How to Motivate Your Child to do Anything There is a long summer ahead…. and for many families, this is just an extension of a long spring at home with no school attendance and precious little by way of entertainment. Many children are fractious, bored, lonely, discontented and anxious. It’s no wonder many are struggling to concentrate, focus and motivate themselves to do very much at all. In order to get your child up and moving this summer and avoid a case of terminal boredom, your child needs a few projects and goals that will give them a sense of achievement and productivity. These could be anything from practising times tables, having a day of screen free time every week, reading a book, doing some daily exercise or tidying their room. You may even challenge them to complete some of the projects in this magazine! For little ones, some
more specific goals for positive behaviour might be appropriate. Decide what you think might work for your child and, if they are older, discuss and agree this with them. Consider an appropriate motivator for your child. This doesn’t have to be (and, in fact, shouldn’t always be) money and it’s best to avoid sugary treats as rewards too. But it may be that you offer to pay for something your child really needs if they achieve their goal. It’s fun to give an older child a few different projects and goals with points they can earn for each, with the aim of reaching a total number of points and a bigger reward. Remember to give praise generously for the effort your child goes to, even if they don’t quite achieve all their goals. You can find lots of reward ideas from simple/low cost to more involved on the next page.
12 Summer 2020