School Open Events
Autumn 2024
Sydenham School
Dartmouth Rd, London SE26 4RD Telephone: 020 8699 6731 www.sydenham.lewisham.sch.uk
Girls’ community secondary school and coeducational Sixth Form.
Thursday, 12 September, 9.15am-10.40am
Tuesday, 17 September, 9.15am-10.40am
Thursday, 19 September, 4pm-7pm
Tuesday, 24 September, 9.15am-10.40am Wednesday, 2 October, 9.15am-10.40am
Tour the school’s state of the art buildings, meet its staff and students and see the school at work. Book online.
Blackheath Prep
4 St Germans Pl, Blackheath, London SE3 0NJ Telephone: 020 8858 0692 www.blackheathprep.co.uk
Girls’ independent ‘through’ school ages 3-18.
Saturday, 21 September
Saturday, 17 May 2025
Tour the school and meet the senior leadership and Admissions team. Book online.
Dulwich College
Dulwich Common, London SE21 7LD Telephone: 020 8693 3601 www.dulwich.org.uk
Boys’ independent ‘through’ school ages 2-18.
Junior School Open Days (Years 3 & 5 entry)
Ticketed events. Book online at www.dulwich. org.uk/admissions/years-3-4-and-5-entry
Saturday, 12 October
Two sessions starting at 9.30am and 11.15am. Tour of the school with pupils and talk from the Master and Head of Junior School. Book online.
Wednesday 16 October, 1.30pm-3.30pm Tour of the school with staff, hear from Head of Junior School and talk to Junior School pupils.
Tours are available some Wednesday and Friday mornings. To reserve a place, contact Mrs Cara Norfolk on 020 8299 8432 or email norfolkc@dulwich.org.uk.
Year 7 Open Mornings
Visits are primarily for families looking for Year 7 entry in 2025. Book online.
Thursday, 12 September, 10.30am-12.30pm Friday, 20 September, 10.30am-12.30pm Thursday, 10 October, 10.30am-12.30pm
The Master and Head of Lower School will speak at 10.45am, followed by a pupil-led tour. Admissions team available for individual questions. Book online.
Saturday, 5 October, 8.45am, 10.15am, 11.30am
The Master will speak at 9am, 10.30am and 11.45am. All academic subjects and cocurricular activities will be showcased.
Booking essential for all events at www.dulwich.org.uk/admissions/year-7-entry
Year 9 Open Afternoons
Visits are primarily for families looking for Year 9 entry in 2027 via deferred entry or late entry to Year 9 in 2025. Book online.
Wednesday, 11 September, 2.15pm-4pm
Tuesday, 24 September, 2.15pm-4pm
The Master and Head of Middle School will be speaking at 2.25pm, followed by pupil-led tour. Admissions team available for questions. Booking essential for all events at www.dulwich.org.uk/admissions/year-9-entry
Some Open Events require prebooking. Please check with the school before visiting.
Forest Hill School
Dacres Rd, London SE23 2XN 020 8699 9343
Boys’ state secondary school and coeducational Sixth Form.
Guided tours. Talk to current students and staff, view the Library resources and hear an address by the Headteacher.
Monday, 23 September, 6pm-8pm
Thursday, 26 September, 9am-10.30am Friday, 27 September, 9am-10.30am
Thursday, 3 October, 9am-10.30 am Friday, 4 October, 9am-10.30 am
No booking necessary. Guided tour at the start time, followed by Headteacher’s address.
Dulwich Prep & Senior School
42 Alleyn Park, London SE21 7AA Telephone: 020 8766 5500 www.dulwichpreplondon.org/admissions/ tours
Boys’ independent school for ages 3 to 16.
Saturday 28 September
Book time slot online according to age of child. Tour the school site and facilities, speak with staff and pupils, hear a talk from the Head Master and find out more about the school’s new bespoke senior offering.
The school has two sites, so if you are looking to join the school in Fledglings, Nursery or Reception Year groups, book a visit to both Nursery & Reception at 8 Gallery Road, SE21 7AB and Years 1 to 9 at Alleyn Park.
Sydenham High School
19 Westwood Hill, London SE26 6BL Telephone: 020 8557 7000 www.sydenhamhighschool.gdst.net Girls’ prep, senior school and Sixth Form.
Whole School Open Morning Saturday 21 September, 9am-1pm
View the new school site and discover the Girls’ Prep, Senior and Sixth Form. There will be two talk slots from the Head and Head of Prep, at the Senior and Prep School sites respectively and the option to go on a pupil-led tour. Book online.
Prep School Open Morning Wednesday 6 November, 9am-11am
View the Prep School site, hear from the Head of Prep and go on a pupil-led tour. Book online.
Taster Sessions Book online
Your daughter’s chance to experience the PrePrep and Prep School.
Thursday, 10 October, 9am–10am. Ages 4+ Thursday, 14 November, 9am–10am. Ages 4+ Thursday, 10 October, 1.45pm–3pm. Ages 7+ Friday, 8 November, 1.45pm–3pm. Ages 7+ Thursday, 14 November, 1.45pm–3pm. Ages 7+
James Allen’s Junior School
2 Dulwich Village, London SE21 7AL Telephone: 020 8693 3465 Greendale, Greater London SE22 8TE Telephone: 020 8693 0374 www.jags.org.uk
Girls’ independent Pre-Prep, Prep & Sixth Form.
Pre-Prep Open Morning Saturday 5 October, 9am, 10.15am, 11.15am
Hear from Head of Pre-Prep and tour the school with Pre-Prep pupils.
Prep Open Morning Saturday 5 October, 9.30am, 10.45am, 11.30am
This is for prospective parents seeking a place for their child(ren) in Year 3 in September 2025. Hear from the Head of Junior School and tour the school with Prep pupils.
Members of the staff and Parents’ Association will be available for questions. Book online. Max two adults per booking.
Small, mid-week group tours for both the Pre-Prep and the Prep are available from early September until w/c 4 November for entry into Reception or Year 3 in September 2025. For 4+ tours of Pre-Prep, email Mrs Anne Long at pre-prep@jags.org.uk. For 7+ tours of Prep, email Mrs Buffy Handslip at jsadmissions@ jags.org.uk
Herne Hill School
127 Herne Hill, London SE24 9LY Telephone: 020 7274 6336 www.hernehillschool.co.uk
Co-educational independent pre-school and pre-prep for ages 2 to 7.
Open Morning Saturday, 28 September
The school recommends prospective parents attend an Open Morning as these offer a comprehensive visiting experience. Most staff are in school and have time to explain the provision and answer questions.
Book online at www.hernehillschool.co.uk/ admissions/open-mornings
The school also offers tours which encompass the Kindergarten at 99 Herne Hill and the main site at 127 Herne Hill and are typically held on Thursday mornings at 10am. Other days and times may be available. Email Catherine Ross (enquiries@hernehillschool.co.uk) for details.
Blackheath High
27 Vanbrugh Park, London SE3 7AG Telephone: 020 8853 2929 www.blackheathhighschool.gdst.net
Girls’ independent ‘through’ school for ages 3 to 18.
Whole School Open Day Saturday, 28
Visit both Junior School and Senior School sites. Register now online. If you wish to attend both the Junior School and Senior School, please register for both separately.
School in Action Mornings
Experience life at Blackheath High School first-hand, as you take a tour during a normal teaching day. Hear a talk from a member of the school’s leadership team. Admissions Team available for questions. Book online.