2020 – 2025 Institute of architecture and planning, Nirma university, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
2018 – 2020 B.k. Birla Centre for education, Pune, Maharashtra
2018 Himalaya international school, Ratlam, M.P.
workshops / related study programs
2021 Pol house documentation, Ahmedabad
2022 Pottery
2023 Laurie Baker brick workshop Trivandrum, Kerala, Alleppey
2023 Terracotta, Print Making
2021 Aashray | NASA ANDC Trophy
2022 Ibaadat | NASA ANDC trophy
Autodesk Auto-cad 2DSketching

Rhinoceros 3DHand Drafting
SketchupModel Making

Adobe Photoshop
MS Office
Theatre and Drama
Trekking Photography
Arts and craft
languages known
English Hindi

wooden house

Jaisalmer | Wood | Sem III, VI

Residence for a family of five in Jaisalmer. The program was to design a weekend house for a family on the outskirts of a city with hot and dry climate. The material to be used was wood. Full freedom was given for developing the brief.

The concept of this project was inspired by wooden trusses. the idea was to use the fundamentals of a truss as the structure to give the overall geometry and form of the house. further exploring with the walls and partitions to make a climate responsive house giving a wonderful play of light and shadows from inside as well as outside.

Thesameprojectwascontinuedforworkingdrawingstudioresulting in further development of thedesign.Use of louveredwoodenjail on allfacadesfor the venturi effect to keep the interiorscool.Incliningthewallshelps in mutualshading of theexterior surface to minimizedirectsunlight.Thecentralcourtyardgives the hotairtrappedinside to riseandescape.Thickness of the wallalongwiththeinsulatingproperties of wood createsathermalmasswhichreleasesheatduring the nightwhen the outside in cold.

Ahmedabad | Brick | Sem V

The studio brief was to design a school for especially abled children. The challenge with the project was to understand the mind and psychology of children with autism, ADHD, dyslexia, etc. and create spaces which would be comfortable for everyone of them.

All the classrooms are kept at the basement level which is accessible by a ramp. Activity zones and administrative zones are on the ground floor. The Banyan tree provides a place for gathering and playing around for the children. Three such open spaces are there in the campus. All the blocks are in touch of nature in one way or another.

“The wisest and noblest teacher is nature itself”
-Leonardo Da Vinci


Ahmedabad | Brick | Sem IV

Housing complex for doctoral student of IIM Ahmedabad. User group for the housing scheme included single users, couples as well as families. The project is an attempt to create spaces and housing units incorporating different functions and activities required by both, students as well as families.


Morocco| Concrete, Brick | Sem V

A multipurpose pavilion in Morocco in middle of nowhere. Brief was to design a pavilion with a capacity of 200 people. It had to include food stalls as well as washrooms for the people

The process started by making small conceptual models of multipurpose spaces and from them developing one idea for detailing at a larger scale. I chose two models to merge them with one another creating a mix of the two.

The first concept was inspired from a floating box in a waterbody giving a sense of something emerging out of it. Further developed to provide protection from sandstorm and creating indirect entry with keeping the sense of openness. Second concept was based on exploration with arches and jail walls along with the play of light and shadow. The mix of two resulted in two multipurpose halls on 2 levels along with food court and washrooms on the middle floor.


Located at the eastern bank of the walled city, Ahmedabad, lies a world of its own. An amalgamation of diversity and the foundation of Ahmed Shah’s creation, we recognize it as the ‘old city.’ The icons have been here all their lives, including the Bhadra fort, teen Darwaja, and Sidi Sayyad. The project focuses around preserving the heritage of the heritage city, bringing back the essence.
Team : Rishabh Falodia, Rajasvi Agarawal, Unnati Jajoo, Kshitij Wadhwa, Vrutangi Patel, Stuti Parikh, Shishir Sompura, Arnav Daad, Rishit Sanchaniya, Pranit Rawal


Withthisdesign we aim to createagreenlung in thecity,withminimumbuilt intervention,creatingapublicplazawhichbecomesaplace of rest in thehustle of the cityand an extension of the foodmarkets of manekchowk in the night.

Theplan of the plazafollowsdirection of the twoexistingtreesandeventuallyallowingthe design to followitsnaturalcourse. It representsanaorganicform of style incorporatingnaturalelements.Maximum publicimpactwithminimumbuiltstructures to conservetheheritageandarchitecture of theoldcity.Theoldcityfaces an acute shortage of greenspace,thisplazaaims to createabreathinggreenlungalong the busy streetandservearefreshinghavenforall.

Mehfil-e-Courtyard (KALP installation)
