April 2011
A Publication for Aggie
Aggie Quick Connection
by the Office of New Student and Family Programs
Welcome Family Members, Message from the Office of New Student and Family Programs
Renewed from Spring Break, students are in high gear to finish the semester and the stress is on. April is a busy month at Texas A&M! Students are enjoying the warmer weather as they study for exams, prepare to meet deadlines, and make summer arrangements. We hope that you will make it to Parents’ Weekend, and wish you the best as you provide support and guidance to your student as the year winds down. Don’t forget to visit the Aggie Parent web site for other updates and helpful resources. You can visit us at: Please feel free to contact the Office of New Student and Family Programs at (979) 845-5826, or email us at if you have any questions. Thanks and Gig ’em!
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Amplify Upcoming Events and Programs General TAMU Resources
April 15-17, 2011 marks the 92nd anniversary of Parents’ Weekend! Please remember to book your hotel reservations as soon as possible as Bryan/College Station hotels seem to get booked far in advance. Important Times and Dates: - Aggie Ring Day, April 15, All Day, Association of Former Students - Midnight Yell: April 15, Midnight, Kyle Field - MSC Variety Show: April 15, 7:30 pm, Rudder Auditorium - Maroon and White Game, April 16, 1pm, Kyle Field - Singing Cadets Concert: April 16, 7:30 pm, Rudder Auditorium - Aggie Moms’ Boutique: April 15, 10:30 am- 5:30 pm, Duncan Dining Hall & April 16, 9 am- 5 pm, Duncan Dining Hall - All University Awards Ceremony: April 17, 9:30 am, Rudder Auditorium There are many other events that take place during Parents’ Weekend, for additional information visit the Parents’ Weekend website: * HOTEL RESERVATIONS Whether coming in for a visit, to attend a football game or for Parents’ Weekend, hotel rooms often need to be reserved well in advance. An on-line listing of local hotels can be found at the Convention and Visitors Bureau website. Look under “accommodations” at
April 2011
Aggie Quick Connection
New Student Programs AMPLIFY: THE SUCCESS SERIES FOR STUDENTS Encourage your student to attend Amplify, a year-long series of programs and workshops designed to assist freshmen, transfer and sophomore Aggies develop skills and make them aware of resources that will enhance their Texas A&M experience. Some example sessions offered this semester include: Cooking on a Budget, Time Management and Procrastination, and Career Assessment Workshop: Using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator to Help Identify Personality Characteristics. Every program offered through Amplify is completely FREE so we hope your student will take advantage! REGISTERING FOR AMPLIFY WORKSHOPS A reservation is required so that presenters can prepare the appropriate amount of materials and also to help track the programs students are most interested in so that we can refine our offerings in the future. Remind your student to go to, click on a workshop, and select “View Details to Register”. At any time students can view, manage or change the list of programs they are registered for by clicking on “My Profile.” HOT TOPICS THIS MONTH (To view a complete and detailed listing of this semester’s workshops, please visit: ACADEMIC SUCCESS & ENGAGEMENT: • Time Management & Procrastination --- Apr. 5, 2:20 - 3:20pm / Apr. 20, 12:45 - 1:45pm • Presentation Skills --------------------------------------------------------Apr. 6, 1:30 - 2:30pm • Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI) -------------------------------------------------- Apr. 6, 4 - 4:30pm / Apr. 14, 4:30 - 5pm / Apr. 19, 4- 4:30pm / Apr. 27, 4:30 - 5pm • Study Success Strategies ------------- Apr. 7, 2:20 - 3:20pm / Apr. 18, 11:30am - 12:30pm • Smart Reading Strategies -----------------------------------------Apr. 13, 11:30am - 12:30pm • Stress Management & Test Anxiety ---------------------------------- Apr. 21, 12:45 - 1:45pm • Conquering Finals --------------------------------------------------------------- Apr. 28, 4-5pm LIFE SKILLS & PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT: • Controlling Anger & Angry People --------------------------------------- Apr. 4, 11am - 12pm • Strong Interest Inventory to Help Identify Career Interest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apr. 4, 11:20am - 12:20pm / Apr. 14, 11am - 12pm • Myers Briggs Type Indicator to Help Identify Personality Characteristics ------------------------------------------------------------- Apr. 5, 11:10am - 12:10pm / Apr. 12, 2:20 - 3:20pm • Explore Majors and Careers with DISCOVER ---- Apr. 5, 3:30 - 4:30pm / Apr. 20, 1-2pm • Maintaining Focus ------------------------------------------------------------- Apr. 11, 12:30 - 1:30pm • I’m Graduating: Now What? ----------------------- Apr. 12, 5 - 6pm / Apr. 15, 11am - 12pm • True Colors ---------------------------------------Apr. 20, 3 - 5pm / Apr. 25, 12:30 - 1:30 pm • Quality Customer Service ------------------------------------------------------ Apr. 29, 1 - 2pm GLOBAL AWARENESS & DIVERSITY • Aggie ALLIES -------------------------------------------------------------- Apr. 10, 11am - 2pm (Continued on Page 3)
Aggie Quick Connection
April 2011
Stay Connected with the Latest Campus News The Battalion “The independent student voice of Texas A&M since 1893.” Texas A&M News and InformationAggie Hotline The Division of Marketing & Communications produces Aggie Hotline, an email news brief service that is distributed to subscribers each weekday. News briefs may also be found online at: tamunews. Bryan/College Station News Outlets: KBTX The Eagle www.theeagle. com
Upcoming Events & Programs HOT TOPICS THIS MONTH (CONTINUED) FINANCIAL & DEBT MANAGEMENT: • Buying Big Ticket Items - Car -------------------------------------------------------------------- Apr. 11, 11AM - 12PM • Love and Money: What You Need to Know Before Getting Married ------------------------------- Apr. 11, 3 - 4PM • Understanding Credit Cards & Credit Scores --------------------------------------------------------- Apr. 11, 5 - 6PM • Money Management for College Students ---------------------------------------------------- Apr. 12, 12:45 - 1:45PM • Financing Your Study Abroad ------------------------------------------------------------- Apr. 12, 11:15AM - 12:15PM • Identity Theft ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Apr. 13, 12:40 - 1:40PM • Buying Big Ticket Items - Home ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Apr. 13, 3 - 4PM • Cooking on a Budget ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apr. 14, 12:45 - 1:45PM • Saving and Investing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apr. 14, 2:15 - 3:15PM • Love and Money: What You Need to Know Before Getting Married ------------------------------- Apr. 14, 5 - 6PM
AGGIE RING DAY TIPS FOR FAMILY MEMBERS April 15th is Aggie Ring Day! The Aggie Ring is a treasure that symbolizes pride, tradition, and honor. This Ring represents your student’s hard work and connection to the Aggie Family. When your student places an Aggie Ring on their finger, they will stand as an ambassador of Texas A&M University. This is a time to celebrate! While you celebrate, we encourage you to do so responsibly to ensure your safety and the safety of your family. Celebrate True Aggie Traditions: The “ring dunk” is a well-known, but unofficial, student-led initiative in Aggieland. Neither the University nor Traditions Council endorse it. At a typical “ring dunk”, the Aggie ring is dropped in a 60-ounce pitcher of beer and the student chugs the entire pitcher as fast as possible and catches the ring in his/her teeth. Encourage your student to celebrate true Aggie Traditions like Muster and Silver Taps so that they can truly respect their ring. “When I got my Aggie Ring…”: Avoid tales of drinking exploits from your own college years and encourage your students to make responsible decisions on Ring Day. Entertaining students with stories of drinking “back in the good old days” normalizes what, even then, was abnormal behavior. It also appears to give parental approval to dangerous alcohol consumption and gives them an automatic excuse for their poor decisions. Stress to students that alcohol is toxic and excessive consumption can fatally poison: This is not a scare tactic, students die from alcohol poisoning each year, even at Texas A&M. Discourage dangerous drinking such as drinking quickly, or playing drinking games. Parents should make sure their student understands how alcohol affects the system and the signs of alcohol poisoning. For more information:
SILVER TAPS Silver Taps is the final tribute paid to an Aggie who, at the time of his/her death, was enrolled in graduate or undergraduate courses at Texas A&M. We encourage all students to participate in this time-honored Aggie Tradition; it is a powerful and moving tribute to fellow students. During the academic year, it is a monthly event when needed. The next Silver Taps ceremony will be conducted Tuesday, April 5, 2011, in memory of James Robert Souza January and Tate Phillip Jones. The memorial ceremony will be held at 10:30 p.m. in front of the Academic Building on the Texas A&M campus. For more information visit,
April 2011
Aggie Quick Connection
General TAMU Resources MUSTER Aggie Muster is one of Texas A&M’s oldest and most revered traditions. Officially started on April 21, 1922 as a day for remembrance of fellow Aggies, more than 300 Muster ceremonies are held on this date every year throughout Texas, the United States, and around the world. The largest ceremony is held on campus with an estimated 12,000 people gathering at Reed Arena. All members of the Aggie Family are encouraged to participate in this time-honored tradition. This year Aggie Muster is on Thursday, April 21, 2011. There will be on campus activities throughout the day. For more information, please visit
AGGIE ABROAD BREAKFAST The Study Abroad Programs Office invites you to attend our annual Aggies Abroad Breakfast on Saturday, April 16th. The event will be held in the Interdisciplinary Life Sciences Building on the main campus (across from Simpson Drill Field). Breakfast will be served from 8 to 9 am followed by a presentation by José Luis Bermúdez, dean of the College of Liberal Arts, and a panel of students sharing their experiences overseas. The first lady of Aggieland, Miss Reveille, will stop in to say “Howdy” from 8:30-9 am. Come have a free breakfast and learn more about all the international opportunities available through Texas A&M University. You will learn about planning and financing your Aggie’s international experience, health and safety overseas, and the rewards of studying abroad. In addition to Study Abroad personnel, representatives from Financial Aid and the Career Center will attend to provide their expertise. Please RSVP at by April 13th and join us for a very special event. For general information please feel free to come by our office in Bizzell Hall West or visit the web site at
FIRST-YEAR PHOTO PROJECT SPRING SHOW Join us Parents’ Weekend for the second First-Year Photo Project Spring Show! Friday, April 15, 2011 Rudder Exhibit Hall 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. First-year students from the F1: Photo Project will display their final show, which focuses on their transitions during the first year at Texas A&M. Still photos and a slideshow will be on display. The First-Year Photo Project serves as a way for first-year students to intentionally document their personal transition to Texas A&M University through guided photography, internal reflection and communication with others. This project challenges its participants to examine personal identity, their future hopes and dreams, their uncertainties, and what Texas A&M means to them.
AGGIE SEARCH The search for off campus housing and roommates can be a daunting process. To help, Adult, Graduate, and Off Campus Student Services (AGOSS) has created Aggie Search-- a free online housing information and roommate search tool. Through Aggie Search, members of the Aggie Family can read information and leave feedback about housing communities, see housing listed for rent, and search for roommates. Students can also create a profile and be notified about new postings that match their search criteria. To view Aggie Search, please visit
UPCOMING DATES April 4 (Monday. 5 p.m.) - Last day to drop courses with no penalty (Q-drop) or withdraw. April 14-27 (Thursday-Wednesday.) - Preregistration for 2011 summer and fall semester. April 21 (Thursday.) - Muster. Campus ceremony. April 22 (Friday.) - Reading day, no classes.
Aggie Quick Connection
April 2011