New Year New You! a budget * Baby How toontell children * when love isthebroken * The Bowen Technique
Confidence Building Fun
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MAD Academy run classes in many parts of the country, including North Hampshire, but now we would like to give children in other parts of Hampshire the chance to enjoy the delights of our fun packed and high energy classes. To do that we need your help.
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Drop in to find out more about adoption and fostering Merchistoun Hall | Murray Road | Horndean PO8 9LJ Saturday 31 January, 10am – 2pm
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Are you enthusiastic, passionate and fun-loving? We are looking for self-motivated and business minded people to join our team of franchisees by opening the doors of MAD Academy in Basingstoke and south Hampshire. Call Elaine for a prospectus on 07732 322540 or email her at Find out more by visiting –
Wintertime at Jubilee Winter is a really magical time here at Jubilee Day Nursery. It begins when the outdoor Christmas Lights get switched on in early December, a fantastic display including a large Father Christmas, LED Snowmen, Penguins, Polar Bears, Toy Soldiers and even Trains. The children love seeing the lights twinkling in the evening and early morning darkness. This time of year we also look forward to a very special event in our winter calendar; our Winter Wonderland Walk. Where all our children’s parents, siblings and grandparents join us on a walk through our farmland, down to our private woodland area, affectionately known as Roughwood. There we sing carols and Christmas Songs around our Christmas Tree. There is hot chocolate, coffee and mulled wine so everyone can enjoy a crisp festive winter’s evening. Disney’s Frozen is our theme for this years Winter Wonderland Walk. Lets hope it’s cold enough for Olaf and his friends. January and February also offer a fantastic opportunity for the children at the nursery to explore the cold and frosty outdoors. There is nothing they love more than wrapping up warm and being outside searching out frozen cobwebs, crunching their boots on frozen leaves and pretending to be puffing dragons! The children often walk to the woods in winter time to feed our animals too – and they even help break the ice when the duck pond gets frozen!
If you would like your child to be part of this amazing learning experience on a part-time or full-time basis please contact one of our nursery managers.
Call Lesley on 01189 701 600 Email or Visit our website
Paddock View, Rectory Road, Padworth Common, RG7 4JD
Tel: 01256 330147
Call Sian on 01189 834 018 Email or Visit our website
Ark House, School Road, Padworth, Berkshire, RG7 4JA
Editor’s welcome
Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a very enjoyable Christmas time with your loved ones and friends, and that Santa was kind to you.
News & Views
Babies & Toddlers:
- Baby on a budget
6 – 7
- Getting boys reading - Independent school open days
At this time of the year so many of us focus on changes that need to be made or new beginnings, and so I hope our special feature this issue will provide you with either the advice or inspiration to make the changes you need. I usually find making the actual decision that a change needs to be made, more difficult than the actual change itself, and I know a lot of other people also feel that way. Whatever it is that you need to be focussing on this new year, be kind to yourself, take care, and I’ll see you again in March when hopefully Spring will be in the air!
8 – 12 F amily Life & Wellbeing:
- When love is broken - The Bowen Technique - New Year New You
13 – 15 What’s on Designed by:
Printed by:
Creative thinking
- Half term activities - Nearly New Sales - Theatres
07845 701896
Newborn and family fine art photography Photo sessions are available for newborn, family, cake smash, maternity, couples and weddings. From your home or if prefered I can offer newborn studio photography, in my home in Farnborough Hampshire.
Cover by: Yasmin Anne Contact details:
N is ex su t e
Editor: Sara Dawson Email: Tel: 01256 330147
March/April – Nurseries & Childcare and Easter Booking & copy deadline is 30th January
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Families Hampshire North is part of a group established in 1990 headed by Families South West London. All magazines are independently owned and operated under licence. © All content copyright Families Hampshire North. Disclaimer: We take care preparing this magazine but the publishers and distributors cannot be held responsible for the claims of advertisers nor for the accuracy of the contents nor for any consequence. Data protection: If you send us your name & address in order to enter a competition and subsequently win a prize, we will supply your details to the company offering the prize. If you would prefer us not to do this please state this on your entry. 3
News & Views Lottes of Tea Lottes of Tea is a new venture from Hayley Perry and Lottes Salter (who also run Impish Delights) which will offer a mobile afternoon tea experience within Basingstoke and the surrounding areas. It aims to cater to all events, from small social gatherings to weddings; delivering food, drink and crockery to the client’s choice of location and occasion. Lottes of Tea provides a wide range of homemade goodies, from scones and finger sandwiches to mini cakes and tarts – all accompanied by a nice cup of tea. For that extra special event there will also be a “High Tea” option with a glass of bubbly. Alternatively they can deliver a “Tea Bag” to your door which includes everything required to treat someone to an afternoon tea. Each bag will be made to order and carefully packed with homemade cakes, scones, jam and cream, finger sandwiches, a choice of teas and coffees, pretty doilies, napkins and more. Lottes of Tea will officially launch in January 2015 and both Hayley and Lottes are excited to bring mobile afternoon teas to Hampshire. For more information visit or email
Homes for Hampshire children Hampshire County Council are looking for people who live in the county or surrounding areas to provide homes for Hampshire children who are unable to live with their birth families. We are particularly looking for homes for older children, teenagers, siblings and children with disabilities or special needs. This could be through adoption, long or short term fostering, emergency placements, or providing regular respite breaks through the Family Link scheme. Please come along and find out more at our next drop in event between 10am – 2pm on Saturday 31 January at Merchistoun Hall in Horndean. There will be an opportunity to speak to some of our foster carers and adopters as well as finding out more about the children who need homes, the assessment process and the support and training offered by Hampshire County Council. If you can’t make it to this event then give us a call instead on 0845 6035620 or visit Merchistoun Hall is located in Horndean just a few minutes from Junction 2 of the A3(M). The entrance is in Murray Road next to Napier Road. Postcode PO8 9LJ.
Tel: 01256 330147
Book Reviews The Parent Agency, by David Baddiel Reviewed by Emma Louise Berwick (9 years old), from Basingstoke When I started reading this magnificent book I could not put it down. I read the whole book in one night and discovered its age range – 9 yrs+ - and comical potential. From wealth to fame, from energy to favouritism, 10 year old Barry Bennett has had a whirl of adventures. Definitely not his everyday life. But is it better than living with his mum, dad and his twin sisters, Ginny & Kay? This book made me feel happy because I do actually say some mean stuff about my mum and dad sometimes, but I now know that I’m very lucky to have them as parents. I think you should read this book if you can laugh at things, but not repeat them, and also enjoy a very long read. Thank you for reading this!
One Born Every Minute: Your Pregnancy – Week by Week by Vicki Hugo (Quadrille, £16.99) Reviewed by Lesley James, from Basingstoke This book is published in association with the award-winning series ‘One Born Every Minute’, and is the perfect companion to guide you right through your pregnancy to your baby’s birth. It is a well thought out book which is easy to read and not at all overwhelming. Each week of pregnancy has its own short section with pictures and straightforward information about what is happening to you and to your growing baby, as well as useful tips on what you should be focussing on. I can see this book becoming an invaluable point of reference for anyone expecting a baby.
Advertorial Pharmaton Vitality We all know what it’s like to feel physically and mentally exhausted from a busy day at work or with the kids and coping with everything can be an everyday battle. Did you know that taking Pharmaton Vitality capsules helps reduce temporary tiredness and restore vitality when taken daily, and can be taken for a period of twelve weeks? Pharmaton Vitality capsules are packed with vitamins, minerals and the unique Ginseng G115 that’s clinically proven to relieve fatigue and also aid mental and physical wellbeing. Pharmaton Vitality capsules are also supported by over 30 clinical trials and studies. Try Pharmaton Vitality Capsules, to feel the positive difference. (Licensed medicine) For the relief of fatigue. Always read the label.
Babies & Toddlers Baby on a budget By Joanna Parry
Having a baby is a costly business, and it’s not unusual for parents to spend thousands of pounds on kit before their baby even arrives. But the truth is, babies need very little stuff and what they do need you can almost always borrow from friends or buy second-hand. Golden rules for buying on a budget
Feeding and changing
• Y ou’ll need to invest in some necessities before your baby arrives, but you don’t need everything yet. Tell the world you’re pregnant and you’ll be amazed at what hand-medowns come your way.
Apart from a pram, cot and car seat, babies need very little nappies, a few babygros (in neutral colours), a blanket, cardigan and hat. Don’t buy any other baby clothes – you’ll receive enough gifts when they’re born.
• H it eBay with a vengeance. Baby clothes and equipment often come in bundles, which are far cheaper than bidding for individual items.
Save money by breastfeeding - bottle-feeding costs over £500 a year and that’s just the formula! If you do bottle-feed, save money by not investing in a steriliser and using boiling-water instead. You don’t need a bottle warmer either – use hot water or even better, get your baby used to room-temperature feeds. You don’t need a highchair yet, and hopefully someone will lend you one by the time you do.
• O nly buy new if there is a safety issue involved. You can buy almost everything second-hand and as most baby gear is used for such a short period of time, things will be in surprisingly good nick. Look out for NCT sales, and if you live in a baby-centric area your local charity shop will be packed with prams, cots and highchairs. • I f you must buy new, go budget. Budget brands have to pass the same safety tests as the expensive ones and are often made by the same companies. Many supermarkets sell stylish baby clothes at a great price, and Ikea have brilliant nursery furniture. If you can’t live without the expensive brands, go straight to the sale rack. • B uy in bulk whenever you see a good offer (especially nappies!).
The gear you need • S leeping. Go for a cot-bed from the start and make it cosier by rolling up blankets to block off one end, or decorate a basic cot with stencils to make it look like a designer one. While cots can be bought second-hand, current guidelines on preventing SIDS suggest that babies should sleep on new clean mattresses. Baby sleeping bags are great but pricey so buy them second-hand or from the supermarket. Many mums think baby monitors are unnecessary but if you do want one the £20 basic models can be just as good as the all-singing, all-dancing variety.
Whichever side you’re on in the debate about green washable nappies, there’s no doubt they work out cheaper - as long as you don’t wash them at 90 degrees or tumble-dry. It can cost up to £1000 to keep a baby in disposable nappies until they are potty-trained, whereas using reusable nappies costs only a few hundred pounds for baby number one and even less when siblings come along. If you choose to use disposables buy the supermarket value ones, or stock up on premium brands when they’re on offer. If you go eco, buy in bulk from websites such as
Families’ top tips to save cash • W hile some parents are happy to delve deep to pay for private antenatal classes, there’s no link between the amount you spend and the ease of your baby’s birth. Take up the offer of free NHS classes and you can join the NCT coffee mornings once your baby arrives. • S et up a babysitting circle so you never have to fork out on a sitter. • Y our local library offers more than just books. Many have toy libraries, free music classes for babies, and play areas as well as book corners.
• O ut-and-about. Easily the most expensive piece of kit is a buggy, so look for decent models on a recycling site. Or go for a cheap one that folds up and is light-weight. Maclaren buggies still allow a newborn to lie flat.
• S earch out free drop-in baby groups, which often include music sessions. Many sports centres have classes for tiny ones, too. And rediscover your local park – it can be just as fun and costs nothing.
• C arrying. Invest in a second-hand sling for as little as £10, or borrow one – an unbelievable number of mums buy slings brand new and never use them.
• I ndoor play centres can be expensive but some cafés and shops have soft-play areas for the price of a mere latte!
• D riving. Car seats CAN be bought second-hand but make sure you are confident that the seat has not been in an accident. Go for a convertible model that lasts from birth to 4 years.
What are your ‘baby on a budget’ tips? Share with other readers on our Facebook page or email editor@ We’ll include the best ones in future issues as part of our ongoing ‘Babies & Toddlers’ page. 5
Education Getting Boys Reading
By Liz Walker, founder of Reading Chest Research by Save the Children in the recently published ‘Read on Get on’ report shows that there are currently more boys unable to read well at the age of 11 than girls. Even though girls generally read better than boys internationally, the gap between boys and girls reading abilities in the UK is one of the widest in the developed world. In 2013, only 72% of boys were reading well by the age of 11 compared to 78% of girls. Following the Save the Children report, the ‘Read on Get on’ Campaign was launched in September 2014 with the goal of ensuring all 11 year olds will leave primary school being able to read well by 2025. We need to do more to get boys reading and more importantly get them reading for pleasure. There is a virtuous circle between enjoying reading and being a good reader. Developing a love of stories and books is crucial. All the ideas and strategies below to get boys reading more can obviously apply to girls as well: - Read for at least 10 minutes a day with or to your children. Frequent short bursts are better than prolonged reading sessions. If it becomes as much a routine as putting on socks, then reluctant readers are less likely to complain. - Read anything. Boys are more likely to enjoy reading if they can choose their own reading material and read for a purpose. Try gadget magazines, skateboard magazines, golf magazines, farming magazines, football programmes or sports biographies. - Get dads reading in the home! ‘Read on Get on’ research shows that the impact of parents and in particular dads, has a huge positive impact on children’s reading. Children fall into reading habits based on what goes on in their home. If they never see their dad or older brother reading, they are much less likely to pick up a book themselves. - Get dads into schools! It’s not easy for working people to take time out to help with reading in school, but employers are being encouraged to get involved with ‘Read on Get on’ by forming partnerships with local schools and being more
flexible with employees to allow them to volunteer to help with reading. Imagine the impact when boys in a school see a real builder with his hard hat on reading with a child, because his employer allowed him to extend his lunch by half an hour! - Integrate reading into everyday life as much as possible. Ask your son to help you read instructions, or get him to read out the recipe as you are cooking. When out shopping recently, I was heartened to see a dad and son who kept stopping, as the dad got his son to read out various signs and captions in the department store. - Time pressured parents need to rethink how they enjoy their time with boys. If you only end up with half an hour of one to one time with your son, then reading a book together should be given as much priority and time as kicking a ball in the back garden. - If nothing else works – use incentives! Being able to read well at the age of 11 is the keystone to a good start in life. Children need to ‘learn to read’ and then they ‘read to learn’. There is something we can all do to get involved with ‘Read on Get on’ and help reach the goal of ensuring all 11 year olds (especially boys) will read well by 2025. I launched Reading Chest in 2010 when my own son started to learn to read. He found reading difficult and so it wasn’t long before he didn’t enjoy it. At the point when his school ran out of books because he hadn’t made enough progress to move up to the next colour band, I searched for appropriately levelled reading books that might inspire him and the idea of Reading Chest began. Reading Chest is a through the post children’s book rental service for children, offering a huge range of reading schemes including many non-fiction titles. For more information and reading advice visit
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Tel: 01256 330147
Education Local Independent School Open Days Alton Convent Prep School, Anstey Lane, Alton Tel. 01420 82070 Open morning: 20th March 9.30am to 12pm.
Rookwood School – Paddock Prep, Weyhill Rd, Andover Tel. 01264 325912 Open day: 29th January 9.30am to 12.30pm
Barfield School, Guildford Road, Farnham Tel. 01252 782271 Open morning for years 7 & 8: 23rd January 9.30am – 11.30am
Sparsholt College, Westley Lane, Sparsholt Tel. 01962 776441 Course information open day: 17th January 10am to 3pm
Barfield is a coeducational school for children between 2-13 years old, set in 12 acres of beautiful grounds, one mile east of Farnham. The nursery is newly refurbished and has airy rooms which are light, uncluttered and conducive to learning. Barfield pupils receive a broad educational experience, with quality academic teaching in an excellent pastoral setting. Scholarships are offered in Year 3 and Year 7 with awards of up to 50% to those with talents in academia, art, music and sport.
Meet their expert staff, tour the industry standard facilities and find out everything you need to know about being a student at Sparsholt.
Farleigh School, Red Rice, Andover Tel. 01264 710766 Boarding open house & house cross country: 28th February
Visit their website to find out more and to pre-register. St Neot’s School, Eversley, Hook 0118 9739650 Open day: 27th February 9.30am to 11.30am • Outstanding Early Years ISI Inspection • Outdoor Learning zone with Forest school and Challenge activity stations • Small class sizes with classroom assistants up to Year 4 • Strong pupil, parent and staff community • Proven academic success
• Co–educational, 3 months to 13 years • Day school with boarding options St Nicholas’ School, Redfields Lane, Church Crookham Tel. 01252 850121 Open day: 7th March 10am to 1pm St Nicholas’ School Church Crookham educates girls from 3-16 years and boys from 3-7 years and is consistently at the top of the GCSE league tables. It is situated in an extensive rural campus with superb facilities for science, sport, art, music and the performing arts. The school runs an optional extended day from 8am to 6 pm with an exciting co-curricular programme. School buses run from Farnham, Basingstoke, Fleet, Alton, and Farnborough areas. Treloar School, Holybourne, Alton Tel. 01420 547425 Open days: 5th February 10am to 2.30pm & 11th March 1.30pm to 4pm Providing education, care, therapy, medical support & independence training to young people with
physical disabilities. You must pre-book your visit by calling the school or using online booking system. Yateley Manor, Reading Rd, Yateley Tel. 01252 405500 Open day: 14th March 10am to 12pm • Co-educational day school 3 -13 years • Excellent academic results • Inspirational teaching in superb facilities • “Outstanding personal development” (ISI Inspection 2010) • National leader in chess and sport • Safe, vibrant, stimulating environment • Inclusive fee structure • Scholarships and bursaries • Coaches from Camberley, Farnborough, Fleet, Odiham and Hook • Work-friendly hours (8.00am6.30pm) • 49 weeks’ care for younger children • Woodland Learning Area
Impstone Pre-school Volunteer Day a success Impstone Pre-school, based in Pamber Heath, is a charity run pre-school offering funded and affordable term time childcare to children aged 2 – 5 years within the local community and surrounding area. Following the lease of additional land from the Pamber Parish Council, the pre-school set about raising the necessary funds and local business interest to fence the area and develop it to meet the children’s needs. After much hard work, many fund-raising events and significant support, the ‘big fencing day’ arrived and the weekend of 5th and 6th July 2014 saw a magnificent response from parents, contractors and suppliers alike and together the whole area was fenced and made secure for the children’s enjoyment, safety and education. Samantha Kuflik, the chairperson of The Parent Management Committee said: “We would like to acknowledge the support of all the local businesses who supported us and thank them for their generosity. Our next big challenge is to obtain planning permission for a purpose built building which will enable us to offer longer hours and free up the hall for other users and community groups. We have already raised the funds for the land survey and we will be asking the local business community for support, and looking to obtain grant funding.” If you or your company are interested in supporting the pre-school in achieving their dream of a new building, or you would like to help with fundraising and have some time to give, the pre-school would be very pleased to hear from you. You can get in touch with them on
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Family Life & Wellbeing When love is broken – how to tell the children By Soila Sindoyo, MBPsSS
Depending on the age of the child, realise that this moment might be something that they will always remember – the time you told them that mummy and daddy were going to live separately. It is therefore critical that the news is conveyed with caution and this is what we shall be looking at here. Here is what you will need to keep in mind and to have in place when and while you are breaking the news: Chose the right time. You know your children best so you will know when the right time is. However, before bed is not really a good idea as this means that they are left with their own thoughts through the night, which is not the best time to digest such news. You want them to be able to come to you through the day with any questions they may have. Of course they will still think about it when the lights are out and for a long time coming, but try to reduce the pain and stress as much as possible. Tell them together wherever possible. This may sound obvious but I have heard of cases where one parent takes it upon him/ herself to talk to the children without the knowledge of the other. If you cannot tell them together for whatever reason, do let the other parent know what, when and how you are intending to tell the children and as you tell the children, do let them know, from the start that their father/mother knows that you are talking to them. Agree on what you will be telling them and how you will be saying it. As we all know, words carry a lot of power so prepare yourselves for questions. Some questions to anticipate: Why? Do you not love mummy/daddy anymore? Where are we going to live? Am I changing schools? Will I still see daddy/mummy? Most importantly reassure them that it is not their fault in any way. Really make sure that they get this. Contrary to popular belief, not all children blame themselves but it does happen. You might have to revisit this with them again and again. Be honest. If it’s a trial separation then tell them; if it’s definitely going to end in a divorce then tell them that too. Do not give them false hope. It is not fair on them to have to relive the whole thing again, once they realise that you will not be getting back together. Do not promise them anything. If you don’t have an answer then tell them. Tell them when you are both calm and have the time to sit through any questions or concerns that they might have. Don’t rush through it.
Tel: 01256 330147
Tell them when you are somewhere safe, calm and preferably familiar to them. This way there are neither new nor noisy distractions and they can concentrate on what you’re telling them. Don’t make it a “special” occasion by taking them out to lunch in their favourite restaurant and break the news in there. They don’t need any associations with the news i.e. to see a Pizza Express or a Zizzi restaurant and “remember the time when…” This is one of the times that you will need to be totally present with your child. Watch them as you speak. Watch their body language and their facial expressions. They can tell you a lot about what is going on within them. Are they fidgety, avoiding eye contact, fighting back tears, curled up? Sometimes these and other behaviours will give you a cue on when to reach out to them physically. “Come here Tom, you look like you could do with a hug right now.” There are some children who might feel that they suddenly need to look after you – “Are you all right mummy/daddy?” Don’t let them parent you as this could just be their way of avoiding their own anxieties, fears and worries and transferring them onto you. Whatever you tell them make sure it’s age appropriate and use age appropriate words and language. Little ones might not understand a whole account of what is going on while teenagers may need more information. Be prepared to have them come to speak with you at the most inconvenient time...yes, children have a way of finding the strangest time to want to discuss the most difficult things; when you’re running late for instance. Bear with them. The timing may not be the best for you but it is for your little one. Finally, do not tell the children to keep what is happening at home to themselves. This is very heavy news for a child to carry. You have off-loaded onto them, so they should be able to do that too, to whomever they chose. They need care, attention and support from you and others around as opposed to them looking after you and your secrets. Soila Sindiyo is a seasoned therapist who helps families and children get through the challenges of divorce. A twicedivorced parent, she deeply understands the challenges faced by families going through divorce. Her book, ‘When love is broken’ (recommended for children aged 7 to 10 yrs) is available on Amazon.
Family Life
Tips for a (relatively) stress free Divorce, from Watson Thomas Solicitors Divorce is a very stressful and confusing time. We have prepared some tips to start you off on the right foot and make your Divorce as easy as possible. Where to start:
behaviour can vary from failing to assist with domestic chores to more extreme cases of domestic violence.
The key to an amicable divorce is keeping the lines of communication open where possible between you and your spouse. This is often difficult where emotions are running extremely high, but the longer you are able to keep the lines of communication open between you, the better it will be for you, both financially and emotionally.
Talk about the finances:
Don’t pay solicitors to discuss your money. Be open with your spouse about your financial position and what it is you need to survive. Disclose your finances to each other and then reach an agreement. At that stage, take advice from your solicitor on whether it is a fair agreement so that a financial order can be agreed.
Book a free consultation:
Most solicitors offer a free consultation. Find a family law specialist (ideally a member of Resolution) who will guide you through the process and your options.
Keep the children out of Court:
Having a Judge make a decision about your children is not something any parent wants. Talk about the children and keep their best interests in mind. They have two parents and they need to have as much contact as possible with both. The Court won’t involve the children in your divorce unless you ask them to.
Decide on the grounds for Divorce:
There are two immediate grounds for Divorce. Adultery and Unreasonable Behaviour. People will often choose unreasonable behaviour as adultery will need to be proven if defended. The threshold for unreasonable behaviour is very low. Examples of unreasonable
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Family Life Family Law from Phillips Solicitors We know that Christmas can be a tough time for some relationships; fraught children and extended family visits can make for testing times, especially if your relationship was already on the rocks. That means that January is unfortunately one of our busiest months in the Family Law department as people resolve in the New Year to steady the ship.
In a recent survey 98% of our clients rated our service as excellent or very good, and said they would recommend Phillips. Call us now on 01256 460830 email us at or visit
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If your relationship has been hit by the winter storm we could be there to help you steady the ship. Our team has a wide range of expertise and experience to help and guide you. We will do what we can to help you reach a fair outcome as quickly and costeffectively as possible. Most people going through a divorce or separation would rather avoid having to go to court if possible. We understand that, so we offer a range of services including Mediation, Separation Agreements and Collaborative Law and if we cannot find a way to resolve your concerns without the use of the courts then we have the experience to get the right results for you in the courtroom. Whatever the issue, we can help sail you to calm waters. For more information contact the Family Law department here at Phillips.
Woollen bedding from The Wool Room Reviewed by Sara Dawson, Editor When our little daughter moved into a full size bed we decided to upgrade her bedding to the best we could afford. As I had heard and read good reviews about wool duvets previously, we invested in one of these for her from a different company. Feeling quite envious of our daughter’s luxurious bedding, I was very pleased to be offered the opportunity to try out some similar products for myself from The Wool Room! Wool duvets are thinner than down or other fibres and so first impressions are that they won’t be warm enough. That is not the case at all. We tried the Spring/Autumn duvet, along with a mattress cover and pillows and have been really impressed with them all. I love the softness of the mattress
cover which adds a surprising level of comfort to the bed. The pillows are adjustable and have a secret zip which allows removal of the wool filling to suit individual preference. My husband likes a firm pillow, myself less so, and so this option was very useful for me. The duvet is very cosy and has kept us warm enough even through the initial winter cold snaps. It is quite heavy, and more densely filled than other duvets which also means it doesn’t need a good shake in the morning to ‘fluff it up’. All in all we have enjoyed very comfortable nights of sleep with this bedding and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it. Wool bedding does comes at a price, and tends to cost more than most other types, but the quality of the product makes this worthwhile. Made from 100% British wool, this bedding is naturally flame retardant, biodegradable, helps to reduce allergies and to regulate your body temperature. The Wool Room have a full range which you can view on their website
Tel: 01256 330147
PREGNANCY EXERCISE & BIRTH PREPARATON POSTNATAL EXERCISE PELVIC REHABILITATION Tel: 01256 369 291 FitMama operates out of Studio 41, Basepoint Business Centre, Basingstoke
Wellbeing The Bowen Technique By Tricia Turner, Bowen Practitioner All Bowen procedures can be used effectively and safely on any age, but a few are adapted specifically to the needs of infants and small children. Bowen is believed to gently activate and accelerate the healing process. It is known for its effectiveness over a very short period, often in 3 -5 sessions a week apart, with acute injuries responding even faster. Bowen is a neuromuscular and connective tissue therapy that affects every system of the body. It is done with the client clothed with the therapist using a specific series of gentle moves. Children can be very receptive to Bowen’s subtle procedures and the following are a few problems that Bowen could successfully improve: • F or some babies birth is a traumatic experience. Very occasionally, heads are distorted and the soft and flexible fibrous joints of the skull do not always slip back into place. A chronically crying baby may simply have a headache from this added pressure. There are very gentle Bowen procedures to help relieve the pressure. • N ursing problems for infants may be an early sign of temporal mandibular joint dysfunction as a result of trauma during birth. It can hurt to suckle because they have a sore jaw. It creates headaches, earaches, and equilibrium problems. It is known that approximately 40% of the nerves leaving the head pass near this joint area. With a couple of minutes of delicate skin movements, the jaw could reset itself. • C olic may last until a child is four or more months old. They could benefit from a single Bowen procedure that also addresses asthma symptoms. Even if your infant is only unsettled or distressed, they could benefit from this very simple procedure.
• F igures show that as high as 15% of our children are affected by ADD and/or ADHD. It is best to continue with what is working and explore the full range of ways to deal with social integration in these complex issues. We have seen many positive results using The Bowen Technique that has improved the quality of life for the child. • B ed wetting in children is distressing for both the child and parent. Using the Bowen Technique, some success should be noticeable within four once-a-week visits and continue until seven dry nights are reported, using all pain free, relaxing moves. • F or children and anyone suffering with asthma, the Bowen Respiratory Procedure is known to release the diaphragm, the intercostal muscles and the smooth muscles of the bronchial walls that spasm and reduce the ability to take a breath. This procedure is thought to relax the diaphragm and could give relief. If you have any questions about this article and The Bowen Technique, please contact Tricia Turner of Advantage Therapies.
For contact details and information for Bowen Therapists near you, see or Here are a couple of local therapists to get you started: Advantage Therapies Tricia is qualified in the Bowen Technique, therapeutic massage, deep tissue massage, hot stone massage, facials, Thai foot massage, and Indian head massage. She helps her clients with a variety of painful conditions or a simple re-alignment of the body. Alternatively you may like a bit of pampering or help to unwind from a hectic stressful schedule. Treatments are carried out from her dedicated relaxing salon in Kempshott, Basingstoke. Tricia Turner ITEC Dip, BA UK. Full details can be found on her website or contact her on 07766 139523.
What Really Matters? Your Good Health Trish can offer a selection of natural holistic therapies to help the mind and body both physically and mentally:Massage can help release physical tension; Aromatherapy and Reflexology can help restore balance and harmony to the body. And Bowen? The body will do what it needs to do, as if by magic. Contact Trish Stride on 01730 301397 or trishstride121@gmail. com. Trish is based in East Hampshire. 11
New Year New You Many of us wake up on January 1st feeling exhausted from Christmas, a little worse for wear from the night before and desperate for the children to go back to school. But we also find ourselves scribbling lists of New Year’s resolutions – to get fit, lose weight, to get stuck into that pile of paperwork on the kitchen table and, often, to give our working lives a shake up too! In fact, January is a fantastic time for those of us with children in nursery or full time education for the first time to go back to work, start a new venture, set up our own business or to re-train in something that will get us leaping out of bed every morning. From a new job to starting a whole new career, the world is your oyster as a working mum. If your hours are limited by the school run, setting up your own business or taking on a franchise can offer you the opportunity to do something you love while working flexible hours, and the options are limitless. You can choose anything from running a yoga franchise to teaching little ones dance or drama, from teaching a language to starting your own Families magazine! Take a course, start a marketing
business, design websites, set up a blog, open a café – it’s up to you. There are plenty of websites out there to help you get started and find a new job, re-train, choose the right business, advise you on tax and even help you design your logo, so there’s no excuse not to get stuck in this New Year. You can do it! Take a look at some of these helpful websites:, www.workingmums.,, www.mumandworking. and
MAD Academy recognises their outstanding franchisees MAD Academy has been providing music and dance based child development classes for ten years now and their Annual Conference is an important date in the calendar. It is a great opportunity for franchisees and their staff to exchange views, learn about new developments, review business issues and socialise. Founders Helen Harrington and Sedge Gooding hosted the 2014 event and were delighted to recognise some of their outstanding franchisees: Lucy Curtis scooped the Newcomer of the Year award. She has only been running MAD Academy classes for two terms but has already made quite a splash! As well as running public classes in Camberley, Bagshot and Yateley, she also provides music and movement sessions in three local nurseries. Sedge Gooding told delegates “Lucy’s incredible hard work and positive attitude has meant her business has got off to a flying start.” Lucy was delighted at winning the award. “I love my job at MAD Academy, it’s my perfect role! I love working with children and I get enormous satisfaction watching them develop and grow in confidence”. Lucy has big plans for MAD Academy Camberley and intends to open a number of new classes in the coming months. “My aim is to win Franchisee of the Year!” Sophie Hill, who has been running MAD Academy Oxford for six years now, was nominated Franchisee of the Year. Her classes have proved so popular with children and parents alike that she recently hired another teacher to manage demand and is consequently opening new classes in Oxford and Kidlington. Helen Harrington said “Sophie has that rare mix of being able to delight and inspire young children with her fun and energy, whilst also being a professional and dedicated business woman. It is a mix that has brought her much success over the years.”
Does a MAD Academy franchise appeal to you? Have a look at for more information or see their display advert on page 2. 12
Tel: 01256 330147
Ten2Two - Flexible, Professional Recruiting for Local Businesses Not sure whether you are ready to return to work or whether you are looking for a change? Ten2Two has been created to help professional and experienced women restart or continue to develop their careers through flexible, rewarding work. They understand the frustrations of not being able to find the right work because of your desire to care for your family. They also know that in most cases, flexible working offers employers highly capable, loyal, committed and affordable people, and they demonstrate that to local employers with your help. Working with local businesses, they bring you job opportunities that fit your work and family needs together with the information, support and services to make working as easy as possible. Do you need some help on writing or updating your CV; or preparing for an interview? Members are supported at every stage of their journey back to work and are also invited to attend free workshops including CV Writing and Interview Preparation. Get in touch! For more information, please contact: or or 01252 856862. They can support you in North Hampshire, covering Fleet, Farnborough, Camberley, Farnham, Basingstoke, Yateley, Sandhurst, Frimley and everywhere in-between!
WHat’s ON Perform Drama, Dance & Singing Workshops The only drama, dance and singing workshops for 4-12 year olds to focus on helping develop children’s confidence, coordination, communication and concentration skills. Perform is not a stage school but will help give your child amazing social skills and the best fun of their week. Next term’s theme for 4-7 year olds is The Jungle where the children will go on a colourful jungle adventure, meet the cheeky Cheetah who likes eating ryvita, and teach Boo the baby monkey to eat banana pie as well as rescue Snow the last white tiger from the evil Monsieur Beret!
Perform’s 7-12 year olds will be having fun with ‘Hercules Beat’ which is a modern adaptation of the Classic Greek Myth and will explore the 12 labours of Hercules and his super strength. Classes are held at: • Z ebon Copse Community Centre, Danvers Drive, Church Crookham on Tuesdays 4.45-5.45pm • Clift Meadow Pavilion, Bramley on Thursdays 4-5.30pm
Classes are held at: • H atch Warren Community Centre, Basingstoke on Tuesdays 4-5pm and 5-6pm • Z ebon Copse Community Centre, Danvers Drive, Church Crookham on Mondays 4-5pm and 5-6pm and Tuesdays 3.45-4.45pm • Clift Meadow Pavilion, Bramley on Friday 4-5pm and 5-6pm
**SPECIAL READER OFFER** Book a free trial session before 31st January 2015 and you will be entitled to a £30 discount. Just quote FAML100215. For more information go to or to book a FREE TRIAL SESSION call the Perform team on 0845 400 4000 or email Basingstoke Advert.qxp_Layout 1 03/12/2014 14:17 Page 1
Put a spring in your step at Sparsholt College’s Lambing Weekend! Mary had a little lamb – now Sparsholt College is having hundreds! To allow families to experience the natural wonder of birth and to learn about farming and shepherding, the college will be holding its annual Lambing Weekend on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th January 2015. Shepherd John Garrett works with the sheep while the birthing takes place, assisted by Sparsholt College students. John also provides the viewing public with a running commentary and takes questions from the inquisitive onlookers. Lambing Weekend is a fantastic opportunity for children and adults alike to watch lambs being born and to enjoy a family day out. There are lots of activities to take part in, including tractor and trailer rides, quizzes and puzzles, and craft activities. A variety of hot and cold food and drinks will be available to purchase. Tickets are available at or on the gate on the day.
01264 365457 Basingstoke
01264 353008 Age 6-18
Spring Term enrolment and Easter Holiday Workshop
Fun, confidence-building, educational classes in acting, singing and dance.
Exciting forest activities for all ages. Forest Survival, Den Building, Making a Home for Nature, Wild Learning, Gruffalo’s Child Trail and much more!
Booking essential call 01420 23666/0300 0674448 Alice Holt Forest 13
WHat’s ON Half Term
to find out more and purchase tickets. 9.30am - 3.30pm. Adults £6, children (3-16 years) £3.50, family (2 + 2) £16, under 3’s free.
Activities at Alice Holt Forest Bucks Horn Oak, Farnham, GU10 4LS Making a home for nature 17 February Come to the Education Centre and help build up the ‘dead hedge’, make sure the wormery is ready for spring, refill the bug hotel, build bird boxes, stack the log pile and prepare the classroom garden for plenty of visiting wildlife. All materials and tools are provided during the session. 1pm to 3pm. Wild Learning Holiday Club Adventure Camp 17 & 18 February From the secret camp deep in the woods venture out to try den building, fire making, mud sculptures, tree climbing, stream dipping and more. For ages 5 years +. 10.15am to 4pm. £37.50 per day. See www.wild-learning. net for further details.
Den Building 19 February The first den building session of the year. Rangers will show youngsters how to build a fun, safe shelter in the forest. This activity is always popular, so book early and wrap up warm! 1pm to 3pm. £8 per child. Forest Survival Day 21 February Do you know anything about surviving in the woods? Learn the skills like Ray Mears and Bear Grylls. Join Nigel for some serious fun. Bring your own packed lunch and an adult. 10am to 3pm. £15 per child.
Charlie’s Storytelling Party: Each Peach, Pear Plum 18 February Join children’s entertainer and actress Charlie Sanderson for a super interactive 45 minute storytelling party. It includes singing, a giant parachute, bubbles and more! Book in advance to avoid missing out. 10am & 11.15am. £2 per child, adults go free. Green Screen Workshops with 7StreamMedia 21 February These 1 ½ hour Green Screen workshops are a great opportunity for young people to practically discover and experience the magic of TV and film. Create a short story in groups and then take part in the filming process including removing the Green Screen in the edit suite. 9.30am 7-10yrs, 11.30am 10-13yrs, 1.30pm 13-16yrs. £5.
Chinese New Year: Chinese Paper Art Workshop Willis Museum, Market Place, Basingstoke, RG21 7QD 17 February Have a go at Origami and make paper lanterns, animals or hats, or try your hand at brush calligraphy or painting. Two half hour slots. Booking is advisable. 10am to 11am. £3.
Activities at Basingstoke Discovery Centre Festival Place Shopping Centre, Basingstoke, RG21 7LS Free children’s film screening: Postman Pat 17 February Pat puts his parcels to one side to compete in a TV talent competition. 2pm.
Ongoing Parent and toddler group, running every Friday during term time. 9.30am to 11am. £2.50 per family.
Winter Warmer
Alice Holt Forest, Bucks Horn Oak, Farnham, GU10 4LS 31 January Active ranger-led family walk with games for children and facts for adults. Come outside to learn about your forest, its trees and wood products, its importance to our changing world and how it’s managed to benefit people and wildlife. Includes a campfire, so there’ll be marshmallows to toast! 10.30am to 12pm.
From 21 February Held on Saturday evenings throughout the spring giving guests the opportunity to see the owls really awake and at their best. Numbers limited so check website for available dates and to book. 7pm. Adults £29.50, children £16 tickets include a light supper.
24 & 25 January Bring your family to meet the new arrivals, get hands on with lots of fun activities and enjoy refreshments from a great range of local caterers. Visit the website
Tel: 01256 330147
Astronomy Taster 15 January Join the Basingstoke Astronomical Society for a fun presentation of our solar system and what we can expect to see in our skies this coming March. Family event. 5pm.
Indoor Fun Soldier’s Journey Exhibition at Hampshire North Museums A unique exhibition that portrays Hampshire’s critical role throughout the First World War. Allen Gallery, Church St, Alton, GU34 2BW
Milestones Museum, Leisure Park, Churchill Way, Basingstoke, RG22 6PG
Sparsholt College, Westley Lane, Sparsholt, SO21 2NF
Discover Boardgames 3, 17 & 31 January Popular boardgames sessions for children and their families. 10am to 1pm.
Hawk Conservancy Trust, Andover, SP11 8DY
Ongoing to 11th January 2015 Tue to Fri 10am-5pm; Sat 10am4pm. Free admission.
Sparsholt College Lambing Days
Festival Place Shopping Centre, Basingstoke, RG21 7LS
Owls by Moonlight
Andover Museum, Andover, SP10 1DP
Out & About
Activities at Basingstoke Discovery Centre
Ongoing to 11th January 2015 Tue to Sat 10.30am-4.30pm. Free admission.
Booking is essential for all activities at Alice Holt. Call 01420 23666 or see uk/aliceholt.
Street, Alton, GU34 1HN
Disco Skate The Harlington, Fleet Road, Fleet, GU51 4BY 16 January & 20 February DISCO SKATE bring you family roller disco nights once a month. 6pm to 9.30pm. £6 per person inc. skate hire.
Skate Excellence Planet Ice Arena, Leisure Park, Basingstoke, RG22 6PG 17 January to 21 February 21 January to 25 February 20 January to 24 February (adults only) Learn to ice skate. Courses are for 6 weeks and the cost includes skate hire. £60.
Ongoing to 11th January 2015 Milestones Museum shows a special Soldier’s Journey themed programme. Tues to Fri 10am-4.45pm; weekends 11am-4.45pm. Adult £8.95, children £5.75, family £26.75. See for more information.
Disco Tots Alton Community Centre, Amery
Family Multi Activity Evening Basingstoke Sports Centre,
We take every care preparing these entries but please check websites in case details have changed. Festival Place, Basingstoke, RG21 7LE 31 January Special event for children and young people with disabilities or additional needs, and their families. Swimming, gym, multitier soft play area, racket sports, football, bouncy castle. 6.30pm to 9.30pm. £2 in advance, or £3 on the night.
Activities at St Philip and St James Church Kings Road, Fleet, GU51 3AR Beetle Drive 31 January Tickets available from early January. 6.30pm. Valentine Themed Family Activity Afternoon 7 February With craft, games and refreshments. 2pm to 4pm.
The greatest romantic ballet of all time is brought to life by Tchaikovsky’s haunting and unforgettable score. From the impressive splendour of the Palace ballroom to the moon-lit lake where swans glide in perfect formation this compelling tale of tragic romance has it all. From £16.50.
The Anvil Churchill Way, Basingstoke, RG21 7QR
The Russian State Ballet and Orchestra of Siberia: La fille mal gardée Thursday 19th February, 7.30pm A gentle tale of love thwarted, unrequited and found, La fille mal gardée is a masterpiece of comedy. Complete with virtuoso pas de deux, maypole and clog dances, this ballet will send you home happy. From £16.50. The Russian State Ballet and Orchestra of Siberia: Coppélia Friday 20th February, 7.30pm Every toy has a story, especially in this witty combination of antics and abracadabra, set in a doll maker’s workshop. This light-hearted tale of mistaken identity and confused lovers follows mischievous Swanilda, her impetuous suitor Franz and the eccentric toymaker Dr.Coppelius as they are brought to life by sparkling choreography and the animated score of Delibes. From £16.50. The Russian State Ballet and Orchestra of Siberia: Swan Lake Saturday 21st February, 2.30pm & 7.30pm
Barbados House, Station Road, Bordon, GU35 0LR
Longmoor Road, Liphook, GU30 7NY
The First Time Machine Thursday 17th February, 7pm
Step right up, step right up! Before Dr Who and the Tardis, before Back to The Future there was Anacronopete - The First Time Machine. £8.
Jack and the Beanstalk Friday 20th February, 7.30pm Saturday 21st February, 3pm & 7.30pm Traditional family pantomime produced by The MAD Company. Come and cheer for Jack and his best friend Jill as they climb the beanstalk, boo the baddie and watch out for the cow! From £6.
The Central Studio Balloon Science Show Saturday 24th January, 11am The Balloon Science Show is a theatrical masterpiece full of spills, thrills, explosions & pops! Adults £7, children £6.
Much Ado About Nothing Wednesday 25th February, 7.30pm Thursday 26th February, 2pm & 7.30pm William Shakespeare’s classic comedy bought to you by Reading Between the Lines. From £11.
Holybourne Theatre London Road, Holybourne, Alton, GU34 4EL Cinders: the true story! 31st January, 2pm
The Magic Porridge Pot & Other Tasty Tales Saturday 7th February, 11am Splodge that porridge! Slurp that soup! Snap that biscuit! Adults £7, children £6.
The Lights
Mice on Skates Saturday 28th February, 11am
West Street, Andover, SP10 1AH
Two intrepid rodents discover that having wheels is an effective means of escape from cats and a fantastic way to see the world! Adults £7, children £6.
Wind in the Willows Friday 9th January, 1.30pm (7.30pm show is sold out)
Fleet Road, Fleet, GU51 4BY
The ever popular Oddsocks Theatre Company are returning to The Lights with two performances of their latest production, Wind in the Willows. From £13.50.
The Basil Brush Show Saturday 14th February, 11am & 2.30pm
The Haymarket Wote Street, Basingstoke, RG21 7NW The Snail and the Whale Thursday 5th February, 2pm Friday 6th February, 10.30am & 1.30pm Saturday 7th & Sunday 8th February, 11am & 2pm
Friday 16th & 23rd January, 7.30pm Saturday 17th & 24th January, 2.30pm & 7.30pm Join Fairy Fable as she takes you on an exciting expedition into Panto Land where magic, mayhem and music await you! £9. Stardust Friday 30th January, 7pm Presented by Forest Forge Theatre Company. This magical story was famously made into a film in 2007. This adventure for all the family is full of eccentric characters, hilarious and thrilling moments, with haunting music, magic and mayhem. Adults £10, under 16s £7.
Yateley Sunday 25th January Frogmore Leisure Centre, Potley Hill Road, Yateley, GU46 6AG. 11am to 1pm. Contact hayley_murphy@
A show for all the family and you’ll also be able to meet Basil and Mr Stephen after the show. Adults £14, children £12, family (2+2) £42.
Phoenix Players Panto: The Frog Prince Thursday 15th & 22nd January, 7.30pm
Nearly New Sales
7th February, 2pm & 7pm This hilarious panto puts an interesting twist on an old familiar story, and gives us a Cinderella for the 21st century. £7.50.
The Harlington
stunning choreography and beautiful costumes combine to portray the struggle between good and evil. From £14.50.
The Phoenix Theatre & Arts Centre
Bohunt Secondary School
Cliddesden Road, Basingstoke, RG21 3HF
Tall Stories are proud to present their latest exciting collaboration with Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. £12.50.
Alton Sunday 1 February Wessex Arts Centre, Old Odiham Road, Alton, GU34 2LX. 10am to 12pm. Contact tracyh@ Basingstoke Saturday 7 February Aldworth School, Western Way, Basingstoke, RG22 6HA. 2pm to 4pm. Contact tom@babyandchildrensmarket.
Adventures with Sam: In Outer Space Thursday 19th February, 11am Join Sam as he jumps head first into a brand new story and zooms off on an intergalactic adventure! From £6.50. Sleeping Beauty Saturday 28th February, 2.30pm & 7.30pm A classic fairy tale set to Tchaikovsky’s magnificent score,
Ainee’s Bazaar – Baby & Children’s Market Date & location not confirmed at time of going to press. Please see website for regular updates or contact info@ 15
Yateley Manor A local Co-Educational Prep School for ages 3 - 13
24 and 25 Jan 9.30am - 3.30pm Visit to buy tickets now
Your Child • Their Journey • Our Focus
Open Mornings Saturday 14th March Friday 24th April
10.00am - 12.00 noon 9.45am - 11.30am
01252 405500
Bring your family to meet our new arrivals, get hands on with lots of fun activities and enjoy refreshments from a great range of local caterers. HEALTH WARNING: Women who are or may be pregnant should not attend this event.
01962 776441