even helped provide a washer and dryer for an elementary school where many students didn’t have clean clothes to wear. “It’s encouraging to see churches and schools working together. We also discover any special needs or gaps in ministry and identify how other ministries can come alongside and help.”
Dothan has a Prayer House Group that has been meeting for over five years. The Prayer House Group (“PHG”) meets every Wednesday night at the ARK ministry building for a time of focused, corporate prayer for needs in their community. Charles Ward shared, “The PHG is known around Dothan as a proactive prayer ministry where anyone can ask for prayer and be confident that the group will be lifting up those needs and concerns to the Lord!” They have recently added a 24 hour texting prayer chain where any immediate prayer requests are forwarded to the prayer warriors.
In Andalusia, a popular site for prayer
events is the city square, where believers gather for events like the National Day of Prayer and See You at the Pole. Andalusia listener Jan White said, “There is something unique when believers from various denominations and churches come together to pray on the Square. It’s a picture of the body of Christ uniting in prayer. The Square is the center of our town where we find common ground.” These times of corporate prayer that unite the Church also serve to “multiply the faith of believers when [they] cry out to God with one voice,” said Jan.
Other corporate prayer events happening annually in our listening area include local observances of the National Day of Prayer and “See You at the Pole.” While personal prayer should be the believer’s constant posture, there is something special about gathering with other believers for times of corporate prayer. Seek out such opportunities in your community. Create such opportunities in your community. You will blessed when you do.
Tune in and anticipate more details about Faith Radio prayer events coming to Montgomery, Andalusia, and Dothan soon! Is Coming to Pray for You in 2020!