Christmas Buying Guide 2021

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Unravel Two Unravel Two sounds good too. The music fits the theme of this game. We now have two yarn creatures to work with. This adds all kinds of new techniques. We can wall jump, swim, brace with one creature and swing over with the other one, and more. We do continue to follow the light in Unravel Two. One yarn creature can carry the other one or we can separate them to get past the puzzles in this home console video game.

Unravel Rugby Challenge 3 The only thing I know about Rugby I have learned from video games. Rugby Challenge 3 spiced things up for me in terms of throwing the ball in bounds. In other Rugby video games I have played that is a gimme. Not in Rugby Challenge 3. I could lose the ball on those throw ins. Rugby Challenge 3 makes scoring really challenging. Do not expect to score early and often in Rugby Challenge 3. The computer players will try to stop you from getting the ball in there.

I remember seeing Unravel at an E3 and it looked interesting. The idea of being a yarn character that uses the yarn in multiple ways to progress is pretty cool. Plus we can run out of yarn and will need to solve some puzzles in slightly different ways. The one knock I have against Unravel is you can get stuck if you cannot figure out the solution.

Tracks The Train Set Game The Christmas level in Tracks The Train Set Game is so inspiring, honoring, and fun to play in. Tracks The Train Set Game does not limit us on tracks. At least I did not find any limits. I enjoying looking around in first person mode while riding the train in Tracks The Train Set Game. I also found you can make mistakes and knock the train off the track. I did not find an easy way to reset the train back on the track after it was riding around off the track. I enjoyed playing Tracks The Train Set Game.

The Sisters Party of the Year The Sisters Party of the Year looks decent and has a very distinctive look to it. This family has some quirks and issues. The two sisters Wendy and Maureen are typical sisters that do not get along well. Wendy wants to throw an end of the year party. Her younger sister Maureen overhears the idea and goes to their father first. So they must compete in mini games to determine who gets to organize the party. It is an interesting idea that feels pretty realistic. The father’s reactions in The Sisters Party of the Year are classic.


Who Wants to be a Millionaire? We choose what show we want to participate in Who Wants to be a Millionaire? The shows are separated out by country. As we reach certain plateaus in Who Wants to be a Millionaire? we earn points. Those points can be used to purchase additional question packs for the this quiz show video game. There is no time limit on questions and we have lifelines we can use. I found if I was really stuck I could look up the questions online and get the right answer. The questions get progressively more difficult. Family Mode is great for the younger members of the family.

The modes in Wreckfest are Career, Custom Event, Multiplayer, DLC Store, and Tournament. Some sample race sections are Regional Juniors, National Amateurs, Challengers, Pro Internationals, World Masters, and more. We can race all kinds of vehicles in Wreckfest ranging from lawn mowers to RVs. Many of the cars in Wreckfest are a bit on the older side. I enjoyed racing in them.

Project Cars 3 Project Cars 3 has more of an arcade feel and less of a sim feel. This is good because all of those massive glitches and control issues are gone. I enjoyed my time with Project Cars 3. We start small and eventually get faster and faster vehicles. There are targets to achieve in each race. Get enough targets and the champion race is unlocked for that section. In game currency can also be spent to unlock the championship races.

Animal Doctor Animal Doctor looks pretty good for a veterinarian based video game. Animal Doctor also sounds really good too. I enjoyed the different animal sounds while playing Animal Doctor. This video game reminds me of Hunting Simulator except we are treating and not hunting. We run across all kinds of different animals in Animal Doctor. I saw farm animals, deer, rabbits, and more while playing Animal Doctor. Family Friendly Gaming

Age of Wonders Planetfall The modes in Age of Wonders Planetfall are Tutorial, Scenario, Campaign, Load Game, Online Multiplayer, Commander Customization,Options, and Credits. Age of Wonders Planetfall looks nice, and it has some great voice acting in it. The battles are turn based, and there is plenty of cover to use for your troops. Page 18

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Family Friendly Gaming

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