December 2011 Family Newsletter

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Aggie Quick Connection December 2011 - Family Edition Message from the Office of New Student and Family Programs Howdy! December is finally here and the cold weather has come rolling into Aggieland. Students are bundling up and preparing for the last stretch of the semester and finals. In a few weeks, students will be on winter break and it is important to communicate with them regarding plans for their visit home. Students may have mixed emotions about leaving new friends, relationships, and their Aggie home. Do not take these emotions personally as it is all part of the college transition! Don’t forget to visit the Aggie Family web site for additional updates and helpful resources. You can visit us at Please feel free to contact the Office of New Student and Family Programs at (979) 845-5826, or email us at if you have any questions. Thanks and Gig ’em!

Important Dates December 5th (Monday)

• Redefined day, students attend their Friday classes.

December 6th (Tuesday)

• Last day of fall semester classes. • Redefined day, students attend their Thursday classes.

December 7th-8th (Wednesday-Thursday) • Reading days, no classes.

December 9th, 12th-14th (Friday, Monday-Wednesday)

• Fall semester final examinations for all students.

December 15th (Thursday)

• 6:00 p.m. Grades for degree candidates due.

December 16th (Friday)

• 5 p.m. Last day for December undergraduate degree candidates to apply for Tuition Rebate. (

December 16th-17th (Friday-Saturday)

• Commencement and Commissioning.

December 17th (Saturday) • Residence halls close.

December 19th (Monday)

What’s Inside...

• Noon. Final grades for all students due.

Page 2 : Final Exams

January 12th (Thursday)

Page 3 : Developing Self Marketing Skills: The Interview

January 16th (Monday)

Page 4 : Heading Home for the Winter Break Page 5 : Aggie Graduates

• Residence halls open.

• Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. • University Holiday

January 17th (Tuesday) • First day of spring semester classes.

Page 6 : Campus Notes

December 2011 Aggie Quick Connection


Final Exams: Tips to Success Final Exam Schedule Final examinations will be held on Friday, December 9th, Monday, December 12th-Wednesday, December 14th, 2011. For the full final exam schedule, please visit:

Tips Student Counseling Service ( is a fantastic resource on campus for students and has created a study guide for your student to conquer their finals. Finals are an extremely busy time for students and they can use all the support and encouragement you can provide. Share with them some of these helpful tips for success!

The first thing students should do is prepare a schedule of how they will approach their finals. It’s best to stick to the normal schedule that they had throughout the semester. Encourage them to avoid studying late hours and pulling all-nighters. Sleep is essential to effective studying and test preparation so always make sure they are getting a good night’s sleep. Stress the importance of maintaining a healthy diet and exercise while avoiding excessive use of caffeine.

Make sure students utilize hours when they are the most efficient. Whether it’s the morning, afternoon, or evening, students need to focus on studying during the times where they are the most productive and use the other times for study breaks like napping or meeting friends for lunch/dinner. Also, students should avoid studying for similar courses consecutively and should break up those courses with a different style course. For example, if they have a final in chemistry, biology, and history, have them focus on chemistry, then history, and finish with biology. This will allow students to distinguish material and avoid the “overflow” of a specific field of study.

Finally, have your student organize their study time so that they can effectively plan their routine as discussed above. Have them mark every final on their calendar and make a “to-do” list of preparations including:

• What will my final cover? (cumulative v. specific chapters) • What priority is this course relative to other courses I am taking? • Have I finished all of the reading and/or assignments? • Do I have all of my lecture notes? Are they organized? • How much time will it take to cover this material?

After answering these questions, students will be able to break up material and appropriately allocate time to cover each area. They should determine how much time it will take to review each piece of material and determine what will be the most important for the final.

Consider sending your student a care package. Homemade goodies and a note of encouragement can go a long way in lifting your student’s spirits. Most of all, understand that your student needs your love and support at this time. He or she may not want advice, but will undoubtedly appreciate your sympathy and encouragement.

Final Grades It is Texas A&M University’s policy to not mail grades. Parents/guardians should discuss setting up a parent password to access information (grades, class schedule and verification of enrollment) available at with your student. Unofficial grades may be printed from this web page for scholarship sponsors, good student insurance discounts, employer reimbursement, etc. Any student may set a parent password to allow limited access to their records by a parent, guardian, spouse, or other individual as deemed appropriate by the student. You may find information about these steps by visiting

2 Aggie Quick Connection

December 2011

Texas A&M University Career Center

Developing Self-Marketing Skills: The Interview One of the most intimidating parts of a job or internship search is the interview process. The Career Center has fantastic resources available to help your student hone their interview skills and provide the best opportunity to land the job. Below you will find a listing of some helpful ways for your student to approach the interview process. The Art of Interviewing Know your product: Your student’s product is their knowledge, skills, energy, accomplishments, and personality. They should make their potential employer fully aware of their value. Know your employer’s needs: To know these needs, your student must research the employer and the industry. Identify what needs, problems, and opportunities exist. Gather this information through the Career Center, employer presentations, career fairs, business and government publications, the Internet, and networking with people. Make a great first impression: Initial impressions are critical. The interviewer will take note of their appearance, manner, energy level, enthusiasm and confidence, so encourage them to make the most of those first few minutes. Show how you can fulfill the needs or solve the problems: Encourage your student to convince the interviewer they can be of great service in solving his/her problems and/or furthering the success or increasing the effectiveness of the organization. There was something in the company’s job description that your student could see themselves doing and made them submit their resume to the company. What was it? Make sure the interviewer knows what it is and how they want to do that for the company. Day of Interview Tips

1. Arrive at the interview early! Allow plenty of extra time for parking, walking, inclement weather, and that one last look in the mirror before they go in for their interview.

2. Be aware of the importance of a good first impression. The first five minutes are critical. Your student’s appearance should reflect professional dress and grooming. Smile and show enthusiasm for the interview. Reflect confidence -- maintain good eye contact and give a firm handshake.

3. Upon entering the interview room or office, take the lead from the interviewer. Take a seat when and where he/she asks. Sit comfortably, but appear attentive and not overly relaxed (e.g., do not slouch back in the chair.)

4. Carry an attractive portfolio (cordovan, black, or brown leather) and include extra copies of their resume, references, and transcript. Also have your student include questions on a notebook pad that they may want to refer to later in the interview. Do not, however, take extensive notes during the interview.

5. Listen carefully to the questions being asked and answer them completely! Stay focused on the question and be careful not to ramble.

6. Have your student memorize the key selling points they wish to present in the interview. Be prepared for the appropriate time to communicate these.

7. Your student should select and be prepared to describe situations and events they have dealt with effectively, in case the interviewer asks behavioral questions.

8. Have them develop at least 3-5 well-stated questions they will ask the interviewer about the job or the organization. Write questions on a notepad in their portfolio, and refer to these when asked. Having no questions shows disinterest.

9. Avoid discussing salary, vacation, or benefits until it appears an offer will be made or unless the interviewer initiates the discussion.

10. Avoid providing a salary expectation until you have researched the average rate for someone with their qualifications. If pressed, give a general salary range.

These helpful tips will allow students to prepare adequately for an interview, however, the Career Center also has interview styles, sample questions, and questions to ask employees all listed on their website. It is highly encouraged for your student to utilize their online guides and schedule appointments to meet with the career center counselors. For more information regarding the interview process and available counseling, visit:

December 2011 Aggie Quick Connection


Before Heading Home Tips for the Winter Break

With the semester coming to a close, students will be packing up their room, house, or apartment to make the trip back home for the extended break. It is imperative that students make sure to secure their belongings before leaving the Bryan/College Station area. We have compiled some tips that students should follow to make sure they have a safe and secure winter break:

Notify apartment manager of absence during the winter break. Be sure all doors and windows are closed and locked securely. If your student lives on the first floor, encourage them to double check their window locks. Leave inside lights and/or radio on timers so that it will appear you are home. Leave a few outside lights on (front door, back door, backyard area). Turn central heat on and set at a low temperature (50 degrees) in case the weather turns cold while you’re gone. Leave cabinet doors open under sink areas to allow warm air flow to help prevent pipes from freezing. If you live in a residential property, you will want to wrap outside water pipes and the airconditioning line to the house. If there is a sprinkler system, either turn it off or set it to water only once a week. If your student desires to have mail forwarded while gone, fill out a change of address card a few weeks before leaving or contact the post office to have them hold mail, which they will do for up to 30 days. Pay January 2012 rent in December if you won’t be back by the time January’s rent is due. Make sure bills are taken care of, especially utility bills. Talk with roommates to determine who/ how the bills will be paid over the break. Take your valuables home with you (laptops, Xbox, Playstation, flat-screens, etc.) Secure/Store away items usually kept outside such as lawn mowers, BBQ grills, furniture, and bicycles. Keep valuables out of sight or take them with you. Keep window blinds and drapes closed. Throw away food that will spoil. Don’t leave it sitting inside but use the dumpster or outside garbage receptacle. Talk to someone locally who will be staying in town to come and check on your house. They can pick up mail/papers and remove door hanger advertisements and flyers from your door, put away garbage cans, and check the doors to make sure that maintenance, pest control, or anyone else doing work in your home while you’re gone has closed and locked all doors behind them.

4 Aggie Quick Connection

December 2011

Aggie Graduates

December Commencement Ceremonies December is here and we could not be more excited about the thousands of Aggies who will soon graduate and officially join the Aggie Network. Below you will find a full listing of the events for commencement ceremonies with more detailed information available at

Commencement Convocation

Time: Thursday, December 15, 5:30 p.m. Location: Rudder Auditorium Speaker: Mr. Andrew H. Card, Jr. Acting Dean, The Bush School of Government and Public Service - Commencement ceremonies are expected to begin with a convocation that features one notable speaker. The commencement exercises at which degrees will be conferred will follow in subsequent ceremonies on December 16 and 17. - Students will not be required to wear academic regalia at the Commencement Convocation, but will need to do so at the subsequent actual degree-granting exercises.

Commencement Ceremonies

Friday, December 16, 9:00 a.m. Location: Reed Arena - Graduates in George Bush School of Government and Public Service - Graduates and Undergraduates in Agriculture and Life Sciences - Graduates and Undergraduates in Mays Business School Friday, December 16, 2:00 p.m. Location: Reed Arena - Graduates and Undergraduates in Architecture - Graduates and Undergraduates in Dwight Look College of Engineering - Graduates and Undergraduates in Science - Graduates and Undergraduates in Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Saturday, December 17, 9:00 a.m. Location: Reed Arena - Graduates and Undergraduates in Education and Human Development - Graduates and Undergraduates in Geosciences - Graduates and Undergraduates in Liberal Arts Hotels in Bryan/College Station tend to fill up quickly so we encourage you to make your arrangements as soon as possible. The Convention and Visitors Bureau website provides links to most area hotels:

The Next Tradition The Next Tradition is designed to welcome graduating students into The Association of Former Students, teaching the importance of staying involved beyond your time at Texas A&M University. Students are welcome to invite family and friends to join them at The Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center for prizes, refreshments, professional photos under the Haynes Aggie Ring Replica, all while learning about the many benefits of the Aggie Network and Association of Former Students! Thursday, December 15, 2011 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Drive Thru & Get Your Decal at the Alumni Center Friday, December 16, 2011 11:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (Come & Go Open House) Saturday, December 17, 2011 11:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (Come & Go Open House)

December 2011 Aggie Quick Connection


Upcoming Events and Programs What’s Happening at Texas A&M

Silver Taps Silver Taps is that final tribute paid to an Aggie who, at the time of their death, was enrolled in graduate or undergraduate courses at Texas A&M. We encourage students to attend to pay their respects to their fellow Aggies and their family members. The next Silver Taps will take place at 10:30PM on Tuesday, December 6th, 2011 at 10:30PM in honor of Austin Gray Fannin.

Stay Connected with Aggieland The Battalion

Aggie Basketball Aggie basketball is in full force and both teams are expecting to challenge for the Big XII and national championship this year!

“The independent student voice of Texas A&M since 1893.”

Gary Blair leads the National Championship Aggie Women’s Basketball team onto the court to defend their title in the 2011-2012 season. They open the month of December ranked #5, with a 6-0 record. In December, they have two games at Reed Arena.

Texas A&M News and InformationTAMUtimes:

December 18th – Sunday : vs. USC @ 2:00PM December 30th – Friday : vs. McNeese State @ 7:00PM The Aggie men’s team has opened the season under new Coach Billy Kennedy and provided a spark and excitement that has carried throughout Aggieland. They open the month of December ranked #24, with a 4-1 record. In December, they have five games at Reed Arena:

The Division of Marketing & Communications produces TAMUtimes, an email newsletter distributed to subscribers twice a week. News may also be found online at: http://tamutimes.

December 3rd – Saturday : vs. SFA @ 7:00PM December 7th – Wednesday : vs. Sam Houston State @ 7:00PM December 10th – Saturday : vs. ULM @ 7:00PM December 22nd – Thursday : vs. Rice @ 7:00PM December 29th – Thursday : vs. Arkansas Tech @ 7:00PM Both teams will be offering the Holiday Hoops package during the winter break which allows fans to purchase tickets for half price! For more information and ticket pricing, visit

Bryan/College Station News Outlets:

TRANSPORTATION SERVICES – HOLIDAY SCHEDULE With students traveling home for the winter break, Transportation Services’ transit system runs different hours during the winter break. A summary of these changes can be found below and more information is listed in detail at


No Service: December 10th-11th, December 23rd-January 1st

The Eagle

There is no service during holidays, on nights and weekends during break service. All dates and times are subject to change. Please check the link above frequently for updates. Break Service: December 7th-8th, December 15th-22nd, January 2nd-13th Break/Summer Service operates Monday through Friday only, from 7 am to 6 pm. Weekend & Night Service is not offered during this time. All dates and times are subject to change. Please check the link above frequently for updates. ALL UNIVERSITY OFFICES - WINTER BREAK

University offices will be closed for winter break from December 23rd, 2011 – December 30th, 2011. Everyone in the Offices of the Dean of Student Life hopes you and your families have a restful and enjoyable break. We look forward to seeing students back after the first of the year! Do you know other members of the Aggie Family who might want to receive this newsletter? Please feel free to forward it to them, or tell them how to sign up for the listserv. Visit for instructions of subscription/unsubscription.

6 Aggie Quick Connection

December 2011

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