Families Dorset November/December 2024

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Sail with Santa Experience

Santa is taking a short break from all of his hard work in the North Pole to hop on board our harbour cruise around Poole. He must have heard that there’s free mince pies up for grabs. However there is just one problem... he has no one to go with. Which is why he has asked us to invite you!

Your ticket includes:

• Free welcome drink and mince pie for adults

• Gift and refreshments for children

• Meet and greet with Santa

• Festive Music

Cruise days 7th, 8th, 14th, 15th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd & 24th December

Boards 15 minutes before Departs 11:00, 13:00 & 15:00

From Poole Quay

Duration 75 minutes

Please note: If we are unable to sail due to bad weather, we will still go ahead with the experience alongside Poole Quay. We will then offer you and your family the choice to embark on the Harbour Cruise at a later date.

Contact us

Editor Linda Stone


020 8241 0423

Sales Claire Clarricoates claire.clarricoates@familiespublishing.co.uk

01494 689098/ 07812 218331

Printed by Buxton Press Design Rebecca Carr

Cover image depositphotos.com

Next issue: Spring 2025

Booking deadline: 1 February

July/Aug giveaway winners

Congratulations to all our winners. You can find a list at www.bit.ly/3zmpgv2


Have you had your first frost yet? Whether you are feeling winter creeping on or not, there’s no doubt it’s just around the corner. Time to get out the warm jumpers and the hot chocolate. For many, November is a busy month as we strive to get ahead of Christmas preparations.

Speaking of Christmas, there’s SO much on in Dorset this year! Check out our bumper What’s On section with 100+ local events for families, including Santa experiences, illuminated trails, Christmas markets, pantomimes and much more!

In our Education feature, find out how to help your child if they suffer from maths anxiety, as well as how to support them in improving their handwriting. And, if you are constantly scrolling on your phone while with your family, hear from one mum who decided to unplug for one thousand hours over the course of a year.

And don’t forget, there are some great gifts to be won in our Great Christmas Toy Giveaway, as well as LEGO® sets, so apply now – you’ll also receive our NEW email newsletter when you do!


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Getting to grips with handwriting

Supporting a child with maths anxiety

Getting to grips with handwriting

In an age where screens and voice automated systems are at our fingertips, it can be hard to convince children of the importance of handwriting. Yet the National Curriculum states that children need to learn to hold a pencil correctly and form letters, starting and finishing in the right place. Children should learn to write with speed and fluency, ensuring their writing is legible.

Everyday playtime activities can help your child develop their fine motor skills, such as threading beads, playdough and 3D modelling, using tweezers to pick up small objects. Ahead of writing, children practise mark making by using any object such as a paint brush, feather or stick. Learning how to draw straight, curved and zig zagged lines is a great stepping stone to writing legible letters.

Being shown how to hold a pencil correctly from the beginning helps prevent bad habits from creeping in. Children must ‘pinch’ the pencil with their thumb and forefinger and tuck the other three fingers underneath. Using a pencil grip can help children who struggle or ask your child to hold a coin with the three ‘tucked in’ fingers. This will demonstrate the required tripod position.

A good sitting position is crucial too. Children should sit in the middle of the chair, feet firmly on the ground and close enough to the table that they don’t need to stretch.

Probably the most valuable piece of information when teaching handwriting is understanding which letters belong to which handwriting families.

Fine and gross motor skills

So what is the difference between fine and gross motor skills? Fine motor skills use smaller muscles, mainly in the hands and wrists. These are for precise movements such as cutting, writing and teeth-brushing. Gross motor skills require the whole body to move using the larger muscles, as in walking, jumping, throwing and swimming.

Usually we are mindful of the significant milestones in our babies and toddlers because medical professionals ask us. As children grow, these goals change but are equally important for their development.

Many parents organically provide opportunities for their children to enhance both their fine and gross motor skills. For example, taking them to the park is an easy and free way of helping them develop those larger muscles and many toys have been designed to help with the development of smaller muscles. Tasks such as buttoning and zipping can be easily included into a daily routine. Ultimately, consistency, positive reinforcement and age-appropriate activities are the key to effective development over time.

Tall letters: b, d, f, h, k, l, t.

Explain that these are referred to as tall letters because they must be significantly taller than all the other letters except capital letters.

Short letters a, c, e, i, m, n, o, r, s, u, v, w, x, z.

All these letters must be the same height and half the size of the capital letters and tall letters.

Tail letters: g, j, p, q, y.

These letters must reach below the line that they are sitting on.

Capital letters

All sit on the line and are all larger than every other letter.

Zuzu is a Mastery for Maths Specialist who has taught primary for 18 years and is director of Arnett International. For free resources and tips, find her on Instagram edumate_uk

Left handed children

Being left handed raises unique challenges. If your child is left handed, you may wish to try a few of these strategies to help them thrive.

Teach your child to tilt the paper slightly to the right so they can fully see what they are writing or drawing.

Encourage a pencil grip which is comfortable with pencil held slightly below the tip and the hand resting below the writing line to prevent smudging.

Consider pens that do not smudge easily and left handed tools such as scissors with reversed blades.

Ask your child’s teacher if they can sit on the left side of the desk to prevent them bumping into a right handed neighbour. Utilise videos on the internet created to help with any challenges.

Finally, remember not to label left handedness as a problem; instead celebrate it as a unique trait.

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Families looking for a place in Reception in 2025 are invited to attend our Twilight Stories sessions on 20th November between 4pm and 6pm.

Scan the QR code to book your place and discover what makes Park School and Nursery special.

Supporting a child with maths anxiety

From buying a kilo of apples to paying a restaurant bill or making savings, maths is a fact of life. However, many people see maths as a hard and often confusing subject. This can lead to maths fear or anxiety. In children, this can significantly impact their academic performance and overall confidence. Understanding the causes and implementing supportive strategies can help parents effectively assist their children in overcoming this fear.

Maths anxiety is a worry or fear that can be brought on by maths problems, tests or even thinking about numbers. Estimates suggest that up to a quarter of children experience at least some maths anxiety, often lasting into adulthood. Negativity, fear and anxiety towards the subject block any motivation to practise in order to learn and access the skills they need to progress.

Maths anxiety can begin in early childhood. For others, it can arise a little later when lessons become more challenging and complex. Some children develop maths anxiety because they have not mastered the foundational skills. It is hard to master fractions for example, if you do not yet have a grasp on whole numbers.

Evidence states that girls tend to experience maths anxiety more than boys. This seems to be the case at both primary and secondary school levels. That is not because boys are naturally better at crunching numbers, experts explain. ‘There’s this societal stereotype that math is a masculine domain and a lot of women incorporate that idea’ says Molly Jameson, PhD, an educational psychologist at the University of Northern Colorado. That belief can fuel maths anxiety. Her research shows that one

Causes of maths anxiety

Negative experiences from previous failures.

Pressure to perform from parents, teachers or peers and in exam and test situations within time constraints.

Teaching methods such as rote memorisation, rather than fully understanding concepts.

Lack of confidence where believing one is ‘bad at maths’ can undermine confidence further.

Parental attitudes from parents who pass on their own lack of confidence in maths.

Societal attitudes which suggest that maths is inherently difficult or that certain groups are naturally less adept. Watch out for any signs that could suggest your child is affected such as avoidance of maths-related activities, negative self-talk or expressions of hopelessness about maths. Teachers might report poor performance on tests and assignments, despite adequate preparation. Stress or panic can bring on headaches or stomach aches, sweating and increased heart rate and may lead to school refusal and separation anxiety.

big factor in maths anxiety is a child’s ‘math self-concept,’ in other words, their confidence in their ability to tackle a maths problem.

By understanding the causes of maths anxiety and implementing supportive strategies, parents can play a crucial role in helping their children develop a positive relationship with maths.

Changing the way we think about numbers and remembering that our relationship with maths can grow and alter over time can positively impact our self-confidence. Children should be set goals which feel achievable, to help them maintain motivation while overcoming anxiety.

Finally, encouragement, patience and a focus on understanding can transform maths from a source of fear to an opportunity for growth and success.

Lisa and Catherine are co-founders of Emparenting (www.emparenting.co.uk), supporting children, parents and families with the insights, skills and tools needed to nurture the development and well-being of the next generation.

Strategies for parents

Promote a growth mindset. Remind your child that their ability in maths can and will be improved with practice, positivity and learning from mistakes.

Keep calm. Provide a comfortable space for homework, be patient and encouraging.

Focus on understanding, offering real life examples to explain concepts.

Have fun with maths games and puzzles. Engage in activities like cooking or shopping that naturally incorporate maths. Praise effort, not just results. Celebrating small successes builds confidence. Praise persistence, not just being right.

Practice builds familiarity and confidence.

Model problem-solving behaviour. Work through problems together, showing how to approach solving them step-by-step. Seek help when needed. If you’re not maths confident, use interactive educational apps and online resources that explain concepts in different ways. It’s useful to communicate with your child’s teacher to discuss their progress and areas that need support.

Role model, not moderator

When I decided to unplug from technology for one thousand hours over the course of a year, I saw it as a challenge to reclaim my time and relieve the constant barrage of notifications that had become all too frequent. What I didn’t anticipate was how profoundly a digital detox would transform my approach to motherhood.

When I started this experiment, my daughter was just over a year old and already reaching for my phone. Who could blame her? My husband and I were constantly checking our devices in front of her. This made me question the example we were setting her; what message was she receiving and was it a positive one?

We’ve all been out socially with people constantly checking their phones, making us feel unseen and unimportant. It struck me that my little girl might feel the same way if I seemingly chose my handset over her.

With so much focus on managing our children’s screen time, I realised it was important to turn that lens on myself and examine my habits. I was too plugged in, checking my phone at all hours, even without any urgent need and using it as a means to cope with daily stress.

Something needed to change. I knew I had to start parenting myself better and ask tougher questions: Was this how I wanted to spend my days? Was this constant connectivity energising or draining me? Could I set healthier boundaries for my own screen use and become a role model for technology for my daughter, not just a moderator?

Almost immediately, I was struck by how much calmer I felt when the phone was out of sight or completely off and I could get down on the floor and connect with my daughter at her level.

I then started designating ‘zones’ where phones were prohibited: at the dining table, during weekend activities, at bedtime and in the early mornings when we were getting ready for the day. By taking it one unplugged hour at a time, I realised I didn’t have to give up technology entirely or eliminate social media to find balance.

I began to discover pockets in my day where I could practise being fully present in all my roles; mother, wife, CEO, friend, daughter. I noticed a lot of the pressure I’d placed on myself started to ease.

Pockets of presence

My daughter and I began to find daily ‘pockets of presence’ when we were simply together. We built castles out of Lego, sipped imaginary tea from wooden cups, traced letters and made art.

These moments meant the world to her. They conveyed that there was nowhere I’d rather be right then. Even fifteen minutes spent on a puzzle was enough for us to feel truly connected. And not once did I walk away without feeling grateful for the choice to connect with her more deeply.

Parenthood can be overwhelming and for me, certain habits like scrolling on my phone after a long day had been forms of selfcare, ‘checking in’ with myself. In reality, I was checking out.

Disconnecting from technology has helped me find better ways to recharge my batteries; reading a good book, going for a walk, journaling or even tidying a space. Focusing my time on tasks that aren’t tech-focused significantly boosts my energy and allows me to be present for my family in the best way I can.

I know my daughter will grow up in a world teeming with technology. As her first teacher, it’s my responsibility to model healthy behaviours and demonstrate the importance of being truly present, even in our digitally connected world. So, I put my phone away and made a conscious effort to show up fully for her.

Hannah Brencher is a writer, TED Talk speaker, mental health advocate and author. Her new book, The Unplugged Hours is available now from www.bookshop.org

Embrace the magic of Christmas with the National Trust in Dorset

National Trust places are full of warmth, magic and sparkle as the festive season approaches and there’s lots on offer for all the family. From sunrise walks and festive trails to winter lights and visits from Father Christmas…


What do you wish for at Christmas? Discover the magic of Christmas wishes this festive season at A Christmas Wish at Kingston Lacy. Running from 30 November to 5 January, (closed 25 Dec, house closed 26 Dec), the cheeky Kingston Lacy Wish Maker sprites need your help – they have been busy transforming the house with beautiful decorations to fulfil every Christmas wish and the whole mansion is twinkling and sparkling brightly enough to awaken everyone's festive spirit. But with so many wishes in the air, their wish-converter-5000 (which makes hopes and dreams come true) has backfired and sent wishes flying out into the garden. Each wish is wrapped and ready for Christmas, but can't be sent without its label... Help the Wish Makers match up labels and wishes in time to send them out for Christmas and don't forget to add your wish to finish off the list. FREE with normal admission. No booking required.

Also during the festive season, book your children on Storytelling with Santa, an adventure to find Santa in his hidden storybook nook for a cosy Christmas tale, an early gift and a photo with the man himself. Bring your child on a fantastical journey before snuggling up for an extra special storytime that will live in their imaginations forever. Tickets cost £15 per child (up to age 12) with one accompanying adult and normal admission applies. Booking essential at 0344 249 1895 or online.

Round off your visit with a magical ride on a vintage carousel (£3 a ticket) and don’t forget to stop off for a hot chocolate and a mince pie at the Stables café.

Find out more at www.nationaltrust.org.uk/visit/dorset/ kingston-lacy


Enjoy a Winter Solstice Walk and Breakfast between 7.15am and 10am on 21 December. View the sunrise from Old Harry Rocks on the shortest day of the year followed by a full English breakfast at Knoll Beach Café. Indoor and outdoor seating will be available and you can book your preferred option on the website. Vegetarian and vegan breakfasts available. Adult £19.50/child £10. Booking essential at 0344 249 1895 or via the website.

Find out more at www.nationaltrust.org.uk/visit/dorset/ studland-bay


From 7 December to 12 January (10am-3.30pm), discover the perfect family quest for the Christmas season at Monty and Matilda’s Castle Christmas. Monty and his wife Matilda are hosting a Christmas party in the castle and need to find suitable gifts for all their mousey friends. Can you help them find some exciting goodies to make it a party to remember? Follow the family up through the castle ruins, discover the festive cabins and see what Monty and Matilda are buying for their friends. Complete the quest to earn your festive siege coin. FREE with normal admission.

Take a step back to the 17th century and join The Lord of Misrule from 21 December to 5 January (ex 24-26 December) for a fun, interactive journey through the ruin, learning the games, dances, stories and Christmas traditions of days gone by. Tours at 11am, 12.30pm and 2pm.

During your visit, toast marshmallows and warm up around fire pits. Natural decorations will be sprinkled around the castle and you can make a Christmas wish at the wishing tree. FREE with normal admission.

For two nights only, on 13 and 14 December, experience the magic of exploring the castle in the evening, under the stars, with braziers and festoon lights illuminating the paths. Gather round the fire pit to toast marshmallows. Don’t forget a torch to help you walk on the uneven ground. FREE with normal admission.

Alternatively, on 21 December, watch the winter solstice sunrise over East Hill from the top of the castle on the shortest day of the year. Explore the ruins and keep cosy around a fire pit with some roasted marshmallows in the Outer Bailey. FREE with normal admission.

Find out more at www.nationaltrust.org.uk/visit/dorset/corfecastle

If your Christmas wish is for a memory-making family day out, you’ll find National Trust places can make your wishes come true!

Check www.nationaltrust.org.uk/visit/dorset for for opening days and times.

Don't forget to say you saw these events listed in Families Dorset magazine

© Steven Haywood

Corfe Castle

Monty Mouse is back with his wife Matilda to hunt for gifts. Explore the castle to discover festive scenes, join the Lord of Misrule for a fun storytelling tour, warm up around fire pits, toast marshmallows and make wishes.

www.nationaltrust.org.uk/ visit/dorset/corfe-castle

Kingston Lacy

Kingston Lacy’s cheeky Wish Maker sprites need your help - they’ve transformed the house with festive decorations, but their wish machine has gone wrong and sent wishes flying out into the garden. Help them find all the escaped wishes, ride on a vintage carousel and book for Storytelling with Santa.

www.nationaltrust.org.uk/visit/ dorset/kingston-lacy

See Santa at Monkey World

Between 18 and 21 December, Santa’s sleigh will touch down at Monkey World in Wareham!

As well as meeting Santa and receiving a special present from him, your little monkeys can enjoy festive fare and a Christmas trail around the park. They can even enjoy making a present for the primates with Santa’s elves – something that’s bound to get them in the Christmas spirit!

Primate adoptions also make a great Christmas gift and mean you can visit your adopted primate for free for a year.

Visiting Santa at Monkey World will help support the rescue and rehabilitation of primates, so help spread Christmas cheer by seeing Santa there. It costs £10 plus entrance fee per child.

Santa is very popular and spaces are limited so early booking is advised.

To register interest in seeing Santa, please email communications@monkeyworld.org

Visit Moors Valley Christmas Tree Shop

For the highest quality, British Christmas trees and a wonderful, festive experience, head to Moors Valley Christmas Tree Shop this festive season.

Open daily from 30 November (9.30am-4pm), choose your tree in this spacious open-air Christmas Tree Shop and browse hundreds of spruces or firs. And park for free when you buy a tree!

Make a day of it and get in the festive mood. Enjoy a hot drink or food from the cafe with delicious festive meal options available, try the Gruffalo Party trail with the children, take a peaceful wintery walk around the forest or experience a Go Ape Adventure - swing from the treetops or bounce around on Nets Adventure!

Moors Valley is open every day during the festive season, except Christmas Day. Opening times for some attractions will vary, the website for details. Card payments only.

For more information, visit about Christmas events and activities, visit www.moors-valley.co.uk/events/christmas

A magical sail with Santa

Join Coastal Cruises (previously City Cruises Poole) for a magical Sail with Santa adventure this Christmas!

On 7-8 December, 14-15 December and 21-24 December, families can sail past stunning sights like Brownsea Island, Sandbanks Peninsula and Studland Bay, all while sipping warm mulled wine and enjoying festive Christmas carols. Children will have a choice of soft drinks and a biscuit.

The best part? Santa himself will be on board! He'll be mingling with kids of all ages, from tiny tots to big kids at heart. Every child will receive a special Christmas present straight from the jolly old man himself!

Cruises depart from Poole Quay at 11am, 1pm and 3pm and last 75 minutes.

Make this Christmas truly unforgettable!

Book at www.coastalcruisespoole.co.uk or email sales@ coastalcruisespoole.co.uk


What’s on

All listings are correct at the time of publication. Please check with the venue before you visit in case anything has changed.

Sat 30 Nov-Tue 24 Dec

Christmas at Moors Valley Country Park

Every Mon (term time)

Nature Tots

Bring your little ones to its parent and volunteer led toddler group. Its Nature Tots group is for children aged up to 5 years old and their parents/carers. Nature Tots discover Studland Bay and the landscape around them through activities and stories. The beautiful coastal setting with dunes and woodland makes the perfect location to discover the outdoors throughout the seasons. 10-11am. FREE. Booking not required. www.bit.ly/NTstudland

Thu 7 & 21 Nov, Tue 5 & 19 Dec

Storytelling at Dorset Museum Fun filled storytime for ages 18mths to 5 years. 10-10.30am. FREE. www.dorsetmuseum.org

Sat 9 Nov, Sat 30 Nov & Sat 7 Dec

Stargazing at Durlston Country Park

View Jupiter, Tsuchinshan Atlas comet, the Moon and Autumn and Winter objects. www.durlston.co.uk

Wed 20 Nov

Nature Tots in Kingscombe Visitor Centre Dorchester

A group for parents/guardians to bring children aged 5 and under to experience wildlife of Kingscombe. www.dorsetwildlifetrust.org.uk

Sat 23 Nov

Fox & Cubs Club at Upton Country Park

Sessions designed for dads and kids to spend quality time together in the great outdoors. www.uptoncountrypark.com

Sun 24 Nov & 22 Dec Trust10

The National Trust Trust10 is a 10k run while you enjoy the surrounding landscapes and nature. The course starts at Knoll Beach, uphill to Ballard Down, past Old Harry Rocks and back to finish at Knoll Beach. It is a challenging multi terrain run involving some public roads but isn’t a competitive event supported by timing systems. Park in the Knoll Beach visitor car park, free parking for members and blue badge holders, seasonal rates apply to nonmembers. Toilets and café nearby. 8.50am-11am, registration from 8.30am. FREE. No booking required. www.bit.ly/NTstudland

Fri 29 Nov

Pre-schoolers Nature Club at RSPB Arne

Monthly nature group aimed at preschool children aged between 2 ½ and 5 years old. www.events.rspb.org.uk

Sat 29 Nov-Mon 30 Dec

Christmas Lights and Reindeer at Nutley Farm

Find the twenty lost reindeer at Nutley Farm this Chrismas on this spectacular illuminated trail with five new, themed chapters, featuring real-life reindeer, photo opportunieis and Santa’s Grotto. Book online. www.nutleyevents.co.uk

Choose a tree from the Christmas Tree Shop, have a hot drink & treat in the café and try the Gruffalo trail and Go Ape Adenture. www.moors-valley.co.uk

Sat 30 Nov-Wed 1 Dec

Christmas Elf Extravaganza at Nothe Fort

An exciting programme of events and fun for all the family. www.nothefort.org.uk

The Enchanted Cinema at Child Okeford Hall

Become part of pop up orchestra in this interactive workshop followed by a screening of The Snoman. www.artsreach.co.uk

Sat 30 Nov-Sun 5 Jan

A Christmas Wish at Kingston Lacy

What do you wish for at Christmas? Discover the magic of Christmas wishes this festive season. The Kingston Lacy Wish Makers have been busy transforming the house with beautiful decorations to fulfil every Christmas wish. Meanwhile, in the gardens, a problem at the wish sorting office means the Wish Makers are going to need help from the whole family to find all the escaped wishes before Christmas. Price: FREE (normal admission applies). Closed 24 and 25 Dec. www.bit.ly/KingstonNT

Wed 4 Dec–Sun 15 Dec

Christmas Tree Festival at Bridport United Church

Popular colourful local festival is back for 2024. www.bridportandwestbay.co.uk

Fri 6-Sun 8 Dec

Steampunk Weekend in Weymouth Steampunk events for all the family including Ghost tours, Steampunk workshops, Steampunk fashion, local traders, a Yule Ball and a seafront promenade. www.weymouthtowncouncil.gov. uk/events

Sat 7-Sun 8 Dec

Victorian Christmas Weekend at Russell-Cotes Art Gallery

Meet the Victorians and experience a Christmas of yesteryear, craft activities, carols and more. www.russellcotes.com

Sat 7 Dec-Sun 12 Jan

Monty and Matilda's Christmas Family Quest at Corfe Castle

Monty mouse is returning to Corfe Castle this festive season along with his wife Matilda. They are hosting a Christmas party in the castle and need to find suitable gifts for all their mousey friends. Can you help them find some exciting goodies to make it a party to remember? Follow the family quest as it winds up through the castle ruins. Discover the festive cabins and see what Monty and Matilda are buying for their friends. Complete the quest to earn your festive siege coin. 10am-3.30pm. FREE with normal admission. Closed 24 and 25 Dec. www.bit.ly/CorfeCastleEvents

Sun 8 Dec

Christmas Tree Decoration

Workshop at Durlston Country Park Drop in to the Learning Centre to make and decorate your own wooden Christmas tree decorations. www.durlston.co.uk

Wareham Christmas Parade

Annual Christmas parade and festivities in town centre. www.christmasinwareham.co.uk

Christmas Tree Decorations at Durlston Country Park Drop-in to make and decorate your own wooden Christmas tree decorations. 2pm. www.durlston.co.uk

Fri 13 Dec-Sun 15 Dec

Lyme Regis Christmas Tree Festival

Stunning array of glittering Christmas trees decorated by local groups and organisations. www.lymeregiscarnival.co.uk

Sat 14 Dec

Weymouth’s Carols, Craft & Nativity Trail

Follow the Christmas story and enjoy FREE festive crafts and activities along the way. www.love-weymouth.co.uk

Glass Engraving Workshop at Durlston Country Park

Learn this fascinating craft. Adults and children ages 8+. Booking required. www.durlston.co.uk

A Victorian Christmas at Nothe Fort

Meet a Victorian Father Christmas, storytelling and fun family activities. www.nothefort.org.uk

Wed 18 Dec-Wed 8 Jan

Crazy Christmas Trail at Durlston Country Park

Get the trail and activity pack, take a trip around the park to help Santa get Christmas back on track. www.durlston.co.uk

Sat 21 Dec

Winter Solstice Walk and Breakfast at Studland Bay

Join the National Trust for a morning walk to view the sunrise from Old Harry Rocks on the shortest day of the year followed by a full English breakfast at Knoll Beach Café. Indoor and outdoor seating available, book your preferred option on the website. 7.15–10am. www.bit.ly/NTstudland

Winter Solstice at Corfe Castle

Watch the sun rise over East Hill on the shortest day of the year from the top of the castle. Explore the ruins and keep cosy around a fire pit with some roasted marshmallows in the

Outer Bailey. Castle gates open at 7am in time for you to walk up and find the perfect spot to watch the sunrise. Bring a camping chair for added comfort. 7-10am. FREE with normal admission.


Sat 21 Dec-Sun 5 Jan

Christmas Festivities at Corfe Castle

Take time to relax and enjoy warming up around fire pits and toasting marshmallows. Natural decorations will be sprinkled around the castle, collected from across the Purbeck estate, and you can make a Christmas wish at our wishing tree. 10am-3pm. FREE with normal admission.


Sun 22 Dec

Chase the Pudding Race in Weymouth

A Santa fun run with a 2km option for under 16s on Weymouth beach. www.weymouthtowncouncil.gov.uk

Sun 22 Dec

Family Wreath Making in Kingcombe Visitor Centre Dorchester

Get into the festive spirit by creating beautiful wreaths together using local natural materials. www.dorsetwildlifetrust.org.uk

Tue 24 Dec

Kids Christmas Eve Drawing Workshop at Durlston Country Park Join artist Mark Page for a workshop drawing robins, reindeer and all things Christmassy! Materials included. Please book. Ages 7+. www.durlston.co.uk

Wed 25 Dec

Christmas Day Swim in Weymouth A landmark event for the town, watch the hardy souls compete in the sea. 11am. www.weymouthtowncouncil.gov.uk

Thu 26 Dec

Boxing Day Swim at Swanage Beach

Annual tradition sees thousands of swimmers take to the water for fun, festive dip. 11am. www.swanage.events

Wed 1 Jan

Poole’s Bath Tub Race on the Quay Annual New Year’s Day crazy event. Crews take to the water in their homemade crafts as they race to the finish line. www.pooletourism.com

Thu 2 Jan-Fri 31 Jan

50% Off Admission for Locals at Monkey World

Half price off entry during January, must live in postcode BH, DT or SP. www.monkeyworld.org.uk




Cinderella 16 Dec-24 Dec

This pantomime of a classic adventure story promises to excite and entertain audiences of all ages.



Jack and the Beanstalk Pantomime

7 Dec-5 Jan

Bursting with great songs, stunning dance routines and plenty of laughter, a truly magical treat.

BRIDPORT ARTS CENTRE www.bridport-arts.com

A Winter’s Tail 8 Dec

A fun, relaxed play-along theatre adventure. Ages 2+.

The Christmassy Christmas Show 14 Dec

Crammed with puppets, songs and comedy, and over-flowing with crazy characters. Ages 5+.


Christmas Spectacular 14-24 Dec

Full of family-friendly, festive fun, The Christmas Spectacular takes you on an adventure with Santa and his elves at the North Pole.

CORFE CASTLE VILLAGE HALL www.artsreach.co.uk

Near-ta Theatre: Christmas Time 6 Dec

A fantastical family adventure through Dickens, pantomime, musical, Christmas dinner and Christmas films.

DORCHESTER ARTS www.dorchesterarts.org.uk

A Christmas Carol 8 Dec

With quirky storytelling, live action, music, puppets, suitable for the whole family.

EAST STOUR VILLAGE HALL www.artsreach.co.uk

Near-ta Theatre: Christmas Time 7 Dec

A fantastical family adventure through Dickens, pantomime, musical, Christmas dinner and Christmas films.

LYME REGIS MARINE THEATRE www.marinetheatre.com

A Winter’s Tail 7 Dec

A play-along theatre adventure for ages 2+.

Santa’s & Sven 11 Dec

Enchanting, interactive show –perfect Christmas entertainment for ages 2+ and all the family.

A Christmas Carol 19-22 Dec

Bring the whole family to enjoy this tale as old as time and take advantage of a special family ticket deal.

THE MINSTER THEATRE, WIMBORNE www.theallendale.org

Best Ever Christmas Show 13 Dec-24 Dec Wimborne’s famous pantomime is back with a brand new adventure.

POOLE LIGHTHOUSE CENTRE FOR THE ARTS www.lighthousepoole.co.uk

The Glass Slippers 7-24 Dec

Reimagining of the classic tale some new twist and turns, for ages 3+.

Sleeping Beauty 12 Dec-5 Jan

Traditional pantomime with a lampload of laughter, stunning scenery and beautiful costumes.

The Snowman 14 Dec

Watch the classic film on the big screen accompanied by Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra.


Curious Creatures & Adventurous Animals 15 Dec

Join the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra on a musical journey through the natural world in a programme presented especially for families.

WEYMOUTH PAVILION www.weymouthpavilion.com

Peter Pan Christmas Pantomime 20 Dec-5 Jan

Bursting with great songs, fantastic dance routines and plenty of laughter.

WIMBORNE TIVOLI THEATRE www.tivoliwimborne.co.uk

Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs 14 Dec-5 Jan

Featuring stunning scenery, colourful costumes, toe-tapping tunes, hilarious comedy, seven of the most magical characters in Pantoland and INCREDIBLE West End special effects, prepare for Wimborne's biggest pantomime.

A Christmas Spectacular at The Regent, Christchurch

From 14 to 24 December, join the Glad Rag Production Company as they celebrate their twelfth and final Christmas Spectacular at The Regent, Christchurch.

Full of family-friendly festive fun, The Christmas Spectacular takes you on an adventure with Santa and his elves at the North Pole. This year the elves are busy preparing toys for the big day but little do they know that a spooky plot is underway to sabotage Christmas. Will they uncover the plot before it’s too late? Or will it be a Christmas spooktacular?

With stunning sequin costumes, plenty of laughs and energetic choreography, this feel-good, family show has something for everyone. Featuring Christmas favourites such as Santa Claus Is Coming To Town, Carol Of The Bells and Step Into Christmas plus many more, it really is the most festive show in town and will leave you full of Christmas cheer!

Performances take place at 11am, 4pm and 7pm.

Book now at www.regentcentre.co.uk or call 01202 499199.

See Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs at The Tivoli

Following the record-breaking successes of both Cinderella and Aladdin, Made to Measure Productions returns to the Tivoli Theatre from 14 December to 6 January with a brand-new magical production of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - and an extended run due to unprecedented demand!

Featuring stunning scenery, colourful costumes, toetapping tunes, hilarious comedy, seven of the most magical characters in Pantoland and INCREDIBLE West End special effects, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is set to be the biggest pantomime Wimborne has ever seen!

With the wickedly hilarious Courtney Jackson returning for his sixth pantomime, expect double the laughs as he takes on the dual roles of The Wicked Queen and Nurse Doreen! The talented cast also features Lucia-Jade Barker as Snow White, Lee Redwood as Muddles, Michelle Whitney as Fairy Flutter and CJ Carroll as Prince Louis of Lytchett.

Tickets starting from just £15.50 - book today at www.tivoliwimborne.co.uk


Athelhampton House Dorset Food & Drink Christmas Fair 9 Nov

Popular annual festive foodie event with over 45 amazing producers selling distinctively Dorset & seasonal produce set in lovely grounds. www.athelhampton.com

Barrington Arts & Community Centre Food & Craft Fayre Sun 8 Dec

Wide selection of stalls, jewellery, craft stalls, face painting and more.


Bridport Christmas Market 21 Dec

Traditional Christmas market at Bridport WI Hall. 10am-2pm. www.bridportandwestbay.co.uk

Dorchester Shire Hall Christmas Market 23-24 Nov

The market will host local businesses, selling everything from food and drink to jewellery and photography. 10am-4pm, FREE entry. www.shirehalldorset.org/events

Highcliffe Castle Creatives at the Castle Christmas Fair 23 Nov

Join talented local makers and creators at the castle and purchase some lovely festive gifts. www.highcliffecastle.co.uk

Littledown Christmas Market 24 Nov

Wide range of stalls selling Christmas gifts, artisan food, face painting and Giggles Dizzy, the cheeky elves. www.bhliveactive.org.uk

Nothe Fort Steampunk Christmas Market 7-8 Dec

Immerse yourself in a world of steam-powered wonders and mechanical marvels, enjoy artists, music, fashion, stalls and more. www.nothefort.org.uk

Poole Grammar Christmas Fayre

30 Nov

Over 100 local stallholders offering unique gifts and treats with Santa’s Grotto. www.fb.com/ PooleGrammarPSA

Poole RNLI College Christmas Market

8 Dec

Local handmade arts and crafts, produce, sweet treats and more. Father Christmas will be arriving by lifeboat. www.happylittlepaws.co.uk

Poundbury Christmas Market

30 Nov

Local festive market with food, drink, gifts and Santa’s Grotto. www.

poundburychristmasmarket. co.uk

Salway Ash Christmas Fair

1 Dec

Local Christmas fair with arts and crafts at Salway Ash Village Hall.


Swanage Christmas Market

7 Dec

Top Purbeck attraction, Dorset traders line the streets around Station Road.

Swanage & Wareham RFC Christmas Market

23 Nov

A range of stalls, food & drink and entertainment throughout the day and evening. www.swanage.events

Upton House Christmas Makers Market

30 Nov

Popular annual craft fair including choir performances and pop-up tea rooms inside Upton House. www.uptoncountrypark.com

Weymouth Christmas Craft Market

23 Nov

Over 30 stalls of handmade goods by local artisans at Southill Community Centre. www.weymouthtowncouncil. gov.uk/event

Wimborne Allendale Craft Fair

23 Nov

Discover a wide range of handcrafted treasures made by talented local artisans, there's something for everyone. www.theallendale.org

Don't forget to say you saw these events in Families Dorset Magazine!


Breakfast with Santa at Bournemouth Pier Sat 15, 21, 22 & 23 Dec, booking required Share a festive breakfast at Key West Bar & Grill, be greeted by Santa and his elves and receive a gift. www.keywestbournemouth.co.uk

Father Christmas at the RussellCotes Gallery Sat 30 Nov-Sun 1 Dec, booking required Visit Father Christmas in the beautifully decorated dining room and receive a small gift. www.russellcotes.com


Tea with Santa at Groves Garden Centre Thu 5, 12 & 19 Dec, booking required Expect a Christmassy show, games, winter warming food and visit to Santa with present. www.grovesnurseries.co.uk


A Kingston Christmas at Kingston Mauward

Every weekend from Sat 30 Nov-Mon 23 Dec, selected dates, booking required Experience a theatrical extravaganza in a winter wonderland and meet Santa Claus. www.akingstonchristmas.co.uk

Father Christmas at Nutley Farm Sat 30 Nov-Thu 19 Dec, booking required Wander the illuminated trail, meet the friendly reindeer, visit Santa to receive a gift. www.nutleyevents.co.uk

Father Christmas at Boos Toy Shop Poundbury Sat 30 Nov

Meet Father Christmas at Boo’s Toy Shop, no booking required. www.poundburychristmasmarket. co.uk


Santa’s Winter Wonderland at Stewarts Garden Centres Sat 23 Nov to Tue 24 Dec, booking required Christchurch, Wimborne and Fareham stores. Join the playful polar bears in Santa’s Winter Wonderland and meet Father Christmas himself www.santa.stewarts.co.uk


Santa’s Grotto at Lyme Regis Baptist Church Sat 14 Dec booking required Santa is coming to town, children receive gift and certificate. www.lovelymeregis.co.uk


Christmas at Farmer Palmers Sat 7 Dec to Mon 23 Dec on selected dates, booking required Enjoy a farm-tastic day out. Meet Father Christmas and festive friends in the Magical Christmas Barn. www.farmerpalmers.co.uk

Sail with Santa from Poole Quay Sat 7 to Tue 24 Dec on selected dates, booking required Sail past stunning sights like Brownsea Island, Sandbanks Peninsula and Studland Bay, sipping warm mulled wine (soft drink for kids) and enjoy festive Christmas carols. Santa will be on board and every child will receive a gift. 11am, 1pm and 3pm. www.coastalcruisespoole.co.uk

Christmas Grotto at Peekaboo & Brew Christmas Experience Sat 30 Nov to Mon 23 Dec on selected dates, booking required An unforgettable Santa’s Grotto experience for little ones at this popular soft play centre. www.backgardenbubbles.com


The Polar Express Tram Ride at Seaton Tramway Sat 23 Nov to Tue 24 Dec on selected dates, booking required Enjoy a magical tram ride on a decorated tramcar to the North Pole to meet Santa and receive a present. Booking required. www.tram.co.uk


Santa’s Coming to The Eastbury Sat 30 Nov, booking required Enjoy festive treats, children’s activities, magic and best of all meet Santa in his Grotto. www.theeastburyhotel.co.uk


Father Christmas Experience at The Mowlem Theatre Sat 14 Dec, booking required The Studio will be transformed into a seaside-themed adventure to meet Father Christmas. www.themowlem.com


Santa’s Grotto at Swanage Pier

Sat- Sun 14-15 Dec & Thu 19-Mon 23 Dec, booking required

Visit Santa in his magical grotto and receive a present, booking required.


Swanage Railway The Polar Express Fri 23-Tue 24 Nov, booking required

Board the train to North Pole where Santa will board and visit children with a special present on the return journey.



Santa at Monkey World Thu-Sat 19-21 Dec, booking required

Enjoy a Christmas trail, meet Santa in his grotto and receive a present. www.monkeyworld.org

A Dorset Christmas at The Tank Museum

Sat-Sun 16-17 Nov

Christmassy craft market, live entertainment, Santa will arrive in tank, plus Christmas trail. www.tankmuseum.org

Santa at the Blue Pool Nature Reserve

Sat-Sun 7-8 Dec & Sat-Sun 14-15 Dec, booking required

Visit Santa this festive period at the magical setting of The Blue Pool. www.swanage.events


Abbotsbury Gardens Santa’s Grotto Sat 7 Dec-Tue 23 Dec, booking required

Meet Father Christmas in his cosy cabin, a festive magical Grotto in the Gardens and receive a special gift. www.abbotsburytickets.co.uk

Santa Comes to Town Sat-Sun 21-22 Dec

Visit Santa in his Grotto with activities for children taking place around the town centre and harbourside area www.weymouthtowncouncil.gov. uk/events


Visit Santa at Museum of East Dorset

Sat 30 Nov & Sat 7, booking required

Explore the museum with a festive trail, then be taken by the elves to listen to an interactive story and receive. www.museumofeastdorset.co.uk

Storytelling with Santa at Kingston Lacy

Sat 30 Nov to Mon 23 Dec on selected dates, booking required This festive season, go on an adventure to find Santa in his hidden storybook nook for a cosy Christmas tale, an early gift and a chance to take a photo with the man himself. The experience is a total of an hour, with a storytelling of around 30 minutes.


Board The Polar Express in Seaton this Christmas

Experience the magic of Christmas aboard The Polar Express Tram Ride at Seaton Tramway, running from 23 November to 24 December.

Step into the enchanting world of the beloved holiday story as you journey to the North Pole on one of Seaton Tramway's heritage trams, beautifully transformed for the festive season. Families and children can enjoy a theatrical performance complete with singing, dancing and of course, hot chocolate served by the cheerful Polar Express staff.

Meet Santa Claus at the North Pole and receive your very own special Christmas gift, while children in their pajamas make unforgettable holiday memories. The tram ride, filled with lights, music and festive cheer, is perfect for all ages and is sure to become a Christmas tradition for many.

Tickets are limited, so be sure to book early to avoid disappointment. Don’t miss this magical journey that brings the holiday spirit to life in a unique and unforgettable way.

For more details and to reserve your spot, visit www.tram.co.uk/polarexpress.

Abbotsbury Gardens Illuminate Fri 29 Nov-Wed 4 Dec

Colourful lights transform and illuminate the sub-tropical gardens. www.abbotsburytickets.co.uk

Bournemouth Christmas Tree


Fri 15 Nov-Tue 31 Dec

Spectacular Christmas trail with enchanting illuminations, light shows and live music. FREE. www.christmastreewonderland. co.uk

Christchurch Christmas Lights

Switch On Sat 23 Nov

Festive entertainment, face painting, workshops from 11am7pm and switch on at 5pm. www.christchurch-tc.gov.uk

Lyme Regis Christmas Lights

Switch On Sat 25 Nov

Fun-packed family event. Procession followed by switch on at 5pm. www.lymechristmaslights.co.uk

Minterne House Enchanted Night Garden

Fri 6 Dec-Sat 4 Jan

This beautiful stately home will be lit like you have never seen it before and the gardens will come alive with stunning woodland creatures, fairies and dragons. www.minterne.co.uk

Nutley Farm Christmas Lights & Reindeer Experience

Fri 29 Nov-Sun 29 Dec

Follow the tale of The Lost Reindeers on your journey along the illuminated trail. www.nutleyevents.co.uk

Poole Christmas Maritime Light

Trail Sat 23 Nov to Wed 1 Jan

Dazzling illuminations that weave through Poole Town with market, food and attractions. FREE. www.poole-christmas-maritimelight-trail.co.uk

Swanage Christmas Lights

Switch On Sat 30 Nov

Festive shopping and food followed by Christmas switch on outside The Mowlem/Station Rd. 3pm. www.swanage.events

Swanage Pier Christmas Lighting Up Lives Fri 8 Dec-Wed 3 Jan

Watch Swanage pier be lit up and enjoy a host of festive activities including Father Christmas, live music and more.

Weymouth Elf Parade & Christmas Lights Switch On Sat 30 Nov Elf parade, elf-themed activities and entertainment from 10am6pm with Christmas lights switch on at 5pm. www.weymouthtowncouncil.gov. uk/events

Christmas lights and reindeer at Nutley Farm

This year’s Christmas event at Nutley Farm, running from 29 November to 30 December, is set to be bigger and more magical than ever and there’s a brand-new theme for 2024

- Follow the Lost Reindeer.

Embark on an adventure through the expanded illuminated trail, with its spectacular display of illuminations and enchanting scenes. With five new, themed chapters, more light installations, high-quality sound projections and magical interactions, this year's event will be full of surprises.

And the adventure doesn’t stop there! Discover twenty hidden reindeer characters throughout the trail and meet Nutley Farm's real-life reindeer: Rudolph, Prancer, Sprout and Parsnip. Plus, Father Christmas is back in his Grotto for even more festive fun! Capture the magic with new family photo opportunities, including a dedicated picture area featuring the Nutley Farm sleigh and life-size reindeer. Warm up with seasonal snacks and festive drinks at the Nutley Arms.

Don’t miss this unforgettable Christmas experience – book at www.nutleyevents.co.uk

Ben Kapur Photography

New this autumn, our Woodlands Baby Group is exclusively for parents with babies up to the age of 2. Join us on a Monday or Thursday and relax with other parents while your baby explores our sensory room. Booking essential as places are limited: www.deanparkdaynursery.co.uk/woodlands Book your tour now

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