Hi, let me introduce myself. My name is Fakhri Rosyadaa AtThariq. You can call me Fakhri, Thariq, or Ujang. I was born in Jakarta, Indonesia. Now, I live in Tangerang and study here. i am an amateur Photographer. Why do I love photography? Photography allows us to express and bring out the beauty in front of us. It’s In The Details – As photographers we notice the small things. It’s the details that bring an experience together. We notice textures, nature, light, expressions, and surroundings. They capture a personality through just the eyes. They capture (or evoke) emotion. They use leading lines, the Rule of Thirds and other framing techniques to create a compositionally strong image. Beautiful photography has the right timing, the perfect color and many are bursting with creativity.
P hotography
T ypography
E ditorial
T eamwork & T ime M anagement
C ritical & C reative T hinking
I llustration
A dobe P hotoshop
A dobe I llustrator
A dobe P remier P ro
A dobe I n D esign
- Participating in Event Planning and Management PANDAWA FEST 2023
a container for a group of people who are fond of vespa
a place for groups of people who are passionate about photography, especially street photography
lead the course of group work so that work can go according to plan
I made this design when I was going to participate in the ‘GELAR KARYA’ event. under the name TONGLIGFNB, which TONGLIGFNB sells various drinks and food
This is the RAWRR COFFEE packaging label sticker design, which I made based on deliberations and decisions of my colleagues.
Those are some of the KOPJANG prototype logo designs, KOPJANG itself is my personal brand which is engaged in coffee market.
this is a music album cover design that I made for my friend’s band called WAY TO ASTER. with a minimalist theme and pastel colors to make this design look calm.
this design is actually my school assignment. In this magazine cover design, I chose a simple and neat concept. with a gray theme according to its own background, so that it is more synchronized
I made this design when I was working on a fashion project at school. the RAWRR CLOTHWEAR concept itself uses the same concept as the RAWRR CORP character, which is simple and minimalist
I made this poster during a poster assignment in a publication design subject. I made this design with a simple concept with a sans serif and rounded font style to create a relaxed and simple character
In this project, I designed a movie poster cover with a minimalist concept using pastel colors and the middle part tends to be empty to make it look clean. and some font selection according to its purpose and put a small logo logo and font size played.
Lily is a very cute semi persian cat. i adopted lily since she was 4 weeks old. Until now Lily is already 7 years old. I hope Lily will be a good and cute cat
Macro photography is all about showcasing a subject larger than it is in real life — an extreme close-up of something small. A full-frame insect in a five-byseven-inch photo and a four-inch product shot of a cornflake go
Jalan Sudirman is the name of one of the main streets of Jakarta and is the city’s business center (known as the Sudirman-Thamrin-Kuningan axis). The name of this street is taken from the name of an Indonesian National Hero, namely General TNI Posthumous Soedirman. This road stretches for 4 km from Dukuh Atas, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta to Senayan, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta.
Empty rooms mean a vacant or unoccupied place which indicates loneliness. I took these photos when I was bored, and finally I took my camera and started taking some photos. Liminal Space or Liminal Space is a psychological concept that comes from the Latin word. Limen which means “threshold”. In full, the meaning is a threshold condition between what we are already familiar with and what we just met.
Product image may also refer to photographs where the product is being sold. These product images are used in businesses to market their goods through posters , advertising, e-commerce websites etc.
Fix what is wrong and keep going. Life will move on without asking whether we are ready or not. Failure is not a punishment, but failure is a warning so that you step carefully. Never regret a day in your life. Good days give you happiness and bad days give you experiences. The harder you work for something, the greater you will feel when you achieve it.
this portofolio created by. Fakhrithariq©