Families Suffolk – The local magazine containing useful information for parents of 0-12 year olds
iss JUL ue 12 Y/ 201 AUG 3
www. families s uffo lk. co .u k
In this issue
Local News – Suffolk Most Active County News - Summer Holiday Activities – Summer Holiday What’s On and much more I p s w i c h • R U SH M E R E • B E L S T E A D • WH E R S T E A D • P I N E W O O D • K E S G R AV E • H E N L E Y • W I T N E SH A M N A C T O N • H O L B R O O K • SH O T L E Y • C L A Y D O N • Woodbridge • Hadleig h • Sto w market
Welcome to the summer issue of Families Suffolk. I hope you are all enjoying the warmer weather and time spent outside in the garden as much as we are. This issue has some interesting reading for you, our regular features are at the front of the magazine, and from page 9 onwards it’s all about helping you fill the upcoming school summer holidays with fun activities and great offers both at home and at various locations in and around Suffolk. I hope you find some inspiration whatever the weather and all enjoy some fun family time. Let’s all keep our fingers crossed for some sunshine. Happy reading
Lisa Giddings – Editor
P.S If you enjoy Families Suffolk magazine why not register for our bi-monthly newsletter, this contains more useful articles, information and offers for you to enjoy www.familiesonline.co.uk/user/register
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Local News
Suffolk Most Active County
Parents Place
Our Community
Activities Unlimited & RSPB Minsmere
Babytalk Keeping fit through pregnancy & beyond
Summer Holiday Activities & What’s on
14 12-
3-4 5 6 7 8 9 - 14 15
scan for our website
Competition Page
Next issue - Sept / Oct 2013
Cover Image: Fun at Alton Water
Circulation - 16,000 copies of Families Suffolk are available through nurseries, schools, libraries, selected shops and other distribution points throughout Suffolk. If you would like free copies for your organisation, please contact us. Contact details 01473 788546 / 07887 945767 editor@familiessuffolk.co.uk Editorial, Advertising & artwork editor@familiessuffolk.co.uk Events, diary dates, out & about editor@familiessuffolk.co.uk DESIGN & EDITING Cresign: 01473 422 779 info@cresign.co.uk www.cresign.co.uk
Printed in the UK by The Magazine Printing Company using only paper from FSC/PEFC suppliers www.magprint.co.uk Families Suffolk is part of the Families group, established in 1990 and headed by Families South West. All franchised magazines in the group are independently owned and operated under license. We take every care preparing the magazine, but the publishers and distributers can’t be held responsible for the claims of advertisers, the accuracy of the contents nor for any correspondences.
To contribute to future editions please email editor@familiessuffolk.co.uk or call 01473 788546
Local News
sponsored by
Kidzone Mobile Creche
On Sunday August 4th the Suffolk Owl Sanctuary From 10.00am until 4.30pm admission to the sanctuary will at Stonham Barns, Stonham Aspal will be hosting include additional activities and information from a variety of groups including Suffolk Village Spinners, Leiston Beekeepers, their annual SAVE IT! conservation event. Ipswich Hedgehog Rescue, the Suffolk Biodiversity Group, As well as the 80 resident owls and other birds Thornham Owl Box Project and the B.T.O. Bird Ringing Team. of prey, spectacular flying displays and cheeky The pretty site also includes a Woodland Walk with red meerkat feeding sessions, the sanctuary will be offering visitors the chance to meet with a variety squirrels, chipmunks and meerkats, play area with mini maze, of local conservation groups all passionate about plenty of picnic space, Raptor hospital and unique owlie gift shop! wildlife and the environment. Details: 0845 680 7897 www.owl-help.org.uk
Maid2Cleanhere to help
Wild Raspberry workshops
Wild Raspberry Textiles & Ceramics Cafe based at Pin Mill, Chelmondiston near Ipswich are running a series of exciting workshops for children 8 years and over during the school holidays. There are five workshops on offer, “DISH IT”- by layering, scratching, stamping, adding and scraping you will customise your own personal plate Altered Art style. It will be fired so you can use or display it. “PRINT IT” - design and print onto a satchel bag. You will design an image to grace the bag, that will use a dye and heat technique. “MOSAIC IT” - be inspired by summertime in Pin Mill, create a mosaic to capture the moment! A taster in mosaic making. “KEEP IT” - La boîte à secrets! Decoupage a keepsake box using stamping and collage techniques. “PAINT IT” - create a silk painted piece ready to take away and frame. All workshops include cookies and juice and a whole lot of creative fun. For details of all the workshops including dates and costs and/or to book and pay online please visit www.wildraspberryonline.co.uk
Local company Maid2Clean are offering mums and dads the chance to earn some money whilst working around school hours. If you love to clean, Maid2Clean are always on the look-out for domestic cleaners for private houses in the local area. They actively welcome mums and dads to apply as the work can fit easily around other commitments. From as few as 2 hours up to 16 hours a week, you can work hours that fit around the school or nursery run. If you have no transport give Sue a call as this may not be a problem as there could be work within walking distance. Maid2Clean really do support mums or dads looking to find work to fit around their family. So if you are over 21 years of age, are reliable, honest with good communication skills contact Sue to find out more. www.maid2clean.co.uk/suffolk/recruitment 0843 289 6858 (local rate)
Name Your Child’s ‘Stuff’
The summer holidays offer a wonderful chance for children to kick off their shoes and enjoy carefree days - which is great until they mislay their shoes, outer layers, swimming goggles etc. Ann-Maree, founder of Labels4Kids, advises parents to label everything - “because kids lose stuff! Better still, label it twice - once inside a pocket or on the care label, and once on the collar so there is no doubt who things belong to.” Ann-Maree was recently invited to be a member of No10 Downing Street EU E-Commerce task force along with ASOS to give her advice on e-commerce. Labels4Kids’ own relauched website makes it easier for you to find your way to the right products. Choose from brilliant, named stick-on clothing labels, easy iron-on labels and woven iron-on labels, vinyl labels for hard surfaces and selection packs. Families readers can save 10% when using the code ‘families’ at the checkout: www.labels4kids.com/fam
To celebrate the 40th birthday of Deben Swimming Pool in Woodbridge they are holding a free public swimming session. On Saturday 20th July between 1.30pm -6.00pm everyone is welcome to enjoy a swim for free. Children under 8 must be supervised in the water and changing rooms by a parent or adult (18+) and a maximum of 2 children under 8 permitted per parent/adult. (The lap lane will still be available). Deben pool are also interested to find out if anyone has any information, paper cut outs or photographs regarding the history of the building. If so, or for any queries regarding the open afternoon, please contact Ali Rolph 01394 384763
A new exciting baby and children’s shop has just opened selling shoes, clothes, hats, jewellery and unique gifts for children aged 0-4 years. Their collection is all for little people at little prices. Little Funfeet are based at 24 St Nicholas Street, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 1TJ. Open Mon-Sat 10-4.30pm (closed Tuesdays). www.littlefunfeet.co.uk 07771557113
Busy Bees Pinewood nursery in Ipswich, is celebrating their new baby room which has incorporated Busy Bees highly acclaimed Busy Babies programme. The ‘Busy Babies’ programme has been developed by Busy Bees with babies in mind, identifying that babies need an environment that stimulates their development but also evokes a feeling of safety and security. Designated ‘Busy Babies’ areas within the babies’ rooms are filled with everyday objects coloured in high contrasting tones to encourage babies to reach and explore. Research suggests using high contrasting tones, such as black and white, are a simple but effective way of stimulating a baby’s brain. Bold, geometrical images can hold their interest and help them to focus, and areas rich in quality displays are necessary to promote the baby’s visual and physical development. Textured materials are also added to the area to create a multi-sensory and cosy feel, allowing the babies to use their senses to explore and discover, encouraging their physical development. A place to rest and relax is just as important for babies as a lively play area. Therefore tranquil spaces for relaxation and calmness are created using lilac and violet tones For more details do contact Nicky on 01473 687017
Local News
sponsored by
Rainbow Bright Day Care & Nursery School
National Breastfeeding Week
runs from 1st-7th August. Breastfeeding your baby is the natural thing to do, but that doesn’t mean it comes naturally to everyone. We asked Ruth Roberts from our local National Childbirth Trust (NCT) to explain the support and information available to mothers through our local NCT from other mothers who have breastfed. ‘Most mothers know that breastfeeding gives their babies a healthy start that lasts a lifetime. If you are experiencing breastfeeding problems or are concerned or confused about something, you may like to ring a NCT breastfeeding counsellor. NCT breastfeeding counsellors are all mothers who have breastfed their own babies. They have been trained to listen carefully, understanding your point of view. They won’t give advice or tell you what to do, but can talk through what’s important for you, backed up by research-based information’. You do not need to belong to the NCT to contact an NCT breastfeeding counsellor. Conversations are confidential and the service is free. NCT Helpline 0300 33 00 700 (option 1) Ruth Roberts 01473 728775 To read a more detailed article please visit www.familiessuffolk.co.uk
New Aquacise class Are you ready for this........... From Monday 15th July 7.30pm Nina Parnham will offer an Aquacise class for ALL ladies and abilities at the Holiday Inn, London road, Ipswich. The class is being run initially for 6 weeks with a view to running permanently if there are regular participants. The Aquacise class is for ALL ladies and abilities and will be suitable for pregnant ladies, new mums, for rehabilitation after surgery and for those who just want a good workout on a Monday! Same great price - £4.80, same amazing venue -
For more information please visit the facebook page “Ipswich Aquanatal Aqua Aerobics” or email Nina ninalou22@hotmail.com.
New Family Martial Arts Centre
Margary+Miller Solicitors recruits a new Family Solicitor
Suffolk based law firm, Margary + Miller Solicitors, has announced the extension of their team of professionals by introducing Josephine Hayes as their new Family Solicitor. Previously working for a large specialist family and criminal defence law firm, Josephine has six years’ qualified experience in family law in the local area. Within this time she has established an excellent reputation and built strong relationships with local courts, barristers, local authorities and CAFCASS (Children and Family Court Advisory Support Service) officers. Josephine commented, “My objective within the firm is to ensure that family law advice is accessible to those who need assistance as I am a firm believer that legal help should be available to everyone. I hope that by offering a range of fixed fee work together with bespoke legal advice where necessary, I will be able to offer assistance to clients who would have previously been eligible for Legal Aid but due to reforms are now finding themselves without any access to free legal advice.” A long established partnership, Margary + Miller Solicitors provides a professional legal service throughout Suffolk and beyond. With an established reputation built on reliability, customer service and flexibility, the firm prides itself on providing quality advice, supported by legal expertise and local knowledge. Offering fixed fee and bespoke services, Margary + Miller Solicitors are confident that all of their services offer clients value for money. For more information visit www.margary-miller.co.uk.
Holiday Inn London Road (near Tesco Copdock) same ‘work you all the way’ instructor - Nina Parnham. The new class is in addition to the regular Wednesday evening classes (7pm Aquanatal 7.45pm Aqua Blast) which are also open to new participants. You can use all the facilities at Holiday Inn after the class (pool, sauna, steam room and jaccuzi) for no extra cost! Excellent value for money for a fun evening out.
Darren Summers is pleased to announce that his Ipswich based family martial arts centre has now relocated to 223 Foxhall Road. The new centre will be open from 1st August and will offer new classes, new facilities such as a crèche and a beauty room plus extended opening hours. Darren is looking forward to welcoming existing and new families to the new centre. For all class timetables or any other information about the new centre please contact Darren 01473 399388 or visit www.darren-summers.co.uk
Barclays - helping the local community
Barclays Bank staff from Ipswich once again supported the local community by assisting Shotley Community Primary School Eco Club in creating a fantastic new garden including a new greenhouse. The Shotley School Eco Club officially thanked Barclays during a recent assembly by reading out a letter which expressed thanks for all their help placing the stepping stones in the Millennium garden so this area can be used without fear of slipping or tripping, and their hard work digging out and clearing the herb garden and vegetable beds which have now been planted up. Barclays also supplied a greenhouse meaning the school can grow seeds and seedlings much more effectively. The school cook will hopefully be using the vegetables and herbs in the pupils’ dinners. Representatives of the School Eco Club presented Sharon Keeble from Barclays with their letter and a bouquet of flowers.
Private Summer Swimming in the heart of Ipswich Why not enjoy an exclusive family/friends swim session at a private pool, based in Elton Park, Ipswich. Over the summer holidays Sailfish Swim School are offering the pool for hire with lifeguard at £50 for a 1 hour pool session for a maximum of 9 people. Various dates are available throughout August. Also available are fast track swimming lesson. These are small group sessions lasting 30 mins at the same time on 5 consecutive days for £45 per child. These are scheduled for 5th to 9th August at 10am-11am. Private fast track sessions available on request at £115 for 5 sessions. Extra dates available subject to demand. Pool Parties available on Sat/Sun afternoons throughout the year - £150 for 2 hour party, includes fun swim session with lifeguard and food/ drinks. Contact Sailfish Swim School Lindsey: 07824 366377 Sally: 07771 872688
To contribute to future editions please email editor@familiessuffolk.co.uk or call 01473 788546
Suffolk is getting more active, it’s official The latest Sport England survey results post-Olympics, has revealed that Suffolk is one of the few counties in England showing a significant increase in sports participation since 2005, when the announcement was made that London had won the bid to host the Games. Activity levels have risen in Suffolk from 31% to 34% of adults taking part in at least 30 minutes of sport or activity weekly.
For Linda Young making the decision to get active and take part in Ipswich parkrun has been life changing. The mum of three from Ipswich says it has improved her family, her fitness, social life, eating habits and her children’s health too.
Linda was first introduced to parkrun by a friend in September 2012 who knew that she wanted to lose weight and get in shape. “My first time round the park was not pretty and I did 5K in 40 minutes. But what struck me was that all the front runners, who you would normally expect to be cheered on, were cheering us on as they lapped us. They could see I was struggling and they were tapping me on the back saying well done and keep going. This gave me the motivation to continue,” said Linda.
community. Seeing the difference between how Linda looked at her parkrun and now, other mums started to approach Linda on how they could take up running. They have now formed a social running group which allows them to exercise and make friends. Her partner Paul, 41, has also started parkrun and it is now an activity they can do together.
has fa l with ru len in love nning
She said: “Although we live in a built up area, you go just a few streets over and there are rolling fields and farms and you forget just how close you are to the beautiful scenery in Suffolk. Running gives you a real freedom and some well deserved time to yourself.
Since that first parkrun Linda has fallen in love with running. She has completed 15 parkrun events to date and when she is not running she volunteers as a marshall with her partner Paul and three children Jessica, Alfie and Ben. She has lost two stone and recently completed the 10K Alton Water Run in 1 hour 3 minutes, an achievement of which she is very proud. Linda’s success in keeping active has also had a positive effect on other mums in the
But the most surprising benefit that Linda says has come from her experience with parkrun is that she has rediscovered her love of the Suffolk countryside.
Doing parkrun has been life changing for both me and my family. I am so glad I did it. It has improved our family and our fitness. We are more sociable because we have discovered a running community that we didn’t know existed and our children are getting more exercise. I would say to anyone thinking of doing parkrun or getting active in general that the first step is easy. Put your shoes on and go out the front door.
Linda Young: Aged 33
Since the flame was extinguished at the closing ceremony of the London Games, we’ve been working hard to lay the foundations of a lasting sport and physical activity legacy for the county with the long-term aim of helping Suffolk to become the most active county in England. And the story below is a great example of how families can get involved and improve their lifestyle.
parkrun Weekly, 5km, timed, free, running for all.
ie and Alf ers Jessica help le tt li y’s Mumm
parkruns are friendly events organised by fantastic local volunteers. They are open to everyone and are safe and easy to take part in. They take place in pleasant parkland surroundings and are open to people of every ability; from those taking their first steps in running to Olympians; from juniors to
Before and after
those with more experience; everyone is welcome to participate. There are currently 3 parkruns in Suffolk in Ipswich (Chantry Park), Brandon (Brandon Country Park) and Bury St Edmunds (Nowton Park). For details visit www.parkrun.org.uk
Helping Suffolk to become England’s Most Active County www.mostactivecounty.com www.familiessuffolk.co.uk
Parents Place Parent to parent interview
In this issue we meet Lyndy Jennings from Felixstowe. Lyndy is a carer to her disabled son and a mobile hairdresser in and around Felixstowe where she has lived most of her life (35years). Lyndy has been married to husband Nathan for 5 years and they have an adorable 3 year old son who has cerebral palsy. Why do you like living where you do? I am a five minute walk from either the beach or inland in the countryside, I love being so near to both. I have my family nearby and enjoy lovely walks, lovely tea shops and a good swimming pool. Favourite shop and why? There are a few little vintage restored furniture shops in Felixstowe, ‘Vintage By The Sea’ is nice, also Crafty Coffee’s is a nice shop too you can make something and have a cuppa at the same time. Favourite park and why? Langer Park has a good play area, Kirton rec is great too. Favourite children’s club/class? My son goes to the opportunities group in Ipswich which is a group for special needs children, we also go to the Dame Vera Lynn School, both are great groups.
No parent should be without? Gin, no, not really. Seriously, I would not be without antibacterial wipes and chocolate buttons for my son. Parenting pet hates? Parents comparing their kids, all children are special in their own ways. Most embarrassing moment? My son bringing up his breakfast, (he was sick), when we were in a swimming lesson. We soon cleared the pool! Favourite family holiday spot? As a family so far we have only been to Centre Parcs which we love. The swimming and the activities are great, really good for disabled access too.
If you would like to visit any of the places Lyndy has mentioned please find the contact details listed below:
Best children’s book? Spot the dog and The Gruffalo Best children DVD or video? Happy Feet, Mickey Mouse or Polar Express
Most played with toys? Favourite day out and why? My son loves playing ball or with any toys that play music. We love taking picnics and going for walks which are wheel chair accessible. My son loves the tree’s blowing and the wind. We also like visits to the zoo. Most successful recipe/food? Biscuits made with icing sugar rather than granulated sugar, they are lighter and fluffy made this way. We had Best planet saving tip? one of my son’s friends round and I made some biscuits Local shopping – shop at your local butchers, for them to cut out and decorate, although I left them in bakers etc., walk more. Also reuse bottles and the oven a bit too long they still came out yummy. bags.
Vintage By The Sea 1A Hamilton Rd, Felixstowe IP11 7AX 01394 548 131 Crafty Coffee’s 1B Hamilton Rd, Felixstowe IP11 7AX 01394 270224 www.facebook.com/CraftyCoffee/info Ipswich Opportunity Group Salavation Army Hall, 558 Woodbridge Road, Ipswich, IP4 4PH 01473 260026 www.access-unlimited.co.uk Dame Vera Lynn School For Parents 6 Perry Barn, Burstall Lane, Sproughton, Suffolk IP8 3DJ 01473 652880 www.dvltrust.org.uk
Photo©pressmaster - Fotolia.com
Get your children (and yourself too) to walk barefoot this summer Have you noticed how good it feels to walk barefoot on the earth?
Recent research has shown that our immune system functions best when our body has an adequate supply of electrons. Electrons are easily and naturally obtained by walking barefoot on the earth, a process known as earthing. These electrons have antioxidant effects that protect your body from inflammation and its many well-documented health consequences. Today we often wear rubber or plastic-soled shoes which disconnect us from this energy and, of course, we no longer sleep on the ground. This disconnection from the Earth creates abnormal physiology and contributes to inflammation, pain, fatigue, stress and poor sleep. By reconnecting to the earth, these symptoms can be relieved and even eliminated. There is no research indicating that earthing will protect a person from exposure to cell phones signals, microwave radiation, or radio frequencies, but research does confirm that it reduces significantly induced body voltages generated by simple exposure to common household pluggedin electrical items (even if the appliance is off), internal wiring, and underground electrical devices. So next time you open the back door, let the children walk barefoot, as they have done throughout history, what about sitting, working, even sleeping grounded indoors?
Let the Sunshine in A recent survey in the UK showed that more than half of adults in the UK did not have enough vitamin D. In the winter and spring about 1 in 6 people has a severe deficiency and about 9 in 10 adults in the UK of South Asian origin. The symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are unclear and the problem can often be missed until it reaches severe levels, at which point it results in a condition known as rickets. What is also coming to light is the impact of insufficient Vitamin D goes far beyond the problem of soft bones. New research is revealing the importance of vitamin D in protecting against many health problems, and insufficient levels of vitamin D is now being closely associated with asthma in children, depression (recent research by the University of Bristol), and two senior paediatric pathologists have discovered a vitamin D deficiency in a significant number of SIDS cases. We are all capable of producing vitamin D with proper exposure to sunlight. However, most sunscreens filter out UVB light which inhibits vitamin D production. During the summer, just 15 minutes in the sun without sunscreen
in the early morning and late afternoon is enough for most light-skinned individuals to create an ample supply of vitamin D, and for skin with more pigment (melanin) up to 40 minutes. Sunscreens remain essential during the sun’s peak hours for you and your children, but maybe use just what you need.
Useful websites
To read more on Vitamin D deficiency, go to: • www.wddty.com • www.webmd.boots.com • www.womentowomen.com • www.patient.co.uk
To read more on earthing, go to: • www.earthinginstitute.net • www.naturalnews.com • www.kindredcommunity.com
To contribute to future editions please email editor@familiessuffolk.co.uk or call 01473 788546 www.familiessuffolk.co.uk
Our Community
sponsored by
Ipswich Building Society
In this issue the Our Community pages highlights the work that Activities Unlimited in partnership with Scope undertake to provide activities suitable for young people with additional needs and disabilities, plus we discover some family fun at RSPB Minsmere. Suffolk’s vision behind Activities Unlimited was to use a travel agency style model to promote short break and leisure activities in partnership with the voluntary sector. The national disability charity Scope works on behalf of Suffolk County Council to broker activities suitable for young people with additional needs and disabilities, and acts as a facilitator in promoting the services via a dedicated website: www.activities-unlimited.co.uk. The website features other promotional materials such as news bulletins and holiday activity brochures as well as managing customer bookings via a dedicated call centre. Scope also plays an important role in ensuring the quality of provision meets the high standards that families expect. Activities Unlimited also provides financial and physical support to help organisations purchase specialist equipment, make appropriate adaptations to their buildings or access additional training. Grants are also available to support more specialist services in delivering activities to meet the needs of children and young people with more high level support requirements. Children and young people and their families are invited to join Activities Unlimited via the website. Parents and carers are required to complete an on-line selfassessment of their child or young person’s support needs to attend activities. This enables them to access a significant range of activities at concessionary prices. Some will require extra support to attend the activities and may be awarded one of the council’s local offers. To help parents and carers select
appropriate activities for their child or young person’s needs the Activities Unlimited website provides information such as the type of activity, age range and support requirements. For those who find it difficult to navigate a website or who are not connected to the Internet, Activities Unlimited can offer information, advice and guidance via their customer service team. Alternatively the family support team are happy to visit the family at their home to talk about the range of short break services and activities available to them. Since its inception, Activities Unlimited has attracted over 3000 members and works with over 400 leisure and short break providers across the county. Visit them now at www.activities-unlimited.co.uk or call on 01473 260 026
Discover nature together as a family at RSPB Minsmere
If you’re looking for somewhere exciting to take the family this summer, why not plan a trip to RSPB Minsmere, near Westleton. Don’t worry, you don’t need to be an expert to visit Minsmere. In fact, it’s the perfect place for families to explore together, enjoy some fresh air, and maybe see something interesting. At the visitor centre, don’t forget to ask for an explorer backpack. These are free to borrow for the day and packed with goodies to help you to spot some interesting wildlife. A short walk away through the woods, you’ll reach the den building area where you can work as a team, or challenge each other to build the best den from branches, twigs and anything else you can find lying around. Then it’s time to play in the Wild Zone. Kids can enter the world of Minsmere’s special wildlife by exploring the child-sized sand martin nesting tunnels or sitting on the eggs in a willow-woven bittern nest. There’s lots more too, while adults can relax in the extremely comfortable sky-watching seats. Check whether any family events are taking place. Many of these are held in the Discovery Centre, adjacent to the Wild Zone, which you can also book for a birthday party with a difference. If you’re feeling more adventurous, why not explore the nature trails or visit one of the wildlife-watching hides where you may spot a variety of bugs, birds or flowers. You can even stroll along the beach. Back at the visitor centre, leave time to buy some great gifts in the RPSB Shop, or a meal or snack from the large cafe. A visit to Minsmere is free for RSPB members or £15 for non member families. The reserve is open daily, and the visitor centre opens from 9 am to 5 pm.
For further details see www.rspb.org.uk/minsmere or call 01728 648 281
www.familiessuffolk.co.uk www.familiessuffolk.co.uk
Baby Talk
sponsored by
Healthy Pregnancy By Angela Hope
A Complete Guide To Fitness: From Conception to Motherhood Throughout pregnancy the female body is an amazing, finelytuned machine for nurturing the growth of a tiny, little humanbeing. Looked after in the right way; by doing the appropriate types of exercise at each stage, and being well-nourished by eating healthy, unprocessed food, your body will support your pregnancy, help you through labour, and recover quicker after the birth. Your healthy pregnancy journey begins here... 1st Trimester (0 - 12 Wks)
So you’ve just found out that you are pregnant. Your emotions and hormones are all over the place. You will be over the moon or maybe a little shell-shocked, but probably both. Unless you’re one of the lucky ones you will be feeling rotten, unbelievably tired and generally quite nauseous. Exercise will be the last thing on your mind, so take it easy. Light non-impact exercise and keeping well-hydrated are the key during this trimester. And by getting into the exercise habit now, the long term rewards will be huge. Exercise prescription: Aim to take a 20-30 minute walk, 4-5 times per week. This will help ease the morning sickness, re-energise you and help control pregnancy weight gain. This is also a good opportunity to start building strength in the core, back and pelvis muscles to help support the pregnancy.
2nd Trimester (13 – 26 Wks)
The “blooming” phase. The hormones have begun to settle. You’ve got used to the idea that you have a little person growing inside you. You’ve announced your news to the world and most importantly the fatigue and nausea have passed. This is time to focus on making good exercise and healthy eating habits that will continue throughout your pregnancy and beyond. Although you may have more energy during this phase, many physiological and anatomical changes are going on so it is important that you don’t do too much just because you feel that you can. Exercise prescription: Swimming is a perfect low-impact activity for pregnancy, that supports your weight, relieving pain and stress on your joints. Aim to do a gentle 15-25 minute swim, 3 times per week, to help maintain your energy levels and boost those feel-good hormones....and don’t forget about working out those pelvic floor muscles!
3rd Trimester (27 Wks – Birth)
Sleepless nights, indigestion and the inability to get off the sofa in a graceful manner are my enduring memories of this stage. Your bump is growing rapidly, you are mastering the pregnancy waddle and you may be feeling more tired and emotional. This is often the stage when pregnancy aches and pains start; in the lower back, the hips and the pelvis, and you may find you are slightly short of breath. Listen to your body and tailor your exercise accordingly. Exercise prescription: A Yoga class during pregnancy can give you an enormous sense of wellbeing and help you learn relaxation techniques in preparation for the birth. A good yoga teacher will be able to advise and modify the class for your needs.
Postnatal 0-6 Wks (C-Section 0-10 Wks)
So you’ve just given birth to a beautiful little baby. You and your partner are absolutely over the moon and madly in love with your little bundle of joy. Life is good and your body is a beautiful example of motherhood. Except...you are exhausted, you are emotional, your knees, hips and back are killing you. You have fat where you have never had fat before, your tummy wobbles when you walk and you don’t dare sneeze or cough just in case! Take this time to let your body recover and get plenty of rest, there is no rush to get back into exercise.
Exercise prescription: Your focus should be helping your body recover from labour, so do exercises that help close the abdominal gap and restrengthen the pelvic floor muscles. It is important to get as much rest as possible during these six weeks. Try the Postnatal Rehab programme, available to download for free from the Hope Fitness website.
Postnatal 6+ Wks (C-Section 10+ Weeks)
Desperate to lose that baby weight? Unfortunately it took 9 months to gain the weight and therefore at least 9 months to lose it again. Your focus here should be rebuilding your posture after pregnancy, realigning your spine, structurally rebuilding the pelvis and strengthening the abdominals, the glutes and the lower back. Exercise prescription: No time? No problem! Get the baby in the buggy and get out walking again. Walking up hills will help get the heart rate up, burning that unwanted fat and at the same time really helping to strengthen all the muscles in the pelvic area. Aim to get out walking 3-5 times per week or join your local Buggy Workout group.
too late to start getting rid of that “jelly belly”. All it takes is a little bit of focus, a generous helping of motivation and absolutely no spoonfuls of sugar! Exercise prescription: The recommended minimum amount of aerobic exercise is 30 mins 5 days of the week at moderate intensity. This could be a brisk walk, a run, a swim or may be a dance class. Do whatever you like doing, just do it! Combine your aerobic workouts with muscle-strengthening exercises such as bodyweight circuits or yoga to really maximise your fat-burning potential.
If you would like to find out more about exercising throughout your pregnancy and postnatal fitness, call Angela on 07801 892713 or visit www.hopefitness.co.uk to download your free copy of “10 Steps to Regain Your Pre-Baby Body...And Get An Even Better One!”
Postnatal 12+ Wks
Now is the time to really start focusing on getting that pre-baby body back and ditching those maternity jeans for good. If you have taken the right steps to rehabilitate your body correctly after pregnancy then your core will be strong and your posture will be much improved. It is important to have a safe and effective postnatal programme that focuses on strength and conditioning and will effectively alleviate any lingering postnatal aches and pains. Exercise prescription: Pilates is the ultimate postnatal exercise class and can be modified to be both a gentle but effective workout. A postnatal Pilates class not only strengthens the body but also the mind to better cope with the demands of motherhood.
Postnatal 18+ Wks
So how long has it been since you had your baby? 6 months? 1 year? 5 years? 20 YEARS? It’s never
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What I learned on my holidays... By Joanna Moorhead
The long summer break is almost upon us; but whether you’re having a staycation or going away, why not fold some learning into your vacation plans? We’ve got 13 great ideas for skills you and your family can master over the weeks ahead – wherever you are. 1.
Find a geocache: geocaching is like a treasure hunt where you use a GPS device to find a container which will have some small items (maybe toys) inside. It’s fun, exciting, and there’s lots to learn (about orienteering, geography, exploration, the environment). or more information see www.geocaching.com
Go wild swimming: swimming in rivers and lakes may sound an experience not a learning activity – but swimming in a natural environment helps kids learn about nature, and it’s a totally different experience from swimming in a pool, even an outdoor one. See www.wildswimming.co.uk for ideas of where to try it out.
6. Track wild animals: again this is something that can be done in the outback, the local park, or your back garden. Your children are looking for signs that animals have been here: pawprints, claw marks, scuff marks and – most fascinating of all for most kids – poo.
3. Make a movie: with the arrival of the iPhone and the iPad, it’s never been easier to make a (surprisingly professional) home movie. Choose your location, put together your storyboard and...action! There are various apps that can make filming easier (eg filmic pro, which locks the camera’s settings for the duration of a shot). 4.
Build a den: it’s come to symbolise childhood freedom, and there’s little doubt it’s an activity children (and their parents) absolutely love. Dens are best built in woods, but even a small garden or a bedroom will do as a venue. The secret is to allow your child to let his/her imagination run wild (and not worry too much about the tidying up afterwards).
Find your way using a map and compass: whether you’re in a city or the country, whether it’s somewhere you know or somewhere new to you, there’s loads to learn from this. It’s tricky to work out the compass points, so a good activity to do en famille; also great to acclimatise children with maps and their usefulness.
7. Catch a fish: if you’re new to fishing, use a net. Find water that’s clean and clear, and where you can see there are lots of fish. Then be patient, and ready to pounce. 8. Identify wild flowers: there are so many beautiful wild flowers, and it feels knowledgeable when you know what’s what. Choose an area rich in wild foliage, and take a book or leaflet with you to help you with identification. 9. Go bird watching: if you’ve never done it, and know little about birds, the best thing to do is go to an RSPB sanctuary. Take your binoculars, read the guides, and use the hides. 10. Identify at least ten constellations: invest in a good chart, wait for a dark night, keep your eyes peeled. You get a huge sense of satisfaction, and awe, when you manage to do it.
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Summer Holiday Fun Get ready to
go Bats for Books this summer!
Suffolk Libraries will be helping thousands of children to take part in the 2013 Summer Reading Challenge this year. The Summer Reading Challenge is a successful campaign by the Reading Agency which works with libraries to engage and encourage children to keep reading through the long summer holiday with a series of fun and exciting activities and challenges.
The Reading Challenge has the exciting theme of Creepy House this year. Children earn stickers and other rewards, with a certificate for everyone who completes the challenge of reading six library books. All children with a library card can take part for free and it is easy to join at any library in Suffolk. There are long lists of spooky books to appeal to older and younger children but you can read any library book as part of the challenge. There are books about coins, cars , or cookery; stories about dogs, dinosaurs or disasters; picture books about teddies, trains or trains.
able to sign up to the Creepy House reading challenge from 21 July and after they have read their first book, will get a poster which divides the Creepy House into three sections which they move through as they read each book. The Reading Challenge runs until 8 September. Comments from last year’s Reading Challenge:
“Parents said it helped their reading development during the holidays. Some enjoyed reading as a family and the challenge was the incentive and at the heart of it.” “My daughter only reads in the holidays because of the challenge, it’s the perfect incentive.” Anyone looking for more information about the Summer Reading Challenge and how children can sign up will be able to find out more at their local library in July. There is more information at www.creepy-house.org.uk plus there will be more information available from www.suffolklibraries.co.uk
If anyone is interested in taking part in the challenge they can contact their local library. Children will be
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at Alton Water During the summer holidays why not make the most of the British summer on Suffolk’s largest reservoir - Alton Water. You could learn to sail, windsurf, kayak or paddle-board with fully qualified and enthusiastic instructors. Alton Water have courses for all abilities, beginners to experienced, aged 5 years and over. It is also an ideal location to celebrate a birthday, throw a corporate event, get together with friends or just bring the family down and make a day of it! There is an extensive range of kayaks, paddle boards, dinghies, row boats and windsurf equipment available to hire, experience not necessarily needed so there’s no reason for any family member to not enjoy some fun on the water. So take the family, enjoy the family friendly picnic area and make a day of it. 01473 328428 www.altonwater.co.uk
Ipswich has it all wrapped up this summer! Last year’s summer of sport was truly amazing and if you want to keep the kids busy this summer then look no further than Ipswich Borough Council’s sports centres and Crown Pools. Their summer programme is bursting at the seams with fun, activities such as archery, athletics, dance, swimming, sportschemes, rollerskating, trampolining and so much more. There’s something on every single day of the holidays. Plus their great value Junior iCard summer saver also includes some brilliant guided walks and wildlife events in Ipswich parks. Visit any sports centre or Crown Pools or find it all at www.ipswich.gov.uk/sport from 8th July.
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Summer What’s on pages
We try our best to ensure the information listed is correct, but please always check with the venue before setting out in case things have changed
Summer Camps ISwim Summer Swim Camps ISwim Pool, Clopton Join in the fun every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday over the school holidays, 1pm – 4pm. Includes – Fun in the pool, make your own pirate boat and race, face painting, snorkelling, games and snack. Age from 4 upward, £17.50 – Please book 01473 277085 www.iswim.biz Learn to Swim - iSwim Summer Crash Courses 5 x 30 mins, Weekly, Mon – Fri 01473 277085 www.iswim.biz iSwim Summer Crash Course Diving Class/Clinic - w/c 29 July 2013 01473 277085 www.iswim.biz iSwim Summer Crash Course Life Saving. Rookie Life Guard - w/c 12 August 2013 01473 277085 www.iswim.biz Alton Water Summer Courses Courses start every Monday of the summer holidays. Courses run over 5 mornings 10.00-13.30 or 5 afternoons 14.30-18.00 for all ages and ability from 5 years upwards. From complete beginner courses through to advanced skills and race training. Sailing or windsurfing we have a course to match your requirements. Youth/ Junior Courses are £175 Under 8 Fun Sailing (5-8 years old) Under 8 Stage 2 (5-8 years old) Junior Beginner (9-11 years old) Junior Beginner Plus (8-11 years old) Junior Improver (8-11 years old) Junior Race School (8-11 years old) For all course details: 01473 328428 www.altonwater.co.uk KG Adventure Residential and Day Camps for children aged 6-18 01449 742700 www.kgadventure.com Kit Crew Camps For kids from 5-17 years. www.kitcrewcamps.co.uk HESFES Summer Camp Thursday 25 July – Thursday 1 August Stonham Barns, Stonham Aspal HESFES stands for The Home Educators Summer Festival. It is a family based weeklong event, which is not just for home educated as children in school are very welcome too. The event is packed with workshops and activities, speakers, conferences and evening entertainment. www.hesfes.co.uk XTRA TIME Summer Camps For all summer camps there are 3 options to sign on your child Beginner 4-8 years old Advanced 8-12 years old Trainee Coach 12 years and above FREE HAT TRICK 3 DAY FOOTBALL CAMPS (9:30-3:30am each day) £25 for all 3 days 29th, 30th and 31st July Kirton and Falkenham Recreation Ground Back Road, Falkenham, Ipswich 13th, 14th & 15th August Stennetts Memorial Playing Field, Trimley St Mary, Felixstowe DOUBLE FOOTBALL CAMP (10-3pm each day) £15 for 2 days
6th and 7th August Kingsfleet Primary School Ferry Road, Old Felixstowe, 20th & 21st August Causton Junior School Maidstone Road, Walton, Felixstowe SAMBA AND FUTSAL SOCCER CAMP (10-12pm) £5 Beginner 4-8 years old samba soccer Advanced 8-12 years old futsal soccer Trainee Coach 12 years and above FREE 5th August Brackenbury Sports Centre High Road East, Felixstowe footballcamps@hotmail.co.uk Swimsure Summer Crash Courses 5 Day courses (30 minutes each day) Ages 3 years upwards All groups organised by ability Qualified teachers Small classes Cost: Beacon Hill/Colneis Pools - £36.25 per child Whitehouse Pool - £23.50 per child Week 1: 29th July – 2nd August Week 2: 5th August – 9th August Week 3: 12th August – 16th August Week 4: 19th August – 23rd August If you would like to reserve a place 01473 613269 or e-mail swimsure@btinternet.com Junior Tennis Camps Felixstowe LawnTennis Club on Bath Road Fun camps for children 4-16 years Tennis coaching, tennis games and competitions plus Multi sport in the afternoon Rackets free to borrow and tuck shop available Children need pack lunch and free afternoon snack is provided £25 per child per day with discounts for multiple bookings or siblings Dates: 31st July, 1st & 2nd Aug / 7th,8th & 9th Aug /14th,15th & 16th Aug Times: 9am – 4pm To book or further info please contact: Lysette Fulcher on 07889972214 www.felixstowetennis.co.uk
Activities & Events
Maverick Festival Friday 5 – Sunday 7 July 2013 Easton Farm Park, Woodbridge The Maverick Festival is a celebration of Americana and roots music from both sides of the Atlantic, presenting music, comedy, dance, film & workshops and featuring over forty different artists, across five stages indoors and out. www.maverickfestival.co.uk Woodbridge Carnival Saturday 6 July 2013 1pm Carnival procession, Melton Hill & The Thoroughfare. 1pm – 5:30pm, Kingston Field www.choosewoodbridge.co.uk Special Senses Day Saturday 6 July 2013 Colchester Zoo Enjoy this inclusive event aimed at making the zoo accessible for all abilities. With all major feeds and shows BSL interpreted, alternative sports activities to try, audio described tours, assistance dog training demos, a ‘signing’ choir and a sensory touch, feel and sniff station, this truly is an event for everyone! 01206 331292 www.colchester-zoo.com Ipswich Music Day Sunday 7 July 2013, 12:00noon – 8pm Christchurch Park, Ipswich This year sees the 22nd anniversary of Ipswich Music Day, one of the largest free one-day music events in the UK. It’s the perfect setting for an enjoyable, exciting day out with family and friends. Admission Free: (minimum £1 discretionary contributions welcome, includes programme) www.ip-art.com
Junior tennis competition for all ages Monday 8th July for one week Felixstowe Lawn Tennis Club Lysette Fulcher on 07889972214 www.felixstowetennis.co.uk FREE Open day - free tennis and BBQ Sunday 13th July from 10am Felixstowe Lawn Tennis Club 10am – 12pm is free junior coaching for ages 3 – 16 years From 12pm the club is open to all Play Tennis on hard, astro, acrylic or grass courts,use ball machine Meet members / Membership discounts available Enjoy a FREE BBQ Lysette Fulcher: 07889972214 www.felixstowetennis.co.uk Trimley Carnival Saturday 13 July 2013, 12:00 - 18:00 Trimley St. Mary and Trimley St. Martin Procession with colourful floats and displays. This year’s theme is Cartoons and Comic Books. £1.00 admission for adults, children free. www.trimleycarnival.co.uk Woodbridge Regatta & Riverside Fair Sunday 14 July 2013, 12:00 noon Deben river wall from Tide Mill to model yacht pond. Fun for all the family with music, rides, stalls, face painting, music and entertainment. 01394 610548 www.choosewoodbridge.co.uk Stowmarket Carnival Friday 19, Saturday 20 & Sunday 21 July 2013 www.stowmarketcarnival.co.uk The Oasis Camel Park Family Fun Days Sunday 21 July & Sunday 18 August 2013 On Special Family Days the admission price includes FREE llama walks / donkey rides and extra guest pets at the cuddle-a-pet presentations. www.oasiscamelpark.co.uk Time Travellers Go... Weapons and Warriors Academy Monday 22 - Friday 26 July 2013, 11am-4pm Framlingham Castle Train in the art of combat, learn about what it takes to be a warrior and practice your fighting skills with a range of weapons plus have a go at the fun Warrior trail. www.english-heritage.org.uk Summer Holidays at RSPB Flatford Wildlife Garden From 23 July 2013 onwards During the school holidays regular children’s activities are held all afternoon from 12noon to 4pm – just pop along and join in! From nature trails, searching for insects, opening the moth trap to sewing seeds there is something for everyone. Many of the activities are free, although a small donation is sometimes required. www.rspb.org.uk/flatford Natural World - Hidden Treasure Day Tuesday 23 Jul 2013, 10am-4pm Ipswich Museum Come and enjoy a fun-packed day at the museum discovering treasures found beneath your feet. Take part in sand tray archaeology, listen to our Basil Brown storyteller, see conservation on the gallery and speak to experts. Find out about the science behind archaeology decide where you’d dig on our giant treasure map. Celebrating the British Festival of Archaeology. Drop-in, no booking required. Free admission, Activities £2 www.cimuseums.org.uk Natural World - Sand Art Star Keyrings Wednesday 24 July 2013, Drop-in 10:30-12:30, 1:30-3:30pm Ipswich Art School Fill a star key-ring with colourful sand to create your own unique design. £2 per person, Drop-in, no booking necessary www.cimuseums.org.uk
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Owl pellet dissection Wednesday 24 July to Wednesday 28 August 2013, 10am - 4pm RSPB Minsmere Nature Reserve, Saxmundham What did the owl have for his dinner? Dissect a pellet to find out. Free, but usual reserve entry fees apply 01728 648281 www.rspb.org.uk/minsmere History walk at Ipswich Tourist Information Centre Every Wednesday and Friday throughout the summer holidays, 10.30am. Meet at The Tourist Information Centre, Ipswich Interested in the darker side of history? Those who dare can embark on a ‘Horrible History’ walk around Ipswich and learn some of the more gruesome facts they don’t teach at school! Other fun themed walks around the town include ‘On Safari’ and ‘Dangerous Dragons & other Fabulous Beasts’. £3.00 per child and children must be accompanied by an adult who may accompany free of charge. Booking essential 01473 258070 Bugs, beetles and tiny things Friday 26 July 2013, 10:30am - 12:30pm Foxburrow Farm, Woodbnridge Family morning fun including Mini beast search, pond dipping and creative crafts. £2.50 per person. Please pre book. 01394 380113 www.suffolkwildlifetrust.org Beatrix Potter Day Friday 26 July 2013, 1pm - 4:30pm Melford Hall, Long Melford, Sudbury Celebrate the Tales of Beatrix Potter and Beatrix Potter’s involvement with Melford Hall. Follow the Peter Rabbit garden trail, draw and colour too. Child £2.50 (plus normal admission) 01787 379 228 www.nationaltrust.org.uk/melford-hall Birds of Prey Display Saturday 27 July 2013, 10am – 4pm Langer Park, Felixstowe Get up close with majestic birds of prey from the Warren Hill Raptor Project and enjoy amazing flying displays. Admission free. 01394 276770 www.visitfelixstowe.co.uk Summer Holiday Trail Saturday 27 July 2013 - Sunday 1 September 2013, 10am - 5pm Landguard Fort, Felixstowe Hunt out the clues around Landguard Fort. Normal admission charges for the Fort apply, plus £1.00 for a trail sheet. 01394 675900 www.landguard.com Suffolk Dog Day Sunday 28 July 2013, 10am - 5pm Helmingham Hall, Stowmarket. Enjoy a great day out with your dogs, family and friends. www.suffolkdogday.com Farm & Food Fair Sunday 28 July 2013 Baylham House Rare Breeds Farm A festival of food from farm to fork - showcasing local food producers. Normal Entry prices apply www.baylham-house-farm.co.uk Pirates on the Prom Sunday 28 July 2013, 11:30am Felixstowe Seafront Ahoy there me hearties! Join in the charity walk along the seafront dressed as a pirate to help raise vital booty for the British Heart Foundation. Join pirates of all ages for this one mile route with lots of ahoy-ing and shivering-me-timbers! Prize for the bestdressed and most sponsored pirate. £5.00 per person. Children free. Registration includes a free pirate hat. Register at www.bhf.org.uk or visit www.visitfelixstowe.co.uk Natural World - Birds and Butterflies Day Tuesday 30 July 2013, 12pm - 4pm Ipswich Museum Come and see rare and exotic butterfly specimens from the store, speak to experts, make wildlife gliders, butterfly wings and bird seed balls to take home. Drop-
Alton Water www.altonwater.co.uk
in activity, no need to book. Free admission. Take part in a range of activities for £2 per person. www.cimuseums.org.uk Fun in the Forest Tuesday 30 July 2013, 10:30am - 12:30pm Foxburrow Farm, Woodbridge 101 things to do with a stick. Please pre book. Tel: 01394 380113, email: foxburrow.education@suffolkwildlifetrust.org www.suffolkwildlifetrust.org Children’s Cookery - The Cooking Club Suffolk Food Hall Ipswich Tuesday 30 July 2013 to Wednesday 21 August 2013, 10am - 12.30pm Kids will love the summer holiday “Foods From Around the World” workshops. www.suffolkfoodhall.co.uk Wild Raspberry ‘Dish It’ Workshop Tuesday 30th July 2013, 10am - 12pm. “DISH IT”: By layering, scratching, stamping, adding and scraping you will customise your own personal plate Altered Art style. It will be fired so you can use or display it. 8 years up. £15 pp includes cookies and juice www.wildraspberryonline.co.uk Natural World- Fancy Felt Pictures Wednesday 31 July 2013, Sessions at 10.30am, 11.30am, 12.30pm, 2pm and 3pm Ipswich Art School Learn how to make beautiful pictures from dyed natural felt. Our artist will show you some simple techniques to design your own image to take home and display. £3 per person, Please book. 01473 433691 www.cimuseums.org.uk Wildlife Safari Friday 2 August 2013, 10:00am - 2:00pm Foxburrow Farm, Woodbridge Children’s Activity day for 6-10 year olds. Little and large, furry or scaly, fierce or secretive, search for your favourite wildlife and make a lasting memento of your day. £6 per person (discounted for siblings) Please book. 01394 380113 www.suffolkwildlifetrust.org Dickensian Garden Party Saturday 3 August - Sunday 4 August 2013, 11am 5pm (House open from noon) Kentwell Hall, Long Melford Join the genteel Victorian Household (and their staff) for afternoon tea, garden games and croquet. Help us enjoy our formal gardens in the way they were meant to be used! www.kentwell.co.uk 01787 310 207 Wings on Waves Sunday 4 August 2013 Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Sea Planes in Felixstowe A great day out... bring the whole family to celebrate with a special church service, seafront parade and exciting air display. www.visitfelixstowe.co.uk Blue Cross Fun Day and Dog Show Sunday 4 August 2013 Trimley Sports and Social Club, Trimley St. Martin Annual fun day and dog show. Class times from 1200-1500 (registration from 1100). Donations on entry. 0300 777 1480 www.bluecross.org.uk SAVE IT DAY Sunday August 4th Suffolk Owl Sanctuary, Stonham Barns, Stonham Aspal Annual SAVE IT! conservation event. 0845 680 7897 www.owl-help.org.uk Animal Snap, family morning Tuesday 6th August, 10.30am – 12.30pm Foxburrow Farm, Melton near Woodbridge IP12 1NA Look for Monkey’s Mum in the monkey puzzle trail and un-jumble the jumbled animals Cost: £2.50 per person. Please book Suffolk Wildlife Trust 01394 380113
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Summer What’s on pages
We try our best to ensure the information listed is correct, but please always check with the venue before setting out in case things have changed
Summer Theatre at the Fort - Sherlock Holmes Tuesday 6 August 2013, 7:15pm - 9:30pm Landguard Fort, Felixstowe Spend a summer’s evening watching a fantastic theatre production of ‘Sherlock Holmes’performed by The Pantaloons Theatre Company. Adults £10.00, Children £8.00, Family (2 Adults and 2 Children) £32.00. Pre-booking essential. Book online at www.thepantaloons.co.uk 01394 675900 www.landguard.com Yo-Yos and Spinning Tops Tuesday 6 August 2013, 10:30am-12:30pm, 1:30pm-3:30pm Christchurch Mansion, Ipswich Decorate your own yo-yo and spinning top with patterns and colours. Be inspired by the toys in the gallery and their wonderful handdecorated designs. £2 per person. Drop-in activity, no booking required. www.cimuseums.org.uk Wild Raspberry ‘Print It’ Workshop Tuesday 6th August 2013, 10am - 12pm. “PRINT IT”. Design and print onto a satchel bag. You will design an image to grace the bag, that will use a dye and heat technique. 8 years up. £15 pp includes cookies and juice www.wildraspberryonline.co.uk Playdays ‘Playful places’, family morning Wednesday 7th August, 10.30am - 12.30pm Foxburrow Farm, Melton near Woodbridge IP12 1NA Go on a bear hunt and follow the adventures of Paddington Bear & Winnie the Pooh Cost: £2.50 per person. Please book Suffolk Wildlife Trust 01394 380113
History Detectives Wednesday 7 August 2013, 12pm – 4pm Felixstowe Museum Travel back in time and become a history detective. Solve the puzzles and join in the fun at Felixstowe Museum. Children £1.50, adults £1.00 (includes admission to Museum!). 01394 675283 www.discoverlandguard.org.uk The Tale of Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny presented by Quantum Theatre Friday 9 August 2013, 6pm - 8pm Melford Hall, Long Melford, Sudbury The outdoor theatre returns as two of the tales by Beatrix Potter come alive in the garden. Bring a picnic and settle in for an evening of entertainment. Adult £10 (per person), Child £7 (per child), Family £30 Booking Essential 01787 379228 www.nationaltrust.org.uk/melford-hall Rocks and fossils Thursday 8 August 2013, 10:30am 2:30pm Lackford Lakes Activity day for 8-12 year olds. Explore the life of rocks, make a volcano and mould your own fossil! £6, Please pre-book (children’s event only) 01284 728706 www.suffolkwildlifetrust.org Suffolk Fun Festival Saturday 10 & Sunday 11 August 2013 Easton Farm Park, Easton, Woodbridge A celebration of fun camping available in the Mint Meadow. www.suffolkfunfest.co.uk The Secret Seashore Sunday 11 August 2013, 1pm – 5pm Landguard Nature Reserve, Felixstowe.
Free family fun day on the Nature Reserve. Organised by the Landguard Partnership and the Suffolk Wildlife Trust. Activities include a trail, crafts, touch table, giant board game and face-painting. Ice creams and drinks. Event located at the Manor Terrace car park area. Admission free. 01394 675283 www.discoverlandguard.org.uk Wild Raspberry ‘Mosaic It’ Workshop Tuesday 13th August 2013, 10am - 12pm. “MOSAIC IT”: Be inspired by Summertime in Pin Mill. Create a mosaic to capture the moment! Taster in mosaic making. 8 years up. £10 pp includes cookies and juice www.wildraspberryonline.co.uk Treasure Hunt for families Tuesday 13th August, 10.30am – 12.30pm Foxburrow Farm, Melton near Woodbridge IP12 1NA Follow the clues down the ditches, around the trees, through the long grass to find hidden treasure Cost: £2.50 per person. Please book Suffolk Wildlife Trust 01394 380113 Teddy Bear’s Picnic Friday 16 August 2013, 11am - 4:30pm Melford Hall, Long Melford, Sudbury A rare opportunity to picnic in the garden at Melford Hall; bring your picnic and your favourite teddy bear. Name the bear and find where the bears have hidden their treasure in the secret island, draw and colour - prizes up for grabs for all these events. Follow the teddy bear garden trail. Bring your poorly bears to the teddy bear clinic so our nurses can make them better. An excellent day for all the family to enjoy. Child £2.50 (plus normal admission) 01787 379 228 www.nationaltrust.org.uk/melford-hall Havergate Adventure 2013 RSPB Havergate Island Saturday 17 August to Tuesday 20 August 2013 The RSPB boat ‘October Storm’ will leave from Orford
Summer Holiday
Quay hourly from 9.30am to 2.30pm. Our guides will help you discover Havergate’s hidden secrets. Price: Adults: £11; under 16 year olds: £3. Tickets may be purchased at Orford Quay from Saturday 17 August. However, the boat can carry a maximum of 12 passengers and demand is likely to be high, so early booking is strongly recommended. Advanced bookings can be made on or after 1 August 2013. 01394 450732 www.rspb.org.uk/havergateisland Aldeburgh Carnival Saturday 17 - Sunday 18 - Monday 19 August 2013 A fantastic fun-filled weekend with lots to see and do for the whole family, finished off with the popular Chinese lantern procession and firework display. www.aldeburghcarnival.com English National Hnefatafl Championships and Dark Age Games Saturday,17 & Sunday 18 August 2013, 10:30am - 5pm Sutton Hoo, Woodbridge Learn to play (and pronounce) Hnefatafl in minutes then enter the National Championships for your chance to win prizes. You can also try your hand at Anglo Saxon games, poetry, storytelling and riddlesolving. Free event (normal admission charges apply) 01394 389700 www.nationaltrust.org.uk/sutton-hoo Time Travellers Go… Knights & Princesses Monday 19 - Friday 23 August 2013, 11am - 4pm Framlingham Castle Give that toy sword a whirl or put on your prettiest dress and head back in time for activities on a medieval theme. Transform yourself into a noble lord in squire training, and even try on armour in the academy for budding knights and princesses. For further information and ticket prices visit www.english-heritage.org.uk LITTLE KICKERS OPEN DAY-(10am-12pm) FREE ENTRY 19th August Brackenbury Sports Centre, High Road East, Felixstowe
Ipswich Borough Council www.ipswich.gov.uk Babergh District Council www.babergh.gov.uk Mid-Suffolk District Council www.midsuffolk.gov.uk Suffolk Coastal www.suffolkcoastal.gov.uk St Edmundsbury District Council www.stedmundsbury.gov.uk Forest Heath District Council www.forest-heath.gov.uk
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sponsored by This is only open to children aged from 18 months old to 5 years old -parents/guardians must stay at all times!Food and refreshments provided cwest@littlekickers.co.uk 0787049736 Dragonflies and Damselflies Tuesday 20 August 2013, 10:30am - 12:30pm Lackford Lakes Activity morning for 4-7 year olds. Discover the difference between dragonflies and damselflies with crafts, trails and games. £4, Please pre-book 01284 728706 www.suffolkwildlifetrust.org Wild Raspberry ‘Keep It’ Workshop Tuesday 20th August 2013, 10am - 12pm. “KEEP IT” : La boîte à secrets! Decoupage a keepsake box using stamping and collage techniques. 8 years up. £15 pp includes cookies and juice www.wildraspberryonline.co.uk Little Red Tractor for families Tuesday 20th August, 10.30am – 12.30pm Foxburrow Farm, Melton near Woodbridge IP12 1NA Find out what grows on the farm and turn it into a tasty treat Cost: £2.50 per person. Please book Suffolk Wildlife Trust 01394 380113 Family Fun Day & Teddy Bears Picnic Wednesday 21 August 2013 Easton Farm Park, Woodbridge www.eastonfarmpark.co.uk Past Worlds - Clay Potion Pots Thursday 22 August 2013, Sessions at 10.30am, 11.30am, 12.30pm, 2pm and 3pm Christchurch Mansion, Ipswich The Tudors believed spices had medicinal qualities and could cure a number of ailments. Make your own potion pot with clay during this creative artist-led session. Take it home, decorate it and use it to store your special things. £3 per person. Booking required. 01473 433691 www.cimuseums.org.uk
Alton Water
Stig of the dump Friday 23 August 2013, 10am - 2pm Foxburrow Farm, Woodbridge Activities for children aged 6-10. Use a map to find Stig’s stashes to build a hide-away in the pit. £6 (discounted for siblings) Please book. 01394 380113 www.suffolkwildlifetrust.org Rendlesham Forest Night Adventure Saturday 24 August 2013, 8pm -10pm but check at time of booking Rendlesham Forest, meet at Office Car Park Experience the Rendlesham night-time world, on an adventure of astronomy, wildlife sensory discovery; rounded off with just a touch of magic! For ages 10yrs and over £8 per person, Please book. 03000 680400 www.forestry.gov.uk
www.altonwater.co.uk Wednesday 28 August 2013, 10:30am - 12:30pm Foxburrow Farm, Woodbridge Family morning - Follow the adventures of Toad, meet his friends and make a model boat. £2.50 per person, Please pre book. 01394 380113 www.suffolkwildlifetrust.org Pocket-money Purses Thursday 29 August 2013, Drop-in 10:30-12:30, 1:30-3:30pm Christchurch Mansion, Ipswich Explore the beautiful costume and textiles in the Mansion and be inspired to design your own pocket-money purse. Choose a colourful felt and sew your purse or wallet. Decorate it with material, pens and ribbons to make it your own. £2 per person. Drop-in event, no booking required www.cimuseums.org.uk
Roman School Tuesday 27 August 2013, Sessions at 10.30am, 11.30am, 12.30pm, 2pm and 3pm Ipswich Museum Go back to school - way back to Roman school. Learn your Roman numerals and Latin script. Our Roman teacher will keep you in check so make sure you’re on your best behaviour. £2 per person - Booking required. 01473 433691 www.cimuseums.org.uk Wild Raspberry ‘Paint It’ Workshop Tuesday 27th August 2013, 10am - 12pm “PAINT IT”. Create a silk painted piece ready to take away and frame, we’ll show how! 8 years up. £15 pp includes cookies and juice www.wildraspberryonline.co.uk Bug and Beastie Trail Wednesday 28 August 2013, 14:00 - 15:00 Landguard Nature Reserve, Felixstowe A children’s tour on the Nature Reserve including fun facts on bugs/beasties and a quiz too. No need to book. Meet outside the main entrance to Landguard Fort. Children £3.00, adults free. 01394 675283 www.discoverlandguard.org.uk
For more ideas on things to do and places to visit in Suffolk go to: www.familiessuffolk.co.uk/ thingstodoandplacestovisit
Wind in the Willows
Create a new cupcake We’ve teamed up with The Little Cake Place in Ipswich to offer Families Suffolk readers the chance to create a new flavour of cupcake. If your flavour is chosen you win the chance to watch Lucy and her team create your cupcake. You will assist in decorating it and you can then name your new flavour which will then be added to The Little Cake Place menu. You will also come home with some of your own flavour cupcakes plus a variety of others for your friends and family to enjoy.
For your chance to win, view the current selection of flavours on their website www.thelittlecakeplace.com , decide on a new flavour you would like to see created and email your answer plus your name address and telephone number to
editor@familiessuffolk.co.uk Terms and conditions apply, visit
www.familiessuffolk.co.uk/competitions Closing date: Saturday 31st August 2013
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And Finally
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Birch Farm Play Complex & Nursery