Feb 21- Feb 27, 2011 Find us on Twitter at “DaeguFMWR” and Facebook at “Fmwr Daegu” MON, FEB 21 Morning Yoga Class, Kelly Fitness Center, 0900-1000. Mommy & Me Aerobics Class, Kelly Fitness Center, 0930-1030. Spinning Class, Kelly Fitness Center, 1830-1930.
Something you want to share? Ideas? Suggestions? Comments? Put it on ICE – We’re Listening
http://www.ice.disa.mil Feb 22, 1830 at Starbucks
TUE, FEB 22 Home Alone Workshop, Henry ACS, 1500 Daegu Book Club Inaugural Meeting, hosted by the Walker Library, meets at Starbucks, 1830 Hilltop Club Closed for Maintenance WED, FEB 23 Well-Being Council, Command Conference Room, open to the community, 0830 Stress Management, Henry ACS, 0930 Stress Management for Spouses, Henry ACS, 1030 Newcomer and Spouse Orientation, Cp Carroll CAC, 1300 Anger Management, Henry ACS, 1300 THU, FEB 24 Career Planning, Henry ACS, 1300 Asian Sensations Buffet, Evergreen Club, 1700-2100 Washington’s Birthday Dodgeball Tournament, Carroll Fitness Center, 1800 Last day to get Eagles tickets for the March 15 concert! Call the Cp Walker Community Center at 764-4432
FRI, FEB 25 Effective Resume Writing, Henry ACS, 0900 Calligraphy Class, Carroll ACS, 1330 Re-Entry Workshop, Carroll ACS, 1400 “Family and Soldier Talent Jump Off“ Rehearsal, Carroll Community Center, 1800 SAT, FEB 26 National Pancake Day “Pancake Feast,” Evergreen Club, 0600-1100 Kyong-Ju City Tour, Community Centers, 0800 Daegu Area Preliminary Chess Tournament, Walker CAC, 1400 9-Pin-No-Tap Tournament, Carroll Bowling Center, 1500 Birthday Night, Evergreen Club, 1730 Family and Soldier Talent Show, Carroll CAC, 1900 SUN, FEB 27 Sunday Brunch, Evergreen Club, 1000-1400 Sunday Movie, Camp Carroll Community Center, 1700 & 1900
Looking for more ways to connect with FMWR? • Listen to AFN Korea radio at FM 88.5 • Pick up a copy of the weekly Morning Calm Newspaper • Check out the banners on Cps Walker, Henry & Carroll • Turn on the Command Channel (Ch. #3) • Look for posters and flyers in FMWR facilities • Become a fan of the USAG Daegu Facebook • Follow us on Twitter at DaeguFMWR • MWR Korea-wide dot.com site: www.MWRKorea.com
Weekly prizes for the top 3 players!
MOVIES Movies will be shown on a temporary basis at the Camp Henry Food Court. The maximum capacity is 40 people so come early for a good seat. Fridays: 1900 Saturdays: 1500 & 1900 Sundays: 1500 & 1900 25 FRI: THE RITE / Anthony Hopkins, Colin O’Donoghue /PG 13/ 1900 26 SAT: UNSTOPPABLE/ Denzel Washington, Chris Pine/ PG 13/ 1500 THE RITE / Anthony Hopkins, Colin O’Donoghue/PG 13 / 1900 27 SUN: UNSTOPPABLE / Denzel Washington, Chris Pine/ PG 13/ 1500 UNSTOPPABLE / Denzel Washington, Chris Pine / PG 13 / 1900
FEBRUARY 26 / Camp Carroll CAC 765-8325 KYEONG-JU CITY TOUR Transportation fee: $10 (adults) / $5 (ages 10 & under) Bring Korean won for admission fee Bus: Departs from the Cp Carroll CAC at 0800 and Cp Walker Commissary at 0900