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Is your child ready for SATs?

By Jemma Zoe Smith


SATs have been cancelled for the last two years but this year they’ll be going ahead.

If you’re a parent of a child who will be sitting SATs this year or even next, you might be concerned about how the disruption to their education during the pandemic may affect their exam performance - a worry which is doubled for those parents whose children are also sitting the 11+.

The good news is that if you’re addressing these concerns now, you’re doing so in good time. There’s plenty of opportunity for your child to make up any gaps in their learning before the exams roll around.

The first thing to do as a parent is not to worry too much! While your child’s schooling has been disrupted, so has that of all their peers.

It’s likely results will be poorer across the board, which is reassuring if you’re considering a selective school for your child’s secondary education.

What’s more, any teacher looking at your child’s exam results in the future will consider the extraordinary situation in which their studies took place. If the situation is causing you stress, it’s important not to transmit that to your child, whose performance won’t be improved by exam nerves.

So what are the next steps?


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