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Children with Better Co-Ordination Are More Likely To Achieve Young children with better eye-to-hand coordination are more likely to achieve higher scores for reading, writing and maths according to new research by the University of Leeds. More than 300 children ages 4 to 11 took part in various computer tasks designed to measure eyeto-hand coordination, such as steering, taking aim and tracking objects on a computer screen. The results revealed that the children who did better in the eye-to-hand co-ordination tasks tended to have higher academic attainment in reading, writing and maths. In particular, those with the best performance in the ‘steering task’ were on average 9 months ahead of classmates who struggled. The findings raise the question of whether schools should be doing more to give support to children who are clumsy.
Individualised Learning & Care at Moyles Court School Moyles Court (from age 3 to 16yrs) is set within the most beautiful New Forest Park with extensive grounds, offering your child the most wonderful opportunities to thrive in the outdoors as well and the classroom. Not only will the children benefit from smaller class sizes, excellent pastoral care and a curriculum tailored to their individual needs, they Open Day Sat 2 March will also enjoy weekly sessions & Sat 11 May in French, PE, Dance, Cookery, 10am -12.30pm Music Bugs & Forest Schools. Richard Milner Smith, Headmaster says: “Our core values are at the heart of our fabulous school and we provide the best possible start in life. We offer individualised learning, a flexible approach to travel and wrap around care – making us accessible to so many families who want their children to be happy, learning and achieving in our glorious New Forest setting.”
More info at www.leeds.ac.uk
3-16 Co-EduCational, day and Boarding
A Moyles Court pupil is given the spACe to explore who they Are And whAt they CAn AChieve, in A CAring, supportive And hAppy AtMosphere. GO TO OuR wEbSITE TO SEE OuR FANTASTIc GcSE RESuLTS AND FuRTHER INFORMATION
2nd marCh 2019 11th may 2019 10am-12.30pm www.MOyLEScOuRT.cO.uK
Families Dorset 5