2 minute read
How handwriting affects self-esteem
By Catherine Loble and Lisa Wander

It is known that children who have good handwriting do better in school and enjoy it more. And the opposite is also true: those who struggle with handwriting are often at a disadvantage in the high-paced classroom setting. According to the Dyspraxia Foundation, children with poor handwriting are usually aware of their difficulty and their untidy handwriting can make them feel uncomfortable and isolated. Commonly, children feel depressed and frustrated as a direct result of poor writing skills.
Handwriting activates a specific part of the brain which helps establish and build the neural patterns needed for learning and memory. Studies show that children who spend time working on handwriting produce clearer and more coherent communication, along with better thought and organisation skills.
As the majority of our examinations are still handwritten, handwriting forms an integral part of our education system. Students who are unable to write legibly and articulately find themselves at a severe disadvantage. Once these skills are taught there is an enormous difference in confidence and selfesteem.
With at least ten to fifteen percent of children in the classroom suffering from poor self-confidence, teachers need watch out for early problems with their pupils’ handwriting. Simply having their writing labelled as messy or lazy by adults can contribute to a child’s low self-esteem and anxiety. This may lead children to believe that they are unintelligent and incapable of writing correctly and discourage them, continuing the downward spiral.
Unfortunately, the problem of anxiety-related handwriting problems cannot simply be overcome by using a computer. As a child grows older, there will always be everyday circumstances in which handwriting is needed. Furthermore, handwriting helps the flow of ideas and thoughts in a way which keyboarding doesn’t, so it is fundamental that children are taught to write legibly.
Although handwriting is an integral requirement of the National Curriculum, many schools are unable to dedicate to it the time required due to the huge demand of core subjects. In addition, there are many different styles and programmes being used with too many confusing elements.
With the correct time and teaching, children can master handwriting, thereby raising their confidence and self-esteem and embedding it into adulthood.
Catherine and Lisa are co-founders of Emparenting (www.emparenting.co.uk), supporting children, parents and families with insights, skills and tools to nurture the development and well-being of the next generation.
Motor skills to support handwriting
Essential for handwriting, motor development is divided into gross and fine motor skills. Gross skills involve large muscle movements such as crawling, walking, running and swimming. Fine motor skills require smaller muscles: grasping, object manipulation and drawing.
Well-developed gross and fine motor skills are essential to a child’s readiness to write. Early years activities prepare them for the dexterity and co-ordination they will need in the classroom and it’s never too soon to start the journey.

Practising gross motor skills is the first step towards two-handed tasks such as holding down paper with one hand while writing with the other. Fun activities teach small bodies! Examples include monkey bars, hopscotch, throwing and catching balls, dancing, running and swimming.
Fine motor skills are necessary for handwriting so a child can control the pencil in forming letters and use the correct pressure on the pen and the paper. This is where hand and finger activities come in. Consider these: threading beads, cutting paper, construction play, baking, finger painting and playdough.