Falah alqahtani 1301 Carle smeller
Help to be helped These days it's really hard to find a good or prefect roommate to live with but because I was .Lucky last week I moved to a new house and new roommate who is called Jasser Al-hajri
Jasser is 24 years old and he is from Saudi Arabia. He is a hard working person and I Remember that he told me that he worked in 3 jobs before he came to USA, but because Jasser is a hard working person he decided to go to study abroad and now he is working ,Hard to achieve his dreams which is getting the bachelors from Texas Wesleyan University .getting married , bullied his dream house and help his parents to live a better life
It could be said that Jasser is not a talkative gay ,so no many lucky people knows him around the campus and for the people who knows him they say that he is a really helpful ."and called "SuperJasser
I asked one of Jasser's friends who is called Sam about helpful is Jasser? He told me lots Stories and Jasser would help whoever whenever he have a chance to help. One of the Stories that Sam told me about Jasser when they were in the highway late for school there Was a traffic because of 70 years grandmother her tire need to changed and because she Is so old she couldn’t do it by herself. Jasser pullover and changed her tire, and got absent .for school It's really nice of him to help whoever needs help and I hope we all became an another .Jasser to have a better life Jasser chose TXWES because he is one of the Saudi gays who have a scholarship and they need to go to specific schools. At the begging when Jasser came to Fort Worth he didn’t liked but after he got around the city, he is now in love with it. He admit that it's not so beautiful city but he loved it because it's quit and the weather in Fort Worth is almost .the same as the weather in his country Jasser childhood and his teenage phases were the most excited phases in his life. It wasn’t
Falah alqahtani 1301 Carle smeller .Quit and it couldn’t pass away without giving him stamp of having deferent experience His teenage was full of crazy stuff as other teenager in his town as he said. He wanted to be popular boy in his school and in his neighborhood ,so that’s why he was doing this crazy stuff .Like start smoking since he was 14 years old Moreover driving the car in a crazy way what could be dangerous and make lots of . damages for the passengers and for the people in the street At that unthinking time when Jasser had that power of popularity he was going deeply .into lots of new crazy stuff such as fighting That was in Jasser teenage but now Jasser is a completely deferent person who is peaceful .And doesn’t fight any more He changed to better after his grandfather died. Jasser so close to his grandfather and .they lived in one house Jasser said that he have never thought that his grandfather might die one day because he . loved him so much and it was really hard time for Jasser .he learned many things from him So Jasser have start thinking about things that he never thought about before and in a .deferent way about his future, his family and his dreams
Jasser life was always full of challenges and the first challenge that he face was the English language ,but because Jasser is hard working person he got it in one year and half ,from .Seattle city his favorite city It's his favorite city because he has lots good memories in it and it's all about good time . with his friend or trips All the memories are in the past and right Jasser is enjoy living in Fort Worth and studying .Texas Wesleyan University Jasser major is business management but its not what he want to study . He want to be .safety engineering but unfortunately Wesleyan doesn’t have this major Personally Jasser helped a lot with many things such as transportation he let borrow his car . when I need it and he asked me to feel comfortable with it I am really glad that I have interviewed Jasser even if he is my roommate but I learned a lot about him like how helpful is he with whoever ,trustworthy from his friends ,loyal for his promises and responsible of his responsibilities. I hope the best for him in achieving his .dreams and being a successful person because he deserved it
Falah alqahtani 1301 Carle smeller