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A Glimpse Into Foreign Lives
from The Patriot
by SMS Patriot
A glimpse of foreign lives
peek into the lives of the newest foreign exchange students.
story by jamison ---
Alessia Cattafesta Bianca Masqueti is a senior from brazil. In Brazil she hangs out with her family and her friends. She lives with her mom and dad. She likes to hang out with her host family because they're funny and very friendly. Her favorite type of
Bianca Ma’squeti food to eat in America is pasta. Alessia Catttafasta is a senior from School is much harder in Brazil Italy. She plays tennis because there's a lot and she won her first more classes that match on Thursday, you have to take like September 9. Her Spanish, Portuguese, favorite classes are and your normal core math and weight classes too. training. The biggest thing different about South is the school hours because back in Italy, school was from 8am1pm. In Italy her school is smaller with only 1,000 students.

Ellen Lundin

Ellen Lundin is a senior from Sweden. Her favorite thing to eat in Sweden is Swedish meatballs. She lives with her mom, dad and her younger sister. She also plays tennis for South and she won her first match on Thursday, September 9. She started playing tennis because she played a little bit in Sweden and it looked interesting to her.
She also likes to hang out and watch movies with her friends and her host family. One of her favorite classes is photography, because the teacher is really nice.
In Sweden there’s only 3,000 people in her school but they don’t switch classes so they stay with the same people. So she only sees the same 30 people every day.

Riko Uehara
Riko Uehara is a senior from Okinawa in Japan. Back in Japan she lives with her mom, dad, grandma, older brother, younger brother and little sister.
Her school in Japan only has one class with the same people in it. They also have to put their phones away when they get to class. In Japan they only have two exams per semester but there's nine subjects in three days.
“People in Japan walk slower than Americans so it's very hard to get from class to class in just five minutes,'' Riko Uehara said.
Her favorite class that she's taking this year is yearbook because the teacher is very nice and her school in Japan doesn't have a yearbook.
She also plays tennis for South and she won her first match on Thursday, September 9. When school gets out she likes to play tennis with her teammates and likes to hang out with her host family.