4 minute read

Celebrating Motherhood

Celebrating Motherhood - Pregnancy, birth and beyond

By Pippa Moss, Owner of Karmanuture


Motherhood is sometimes referred to as the most important, and hardest job in the world. While most of us would probably agree with that, I am sure we would also agree that it is extremely rewarding, meaningful and life changing.

Becoming a mum – or a mum again – is a really big deal! Although sometimes, I feel that in our culture, the focus is on the material things, or advice overload, rather than nurturing the mother.

We were designed to live in close-knit communities and to have continuous support. I wonder if you have heard the saying “It takes a village to raise a child”? It takes a village to raise a mother too!

I believe we could learn some things from other cultures around the world, where a new mother is cared for by female family members for a month before, and after the baby is born. She doesn’t have to cook, clean, shop, or do any other chores. This is so she can focus on nurturing herself and her baby. Often, “mama blessings” are held; she is ceremoniously bathed and massaged with gorgeous oils and fed nutritious food. Poems or prayers are read, meaningful gifts are given, often symbolising female support for her during birth. There is sense of ritual to honour this journey she is taking; this rite of passage. After the baby is born, she has plenty of time to rest, recover from birth, get to know her baby, and establish feeding.

I feel our culture has kind of lost its way a bit when it comes to looking after new mothers. Many of us do not live with – or even near – our families. Modern life is stressful! And healthcare is often rushed and impersonal.

To enrich and honour this important time, why not prioritise you and your baby’s wellbeing? Here are some suggestions that we can make time for: Bond with your baby. Find some time out for relaxation and mindfulness; to relax and focus on your pregnancy and baby. Pregnancy Yoga is so wonderful for all this. Where you can prepare mentally and physically for birth, and meet other pregnant women, therefore building all-important connections. Feel nurtured. Pregnancy-specific treatments and complementary therapies such as massage, acupuncture, osteopathy and reflexology can help you feel nurtured, relaxed, and ease any aches and pains. Get support. You may choose to employ a Doula. Research shows that having a Doula increases your chance of a positive birth experience, successful breastfeeding, and lessens the risk of postnatal depression. They get to know you and your partner, provide a non-judgemental ear, evidence-based information, and if needed, a shoulder to cry on. They offer support through pregnancy and birth, and also postnatally. Most have payment plans to help spread the cost. Community. Seek out local people, or online groups and communities. Often you can visit a free breastfeeding group whilst pregnant, or a Positive Birth group that meets near you for information and making contacts. Maybe there’s a Sling library, a Home Birth meeting, or an Attachment Parenting group near you? Antenatal classes. There are a whole range available, from free ones run by local midwives, through to private Active Birth and Hypnobirthing classes. Make friends and learn about having a baby! Podcasts and books can provide some great info, and online resources like remote courses and MP3 Hypnobirthing tracks to download and relax to. Birth plan – or preferences. We can get to know our options and think about what’s important to us. E.g. do you plan to use

hypnobirthing, or use a birth pool? Would you prefer not to take medical pain relief, or opt for an epidural? What about if you are offered induction, or a Caesarean? Homebirth, or hospital? Support with breastfeeding? Postnatal Plan can also be very useful. Batchcooking healthy, nutrient-rich meals ahead of the birth, limiting too many visitors initially, ask visitors to help out in the house when they visit. Or maybe outsource some things (and ask family to contribute as gifts if money is tight) e.g. book sessions with a dog walker, or cleaner. Knowing where to go or who to contact for breastfeeding or other support. Out and about with your baby, try not to arrange too much too soon. Go at your own pace. Allow for feeding, nappy changes, feeling tired, needing to eat and drink. Self-care. Mindfulness and time to rest and breathe (which can feel like a long-forgotten memory when caring for your baby!) Postnatal Yoga and Baby Massage classes can offer a relaxed vibe compared to other, stimulating classes. There’s an opportunity to chat over tea. These chats have proved to be one of the most valuable times for many mums in my classes over the years.

In conclusion; seek information, find support, reach out, and to connect with others. Support each other. Be part of a “village”. It will make the world’s hardest job a little more special and amazing.

6 Pippa Moss is an experienced Doula, Massage Therapist, and Yoga teacher specialising in women, pregnancy, and postnatal. Her aim is for mums to feel informed, empowered, supported and nurtured through pregnancy, birth, and beyond. She offers unique Wellbeing and Support Packages for mothers in Bedfordshire and surrounding areas, and also runs day retreats for Women, Pregnancy, and Mums and Babies. You can find details on her website: www.karmanurture.co.uk

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