Happenings May

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USAG-Humphreys & Area III



MAY 2010

y b a B

BAttle Buddies Celebrating Mother’s Day

USAG-Humphreys & Area III Family & MWR Activities

HAPPENINGS A monthly publication of the Directorate of Family & MWR Activities published under the authority of AR 215-1 and designed to make authorized patrons aware of What‟s Happening in Family & MWR programs. Use of a commercial name or appearance of paid advertising does not constitute endorsement by Department of the Army or any agency thereof. For information, contact the FMWR Marketing Team

Commander COL JOSEPH MOORE Deputy Commander DAVE FRODSHAM Sergeant Major CSM JASON K. KIM FAMILY & MWR Director STEVE RYAN Business Operations MIKE ROSS Recreation JIM HOWELL Financial Management RICK SHUMAN Services LARRY ENGRAM ACS SUZANNE JAMES Youth Services JOON AUCI


Chief MIKE MOONEY 754-8257 Korean Deputy & Advertising Manager CHONG, SO-KYONG 754-6545 Family Strong Editor SARAH DOBSON 754-5875 Graphic Designer GINA BROWN 754-6472 Graphics KYRA RODRIGUEZ 754-6472 Marketing Intern LEE, SEONG GU 031-692-2147 Distribution YU, TAE-YOL 031-692-2147

Volume 12, Number 5

May 2010


Family & MWR Marketing Chief

People moving on is a fact of life in the military community, but we are receiving a double whammy in Family & MWR Marketing this month with the departure of not one, but two, key members of the Marketing Team. I have been a boss for many years and had some great people to work with since I first put on sergeant stripes at the tender age of 17. Over the ensuing decades, I have been an NCO, a newspaper editor and a Marketing Chief, supervising literally thousands of different people. But Gina Brown and Sarah Dobson have to be right at the top of the people I‟ve had the privilege to work with. I knew when I hired both that this day would come. I just didn‟t expect it to happen at the same time. But that‟s life, especially overseas. Gina‟s husband, Andy, is a captain and headed to Maryland. Sarah‟s husband, George, is a pilot and is headed to Fort Rucker and onto Germany. Despite my best efforts at pleading and begging, they have both declined my invitation to stay here and let the rest of their families move. Both are leaving in mid-month, and both will be missed. Gina is a fantastic graphic artist and is largely responsible for the „look‟ of Happenings, Weekly Flash and many other mediums we print. She brought a new level of professionalism to the face of FMWR. Sarah will probably be best remembered for her smile. However, she has been much more than a pretty face. Despite her lack of experience, she tackled exceptionally difficult tasks, took over and built Family Strong, worked closely with PAO and AFN to get us air time and provided valued input into the entire FMWR program. And who can forget the special Concert she put together over Christmas. Both will difficult to replace and probably impossible to duplicate. But if you‟re a person looking for a challenging job with low (at least lower than either Gina or Sarah deserved) pay and long hours, check with CPO and apply today. Gina‟s position is a full-time NF-03 and requires knowledge and experience with advanced programs such as InDesign, while Sarah‟s is a NF-02 with writing and photo duties. Both positions require smiles and a willingness to work hard taking care of our Soldiers & Families.



May 2010

May Calendar page Hours & phones On the Horizon Cable TV


Korea Happenings Goodbye Gina & Sarah Two key members of the FMWR Marketing Team depart this month.

Food & Entertainment Mother‟s Day Brunch Military Spouse Day Mother-Son Dance Sophisticated Saturday AMC Specials AMC Lunch AMC Soup & Sandwiches Tommy D‟s Cuisine Entertainment Bingo Texas Hold‟em Value Book Catering

Uniquely Korean Beyond the Wire Taste of Culture Korea Pro Sports Film & Mime Festivals Korean Water Sports Understanding Korea In the Neighborhood Royal Seoul

BOSS Beach Blast Call to Duty Outdoor Rec Arts & Crafts Osan Vet CAC Suwon Happenings Movie Schedule

Family & Youth Services Army Community Service Child, Youth, School Parent‟s Date Nite Wee Tots Family Covenant

Leisure Travel Sports Splish & Splash Augusta West Bowling Post-Level Softball Youth Sports Intramural Softball Area III Bench Press Area III Golf Team Aerobics Summer Basketball

Hale Koa Airline Alliance Osan Ad Space-A Travel New Sanno Passports

You’ve heard about Battle Buddies. How about a Trio of USAGHumphreys Baby Buddies in celebration of Mother’s Day. Proud Mom & Off-Spring (L-R) Sheila Vazquez (husband, David, 520 th), Julienne Alcantara (husband Benjamin, 520th) & Brandy Vest (husband Nicholas , HHC 194th CSSB). Babies: Favian, David and Spencer

May Calendar of Activities 1 2 4 5 6 7 8-11 8 9

14 15 16 20 21 22 28 29 29-31 30 31

0800 1000 0900 0800 1700 All Day 1900 1100 Varies 1800 All Day 1030 0900 1300 1600 1100 1200 2000 0800 1300

Commissary 5k Run at Commissary Parking Lot Spring, Summer & Youth Bowling League meetings Admiral Yi Festival, Outdoor Rec. Yeoju Ceramics Festival Outdoor Rec. and Arts &Crafts Intramural Softball Entry Deadline Korea Children‟s Day– Korean Holiday Fred Shafer, Tommy D‟s Military Spouse‟s Appreciation Day Pre-season Softball Tournament, Soldier Field Mother-Son Dance, Tommy D‟s Mother‟s Day – US Semi-Holiday Mother‟s Day Brunch AMC Horseback Riding, Outdoor Rec Mother‟s Day $1 Bowling Laser Tag Korea-Wide RC Car Race Call of Duty Tournament, CAC Sophisticated Saturday, Tommy D‟s Shooting Range, Outdoor Rec No Tap Alibi Bowling Tournament Spavis Spa Day Trip, Outdoor Rec. All Day BOSS Awareness Day, Soldier Field All Day Buddha‟s Birthday 1800 Volunteer of Year Awards & Dinner, CAC 0700 BOSS Bungee Jumping 1000 Digital Photography Class, CAC 1200 Area III Bench Press, MP Hill Gym 1100 Military in Uniform Bowl Free (Through 1300) 1600 Laser Tag 0700 Danyang Extreme Sports 1100 Opening of Splish & Splash 1100 Opening of Augusta West Varies Memorial Day Company Level Softball Tournament 1000 BOSS Survivor Paintball 0900 Ocean World, Outdoor Rec 1700 Application Deadline for Area III Golf Team

ON THE HORIZON A look at What‟s Coming Up in Family, Morale, Welfare & Recreation, designed to help you “Plan for the Future.” Dates are subject to change. See the monthly Happenings, Family Strong or the Weekly Flash for updates and further details.


Dad Photos needed for publications 5-6-Start of Summer Basketball 11-13-BOSS Beach Blast 12-13-Scratch Bowling Tournament 14-Army Birthday 17-End of school year 19-Sophisticated Saturday 20-Muju Firefly Festival 20-Father‟s Day 24-Start of Camp Adventure 25-Parent‟s Date Night 26-Father-Daughter Dance, Tommy D‟s


Patriotic Photos needed for publications 4-FreedomFest 17-Retiree Appreciation Day 17-Sophisticated Saturday 24-Christmas in July, Alaska Mining Co. 24-Mother-Daughter Tea, Tommy D‟s 30-Parent‟s Date Night


Dog Photos needed for publications 30-Start of 2010-11 School Year


Back to School Photos needed for publications 4-King of the Grill Rib Cook Off, Alaska Mining Co. 6-Labor Day 21-23-Chusok 25-Military Family of the Year Nominations Open


Favorite Costume Photos need for publication 11-Columbus Day 29-Return to Spooky Hallow


Military Family Photos needed for publication 6-Area III Families of Year Awards Ceremony 11-Veteran‟s Day 25-Thanksgiving Day

If you‟re not receiving the Weekly Flash, get added now area3mwrmarketing@korea.army.mil

USAG-Humphreys USAG-Humphreys & & Area Area III III

FAMILY & MORALE, WELFARE AND RECREATION Alphabetical Alphabetical List List of of Phone Phone Numbers Numbers & & Hours Hours of of Operation Operation



753-8401 753-8401


0800-1700 M-T-W-F 0800-1700 M-T-W-F 1300-1700-Thu 1300-1700-Thu

754-3101 754-3101

0630-2100 M-F 0630-2100 M-F 0800-2100 S-S-H 0800-2100 S-S-H

753-8547 753-8547




0800-2200 M-F 0800-2200 M-F 1000-2200 S-S-H 1000-2200 S-S-H

1100-2100 M-F 1100-2100 M-F 1000-2100 S-S 1000-2100 S-S

753-8825 753-8825


753-8189 753-8189

0900-1800 M-F 0900-1800 M-F (1300-1400 Lunch) (1300-1400 Lunch) LIBRARY LIBRARY

753-8433 753-8433

1000-2000 M-F 1000-2000 M-F 1000-1900 S-S 1000-1900 S-S

753-6706 753-6706


753-8601 753-8601

0530-1800 M-F 0530-1800 M-F


753-5971 753-5971 Main Floor Closed

Main Floor Closed See Zoeckler for other See Zoeckler for other operating hours operating hours

0900-1800 0900-1800 Tue-Sat Tue-Sat

0700-1900 M-F 0700-1900 M-F




0800-1700 M-T-W-F 0800-1700 M-T-W-F 1300-1700 Thu 1300-1700 Thu

1200-2400 S-Thu 1200-2400 S-Thu 1200-0100 F-S 1200-0100 F-S




753-6522 753-6522

753-3013 753-3013

1100-1900 Thu-Mon 1100-1900 Thu-Mon

0500-2300 M-F 0830-2300 Sat 0830-2300 Sat 0830-2200 Sun-Hol 0830-2200 Sun-Hol

0600-2200 M-F 0600-2200 M-F 0830-2100 S-S-H 0830-2100 S-S-H

753-8083 753-8083




0800-1600 M-F 0800-1600 M-F

0800-1630 M-W-F Closed for Repairs 0800-1630 M-W-F


1430-1900 M-F 1500-2000 Sat 1500-2000 Sat

753-7725 753-7725

0800-1700 M-F 0800-1700 M-F 0900-1300 Sat 0900-1300 Sat TOMMY D’S TOMMY D’S

753-8191 753-8191 1100-1300 M-F

1100-1300 M-F 1600-2300 W-T 1600-2300 W-T 1600-2400 F-Sat 1600-2400 F-Sat

0545 M-Thu 0545-2100 F 0545-2100 F 1600-2100 Sat 1600-2100 Sat


0800-1700 M-T-W-F 0800-1700 M-T-W-F 1300-1700-Thu 1300-1700-Thu

0530-2100 M-F 0530-2100 M-F 0900-1800S-S-H 0900-1800S-S-H

1100-2000 S-S 1100-2000 S-S

788-5449 788-5449

754-6291 754-6291 1100-2000


754-6412 754-6412


M-TH 1200-2000 M-TH 1200-2000 F-S-Sun 1130 - 2000 F-S-Sun 1130 - 2000 UNIT FUNDS UNIT FUNDS

754-6121 754-6121

0800-1630 M-F 0800-1630 M-F

Rec. Annex Rec. Annex


School Day–1500-2000 Weekend – 1200-2000 Weekend – 1200-2000 Holiday – 1100-1900 Holiday – 1100-1900

0500-2300 M-F 0500-2300 M-F 1000-1900 Sat-Hol 1000-1900 Sat-Hol 1200-2100 Sun 1200-2100 Sun



1100-2200 M-Thu 1100-2400 F-Sat 1100-2400 F-Sat 1300-2200 Sun 1300-2200 Sun

0700-2100 M-Thu 0700-2100 M-Thu 0700-2300 F-Sat 0700-2300 F-Sat 1300-2100 Sun 1300-2100 Sun

753-5601 753-5601 School Day–1500-2000


788-6020 788-6020

754-3171 754-3171

753-3413 753-3413 0545 M-Thu


788-5024 788-5024

Le CAC Cafe Le CAC Cafe

753-7447 753-7447

0600-2200 M-F

753-5613 753-5613 1430-1900 M-F

784-6614 784-6614


1600-2200 M-T-W-T 0930-2400 F-S-S-H 0930-2400 F-S-S-H

753-8825 753-8825

1100-2200 M-F 1100-2200 M-F 1000-2200 S-S-H 1000-2200 S-S-H


753-6909 753-6909 Closed for Repairs

1200 Saturday 1200 Saturday TOMMY D’s TOMMY D’s


754-5722 754-5722 1600-2200 M-T-W-T

753-8835 753-8835 0600-2200 M-F


753-8031 753-8031 0500-2300 M-F


753-8191 753-8191

788-5840 788-5840 1100-2200 M-Thu

754-8083 754-8083

788-5840 788-5840

Mom deserves a delicious and relaxing brunch Bring her and the family to

Alaska Mining Company May 9th From 1030 - 1430

Enjoy Shrimp Cocktail, Soup, Salad bar Baked Ham Baked Chicken Fried Chicken Prime Rib Assorted Quiche Mashed Potato Corn on the Cob Macaroni & Cheese Collard Greens Pie Cake Vanilla Bean Ice Cream


■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Tommy D’s Games Tommy D’s Cuisine Alaska Mining Company Specials Mother, Son Dance Entertainment Schedule



a D y Bru s ’ r e nc oth

Texas Hold’em twice weekly at Tommy D’s Tommy D‟s now hosts Texas Hold‟em Tournaments twice a week. Game time is 1900 both Wednesday and Friday.

Wednesday - Pocket 10s Nite play starts at 1900. $10 Buy-in, $10 Re-buy or add on through the first break. Start with 1,500 chips. 10 Bonus Points to anyone who wins a hand with pocket 10s. Drawing to win a 1,500 chip for those present at the beginning of play. Friday - Champs Nite play starts at 1900. $20 Buy-in, $15 Re-buy or add on through the first break. Texas Hold‟em is open to all USFK is open to all USFK ID Card holders, including KATUSAs.

WIN UP TO $1,000 Playing Bar-Top Bingo


BINGO! Every Saturday @ Tommy D’s $5,000 & $2,500 Progressive Jackpots 17 games (including Early Birds) Doors Open 1200, Card Sales 1230, Early Birds 1300, REGULAR GAMES START AT 1330

Tommy D’s Cuisine All-U-Can-Eat Korean Buffet (Monday-Friday 1100-1300 – Closed on Korean Holidays)



Pan-Fried Vegetables w/Sausage


’ D s y m m To Menu

Late Night Snacks 1600 - 2400 Chicken Strips (5 Pieces) $6.95 Hot Dog w/Chilli Cheese $4.95 Chicken Strips (5) $6.95 Hot Dog Plain $3.25 Hot Dog $3.25 BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich $4.95 Hot Pork Dog Spare w/ChiliRibs Cheese $4.95 BBQ Plate $6.95 Chicken Sandwich BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich $4.75 $4.95 Chilli Cheese Plate $3.25 BBQBowl Porkw/Spareribs $6.95 Shrimp Basket w/ Fries $6.75 Chicken Sandwich $4.75 Cheese Sticks (6 Pieces) $4.95 Bowl ofStyle ChiliLumpia w/Cheese $3,25 Shanghai (12 Pieces) $4.95 Grand Chips & Salsa Tray $4.25 Shrimp Basket w/Fries $6.75 French Fries $1.75 Cheese Sticks (6) $4.95 Chilli Cheese Fries $2.95 Shanghai-Style Lumpia (12) $4.95 Sausage, Egg & Cheese Biscuit $2.25 GrandEgg Chips & Salsa Tray $2.25 $4.25 Bacon, & Cheese Biscuit French $1.75 Asst. CanFries Soda $1.25 Specialty Soda (Root Beer, Cream soda, Sarsaparilla) Chili Cheese Fries $2.95 $1.75 FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Bottled Water $1.00 Asst. Gatorade $2.95 Sesame Chicken Wings (12) $6.95

Lime ★Chicken FridayWings Night(12) Special$6.95 ★

Sesame Chicken Wings (12 Pieces) $6.95 Chilli Lime Chicken Wings (12 Pieces) $6.95

Tuesday Two Entrees Featuring Combination of Pan-Fried Pork Chicken or Beef Cutlet or Fried Chicken Wings or Sweet & Sour Pork

$6.50 Wednesdays

Beef Bulgogi & Bibimbob $6.50

Thursdays Korean BBQ Plus Meatloaf (Vegetable, Mushroom or Sweet Pepper)

$6.50 Fridays Two Entrees Featuring Fried Fish or Pork Bulgogi or Curry Rice Beef or Chicken Bulgogi or Hash Rice

$6.50 Always All-You-Can-Eat

Includes Rice, Kimchi, Salad, Soup & Beverage

Soup & Sandwich Lunch Alaska Mining Company


Served 1100-1300 Order off the Menu May 3-7 May 10-14 May 17-21 May 24-31

Save with the Area III Value Book The savings just pile up when you have an Area III Family & MWR Value Book. Available for $59.95 at the Alaska Mining Company or the Community Activity Center. The Value Book is divided into 12 monthly sections, you will enjoy a full year of savings on food, bowling, swimming and more. If you use every coupon in the book, you could save more than $1,000! Start saving today. Available to U.S. and Korean ID Card holders.

Steak, Cheese & Mushroom Panini on Sourdough Sicilian Chicken with Capicoal Ham BBQ Pulled Pork Lobster Sensation Wrap

Prepared Fresh Daily

AMC Dining Specials Available Saturday & Sunday (1300-2030)

YOUR CHOICE Steak & Stuffed Chicken Breast Grilled Mahi-Mahi Sautéed Scallops

Each just $14.95 Tuesdays, 1700-2030


Family Nite Family-Size Bowl of Spaghetti & Meatballs

Served 1700-2030


May 7 & 21

Buddy Bowl for Two - $14.95


Wednesdays, 1700-2030

Pasta Buffet $11.95, Kids $4.95

All-You-Can-Eat – You Pick The Ingredients, We Cook It For You Thursdays, 1700-2030

Mongolian BBQ All-You-Can-Eat - $14.95 Kids $4.95

You Pick the Ingredients, We Cook It

$27.95 Children $10.95 May 14

MONSTER STEAKS 24 oz - $24.95 16 oz - $17.95 May 28


King Cut - $17.95 Queen Cut - $15.95 Couple - $29.95

Walt’s Wonder Ribs AVAILABLE EVERY DAY Succulent Baby Back Ribs

Full Rack - $15.95 Half Rack - $12.95

LunchisisServed Served Lunch AlaskaMining MiningCompany Company Alaska DailyLuncheon LuncheonBuffet Buffet Daily

Served from 1100-1300 * Always All-You-Can-Eat $7.95 Served from 1100-1300 * Always All-You-Can-Eat $7.95 (Includes Salad Beverage & Dessert) (Includes Salad Bar,Bar, Beverage & Dessert)

MONDAY TUESDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 3 3 4 4 Pulled Pork Beef Brisket Pulled Pork Beef Brisket Roast Baked Chicken Roast BeefBeef Baked Chicken 10 11 10 11 Bratwurst BBQBBQ RibsRibs Bratwurst Italian Chicken PorkPork Steak Italian Chicken Steak

17 17 18 18 Hamburger Steak CatCat Hamburger Steak FishFish Meat BBQBBQ RibsRibs Meat LoafLoaf 24/31 24/31 25 25 Honey Chicken Pulled Pulled Honey Chicken PorkPork Fried Steak BeefBeef Brisket Fried PorkPork Steak Brisket

WEDNESDAY THURSDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY FRIDAY WEDNESDAY 5 5 6 6 7 7 Cinco de Mayo Italian Baked Cinco de Mayo Italian Baked FishFish Mexican Buffet Buffet Fried Fried Shrimp Mexican Buffet Buffet Shrimp 12 13 14 12 13 14 Fried Chicken Turkey Fried Chicken IrishIrish Turkey Baked Buffet Baked Baked FishFish Buffet Baked HamHam 19 20 19 20 21 21 Lasagna Southern Baked Baked Lasagna Southern FishFish Spaghetti Buffet Fried Fried Shrimp Spaghetti Buffet Shrimp 26 26 Turkey Turkey Baked Baked HamHam

27 27 German German Buffet Buffet

28 28 Fried Fried FishFish Fried Shrimp Fried Shrimp

AllDay, Day,Every EveryDay Day All

Monday-Friday (0630-1030) Monday-Friday (0630-1030) Saturday & Sunday Breakfast Buffet (0800-1300) Saturday & Sunday Breakfast Buffet (0800-1300) Breakfast Items Always Regular Menu Breakfast Items Always onon thethe Regular Menu

Mother-Son Dance Moms, Bring Your Sons Saturday May 8 Tommy D‟s 1800-2000 $10 per Mom All Sons Free

Finger Food (While it Lasts)


Sophisticated Saturday Tommy D’s Saturday, May 15 Tommy D’s Dinner Service at 1900

Saturday, May 15 Entertainment to follow $50 Couple Dinner Service at 1900 Entertainment to follow $35 Single

$50 couple Sophisticated Saturday is an upscale dining experience and yourSingle opportunity to enjoy a $35 touch of class at least one night a month. Sophisticated Saturday is an upscale dining So put on your bestopportunity clothes, find babysitter experience and your toaenjoy a and enjoy a night designed just for you. touch of class at least one night a month. Remember notbest everything in Seoul. So put on your clothes,happens find a babysitter RESERVATIONS and enjoy a night designed just for you. Lisa.hogue.1@korea.army.mil Remember not everything happens in Seoul. RESERVATIONS Lisa.hogue.1@korea.army.mil

Sophisticated Saturday

NuSensations Schedule Tommy D’s

May 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20, 26, 27

Gateway Game Room May 1, 11, 14, 15, 28, 29

Suwon Community Activety Center May 4, 7, 8, 18, 21, 22, 25

Splish & Splash Water Park May 30

Fred Shafer Suwon May 5 Tommy D’s May 6


Tommy D’s EVERY Wednesday

Open Mic Talent

Tommoy D’s EVERY Thursday

Congratulations to: Minkook Seo Orignial Element The Youth Who dominated at the Festival of the Arts at Yongsan No matter what the occasion, 5-Star Catering headquartered at Tommy D’s can make your Special Event Extra Special.



Promotion parties, Anniversaries, Birthday, Hails & Farewells … We Cater them all with class and efficiency. You may be able to get it cheaper, but you’ll never get it better. Give us a call with your budget limitations and see what we can do:


Birthdays, Anniversaries, , All Special Occasions


We Cater to You

ated Saturday

Outside the Gate is a Fantastic Place called Korea Korean Happenings Outside the gate is a fantastic place called Korea

An inside look at Korean Culture, Festivals, Sports, ■ Beyond the Customs Wire Tourist Attractions, & Holidays ■ Uniquely Korean ■ Taste of Culture ■ Festivals the gate is a fantastic place called Korea ■ Customs and Holidays

Korean Happenings Outside

An inside look at Korean Culture, Festivals, Sports, Tourist Attractions, Customs & Holidays

Discover Korea

Old Korea lives here The Yeoncheon Paleolithic Festival May 1-5 is held at a site which holds ruins that date back to the Paleolithic Era. This family-oriented festival provides visitors with a fun way to learn more about human history. A range of programs including historical experience, educational and entertainment events are offered. The festival is located close to Camp Casey.

UPCOMING FESTIVALS 1-2 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-9 1-9 1-9 1-9 1-9 1-16 1-31 4-10 14-16 21-23 23-30

Admiral Yi Sun Shin Festival Boseong Green Tea Festival Daegu Herb Medicine Festival Damyang Bamboo Festival Yeoncheon Paleolithic Festival Hadong Wild Tea Festival World Photonics Expo, Gwangju Hi Seoul Spring Festival Yeoju Ceramics Expo Hampyeong Butterfly Festival Munyeong Tea Bowl Festival Icheon Ceramics Festival Jeju National Heritage Photo Contest Jirisan Herb Festival Lotus Lantern Festival, Seoul DMZ Musical Festival Chuncheon International Mime Festival

Flexible Bamboo Discover the thousands of thing that can be done with bamboo at the Damyang Bamboo Festival, May 1-5. Furniture, baskets, statues, food, drink, rugs – bamboo is one of the worldâ€&#x;s most flexible building materials. Festival activities include a Bamboo Fair, Bamboo Musical Instrument Performance Contest, Bamboo-Cutting Sword Championship, Writing & Painting Competition, making your own Daetongsul (a bamboo bottled traditional liquor), Riding a Bamboo Raft and Fishing with Bamboo Basket.

ENTERTAINMENT 1 Philadelphia Orchestra, Seojong Grand Theatre, 1930. Tickets W40,000-200,000 ticket.interpark.com or theyeogiyo.com 2 Andrea Bocelli, Jamsil Gymnasium, Seoul, 1900. Tickets W100,000-290,000 ticket.interpark.com or theyeogiyo.com 6 Philharmonic Orchestra, Aram Nuri Theater, Seoul, 2000. Tickets W60,000200,000 ticket.interpark.com or theyeogiyo.com 8-9 4th World DJ Festival, Han River Nanji Park, 1400-1800. Tickets W55,000 FOR MORE INFORMATION, GO TO visitkorea.or.kr

Uniquely Korean Korea celebrates children BY SEONG GU (MARTIN) LEE Marketing Intern May is the month of Family Harmony throughout Korea, with Parent‟s Day and Teacher‟s Day among other holidays on the Korean calendar. However, the biggest Harmony Day of all is Children‟s Day, set for May 5. Children‟s Day is a National Korean Holiday, parents are given a day off work to spend with their children. It was established in 1923 by children‟s author Bang Jeong Hwan (the USAG-Humphreys Child Development Center bears his name). From the beginning, Children‟s Day has been designed for parents to do something special with their children. On Children‟s Day, kids are usually asked by their parents what they want to do. Various festivals & programs for the children are held throughout Korea, and most parents pile in their cars to go where the children want and spend the day playing as a Family. Many major attractions such as Lotte World, Everland, Seoul Land and Seoul‟s Children‟s Grand Park will have special activities and offer discounts. Even smaller communities and attractions will have special activities for the kids. My advice is to remember that the highways will be crowded as will the amusement parks. If you want, just take your children to a quiet place near home and enjoy your children.

Taste of Culture There are numerous musical stage plays and variety shows throughout Korea. Happenings will feature different activities each month in an effort to keep you informed of the cultural opportunities available. For more information, go to: visitkorea.or.kr.

May 8-Dec 31 Sachoom is a nonverbal dance musical that includes hip-hop, jazz, contemporary dancing, break dancing & more. Perfomed at Theater (4F Nakwonsanga building in Insa-dong), Mon-Fri 2000, Sat 1600 & 1930, Sun & Holidays 1600 W50,000, age 7 & above. Subway Line 5 to Jongno 3(sam)-ga Station Exit #5 Every Saturday through October Anseong Namsadang Baudeogi, Gyeonggi-do 1500, 1630, 1730, (June-August also 1830). Performances are Free. Take bus to Ansung City, catch a cab at Ansung Bus Terminal to Namsadang Jeonsugwan located in Bogae-myeon (cab fare: W5,000) Every Saturday & Sunday Hahoe Mask Dance Drama Performance (Hahoe Byeolsingut Exorcism), Gyeongsangbuk-do Andong-si Andong Hahoe Village. Performances are Free, 1500. Take bus to the Andong Bus Terminal, take City Bus No. 46 to Hahoe Village, get off at the Inheritance Hall of Hahoe’s Mask Dance Drama Performance. Dec 31 The Ballerina Who Loves the B-boy Jamsil Lotte World Arts Theater, Seoul. The B-Boy World Champions “Extreme Crew” are the stars of the show that tells the story of the love between a B-boy and a ballerina without the use of verbal language. Performance times Wed & Thu 2000; Fri 1700 & 2000, Weekends & Korean Holidays 1500 & 1800, Admission W50,000. Subway Line 2 or 8 to Jamsil Station (Exit 3 or 4) and use underground path to Lotte World. Dec 31 Sinmyeong, Traditional Yeonhui Performance Sinmyeong is a performance that combines everything from singing, dancing, and music to drama and combine the Korean notions of Shin (excitement) and Heung (joy). Angel Theater is located in Mokdong Sports Stadium between the skating rink and the baseball stadium. Performances are at 1630 & 2000 Tue & Thu, 1330 & 1630 Sat & Sun. Admission: VIP W50,000 / R W40,000 / A W30,000. Take subway line 5 to Omokgyo Stn. Exit #3. And then walk for about 10 min. If you know of a Korean Cultural Experience you would like to share with the remainder of the Community, Please send us some photos & information


Korea Professional Sports

Doosan Bears Baseball One of the original Korean Professional Baseball franchises, the Doosan Bears play their home games at Jamsil Stadium, the same field where the U.S. won the gold medal in the 1988 Summer Olympics. The Bears have been one of the most successful franchises in Korean pro ball, having won the Korean crown three times. One of their starting pitchers is CJ Nitkowski who played with the Reds, Tigers, Mets, Astros, Braves, Rangers, Nationals and Yankees. Bears home games start at 1830, and tickets are priced from W7,000-50,000. Unlike many Korean ballparks, the Bears offer American food in their concession stands, including Kentucky Fried Chicken and Burger King.

May Schedules 1-2 11-13 14-16 18-20 21-23 25-27 28-30

Heroes @ Doosan Samsung @ Hanwha Samsung @ Doosan Kia @ Hanwha Hanwha @ Doosan LG @ Doosan SK @ Hanwha Heroes @ Hanwha Samsung Lions @ Doosan

Korea Pro Teams

Busan – Lotte Giants Daegu – Samsung Lions Gwangju – Kia Tigers Incheon – SK Wyverns Seoul – Heroes, Doosan Bears & LG Twins

In the Neighborhood

The Great Admiral Yi Sun Shin Festival April 28-May 2, Asan Admiral Yi Sun Shin is one of the greatest military heroes in Korean history. Yi Sun Shin defeated the Japanese in an epic sea battle about 460 years ago. Admiral Yi was born just down the road in Asan (about 30 minutes from Humphreys) and his family estate is preserved as a historic treasure. While Admiral Yi is important in Korean history, he is equally famous in the history of Naval Warfare. One of the secrets to his success against the Japanese was the Turtle ship, considered by many to be the first iron clad in naval history. Yi devised a copper cover for his battleship. This cover provided protection for his men and served as a shield against Japanese fire arrows. Events will include parades, displays, reenactments, sports games, a traditional market place, children’s activities, the chance to have your photo taken in authentic historical costumes, a food market and of course, a tour of the beautiful grounds that make up Admiral Yi’s home. OUTDOOR REC WILL TAKE A BUS TO THE ADMIRAL YI FESTIVAL MAY 2 (0900-1700) Transportation Fee $10, Admission Fee $5. Bring won for Food & Souvenirs REMEMBER YOUR CAMERA

Korean Water Sports Swimming with the Sharks Have you ever dreamed of „Swimming with the Sharks?â€&#x; Believe it or not, you can do it in Korea. The new Busan Aquarium and Scuba in Korea, a private scuba diving club offers you this unique opportunity to share space with sharks, groupers, tuna, barracudas and other sea life in its 3-million liter, 5-meter deep main tank on Haeundae Beach. Dives are conducted on Saturday and Sunday morning, and the whole experience lasts 3-5 hours. They are open to both experienced and novice divers and cost W75,000 for those who have a current certified diving card to W95,000 for those who are not certified. The fee includes aquarium admission, equipment rental, tank rental, Englishlanguage dive instruction for non-certified divers and a guided shark dive. * Divers must provide their own swimwear (wetsuits are provided by the aquarium) * Certified divers must present their current C-card. Non-certified divers must bring an official picture ID that show their age. * An underwater camera is good idea * If you wear glasses, you cannot wear them under the mask. It is recommended that you bring contact lenses. It's not much fun if you can't see anything. For U.S. Military Personnel: Contact dive@scubainkorea.com for further details and reservations. All divers, including those who are certified, must be at least 16 years old (U.S. age).

Korean Film & Mime

Mime’s the word

The Chuncheon International Mime Festival May 23-30 features exciting innovative mime and street performances that showcases the talents of many master performers from throughout the world. The festival offers at least 80 performances from mime troupes from Korea as well as famous international troupes. Tickets are in the W15,000 range, depending on the show. This mime festival is a unique opportunity for nonKorean speakers to enjoy Korea’s modern performing arts. Chuncheon is located north of Wonju and is one of the most beautiful areas in Korea. It can easily be reached by train or bus from Pyongtaek and there’s a free shuttle to the festival.

Korea’s versions of Sundance The Jeonju International Film Festival, an exciting combination of fun and film, is a fantastic 9-day spring outing filled with a wide range of events and movies. The celebration is held on „Movie Street‟ (Gosadong, Jeonju-si), a street packed with movie theaters. During the festivities (April 27-May 2), the streets come to life with the contagious energy and zestful enthusiasm of film aficionados. Come and join in the fun this spring during the Jeonju movie festival! Jeonju is located near Gunsan Airbase. The DMZ College Students Film Festival is held in Chuncheon rather than at the DMZ and features various DMZ film contests for college student media clubs nationwide. Held May 21-23 the film festival holds a diverse range of events, to include a Students Photo Exhibition, Students Dance Contest, Student Folk Music Contest and the performance of the Gangwon Provincial Performance Group.

Seoul’s Seoul’s Royal Royal Sites Sites

Five Five Royal Royal sites sites for for W10,000 W10,000 Enjoy Enjoyfive fiveofofSeoul’s Seoul’smost mosthistorically historicallysignificant significantsites sitesfor forone onelow lowprice priceduring duringthe themonth month ofofMay Mayand andgo goback backasasmany manytimes timesasasyou youwant. want. InInaastep steptowards towardsenhancing enhancingthe theRoyal RoyalPalace Palaceadmission admissionsystem, system,the theCultural CulturalHeritage Heritage Administration AdministrationofofKorea Koreaisisintroducing introducingan anintegrated integratedpass passthat thatwill willgive givevisitors visitorsaccess accesstoto five fivemajor majorattractions attractionsininSeoul: Seoul:Gyeongbokgung, Gyeongbokgung,Changdeokgung, Changdeokgung,Changgyeonggung, Changgyeonggung, Deoksugung and Jongmyo. Deoksugung and Jongmyo. The Theintegrated integratedpass passcosts costsonly onlyW10,000 W10,000(as (asopposed opposedtotoW14,000 W14,000for foran anindividual individualvisit visittoto one oneofofthe theattractions) attractions)and andgives givesvisitors visitorsaccess accesstotoallallfive fiveattractions attractionswithin withinaamonth. month. Passes Passesare areavailable availableatatany anyofofthe thefive fivelocations. locations. Jongmyo, which is currently open for unguided Jongmyo, which is currently open for unguidedviewing viewingduring duringbusiness businesshours, hours,will willbe be open for guided tours during limited hours. The remaining sites offer guided Englishopen for guided tours during limited hours. The remaining sites offer guided Englishlanguage languagetours toursdaily. daily. All Allfive fiveattractions attractionscan canbe beeasily easilyreached reachedbybysubway subwayorortaxi taxifrom fromSeoul SeoulStation. Station.Just Justcatch catch the thetrain trainininPyongtaek Pyongtaekororstart startininYongsan. Yongsan.Further Furtherdetails detailsare areavailable availableatatvisitkorea.com visitkorea.com Need Needtravel travelinformation? information?Just JustCall Call1330 1330

AABilingual Bilingualoperator operatorwill willoffer offeryou youdetailed detailed information informationon ontourist touristsites, sites,transportation, transportation, restaurants restaurantsand andmore more IfIfyou want information you want informationabout aboutareas areasoutside outside ofofSeoul, enter the area code of Seoul, enter the area code ofthat thatregion region before beforepressing pressing1330. 1330.Available Available24-hours 24-hours

Cellphone: Cellphone:Seoul Seoul02-1330 02-1330––Korea KoreaArea AreaCodes: Codes:Seoul Seoul - -02, 02,Gyeonggi Gyeonggi- -031, 031,Incheon Incheon- -032, 032, Gangwon Gangwon- -033, 033,Chungnam Chungnam- -041, 041,Daejeon Daejeon- -042, 042, Chungbuk Chungbuk- -043, 043,Busan Busan- -051, 051,Ulsan Ulsan- -052, 052,Daegu-053, Daegu-053, Gyeongbuk Gyeongbuk- -054, 054,Gyeongnam Gyeongnam- -055. 055.Jeonnam Jeonnam- -061, 061, Gwangju Gwangju- -062, 062,Jeonbuk Jeonbuk- -063, 063,JejuJeju-064 064

Lotus Lantern Festival

Seoul’s 600-year festival ‘Hands-on’ The Lotus Lantern Festival held in the Jongno area is one of Seoul’s landmark traditional festivals. The time-honored festival, which originates from an exciting tradition of Gwandeongnori, has been keep alive throughout the entire 600-year history of Seoul. Commemorating the Birth of Buddha, the festival gives visitors the opportunity to delve into the mystic Korean Buddhist Culture through a variety of magical events and hands-on experiences. The festival starts with the lighting of the mega-sized Jangeomdeung (Grand Light) which is located on the Seoul Plaza and symbolizes Buddhism and the birth of Buddha. A series of other lotus lantern events follow, a Lantern Parade from Insa-dong to Jogyesa Temple, Buddhist Cultural Festival, Cheer-up Buddhist Festival, Grand Harmony Festival and the Closing Ceremony. One of the favorite activities among international visitors is the hands-on experience program where visitors can make lotus-shaped lanterns or paint a Buddhist picture The festival runs May 14-16 from Dongdaemun to Jogyesa Temple, along Jongno Street in Seoul. The easiest way to get there is via subway -- Take Subway Line 1 to Jonggak Station (Exit #2) or Take Line 3 to Anguk Station (Exit #6)

Understanding Korea

Buddha’s Birthday May 21 Want a baby boy? Rub Buddha’s belly. Want to discover your true potential? Buddhism might help. May 21 is Buddha’s Birthday, a holiday that will be celebrated from one end of the peninsula to the other. One of the world’s oldest religions (it’s more than 500 years older than Christianity), Buddhism started in India and spread throughout Asia, including Korea. There are literally hundreds of Buddhist temples both large and small throughout Korea, including several in Anjung-ri. Buddha’s Birthday is a national holiday in Korea and draws traffic similar to both Lunar New Year and Chusok as Families travel to their home temple to reaffirm their commitment to seek Nirvana. For Americans serving in Korea, Buddha’s Birthday is an opportunity to discover more about Korea and its people. Buddhist temples, including those in the local area, bring out beautiful tapestries and other decorations reserved for Buddha’s Birthday. Beautiful paper lanterns decorate the streets and the temples and there is food and drink for all, including Americans. The local temple located across from Rainbow Apartments has a parade through the streets and a fireworks show to end the festivities. Enjoy and Discover Korea.

Yeoju Ceramics Festival

Yeoju is the Mecca of Ceramics The Community Activity Center Arts & Crafts program and Outdoor Rec. are working together to offer the community the opportunity to visit the Korean Mecca of Ceramics on Saturday, May 2. Korea is world-famous for its ceramics, especially celadon, Yeoju has been the center of Korean ceramics since before Columbus discovered the New World. This is a perfect opportunity to do your early holiday shopping or pick up that special souvenir of Korea before you leave. There are more than 600 ceramic Shops offer everything from tableware to knick knacks. You can even try to make your own special item at the workshop. Bring won for shopping, although most of the shops do accept major credit cards. Call Outdoor Rec. at 753-3255/3013 or stop by the CAC Arts & Crafts Center for more information and reservations.

Intramural entry deadline May 4

Intramural entry deadline May 4

The deadline for units to enter the 2010 Intramural Softball League is May 4, with the season scheduled to get under way May 8-11 with the Pre-Season Tournament. Post Level Men‟s and scheduled to start this month, with a big Memorial Weekend The Women‟s deadline League for unitsaretoalso enter the 2010 Intramural Softball League is May 4, with the season Tournament planned for all Unit Level teams. Call 753-8811 for more information.

scheduled to get under way May 8-11 with the Pre-Season Tournament. Post Level Men‟s and Women‟s League are also scheduled to start this month, with a big Memorial Weekend Tournament planned for all Unit Level teams. Call 753-8811 for more information.


Sports ■ Youth Sports ■ Splish Splash ■ May Sports Events ■ Bowling

■ Beach Blast ■ BOSS Calendar ■ Outdoor Recreation ■ Arts and Crafts

BASEBALL & SOFTBALL SCHEDULES T-BALL (All Games at Zoeckler Sports Field)

Cubs, Angels, Tigers, Orioles, Beavers, Marlins May 1 – Tigers vs Orioles, Beavers vs Marlins, Cubs Vs Angels May 6 – Orioles vs. Beavers May 8 – Angels vs Cubs, Marlins vs. Tigers May 15 – Marlins vs. Orioles, Tigers vs Beavers, Cubs vs Angels May 19 – Orioles vs Tigers May 22 – Marlins vs Beavers, Angels vs Cubs May 25 – Cubs vs Angels May 26 – Tigers vs Marlins May 27 – Beavers vs Orioles

7-8 yr old - Indians and Tigers 9-10 yr old - Rangers and Yankees (Home Games at Independence Park)

May 1 – Tigers vs Indians May 7 – Tigers vs Indians, Rangers vs Yankees May 8 – Yankees vs Yongsan 1 & 3 @ Yongsan, Rangers vs Yongsan 2 & 4 @ Yongsan May 15 – Tigers vs Indians, Yankees vs Rangers May 22 – Indians vs Tigers, Rangers vs Yongsan 3 & 1 @ Yongsan, Yankees vs Yongsan 4 & 2 @ Yongsan May 24 – Tigers vs Indians May 25 – Rangers vs Yankees

11-12 yr old - Reds and Cubs (Home Games at Independence Park)

May 1 – Cubs & Reds @ Daegu May 8 – Reds vs Daegu, Cubs vs Daegu, Reds vs Yongsan 1, Cubs vs Yongsan 2 May 11 – Reds vs Cubs May 15 – Reds & Cubs @ Daegu May 22 – Cubs vs Daegu, Reds vs Daegu, Cubs vs Yongsan 3, Reds vs Yongsan 2 May 26 – Cubs vs Reds June 5 – Korea-wide Tournament @ Soldier Field

Youth Sports 753-5602

New Activities Youth Running Club Youth Sports is starting a Running Club for youngsters in the third through eighth grade. The Club will meet at the Zoeckler Sports Field track at 1630 each Tuesday and Thursday. Please contact Youth Sports Director Brad Ficek at 754-5051 for further details.

Youth Bowling The Organizational meeting for Saturday morning Youth Bowling Leagues is set for the Strike Zone at 1000 May 1. Plans call for Pee Wee (3-6), Bantams (8 & under), Preps (9-11), Junior (12-14), Majors (15-18) and Seniors (19-21) Leagues. Please contact Strike Zone manager Rob Victorine at 754-5636 for more information.

Swimmers needed Swimmers are needed for the Humphreys Youth Swim team. Call 753-5602.

13 -15 yr old - Mariners

(Home games at Independence Park)

May 1 – Mariners vs Yongsan 2 & 3 @ Hannam May 8 – Mariners @ Daegu May 15 – Mariners vs Yongsan 2 & 3 @ Hannam May 19 – Mariners vs Korean team May 22 – Marines @ Daegu May 27 – Mariners vs Korean team June 5 – Korea-Wide Tournament @ Hannam

Girl’s Softball - Firebirds

(Home games at Independence Park)

May 1 – Firebirds vs Yongsan May 8 – Firebirds @ Yongsan May 15 – Firebirds vs Yongsan June 5 – Firebirds @ Yongsan June 12 – Korea Championship @ Yongsan

outh Running Club: boys and girls, 3rd through 8th grade. Tuesdays and Thursdays running at Zoeckler Field. 16:30-18:00 Swim Team registration is open Youth Bowling starts in May

Splish & Splash Water Park

Water Park opens May 29 FEES Daily

Individual $3.00 Family $8.00


Individual $78.00 Family $150.00 All Guests $10.00

1 & 3 Meter Diving Boards Children’s Pool Two Water Slides Hot Tub Zero-Entry Water Play Area Snack Bar Outdoor Volleyball Court Kid’s Water Fort Amphitheatre Olympic Pool Water Basketball Locker Rooms NO FOOD OR BEVERAGES ALLOWED

Augusta West Miniature Golf Course OPENS MAY 29

Adults $3.00 (E1-E6 -- $2.00) Children $2.00 * Twosome $5.00 Unlimited Monthly Play -- $10 per person PAY AT SPLISH & SPLASH FRONT DESK

Military in Uniform Free Every Thursday (1100-1630)

Area III Golf Team Are you good enough to represent Area III in the IMCOM-K Golf Tournament? The Area III team will be selected based on official handicaps. If you have a current US Golf Association (USGA) handicap, contact Lonnie Herring at 753-8807 or Kim, Chi-Hyon at 753-8811. The IMCOM-K Tournament will be held at the Sungnam Golf Course June 8-11. Deadline to submit your handicap for consideration is May 31. Stop by the Super Gym for further details.

Open Bench Press Power Lifters, weight lifters and other enthusiasts are invited to an Open Bench Press Meet scheduled for the MP Hill Gymnasium starting Saturday, May 22 at 1200. The meet is open to both experienced and novice lifters, both men and women. Call 753-8811 for more information.

Time to get your Basketball team ready for summer play The USAG-Humphreys Summer Basketball League will start in early June, and nowâ€&#x;s the time to get your team together. Contact Kim, Chi-Hyon at 753-8811 for further information. In addition to players and teams, experienced basketball officials are needed.

5K run scheduled for May 1 A 5K Run kicking off the Commissary Healthy Nutrition Week is scheduled for Saturday, May 1. The run will start at USAG-Humphreys Commissary at 0800. Registration is 0700-0755. You can pre-register at the Super Gym or at headquarters the morning of the run. Call 753-8031 for more information.

Bowling at the Strike Zone Qualify for the 38th Master’s th

Qualify for the June 12-13 38 annual Master’s Singles Scratch Bowling Tournament by paying your $50 entry fee before the start of league play and roll a 450 or better series to earn a berth in the prestigious tournament. Not bowling in a league? No problem. You can also qualify for the Master’s by rolling a 450 or better in the Last Chance Qualifier at the Strike Zone at 1400 on June 6. The Master’s is the most prestigious scratch bowling tournament in Korea, and brings together the top bowlers from throughout the peninsula. Entry forms are available at the front desk of the Strike Zone.

League Organizational Meetings set Organizational meetings for Saturday morning Youth Bowling Leagues as well as the Spring-Summer Bowling season are set for the Strike Zone Bowling Center at 1000 Saturday, May 1. Bowling manager Rob Victorine is planning for Pee Wee Instruction League for youngsters age 3-6 as well as a Bantam (age 8 & below), Preps (9-11), Juniors (12-13), Majors (15-18) and Seniors (19-21). Contact Rob at 754-5722 for more info.

Weekly Bowling Specials Fridays – Military in uniform bowl free from 1100-1300 Saturday, Sunday, U.S. Holidays – Open Bowling $1 a game from 1300-1639. Kids bowl FREE if accompanied by a paying adult. Sunday – Kids bowl one game free if with Parents from 1700-closing.

Monday, May 3

Listen to internet radio easy listening island style music while you bowl.

Sunday May 16, 1300

9-8 pin No Tap Four Game Alibi Bowling Tournament w/ Top 5 TV Final Format Entry fee $25

Every Monday,

Bowl Three Games at the regular price of $2.25, Get a Fourth one Free

Every Thursday Red Pin Bowling Throw a Strike when the Red Pin is the Head Pin & Win Free Game

Biggest Losers Results Scott, Willis, Burger King Biggest Losers Heavyweights Bert Scott (DPW) and Howard Willis (DOL) were the run-away winners in the 2010 Biggest Loser’s Contest, dropping a combined 108.4 pounds or 17.3 percent of their weight in the three-month contest. “No Burger King, exercise and sensible eating were the secret,s” said Willis. A total of seven teams losing a combined 230 pounds and 17 individuals losing a combined 193 pounds finished this year’s contest. Members of the Top 3 Teams and six additional competitors in the Individual Division received Polar Heart Monitors for their success in the annual combined Area III Sports and Health Promotion program. Name (Start, Finish, Total Lost, Pct.) 1-Howard Willis, 287.0, 249.0, 38.0, 13.2 Bert Scott, 339.0, 268.6, 70.4, 20.8 Team, 626.0, 517.6, 108.4, 17.3 2- Leticia Taylor, 228.2, 225.8, 2.4, 1.0 Walter Taylor, 234.8, 202, 32.2, 13.7 Team, 463.0, 428.4, 34.6, 7.5 3-Alvin Jordan, 221.4, 199.2, 22.2, 10.0 Marie Jordan, 153.2, 150.0, 3.2, 2.0 Team, 374.6, 349.2, 25.4, 6.78


The scoreboard tells the story for Howard Willis & Bert Scott – 108 pounds or 17.3 percent of their combined starting weight in the Biggest Losers.

1-Bert Scott, 339.0, 268.6, 70.4, 20.8 2-Walter Taylor, 234.8, 202.6, 32.2, 13.7 3-Howard Willis, 287.0, 249.0, 38.0, 13.2 4-Alvin Jordan, 221.4, 199.2, 22.2, 10.0 5-Oddie Lowell, 228.6, 205.8, 22.8, 9.9 6-J’amie Stevenson, 175.6, 159.2, 16.4, 9.3 7-Sheri Castro, 166.8, 151.8, 15.0, 8.99 8=Kiu Travis, 167.8, 152.8, 15.0 8.93 9-Jennifer Varney, 155.0, 142.8, 12.2, 7.8 10-Demoria Tucker, 200.4, 185.2, 15.2, 7.5 11-Katherine Turner, 252.6, 239.8, 12.8, 5.0 12-Maxine Blackwood, 197.6, 191.4, 6.2, 3.1

Red Cloud-B wins Indoor Soccer title Red Cloud-B outlasted Daegu-A in an extended overtime to win the Eighth Army Indoor Soccer Championship, 2-1, at the Zoeckler Gym last month. It was the second time in the seven-team tournament that the two teams had gone to an overtime which, in the Indoor game, lasts until someone scores – no matter how long it takes. Outdoor Soccer goes to a shootout, but Indoor goalies cannot use their hands. Daegu-B was third, followed by Humphreys-B, Yongsan-A, Red Cloud-A and Humphreys-A

Beach Blast 2010 Beach Blast 2010 Beach Blast 2010 June 11-13 – Daechon Beach $139 per person

(Includes 2 nights lodging, “Welcome” Spaghetti Dinner. 2 Continental Breakfasts & Barbecue Lunch) EARLY REGISTRATION DISCOUNT

Register by May 14 and save $40

June 11-13 – Daechon Beach BlastBeach Activities Climbing Wall Limbo Hula Hoop $139 per person Dance Revolution Night Volleyball Beach Volleyball

1-13 – Daechon Beach $139 per person

(Includes 2 nights Spaghetti10-person Dinner. Pyramid Sandlodging, Sculpture“Welcome” Fear Factor Watermelon Eating & Goofy Relay Lunch) Tug-o-War 2 Continental Breakfasts Barbecue Water Park


Live Band

hts lodging, “Welcome” Spaghetti Dinner. populations. Waiting Lists will be created as allocations are filled. Register byPermission Mayrequired 14 from and save $40 individual‟s unit. Call for details. ental Breakfasts & Barbecue SignLunch) up at Humphreys or Suwon CAC EARLYSpaces REGISTRATION DISCOUNT have been allocated to each Area based on Single Soldier

753-8825 Beach Blast Activities See Unit BOSS reps for assistance


Recreation Night Volleyball

Dance Revolution Sand Sculpture Watermelon Eating Water Park

Hula Hoop Beach Volleyball 10-person Pyramid Tug-o-War Live Band

by May 14 and save $40 Fear Factor Goofy Relay Karaoke

Spaces have been allocated to each Area based on Single Soldier populations. Waiting Lists will be created as allocations are filled. Permission required from individual‟s unit. Call for details.

Beach Blast Activities

limbing Wall ance Revolution

Sign up at Humphreys or Suwon CAC

753-8825 Limbo Hula Hoop See Unit BOSS reps for assistance Night Volleyball Beach Volleyball


USAG-Humphreys 753-8970 * 010-2411-0414 USAG-Humphreys usagboss@gmail.com USAG-Humphreys

753-8970 * 010-2411-0414 753-8970 * 010-2411-0414 usagboss@gmail.com Survivor Paintball usagboss@gmail.com

BOSS will be hosting Survivor Paintball at the new paintball field May 30 1000 - 1600 BOSS be Paintball Survivor Paintball is a Survivor both a team and at BOSSwill will behosting hosting Survivor Paintball atat BOSS will be hosting Survivor Paintball the new May 1000 1600 the newpaintball paintballfield fieldwhich May 30 30allows 1000 ---1600 1600 individual tournament the new paintball field May 30 1000 everyone aPaintball chance is to Points Survivor teamare and SurvivorPaintball Paintball isaawin. aboth both and Survivor is both aa team and awarded to teams and individuals. individualtournament tournamentwhich which allows allowsThose individual allows individual tournament which who have the highest at theare end of everyone chance toscores win. Points Points are everyone chance to win. Points everyone aaachance to win. are awarded to teams and individuals. Those the tournament areand the individuals. champions. awarded teams and individuals. Those awarded tototeams Those who have the highest scores at the end of who have the highest scores at the end who have the highest scores at the endof of Entry fee is $25 per person, with four the tournament are the champions. the tournament are the champions. the tournament are the champions. players per team. The entry fee includes Entryfee feeisis is$25 $25per per person, with four four Entry fee $25 per person, with safety equipment, guns and paintballs. Entry person, with four players per per team. team. The The entry entry fee fee includes includes players players per team. The entry fee includes A minimum of five teams andpaintballs. 20 safety equipment, equipment, guns and and paintballs. safety guns safety equipment, guns and individuals are needed for thepaintballs. tournament A minimum minimum of of five five teams teams and and 20 20 A to take place.of five A individuals minimum teams and 20 individuals are are needed needed for for the the tournament tournament individuals are needed foryour the tournament Call or see local BOSS to753-3255/3013 take place. place. to take to take place.information. Rep for more Call 753-3255/3013 753-3255/3013 or or see see your your local local BOSS BOSS Call Call 753-3255/3013 or see your local BOSS Rep for more more information. information. Rep for Rep for more information.

Survivor Survivor Paintball Paintball

Friday, May 21 at Soldiers Field

BOSS Awareness Day

We will have football, softball and basketball competitions, food, mechanical bull, rock climbing wall, giveaways and more!


Mark Your Your Calander! Calander! Mark June 11-13 June 11-13 is June 11-13 is the the June 11-13 the is

BOSS BOSS Calendar Calendar MAY MAY BOSS Calendar 5-Weekly 5-WeeklyMeeting, Meeting,CAC, CAC,1500 1500 5-Weekly Meeting, CAC, 1500

12-Weekly 12-WeeklyMeeting, Meeting,CAC, CAC,1500 1500 MAY 12-Weekly Meeting, CAC, 1500 19-Weekly Meeting, CAC, 1500 19-Weekly Meeting, CAC,1500 1500 19-Weekly Meeting,CAC, CAC, 1500 5-Weekly Meeting, 21-BOSS Awareness Day, Soldier Field 21-BOSS Awareness Day, Soldier Field Field 21-BOSS Awareness Day, Soldier 12-Weekly Meeting, CAC, 1500 26-Weekly 26-WeeklyMeeting, Meeting,CAC, CAC,1500 1500 26-Weekly Meeting, CAC, 1500 19-Weekly Meeting, CAC, 1500 30-Survivor Paintball 30-Survivor Paintball Day, Soldier Field 30-Survivor Paintball 21-BOSS Awareness

annual BOSS Beach Mark Your Calander! annual BOSS Beach annual BOSS Beach Blast at11-13 Daecheon June is the Blast at Daecheon Daecheon Blast at Beach. annualBeach. BOSS Beach Beach. Blast at Daecheon Contact your Local Contact your Local Contact your Local 26-Weekly Beach. JUNE Meeting, CAC, 1500 BOSS REP for JUNE BOSS REP forfor BOSS REP 30-Survivor Paintball 11-13 -Beach Blast 11-13 -Beach Blast Details. 11-13 -Beach Blast Details. Details. Contact your Local Soldiers from Soldiers from Soldiers from JUNE BOSS REP for throughout Korea will 11-13 -Beach Blast throughout Korea throughout Korea willwill Details. attend. Register early attend. Register early attend. Register early Soldiers from for aa discount. discount. for for a discount. throughout Korea will attend. Register early for a discount.

Outdoor Rec MAY TRIPS

2-Admiral Yi Festival 2-Yeoju Ceramics Festival 9-Goong-Pyong Horseback Riding 16-Suwon Shooting Range 20-Spavis Spa Day Trip 22-BOSS Bunge Jumping 29-Seoul Horse Racing 31-Ocean World

Eighth Army Paintball Outdoor Rec. is seeking 5-player Paintball Teams to send to the Eighth Army Finals at Camp Casey May 8-9. The Eighth Army winner will advance to the National Professional Paintball Finals. Call 753-3103/3255 for details.

This monthâ€&#x;s Outdoor Movies at Transformation Park are scheduled for May 7 and 21 at dark.

Korea-Wide RC Car Race

A Korea-wide RC Car Race is planned for the Outdoor Rec Track on Saturday, May 15, from 1100-1700 On-Site registration will be held from 0930-1030. Entry fee is $20 for the first vehicle and $10 for every additional vehicle. Trophies and prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. For more information call Outdoor Recreation at 753-3255 /3013.

Laser Tag Days May 14 & May 28 (1600-1800) Laser Tag Tournaments at the Outdoor Rec Building. Prizes for first and second place teams. Laser Tag is also available for Birthday Parties, Unit Functions and Youth Groups. Call 753-3255/3013

Mrs. Suh 010-8953-2071

Mr. Park 016-420-3897

Ms. Choi 010-2277-6555



Enterprise Hotel


CAC Arts & Crafts 753-6706 SPECIAL MAY CLASSES 2 8 9 17 29

Yeoju Ceramics Festival, 0800-1700 Mother‟s Day Paper Flowers, 1600 Mother‟s Day Quilt Pouches, 1600 Pressed Flower Lamps, 1600 Scrapbooking, 1700

Special for Kids – Kids Art Group, Fridays in the CAC Aerobics Room, 1000-1100 Children‟s Art Class Saturday, 1600-1700

REGULARLY SCHEDULED CLASSES Sundays - Fruit Carving, 1300-1500 Mondays - Framing, 1800-2000 Tuesdays - Korean Painting, 1800-1930 Wednesdays - Beads & Wire, 1800-2000 Thursdays - Pottery, 1800-1930 Fridays - Acrylic Painting, 1800-1930

Closed May 5 for Children’s Day

Get more out of your digital camera Saturday, May 22, 1000-1600 at the CAC

Digital Cameras have capabilities you may not understand or use. This Digital Photography 101 course will unveil those secrets. Bring your camera, manual, questions and enthusiasm to this unforgettable class.

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Osan Vet Well Dog Clinics May 10 & 24

Community Activity Center 0900-1200, 1300-1500 Micro-Chipping, Inoculations, Health Checks, Parasite Check


Appointments recommended

Books & more

HUMPHREYS LIBRARY New Hours 1000-2000 Monday-Friday 1000-1900 Saturday, Sunday, Holidays

CAC May Schedule

1-Ping Pong 16-Chess 2-Darts 301/501 18-Eight Ball 4-Nine Ball 19-Madden 2009 5-Halo 3 20-Wii Tennis 6-Wii Boxing 21-Rock Band 7-Guitar Hero 2 22-Cricket Darts 8-Backgammon 23-NBA Live 2009 9-Madden 2009 25-Korean 4-Ball 11-Korean 3-Ball 27-Wii Golf 12-NBA Live 2009 28-Foosball 13-Wii Bowling 29-Doubles Ping Pong 14-Aerosmith 30-Halo 3 15-Spades Every Sunday – KOREACON Gamers BOSS Game Nite – Thursdays, 1800 Music Rooms, Wii Games, Pool, Table Tennis, Playstation & more

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Julie’s Realty where Voters in Korea Chose Julie’s asyour dreams come true the Bestinof the pacificJulie’s in 2008, VotersApproved Korea Chose as by USAG Voters in Korea Chose Julie’sRed as Cloud, USAG Casey, STArS & STrIpeS!!! the Best of the pacific in 2008, Voters in Korea Chose Julie’s as Approved by USAG Red Cloud, USAG Casey, USAG Yongsan & in 2008, Humphreys Housing Offices the Best of the pacific USAG-reD CLOUD 031-837-2097-8 USAG-CASey 031-865-2097-8 USAG Yongsan & USAG Humphreys Housing Offices STArS & STrIpeS!!! the BestSTArS of the&pacific in 2008, STrIpeS!!! * Offering FREE shuttle bus service (only Casey area) STArS & STrIpeS!!! English Speaking One-stop Service USAG-reD CLOUD 031-837-2097-8 USAG-CASey 031-865-2097-8

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Free May Movies FreeMay MayMovies Movies Free

Family & MWR pays AAFES a per-viewer fee so you can enjoy movies Free of Charge (M-Matinees Regular Time & 2100) Family & MWR pays AAFES a1530, per-viewer feeShow so you can1830 enjoy movies Free of Charge Family & MWR pays AAFES a per-viewer fee so you can enjoy movies Free of Charge (M-Matinees 1530, Regular Show Time 1830 & 2100) (M-Matinees 1530, Regular Show Time 1830 & 2100) 1-2 The Tooth Fairy (M), Death at a Funeral

1-2 The The Crazies Tooth Fairy (M), Death at a Funeral 3-4 1-2 5-6 The Tooth Fairy (M), Death at a Funeral 3-4 Shutter The Crazies Island 3-4 75-6TheThe Crazies Shutter Island Losers 5-6 8-9 Island 7 Shutter The Losers Ice Age – Dawn of the Dinosaurs (M), The Losers 7 10-11 Losers 8-9TheGreen Ice Age – Dawn of the Dinosaurs (M), The Losers Zone 8-9 12-13 Ice Age – Dawn of the Dinosaurs (M), The Losers 10-11 Brooklyn’s Green ZoneFinest 10-11 Green Zone 12-13 Nightmare Brooklyn’son Finest 14 Elm Street 12-13 Finest 14 Brooklyn’s Nightmare on Elm Street (M), Elm Street 15-16 Percy Jackson & Olympians 14 17-18 Nightmare on Elm Street 15-16 Remember Percy Jackson Me & Olympians (M), Elm Street 15-16 Percy Jackson Olympians 17-18 She’s Remember Me 19-20 Out of& My League (M), Elm Street 17-18 Remember Me 19-20 She’s Out 21 Iron Man 2 of My League 19-20 She’s Out of My 21 Iron Man 2 League 22-23 Kung Fu Panda (M), Iron Man 2 21 24-25 Iron Man 2 22-23 Our Kung Fu Panda (M), Iron Man 2 Family Wedding 22-23 Kung Fu Panda (M), Iron Man 2 24-25 The Our Bounty Family Wedding 26-27 Hunter 24-25 OurRobin Family Wedding 26-27 The Bounty Hunter 28 Hood 26-27 The Bounty Hunter 28 RobininHood 29-30 Alice Wonderland (M), Robin Hood 28 31 Robin Hood 29-30 Repo Alice Man in Wonderland (M), Robin Hood 29-3031 AliceRepo in Wonderland (M), Robin Hood Man 31 Repo Man

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The Leader in Taking Care of Humphreys Housing Needs for the Past five years.

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It’s Happening in Suwon

May Treks 1-Hi Seoul Festival 8-Korean Pro Baseball 15-Suwon Fishing Derby 21-White Water Rafting

Contact the CAC for details

CAC SCHEDULE Every Sunday & Thursday – Free Movies NuSenSations Live Music – May 4, 7, 8, 18, 21, 22 & 25 Wii Tournaments – May 3 (Tennis), 17 (Baseball), 24 (Bowling) Karaoke – May 11 Make My Day – May 14 (Clint Eastwood Night) Texas Hold‟em – May 26 Backyard Movie Party – May 29 Monthly Photo Theme – ‘Day in the Life of Suwon Base’ Entries Due May 28, Judging May 29 WINNING ENTRY IN JULY MWR HAPPENINGS (with By-Line)

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Volunteers Volunteers and and Spouses Spouses Honored Honored

Military Military Spouse Spouse Appreciation Appreciation Day Day

Join us Friday, May 7 from 1100-1300 at the ACS building (behind the Education Center) as we Join us Friday, May 7 from 1100-1300 at the ACS building (behind the Education Center) as we celebrate Military Spouse Appreciation Day with cake, ice cream and give-aways. celebrate Military Spouse Appreciation Day with cake, ice cream and give-aways.

Volunteers Volunteers of of the the Year Year

We Salute the many volunteers of the USAG-Humphreys community and recognize our We Salute the many volunteers of the USAG-Humphreys community and recognize our Volunteers of the Year at the annual awards ceremony and Volunteer Appreciation Dinner at the Volunteers of the Year at the annual awards ceremony and Volunteer Appreciation Dinner at the Community Activity Center on Friday, May 21, starting at 1800. Community Activity Center on Friday, May 21, starting at 1800.


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The Team Dental The Team Dental Hospital Hospital Find an Implantologist Find anmissing Implantologist Something in your smile?

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Associate Doctors Dr. S.W.You,Doctors M.S - Oral Surgeon, Implantologist Associate (University Of Illinois at Chicago) Dr. S.W.You, M.S - Oral Surgeon, Implantologist Dr. J.S.Yoon, M.S - Periodontist (University Of Illinois at Chicago) Dr. Y.B.Chang, M.S - Prosthodontist Dr. J.S.Yoon, M.S - Periodontist Dr. H.S.Lee, M.S - Orthodontist Dr. Y.B.Chang, M.S - Prosthodontist Dr. H.S.Lee, M.S - Orthodontist

Meet Dr. Lee ~ Orthodontic Specialist

. . Orthodontic school: Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital . Dental school: National University Website: www. Kyungpook Smilebeauty. Kr . Orthodontic school: Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital Phone : 031-618-2835, 2836 / Fax: 031-618-2833 . Website: www. Smilebeauty. Krfor Molar Intrusion’ was printed in the Article ‘Microscrew Anchorage June 2004 issue of Journal of/Clinical Orthodontics . Phone : 031-618-2835, 2836 Fax: 031-618-2833 . Article ‘Microscrew Anchorage for Molar Intrusion’ was printed in the

Dental school: Kyungpook National University Meet Dr. Lee ~ Orthodontic Specialist

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We accept United Concordia Military We Insurance accept Dental United Concordia Military Dental Insurance


Stateside civilian – 3 hours $100 USAG-Humphreys youngster – 100 hours Free

BY MIKE MOONEY Happenings Editor If you are a civilian in the States and your child wants professional assistance with homework, term papers, class projects, SAT, ACT, PSAT, essays, advanced placement classes or professional proofreading, three hours of help during a onemonth period on Tutor.com will cost $100. But if you‟re associated with the Army, whether you‟re Military or a DoD Civilian, your youngster can get the same personal, professional assistance at no cost whatsoever. Tutor.com is a professional service designed for children from kindergarten through the 12th grade. Professional assistance is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, no matter what the subject. Army Libraries are footing the bill to provide Tutor.com services to the children of military personnel and deployed civilian employees and have been doing so for several months. Apparently, however, Humphreys American and Osan American school teachers are not assigning enough homework or special reports since USAG-Humphreys registration is only about 25 students. To see how difficult it is to use Tutor.com, I decided to register myself to „test the system‟ (of course, there are those, including members of my own staff, who think I should go back to elementary school to learn how to spell without Spell Check, anyway). The whole process took less than 10 minutes before I received my personal password to use any time I need help. It‟s that easy. Just go to tutor.com and follow the links for Army kids. The end of the school year is just around the corner and unless things have really changed, your kids are going to be writing those dreaded term papers, studying for final exams or taking tests to determine class placement for the next school year. Unless your kids are as smart as dozens of college professors and have lots of free time on their hands, they‟re going to need help you can‟t provide. Why wait? Register your kids today and have professional answers and assistance a mouse click away.

See Family Strong for Complete CYSS News



Regular hours





Sundays & Holidays




Faith Christian Fellowship Church faithchristianfc.com


Donald L. Brown, Pastor

Sunday School 10:00 am Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 am Wednesday Bible Study 6:30 pm

Wee Tot Programs Special Programs for our Smallest & Youngest Customers MONDAY TUESDAY

Playgroup, Zoeckler Gym, 1000 (New Parent‟s Support Group), Free Gym Bugs, Youth Center, 1000 (4-5 year olds) (CYSS), $20 per month Sing & Dance With Me, Youth Center, 1000 (0-3 year olds) (CYSS), Free


Tummy Time, Family Readiness Center, 1000 (NPSG), Free Storytime, Library, 1000 (Recreation), Free Romp & Stomp, Zoeckler Gym, 1000 (New Parent‟s Support Group), Free Sing & Dance With Me, Youth Center, 1315 (0-3 year olds) (CYSS), Free Gym Bugs, Youth Center, 1615 (2-3 year olds) (CYSS) $20 per month


Kids Art Group, CAC Aerobics Room, 1000 (Recreation), Free

Children must be registered with Youth Services to Participate in Wee Tot Programs MEMBERSHIP IN THE CHILD, YOUTH & SCHOOL SERVICES PROGRAM IS FREE, BEING PAID BY THE ARMY FAMILY COVENANT Contact Central Registration at 753-3413 for Information CYSS also offers Creative Dance and Baton Twirling on Tuesdays Some Age Restrictions Apply * Call 753-5612 for Fees & Details

What the Army Family Covenant means to us

Keeping the Promise


The Army Family Covenant gives us a feeling of security, comfort and stability as we raise our Family and support our country on this adventure as a Military Family. CW2 George & Sarah Dobson A Company, 4-2 Aviation


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oned out being stati ab es ur at fe eat One of the gr to visit other ty ni tu or p op e ce. in Korea is th affordable pri an at s ie aii are tr Asian coun , Saipan, Haw m ua G , am tn ie V China, Japan, h. ac re all within

■ Hale Koa Asian Adventures ■ Airline Alliance

■ Space-A One of the great features about beingTravel stationed in Korea is the opportunity ■ New to visit other Asian countries at anSanno affordable price. China, Japan, Vietnam, Guam, Saipan, Hong Kong, Hawaii – They‟re All Within Reach

Catholic Mass, 0900 ~ Protestant, 1100 ~ Gospel, 1300 ~ Contemporary, 1700 Church of Christ Bldg S558 Room #206

Protestant Women of the Chapel USAG Humphreys Ladies Bible Study Every Wednesday during the school year Summer dates TBA 9:30-11:30 at Freedom Chapel Childcare is provided and Homeschoolers are welcome! Contact us: humphreyspwoc@gmail.com Sponsored by the USAG Humphreys Installation Chaplain’s Office

Memorial Weekend Get-Aways


Is a Traditional ‘Escape’ Weekend for Many Americans

Beijing Classis 4-Days May 29-June 1 $719 per person

Beijing Culture 5-Days May 29-June 2 $769 per person

Beijing & Xian 6-Days May 28-June 2 $1,279 per person

Ho Chi Minh City 5-Days May 28-June 1 $969 per person

Tour Packages Include Airfare, Hotel, Tours & Tour Guides, Admissions & Most Food CONTACT US AIRLINE ALLIANCE AT 753-7725 All Four Tours Require a Passport

You are invited to

Lighthouse Baptist Church A Church for the Whole Family!

Sunday school for all ages, “King‟s Kids program” Junior Church, a clean, well-staffed nursery, Servicemen‟s Center ministry and a warm, Friendly church family.

Ministering to the U.S. Military and all of Korea!

„Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path!‟

Schedule of Services Sunday School .................................. .9:45AM Sunday Worship ........................... 11:00AM Sunday Evening .................................. 6:00PM Wednesday Evening ....................... 7:00PM Saturday GI Gospel Hour..........6:00PM

Give Us a Call !

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Passport services Passport services Passport services available available available at U.S. Embassy in Seoul at Embassy in U.S.U.S. Military Personnel can use their IDSeoul Card visit at U.S. Embassy intoSeoul

some in Asia suchIDasCard Japan & Guam. U.S.tourist Militarydestinations Personnel can use their to visit Military Personnel can useoftheir ID Card to visit But iftourist youU.S. want to walk theAsia Great Wall China, you’re some destinations in such as Japan & Guam. some tourist destinations in Asia such as Japan & Guam. going current U.S.Great Passport. canyou‟re obtain a But if to youneed wanta to walk the Wall ofYou China, But if you want to walk the Great Wall of China, you‟re Passport through the Embassy, but it will some time going to need a current U.S. Passport. You take can obtain a going to need a current U.S. Passport. You can obtain a and you’llthrough have tothe appear at thebut embassy in person if this Passport Embassy, it will take some time Passport through the Embassy, but it will take some time and you‟ll have to appear at the embassy inneed: person if this your first passport. You andisyou‟ll have to appear at thewill embassy in person if this is your first Form passport. In addition,online) you will need: DS-11 (available is your first passport. In addition, you will need: FormBirth DS-11 (availableor onProof line) of Citizenship An Original U.S. Certificate Form DS-11 (available on line) An Original U.S.Your BirthU.S. Certificate MilitaryorIDProof Cardof Citizenship An Original U.S. Birth Certificate or Proof of Citizenship Your U.S. Military ID Card Photo One 2-inch byYour 2-inch Passport U.S. Military ID Card One 2-inch Fee by 2-inch Passport Photo $100 Application (Dollars, Won Passport or Credit Photo Card) One 2-inch by 2-inch $100 Application Fee (Dollars, Won or Credit Card) $100 Application Fee(ACS) (Dollars, Won ore-mail Credit Card) American Citizen Services inquiries, American Citizen seoul_acs@state.gov. Services (ACS) inquiries, please e-mail American Citizen Services (ACS) inquiries, please e-mail The basic informationseoul_acs@state.gov. on American Citizen Services may also be seoul_acs@state.gov. The basic by information 02-397-4114. on American Citizen Servicesismay also be obtained FAX number 02-397-4101. The calling basic information on American Citizen Services may also be obtained by calling 02-397-4114. FAX number is 02-397-4101. obtained by calling 02-397-4114. FAX number is 02-397-4101.

Jeju Jeju Memorial Memorial Get-Aways Get-Aways

Don‟t have Passport or Don‟tahave a Passport or already been to China? already been to China? SpendSpend Memorial Day Weekend Memorial Day Weekend on Jeju, sub-tropical onKorea‟s Jeju, Korea‟s sub-tropical paradise. paradise. US Airline Alliance has two US Airline Alliance hastour two tour packages planned for the packages planned for the weekend: weekend: A Three-Day Tour (May A Three-Day Tour29-31) (May 29-31) for $329 per person or for $329 per person or A 4-Day Tour (May 28-31) for A 4-Day Tour (May 28-31) for $409 per person. $409 per person. US Airline Alliance is the is official US Airline Alliance the official contractor for both official and and contractor for both official leisureleisure travel,travel, and isand located on on is located the second floor of the Soldier the second floor of the Soldier Supoport Center. Supoport Center. Call 753-7725 for more Call 753-7725 for more information and reservations. information and reservations.

Space-A Travel – Tuesday & Thursday best days for States According to the passenger terminal at Osan Airbase, your chances of catching a Space-A ride to the Seattle are ‘pretty good’ right now. They expect that to change as the Army switches from Commercial flights out of Incheon to the Tuesday and Thursday Patriot Express flights out of Osan. Meanwhile, there are 200-plus seats to be filled between Osan and Miswa AB in Japan or Kunsan, Osan and Yakota AB in Japan. The end of the school year in June and the normal summer rotations are expected to fill those planes with official PCS travelers, so the sooner you plan your Environmental-Morale Leave (EML) the better. Call Osan for more information. GENERAL RULES OSAN AB SPACE-A 1-You must be on leave to sign-up for Space-A 2-Civilians must have EML orders 3-Family members are eligible to accompany eligible Sponsors 4-You can select up to five destinations, one of which can be „All‟ 5-You need to carry enough money to pay a return commercial flight 6-Space-A Travelers are subject to getting „bumped‟ 7-Return travel is not guaranteed


Phone: DSN 315-784-1854; Commercial 011-82-31-661-5775 Fax: DSN 315-784-4897; Commercial 011-82-31-661-4897 Email: OsanSpaceA@Osan.af.mil Hours of Operation: 0630-2100, 7 days a week

If You Visit Tokyo, Stay at the


The Navy-run Armed Forces Recreation Center



Enjoy luxury on your Hawaiian Vacation

Stay at the Hale Koa AFRC Many soldiers and civilians request a “delay en route� when leaving Korea and stop in Hawaii. U.S. Military and Department of Defense Civilians and their Families can save money on their Hawaiian Vacation by staying at the beautiful Hale Koa Armed Forces Recreation Center. Leave rates range from $87-$144 a night for E-1s through E-5s (the price depends on which of six classes of room you select), $108-$178 a night for E-6s thru E-9s, $113-$212 per night for W1-3 and O1-3 and field grade officers and Civilian Employees. Full descriptions of rooms as well as reservations which can be made up to a full year in advance are available at the Hale Koa web site: HaleKoa.com.

No room at the Inn? No sweat There will be times that the Hale Koa is booked solid. What can you do? Ask the Hale Koa Reservations Department about its Referral Hotel Program. Through this program, you may book rooms at nearby referral hotels, very nice properties within walking distance of the Hale Koa, with specially negotiated rates for our referred guests. With proper military ID, referral guests may enjoy all of the Hale Koa's food, beverage and entertainment options.

INTRODUCING INTRODUCING THE THE WAY WAY TO TO ADVERTISE ADVERTISE 광고 광고 안내 안내 광고 광고 게재를 게재를 원하시는 원하시는 분은 분은 마케팅의 마케팅의 정서경씨 정서경씨 (031)619-6545, (031)692-2147에게 연락하세요. (031)619-6545, (031)692-2147에게 연락하세요. Osan-humphreys Osan-humphreys church church of of christ christ a vital part of the Cornerstone Chapel Community, USAG Humphreys, South Korea Sunday Morning: Sunday Evening: Osan AB USAG Humphreys

Come Worship With Us

Building 251 (Osan AB Elementary School Cafeteria)

Sunday @ 0900 Bible Class Sunday @ 1000 Worship Service

“…faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17

Building S558, Rm # 206 (The Elementary School)

Sunday @ 1700 Worship Service


6 월의 사진 테마 아버지 아버지의 이미지를 찍은 사진을 5 월 12 일까지 보내 주십시요. 보내주신 사진은 선별하여 6 월호 책자에 실리며 표지에 게재되신 분에게 AMC(알라스카 마이닝 컴퍼니) 파더스 데이 바비큐 무료 시식권을 드립니다. 보내실 이메일주소


어머니의날(미, Mother’s Day) 스페셜 브런치 5 월 9 일 일요일 1030-1430, 알라스카 마이닝 컴퍼니(AMC) $16.95 슈림프 칵테일, 수프, 샐러드바 햄, 치킨, 갈비 매쉬드 포테이토, 옥수수, 마카로니앤 치즈, 콜라그린케잌, 파이, 바닐라 빈 아이스크림

Tel. 754-3101

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매주 수요일 1700-2030 올유캔잍 $11.95

취향대로 재료를 선택하시면 즉석에서 만들어 드립니다.

*몽골리언 바비큐 매주 목요일 1700-2030 올유캔잍 $14.95, 10 세이하 어린이 $4.95 재료 선택하시면 즉석에서 요리해 드립니다. *금요일 특선

5 월 7 일/21 일 스노크랩(대게, $27.95, 어린이 $10.95) 5 월 14 일 몬스터 스테이크($24.95 또는 $17.95) 5 월 28 일 프라임 립(킹-$17.95, 퀸-$15.95, 커플-$29.95)

*매주 토/일 특선(1300-2030) 그릴드 마히마히(생선구이), 스칼롭소테(관자튀김), 스테이크 앤 치킨 브레스트 (각각 $14.95)

* 월터스 원더립-베이비 백 립(풀랙-$15.95, 해프랙-$12.95), 항시 주문 가능

*월트의 원더립(돼지갈비 바비큐)-매일밤 풀랙- $15.95, 해프랙- $12.95

여주 도자기 축제 방문 험프리 커뮤니티 액티비티 센터의 아트앤 www.totorealty.net 크래프트 센터와 아웃도어 리크리에이션에서는 5 월 2 일 일요일에 여주 도자기 축제를 방문합니다. 함께 가기를 희망하시는 분은 753-3255/3013(Outdoor Recreation)으로 전화 또는 직접 방문 예약 바랍니다.

험프리 워터파크 Splish & Splash 하절기 개장 5 월 29 일 토요일 미국 메모리얼 데이 (5 월 31 일)를 기념하며 워터파크를 2010 년 하절기 개장합니다. 전화: 754-6412

All-You-Can Eat 1100-1300 (올유캔잍, 11 시-1 시) MONDAY-FRIDAY (월-금요일) Includes Salad, Kimchi, Steamed Rice & Coffee--$6.50 샐러드, 김치, 밥, 커피포함 Any Day Featuring LA BBQ Short Ribs---$7.95 LA 바비큐 포함메뉴가격--- $7.95






3 LA BBQ Short Ribs Pan-Fried Sausage w/Vegetable LA 갈비 소시지 야채볶음

4 Pan Fried Pork w/Vegetable Fried Chicken Wings 돼지고기 야채볶음 닭날개 튀김

5 Closed Children’s Day *Bar open at 1600 어린이날 휴무 바 오픈-1600

6 Vegetable Meatloaf Pan Fried Meat w/vegetable 야채 미트로프 모듬고기 야채볶음

7 Fish Cutlet Dokdori-tang 생선까스 닭도리탕

10 LA BBQ Short Ribs Pan-Fried Sausage w/Vegetable LA 갈비 소시지 야채볶음

11 Pan Fried Pork w/Vegetable Fried Chicken Wings 돼지고기 야채볶음 닭날개 튀김

12 Beef Bulgoggi Bibimbob 쇠불고기 비빔밥

13 Mushroom Meatloaf Pan Fried Meat w/vegetable 양송이 미트로프 모듬고기 야채볶음

14 Fish Cutlet Spaghetti Meat Sauce 생선까스 스파게티 미트 소스

17 LA BBQ Short Ribs Pan-Fried Sausage LA 갈비 소시지 야채볶음

18 Pan Fried Pork w/Vegetable Fried Chicken Wings 돼지고기 야채볶음 닭날개 튀김

19 Beef Bulgoggi Bibimbob 쇠불고기 비빔밥

20 Sweet Pepper Meatloaf Pan Fried Meat w/vegetable 피망 미트로프 모듬고기 야채볶음

21 Closed Buddha’s Birthday *Bar open at 1600 부처님 오신날 휴무 바오픈-1600

24 LA BBQ Short Ribs Pan Fried Sausage w/Vegetable LA 갈비 소시지 야채볶음

25 Pan Fried Pork w/Vegetable Fried Chicken Wings 돼지고기 야채볶음 닭날개 튀김

26 Beef Bulgoggi Bibimbob 쇠불고기 비빔밥

27 Vegetable Meatloaf Pan Fried Meat w/vegetable 야채 미트로프 모듬고기 야채볶음

28 Fish Cutlet Chicken Bulgoggi 생선까스 스파게티 미스소스

Coming to FMWR in June

Calling All Dads We Salute All Area III Dads in June Send Your Photos to area3mwrmarketing@korea.army.mil By May 12. The Dad selected for the cover of June Happenings will be our guest at the Alaska Mining Co. Father‟s Day Barbecue

Beach Blast

June 11-13 Call 753-8825 for details

Father-Daughter Dance

June 26 @ Tommy D‟s 1830-2030 Dads $10 – Daughters Free

Make a Date with your Daughter Today

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