Family and Faith Magazine

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Easter 2016 | ISSUE 8


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8 Marriage STEPS TO





The Smell of


‘Kandi’ Sweet as


EDITOR’S NOTE Easter Brings New Hope The Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ reminds us that we can have new hope in every area of our lives – in our faith, in our relationships with others, in our marriages and of course

in the call on our lives. That is why I so love the Easter season. It reminds us of the deep and passionate love that God has for us, the great suffering he endured and that when we surrender our lives to Him, He can and will bring new rays of resurrecting ‘sonlight’ in every single area of our lives. But we must invite Him and allow Him. I invite you to turn the pages

of the Easter Edition of Family and Faith Magazine and let God do a new thing in your heart this Holy season. “Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19 And of course, send us your feedback!

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Shelly-Ann Harris Editorial Director & Founder @harrisshellyann

Makeup by Mo Creations; Photography by Gabre Cameron

CREDITS Bishop Peter Morgan, Contributor Anna Brown, Writer Janice Lewis, Writer/Contributor Warren Harris, Senior Sales Associate Gabre Cameron, Photography Anna Aguilar, Layout / Graphic Designer Tamar Henry, Administrative Executive Shelly-Ann Harris, Writer & Editorial Director


CONTENTS 6 “The Authorities That Exist Have Been Established By GOD” 7 RESSURECTION

The Triumph of Life Over Death


- Overachieving Principal of the Year, Wife & Mother, Kandi-Lee Shares How God Orders Her Steps

14 SHINE YOUR LIGHT 17 GOD IS THE PERFECT PARENT and His Children Still Sinned


21 RETHINKING Holy Submission 22 The Smell of SUFFERING

For Loved Ones Gone Too Soon

BECAUSE OF EASTER AND THE POWER OF THE RESURRECTION, we can take heart that we will see our loved ones who died in Christ, again and know that they are now in the unfathomable embrace of the Lord Jesus.


am standing upon that foreshore. A ship at my side spreads her white sails in the morning breeze and starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of

beauty and strength and I stand and watch her until at length she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and sky come down to mingle with each other. Then someone at my side says, "There! She's gone!" "Gone where?" "Gone from my sight, that's all." She is just as large in mast and spar and hull as ever she was when she left my side; just as able to bear her load of living freight to the place of her destination. Her diminished size is in me, not in her. And just at that moment when someone at my side says, "There! She's gone!" there are other eyes watching her coming and other voices ready to take up the glad shout, "Here she comes!" Poet - Anonymous


Photo contributed by JIS



n February 25 Jamaica elected a new government to administer the affairs of the country. At times like these it is important to reflect on what the Bible says about the appointment of Prime Ministers, Presidents, Governors General, Members of Parliament and everyone in authority. Here is an important nugget of scripture to keep in mind:

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.

“ “

Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.

Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.


Photos contributed by JIS

For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended.

This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing.

For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.

Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.

- Romans 13: 1 – 7



THE TRIUMPH OF LIFE OVER DEATH! By Bishop CB Peter Morgan, Contributor


There is more to life than meets the eye.

his statement is more profound than it appears at first. Our experience as human beings, limits our understanding of Life. But where we have a conscious awareness of God, it gives us an incredible insight into the phenomenon of Life which is spiritual, immortal, indestructible and infinite. In the beginning of Creation, Life emerged from the One Sovereign Lord who is its Source, and Sustainer. He created out of Himself, “things visible” and “things invisible”. When “the earth was without form and void, and darkness covered the face of the deep”, it was in this context, that the Creator shaped the natural environment, invested in it Life, and gave it purpose dispelling its darkness. Interestingly, Man was made of both “things visible” and “things invisible”. Hence he was formed from the natural “dust of the ground”, and the Creator “breathed into his nostrils the Spirit-breathed of Life and so man became a living being” uniquely designed “in the image and likeness of God”. Adam was instructed that both the natural and spiritual Life in him were sustainable only as long as he remained aligned to the Spirit-Life of his Source. In this way he would preserve the Life-giving power of the Sovereign God while bearing the responsibility to steward the whole of God’s creation. Although the Life of God is immortal and indestructible, man was warned that to live independently of it would reduce him to both mortality and death. The rest is history. Man’s alienation unto himself, has produced in him

anxiety, sickness and pain compounded by the frustration of fear, shame and failure. Since then it is said, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.”(Prov.14:12)

In a re-enactment of the creation story, the New Adam became:

Yet in creation the principle of the Indestructible Life was built into nature so that mortality and death do not have the last word. The Author of Life stated: “While the earth remains, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, day and night shall not cease.” (Gen.8:22)

“In Him was Life and the Life was the Light of men. And the Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.” (Jn.1:5).

It is an interesting natural phenomenon revealed by scientists that the Jellyfish Turritopsisdohrnii, has discovered the secret of eternal life. Once they propagate they do not die but transform themselves back into their juvenile polyp state and continue the cycle over and over again. The immortal jellyfish only dies if consumed by other creatures or if smitten by disease. Jesus Himself teaches the life-sustaining principle of the seed and applies it to human life: “Unless a grain of wheat first falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies it produces much grain. He who loves his life shall lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” (Jn.12:24-25) In the marvel of God’s love for mankind and His care for all of His creation, He designed a plan by which a man might die to himself and be re-created with the Spirit-Life of God. He is then given the authority and power once again to rule and reign over the world of God’s Creation. Hence death is no longer seen as the end of life. It becomes the gateway to Life. This is the power of the Resurrection: the triumph of Life over Death.

“The image of the invisible God, the First born over all creation…” (Col.1:15):

He carried our sins, our iniquity and our sicknesses in His own body. Hence He had to go through the process of death and the grave, paying the judicial price of our transgressions. But because He was never alienated from His Father, living in total obedience to God, He was able to triumph over His natural mortality. Death had no hold on Him and the grave could not contain Him. In anticipation He declared: “I am the Resurrection and the Life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in me shall never die.” (Jn 11:25-26) Now we who receive His Spirit can be born again, and: “If any man is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things are passed away. Behold all things are become new.” (11Cor. 5:17) We cannot have resurrection Life without death, but in the midst of death we can still livein the power of the resurrection, and declare like Paul, “Death is swallowed up in victory”.(1Cor.15:54)


There is more to life than meets the eye. Indeed:

Bishop CB Peter Morgan 7

‘Kandi’ Sweet as



hen the Family and Faith Magazine team arrived at Allman Town Primary School in Kingston, we couldn’t help but notice the smart Bluetooth earpiece on Kandi-Lee’s ear, her quiet confidence and sense of assurance and grace as she walked across the schoolyard; instructing a child here, talking with a teacher there. This was no ordinary

educator. The petite youthful dynamo is a superlative principal with achievements, awards and accolades to fill the seats in any primary school classroom…and that’s a lot of seats! In this Easter Edition, we couldn’t be more pleased to showcase the story of the sweet, humble and considerate Lasco / Ministry of Education Principal of the Year, Kandi-Lee Crooks Smith and how her faith charts her personal and professional success. 9

Through the eyes of her adoring husband of 14 years, Kandi-Lee is “such a humble person. I don’t think most people who know her, really know all that she has accomplished and all the awards she has. They are not the stars in her crown,” Oniel Smith told Family and Faith Magazine. “She is always seeking how to help someone else, sometimes giving of her per personal things. I tease her and say she should take the bed to school next, because whatever is needed for the school, the students and teachers to benefit, she is going to get it,” he shared. Describing her as “nice to be near, conscientious and kind,” Oniel says the mother of their two children (Jo-Nathan, 11 and Kayth-Lyn 4), “loves from the depths of her being. I know she is tired, but she has a drive to keep going that keeps everyone else going. Sometimes I feel like Aaron, holding her hand up. No sense telling her not to do something if she is sure that’s what the Lord is instructing her to do.” Reflecting on their years of married life, Oniel, employed to the Ministry of Education, speaks with intimacy and appreciation for his ‘Kandi’: “I remember the days when we just got married I was doing voluntary work at church and between us there was not a lot of funds. She didn’t make a fuss about getting material things- clothes, shoes etc. There are many times she does her own nails and hair (of course I have to help plait the braids, or relax the back of her hair), but given how busy she is and our lifestyle, she just always says whatever we have we will make it work. She still says she is sticking by me through the poorer, so she qualifies for the richer! She is my traveling companion we do everything together. There is never a dull moment.”


Kandi-Lee is a trained teacher employed to the Ministry of Education in Jamaica. She holds a diploma in Primary Education from the Mico Teachers’ College (Now University College), and a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from the Mount St. Vincent University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. She also has a certificate from East China Normal University and was one of two Jamaican Principals who received a FellowshipSeminar for Principals in the Caribbean, South Pacific and Latin American Countries – Shanghai, China 2014. Presently, Kandi-Lee is the principal of the Allman Town Primary School. In addition to her educational prowess, the educator has received numerous awards for her work in education and the development of the Allman Town Community. She has also shared her experience and knowledge through a variety of workshops and seminars.

✎ 2015-2016 Lasco/Ministry of

✎ Mentor and Coach of

✎ Governor General’s

✎ The International Visitor

Education Principal of the Year

Youth Award of Excellence 2009-significant contribution to community

✎ The British Council/Ministry of Education System and School Management Coaching Programme - Trainer

Principals in Jamaica

Leadership Program (IVLP) the U.S. Department of State’s premier professional exchange program – 2013

✎ Presenter - Trainer of Leaders USAID/ Ministry of Education Jamaica Basic Education Project 2011

Sometimes I feel like Aaron, holding her hand up. No sense telling her not to do something if she is sure that’s what the Lord is instructing her to do.

Family and Faith Magazine’s Editorial Director, Shelly-Ann Harris sat with Kandi-Lee to learn more about the lady behind the accolades and achievements. SAH: How has your faith influenced your professional choices? KLCS: My steps are ordered by God. I have always asked Him to lead me and direct my choices. I also have a host of persons who lift me up in prayer. My mom has a sixth sense that is always alert. She will call and give a blessing

or a word of encouragement when it’s really needed. I have parents who will call and say they are praying for me. I always wanted to be a teacher; I think it was influenced by my Aunt and the dedication with which she served her students. I remember asking God what I should do after leaving sixth form at St. Andrew High School for Girls. I was not even at the acceptable entry age at the time of application. I was too young. But I was accepted and given an Advanced Placement at Mico, so I went straight to the second year of college. I was living in Allman Town where I grew up and my mother, aunt and grandmother definitely weren’t rich! Mico was therefore my best option financially, but outside of that, it was all in God’s plan for my life. I walked to and from the Mico. I met amazing lecturers who saw value in me, and took me under their wings. There were times I stayed behind or I walked to the college just to get supper from the cafeteria. The cooks began to look out for me. Now there is a bond between Mico and me. This has allowed our teachers and students to benefit from numerous initiatives. Now whenever situations or opportunities present themselves, I place them before God. Like David, I ask ‘Should I go Up, Lord?’ I am constantly asking for His direction. I guess that is a manner of praying without ceasing. It’s that heart to heart conversation that happens even without any forced effort. It’s that subconscious connection that keeps my spirit conscious and my mind conscientious at the same time.

✎ Presenter-Canadian Obesity

✎ The Mico Teachers College Top

✎ Presenter- Conquering

✎ Valedictorian -

✎ Guest and Motivational

✎ Jamaica Teaching Council

Conference, Vancouver BC May 2013

Childhood Obesity Symposium 2012, University of Toronto Speaker- various schools and organizations 2008-present

✎ The Mico University College 175th Anniversary Award of Excellence 2011

Ten Awardee 1998-Student of the Year Competition Mount St. Vincent University November 2009 Award for Leadership and Achievement of Excellence September 2010

Persons follow because they see the wisdom in the leadership and are willing to follow.

SAH: Keep your spirit conscious and your mind conscientious, I like that. Describe for us now your relationship with your students and teachers. KLCS: The students and by extension the parents are very special to me. I think it's because I understand from firsthand experience what it is they go through on a daily basis. Living in the inner-city has its fair share of struggles and its fair share of hopelessness attached to the struggles. But when students realize that somebody actually cares and has hopes for them to succeed, they begin to have that intrinsic motivation, they too want to excel regardless of their circumstances. They and their parents are appreciative. I have an open door policy for most students and staff, so as long as I'm available they can walk in and have a conversation with me. The students will see me on the corridors, or are in the schoolyard and they will walk up and give me a hug or they start to share some information whether it's their birthday or a relative has died, their 11

Sometimes he calls and plays or sings me a song, then hangs up. Lol. I also love that at whatever time I am afraid or uncertain, I can call him or send him a message to pray for me.

mother got a new job…just about anything. They look forward to being rewarded for the good things that they have done and it doesn't always have to be something that is tangible or can be bought with money. In fact a smile, a hug, a high five, they appreciate it. I love to give them new exciting and innovative experiences and show them that they are first-class, world-class students because they belong to our school.

provide the adventures we need to keep us balanced and grounded. He has a song for every situation. Sometimes he calls and plays or sings me a song, then hangs up. Lol. I also love that at whatever time I am afraid or uncertain, I can call him or send him a message to pray for me. There are times when he physically comes to my office and places his hands on my head or shoulder and prays for me.

I always say that I have the best crop of teachers in the world, not because they always agree with everything that I do but because at the end of the day once they see the vision and they understand what our mission is, then they are right there with me. A colleague shared the term ‘followership’ just recently. That is important. Persons follow because they see the wisdom in the leadership and are willing to follow. They might not always agree with the reason or the wisdom but are willing to follow based on trust and mutual respect because they see the results of what that brings. I believe that is what we have. I really appreciate my teachers and support staff members.

I love seeing my children happy or excited. We try to provide meaningful experiences for them, and help them to have fond memories. Impromptu trips are my favourite. I love when they try to surprise me, my daughter would say close your eyes mom, and my son tries to speak to me in a French accent! Hilarious bunch they are! They are all my real life teddy bears.

SAH: That’s quite a beautiful relationship with your teachers and students. Turning now to your family life, what do you enjoy most about being married and being a mom? KLCS: I love having a companion, a friend, a sounding board who is available to me at all times. My husband is amazing. He helps to


SAH: Sounds like a loving family, how is your faith lived out in your family life? KLCS: I can say for a fact that having a family and the expenses related to that, is in itself a daily test of faith. The provisions that are made through other family members and friends can convince anyone that God is real. We constantly tell our children to practice graciousness. Give thanks for the provisions, because many times they are nothing short of a miracle. The decision we made, as to where to send our children to school, did not make sense to many persons, but we asked God to direct us. Oniel and I spoke about it. I prayed about it. Now they are close to us, and doing well in their schools right here in the inner-city.

SAH: As a high-performing principal, what strategies do you employ to manage your time so that your husband and children get quality time? KLCS: I honestly think I am still figuring out how to manage my time so that my husband and children get quality time. What has been helping is that fact that we all work and study in the same vicinity. We capitalize on our commuting time, if there is something pressing to discuss, a new song to share (yes the children love to sing like their dad), or a new book to read. We usually attend functions together as well. We sometimes leave the children with their grandmother in St. Ann on our way to a workshop in some other parish, or may have someone from church or a close friend keep them for a few hours.When we go to visit my mother who is abroad, we always try to ensure that our time synchronizes. I know though that it helps that we basically enjoy or participate in the same activities, so that’s really how we spend some time together. Additionally, my husband tries to have lunch with me at my desk as much as is possible. He actually comes and commands me to stop working and let’s eat! I need that sometimes, no, most times. If I don’t get that, I just keep going. Kandi-Lee certainly has a lot on her plate, but with God’s help and the love of her doting husband, she is achieving with grace and humility. May her faith continue to keep her sincere, successful and as sweet as ‘Kandi’!

^ JAMAICA BROILERS SHARES THE Members of staff across the various Divisions of the Jamaica Broilers Group came together to celebrate Valentine’s Day in a special way this year. The Group organized a “Week of Love” where employees brought in gifts of non-perishable food items and toiletries to donate to select charities. The idea originated with 25 year-old Public Relations Assistant, Karla Davis who was assigned the task of coming up with a staff Valentine’s Day event. "The Share the Love initiative was originally created to boost staff morale across our Group of Companies. We had a wonderful time last year with everyone wearing red to work and participating in the Group-wide activities. This year, we decided to surpass the success of the previous year in a way that would not only allow our staff to have fun, but would


also allow us to show the heart of our Company. It was more than just a teambuilding initiative. It became a step towards nation-building, which is crucial to the core of the Jamaica Broilers Group." said Miss Davis. The Best Dressed Chicken, Spring Village operations selected the Sunbeam Boys Home; The Best Dressed Feed Mill and Field Department, Old Harbour selected St. Augustine Place of Safety; Hi-Pro Offices, White Marl picked St. Monica’s Home for the Aged; International Poultry Breeders Jamaica, St. Ann chose Jacob’s Ladder and Widow’s Mite; and the Jamaica Broilers Group Head Office in McCook’s Pen selected Jerusalem! Children’s Home.

Each of the named divisions made their own “Share the Love” presentation to their elected recipients post Valentine’s Day.

Happy Easter FROM THE FAMILY AND FAITH MAGAZINE TEAM & MAXFIELD EASTER BUN BELOW: From our family to yours - wishing all our readers a happy and holy Easter from the dedicated Family and Faith Magazine team and Maxfield Bakery! From left: Graphic Designer, Anna Aguilar, Regular Contributor, Pastor Chris Brodber, Editorial Director & Founder, Shelly-Ann Harris, Administrative Executive, Tamar Henry, Makeup Artist, Monique McCleod and Senior Sales Associate, Warren Harris. (Behind the camera, our hardworking photographer, Gabre Cameron)

DIGICEL FOUNDATION - ENRICHMENT PROGRAMME LEFT: A look inside the newly opened Enrichment Centre at the Gregory Park Primary School. The Centre is fully equipped with computers and a mix of digital and tactile numeracy and literacy tools to assist students who need remedial support to prepare for the Grade Four Literacy Examinations. Photographed here are Oneisha Shaw and Principal of Gregory Park Primary School, Richard Williams.

BEST DRESSED CHICKEN TO THE RESCUE LEFT: Delighted students of the Spring Garden All Age School cheer with joy while their Principal, Mrs. BryanSalmon beams upon receipt of a brand new printer/copier presented to her by Vaden Maragh, Managing Director of the Best Dressed Chicken Processing Plant. Maragh organized to have the brand new printer/copier purchased and installed after learning that the school’s previous unit had malfunctioned.


DIGICEL FOUNDATION - ENRICHMENT PROGRAMME BELOW: (L-R) Principal of Horizon Park Primary, Mr. Lloyd Bennett and Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Shernette Nicholas. In January, Digicel Foundation awarded Horizon Park Primary School of the Year and their Enrichment Centre Manager, Mrs. Shernette Nicholas, Teacher of the Year for their outstanding performance in the 2014/2015 academic year. The school was awarded $100,000 and the Teacher of the year treated to a weekend for two on the North Coast. Over 720 schools and more than 50,000 students benefit from our Enrichment Programme.

BELOW: Oral Irving, JBG Information Systems Department Representative, ensured that the printer/ copier was properly installed and gave a thorough tutorial to the member of staff responsible for operating the device on behalf of the school.

MONEY LIKKLE BUT WE TALLAWAH! BELOW: We truly admire the $250 Cooking Challenge which is going a far way in helping families to cook delectably on a very small budget! The hit TV show is now into it's second season on CVM TV.




- Another Digicel Foundation Enrichment Centre Ready for Learning! When Kofi Anan, former Secretary-General of the United Nations,

described literacy as a bulwark against poverty and a building block of development, he very aptly captured the value that the teachers at the Gregory Park Primary School place on education. It is their commitment to seeing students reach their truest potential that has led to the recent official opening of their very own Enrichment Centre. The Digicel Foundation’s partnership with the institution came on the heels of a Ministerial Report that showed the school performing below the national and regional targets in the Grade 4 Literacy and Numeracy Tests and the Grade Six Achievement Test. The less than encouraging ranking did not deter the teaching staff, in fact, it served as motivation. Shortly after the report was received the administration actively sought our support by applying to be considered as a location for our national Enrichment Initiative. Given our organization’s commitment to seeing Jamaica attain 100% literacy at the Grade 4 level we saw it necessary to include the Gregory Park Primary School as part of the programme. The Enrichment Initiative, a partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Ministry of Education (MOE) has seen the successful twinning of cutting edge Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) and more individualized instruction and planning for students who have difficulties in achieving their grade level in reading.

When the Education Ministry set a literacy target for the school, requiring a 13% increase in performance, we set out to provide tangible and sustainable assistance which has manifested in a fully equipped Enrichment Centre supported by trained teaching staff. Through our Enrichment Centres and Enrichment Mobile Carts we are able to deliver remedial support in 104 primary schools across the island and we are excited at the progress we’ve been able to record and witness first hand. “Nothing can describe the joy of watching a child develop confidence in themselves, when, for the first time, they are able to sound their letters, write their name and fearlessly read stories out loud. These are the moments that stir us to continue innovating and finding teaching and learning solutions,” said Dane Richardson, Head of Programmes and Education at the Digicel Foundation. With 720 schools impacted and more than 50,000 students benefiting in parishes across the island, we consider our investment in developing our country’s capital not as service to the community, but rather an obligation as resolute partners in Jamaica’s development.


God is the Perfect Parent AND HIS CHILDREN STILL SINNED By Family and Faith Magazine Contributor, Janice Lewis


here is a popular Bible verse that is often quoted at weddings when people want to describe love in its purest form:

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. (1 Corinthians 13:4-8)

Many of us would like to be loved like this or to think that we love our children in this way. I started to do a self-check, and yes there are some attributes that I can say I have, but ultimately, I am a work in progress. When I realized that I couldn't really match up with this definition on a day-to-day or hour-by-hour basis, I asked, the question, “Who can?” The only being who always has this kind of love is The One who is Love; God Almighty. So I decided to examine His relationship with His first children, Adam and Eve. This examination is not an original thought. It came about when I asked my pastor's wife about raising kids. Her response was also based on someone else's statement: “God is the perfect parent and His children sinned.” They had ultimate freedom, except one tree, from which they ate and destroyed their communion with God. They were well loved; they walked with God and talked with Him. They wanted for nothing and had dominion over all the earth. Yet they disobeyed; traded in all of those benefits for a piece of fruit! Every individual born from then on was affected because of Adam and Eve’s decision. But God in His great love did not want to destroy what He loved so much. So He stepped in, took on the form of a man, and paid the price for disobedience. He redeems us even from our own bad decisions, and loves us in our unlovable condition. The fact is that God could have made us with a built-

in chip to shut us down when we are going to disobey Him. However, He wants us to choose Him and obey Him. That is indeed our act of love toward Him. He loves us with the perfect love and He wants us to trust and obey Him. Eve only needed to trust Him when He said the tree was off limits. As parents we can't love more than Jesus. Moreover we can’t necessarily atone for their wrongs. It really comes down to following the example of Jesus as best we can and living out that example before our children. Let's also deliberately teach our kids about Him and bring them up in His ways. Deuteronomy 6:7 reminds us, “Impress them (His ways) on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” In the end, God loves us through and through, withholding nothing, not even His Son. Yet, we are all given a choice and some of us will choose disobedience. Matthew 7:13-14 says, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” It may be unpopular in today’s world, but let us choose to love and obey God, which I find is the best way to lovingly teach our children to be obedient. Send comments to 17


We Don't Hate

Mondays Anymore (an excerpt from the new children’s book!)


t was a rainy Monday morning and Jaime awoke with a fright. Sweat glued strands of her black curly hair to her knotted forehead. She had had another dream that Monster Marcus would massacre her stuff, again. We called him Monster Marcus because even though he was our age, he was much bigger than us – he was as tall as the boys in high school and had a nasty temper. Nobody knew what he was so angry about or why he picked on Jaime so mercilessly. Monster Marcus would grab Jaime’s lunch bag and empty her fry fish and dumplings into the garbage bin next to the playground. He and his rabble-rouser sidekicks Rainford and Duke would then point and laugh so hard, all the kids on the playground would turn around and see me and Jaime scuffling to hide behind the canteen, again. Oh for the ground to open up and swallow us whole. No such luck. We would stay there, hurt, afraid and embarrassed, until everyone went back to classes. About the time she was getting ready to close the shutters, Mrs. Johnson would then find us sitting on the ground in the small passage next to the canteen. She would give us the left over box juices that didn’t sell and couldn’t go back into the refrigerator. That was the only part of Mondays that we liked – the free juices from Mrs. Johnson. If it wasn’t for the juices and sometimes a sugar bun, we would probably not have anything for lunch on a Monday, thanks to Monster Marcus. When the coast was clear we would warily head back to fish out Jaime’s lunch bag from the garbage bin and find her container, covered with what nearly 200 students ate and discarded that day. It was humiliating and icky. All of this awaited us at school today and Jaime was really down about it. “Jaime, honey it’s time to get ready for school,” called Aunty Susan from downstairs. Aunty Susan was a stickler for being early for everything. She would wake up at 5am every day to prepare Jaime’s lunch and snacks beforehand. I like Jaime’s mom. She makes some of the best fry fish and dumplings around and she always sends extra food for me. She treated me as more than Jaime’s best friend. To her, we were practically sisters. Aunty Susan always played games with us after school and helped us with homework before my dad would pick me up from their house. But she had no idea of what Jaime and I were going through at school with Monster Marcus….

Read the full story in We Don’t Hate Mondays Anymore. Order your copy at or in Jamaica call 470-9147.



Lost in


Downtown Kingston


By Raymond Brown


was tucked into bed by my mom, and before going to sleep, I suddenly raced out of bed to tell my dad, “Good Night”! Carefully, I went back to my room. While I was falling asleep, Dad was working on his computer, while charging it. He then put it to ‘Virus Scan’, and went to his bedroom to sleep. The computer was charging. Because the small rectangular box was burning hot, it had started smoking. He woke up smelling smoke! He leapedfrom thebed and into hallway. He came back into his bedroom and woke mom. She instinctively ran to wake my sister and me to escort us out of our house. I was so scared. I prayed that God would take care of our house. I also prayed that my family and I would be safe from inhaling smoke. Dad called the fire department and he called the pastor of our church, while I worried about my Lego boxes. Fire Truck #4 showed up. The crew jumped off with a hose. They put out the fire and posted fans everywhere; they knew that the fans would blow away the smoke. Then the pastor showed up and led us to his house. My family was safe and while other men were in our house cleaning up the soot, we stayed at the pastor’s house. When everything was cleared up, my family and I went home. I found that my Lego boxes were safe. I knew God was taking care of me and my boxes, and my family.

By Nia-Ashley Harris


ne beautiful morning , I awoke to hear my annoying rooster alarm. This made me , to some extent, miserable. My misery quickly died down when I was going Downtown Kingston with my mother that day, but little did I know about the adventure I would have. I put on a pair of jeans and a shirt and my mother and I left the house, thinking of the clothes and toys we would see.We walked to the bus stop, humming a happy tune. Two minutes passed, and we finally got on a bus, looking at buildings and counting cars. After we got off the bus, we walked a short distance to the market. There, we had to push and shove to get our way through for it was very crowded. Then we heard people shouting things like "30% off" and "only $500". Without keeping track of my mother, I went off to look at some shoes. Thinking my mother was right behind me I said, "look at these shoes they're only....." . I looked around, my mother was nowhere to be seen! I thought I wasn't seeing right , so I rubbed my eyes. Still she was nowhere in sight. My happy, hopeful thoughts now turned to dull terrifying fears. My hands started to tremble , and I began to sweat profusely. Then I remembered those TV shows of children who get lost and end up living on the streets. I was horrified. But then I also remembered policemen helping them. So I went to the nearest policeman, told him what happened and quickly gave him my mother's phone number. The policeman called her and notified her of our location. We waited a few miniutes, which was awkward because I don't like being near guns. 5 minutes later, my mother came and took me in her arms. Did I ever go Downtown Kingston again? Yes, and many times after, but I never let go of my mother's hand.

What's the coolest thing about Jesus? That He died for our sins and because of that we get to live forever! - Zoe-Marie Harris, 8 years old. 19


8 STEPS TO Resurrect Your Marriage


ecently a beloved international Gospel Artiste announced that he and his wife of several years were getting a divorce, this to the shock and dismay of his fans and the entire Christian community. Indeed marriages seem to be taking a battering these days. What can married folks do, to not only survive in their marriage but truly enjoy it and live out God’s purposes? How can those who feel like it is already over have hope for renewal? Here are 8 steps towards resurrecting what may seem dead, back to life.

1. Introspect and strive to be a whole person!

Your spouse wasn’t meant to complete you but to complement you and covenant with you for the fulfillment of God’s purposes. When you are whole and complete, you make a much better partner for your spouse. But don’t seek after wholeness to win over your spouse, seek after it because that is God’s glorious plan and provision for you. “I am come that they may have life, and may have it more abundantly.” – John 10:10

2. Repent! If you are ill-treating your spouse

or being unfaithful, one of the first steps to restoring your marriage is repentance. “Seek the LORD while he may be found; call upon him while he is near; let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the LORD, that he may have compassion on him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.” Isaiah 55:6-7


3. Let go of all kinds of bitterness and 6. Love sacrificially – sometimes you have resentments and forgive! If you are a child of God, forgiveness is not an option. Believers are asked to forgive even as God has forgiven them of their sins. If your spouse has done you wrong, obey the instruction of our Heavenly Father and forgive, and as God’s child you have access to the power of the Holy Spirit to help you release all the pain and hurt. This is also part of how you can achieve wholeness!

to perform acts of kindness that your spouse does not deserve. Perform the act anyway. Love was never about what they deserve; but the expression of God’s presence in your heart. “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs,” – 1 Corinthians 13: 4-5.

4. Pray the marriage model of Ephesians 5 7. In a previous edition of Family and Faith over your relationship. In fact research all of what God says about His will for marriage and pray it over yours. Did you see the movie, War Room? Pray as part of a strategic effort to have God’s good and perfect will be established in your marriage. However if the problem you are facing in your marriage seems extremely difficult you should consider prayer combined with fasting. Matthew 17: 21 says, “But an evil spirit of this kind is only driven out by prayer and fasting."

5. If you and your spouse are Believers, believe that God can and will restore your relationship – it seems to go without saying but many persons in a bad marriage are so troubled and depressed, they forget to have faith that God can do a mighty work of restoration in their marriage. Exercise your faith and believe. “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen,” – Hebrews 11:1

Magazine we outlined Dr. Gary Chapman’s 5 love languages – words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service and physical touch. Maybe it’s time to rediscover and reassess your partner’s love language - after all, over time we all grow and change. According to family therapist and counselor Dr. Barry Davidson discerning your spouse’s love language “can help heal past wounds and provide a sense of security, self-worth, and significance, so that intimacy remains even when you have to go and get your teeth!”

8. Sometimes it’s useful to get help from a

third party to help walk you and your spouse through the problems in your marriage. Seeing a professional counselor or qualified Pastor can definitely help to wade through and resolve issues, hold both of you accountable and provide practical actions for each of you to take as part of the healing process. Do you have any other Godly suggestions for resurrecting a troubled marriage? Send your comments by email to


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RETHINKING Holy Submission • If your husband is a thief, don’t be a thief with him


he Bible is clear about the call for wives to submit to their husbands in a godly marriage (Ephesians 5:22-23). However it is crucial to understand that this submission can only be in as far as the husband is submitted and truly obedient to God. Take a look at this interesting account in Acts 5: 1-11. “Now a man named Ananias, together with his wife Sapphira, also sold a piece of property. With his wife’s full knowledge he kept back part of the money for himself, but brought the rest and put it at the apostles’ feet. Then Peter said, “Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land? Didn’t it belong to you before it was sold? And after it was sold, wasn’t the money at your disposal? What made you think of doing such a thing? You have not lied just to human beings but to God.” When Ananias heard this, he fell down and died. And great fear seized all who heard what had happened. Then some young men came forward, wrapped up his body, and carried him out and buried him. About three hours later his wife came in, not knowing what had happened. 8 Peter asked her, “Tell me, is this the price you and Ananias got for the land?” “Yes,” she said, “that is the price.” Peter said to her, “How could you conspire to test the Spirit of the Lord? Listen! The feet of the men who buried your husband are at the door, and they will carry you out also.” At that moment she fell down at his feet and died. Then the young men came in and, finding her dead, carried her out and buried her beside her husband. Great fear seized the whole church and all who heard about these events.”

• If your wife says eat the apple, don’t disobey God and eat the apple Do you think Sapphire could have acted differently? Contrast her actions with those of Abigail who was married to a man who the Bible describes as “surly and mean in his dealings.” Check out the full story in 1 Samuels 25. The outcome of Abigail’s actions was positively different from Sapphire’s. Let us also consider the well-known story of Adam and Eve in the book of Genesis. God gave a clear instruction not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. However having been beguiled by the crafty serpent, Eve disobeyed God and ate the apple. Adam, also ignored God’s commands by accepting some of the apple from Eve and ate it. As a result, all humanity suffered the consequence of their actions. Eve should not have listened to the serpent and Adam should have rejected her offer to partake in disobedience. Who knows how history would have turned out if they each chose obedience?

...each of them will have to give an account for their individual actions.

At the end of the day, the Lord Jesus Christ died for both the married man and woman and each of them will have to give an account for their individual actions. The ideal is that husband and wife live out the Godly marriage model described in Ephesians 5 but what happens when one person is lured away by ungodly lusts? Treat them with grace, listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit but have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness. SAH 21


The Smell OF SUFFERING By Anna Brown


hink of your favourite perfume or cologne. Your beloved fragrance is most likely the result of pressure (expression) or heating (distillation or steaming) to extract the oil or essence. Avoiding pressure and ‘hot situations’ is a human instinct, and certainly we should not seek trouble. But is there a lesson in the perfume bottle? God has been slowly uncorking the divine paradox of suffering for me. Here are a few things I have noticed, as I slowly inhale and come to terms with something that seems counter-intuitive.

The Foul Odor of Sin and the Sweet Aroma of the Offering

Suffering entered the world as a consequence of the failure of Adam to obey God’s instruction, to trust God’s declarations, to be thankful for God’s provision, to be content with God’s assignment, and to submit to God’s authority. With one bite, the foul odor of sin emanated from humanity. As sons of Adam and daughters of Eve, we have inherited the stain and the stink persists. In Exodus however, a new smell was introduced. God gave instructions in chapters 26-30 for making a tabernacle where He would dwell with sinful humans. A special Altar of Burnt Offering was to be constructed according to God’s specifications and on it, each day, animals would pay the price for human sin. A sacrifice that followed these instructions would be, “an offering made by fire, a sweet aroma to the LORD” (Leviticus 1:9). To the human nose, the stench of death would likely have permeated the Tabernacle. To a holy God, fulfillment of His requirements would ‘smell good’. An Altar of Incense was also to be constructed according to God’s specifications, and on it, each day, a unique mix of fragrant incense was to be burned, and was to continue burning as long as the fire on the first altar was kindled. To the human nose, the aroma of the incense burned here would likely have covered the smell of death. To a holy God, fulfillment of His requirements would ‘smell good’.

22 offering made by fire, a sweet aroma to the LORD. (Leviticus 1:9)

Ephesians 5:2 describes Jesus’ giving Himself for us as “an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.” If the burning of special incense in the Old Testament was a pleasing scent to cover the smell of death, then the crucified Jesus is our burnt offering, a sweet-smelling aroma, and the resurrected Jesus is our fragrant incense, constantly burning in the Presence of Yahweh, making intercession for us (Romans 8:34, Hebrews 7:25). The foul odor of sin has been covered by the sweet, sacrificial aroma of the offering.

Necessary Crushing

The stink of sin permeates our natural bodies, but Jesus Christ took on a natural body which was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities, (Isaiah 53: 5) and this crushing released a sweet aroma. What does this tell us? Pressure and heat (suffering) are necessary for the release of sweet aromas in our lives. This uncomfortable truth can be inhaled more easily when we consider that the Master Perfumer has His plan. Whether the consequence of our sin, of someone else’s sin, or a spiritual attack, no suffering comes to us without the express consent of God. Sufferings and blessings function “together for good”, for people “called according to His (God’s) purpose” (Romans 8:28). If God is in control of our season of suffering then, as Job asked, “Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity?” (Job 2:10).

There is a crushing necessary for the release of certain flavors and aromas.

God promises in Isaiah 43:2, “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned...” As used here, “when” implies certainty, not condition. We WILL pass through waters, rivers, and fires. Suffering will come. There is a crushing necessary for the release of certain flavors and aromas.

...became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. (Philippians 2:8b)

The Special Ingredient

People suffered and died for thousands of years from Adam to Jesus, so why was Jesus’ suffering and death a fragrant offering (Ephesians 5:1)? Beyond the obvious point that Jesus was the Messiah, God in the flesh, perhaps the key lies in Jesus’ willingness to suffer. Philippians 2 connects His submission to His suffering, saying He “became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross” (verse 8b). That obedience and that death became both the stench of sin and the sweet aroma of obedience. “He humbled Himself (willing submission) and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. Therefore God also has highly exalted Him… to the glory of God the Father” (verses 8b, 9a, 11b). Isaiah 53:10 makes it clear that, “it pleased the LORD to bruise Him; He has put Him to grief.” Here is suffering that was not only the express consent of God, but the will, pleasure and plan of the Master Perfumer. God wanted Jesus to suffer! What was Jesus’ response? “Behold, I have come to do your will, O God,” (Hebrews 10:7 & 9) or “O My Father, if this cup cannot pass

away from Me unless I drink it, Your will be done.” (Matthew 26:42, 44). Where Adam’s disobedience released the foul odor of death, Jesus’ obedience uncapped the sweet perfume of life. In direct contrast to Adam, Jesus chose to obey God’s instruction, to trust God’s declarations, to be thankful for God’s provision, to be content with God’s assignment, and to submit to God’s authority. Hebrews 2:10 says of God, “it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings.” Jesus, the Captain of our salvation, was made perfect through sufferings. His voluntary surrender to that crushing released a fragrant aroma. God exalted Jesus, and many sons are being brought to glory. Will we be brought to glory?

If we have been saved, we ought to follow the captain of our salvation and be willing to be made perfect through suffering..

If we have been saved, we ought to follow the captain of our salvation and be willing to be made perfect through suffering. If the disciple is not above the teacher (Matthew 10:24), then the Master Perfumer’s plan for us includes suffering. How will our suffering smell? Will it reek of the stench of disobedience, distrust, ingratitude, discontent and rebellion? Will we grow bitter and complain as we suffer? Or will we add the special ingredient of willing submission? May our crushing give rise to sweet aromas, to the praise and glory of God. (All scripture references are New King James Version)


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