Families North London Issue 105 Nov-Dec 2013

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Issue 105 Nov/Dec 2013

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North London

Festive issue

Where’s Santa? Annabel Karmel Ice skating families_north_issue_105_3.indd 1

PLUS Top tips for Christmas

01/11/2013 16:24

Christ Church, Heriot Road, Hendon, NW4 2EG Free 15-hour places available for 3-4-year-olds Full, part-time and sessional day-care for children aged 2-5-years-old Free 2-year-old scheme available Open Monday-Friday 8am-6pm Open 48 weeks per year Fully-trained staff All welcome Please call to make an appointment to view the Nursery

Telephone: 020 8202 5687

North London

Ezine SIGN UP FOR OUR GREAT MONTHLY EZINE AT WWW. FAMILIESNORTH.CO.UK ITS FABULOUS AND FREE. November/December issue contains great articles, competitions and much more.


Sharon Editor


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01/11/2013 16:24

Contents Issue 105 | Nov/Dec 2013 | Families North London

This Issue




15 Christmas top tips 17 Christmas fun 19 Where’s Santa? 21 Ice skating 22 Annabel 33 Special Needs classes




Regular Features 4

Health & Happiness


Childcare & Education

24 Ed’s Reading Room 25 Clubs & Classes 35 Parties 37 Places to go

Families North London Magazine 120 Brent Street, Hendon, London NW4 2DT For all news and features contact: editor@familiesnorth.co.uk or call 020 8202 2034 For all advertising enquiries contact: adverts@familiesnorth.co.uk or call 020 8202 2034 For all web enquiries contact: melanie@familiesnorth.co.uk or call 020 8202 2034 For all listing enquiries contact: listings@familiesnorth.co.uk Families North London Ltd cannot accept responsibility for unsolicited submissions, manuscripts and photographs. While every care is taken, details are subject to change and Families North London take no responsibility for omissions or errors. We reserve the right to publish and edit any material. All rights reserved.

Welcome to our Festive Issue. I always love this season as it is a chance for us all to reconnect with loved ones and family as the temperatures drop and the nights draw in. With the festive season comes a whole array of chances to practice age-old traditions to hand down to our next generation and to create new memories for them to hand down to theirs in the years to come. Christmas has always been a magical time in my household and I still look forward to each year with as much excitement as the children, from putting the tree up with my mum, singing along to Deck The Halls, to shopping for mince pies with my dad on Christmas Eve. I simply love every moment. I hope this season creates many happy memories for all our readers, and we here at Families North London wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Sharon Editor

Free Drama Class Watch your child’s self-esteem soar with Perform’s unique drama, dance and singing classes. Our weekly workshops will do wonders for their social, linguistic and physical development as well as being the best fun they’ll have all week.

Classes for 4 –12 year o lds

perform.org.uk To advertise in Families North London please call on 020 8202 2034 or email adverts@familiesnorth.co.uk

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01/11/2013 16:24

health and happiness

Wind, wind go away – tips for winding your breastfed baby Contrary to the popular breastfeeding myth, breastfed babies do need to be winded, sometimes a whole lot more than bottle fed babies. Trapped wind can cause many unnecessary problems and make your day a lot harder than it needs to be. Where does the wind come from? Wind is easily swallowed when your baby isn’t latched or positioned correctly, if you have a fast and forceful let-down or baby has a tongue tie and breaks the seal his tongue forms around the breast when swallowing. Often you will hear a clicking noise or if baby is swallowing milk too quickly, cartoon like gulps during the feed. How can I check that my baby is positioned correctly? Get your latching right first by ensuring that baby’s lower lip is away from the base of the nipple and baby’s top lip just skims over the nipple when latching onto the breast. Once he is latched, you should be able to see some of the areola (the brown bit around the nipple) close to his nose. You want to see that both baby’s cheeks are flush with the breast and that the breast doesn’t slip downwards or to the side when you let go of it, and out of baby’s mouth. How can I slow my milk flow down? The easiest way is to lie or lean right back once baby has latched onto the breast, so that your milk flows against the gravitational pull and slows your flow down. Feeding lying down is also great as your milk flows calmly on a horizontal plane but this is not easy to do in public. Some mums find that using nipple shields at the start of the feed or when out and about helpful, as it moderates the milk flow by creating a barrier which slows the milk flow down. How do I know if my baby has a tongue tie? It is really easy to see if your baby has a tongue tie. Sit him on your knees facing you, whilst you support his upper back and the back of his head. Tip him back and gently pull his chin down with the thumb of your free hand. This allows you to look under his tongue and at the roof of his mouth. If the roof of his mouth is high and arched as though somebody has left a finger imprint, look for a vertical membrane that ties


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Winding Tips

• Some babies are so overwhelmed by a fast flow that they forget they can let go and have a break. If your baby does this, pre-empt a break and a bit of winding. • The sooner you wind baby after he has swallowed air, the easier it will come up rather than become trapped under a large volume of milk. Wind baby when he pulls away from the breasts, pulls right off the breast, gulps, clicks or squeaks during the feed.

his tongue to the floor of his mouth. Sometimes the tongue tie is hidden, so you can pop a clean finger under his tongue and move it from left to right and feel for the membrane instead of looking for it. You will feel it close to the tip of his tongue as it pushes your finger forwards.

keep his back nice and straight to facilitate an easy exit for bubbles and wind. What should I do if baby has a tongue tie? The most important part is knowing whether or not baby has a tongue tie. In some cases, having the tongue tie divided is the best option in others managing feeds and milk flow is all that is needed. Have the tongue tie assessed, discuss the pros and cons to having it divided or not and make an informed choice or decision about your next move. Often it runs in families, so chances are that either you or your partner has one. If baby does have a tongue tie, you can expect clicking during the feed, even if your position and attachment is perfect. Windiness is also expected as baby can’t manage a fast let-down due to his restricted tongue movement. Wind your baby more frequently, change your feeding position, use shields if you need to, to manage milk flow. Geraldine Miskin Author and founder of the Miskin method www.breastfeedingexperience.com


• Feed baby with his head noticeably higher than his bottom, so that air and trapped wind can naturally come up during the feed. • When winding your baby, keep his back nice and straight to facilitate an easy exit for bubbles and wind. • Baby can have bottom wind from previous feeds that needs to go down and out or a burp from your current feed that needs to come up and out. If baby has bottom wind, he will pulls his legs up when he cries. Lie him on his back and cycle or circle his legs. If he arches back or is stiff as a board, he has wind that needs to come up and out. Keep his back straight whilst you sit him up, lie him back supporting his head, sit him back up move him around in a circle so that you can gently coax that stubborn burp out. • If you help your baby to relax when winding, he will be able to decide with wind needs to come up and out or down and out. When your baby is in pain and tense, everything hurts and he can’t focus on where the wind is or what he has to relax in order to expel it. • If you had a tricky labour and birth, you might find that baby has tightness and tension in his body, which makes burping harder for him. Consider visiting a cranial osteopath who will release any tightness and tension he may have. With a bit of practice and some practical know-how, you will be able to get rid of wind and trapped bubble easily and enjoy calm effective feeds and a happy baby.



01/11/2013 16:24

health and happiness

Is your worry bucket overflowing? With National Stress Awareness day taking place on the 7th November, follow Inspired Mums’ top tips for managing stress in your life. I don’t know about you but I think as soon as you become a mum, your worry bucket can easily start to overflow! From the moment you hold your newborn baby in your arms, along with a huge rush of unconditional love, there is the sudden realisation that you will worry about this little person for the rest of your life. It starts as soon as you take them home from the hospital, is your baby eating enough, when will he or she sleep through the night, should my baby be crawling by now …and it never stops. There are the trials and tribulations of the terrible twos, the wobble on the first day of school, the politics of the playground – endless things that I hear myself and other mums worry about. The problem with worry is that it takes up an enormous amount of energy and time. Here’s a scary statistic – if you worry for just one hour a day between the ages of 15 and 75 years, then by the time you are 75 years old you will have spent the equivalent of 2.5 years worrying! Annoyingly most of what we worry about doesn’t even become a reality…as Mark Twain said ‘I am an old man and I have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened.” Worrying per se doesn’t have to be all bad – sometimes it can actually spur you into action or prepare you if things don’t quite work out as you’d planned. However, too much worry can lead to anxiety, stress and even depression. Unfortunately, this can have a lasting and detrimental impact on our relationships, sense of happiness and general well-being. Not sure if your worry too much? Here are 6 signs that you’re worrying excessively… • You regularly have sleepless nights – either because you can’t get to sleep or wake in the middle of the night with thoughts pinging around your head • You find yourself assuming ‘worst case scenario’ a lot of the time

Follow our ten steps to help you empty your worry bucket:


Write down all the things that are fuelling your anxiety – empty the fears out of your mind – it will give you a sense of relief.


Work out which, if any, you have some control over and work out what action you can take to reduce or eliminate the worry


Stop doing anything that is fuelling your anxiety (for example – checking symptoms on the internet. Avoid selfdiagnosis and visit the GP instead.)


Write a gratitude list – change into a more positive mood by thinking about all the things that are going well in your life and that you are grateful for. Anything and everything – from your mind, health, family, job and home and so on.

• Small life irritations (e.g. traffic jams, washing machine breaking down) become BIG deals • You are overly concerned about what others think of you • You worry about major crises – such as swine flu and the economy – which are completely outside of your control • You hear yourself saying ‘what if…’ a lot of the time (e.g. ‘what if I get made redundant’ or ‘what if I get ill and can’t work any more’

The Worry Wheel

5 6 7

Nurture your support network so you can offer and ask for help when it’s needed. Take proper care of yourself – eat well and exercise – this will release ‘feel good’ hormones into your body. Keep busy – have goals and actions so that you feel like you are taking control of your life rather than worrying about things.


Distract yourself – phone a friend, meet up with someone for a coffee, read a magazine – enjoy any downtime you get!

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Try something new – for example singing in a choir is apparently one of the most uplifting activities you can do! Make time for relaxation – yoga and meditation are brilliant for reducing anxiety. Even at home – have a bath, a siesta, read a book – whatever works for you.

40% never happens 30% has already happened (you cannot change the past) 12% needless worries (what people think etc) 10% petty worries (being late etc) 4% worries out of our control (health, death etc) 4% worries we can control

As the chart shows we worry about a wide range of issues but we’re only able to take control of 4% of what we worry about. So how do we ensure we are only worrying about that 4% and taking the appropriate action?

Finally, if you are struggling to motivate yourself to change your worrying ways, remember that worrying is a habit that is often passed down the generations – so do it for your children as well as yourself!

Fiona Clark is a qualified Career & Confidence Coach who specialises in helping Mums gain a greater balance and sense of fulfilment in their lives. For help with any aspect of your confidence or career development needs please contact Fiona on 07789 597209 or fiona@inspiredmums.co.uk. www.inspiredmums.co.uk

To advertise in Families North London please call on 020 8202 2034 or email adverts@familiesnorth.co.uk

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01/11/2013 16:24

health and happiness

Say goodbye to being shy

How to help your child overcome their shyness

Christmas parties and family get-togethers at this time of the year can spell a worrying time if your child is shy. Take Holly’s experience with her 6 year old son, Thomas, “Thomas is a lovely little boy but when he met anyone he hadn’t met before he was unable to speak, he lost all his manners and just looked at the floor.” This is not unusual. Shyness is a perfectly normal trait in childhood, but when lives become restricted by shyness, we must take action as there is no question that shyness robs us of opportunities that other people take for granted. The good news is that there are a lot of practical things that can gently encourage a shy child to be more outgoing.

your child to be less shy is to talk openly with them about it. Refer to situations that are daunting and empathise “sometimes I feel worried about speaking up at work, but I always make and effort and feel good afterwards”. Holly added that she “used to read books to Thomas that had themes of facing fears or overcoming challenges”.

“I know this sounds strange, but as a kid, I was really shy. Painfully shy.” Jim Carrey

DRESS REHEARSAL Watch what situations trigger shyness in your child then role play them later at home, giving hints on how they can feel more courageous when next out in public. “Thomas always felt nervous going to birthday parties, so we decided to set up a party scene at home, using his favourite toys and acted out the different scenarios: giving the party boy their present; saying hello to other children; asking the adult where the toilet is; saying thank you on leaving. It worked a treat”, said Holly. A karaoke machine or sing along DVD will encourage your child to be more adventurous with their speech and movement. Record them pretending to be a news reader, or presenter interviewing their ‘celebrity’ friend.

MIXING IN SOCIETY Start by inviting one friend over for half an hour at home, then moving to more friends, more time and then outside the home. Children learn social skills from watching others so model the kind of interactions you want to encourage: be warm and friendly with people you don’t know, introduce yourself to new people, ask people for help, and compliment friends. DRAMA QUEENS (AND KINGS) Shyness doesn’t necessarily mean low self-esteem; it usually comes from fear or feeling worried about what other people think. Simple acting techniques from drama classes soon equip children with the ability express themselves more clearly in front of others. Equally, presenting ourselves in a confident manner by sitting up straight and making eye-contact, even when we don’t feel like it, will make any child feel bolder because of the positive way others will react to them. FACING UP TO IT Perhaps the most effective way to help


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“I’m shy, paranoid, whatever word you want to use.” Johnny Depp

Shaking off shyness for a child with SEN Children with learning disabilities need to be given a healthy dose of praise and constructive criticism to develop into shyfree, confident adults. ✓ Positivity – A child with learning disabilities is prone to undergo more stress and frustration than the average child. Praise all victories, big and small ✓ Provide simple responsibilities in social situations – distraction from feeling shy ✓ Pair your shy child with another child in each important setting ✓ Coordinate your efforts with those of other relevant adults ✓ Help them find his or her areas of strength – explain the significance to them and offer many chances to use them ✓ Discuss the various aspects of your child’s life with them: school, friends, homework, teachers etc.


“I was just genuinely shy. I’d always been a shy kid.” Elton John LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION Trying new activities in a gradual way helps overcome shyness. Holly had always been encouraging Thomas to try out new things, “I knew Thomas had achieved an improved level of outgoingness when in the end-ofterm football lesson, Thomas waited 30 minutes for his turn to kick a ball through the cones and straight into the



01/11/2013 16:24

health and happiness goal - in front of everyone. He has really come out of his shell” Taking trays of nibbles round guests, being photographer at a family occasion, going into a shop and asking for the price are all great ways to take their mind off their shyness. But don’t force them into doing things that make them uncomfortable, play to their strengths. Your child’s shyness will vanish if he is encouraged to get better at things he already excels at. Above all, being calm will sooth many a shy child. Relax Kids (www.relaxkids. com) sell a range of CDs that provide ‘chill skills’ that relax children and as a result boosts their confidence.

“Yes, and I had pimples so badly it used to make me so shy.” Michael Jackson OUR ATTITUDE IS CRUCIAL We all want our children to outgrow their shyness and latest research indicates that how parents respond to shyness is what makes the difference. Labelling our child as ‘shy’ would certainly be discouraged; they often turn into self fulfilling prophecies. In the same sense, we should always avoid dismissing any feelings of shyness e.g. “don’t be silly, big boys don’t get shy”. Comments like this lead children to feel that their worries are not valid, leading to anxiety. Be supportive by combining empathy with confident assertions, “Ahh, I can see you’re feeling a bit worried, but I’m really confident you’ll be able to handle it”. A child’s ability to comfortably relate to a wide variety of people is one of the most important ingredients to happiness and success. The thing to remember is that the majority of children will find their way through all of this with a bit of guidance, and will soon be waving their hands in the air to answer questions, belting out songs during group sings, and being the first in the queue for trying new things.

dOdO PAd COMPETITION We’re giving you a chance to win a Dodo Pad 2014 diary – ideal for a family of up to five people (extra family members may, at your discretion, be marginalised). It’s designed so that each person’s activities can be seen on a week-to-view basis with plenty of room on the opposite page for notes and the occasional (or regular) doodle. Along with this, the package includes the Dodo Household Stuff Book, which contains areas, pockets and space

for everything from the dishwasher warranty to the electricians phone number. And to top off this fantastic prize, Dodo Pad are also giving one Families reader a Book for Cooks, to log their recipes, meal plans and more! To be in with the chance of winning just answer the following question; What is the name of Britain’s best-loved and longest-lived family diary-organizer-plannercalendar creator? To enter go to www.familiesnorth.co.uk/ competitions. Competition closes Thursday 12th December 2013.

WIN A rEvErSIBlE TOTE ANd OrGANISEr SET By hANdBAG2hANdBAG The best idea yet – reversible Tote and Organiser Set from the award-winning British designers at Handbag2Handbag. Two bags in one for £39.95: hard-wearing, wipe clean, really stylish colours, lightweight, capacious and good value. Plus they have made the favourite handbag organiser to match! Great value at £24.95. With 11 measured pockets for all your essentials, you can find everything plus it’s machine washable – they are the perfect combination. No girl should be without this! Visit www.handbag2handbag.com or call 01344 291120. To enter go to www.familiesnorth.co.uk.

Join our fun cupcake baking and decorating workshop for both children (9+) and adults. Workshops from £20 for 4 weeks! It will include: piping, butter cream, sugar paste, cuts outs and baking! For enquiries and to book places, contact: Hackney Training Enterprise Associates (HTEA) 020 7249 4542 www.htea1.com htea@live.co.uk Unit 24-25, The Forum, Independent Place, Shacklewell Lane E8 2HE

Don’t forget to say you saw the advert in Families North!

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01/11/2013 16:24


childcare and education CluB PETIT PIErrOT

Why IS EArly yEArS SO IMPOrTANT? The Early Years (Nursery and Reception classes) are the ‘building blocks’ for what lies ahead. It is essential that sound learning habits are established at this foundation level as this will give your child a firm basis to build on later in life. In Early Years reading and writing skills

develop through play, with phonics taught specifically through rhyme and song. For Maths girls start with number recognition and formation, moving on to addition and subtraction. We also introduce shapes, space and measure. Girls can join The Mount School Nursery from age 3 with automatic transfer into Reception class. www.mountschool.com

Club Petit Pierrot is celebrating being 20 years old with the launch of a new, eagerly-awaited educational CD – “Learn French: Original songs & rhymes for children”. This CD is the result of 20 years unique research and development especially adapting the immersion method in teaching French to young children. It is an exciting collaboration between Stella Bataille (Founder/ Director) and a talented composer/ musician Alex Grigelis (keyboard player in Disney’s West End hit musical “The Lion King”). It is now on sale at www. amazon.co.uk and can be enjoyed by children of all ages, even from birth (includes a 32 page colour booklet with all the French lyrics and a full English translation).

ThE kINdErGArTEN NurSEry SChOOl NW4 The Kindergarten Nursery School in Hendon NW4 is offering all newlyenrolling eligible 3- and 4-year-olds an extra 5 hours per week in addition to the 15 hours free entitlement! Making a total of 20 hours per week FREE.This offer is only applicable to new registrations for January 2014. The Kindergarten is a hugely popular family-run day nursery in the heart of Hendon. Very well equipped and run by fully-qualified staff who have

been at the setting for ten years. We care for children aged 2-5 years and are open 48 weeks per year Monday-Friday 8am-6pm. We offer flexible timings and will accommodate your needs wherever possible. To book an appointment to view the nursery and meet with us please contact 020 8202 5687. Quote Families North London to qualify for the offer.

French-English Bilingual Nursery School Children aged 1 to 5 Organic 4-course lunches Open 8am to 6pm 47 weeks/year

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Islington Green (Angel). 2-5 year olds. 8.00 am - 6.00 pm 2 days, 3 days or 5 days a week 47 weeks a year



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Mars Montessori Bilingual Nursery


020 7704 2805 www.marsmontessori.com


01/11/2013 16:24

Living Nativity Family North Mag A4 21/10/2013 14:34 Page 1

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The Living Nativity Monday 2nd to Wednesday 18th December (Mon – Fri only)

Take your class on a magical living journey through the scenes of the Nativity at ZSL London Zoo. Meet the Wise Men and their camels on the way to the stable to see the manger. Speak to the Shepherds tending their flock and join Santa Claus for exciting tales of his travels around the world on Christmas Eve. And if they’ve all been good little boys and girls there’s even a little present for them to take home! Suitable for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classes only. Includes: Zoo entry Living Nativity event Small gift for each child One adult goes free when accompanying 6 pupils Coach Parking Allocated slot in undercover lunch space Prices: £7.00 per child £12.75 adult admission

BOOK NOW Tickets are limited. Book now to avoid disappointment.


Special needs schools please call 0844 967 0831 to discuss your requirements.

The Zoological Society of London (ZSL) is a charity devoted to the worldwide conservation of animals and their habitats. Registered Charity in England & Wales: no 208728

To advertise in Families North London please call on 020 8202 2034 or email adverts@familiesnorth.co.uk

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01/11/2013 16:24

childcare and education

Christ Church, Heriot Road, Hendon, NW4 2EG Telephone: 020 8202 5687

Individual tutoring and assessments available 5-18yrs children, including children with special educational needs. Preparation for 11+ state selective and independent secondary school entrance examinations. Katie Krais

P.G.C.E., Cert. Spld.

Lorrae Jaderberg Cert.Ed., Cert. Spld.

Tel: 07956 111728


Free 15-hour places available for 3-4-year-olds Full, part-time and sessional day-care for children aged 2-5-years-old Places available starting September 2013 Open Monday-Friday 8am-6pm Open 48 weeks per year Fully-trained staff All welcome Please call to make an appointment to view the Nursery

GSA Independent Day School for girls aged 3-16 years

School in Action

Wednesday 6th November 2013 Wednesday 12th March 2014 Tuesday 25th March 2014 9.00am to 10.30am Head’s talk at 9.15am

You are welcome to attend one of our events or contact us to arrange a private visit Milespit Hill, Mill Hill, London NW7 2RX

www.mountschool.com Contact Registrar on 020 8238 8104

The Mount School

Open Mornings

‘To be rather than to seem to be’ Get the free mobile app at

http:/ / gettag.mobi

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01/11/2013 16:24

childcare and education

A home away from home nursery!


Keren's Nursery Belsize Park Ofsted Outstanding

15 months - 5 years old Both English and Hebrew Spoken Freshly cooked Kosher Food

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To Book a visit:

We have 18 years experience working with children and families and are dedicated to finding the most suitable nanny for your requirements. We only register nannies/ babysitters of the highest standard with excellent references, qualifications, CRB and First Aid certificates.

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Email: info@barnetnannies.co.uk www.barnetnannies.co.uk

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26/10/2012 10:16

01/11/2013 16:24

childcare and education

Maths & English tuition centre For 5 to 14 year olds of all abilities • Courses mapped to the National Curriculum. • Adapts to the individual needs of your child. • Convenient for families - Open 7 days a week. • Award-winning tuition - voted Education Investor Supplementary Education Provider of the Year. “Explore Learning members’ improvement in maths was 30% higher than that of the comparison group after controlling for gender, age, year group and special educational needs.” Independent Efficacy Study by the Institute of Education at Reading University (2013). See www.explorelearning.co.uk/efficacy.

are s c ild her ! h C uc pted Vo acce

North London

Ezine SIGN UP FOR OUR GREAT MONTHLY EZINE AT WWW. FAMILIESNORTH.CO.UK ITS FABULOUS AND FREE. November/December issue contains great articles, competitions and much more. Sharon Editor

Free! 12

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01/11/2013 16:24

childcare and education .BLF UIJT ZPVS DIJME T CFTU TDIPPM ZFBS “My child passed the&7&3 11+ and achieved 13 GCSE A Stars by studying with you� t &91&35 5"*-03&% UVJUJPO JO &OHMJTI 3FBEJOH .BUIT 4DJFODF GPS UP ZFBS PMET t '0$64 PO FYBN TVDDFTT JO ($4& "4 " -FWFM 4"5T

t &91&3*&/$&% RVBMJm FE $3# WFUUFE UFBDIFST t '3&& DPOTVMUBUJPO UP BTTFTT OFFET t 8F GPMMPX UIF /BUJPOBM $VSSJDVMVN UP DPNQMFNFOU TDIPPM XPSL • EXPERT TAILORED tuition in English, Reading, Maths & Science for 4 to 18 year olds t '6/ -&"3/*/( UP CPPTU HSBEFT BOE DPOm EFODF • FOCUS on exam success in GCSE/AS/A Level/SATs/11+/13+ t )&-1 GPS ZPV DIJME UP HFU BIFBE TUBZ BIFBE • EXPERIENCED & qualiďŹ ed CRB vetted teachers • FREE consultation to assess needs • We follow the National Curriculum to complement school work • FUN LEARNING to boost grades and conďŹ dence -FU VT IFMQ ZPVS DIJME FYDFM • HELP for you child to get & stay ahead $BMM

UP SFHJTUFS ZPVS DIJME /08 Let us help your child excel! Call 020 8440 8586 to register your child NOW! www.afterschoollearning.com XXX BGUFSTDIPPMMFBSOJOH DPN 1 Oakwood Parade, Bramley Road, London N14 4HY (diagonally opp Oakwood underground)

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01/11/2013 16:24

childcare and education

Annabel Karmel’s new Organic Baby Purees & Organic Sauces

With over 20 years of experience under her apron, Annabel introduces her best-ever baby food range. Every handy twist-top pouch is packed with all the goodness of Annabel’s favourite homemade recipes.

Stage 1 and 2 organic purees and sauces


www.annabelkarmel.com 14

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Christmas 2013

Top tips Christmas fun Where’s Santa? Ice skating To advertise in Families North London please call on 020 8202 2034 or email adverts@familiesnorth.co.uk

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01/11/2013 16:24

christmas tips Just to make you smile!

Top tips for a perfect Christmas By Sarah Butters


ELF YOURSELF Ever wondered what you’d look like as a Christmas Elf? Wonder no more and instead, head to www.jibjab.com and begin the transformation. This clever online tool allows you to upload photos of you and your family and then a video of you, dancing as elves, is created. I recommend doing this on a day when the spirit of Christmas has deserted you, only to be replaced by a mountain of stress. I challenge you to be glum when witnessing you and your family dance, as elves, to ‘Rockin’ Robin’.

For the Families North editorial team, the countdown to Christmas begins when we take to the ice at the Hyde Park Winter Wonderland. It’s great exercise which means you’re able to treat yourself to cake and coffee without any guilt. There’s also the chance you’ll see that parent you avoid at the school gates fall flat on her backside while attempting a graceful glide across the real ice rink. Well worth wrapping up for! www.hydeparkwinterwonderland.com


ENJOY THE NATIVITY Whether you have the Angel Gabriel or the 5th sheep under your roof this Christmas, take the time to enjoy your child’s nativity. Ignore the crowing parent who is mother to Mary for the 3rd time. “I’ve made her go straight into character and so she’s living in the shed and sleeping on hay.” Embrace the breadth of characters now at the bedside of Baby Jesus and pray that whatever your child is cast as, there’s an outfit that can be bought in the dress up aisle at the supermarket. But most of all enjoy the moment. Too soon it won’t be the sheep and the cows you’ll be fretting about. It will be the birds and the bees.


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PURCHASE FESTIVE ATTIRE It’s a parental right of passage to dress up your son or daughter as a reindeer or a shrunken Santa. As well it being very cute, it also provides us parents with some super photographic ammunition for the future. For those of you with compliant/younger children, enjoy the moment. And make sure you take plenty of photos.

Do you remember the days when a half eaten mince pie and an empty glass of sherry were proof enough that Santa had been? Life has moved on and the Twitter generation needs more. You can now receive personal communication from the overstretched OAP, see photographic evidence that ‘he’s been’ and even keep an eye on old St Nick as he circumnavigates the globe. To ‘arrange’ a personal message from Father Christmas, go to www.portablenorthpole.com. To track Santa from 1st December go to www.noradsanta.org and see a picture of him in your home at www. icaughtsanta.com. Guaranteed to add some real magic to the Christmas countdown. HAVE A CHRISTMAS CLEAR OUT There are certain inevitable facts about Christmas. You will receive an item of clothing that neither suits nor fits you. You will not have the batteries needed for 50% of the items


your children open on Christmas Day. And the amount of ‘stuff’ in your home will double overnight. With that in mind, why not have a pre-Christmas clear out. Sell what you can on Ebay – it’s a great time to get rid of items and make some much needed cash. Encourage your children to fill a box with toys they no longer play with and take it to your local charity shop. As well as clearing some space for the new arrivals, it’s a way to introduce the concept of thinking of others to your little elves.

FORGET THE CHRISTMAS CARDS Imagine NOT sending cards. For a moment, park the anxiety you’ll feel when that first envelope drops on your doormat. Instead, think of the time you’ll save penning 50 cards to people you only communicate with at Christmas. We’re not suggesting severing all ties with your friends and family over the festive period, but trying something different. Why not take a fun packed picture of your family (perhaps in the festive attire mentioned above) and email it out with good wishes to the people on your Christmas card list. You’ll save money. You’ll save time and you may save a little bit of your preChristmas sanity.



01/11/2013 16:24

christmas fun WATCH ONE OF OUR TOP 5 CHRISTMAS MOVIES Nothing lifts the spirits on a cold winter Sunday more than settling down to a festive DVD. I’ve done a straw poll in and around Families HQ and we’ve come up with our favourite five. Find them, watch them and have a very happy family Christmas. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Elf The Snowman The Polar Express How the Grinch Stole Christmas The Nativity

And finally, remember that Christmas is not about presents or perfectly cooked turkeys. It’s about time and family. Your children will have

forgotten what they were given by Easter, and your family will have erased the memory of the burnt parsnips but no one will forget the fun they had. BAN THE CHRISTMAS LIST Call me Scrooge, but I’m no fan of Christmas wish lists. I think it fuels the idea that this time of year is all about getting stuff and that isn’t the spirit of Christmas I want in my house. No good will come of giving a child a plain piece of paper and an Argos catalogue. In fact a survey in the aftermath of Christmas 2012 found that the most asked for wish on the lists of British children was a brother or sister. Next was a reindeer! I think those are requests that even Argos would struggle with. If you don’t ask them

to write a list, they’ll be delighted with whatever Santa leaves under the tree. Trust me. MAKE IT MAGICAL Real magic doesn’t have to cost the earth but it will make your child’s Christmas one to remember. Spend time dressing the tree together or making Christmas biscuits. Time is something we have in such short supply in our lives but it’s well worth finding it this time of year. Create new traditions. Santa’s elves started leaving a Christmas Eve hamper at our front door last year. It’s filled with inexpensive items like a toothbrush, a festive DVD, some jolly pyjamas and a silly mug for a night time hot chocolate. It kicks the festivities off in a truly magical way.

Christmas Fun Christmas Concerts BARBICAN CENTRE Silk Street, EC2Y 8DS ( Barbican) 020 7638 4141 barbican.org.uk The Gruffalo and The Gruffalo’s Child December 21 Informal event with film screening and live orchestral accompaniment. All ages. Cost £25/£12.50. Wallace and Gromit’s Musical Marvels December 22, 23 Film screenings with live orchestral accompaniment. 5+ years. Cost £25-£35/children half price. Craft workshops extra at £4. Music and Dance from the Ballet December 31 The Russian State Ballet of Siberia. Cost £16.50-£39.50. National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain January 5 Winter concert. Cost £10-£28. CADOGAN HALL 5 Sloane Terrace, SW1X 9DQ ( Sloane Square) 020 7730 4500

cadoganhall.com Crash Bang Wallop! December 14 Family concert with classical music, carols and a visit from Father Christmas. Pre-concert activities. 3-6 years. Cost £8/£6/family £24. The Snow Queen & The Griffin and the Grail December 20 Family concert with songs, narration and projections. Cost £15-£40.

EFG – LONDON JAZZ FESTIVAL londonjazzfestival.org.uk November 15-24 Free and ticketed events at various London venues.

HANDEL HOUSE MUSEUM 25 Brook Street, W1K 4HB ( Bond Street) 020 7495 1685 handelhouse.org Christmas Journey December 1 Family concert to celebrate early Christmas music from around the world. Booking required. Cost £12/£6. Christmas Treats December 19 Organ music and festive carols. Cost £10.

HAMPSTEAD CHRISTMAS CONCERTS hampsteadchristmasconcerts.co.uk Family Carol Concert December 8 At Burgh House, Hampstead. Cost £10/£5. Classic Carols by Candlelight December 14 At St Stephen’s Rosslyn Hill, Pond Street, NW3 2PP. Christmas Music by Candlelight December 17 At St John’s Downshire Hill, NW3.

LEIGHTON HOUSE MUSEUM 12 Holland Park Road, W14 8LZ ( High Street Kensington) 020 7602 3316 rbkc.gov.uk/museums Music for Christmas December 12 Candlelit evening of music. Cost £20. NATIONAL CHILDREN’S ORCHESTRAS OF GREAT BRITAIN nco.org.uk Winter Concert December 8 Held at the Royal Festival Hall. Performances from the Under 13 and Main Orchestras. Cost £12-£25/children £5.

ROYAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC Marylebone Road, NW1 5HT ( Regent’s Park) 020 7873 7373/7300 ram.ac.uk Academy at Regent Hall November 15 Harp students perform at Regent Hall, Salvation Army, W1C 2DJ. Free, no tickets required. Festive Family Play Day November 23 Festive-themed musical workshop. Booking essential. 5-7 years. Free. Jazz Ensembles November 25, 26, 27 Performances from Academy jazz students. Free, no tickets required. Carols by Candlelight November 29 St Marylebone Parish Church. Festive event. Admission by ticket only. Cost £7. Junior Academy Orchestras November 30 Free concert, no tickets required.

To advertise in Families North London please call on 020 8202 2034 or email adverts@familiesnorth.co.uk

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01/11/2013 16:25

christmas fun ROYAL ALBERT HALL Kensington Gore, SW7 2AP ( South Kensington) 0845 401 5045 royalalberthall.com Disney Fantasia: Live in Concert November 16 Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra with footage from the films shown on the big screen. Cost £15-£45. Classical Spectacular November 21-24 A range of classical music includes the 1812 overture with thundering cannon and fireworks. Cost £14.50-£57.50. Celebrating Christmas with the Salvation Army November 25 Annual carol concert. Cost £15-£37. Junior Classical Coffee Mornings December 1 Sunday morning classical music recitals from the Royal College of Music Junior Department. Cost £11. Christmas Carol Concerts and Singalongs December 14-24 A variety of concerts with carols and seasonal music. Christmas Spectacular December 27-29 Music, dance, opera, ballet and indoor fireworks! Cost £14.50-£59.50. ST PAUL’S CATHEDRAL St Paul’s Churchyard, EC4M 8AD ( St Paul’s) stpauls.co.uk Advent Procession November 30, December 1 Sung by the Cathedral Choir. Free to attend space permitting. Sankta Lucia December 13 Candlelight procession with international carols. Cost £15-£45. Family Carols December 21 Children welcome. Also live on the big screen in Paternoster Square. Free to attend space permitting.

Christmas Carol Service December 23, 24 Cathedral Choir. Relayed on a big screen.

ST MARTIN IN THE FIELDS Trafalgar Square, WC2N 4JJ ( Charing Cross) 020 7766 1100 smitf.org Family Christmas Carols November 30 Carols with the London Concert Choir. Children welcome. Cost £14/£7. Mini Maestro Musical Tales – Peter and the Wolf December 7 Family concert. Cost £7/£5. Mini Maestro Family Christmas Carol Concert December 7 Listen, learn and join in. Cost £14/£7. Bromley Boy Singers December 30 Lunchtime concert by the choir age range from 7-18 years. Free. WESTMINSTER CATHEDRAL Francis Street, SW1P 1QW ( Victoria) 020 7798 9055 westminstercathedral.org.uk A Ceremony of Carols December 10 The choristers of Westminster Cathedral. Booking required. Cost £15. A Christmas Celebration December 18, 19 Westminster Cathedral Choir and Orchestra. Traditional carols, readings and music. Booking required. Cost £10-£45.

Festive fun BRENT CROSS SHOPPING CENTRE Hendon, NW4 3FP ( Hendon Central) 020 8202 8095 brentcross.co.uk Character Visits: Poppy Cat November 30 Sing and dance to copy Poppy meet and greet sessions and activities. Appearances on the Lower Mall.

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Christmas Lights Switch On Celebrations begin after the lights are switched on. Check website for special Christmas events and activities for children.

Seasonal hands-on activities. Family event. Free drop-in.

EARLS COURT Exhibition Centre, Warwick Road, SW5 9TA ( West Brompton) eco.co.uk britishmilitarytournament.com Ideal Home Show at Christmas November 13-17 Christmas shopping, decorations, entertainment, demonstrations and a Skating Rink. Cost from £12/under 16s free. Skating £5/£3.50. The British Military Tournament December 7, 8 Re-enactments, stunts and military displays including 100 horses and two camels! Tickets from £25. FORTNUM & MASON 181 Piccadilly, W1A 1ER ( Piccadilly Circus) fortnumandmason.com How to Decorate a Christmas Cake with Fiona Cairns November 25 Cake decorating class. Cost £60. Chocolate Lollipops November 29 Personalised Christmas lollipops while you wait. Cost £12.50 per lollipop.

December 7 Fancy dress race organised on behalf of Cancer Research UK. Register to enter.

KEATS HOUSE Keats Grove, NW3 2RR ( Hampstead Heath) 020 7332 3868 cityoflondon.gov.uk/keatshouse Magical Music November 17 Make music together. Family event. Free drop-in. Festive Fun December 15


KENWOOD HOUSE Hampstead Lane, NW3 7JR (Hampstead Heath ) 020 8348 1286 englishheritage.org.uk First Family Sundays December 1, January 5 Workshops to explore the house and take part in art activities. Free. Carol Concert December 11 Ticket price includes glass of wine or soft drink. Adult event. Cost £20. Christmas at Kenwood December 21, 22, 28, 29 Creative 1760’s themed activities with mask making and old fashioned wreaths. All ages. Free. OLYMPIA EXHIBITION CENTRE Grand Hall, W14 8UX (Kensington Olympia) eco.co.uk, olympiahorseshow.com The London International Horse Show December 16-22 Show jumping, dressage and driving. Morning, day and evening performances.

GREAT CHRISTMAS PUDDING RACE Covent Garden Piazza ( Covent Garden) xmaspuddingrace.org.uk

HAMPSTEAD HEATH ( Kentish Town/Hampstead) 020 7332 3322 cityoflondon.gov.uk/hampsteadheath Wreath Making December 8 Family workshop. 020 7482 7073. Christmas Party December 14 Adventure playground. 020 7482 2116. Bring food to share. 5+ years.

KENSINGTON PALACE Kensington Gardens, W8 4PX ( High Street Kensington) 0844 482 7777 hrp.org.uk Christmas at Kensington November 30-January 6 Seasonal games and a Twelfth Night finale on January 4, 5 and 6. Entrance charges apply.

O2 ARENA Peninsula Square, SE10 ODX ( North Greenwich) theo2.co.uk Disney On Ice December 26-30, January 3-5 Ice spectacular. Cost £22-£51.50. TRAFALGAR SQUARE ( Charing Cross) london.gov.uk Trafalgar Square Carols December 9-22 Annual charity carol singing event beneath the Christmas tree. Tree lighting ceremony usually takes place at the beginning of December when a special tree arrives from Norway. WESTMINSTER ABBEY SW1P 3PA ( St James’s Park) 020 7222 5152 westminster-abbey.org Christmas at the Abbey December 22, 24, 25 Popular services require free tickets to attend. Book in advance. Christmas Eve December 24 Crib service – the Christmas story for families.


01/11/2013 16:25

where’s santa? Christmas Village Visit Santa’s Woodland Grotto, ride on the vintage carousel, buy goods at the Christmas market and listen to festive music. Story telling sessions in December. Daytime entry £14.50/under 17 years free. Separate charges apply for Santa’s Grotto and fairground rides. Check online for exact dates and times.

Where’s Santa?

Christmas at Kew November 28-December 1, 5-8, 12-15, 19-23, 26-January 4. Illuminated trail through an enchanted winter landscape. Booking required. After dark family event including the Christmas Village events. Cost £12.50/£8/family £38/ under 5s free.

ADAM ANTS PARTIES 020 8959 1045 adamantsparties.co.uk info@adamantsparties.co.uk

HAMLEYS REGENT STREET 188-196 Regent Street, W1B 5BT ( Oxford Circus) hamleys.com

Santa to your Door Invite Santa into your home and he will bring you presents, have a chat and maybe nibble a mince pie or two.

I Met Father Christmas at Hamleys November 23, 24, 30 December 1-24 Sit down to breakfast, brunch, tea or dinner with Father Christmas; have a chat, listen to magical stories and receive a present at the end. Only one adult per child can attend. Groups of 15 children. 4-11 years. Online bookings only. Cost per child £45. Photos £10.

CAPEL MANOR GARDENS Bullsmoor Lane, Enfield, EN1 4RQ (M25/J25) 08456 122122 capelmanorgardens.co.uk Christmas Carousel December 7, 8 Lots to see and do with carol singing, magic shows, craft activities, face painting and tractor rides. Also visit Santa in his Christmas grotto. Charges apply. Dick Whittington and His Cat December 14, 15 The Principal Theatre Company. Cost £7/£5/under 3s free. CORAM’S FIELDS 93 Guilford Street, WC1N 1DN ( Russell Square) 020 3384 2202 coramsfields.org info@coramsfields.org.uk Christmas Fair December 7 Santa’s grotto, second hand book stall, cake sale and fun activities for children. Run a stall to raise funds for Coram’s Fields.

ENFIELD ISLAND VILLAGE COMMUNITY CENTRE 40-42 Island Centre, Way, EN3 6GS (Enfield Lock ) 07508 706 309 eiv.org.uk Christmas Market December 1 Hand-made gifts, decorations, mulled wine, Turkish specialities, cakes, present wrapping and a chance to meet up with Father Christmas.

HARRODS 87-135 Brompton Road, SW1X 7XL ( Knightsbridge) harrods.com Christmas Grotto Until December 24 The Grotto is located on the 4th floor where children can meet Father Christmas in a magical library setting. Receive a book, badge and chocolate. Children under 4 years can visit Father Christmas week days in November between 10am and 11.30am. Register as a Harrods Rewards member in order to book tickets. Refundable administration fee £10. KENTISH TOWN CITY FARM 1 Cressfield Close, NW5 4BN ( Kentish Town) 020 7916 5421 ktcityfarm.org.uk Christmas Fair December 15 Visit Santa’s grotto after Santa arrives by horse at 1pm. Other attractions include pony rides, children’s activities, home baked cakes and savoury dishes. Entrance £1/20p/Santa’s Grotto £3. KEW GARDENS Kew, Richmond, Surrey ( Kew Gardens) 020 8332 5655 kew.org

KNEBWORTH HOUSE Knebworth, Hertfordshire, SG3 6PY (A1(M)/J7) 01438 812661 knebworthhouse.com Christmas Fair November 15-17 Crafts, gifts, festive food and drink. Cost £5/£3. Sunday Lunch with Santa December 8, 15, 22 Two course festive lunch – Santa arrives with a gift. Booking essential. Cost £22.50/£9.50. Christmas Music December 14, 15


LAUDERDALE HOUSE Highgate Hill, Waterlow Park, N6 5HG ( Archway) 020 8348 8716 lauderdalehouse.co.uk Father Christmas in the House December 14, 15 Meet Santa and leave with a present. Bookable in advance. Cost £6. Baby Photo Fun with Father Christmas December 16, 17 Take a photo of baby’s first visit to Father Christmas. Bring a camera. Photo opportunity only – no present. Under 2 years. Cost £4. Lantern Making December 18 Drop-in event to make a lantern to take to the carol concert. 3-8 years. Cost £6.50. Christmas Sing-a-long December 18 Carols sung by candlelight. Free.

LEE VALLEY PARK 08456 770 600 (M25/J25) visityleevalley.org.uk Petunia’s Farm Club Members Christmas Special December 8 Lee Valley Park Farms, Stubbins Hall Lane, Essex EN9 2EF. Meet Santa and his reindeers and take part

MEET SANTA on real snow each weekend from 7th through to 23rd December

£4.99 with free gift £15.99 to include

a sledging session with Santa’s helpers.

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19 16/10/2013 11:16 01/11/2013 16:25

where’s santa? Christmas Craft Fair and Santa’s Grotto December 7, 8 Craft stalls, workshops, mulled wine, mince pies and a visit to see Father Christmas in his magical grotto. Cost £1 admission + £2 for visit to Santa. Santa’s Grotto at St Augustine’s Tower – Hackney December 14, 15 Exact details yet to be confirmed. Phone for information.

WESTFIELD STRATFORD CITY Stratford Place, E20 1EJ ( Stratford) uk.westfield.com/stratfordcity Lauderdale House

in activities. Club members only. Booking required. Farm-tastic Santa December 14, 15, 21, 22 Lee Valley Park Farms. See Santa in his grotto and meet his reindeer and husky dogs. Receive a special present to take home. Book online. Cost £18/£10 for siblings. Riding Centre Christmas Show December 20 Lee Valley Riding Centre, Lea Bridge Road, Leyton, E10 7QL. Christmas themed riding displays, horse and pony show. Spectators welcome. Santa Cruise December 20, 21 Broxbourne Riverside Moorings, Mill Lane, Herts EN10.One hour cruises. Meet Santa and take home a present. Book on 01992 462085. Cost £8.50. Santa’s Grotto December 21 Waterworks Centre Nature Reserve, Leyton, E10 7QB. Meet Santa in his urban retreat. Free activities. Book on 020 8988 7566.

MEAD OPEN FARM Stanbridge Road, Billington, Bedfordshire LU7 9JH 01525 852954 meadopenfarm.co.uk Christmas Kingdom

November 30-December 23 Board the Reindeer Express, walk through the Enchanted Snowflake Forest and experience the wonder of the Elves’ Miniature Christmas Village. Then meet Santa in his grotto and visit the Elves’ workshop. Cost £9.25/£12.95/£6. Discounts available.

ODDS FARM PARK Wooburn Common Road, High Wycombe, Bucks HP10 OLX (J2/M40) 01628 520188 oddsfarm.co.uk Visit Santa November 30-December 24 Visit Santa in his special grotto and receive a Top Toy for Christmas. Meet the Wild and Wacky entertainers for a mix of magic and fun. Entrance £9.95/£8.95 weekdays, £11.95/£10.95 weekends and holidays. £4 extra for Christmas gift.

SUTTON HOUSE NATIONAL TRUST 2 & 4 Homerton High St, Hackney E9 6JQ ( Bethnal Green) 020 8986 2264 nationaltrust.org.uk Getting Ready for Christmas November 24 Family day with creative activities. Free entry.

WINTER WONDERLAND Hyde Park, W2 2UH ( Hyde Park Corner) hydeparkwinterwonderland.com November 23-January 5 Attractions include ice skating, magical ice kingdom, giant observation wheel, Zippos Circus and Santa Land where children can meet Santa in his famous grotto, see his workshop and ride on the Santa Express. Free entry, but charges apply for each attraction.

ZSL LONDON ZOO Regent’s Park, NW1 4RY ( Regent’s Park) zsl.org

Santa’s Arrival Parade November 16 At Westfield shopping centre watch Santa and Mrs Claus arrive in style to turn on the Christmas lights. Free giveaways, arts and crafts and a firework display. Santa’s 5D Personalised Grotto November 21-December 24 Visit Santa’s grotto, receive a present and feature in the film Elbow the Elf. Donations from ticket sales will be made to Save the Children charity. Christmas Shopping Event November 28-December 1 Winter Woolyland with workshops and storytelling sessions. Santa’s Breakfast December 7, 14 Join Santa for breakfast at the Great Eastern Market and receive a goody bag. Cost £5. Under 10 years.

WILLOWS FARM VILLAGE Coursers Road, St Albans, AL4 OPF (M25/J22) 0870 129 9718 willowsfarmvillage.com Santa’s Spectacular Grotto & Festive Farm Fun November 23-December 24 Receive a golden key from Santa and choose a present from his toy shop. Join in with the Nativity story, hop on the Festive Wood Ride, enter the Elves House and see the reindeer. Also have fun on Willows Magical Ice Rink.

Meet Santa November 16, 17, 23, 24, 30 December 1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 20-24 Fun festivities at the zoo with a visit to Santa; see the reindeers, carousel rides, keeper talks, story telling and craft activities. Book in advance. Cost £25.50 includes entry to zoo. The Living Nativity December 2-6, 9-13, 16-18 Education event for school children with nativity scenes and a visit to Santa. Reception, Y1 and Y2 with accompanying adults. Advance booking.

ZSL WHIPSNADE ZOO Dunstable, Bedfordshire, LU6 2LF (M1/J9) 01582 872171 zsl.org Christmas at ZSL Whipsnade Zoo November 23, 24, 30, December 1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 18-24 Visit Father Christmas in his magical indoor grotto and see the reindeer in their paddock. Book in advance. Breakfast with Father Christmas and His Reindeer December 21-24 Wake up Father Christmas and help feed the reindeer. Price includes breakfast, present and entry to the zoo. Book in advance.



Pigs In Pants is a fun, amusing and lively matching game! Children will love the hilarity of the knickerless pigs and matching colourful patterned pants to the pigs or maybe politely pinching pants from other players.

We all know an active child is a happy child, so let your kids enjoy hours of fun whilst keeping healthily active with the new Vtriker Elite 3-Wheel scooter from UKayed. To win one of these great scooters go to www.familiesnorth.co.uk/ competitions.

To win go to www.familiesnorth. co.uk/competitions.


families_north_issue_105_3.indd 20




01/11/2013 16:25

ice skating Win one of five personalised copies of ‘The Little Girl Who Lost Her Name’ and ‘The Little Boy Who Lost His Name’

‘The Little Girl Who Lost Her Name’ and ‘The Little Boy Who Lost His Name’ are bespoke books like no other, applying leading edge technology to make a truly unique read for you and your child. Featuring beautiful illustrations by Pedro Serapicos, they are wonderfully written stories jam-packed with enthralling adventures and magical creatures. These unique books combines the latest proprietary technology with outstanding artistry to tell the story of a child who has lost his or her name and who sets off on a journey to track down the missing letters. Along the way they meet lots of weird, wonderful and wise characters. Each offers the child the first letter of its name. As the sequence of each story is dependent on the name of the child (over 236 illustrations and rhyming stories have been

created to cater for every single name), so every child receives a perfectly individual book. Let’s say the child you’re giving the book to is called Emily. She’d meet a forgetful Elephant, a rather vain Mermaid, a coldaverse Inuit, a misunderstood Lion and a genial Yeti. Each gives the first letter of their name and – hey presto – EMILY’s name is found! This captivating story never loses sight of its central theme – life is an adventure. It’s fun, surprising, mostly marvellous and intensely personal. ‘The Little Girl Who Lost Her Name’ and ‘The Little Boy Who Lost His Name’ are a celebration of just that. Published exclusively in paperback in the UK on thick, uncoated, environmentally friendly paper, the books are available to create, view and purchase from http://lostmy. name/ For your chance to win a copy of either ‘The Little Girl Who Lost Her Name’ or ‘The Little Boy Who Lost His Name’, just answer the following question: Who is the illustrator of the Lost My Name books? To enter go to www. familiesnorth.co.uk/competitions

Open-air ice rinks

Temporary outdoor ice rinks are open from 10am-10pm and operate in all weather conditions. It is advisable to dress sensibly and to take care. Skating sessions are booked as one hour time slots so arrive 20 minutes before the start of a session. HYDE PARK hydeparkwinterwonderland.com November 22-January 23 The Winter Wonderland experience has many attractions including a magical ice rink set around the Victorian bandstand. Free to enter but each attraction is charged separately. Skating costs £14.50/£10.50/£9.50/£8.50/family £38/£34. Ice guide £32. The Magical Ice Kingdom A chilly walk through experience in a specially created world of ice and snow. Timed entry slots available to book. Cost £9/£7/£5/family £28/£20. LONDON EYE – EYESKATE londoneye.com November 27-January 5 Skate in the shadow of the London Eye on the Southbank. Cost £10.50/£7.50/family £32.40. Discounts available. NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM ICE RINK ( South Kensington) 0844 847 1576 nhmskating.com

SANTA COMPETITION Win one of five copies of ‘When Santa Fell to Earth’ on DVD. When Santa Fell to Earth is an enchanting Christmas tale, full of magic and fantasy, suitable for all the family. A festive adventure full of chases, an invisible reindeer, fake Santas and vicious

nutcrackers! To be in with a chance of winning a copy, just answer the following question; In the film, what is the name of the evil man who wants to steal Christmas? To enter go to www. familiesnorth.co.uk/ competitions. Competitions closes Friday 6th December.

Until January 5 Popular ice rink set in the grounds of the museum. A fairground carousel and a junior ice rink for younger skaters. Cost £13.50/£11.50/£9/ £8/ family ticket £38/£31.

SOMERSET HOUSE 0844 847 1520 somersethouse.org.uk Until January 5 Spectacular ice rink with special after dark Club Nights with DJs and shopping events and demonstrations at the Christmas Arcade. Penguin Club November 16, 17, 23, 24, 30 December 1, 7, 8 Training lessons in the junior rink using Penguin stabilisers. Under 8 years. Cost £8.50. Skate School November 16, 17, 23, 24, 30, December 1 Skating lessons – any skating ability. 8+ years. Cost £50/£40 or £20/£15. TOWER OF LONDON ICE RINK 020 8241 9818 ( Tower Hill) toweroflondonicerink.com November 16January 5 Located in the moat and illuminated after dark. Ice bar and café nearby. Cost £13.50/ £11.50/£9.50/£9. Family £38/£36. Ice guides extra.

Parents & Toddlers Special rate skating sessions and complimentary drinks on weekdays in November. Stay & Skate Overnight package includes accommodation, skating tickets and breakfast.

To advertise in Families North London please call on 020 8202 2034 or email adverts@familiesnorth.co.uk

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01/11/2013 16:25

annabel karmel

Families North Christmas Recipes Bake up a storm this Christmas with festive treats from cookery author Annabel Karmel. Get your kids into their aprons and the carols on and get cooking. Bake some delicious ginger biscuits together to decorate the tree or make some Christmassy cupcakes that everyone will enjoy: perfect to tuck into with the family or wrap up in ribbon and give to friends and family. 1/4 tsp salt 120 g (41/2 oz) soft brown sugar 2 tbsp canola or sunflower oil 4 tbsp maple syrup 25 g (1 oz) cranberries 25 g (1 oz) raisins

Cranberry Granola From ‘Annabel’s Essential Guide to Feeding your Baby and Toddler’ iTunes This delicious granola is very versatile. You can have it for breakfast with milk. This Christmas recipe is also very good on its own as a snack or layered with yoghurt, honey and fruit. Ingredients

175 g (6 oz) rolled oats 70 g (2 1/2 oz) coarsely chopped pecans 20 g (3/4 oz) shredded/desiccated coconut

Method Pre-heat the oven to 150ºC/300ºF/Gas 2. Put the oats, nuts, coconut, salt and sugar in a large bowl and mix together with a wooden spoon.

Whisk the oil and syrup together in a jug or small bowl. Pour over the oats and mix well. Spread out on a lightly oiled baking sheet and bake in the centre of the oven for 40–45 minutes, stirring every 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to a bowl, stir in the raisins and leave to cool. Information Preparation 5 minutes Cooking time 45 minutes (plus cooling) Makes 6–8 portions

For more party recipe ideas try Annabel’s app ‘Annabel’s Essential Guide to Feeding your Baby and Toddler’ and the additional ‘Party Pack’. Available on iTunes.

families_north_issue_105_3.indd 22

From Annabel’s Favourites ‘Kids in The Kitchen’. Fun, festive and quick to make,

these are perfecto to assemble with your children. Ingredients

350g plain flour 2 tsp ground ginger 1 tsp cinnamon ½ tsp mixed spice ¼ tsp salt 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda ½ tsp baking powder 175g butter 150g light brown sugar 4 tbsp golden syrup M&Ms Writing Icing Pens Glace cherries Curly Wurly chocolate bars Method Pre-heat the oven to 160ºC Fan. Measure the flour, spices, salt, bicarbonate of soda and baking powder into a bowl. Melt the butter, sugar and golden syrup in a saucepan. Pour into the dry ingredients and mix together. Lightly knead together to make a dough. Form into 10 balls of dough. Pinch one end of the ball to form a point, then flatten out with your hand. Place on a baking sheet. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes until lightly golden but still slightly soft.

Make 2 holes for the ears using a small skewer and leave to cool for a few minutes. Decorate with lengths of Curly Wurly for the ears, glace cherries for the nose and M&Ms for the eyes.

Call to action!


Reindeer cookies

Information Preparation 20 minutes Cook 15 minutes Makes 10 cookies




01/11/2013 16:25

annabel karmel

Snowman cookies From Annabel’s Favourites ‘Party Food’ Ingredients

225g butter 225g plain flour 100g cornflour 100g caster sugar 500g packet Royal Icing Sugar About 20 tbsp water 2 tsp glycerine Large white Marshmallows Mini Smarties Tic Tacs Writing Icing Pens


Wrong comes to Pleasance Islington this Christmas.

10 December-5 January Pleasance Theatre

To win one of two family tickets go to www.familiesnorth.co.uk/ competitions.

Adapted from the original stage play Peter Pan By J.M. Barrie, award-winning comedy company Mischief Theatre’s brand new show Peter Pan Goes

ONlINE COMPETITION Enter our on-line competition to WIN £100 worth of Lands End gift vouchers this Christmas www.familiesnorth.co.uk/ competitions. Additionally, for your first order at Lands’ End we are offering £10 off on orders over £40. Simply enter FAMILY10 at the checkout for your exclusive discount.

Method Preheat the oven to 160ºC Fan. Measure the butter, plain flour, cornflour and caster sugar into a magi mix. Whiz until combined. Tip out and lightly knead to form a soft dough and chill for 10 minutes, roll out and stamp out about 16 size 8 cm rounds. Place on baking sheets and chill for 20 minutes. Bake for about 15 minutes. They will spread a little. Leave to cool.

To make the Icing measure the Royal Icing and 10 tbsp of water into a free standing electric mixer until the icing is thick and shiny. Add the glycerine and whisk again. Continue adding a tablespoon of water at a time until the icing is the consistency of thick yoghurt. Put the biscuits onto a piece of nonstick paper. Spoon the icing onto the biscuit and spread out so the icing drops off the edge to look like melted snow. Place the marshmallow at the edge of the cookie on top of the icing. Stick orange tic-tacs onto the marshmallows using a little Writing Icing and arrange three Mini Smarties or other small sweets in a row for the buttons. Draw on eyes and a mouth and some hands. Information Preparation 25 minutes plus chilling time Cook: 15 minutes Makes 16 cookies

Competitions closes Friday 6th December 2013

Offer is valid until Jan 31st.








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families_north_issue_105_3.indd 23

01/11/2013 16:25

book corner

Hi kids, parents, grandparents, teachers – and book lovers everywhere! I’m Ed and here is my Winter book selection for you to enjoy. The books are all available online from Ed’s Reading Room at www. edontheweb.com




Ed’s Reading Room is an exciting free online book and story club for primary children in homes and schools.



The Reindeer Girl

by Holly Webb (Stripes £7.99)

Ed Says: ‘Lotta is thrilled to be going to Norway to meet her greatgrandmother for the first time. As well as the snow, Christmas and a special birthday celebration to look forward to, one of the most exciting things for Lotta is seeing the reindeer. Her favourite bedtime stories have always been those about her greatgrandmother and the reindeer. Lotta can only dream of such adventures. Can her dreams come true? ‘Here is the latest wonderful book by this super author in a beautifully presented edition. It is a heartwarming story for many a cold winter’s night!’

Barmy Barney Barn Owl

by Ann Jungman (Troika Books £5.99)

Ed Says: ‘Barn owls have lived at Hoden Farm for years so Mr and Mrs Barn Owl are horrified to hear that their home could be sold to developers,


families_north_issue_105_3.indd 24

leaving them homeless. Time for the owlet Barney to put on his thinking cap and come up with a solution! With the help of the farmer’s daughter and the television in the farmhouse he is soon able to come up with some ideas. But will it be all plain sailing – or flying? ‘This is a lovely story for young readers reading together or on their own. And of course I am delighted to hear about the Owl Study Centre at the farm!’ FOR AGES 7 YEARS PLUS


Genie in a Trap

by Ciaran Murtagh (Piccadilly £5.99)

Ed Says: ‘Jamie is very excited when his genie friend Balthazar invites him back to Lampville to be the guest of honour at the Genie Academy party – but things are not always what they seem! Will Jamie be able to extricate himself from this dangerous trap? And can he and his friends survive lightning bolts, a landslide and a firebreathing dragon among other things? ‘This is the latest hilarious adventure in this magical series. Boys and girls will be rolling with laughter as they devour this fantastic page-turner of a book.’


Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Over the Moon

by Frank Cottrell Boyce (Macmillan £10.99)

Ed Says: ‘There are amazing goings-on in London with Big Ben hurtling across the city like a rocket, Little Harry going missing and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang being stolen. At times of national emergencies such as these, even the Queen has to get involved. With a trip to the moon and a fiendish criminal around, there’s plenty of action in this story about the world’s most famous car. ‘This incredible story with fantastic illustrations will entertain readers young and old. Fasten your seat-belts and prepare for the fun in this magical time-travelling adventure!’


Ed’s Reading Room is part of www.edontheweb.com, a DTI awardwinning website. It was created by Maggie Humphreys, a teacher of more than 25 years, and Les Snowdon, who together are authors of several books on fitness walking and healthy eating. You are very welcome to contact Maggie on 01753 730019 or by email at maggiehumphreys@aol.com.


01/11/2013 16:25

Clubs & Classes Art & craft Sport Performing arts Workshops

n o d n o L North s and Club ses Clas

To advertise in Families North London please call on 020 8202 2034 or email adverts@familiesnorth.co.uk

families_north_issue_105_3.indd 25

01/11/2013 16:25

clubs and classes In this section we feature the very best clubs and classes in North London. This month there is a wealth of great clubs and classes to attend. Read on for more details and have a really fun winter. If you would like your class to feature in this section please call 020 8202 2034.

Art & craft CAMDEN ARTS CENTRE Arkwright Road, NW3 6DG ( Finchley Road) 020 7472 5500 camdenartscentre.org Make & Do November 17, 24, December 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, January 5 Sunday art activities for families. Drop-in. Free. Family Days December 27, 28 Special art activities and workshops alongside the current exhibition. All ages. Drop-in event. Free. CREATIVE WIZ KIDS St Peters Church, NW3 4HT 020 7794 6797 creativewizkids.com After School Drama Club From November 6-December 4 Creative activities, games and songs. 3-9 years. Parent Toddler Until December 4 Wednesdays and Fridays. Booking essential. Free trial. 1-3 years. Xmas Club December 16-20 Art project, dancing, musical instruments, singing, drama, games and bubbles.

FIRED TREASURES 143 Dollis Road, NW7 1JX 020 8371 6709 firetreasures.co.uk Craft Studio Pottery painting, design and bear making.

LONDON ARTISTAS 07785 232528 Private Tuition Small art groups building skills and styles. ORIGINAL HANDPAINTED MURALS

07572 634 991


families_north_issue_105_3.indd 26

LITTLE HANDS DESIGN 67 Belsize Lane, NW3 5AU ( Swiss Cottage) 020 7431 0573 littlehandsdesign.co.uk Xmas Classes December 16-20 Festive textile craft, present and gift making week with various activities. 6+ years.

Circus School CIRCUS GLORY Primrose Hill Community Centre, 29 Hopkinson’s Place, NW1 8TN 0797 345 1603 circusglory.co.uk Trapeze Circus skills. Weekly and holiday workshops. From 2 ½ years.

UPSWING Unit 1, The Energy Centre, Bowling Green Walk, N1 6AL ( Old Street) 020 7613 4843 0771574 7662 simona@upswing.org.uk upswing.org.uk Workshops Circus workshops usually during the school holidays. 7-16 years.

Dance JUMP UP DANCE ACADEMY Kings College NW3 7ST Mill Hill NW7 2AJ 07946 581933 jumpup.co.uk Dance Classes Ballet, street dance, tap lessons and exam courses. 3+ years. LUCY HARMER & LINDA YOUNG SCHOOL OF DANCE Archway, Tuffnell Park, Kentish Town, Muswell Hill 020 8211 3727 Ballet Imaginative ballet classes. 3+ years.


Shouldn’t you be seen in the Number 1 magazine for families and young people in North London? Contact adverts@familiesnorth.co.uk.


Tuition Centres Maths and English. 5-14 years.

CLUB PETIT PIERROT St John’s Wood, Notting Hill and across London 020 7385 5565 clubpetitpierrot.co.uk Learn French Themed activities to build vocabulary. Also private tuition at home or school. 8 months-8 years.

JADERBERG KRAIS TUTORING 07956 111728 jaderbergkrais.co.uk

LE CLUB FRÈRE JACQUES Muswell Hill, N22 7UL 020 8447 1565 leclubfrerejacques.co.uk French Tuition After school classes. 3-11 years. OLÉ KIDS Primrose Hill Library St Luke’s Community Centre 020 7386 0376 olekids.com Spanish Classes Quote Families North for a free trial. 6 months-5 years.

Learning & tuition AFTER SCHOOL LEARNING CENTRE N14 4HY 020 8440 8586 afterschoollearningcentre.com Tuition English, Maths, reading and science. 4-18 years.

CLICK IT! 07958 476 121 clickit-kids.co.uk Computer Classes Barnet area nurseries. 2-5 years. EXPLORE LEARNING Crouch End, Finchley, Islington New Barnet, Palmers Green & West Hampstead explorelearning.co.uk


Tuition Individual tutoring. 5-18 years.

LEADERS ARE READERS Edgware, Enfield & Northwood 01992 651 300 leadersarereaders.co.uk Personal Tuition Reading, Maths and English. 3½-11 years.

MATHS DOCTOR 020 7193 1871 mathsdoctor.co.uk Maths & Physics Tuition Run by qualified teachers. 11+, school entry, GCSE and A level maths and physics. Register details to request a tutor and for a free no obligation assessment.

READING EGGS readingeggs.co.uk/learn Programme Online reading programme. Free trial. 3-13 years.

THE NEW LEARNING CENTRE calmerparenting.co.uk admin@calmerparenting.co.uk Calmer, Easier, Happier Parenting Parenting courses, consultations and advice.

Martial arts PANTHA KARATE CLUB Hampstead Garden Suburb & Swiss Cottage 020 8445 2588 panthakarateclub.co.uk Karate 4 Kids 5-14 years.


01/11/2013 16:25

clubs and classes

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To advertise in North London's No.1 FREE magazine Call: 020 8202 2034 or email: adverts@familiesnorth.co.uk









To advertise in Families North London please call on 020 8202 2034 or email adverts@familiesnorth.co.uk

families_north_issue_105_3.indd 27


01/11/2013 16:25

clubs and classes WHITE CRANE KARATE SCHOOL Barnet & Finchley 020 8440 2644 Classes Karate for children and adults.

Music ENFIELD ISLAND VILLAGE COMMUNITY CENTRE 40-42 Island Centre, Way, EN3 6GS (Enfield Lock ) 07508 706 309 eiv.org.uk African Drumming Mondays. Free

HMDT MUSIC 020 8882 8825 hmdt.org.uk I Can Sing Performance skills workshops. 5-16 years.

NORTH LONDON COLOURSTRINGS Muswell Hill, Highgate, Islington & Stoke Newington. 020 8444 9435 nlcolourstrings.co.uk Music Classes Based on traditional and classical music. Babies, toddlers and children.


Performing arts THE ANNA FIORENTINI THEATRE & FILM SCHOOL North London, Hackney, Bethnal Green & Docklands 020 7682 1403 annafiorentini.com Spring Term January 11-April 5 Singing, drama, film and dance and costume design. 4-18 years.

CRAZEE KIDS Highgate N6, North Finchley N12 020 8444 5333 07958 501919 crazeekids.co.uk Classes Dance, music and drama classes – weekly and Saturdays.

DRAMARAMA STAGE SCHOOL NW3 020 8446 0891 dramarama.co.uk Holiday Courses December 16-19, December 20 Drama, street dance and musical theatre holiday classes. Also after school clubs and Saturday morning sessions during term time.

RAD ballet ISTD modern ISTD tap

...we’re all doing it!

HOXTON HALL 130 Hoxton Street, N1 6SH (Hoxton ) 020 7684 0060 hoxtonhall.co.uk

PLATFORM Hornsey Road Baths, 260 Hornsey Road, N7 7QT ( Finsbury Park) 020 7527 4468 platformislington.org.uk

Get Creative Music, drama, art and dance. 8-13 years. Free.

Islington Youth Theatre Annual membership recruitment for those who live or study in Islington. 12-16 years.

JIGSAW PERFORMING ARTS 020 8447 4530 jigsaw-arts.co.uk Classes At Camden, Crouch End, Enfield, Finchley, Hendon, Winchmore Hill and more. Develop performance skills and build confidence with drama, singing and dance. 3-16 years.

THE PLACE 17 Duke’s Road, WC1H 9PY ( Euston) 020 7121 1000 theplace.org.uk Spring Term From January 11 Saturday classes during term time in dance, music and movement. 5-15 years.

PERFORM STAGECOACH Crouch End, East Finchley, Highgate Exmouth Market, Highgate, 020 7272 8108 Highbury, Islington, Mill Hill, North Stoke Newington Finchley, Southgate, 020 7354 0367 Stoke Newington, Totteridge Primrose Hill 0845 400 4000 07766 227810 perform.org.uk stagecoach.co.uk Wild West Adventure Theatre Workshops From January After school, weekends and holiday Singing, dancing and acting as junior drama and dance classes. cowboys and cowgirls. Go on an adventure to recue the horse with SPENCER STAGE SCHOOL the golden mane. Free trial lesson. 4-8 years.Dramarama Families North 87x62_Layout NW6, HA9 & W11 Advert 1 19/12/2012 13:50 Page Drama

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families_north_issue_105_3.indd 28




01/11/2013 16:25

clubs and classes 07925 839395 spencerstageschool.com Classes Drama, singing, tap, ballet, street and musical theatre. 2-16 years.

THE YOUNG PEOPLES THEATRE COMPANY Kingsgate Community Centre, NW6 2JH 075729 29168 theyoungpeoplestheatre.co.uk Creative Arts Expression, communication and articulation skills with Drama Fun House, Street Dance and Mammas & Bubbas. 2-16 years.

Sports BRONDESBURY CRICKET & TENNIS CLUB 5A Harman Drive, NW2 2EB 020 8452 2983 brondesburysc.co.uk Junior Coaching Tennis Saturday & Sunday morning clubs. Junior tennis section with activities and camps.

Activities Toddler areas with ball ponds, climbing soft play area. Play frame for older children. Under 10 years.

DANNY GRANT SOCCER SCHOOL North & North West London 020 8446 0891 dgsoccer.co.uk Xmas Clubs December 16-20 Fun football sessions. 3-12 years.

ENJOY – A – BALL Mill Hill, Finchley, Golders Green, Muswell Hill 08452 2626 94 enjoy-a-ball.com Enjoy-a-ball Classes Sports coaching in a fun environment. Book a trial lesson. 3-9 years. Toddler Classes Ball skills for toddlers. 18 months-3 years.

HOLIDAY ACADEMY CLOWN TOWN INDOOR Camden, NW1 PLAYCENTRE holidayacademy.co.uk Unit 3, The Coppets Centre, Colney Holiday Workshops Hatch Lane, Finchley, N12 OSH Anna Fiorentini_19.12.12.pdfMusic, 1 art, 19/12/2012 drama, street16:31 dance, 020 8361 6600

football and den-building. 3-12 years.


KIDDIKICKS N8, NW1, NW8, N16 020 7937 7965 kiddikicks.co.uk

Activities Term-time courses in basket ball, football, trampolining, karate, gymnastics, ballet and net ball. Holiday multi-sports activities.

Football Training sessions and courses. Under 7 years.

LITTLE KICKERS Mill Hill, Friern, Barnet, Swiss Cottage, Hampstead, Muswell Hill, Golders Green, Southgate, New Barnet, Enfield, Islington & Hackney littlekickers.co.uk Classes Football training for kids. 18 months-7 years.

LEE VALLEY ATHLETICS CENTRE Meridian Way, Edmonton, N9 OAR 020 8344 7230 visitleevalleypark.org.uk Minithon December 22 Range of sporting activities. School Years 3-7. Cost £10.

MALLINSON SPORTS CENTRE At Highgate School, Bishopswood Road, N6 4NY 020 8342 7272

MINI SOCCER TRAINING SESSIONS NW9, NW11, NW6, NW7 07957 229518 isacoaching.co.uk Football Training academy and coaching sessions. Reception to Year 2.

ROSE BOWL CENTRE Ramsey Walk, New River Green Estate, N1 2PT 020 7684 0060 hoxtonhall.co.uk Free Workshops Art, boxing, circus skills, drama football, rugby, singing and songwriting. 8-19 years.

TOPSY TURVY WORLD Brent Cross Shopping Centre, Hendon, NW4 3FP (Hendon Central) topsyturvyworld.com Indoor Soft Play Multi-level maze to jump, tumble and slide for children under 12 years. Learning-through-play area for under

25% off* next term’s fees at

Fiorentini Weenies & North London Branch *Limited places. Applies to new students only

The Anna Fiorentini Theatre & Film School for 4-18 years The North London branch of the Saturday Anna Fiorentini Theatre & Film School is currently taking applications for the next term and its forthcoming Taster Days. The school originally opened in Hackney in 2001 and now has over 250 students aged 7-18, many of whom have gone on to secure professional work on TV, Film and in theatre. Examples include Charlie Jones and Belinda Owusu, who played Ben Mitchell and Libby Fox in EastEnders and Tahj Miles who currently plays Simba in the West End’s The Lion King. As well as providing professional training, the aim of the school is to also provide a safe and supportive environment for

all children to explore their creativity regardless of what career path they eventually choose to follow. Every week students follow a timetable of drama/film, dance and singing under the guidance of top industry professionals. As well as weekly classes, students are given the opportunity to take part in Voice Idol, Drama and Stars in their Eyes competitions, culminating in a yearly Oscar Night. The school has recruited some excellent teaching staff including: Mike Burnside (actor in The Bill, Bergerac, the RSC), Mark Short (choreograhper to Tina Turner, Peter Andre, Liberty X), Michael Buffong (director of EastEnders, Holby City, Casualty and Coronation Street), Jacob Murray (former associate artisitc director of the Royal

Exchange Manchester and teacher for National Theatre’s educational Department) and Jay Henry (X-Factor coach and voice coach having worked with Craig David, Mariah Carey and George Michael to name but a few). Celebrities such as Joseph Marcell (Jeffery in Fresh Prince of Bel Air) and Dani Harmer (Tracey Beaker), have also been amongst special guests to give master classes at this prestigious school. Students get to work with a variety of casting directors, producers and TV directors. They also get the opportunity to be considered for the agency to audition for professional work.

Contact us to book your free no obligation Taster Day. Hurry - Limited Places!

Lamda Qualifications in Drama which carry UCAS points also available.

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Drama, Singing, Dance, Film, Set & Costume Design for ages 4-18 Saturdays in North London & Hackney Tuesdays in Bethnal Green Wednesdays in Docklands



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01/11/2013 16:25

clubs and classes Parent & Toddler sessions Monday-Thursdays Disco, messy play and bake n take sessions during term-time. Limited places. Entry £5.95.

Theatre workshops ALMEIDA THEATRE Almeida Street, Islington, N1 1TA ( Highbury & Islington) 020 7359 4404 almeida.co.uk Almeida Academy January 11-March 22 Term-time drama workshops on confidence, creativity, social skills and performances. 5-14 years. Costs from £150 per term.

ARTS DEPOT Tally Ho Corner, North Finchley, N12 OGA

JACKSONS LANE 269A Archway Road, N6 5AA ( Highgate) 020 8341 4421 jacksonslane.org.uk Diddi Dance diddidance.com 07892 711162 Pre-school dance classes. Crazee Kids 0795 8501919 crazeekids.co.uk 3-5 years. Panda Mandarin 07886 602818 Chinese class for children. North London Russian School

020 8883 2213 Weekly lessons in music and culture.

LAUDERDALE HOUSE Highgate Hill, Waterlow Park, N6 5HG ( Archway) 020 8348 8716 lauderdalehouse.co.uk Bach to Baby November 18, December 16 Classical concerts for babies and tots. Cost £10. Rucksack Music rucksackmusic.co.uk Drop-in classes on Fridays. 0-4 years. Drawing & Painting Skills Basic introduction to drawing and painting. 5-10 years. Mini Mozart 07958 970 073 minimozart.com Fun music classes for babies and toddlers. Suzuki Violin 020 8930 9120 lauderdalesuzuki.org.uk Term time violin tuition.

Toddlers & babies Courses Communicate with your baby through touch. 5-week courses in NW6 and NW8. Suitable from birth.

@ Hampstead G-S (NW11) Reception to Year 2

Queens Park (NW6) Reception to Year 2

Mill Hill (NW7)

Reception to Year 2

Classes Storytelling workshops and dramatic play classes. 6 months-7 years.

DIDDI DANCE Lucy 07732 380706. Charlene 07892 711162. diddidance.com Classes Rhythm, moves and funky dance classes at various locations for pre-school children.

Reception to Year 6


qualified coaches with enhanced CRB, child protection & first aid Contact us for more details

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Bach to Baby November 21, December 19 Concert series for babies. Cost £10/children free. Storytelling with Music November 23, December 7 Family sessions with stories, songs and music. Cost £7 on door/£6 online. Imagination Station Wednesdays Music and movement. 4 months-2 years.

HARINGEY FAMILIES haringeyfamilies.co.uk/2013/10/ toddler-group/

ENJOY – A – BALL Mill Hill, Finchley, Golders Green, Muswell Hill 08452 2626 94 enjoy-a-ball.com Toddler Classes Ball skills for toddlers. 18 months-3 years.

LITTLE STEPS GYM St Stephens Church, Park Avenue, Bush Hill Park, Enfield stepsgym.com/enfield Classes Fitness through play and gymnastics equipment. Sports for the older children. 6 months-7 years.

MINI MOZART minimozart.com


DEBUTOTS Finchley, Hampstead & Musewll Hill 020 8442 2380 debutots.co.uk

Kingsbury (NW9)

Interactive Music Workshops November 16, 30 Alternate Saturday morning sessions. 1-4 years. Cost £7 on door/£6 online.

Toddler Group Weekly term-time toddler group at St George’s Hall, Cranley Gardens, N10.

BABY MASSAGE & YOGA 07528 688734 milestonesbabymassage.com

ISA Football is a training academy with a unique coaching system and philosophy developed and led by a UEFA ‘A’ Licence (Level 4) coach.

FORGE VENUE 3-7 Delancey Street, Camden, NW1 7NL ( Camden Town) 020 7383 7808 forgevenue.org


YFA Young Friends of the Almeida membership programme with workshops, projects and work placements. 15+ years. Annual membership £5.

( West Finchley & Woodside Park) artsdepot.co.uk Mini Mozart minimozart.com Music classes for 0-3 years. Diddi Dance diddidance.com 07892 711162 Dance classes for 2-4 years. Yoga Bugs 0845 863 0688 yogabugs.com Yoga activities for children 3-7 years. Children’s Art 07767 657393 Themed activities. 5-12 years.


5 years and dedicated area for under 3 years. Cost £15 to register.



Classes Music, percussion and bubbles. 0-4 years.

age &

MONKEY MUSIC Hampstead & Notting Hill High Barnet, Mill Hill & Whetstone, Muswell Hill, Crouch End & Highgate, Southgate, Winchmore Hill & East Barnet monkeymusic.co.uk Music Classes 3 months-4 years.

MUSIC BUGS East Finchley, Grange Park, New Barnet 0844 822 1172 musicbugs.co.uk Classes Sensory music classes for babies, toddlers and pre-school age. Free trial lesson.

george@isacoaching.co.uk www.isacoaching.co.uk


families_north_issue_105_3.indd 30



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01/11/2013 16:25

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Where Learning’s a Ball

To advertise in Families North London please call on 020 8202 2034 or email adverts@familiesnorth.co.uk

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01/11/2013 16:25


allsorts drama Hampstead, Knightsbridge, Notting Hill AGES 4 TO 18 www.allsortsdrama.com | info@allsortsdrama.com | 0208 767 5298

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families_north_issue_105_3.indd 32



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01/11/2013 16:25

special needs

Special Needs

Classes for Children with Special Needs in North & East London discover.org.uk The Mighty Mega Club Club for children with disabilities/ SEN and their families/carers to take part in different creative activities. Free to join.

Learning & tuition JADERBERG KRAIS TUTORING 07956 111728 jaderbergkrais.co.uk

CHANDOS EAST CENTRE 90 Chandos Road, Stratford, E15 1TT 01732 592650 rlsb.ritdns.com connections@rlsb.org.uk Vision Impaired November 28, December 5 Family days on Thursdays for children who are vision impaired or have additional needs. Structured play and sensory room sessions.

Tuition Individual tutoring including children with special educational needs. 5-18 years.

LONDON CENTRE FOR CHILDREN WITH CEREBRAL PALSY 54 Muswell Hill, London N10 3ST 020 8444 7242 cplondon.org.uk Parent & Child Workshops The school provides nursery and primary education for children 3-11 years. Parents with children under 3 years can attend weekly workshops. Contact the centre to arrange an informal visit.

Horse Riding Cinema RICH MIX CINEMA & ARTS CENTRE 35-47 Bethnal Green Road, E1 6LA ( Liverpool Street) 020 7613 7498 richmix.org.uk Autism Screenings November 17 Monthly autism-friendly Kids’ Cine

Time screenings. The volume is lowered and the lights are brighter to create a calm environment. £1.75.

Family Clubs

DOCKLANDS EQUESTRIAN CENTRE 2 Clapsgate Lane, Beckton, E6 6JF (Beckton DLR) 020 7473 4951 docklandsequestriancentre.com

SPECIALIST SPEECH & LANGUAGE THERAPY 07581 705745 vpspeechlanguage.co.uk

Riding for the Disabled

DISCOVER CHILDREN’S Qualified staff on hand to help STORY CENTRE children with special needs to ride and 383-387 High Street, interact with the animals. 5+ years. Stratford, E15 4QZ Contact the centre for further details ( Stratford) and Christmas activities including a Jennifer_Muswell 2012by70x55 show Hill organised the staff.PT.HR.pdf 020 8536 5555

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Local Venues • Nurseries • Schools • Children's Centres • Parties

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01/11/2013 16:25

special needs 2.30pm. A young boy’s snowman comes to life on Christmas Eve. Cost £12-£32/family £95.

ZSL LONDON ZOO Regent’s Park, NW1 4RY ( Regent’s Park) zsl.org

SADLER’S WELLS & LILIAN BAYLIS STUDIO Rosebery Avenue, EC1R 4TN ( Angel) 0844 412 4300 sadlerswells.com

TALK WITH US Naomi 07956 546 413 Hannah 07769 694120 talkwithus.co.uk Speech & Language Therapy Experienced, professional and personal services.

Places to visit CANARY WHARF ICE RINK Canada Square Park, E14 5AB ( Canary Wharf) 020 7536 8400 icerinkcanarywharf.com Disabled Access Wheelchair users on the ice should call the box office in advance of their visit. Helpers and carers are allowed free of charge. Cost £13.50/£9/family £37.50/lessons £25/£30.

CHICKENSHED THEATRE Chase Side, Southgate, London N14 4PE ( Cockfosters/Oakwood) 020 8292 9222 chickenshed.org.uk The Night Before Christmas Captioned performances on December 13, 15 & January 4. Audio described performance on December 15, 20, 22, 29. 5+ years. Cost £11-£20/ reduced rates available.

Touch Tours December 20, 22, 29 Bookable sessions to meet the cast and experience the set.

HACKNEY EMPIRE 291 Mare Street, London E8 1EJ (Hackney Central) 020 8985 2424 hackneyempire.co.uk Puss in Boots November 28, December 21 Signed performances. Songs, dance routines, comedy and audience participation. Cost £10-£32. NATIONAL THEATRE South Bank, London SE1 9PX ( Waterloo) 020 7452 3000 nationaltheatre.org.uk Emil and the Detectives December 30, January 3, 4 A boy in 1920’s Berlin. Captioned performance, audio described performances and touch tours. 7+ years. Cost £26, £38, £48 / children half price.

PEACOCK THEATRE Portugal Street, WC2A 2HT ( Holborn) 0844 412 4322 sadlerswells.com The Snowman December 14 Audio described performance at

The Living Nativity December 2-6, 9-13, 16-18 Education event for school children. Special needs schools can call the Supporter Services team to discuss individual needs.

Boing! December 23 At Lilian Baylis Studio. BSL interpreted performance. Comedy, acrobatics and dance. 3+ years. Cost £5-£12.

ZSL WHIPSNADE ZOO Dunstable, Bedfordshire, LU6 2LF (M1/J9) 01582 872171 zsl.org Stories with Santa for School Groups December 2-6, 9-13 Education event for school children. Special needs schools should call the Supporter Services team for information.

TOWER OF LONDON ICE RINK 020 8241 9818 ( Tower Hill) toweroflondonicerink.com November 16-January 5 Wheel chairs are welcome on the ice rink. Documentation required to allow one free carer per full price ticket. Cost £13.50/£11.50/£9.50/£9. Family £38/£36. Ice guides extra.


V&A MUSEUM OF CHILDHOOD Cambridge Heath Road, E2 9PA ( Bethnal Green) 020 8983 5200 museumofchildhood.org.uk/learning Museum Quite Days November 21 One Thursday per term is set aside for children with special educational needs to visit the museum and take part in gallery activities. Booking required. Free entry.

MAKING SENSE Pre-visit booklets available online to plan ahead visits with children on the autistic spectrum. The museum is currently developing resource packs for additional needs in visual impairment. Free entry.

mi as in ‘my’ ... belonging to me; owned by me. mi sport is kids’ sport.

Game On The RLSB (Royal London Society for Blind People) has launched free taster days at different locations in London. Blind and partially sighted young people can try out sports and activities.

ISLINGTON TENNIS CENTRE Market Road, London N7 9PL ( Caledonian Road) 020 7700 1370 aquaterra.org Wheel Chair Tennis Tennis made available to everyone. Sports wheelchairs and equipment provided. Blind and Partially Sighted Course programmes with specially adapted soundballs available for blind and partially sighted players. Beginners welcome.

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01/11/2013 16:25

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North London

Your Guide to North London Family Entertainment!

Places To Go Cinema


Further Afield




Winter Days Out

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01/11/2013 16:25

places to go cinema • museums • exhibitions

Places To Go

Your guide to North London Family Entertainment

Welcome to our great winter guide of all the very best places to visit this winter. We hope you enjoy all your days out. To advertise in this section call 020 8202 2034 or email adverts@familiesnorth.co.uk.


Vampire Sisters (PG) November 23

BARBICAN CENTRE Cinema 2 in Beech Street, Silk Street, EC2Y 8DS ( Barbican) 020 7638 4141 barbican.org.uk/film

Believe (PG) November 24

FRAMED FILM FESTIVAL November 16-24 A series of international films and animation and film making workshops for all ages. Hedgehogs and the City and Other Stories (U) November 16 Framed Film Festival. Cost £5/£3. Fidgety Bram (PG) November 16 Aya of Yop City (12A) November 16 AninA (PG) November 17 Horizon Beautiful (12A) November 17 BAFTA Behind the Scenes November 17 Stage demonstrations, competitions and special guests. 7-12 years. Cost £10/£6. Moon Man (U) November 23

Nono, The Zig Zag Kid (PG) November 24 Framed Film Club Extra December 14 Festive themed activities and a Christmas party in Cinema 1.

EVERYMAN HAMPSTEAD 5 Hollybush Vale, NW3 6TX everymancinema.com Classic Films – Cinema Club Sundays Fortnightly screenings at midday.

PHOENIX CINEMA 52 High Road, N2 9PJ ( East Finchley) 020 8444 6789 phoenixcinema.co.uk Kids’ Club Saturday films with free activities. Booking required. Cost £2. Toddler Time November 19, 26 First cinema visits for young children. Half hour films and activities. 2-4 years. Child £3/one adult free. Sleeping Beauty December 22 Bolshoi ballet – live recording.

RIO CINEMA 107 Kingsland High Street, E8 6LJ (Dalston Kingsland ) 020 7241 9410 riocinema.org.uk Beauty & the Beast 3D (U) November 16 Disney animation. Cost £3.50/£2.50. Rise of the Guardians 3D (PG) November 23 Cost £3.50/£2.50. British Military Tournament


families_north_issue_105_3.indd 38

Planes 3D (U) November 30


Disney’s latest animated comedy.

Bring Ice Age animals to life. Booking required. 7+ years. Free.

ROYAL OPERA HOUSE (live screenings for cinemas) Covent Garden, WC2E 9DD roh.org.uk The Nutcracker December 12 Live screenings direct from the Opera House at Cineworld Enfield, Everyman Hampstead, Odeon Barnet, Odeon Cinema Lee Valley, Odeon Swiss Cottage, Picture House Hackney, Vue Finchley Road, Vue Islington, Westfield Shopping Centre, Wyllotts Centre EN6 2HN.

Photography Mystery Trails December 28 Use a digital camera to explore museum objects. Drop-in. 5+ years. Free.

Museums & Exhibitions BANK OF ENGLAND MUSEUM Bartholomew Lane, EC2R 8AH ( Bank) 020 7601 5545 bankofengland.co.uk Dates & Designs December 23, 24, 27, 30, 31 Make a calendar using displays in the museum for ideas. Free.

BRITISH MUSEUM Great Russell Street, WC1B 3DG ( Tottenham Ct Road) 020 7323 8000 britishmuseum.org Beyond El Dorado: power and gold in ancient Colombia November & December Pre-Hispanic gold collections and displays of objects excavated in the early 20th century. Cost £10/children free. Silent Film Workshop November 24 Plan, film and edit a silent film. Booking required. 13-18 years. Free. Ice Age Animation Workshop December 22


FOUNDLING MUSEUM 40 Brunswick Square, WC1N 1AZ ( Russell Square) 020 7841 3600 foundlingmuseum.org.uk Home Truths: Photography, Motherhood and Loss Until January 5 Photography exhibition on the theme of loss in the relationship between mother and child. Photo Booth November 24 Create a family photo with photographer Marysa Dowling. Free drop-in event for children and up to two accompanying adults. Christmas Crackers December 14 Create a cracker with a message and gift for someone special. Free drop-in event for children and up to two accompanying adults. Old Coram Association Carol Service December 14 Annual carol service with former pupils of the Foundling Hospital and the New Foundling Choir. Admission charges apply. GEFFRYE MUSEUM Kingsland Road, E2 8EA ( Old Street) 020 7739 9893 geffrye-museum.org.uk Christmas Carols December 7 Family day with carol singing. All ages. Free. Squeaking and Squawking Decorations


01/11/2013 16:25

museums • exhibitions • theatre shows • pantomimes places to go ROYAL AIR FORCE MUSEUM Grahame Park Way, NW9 5LL ( Colindale) 020 8205 2266 rafmuseum.org.uk Christmas Concert December 14, 15 Afternoon concerts. Car parking charges apply. Free admission to museum. Airfix – Making History Airfix models exhibition. Free.

Museum of London

December 7 Create a sugar mouse or bird decoration. 2-16 years. Free. Festive Gifts Galore December 7 Create festive soaps and herb bags. 11-16 years. Free.

LONDON TRANSPORT MUSEUM Covent Garden Piazza, WC2E 7BB ( Covent Garden) 020 7565 7299 ltmuseum.co.uk Family Station Weekends & school holiday activities include folding instructions to make a bus, draw and colour postcards and create a London street with stencils. Annual ticket £15/ children free.

MUSEUM OF LONDON 150 London Wall, EC2Y 5HN ( St Paul’s) 020 7001 9844 museumoflondon.org.uk Get Stuffed November 17 Digital workshop. 5+ years. Free. Little Moles Toddlers Group November 20, 27, December 4, 18 Learn, play and explore. Term-time sessions. Book in advance. 1-5 years. One adult + child. Free. Mini Moles Babies Group November 27 Special messy session for babies 6 months – walking. Booking required. One adult + child. Free.

NATIONAL ARMY MUSEUM Royal Hospital Road, SW3 4HT ( Sloane Square) 020 7730 0717 nam.ac.uk Christmas is Cancelled! December 7-8 In 1647 Christmas was almost cancelled! Travel back in time to the English Civil Wars. Festive games and activities. 5-11 years. Free.

NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY St Martin’s Place, WC2H OHE ( Leicester Square) 020 7306 0055 npg.org.uk Storytelling November 16 Stories followed by an art activity. 3+ years. Free. Art Workshop November 16 Tickets available one hour before event. 5+ years. Free.

NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM Cromwell Road, SW7 5BD ( South Kensington) 020 7942 5000 nhm.ac.uk Dino Snores November 16, December 7, January 10 Spend the night at the Museum. 7-11 years. Cost £49. Killer Bugs November 23 Discover bugs of all shapes and sizes in the Attenborough Studio. Free. Hands-on Nature: Dinosaurs Handle fossils and discover all about dinosaurs. Drop-in activities on Sundays. 5-12 years. Free. Specimen Preparation Area in Action January 9 See scientists at work. Free.

ROYAL MUSEUMS GREENWICH National Maritime Museum, Royal Observatory, The Queens House SE10 9NF (DLR Cutty Sark) 020 8858 4422 rmg.co.uk

V&A MUSEUM OF CHILDHOOD Cambridge Heath Road, E2 9PA ( Bethnal Green) 020 8983 5200 museumofchildhood.org.uk War Games Current exhibition on how children re-enact war through play, games, toys and books from 1800 to the present day. Free. Romp and Roll November 16, 23, 30 Dance sessions. 2-5 years. Cost on the day £3. 1940’s Christmas December 1 Enjoy craft workshops, music and stories. Take part in a procession and sing songs as the tree is lit up.

Explore Saturdays November 16, 23, 30 History performances and costumed characters. 6+ years. Free.

Christmas Carols December 7 Carol singing with the Becontree Brass Band.

Discover Sundays November 17, 24 Discover and explore maritime past. All ages. Free.

Theatre shows & pantomimes

Play Tuesdays November 19, 26 Music, dance and drama. Tickets on the day. Under 5 years. Cost £3 for child + adult.

V&A MUSEUM Cromwell Road, SW7 2RL ( South Kensington) 020 7942 2000 vam.ac.uk Digital Kids November 17 Learn how to write code to make computer games, animations and websites. Held in the Sackler Centre. Imagination Station December 28-January 5 Underwater treasures and designs. Family event. Pop-up Performance December 28-January 5 Adventures on the high seas. Family event. Free drop-in.

ARTS DEPOT Tally Ho Corner, North Finchley, N12 OGA ( West Finchley & Woodside Park) 020 8369 5454 artsdepot.co.uk Comedy Club 4 Kids November 17 Comedy club atmosphere suitable for children. 6+ years. Cost £7. Jazz for Toddlers November 20 Music and movement. Part of the EFG London Jazz Festival. 2-5 years. Cost £7. The Magical Playroom November 24 Liberty Rose dreams of becoming a ballerina. Starring CBeebies presenter Cerrie Burnell. 3-6 years. Cost £10. The Night Before Christmas November 30-December 1 Eddie the mouse sets off in search of

Natural History Museum

ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS Burlington House, W1J OBD ( Green Park) 020 7300 8000 royalacademy.org.uk Colour in the Desert November 24 Watercolour landscape painting – family workshop. Winter Wonderland December 8 Creative paper craft – family workshop. Free drop-in.

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01/11/2013 16:25

places to go theatre shows • pantomimes Puss in Boots November 23-January 5 Songs, dance routines, comedy and audience participation. Cost £10-£32.

Children journey to faraway lands to return Christmas presents that were not meant for them. 5+ years. Cost £11-£20. Christmas Tales December 4, 7, 14, 15, 21-23 Tales from the Shed with some Christmas magic. Cost £8/babies under 1 year free. On Tour – Christmas Tales December 20 & 27 At Dugdale Centre, Enfield, EN2 6DS.

The Tiger Who Came to Tea at the Arts Depot

Father Christmas. Festive fun, songs and joining in. 3+ years. Cost £9. The Tiger Who Came to Tea December 3-January 5 A surprise guest comes to tea, in a delightful story by Judith Kerr brought to life on stage. 3+ years. Cost £14.

BARBICAN CENTRE Silk Street, EC2Y 8DS ( Barbican) 020 7638 4141 barbican.org.uk Get Happy December 12-15, 18, 20-23, 27-29 Performance, dance, music and comedy. 4+ years. Cost £11. BLOOMSBURY THEATRE 15 Gordon Street, WC1H OAH ( Euston) 020 3108 1000

thebloomsbury.com Snow Play December 10-January 11 A show about Winter and Spring where Mr White comes into Mr Green’s house and covers it in snow. 3-7 years. Cost £15/£10/family £45. The Santa Claus Science Experiment December 15, 22 Presented by Comedy Club 4 Kids with help from elves, scientists and comedians. 6+ years. Cost £12.50/ family £30.

CHICKENSHED THEATRE Chase Side, Southgate, N14 4PE ( Cockfosters/Oakwood) 020 8292 9222 chickenshed.org.uk The Night Before Christmas November 27-January 11

DUGDALE CENTRE Thomas Hardy House, 39 London Road, Enfield EN2 6DS (Train Enfield Town) 020 8807 6680 dugdalecentre.co.uk Children’s International Voices Christmas Concert December 7, 8 Christmas choir. Cost £10/£5. Flo White and the $even Dawgs December 14-January 5 Street dance and rap version of the classic tale. Cost £15/£10/online £14/£7. Christmas Tales December 20 & 27 Chicken Shed Theatre’s festive Tales from the Shed characters. Cost £8. ETCETERA THEATRE 265 Camden High Street, NW1 7BU ( Camden Town) 020 7482 4857 etceteratheatre.com A Christmas Carol December 17-22 One man playing 20 characters on stage. Cost £11.50.

HACKNEY EMPIRE 291 Mare Street, E8 1EJ (Hackney Central) 020 8985 2424 hackneyempire.co.uk

JACKSONS LANE 269A Archway Road, N6 5AA ( Highgate) 020 8341 4421 jacksonslane.org.uk Nobody Rides the Unicorn November 17 Puppets, music and sound effects. 4+ years. Cost £8.95. One Snowy Night November 30-December 1 Puppets and songs. 3+ years. £8.95. The Hare & the Tortoise December 7-January 3 A race between the tortoise and the hare – but who will win? 2+ years. Cost £14.95/£10.95/family £45/ previews £8. LAUDERDALE HOUSE Highgate Hill, Waterlow Park, N6 5HG ( Archway) 020 8348 8716 lauderdalehouse.co.uk Kate Shortt Comedy Cello November 16 Musical entertainment. 2-8 years. Cost £4.50/£3. Big Goldilocks & the Three Bears November 23 Big ‘G’ goes into the bear’s house, hungry, grumpy and tired. 3-6 years. Cost £4.50/£3. Otiz Cannelloni’s Sunday Spectacular November 24 Fun family concert. Cost £6. The White Reindeer November 30 A wonderful wintery adventure. 2-5 years. Cost £4.50/£3.



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01/11/2013 16:25

theatre shows • pantomimes places to go Elliott’s Christmas December 7 Elliot the dog goes on a journey to find Father Christmas. Cost £4.50/£3. Rapunzel December 14 Classic tale puppet show. 2-5 years. Cost £4.50/£3.

LION & UNICORN THEATRE 42-44 Gaisford Street, London NW5 2ED ( Kentish Town) 08444 771000 (bookings) lionandunicorntheatre.com Rudyard Kipling’s The Jungle Book December 3-January 5 Mowgli is helped by his friends to survive in the Indian jungle. Cost £19/£15/£12 children 14 years and under. LITTLE ANGEL THEATRE 14 Dagmar Passage, N1 2DN ( Angel or Highbury Islington) 020 7226 1787 littleangeltheatre.com The Night Before Christmas November 16-January 5 Musical puppet show based on the classic poem. 3+ years (baby friendly performances on selected dates) Cost £14/£10/family £44. Dogs Don’t Do Ballet December 11-February 2 Biff the dog thinks he is a ballerina! 2-6 years. Cost £12/£10.

LONDON COLISEUM St Martin’s Lane, WC2N 4ES ( Charing Cross) 020 7836 0111 0871 911 0200 eno.org Madam Butterfly Until December 1 The Magic Flute Until December 7 LONDON INTERNATIONAL MIME FESTIVAL mimelondon.com January 8-February 1 Various international mime artists perform at a selection of venues including The Barbican and The Royal Opera House.

LYRIC THEATRE HAMMERSMITH King Street, W6 OQL ( Hammersmith) 020 8741 6850 lyric.co.uk Raymond Briggs’ Father Christmas November 22-January 4 Based on the book. Under 6 years. Cost £10/£8/£12 with messy play ticket.

Jack and the Beanstalk November 23-January 4 Classic pantomime fun with magic beans and an evil giant. 6+ years. Cost £12.50-£35.

LYRIC THEATRE (LONDON) 29 Shaftesbury Avenue, W1D 7ES ( Piccadilly Circus) 0844 482 9674 The Gruffalo November 20-January 12 Musical show based on the book. 3+ years. Cost from £14. MILLFIELD ARTS CENTRE Silver Street, Edmonton, N18 1PJ 020 8807 6680 enfield.gov.uk millfieldsartcentre.co.uk Dick Whittington November 28-January 4 A young man and his loyal cat look for fame and fortune. Annual extravaganza of comedy, singing, dancing, audience participation and glamour and glitz. 3+ years. Shrekettes in Wonderland January 9-19 Street dance, urban pantomime with Alice in Wonderland characters. Cost £15.25/£12.75/family £50/ online discounts. NATIONAL THEATRE South Bank, SE1 9PX ( Waterloo) 020 7452 3000 nationaltheatre.org.uk Emil and the Detectives November 16-February 20 A boy in 1920’s Berlin. Families can also enjoy back stage tours, books and toys in the bookshop and children’s menus in the restaurant. 7+ years. Cost £26, £38, £48 / children half price. PARK THEATRE Clifton Terrace, Finsbury Park, N4 3JP ( Finsbury Park) 020 7870 6876 parktheatre.co.uk The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) – Revised December 2-8 Thirty seven plays in ninety minutes! Cost £19.50/£12/£12 on Tuesdays for N4 residents and under 25s. Much Ado About Nothing December 3-15 Festive version of Shakespeare’s romantic comedy. Cost £19.50/£12/£12 on Tuesdays for N4 residents and under 25s. Sleeping Beauty December 11-January 19 Christmas pantomime with magic, romance and lots of laughs. 4+ years. Cost £19.50/£12/family £60/£12 on Tuesdays for N4 residents and under 25s.

Unicorn Theatre

020 7704 2730 rosemarybranch.co.uk Buttons: Another Cinderella Story December 8, 22*, 28, 30 January 2, 4, 5 Matinee shows on these selected dates. Shows on other dates are not suitable for children. Cost £14.50/£12/£11.50/£10/£5. *Small children on laps are free.

PEACOCK THEATRE Portugal Street, WC2A 2HT ( Holborn) 0844 412 4322 sadlerswells.com The Snowman November 27-January 5 A young boy’s snowman comes to life on Christmas Eve. Cost £12-£32/family £95.

PLEASANCE THEATRE Carpenters Mews, North Road, N7 9EF ( Caledonian Road) 020 7609 1800 pleasance.co.uk Hey Presto December 4-21 Presto the cat and Monty the dog join a funfair. 3-8 years. Cost £8/£9/ family £30. Peter Pan Goes Wrong December 10-January 5 Comedy adapted from the original stage play. 7+ years. Cost £12.50/ family £40. PUPPET THEATRE BARGE Blomfield Road, Little Venice, W9 2PF ( Warwick Avenue) 020 7249 6876 puppetbarge.com Mr Rabbit meets Brer Santa November 23, 24, 30, December 1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 27-31, January 1-5, 11, 12 Christmas puppet show. 3+ years. RADLETT CENTRE 1 Aldenham Avenue, Radlett, Hertfordshire, WD7 8HL (Radlett 01923 859291 radlettcentre.co.uk


Aladdin December 7-31 Favourite pantomime characters with Aladdin, the magical Genie and the beautiful Princess Jasmine. Cost £19/£17/family £68.

ROSEMARY BRANCH THEATRE 2 Shepperton Road, N1 3DT ( Old Street)

ROUNDHOUSE Chalk Farm Road, NW1 8EH ( Chalk Farm) 0844 482 8008 roundhouse.org.uk My Brother the Robot December 10-January 5 Bobbie wants someone to play with, so her dad builds her a robot little brother. 4+ years. Cost £10/£8. ROYAL OPERA HOUSE Covent Garden, WC2E 9DD ( Covent Garden) 020 7304 4000 roh.org.uk Romeo and Juliet Until December 7 How the Whale Became December 3-January 4 In The Linbury Studio Theatre. Family opera inspired by Ted Hughes’s story collection. 5+ years. Cost £8-£25. The Nutcracker December 4-January 16 Also live screenings at local cinemas on December 12 – see Cinema Listings. Wind in the Willows December 11-February 1 At The Duchess Theatre, 3-5 Catherine Street, WC2B 5LA. Adventures with Toad, Ratty, Mole and Badger. 5+ years. Cost £15-£50. SADLER’S WELLS & LILIAN BAYLIS STUDIO Rosebery Avenue, EC1R 4TN ( Angel) 0844 412 4300 sadlerswells.com

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01/11/2013 16:25

places to go theatre shows • pantomimes UPSTAIRS AT THE GATEHOUSE THEATRE The Gatehouse Pub, Highgate Village, N6 4BD ( Highgate) 020 8340 3488 020 7723 6609 (Garden Suburb) upstairsatthegatehouse.com gardensuburbtheatre.org.uk

Mons November 16, 17 Move in an imaginary world with strange shapes and characters. Dance theatre for children inspired by the work of the Taiwanese author and illustrator Jimmy Liao. 6+ years. Cost £7-£12. Boing! December 20-January 5 At Lillian Baylis Studio. Comedy, acrobatics and dance. 3+ years. Cost £5-£12.

Gates open at 11.00am (Dressage earlier start)

Free entry Spectators welcome Pony Rides

(Starting from 11.00am for all ages 3 years +)

Games, Stalls and Attractions Petting Zoo Horse Show

(dressage, gymkhana games from 1.30pm and show jumping from 3pm)

Novelty Dog Show (starting at 12.30pm)

Food and drink served throughout the day For further information please contact us on: 020 8349 1345 or email: thelec@hotmail.co.uk The London Equestrian Centre, Lullington Garth, London N12 7BP www.londonridingschool.com

ST JAMES THEATRE 12 Palace Street, SW1E 5JA ( Victoria) 0844 264 2140 stjamestheatre.co.uk The Snail and the Whale December 10-January 5 A tiny snail gets a lift on the tail of a humpback whale. Cost £18, £16.

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Snow Play December 1 Mr Green comes home to find his house covered in snow. 3-6 years. The Snow Dragon Christmas Show December 11-23 Story telling, comedy and songs. 3+ years.

WATFORD COLOSSEUM Rickmansworth Road, Watford, WD17 3JN (Watford Junction / Cassiobury Park Avenue) 01923 474100 watfordcolosseum.co.uk The Nutcracker / Sleeping Beauty / Swan Lake December 15-17 Russian State Ballet. Cost £28-£37.50. A Christmas Carol December 24 Musical version. Cost £18.50, £16.50/£14.50, £14.50/£12.50/ family £56.

Cinderella December 13-31 Family pantomime with live band, glittering costumes and audience participation.

SOHO THEATRE 21 Dean Street, W1D 3NE ( Tottenham Court Rd) 020 7478 0100 sohotheatre.com Comedy Club 4 Kids November 23, December 7, 21 Family friendly comedy club. 6+ years. Cost £10/family £30. UNICORN THEATRE 147 Tooley Street, SE1 2HZ ( London Bridge) 020 7645 0560 unicorntheatre.com Cinderella: A Fairytale November 26-January 5 Classic tale with music and storytelling. 6+ years. Cost £22/£15. ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas December 3-29 Originally written in 1823 and delightfully adapted. Under 5 years.

Please note: The London Equestrian Centre operates a strict non-smoking policy at all times. Dogs must be kept on leads at all times.


WATERMANS 40 High Street, Brentford, TW8 ODS (Kew Bridge/Brentford ) 020 8232 1010 watermans.org.uk

SHAW THEATRE 100-110 Euston Road, NW1 2AJ ( King’s Cross) 020 7666 9000 0844 248 5075 shaw-theatre.com

Forty Hall


Treasure Island November 27-30, December 1 Jim Hawkins’ voyage in search of pirate treasure. Garden Suburb Theatre production. Cost £12.

WATFORD PALACE THEATRE Clarendon Road, Watford (Watford Junction) 01923 225671 watfordpalacetheatre.co.uk Robin Hood December 6-28 Family pantomime with musicians, story telling and lots of audience participation. Cost £12.50-£22.50. WEMBLEY ARENA Arena Square, Engineers Way, HA9 OAA ( Wembley Park) 020 8782 5566 0844 815 0815 bookings wembleyarena.co.uk Peter Pan The Never Ending Story January 2-4 Acrobats, dancers, stuntmen and magicians. Cost £22.50-£50.85. WYCOMBE-SWAN THEATRE St Mary Street, High Wycombe, Bucks HP11 2XE (J4/M40) 01494 512000



01/11/2013 16:26

NCT • local events places to go wycombeswan.co.uk Cinderella December 7-January 5 Family friendly pantomime with Shane Richie. Lots of audience participation and special effects. Cost £19-£30.50.

WYLLYOTTS THEATRE Darkes Lane, Potters Bar, Herts (Potters Bar ) 01707 645005 hertsmereleisure.co.uk Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs December 14-January 5 Traditional pantomime.

NCT – North London ENFIELD BRANCH nct.org.uk/branches/enfield Events are run by volunteers and may occasionally be subject to cancellation. Check website for any changes to the schedule. NCTea@Baskerville’s Tea Shop 66 Alderman’s Hill, Palmers Green, N13 4PP. Every Monday 10am-12. Parentsto-be, parents with babies and older siblings welcome. Bumps & Babies At Kiddicare, Enfield Retail Park, Crown Road, EN1 1TH. Every Monday 1.30pm-3.30pm. At St Michael and All Angels’ Church Hall, EN2 OQP. Every Tuesday 2.30pm4pm. For parents-to-be and parents with babies under 1 year. Walk in the Park November 15, December 13 Monthly event in Hillyfields. 9.30am followed by coffee at Café Choo Choo at 10.30am. Pudding Club December 2, January 6 Monthly evening social event for parents-to-be and parents. Cricketers, Chase Side Place, EN2 6QA. HAMPSTEAD & CAMDEN BRANCH Supports young families and new or expecting parents from NW1, NW3, NW5, NW8 and the Camden half of NW6 (West Hampstead).

nct.org.uk/hampstead chair.hampsteadnct@yahoo.co.uk

HARINGEY BRANCH Local to Alexandra Palace, Muswell Hill, Bounds Green, Crouch End, East Finchley, Highgate, Stroud Green and Wood Green

nct.org.uk/haringey facebook.com/haringeynct twitter.com/HaringeyNCT parentsupport@haringeynct.org Pub Night November 28 At The Maynard Arms, 70 Park Road, N8. Expecting a baby January-March come along at 8pm. Non-members welcome. Email branch@haringeynct.org. Christmas Baby Fair November 30 Union Church, Weston Park, N8. 10.30am-12. Father Christmas and festive activities. NCTea@Blend localblend.co.uk Weekly on Mondays at 11am. At 587 Green Lanes, N8 ORG. Meet other parents in the café. Non-members welcome. NCTea@Pickled Pepper Books pickledpepperbooks.co.uk Weekly on Tuesdays 10am11.30. Join Megan for a cuppa and chat with other families. Bookstore at 10 Middle Lane, Crouch End, N8 8PL. If you are able to help with hosting contact crouchend@haringeynct.org. NCTea@Chorak Café Thursday mornings from 11.30am-12.30. At 122 High Road, East Finchley, N2 9ED. Open to all parents. Meet at the back area – space for buggies but no baby changing facilities. Contact lisabrosh@hotmail.com Bumps and Babies @Jackson’s Lane, N6 Weekly on Thursdays from 2.30pm. New and expecting mums (and dads) to meet other parents. Contact Laura – highgate@haringeynct.org.uk Book Club @ The Woodman N6 Monthly book club meetings. Contact alisonmccann@yahoo.com Running Late@Pond Square N6 Wednesdays from 8.15pm Running club. Email miss_ ljwilkinson@hotmail.com. Spanish Group New group for mums and little ones to play, sing and chat in Spanish. Takes place in the house – maximum 10 places. Contact highgate@haringeynct.org.uk NCTea@The Step, N22 Fortnightly on Fridays Held at 101 Myddleton Road, Bowes Park, N22 9NE. thestep. co.uk. Coffee and chat. NCTea@Karamel N22 Monthly at 10am At Coburg Road, Wood Green. Coffee and chat. boundsgreen@ haringeynct.org Tootoomums@TooTooMoo Monthly event every third Wednesday at 12 Crouch End Hill. Cookery demonstrations.

Local Events Barnet BARNET UNITED REFORMED CHURCH Wood Street, EN5 4BW urc-barnet.org

The Boys’ Brigade & Girls’ Association. Monday Guides & Brownies Tuesday 10 o’clock Club Wednesday Under 3 years, parents & carers.

BARNET LIBRARIES Chipping Barnet, Church End, East Barnet, East Finchley, Hendon, Mill Hill, North Finchley, Osidge, South Friern Baby Rhyme Time Weekly sessions for non-walking babies and parent/carers. Free. Toddler Read & Rhyme Songs, rhymes and stories. Weekly during term-time. Free.

Camden BURGH HOUSE & HAMPSTEAD MUSEUM New End Square, NW3 1LT ( Hampstead) 020 7431 0144 burghhouse.org.uk Kids Take Over Museums Day November 22 Staff take a back seat while children run the museum with family craft activities and guided tours. Free entry. Family Carol Concert December 8 Festive favourites. Cost £10/£5.

EFDSS Cecil Sharp House 2 Regent’s Park Road, NW1 7AY ( Camden Town) 020 7485 2206 efdss.org Family Barn Dance November 17, December 8 High energy dance for children and adults with simple instructions. No unaccompanied adults. Cost £6/£4/ under 2s free. GRANT MUSEUM OF ZOOLOGY Rockefeller Building, University College London, 21 University Street, WC1E 6DE ( Euston Square) 020 3108 2052 ucl.ac.uk

Explore Zoology November 23

Lauderdale House

Hands-on specimen based activities on amazing animals. Free.

HIGHGATE LITERARY & SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION 11 South Grove, N6 6BS 020 8340 3343 hlsi.net Antique & Craft Winter Fair November 30 Gift ideas and stalls and a special children’s area for making decorations. Festive preview evening the night before with roasted chestnuts, mulled wine and mince pies.

JEWISH MUSEUM Raymond Burton House, 129-131 Albert Street, NW1 7NB ( Camden Town) 020 7284 7384 jewishmuseum.org.uk Football Family Fun Day November 24 Football skills and craft activities to make a Chanukah candle in your team colours. Entrance £7.50/£3.50/ under 5s free. LAUDERDALE HOUSE Highgate Hill, Waterlow Park, N6 5HG ( Archway) 020 8348 8716 lauderdalehouse.co.uk Craft Fair December 15 Jewellery, cards, clothing and ceramics. OCTOBER GALLERY 24 Old Gloucester Street, WC1N 3AL ( Holborn) 020 7242 7367 octobergalleryeducation.co.uk Family Art Day November 16 Come early to secure a place. Under 5 years. Free. SIR JOHN SOANE’S MUSEUM 13 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, WC2A 3BP ( Holborn) 020 7405 2107 soane.org

To advertise in Families North London please call on 020 8202 2034 or email adverts@familiesnorth.co.uk

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01/11/2013 16:26

places to go local events It’s a Wrap December 21 Design Christmas wrapping paper and matching cards. Online booking required. 7-12 years. Whole day workshop. Cost £25. Picture Room Calendar January 2 Make a calendar. Online booking required. 7-12 years. Whole day workshop. Cost £25. A New Year’s Puppet Pantomime January 3 Make shadow puppets and create a puppet pantomime. Online booking required. 7-12 years. Whole day workshop. Cost £25.

Enfield FORTY HALL Forty Hill, Enfield EN2 9HA (M25/ J25) 020 8363 8196 fortyhallestate.co.uk Dawn Chorus November 24 Special magical morning to watch the sunrise, have breakfast and listen to live music. 7am-9am. Cost £25 per person. Christmas Market November 30 Creative gift ideas for Christmas. Visit

the decorations in the Long Gallery and see the Christmas tree in the Inner Courtyard. Free admission. Forty Hall by Candlelight December 5-21 Candlelit tours with music and costumed characters. Booking required. Cost £10/online discounts. Under the Mantle Until December 8 Exhibition on fine art ceramic sculptures. Free admission. Landscape Tapestry Weaves Until January 5 Exhibition on wool, linen and silk tapestry. Free admission. Changing Landscapes Until January 5 Restoration work begins in the grounds of the Estate in November – find out about past, present and future changes. Free admission.

ST LUKE’S CHURCH Phipps Hatch Lane, Enfield, EN2 OHL Craft Fair December 14 Children’s craft table, face painting, tearoom and high quality art and crafts. Free entry.

Hackney THE COURTYARD Bowling Green Walk, 40 Pitfield

Street, N1 6EU ( Old Street) 020 7729 2202 thecourtyard.org.uk Aladdin December 11-15 Christmas pantomime.

Marley’s childhood and teenage years growing up in Jamaica. Cost £10.

BRUCE CASTLE MUSEUM Lordship Lane, N17 8NU ( Seven Sisters) 020 8808 8772 haringey.gov.uk Creative Catherine Wheels November 17 Use leaves collected from the park. 5-13 years. Christmas in the Post From November 20 Display of card designs, posters and wrapping from the past. Vintage and Designer’s Fair November 23 Stalls – clothes, accessories, gifts, crafts and food. Entrance £1.50. Tree-mendous Prints November 24 Collage work with various materials. 5-13 years. Dazzling Decorations December 1 Help to decorate the Christmas tree. 5-13 years. Christmas Masks December 8 Design Santa, Rudolph and snowman masks. 5-13 years.

ST JOHN AT HACKNEY CHURCH Lower Clapton Road, E5 OPD ( Hackney Central) 020 8985 5374 stjohnathackney.org.uk Hackney Children’s Theatre Monthly shows for children inside the church.

SUTTON HOUSE MUSIC SOCIETY At Sutton House, 2 Homerton High Street, E9 6JQ ( Bethnal Green) 07505 609757 Bookings shms.org.uk Christmas Concert December 15 Classical music concerts where children are welcome. Cost £10/ children free.

Haringey ALEXANDRA PALACE Alexandra Palace Way, N22 7AY ( Wood Green) 020 8365 2121 alexandrapalace.com World Championships of Ping Pong 2014 January 4, 5 Two-day tournament. Cost £20/£10.

Forty Hall

BERNIE GRANT ARTS CENTRE Town Hall Approach Road, N15 4RX ( Seven Sisters) 020 8365 5450 berniegrantcentre.co.uk Half a Sixpence November 28-December 7 Musical with students from Mountview Academy. Bob Marley, When He was a Likkle Bwoy December 19

HARINGEY FAMILIES haringeyfamilies.co.uk Nearly New Sale December 14 At St George’s Hall, Cranley Gardens, N10 3AH. Nearly new children’s clothes, books and equipment. 10.15am-11.45am. MARKFIELD BEAM ENGINE & MUSEUM Markfield Road, N15 4RB ( Tottenham Hale) 01707 873628 mbeam.org Open Days December 8 Islington


★★★★ Guardian 26 NOV – 5 JAN



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01/11/2013 16:26

local events • further afield places to go

In their boutique salon you can choose from Shellac gel polish, St Tropez tanning, waxing and facial treatments The new shop has opened with customers leaving feeling refreshed and happy.

So if you need to have partyperfect make-up this is ideal. Please call ahead to make an appointment quoting Families North to receive your 30% discount.


Glamour – The Salon, has teamed up with Families North to offer all our readers 30% off any salon treatment

The Tiger Who Came to Tea





live on stage! a musical play by DAVID WOOD based on the book by JUDITH KERR

“This Tiger is the cat’s meow”


No treatment is rushed so you really feel pampered and cared for.

The Times

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The Salon is open Sunday to Friday and will open for specially scheduled appointments as well.

★★★★ Mail On Sunday

TUE 3 DEC - SUN 5 JAN Box Office: 020 8369 5454

92A Brent Street, Hendon NW4 2ES Tel: 07742 110315

ISLINGTON ART SOCIETY islingtonartsociety.org.uk E_Glamour_adj.indd 1 Autumn Exhibition Until November 23 Hornsey Library, Crouch End, N8 9JA.

ISLINGTON MUSEUM 245 St John Street, EC1V 4NB ( Angel) 020 7527 2837 islington.gov.uk ‘It’s Arsenal Around Here’: 100 years in Islington Until January 24 Exhibition looks back at the club’s history in Islington.

KINGS PLACE 90 York Way, N1 9AG ( Kings Cross) 020 7520 1490 kingsplace.co.uk, londonjazzfestival.org.uk



thetigerwhocametotealive.com PARASOL UNIT FOUNDATION FOR 26/06/2013 CONTEMPORARY ART 14 Wharf Road, N1 7RW ( Angel) 020 7490 7373 parasol-unit.org The Geography of Myth November 17 Practical workshop using games, drama, drawing and storytelling. Booking required. 5-15 years. Cost £5 per family. Intuitive Constructions December 1 Interactive workshop using packaging, breeze-blocks, curtains, tape and rope. Booking required. 5-15 years. Cost £5 per family.

Further Afield

Christmas Special December 15 12:57 Drop-in festive art activities. Free with museum entry £10.85/under 12s free.

HATFIELD HOUSE Great North Road, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL9 5NQ (Hatfield (Herts) /M25-J23) 01707 287010 hatfield-house.co.uk Christmas Frost Fair November 22-24 Crafts, gifts, food, workshops and Father Christmas. Music for Christmas December 8 Evening performance of Christmas classics. Cost £15/£10.

DESIGN MUSEUM 28 Shad Thames,SE1 2YD ( London Bridge) 020 7403 6933 designmuseum.org

OSTERLEY PARK & HOUSE (NT) Jersey Road, Isleworth, TW7 4RB ( Osterley) 020 8232 5050 nationaltrust.org.uk

Waffle Hearts November 16 Book launch – reading and music. 6+ years. Cost £4.50.

Hello, My Name is Paul Smith From November 15 Celebrating the career of fashion designer Paul Smith. Cost £11.85/£6.50.

Deck the Halls November 30, December 1, 7, 8 Christmas activities, decorations and gifts. Cost £5.50/£2.75/family £13.75.

New Year’s Day Concert January 1 Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment. Cost £19.50-£39.50.

Drop in and Design November 24 Family art activities. Free with museum entry £10.85/under 12s free.

RIVER AND ROWING MUSEUM Mill Meadows, Henley on Thames, Oxon RG9 1BF (M40/J4)

Jazz for Toddlers November 16 Music and movement. Booking required. Part of the EFG London Jazz Festival. 2-5 years.

01491 415600 rrm.co.uk Oh No You Don’t January 2 Creative art session with Wind in the Willows characters. Annual admission £8.50/£6.50/family £22.50-£34/under 4s free. The Sound of the Wind January 3 Make wind chimes to hang in the garden.

WWT LONDON WETLAND CENTRE Queen Elizabeth’s Walk, SW13 9WT (Barnes ) 020 8409 4400 wwt.org.uk/London Christmas Family Activities December 21-January 5 Craft sessions, shows and seasonal trails. Entry £10.59/£5.91/family £29.55/under 4s free.

WREST PARK Silsoe, Luton, Bedfordshire, MK45 4HR 01525 860000 english-heritage.org.uk/wrest-park Festive Family Fun Trail November 30, December 1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22 Clues, trails and prizes. Entrance cost £8.80/£5.30/family £22.90.

To advertise in Families North London please call on 020 8202 2034 or email adverts@familiesnorth.co.uk

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01/11/2013 16:26

places to go

Parent & Toddler Fair Sharon & Talya Events proudly presents The Parent, Baby & Toddler Fair to be held on Sunday 24th November 2013 between 10am & 5pm at London’s newest state of the art venue, JW3, Finchley Road, London NW3. Due to the great success of our baby fair held at the end of last year, we expect this to be a sell out. With over 700 people turning up to see last years fair, this venue is promising to be an even greater success. We have 60 stalls available with bookings taken on a first come first served basis. The Mother, Baby and Toddler market is continuously growing. Every year the range of services and products on offer are increasing. We will be showcasing these services and products to produce a fun day out for all the family and a unique shopping experience for parents and expectant mothers.

Win one of two family tickets tosee Snow Play at Bloomsbury Theatre What would you do if one year Winter decided to stay and moved into your house? You would have icicles in the kitchen and snow all over your bed! Well that’s what happens in our snowy spectacular show where you are guaranteed a white Christmas, no matter what

the weather or the time of year! When Mr Green comes back from holiday to find Mr White in his house it’s the start of a brrrrilliant series of adventures as Mr White covers the whole house in snow and Mr Green does everything he can to get him outside into the garden. The audience gets stuck in too with their own snow, making a snowman and joining in with a massive snowball fight. But it’s getting warmer and, as Mr White stars to melt, the tables might be turning... Snow Play is a showdown between Winter and Spring over who gets to stay and who has to go away! To be in with a chance of winning a family ticket to the Snow-Play-at-Bloomsbury Theatre just answer the following question: Who does Mr Green find in his house when he comes back from holiday? To enter go to www.familiesnorth.co.uk. Competition closes Friday 6th December 2013

Cafedepot – great for families Got little ones and looking for somewhere to meet friends? With a free soft play area, kids book corner, baby-changing facilities and organic products from Ella’s Kitchen and Rachel’s Dairy, cafedepot certainly ticks a lot of boxes. During termtime (midweek) there good reason to drop in for a spot of lunch, with a chef on site creating inspired salads, as well as jacket potatoes and sandwiches. Add free wifi and great coffees, and we think there’s plenty here to keep mums and dads happy too. Visit www. artsdepot.co.uk for opening hours.

Chickenshed Chickenshed will be performing two exciting theatre shows over the Christmas period. The Night Before Christmas, a magical musical festive treat for all the family opens on 27 November-11 January. Revived for 2013, this production is fondly remembered as one of Chickenshed’s best shows EVER! So prepare to be mesmerised by the wonderful story, beautiful music and songs, amazing dance and a feast of memorable characters. For younger audiences we have Christmas Tales – a ‘Tales-o-mime’ especially created for children aged 0-7 year olds. Please telephone Chickenshed’s box office 0208 292 9222 or visit www.chickenshed.org.uk for further details.


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Dickens Competition

Dick Whittington

Win one of three pairs of tickets to see Dickens Abridged at the Arts Theatre. From the co-creator of The Complete Works of Shakespeare (abridged), Dickens Abridged, a fast-paced musical comedy, will open in the West End for a limited Christmas Season at The Arts Theatre from 27th November 2013 to 5th January 2014. To be in with a chance of winning a pair of tickets, just answer the following question; Who wrote and directed Dickens Abridged? To enter go to www.familiesnorth.co.uk/ competitions. Competition closes Monday 25th November 2013.

Win a family ticket* to North London’s Most Legendary Pantomime – the Millfield Theatre Panto! This year Millfield presents Dick Whittington, the true rags-to-riches tale of a young man and his loyal cat, on their exciting quest to find fame and fortune in the big smoke. *Family ticket (two adults, two children). Dates 28th Nov-4th Jan – specific show date will be picked once the winner is chosen. Tickets subject to availability. Ages 3-103! To enter go to www.familiesnorth. co.uk/competitions. Competition closes Monday 25th November 2013.




01/11/2013 16:26

places to go

nded mme Reco nge 3-8 ra e ag

based on the book by Nadia Shireen

Pleasance Theatre Box office: 020 7609 1800

4th -21st December Mon - Fri 10:30 & 12:30 Sat 10:30, 12:30 & 14:30 www.PeacefulLion.com @thePeacefulLion /PeacefulLionProductions

Registered charity no:1012369

Money comes to life It’s fascinating and fun! Special events and more every day in the Bank’s Museum

A truly magical Chickenshed show 27 Nov – 11 Jan For ages 5+

Box Office: 020 8292 9222


Christmas Tales 4 - 27 Dec A fun and festive show for 0-7s!

Sponsored by

Admission free 10am – 5pm Monday to Friday. Closed weekends and public holidays. Entrance in Bartholomew Lane, London EC2R 8AH. Tel: 020 7601 5545 www.bankofengland.co.uk/museum

To advertise in Families North London please call on 020 8202 2034 or email adverts@familiesnorth.co.uk

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01/11/2013 16:26

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01/11/2013 16:26

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