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BOOK projects Fabrizio Maiorano

“gREEN iMPACT” project of a new park, Quebec (CANADA)


COMPETITION genuary 2011

THE SITE project in Canada, in the area east of Quebec, in a small part of the region of Manicouagan. It occupies a large area between the Rocky Mountains of the lake. The intervention strategy focuses on the right of the Manicouagan valorization. The project aspires to a model of sustainable development with the expansion and inclusion of necessary infrastructures. For the best tourism links both air and highway; for the first small floating structures for seaplanes while the second new roads to the park. The new green road connects two arteries already on the ground, the 389 and the 167, a green line is able to mimic the silhouette of the waters of the surrounding landscape, which allow new access to several lakes that meets. The project inserts a new activitie’s program for activating the park: new points of observation, arificial banks, floating oasis, floating equipment, reception centers, accomodation places, renger stations.

“re.thinking”Mallorca’s seafront


COMPETITION november 2011

The competition offers a double opportunity forthe city of Cala Millor: the first one is that to define a strategic plan for the future development of the intervention, surrounding area, and the second one is reflect on the value of public space and the manner in which it is lived, path. The area is the urban center of Cala Millor is presented extensive, continuous, dense remnants of pre-existing structures, paths and voids that make a set without a particular and recognizable identity. The project recognizing the strong identity and symbolic value of the waterfront with its long beach and then tends to the preservation and enhancement of this unique landscape. The design strategies adopted are: • identification of uses and activities for the different activities; • creation of a main axis and a network of nature trails that provide connectivity of the nuclei in the proposed project; • adjustment of the private spaces on the base of the new uses proposed with the following new scenario; • planning in the restoration of ecological waterfronte its surroundings; • insertion of new structures for a renewed relationship with the sea.

“cITY OF THE LEAVE-TAKING” Competition june 2012


How do they coonvivere a morgue and a funeral home and a temple? We know the death almost exclusively through the back of the hospitals. Dark places near the laundry, technical rooms, spaces for loading and unloading. The difficulty in managing the time of death is relegated to a back exit modest and sometimes even bleak. Clearly, a choice not planned but result from a dual action of removing: the one hand the health needs of the hospital that wants to remove a possible problem, the body in Rogor mortis, potential bacterial cultivation and because of numerous infections; other hand, the removal of the very idea of death, his presence uncomfortable especially in a place where the alternation between suffering and hope every rule attivvità and organization, even in space. There are other battles to be fougthevery day for life. Death is therefore better to relegate instill the last corridor. Perhaps, a mirror of his hope uncomfortable in our contemporary culture.

illuminazione ill. verticale ill. orizzontale spazzi diilluminazione aggregazione ill. verticale

/// spazio publico

ill. orizzontale

alberature di progetto tigli platani aceri esistenti alberature di progetto giardini tigli platani aceri esistenti

/// verde


spazzi di aggregazione

/// verde /// spazio publico

carrabile ciclabile pedonale carro funebre carrabile ciclabile pedonale carro funebre

/// viabilità

/// viab

Architectural Design Competition for the New University in Nelspruit Mpumalaga



August 2013 (Mecanoo) Designer’s overarching strategy Guided by a feeling for urban context, love for nature, responsibility towards sustainability and social commitment, the designer seeks appropriate solutions for every aspect of the design. The abundance of natural beauty around the site is the main starting point which offers the designer the


opportunity to design buildings which are in harmony with the beautiful setting. In the designer’s approach the essential elements of the surrounding environment become identity bearers, rediscovered and strengthened. The designer considers it of great importance that the urban environment is in symbiosis and that this can be accomplished through high quality landscape and public space design. Minimizing the use of land by clustering the building volumes, utilizing the existing topography and enabling inspiring urban spaces and places in relation to the existing natural environment have led to three distinct campuses on site. The designer’s approach is to strengthen the connection between nature and the built environment by using the Development and Design Framework as the basis for these three campuses.


Hill Campus The Development and Design Framework delineates a framework for this campus derived primarily from the existing topography. Inspired by the abundance of fruit trees and organically shaped orchards in Mpumalanga, the designer utilizes a fine organic network of paths. The buildings are positioned in accordance with the underlying site topography. The rigid park is transformed into a vibrant organic park where buildings become part of this park instead of standing aside. Redirecting car routes primarily around the campus gives the opportunity to fully utilize the campus space for social interaction. The network of secondary paths and trails flows throughout the campus and intentionally links open spaces which underscore the openness of the campus. The park gently meanders up the hill and culminates in a park square forming the Great Hall area as the primary focus of the campus.

Orchard Campus The proposed framework shows a clear distinction between the orchards and the buildings. A ‘zipper’ arrangement is introduced to enhance the integration between the buildings, public space and the orchards. Parts of the orchards spill into the public space creating environmental awareness. The current framework’s linear arrangement of the sports fields has been translated into a dynamic arrangement of sports fields within a green environment. It is about creating a familiar environment where people feel at home and where living and working come together harmoniously. As a centre of attraction and a cultural melting pot, the stadium is positioned along the secondary car road to improve accessibility and multi-functional uses.

Lower Campus The existing buildings and sports fields are refitted to facilitate a high standard of education, living and sport. The ‘embracing’ arrangement defines clear building edges and allows the existing orchard to flow into the public space. Emerging out of the square an agricultural faculty offers views over Nelspruit and the Botanical Gardens.


common student storage student residence

private academic + admin

student / academic related

storage spaces



Architectural Design Competition for the Sol Plaatje University in KIMBERLEY


september 2013 (Mecanoo) Concept Centralized typology moduls




Skyn concept+composition




.d .a



.c .b .a






.b .d

.d .b .c


.c .d



.d .a



Pattern simplification

Traditional colored African fabric







Urban and Social Integration The above concept schemes illustrate the designers vision of Stage 1 in response to the site’s conditions and the Spatial Design and Development Framework. The characteristic variation of enclosed and open spaces, the alternation of formal and informal groupings of buildings are the starting point for the designer’s approach in accommodating an integrated design within the inner city of Kimberley while retaining the separate identity of the university. The first scheme shows anchor points within a Green Corridor to promote initial people flow. Additional secondary shared spaces, such as squares, green spaces or even shared university buildings, can be placed in-between or the green chain can be extended to accommodate a growing university and city. A functional distribution of faculties over the campus will further intensify the usages of the green corridor as an interlinking element between university facilities. Pedestrian and cyclist paths are passing through this publicly accessible green corridor offering not only students and university staff but the entire city a place to socialize and meet each other in an oasis of tranquility. The University Walk as a pedestrian path flows through the Green Corridor providing direct pathways between main building entrances while crossing anchor points.


Continuous University Campus The newly-founded university in Kimberley will have to perform on the highest regional, national and international educational platforms throughout time. The designers approach is to provide a strong vision which is flexible enough to accommodate change and growth.

Pattern modification

Skyn pa

co coner one er v view ie ew

Maximizing Maximizingviews views

coner co oner view vie ew

Maximizing views

Massing development

monolitic bloch


activating multiple floors

Concept Mixed typology .1



.4 private activity

public activity


Traditional pattern

Pattern simplification

Pattern modification

Simplification and extraction

.5 private activity

public activity

Concept elevation

.a Matt

Maximizing views

cconer o v i view

Elevation Concept Maximizing views

cconer o view v i


public Main public square

Scanlan street

Elevation EAST

.b Trasparent

Elevation NORTH

Parking lot

Pedestrian walkway Elevation NORTH

Elevation SOUTH




A\\\public versus private


B\\\\unobtrusive mobility


D\\\gathering and meeting


elevation | scale 1:200

longtitudinal section and internal elevation | scale 1:200



+ + +

1\\\\courtyards and patios

2\\\\public vs private and security

3\\\\building circulation and entrances


4\\\\structure principles

5\\\\sustainability principles +




+ + +



+ + + +



GROUND FLOOR | scale 1:500

1th FLOOR | scale 1:500

2th FLOOR | scale 1:500

3th FLOOR | scale 1:500

4th FLOOR | scale 1:500


“A new College for Cambridge” north west Cambridge Masterplan april 2013 (Mecanoo)

Designing and building new university housing in Cambridge is an inspiring challenge. During many centuries, layer upon layer of architectural invention has been added to the city. This has resulted in a unique composition of urban space, architecture and landscape, interwoven into one continuous network . Our project wants to add a new layer, building on the rich traditions and unique collegiate character of Cambridge. The characteristic variation of enclosed and open spaces, the alternation of formal and informal groupings of buildings are the departure point for our design. As a next step, our design wants to introduce a new interpretation of the public and private realm in and outside the college. We want to activate the inner open spaces, and create a direct connection between the dwellings and the open spaces. Galleries will surround courtyards, making a large threshold between the private space and the collective space. The galleries will become covered outside livingrooms where the inhabitants will meet and interact. In other parts of the project, dwellings are grouped around spacious central halls with access of daylight, that all lead into the courtyards. The courtyards will invite an active use by means of small allotment gardens where the inhabitants can grow vegetables. Flowers can be grown in large flowerbeds, outside fire places invite the dwellers for shared dinners in the open air. Another transition is made on the outside of the new college. A private pavement zone, a typical Dutch element called a ‘stoep’, will provide another means to connect and define the private and public space. Centre of the design is a covered open space that connects the main entrance gates on the north and south side. This arcade will serve as a public passage through the building complex, and binds the courtyards, access point to the dwellings and the communal spaces together. The colours of glass facades and lighting, the vaulted ceilings and beautiful pavements will turn this space into the heart of the buildings and give a unique identity to the new college. Courtyard options

opt 1

opt 2


opt 4

Volumes study



a1 g1

g2 b1



f1 a2


LEGENDA pedestrian cross

a3 d1


main acces semi-private pedestrian


access to the appartments access to the appartments


vertical connections appartments bins place private bikes parking public bikes parking


Sustainability The design brief for the site states a requirement for all dwellings to achieve Code for Sustainable Homes Level 5. This is a challenging target which requires some early stage consideration to ensure that the design does not develop precluding achievement of certain credits. The main areas that need early consideration are: • Buildings layout to avoid single aspect and deep plan apartments to allow for natural ventilation and high levels of daylighting in the dwellings. • Dwelling layouts to account for wall thicknesses required for high thermal and sound performance as well as compliance with Lifetime Homes. • Building massing to achieve a floor area to footprint ratio of 3:1 or greater. • Building massing and roof design to maximise the potential for installation of solar photovoltaics, i.e. avoid overshading of roof areas from surrounding buildings and/or higher portions of the buildings on site. • If possible apartment block entrances to be within 30m of waste storage facilities along the roads adjacent to the site. • Provision of space for underground rainwater and/or greywater collection tanks to reduce internal water consumption and any additional space requirements relating to the sustainable drainage strategy. • Provision of space for communal composting facilities on site. • Provision of at least part of the courtyard spaces to be accessible only to the residents for private/semi-private amenity space. • Provision of weatherproof and secure cycle parking for all dwellings.

gallery elevation A-A

spine elevation B-B

4th floor

volume’s study

3th floor

2th floor

1th floor

0th floor type A type B type C type D bikes parking music room

Betaplein masterplan LAIDEN (nl) 2014 (Mecanoo)



bicycle path

green’s shape

bike parking

flowers pattern

axo opt. 1

paving opt. 1

axo opt. 2

paving opt.2

green pattern

“coliseum theatre and heritage centre” public realm design Oldham (UK),


2014 (Mecanoo) The variety of buildings on the plot will become united by the remarkable and inviting layout of the public space, created by a “carpet”. The carpet resembles the rich international industrial history of Oldham. Back in the 19th century Oldham became even one of the most important centres of cotton and textile industries in England. The carpet embraces the different architectonical styles of the buildings and introduces a remarkable public space which suites the cultural- and social activities. Visitors, but also passers will remember the site by its cultural atmosphere. Pattern The site knows a long history with many adaptations. The function of the buildings has changed over the years, buildings has been added or adapted. With the inclusion of Ashworth Street, Southgate Street and the Car park on both sites of Mowbray Street, the cultural public realm extends. The small Courtyard in-between the Old post office and Old Library Building is included and adapted in the cultural site. All buildings are built during different periods in time. By introducing a strong identity in the public realm, which is not attached to one of the buildings, it will unite all different styled buildings. We chose an organic shape to create a strong contrast. The pattern is easy to manipulate, to stretch or bend, which creates a lot of opportunities for benches and visible collection of water.

.D .C .B .A

public realm design


LEGEND car gateway

proposed tram route

site boundary


town centre boundary

walking routes to site


train station

current pedestrian zone



Drainage system

03\\\top view plan



main routing pedestrians


secondary routing pedestrians


loading and unloading

drainage: Channel lock

bicycle routing


bollards lighting bollard

lighting bollard lighting bollard


lighting bollard

channel drain

tactile paving

lighting bollard

tarmac with granulate, sawn granulate mix t.b.d. handrail, stainless steel, dimentions according to BSI 2009

D 195,03

194,85 194,67 194,49 194,31 194,23 193,95

concrete landscape elements, light gray. 193,95

1:20 ( 5%)

tarmac with granulate, sawn granulate mix t.b.d.

193,77 193,59 193,41 193,23 193,05 192,87 192,69 192,51

tactile paving stairs open air theatre with disabled acces

E' section E-E'


scale 1:50

Detail Amphi theatre

LEGEND car gateway

channel lock channel lock

key community buildings

proposed tram route

potential green corridor

town center boundary

proposed extension pedestrian zone

primary street


green opportunities


train staton

conservation area current pedestrian zone

down lighters

lamp post with multiple lights

site constraints and opportunities Detail 1; Amphi theatre


rev. date



04 25-06-2014




scale 1:100

key plan

north arrow


bollards lighting bollard

lighting bollard lighting bollard


lighting bollard

channel drain

tactile paving

lighting bollard

tarmac with granulate, sawn P.O. Box 3277, 2601 DG Delft, The Netherlands granulate mix t.b.d. Oude Delft 203, 2611 HD Delft, The Netherlands Phone +31 (0)15-2798100, Fax +31 (0)15-2798111

concrete landscape elements, light gray. 193,95

tarmac with granulate, sawn granulate mix t.b.d.

drawing D-L-600


granite setts, 70x100mm stacked bond

prefab concrete retaining element, light gray, with integrated timber topping for seating

53 Fountain Street, Manchester,

1:20 ( 5%)

tactile paving

27 Colonnade, London, WC1N 1JA Phone +44 (0)2078410440

Oldham Coliseum Theatre and Heritage Centre

drawing D-L-600


tarmac with granulate, sawn granulate mix t.b.d.

subject Central Amphitheatre Sections

tactile paving

open air theatre with disabled acces

concrete landscape elements,

lightBradford gray. Wyke Mills Complex, Huddersfield Road, Wyke,

193,95BD12 8JY, UK, Phone +44 (0) 1274 711 930 193,77 193,59 193,41 193,23 193,05 192,87 192,69 192,51


drawing D-L-600

handrail, stainless steel, dimentions according to BSI 2009

M2 2AN, UK, Phone +44 (0)161 2478335

Oldham Coliseum Theatre and Heritage Centre

gully, granite setts

drawing D-L-600

section D-D'

Stephen Levrant Heritage Architecture 195,03 heritage architect 194,85 Theaterplan 194,67 194,49 theatre consultant 194,31 Mouchel Business Services194,23 design project management 193,95 client

stainless steel retaining element


architect / lead consultant



reference file

scale 1:50

section E-E'


scale 1:50

stairs open air theatre with disabled acces

Q:\A611\2_D_Design Development\Drawings\0-L-90-AS-S-201


project stage

project number



stage D detailed design




scale / format

drawing status

drawing number


on 594x950




channel lock channel lock

down lighters

lamp post with multiple lights



D' Detail 1; Amphi theatre

scale 1:100




stainless steel retaining element




concrete landscape elements, light gray. 193,95

drawing D-L-600


tarmac with granulate, sawn granulate mix t.b.d.

prefab concrete retaining element, light gray, with integrated timber topping for seating

granite setts, 70x100mm stacked bond




gully, granite setts tactile paving drawing D-L-600



p drawing D-L-600


drawing D-L-600



open air theatre with disabled acces



section D-D'

scale 1:50


p s



“library of birmingham� Birmingham, United Kingdom urban plan chapter (grafil dwelling)


2013 (Mecanoo) The new Library of Birmingham is located on the Centenary Square in the heart of Birmingham. The roof gardens, patio, and square design are a vital part of the concept. A huge canopy announces the new shared entrance to the Library and The REP and creating a public city balcony with knot gardens, overlooking the square. A grand circular open-air patio space creates a dramatic visual link between the Library at Lower Ground Level and the square, providing natural light and an outdoor space for staging intimate musical events. The volume of the building reduces again higher up, this time stepping away from Cambridge Street and The REP to create space for an intimate natural garden, with panoramic views. Theatre and urban plan for Centenary Squar

plan 7th floor

plan 4th floor

top view plan

“the pivot” -site ARoyce road, Manchester (UK)


2013 (Mecanoo) The site is interpreted as a central open space in this neighbourhood which can improve the connection between St George Park in the north, and Chorlton Road. Again, existing trees are saved as much of possible, especially the mature trees around the edges of the site. A cluster of three apartment blocks is placed in the middle of the site, defining a central courtyard-like space that serves as a point of access to the apartments. New and existing paths weave their way through the area, along the borders and through the central court. Careful positioning of the entrances and the slightly (1.2 meter) raised ground floor dwellings provide social control everywhere. There are no blind spots or “back” elevations. The three blocks have varying building heights, responding to sun orientation and to the surrounding buildings. The green space, in which the blocks stand, continues by way of the overgrown pergolas that crown the balconies towards the roof terraces, covered with the same pergolas and big planters with trees.

6 8 6





7 6 4 3

legend permeability green space collective path sense of community

public paths private paths connection

collective green public green parking new trees old trees



typical plan

typical plan bathrooms blocks


the living rooms follows south-west orientation


typical plan window frames


typical plan structure and green roof





Ede Spoorzone OV-knoop, Nederland


2014 (Mecanoo) The station Ede-Wageningen originated in 1845 far beyond the village at the crossroads of the historical connection between Bennekom and Ede and the new railway, with the location of the station, a spin-off by the Gelderland Valley to Amersfoort. Northeast of the station came late nineteenth century a large, enclosed barracks and on the southeast side is also closed Enkafabrieksterrein. Urbanization also took place especially in the flat, agricultural land to the west of the station site. The construction of a new northsouth connection, the Klinkenbergerweg, and replacing the old historic route through a platform tunnel, emerged four quadrants that are poorly interconnected. As a result, the necessary parking and bicycle facilities scattered around the current station which has become confusing, inefficient knot. Decommissioning and redevelopment of the station area, the barracks and Enkaterrein now offer a chance to recover. Urban consistency on the border of Veluwe and urban areas






view 2




vertical connections

bike (2)

dak/// 02


fiets 24,00 m




bike (2)

vertical connections

verdieping/ perrons /// 01


fiets 21,00 m

fiets 18,00 m

Luggage Storage


ticket points

taxi stop

bus stop

bike (1)

green connections



+ cafeteria

Land +


vertical connections

Land + parking


green zone

maaiveld /// 00

vertical connections


parkeerkelder /// -01

plan_level 0

plan_level 1





scheme circulation



+18 +16,5

+15 busstation / taxi standplaats

commerciĂŤle ruimte

fietsparkeren (3 laags, laag +18 bewaakt)



parkeergarage omgevingsdomein



+22,5 +19,5



+15 perrons

commerciĂŤle ruimte

stationstunnel omgevingsdomein


busstation / taxi standplaats parkeergarage








tunnel Stationsweg



Albertstunnel / Klinkenbergerweg










+15 busstation / taxi standplaats

commerciĂŤle ruimte

fietsparkeren (3 laags, laag +18 bewaakt)



parkeergarage omgevingsdomein



+22,5 +19,5



+15 perrons

commerciĂŤle ruimte

stationstunnel omgevingsdomein


busstation / taxi standplaats parkeergarage




Fabrizio Maiorano

Fabrizio Maiorano

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