Family Friendly Gaming #160

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WWE 2K Battlegrounds, Battletoads, PGA Tour 2K21 and more this issue.

ISSUE #160


Flying high with Handball 21. Are you ready for this sport?

November 2020


November 2020


Home Page

Section Page(s) Editor’s Desk 4 Female Side 5 Comics 7 Sound Off 8 - 10 Look Back 12 Quiz 13 Devotional 14 In The News 16 - 23 We Would Play That! 24 Reviews 25 - 37 Sports 38 - 41 Developing Games 42 - 67 Now Playing 68 - 83 Last Minute Tidbits 84 - 106

“Family Friendly Gaming” is trademarked. Contents of Family Friendly Gaming is the copyright of Paul Bury, and Yolanda Bury with the exception of trademarks and related indicia (example Digital Praise); which are property of their individual owners. Use of anything in Family Friendly Gaming that Paul and Yolanda Bury claims copyright to is a violation of federal copyright law. Contact the editor at the business address of: Family Friendly Gaming 7910 Autumn Creek Drive Cordova, TN 38018 Trademark Notice Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft all have trademarks on their respective machines, and games. The current seal of approval, and boy/girl pics were drawn by Elijah Hughes thanks to a wonderful donation from Tim Emmerich. Peter and Noah are inspiration to their parents.

Family Friendly Gaming

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Family Friendly Gaming


Editor’s Desk Glorious There are some days I realize I cannot stop smiling. We have so many wonderful blessings in our lives. God continues to take care of us in each and every single day. There are so many millions of families interested in what Family Friendly Gaming is doing, and saying. So many wonderful people come by when we are streaming to talk to us. This is issue #160 which means we continue to extend our world record of the longest running video game magazine for families. We also extend our record of being the longest running Christian video game magazine of all time. God has always provided assistance when we needed it the way we needed it. No wonder I love praise and worship music so much. We have so much to be thankful for. We have so much to be appreciative of. Life is glorious.

it can be almost every hour that choice needs to be made. I find myself slipping into negativity when say someone repeats the lies and corruption of Joe Biden as if they are true. I can shake my head in disgust at the sexist, racist, breeder phobes who are given air time. Ultimately it comes down to obedience to God or obedience to Satan. I recognize that I want to be obedient to God. I want to be honoring to God. I want to do the right thing for God. Which do you choose? Every single day we all make these choices. We decide to be uplifting or depressing. We decide to help others or ourselves. God bless, Paul Bury

Do not think I am free from challenges, problems and issues. I injure myself doing dance videos. I face all kinds of physical pain from problems related to creating dance videos. I still pray about Family Friendly Gaming being a full time job that pays all of our bills. I face haters, greedy people, selfish people, angry people, CANCEL CULTURE, and worse quite often. Our puppy has gotten worse in terms of potty training. There are bills that need to be paid. There is incompetence to deal with in a variety of places from medical personnel to those working in retail. COVID-19 still looms large out there as something that could take the lives of myself and ones I love. YouTube still does not separate audio and video monetization thus giving away our hard earned money to people who did nothing to earn it. The Fake News continues to mislead some people and dull their brains with lies and deceit. Massive government overtaxation continues to be a problem. There are definitely things to be concerned about. There is always something to worry about. I get to choose every single day. Do I choose good or do I choose evil? Do I decide to be positive about my life or do I choose to be negative? I am not the only one that makes this decision on a daily basis. All of us do. We decide to spread love or spread hate. We decide to be positive or to be negative. We make that call on a daily basis. Some days Family Friendly Gaming

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Taking Breaks God was clear that we human beings need a day of rest. We can work ourselves right into the grave. Some people even say: “I will sleep when I am dead.” Do they know that for certain? What evidence do they have that is the case? Have you ever challenged someone working themselves to the bone? I choose to take breaks. I find points to cut off the work and go and relax. What is the point of earning money to never enjoy what you purchased? There needs to be a balance in life. We can’t work all the time, and we can’t play all the time. Do you find that balance in your life? There are some people who make me want to take breaks more often than others. Here is a great example of something we refer to as the “Memphis Experience” in our household. Over a year ago we called the trash people about the trash can being broken. We were told to leave it on the street. We did so for months. It stayed there. I called back a couple of months later and my case had been closed. The trash can was still there though. No message, even though I left my phone number and email address. No note, nothing. They did not do the work but closed it as if it was done. This is the perfect example of what our family refers to as the “Memphis Experience.” What happened? After two months someone finally came out and someone walking down the street had put trash in it. Since there was trash in it they left. We were not given a chance to fix it so the broken trash can could be removed. Since then we have tried additional times to have it picked up. They came on trash day before the garbage truck did. Where was our trash supposed to go? Why was there no efficiency or common sense in this process? BTW we were never told any of these “rules” beforehand. Another aspect of the “Memphis Experience.” Play by our rules, but we won’t tell you them beforehand. I had to seriously prompt them to find out what these “rules” were after the fact. We now have the trash can empty and upside down so one walking their dogs, or walking down the street can use it to drop their trash off. I hope within a month or two they will come back and get it. Dealing with those people make me want to take a break every single time I interact with them. Why do they make this difficult? Where is their customer service Page 5

on the phone? Do you deal with people like that in your life? Doesn’t it feel good to take a break after dealing with them? I find all kinds of relaxing things to do when I take breaks. These things range from a soothing warm bath to snuggling with a warm puppy. As a wife and a mother there is always something that will come up. Certain people know when my butt hits a seat to relax. Then they want something. I say that partially in jest and partially in truth. Do you know what I mean? Does that happen to you? God bless, Yolanda Bury

Family Friendly Gaming

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Family Friendly Gaming

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Mission Statement


Family Friendly Gaming (FFG) was created in March of the year of our Lord 2005 as the first ever Christian video game magazine. The goal of Family Friendly Gaming is to report on video games from the family view point. Family Friendly Gaming takes a fair and balanced approach to all news, previews, reviews, interviews, features, and other articles found within. The secular video game media reports mainly on the most morally bankrupt games and call those games good. The major secular media reports on the bad side of video games mainly. Most other Christian media outlets claim video games turn the player into a zombie, or they completely worship video games. Family Friendly Gaming reports the good, and bad side effects to video games. It is the belief of the owners that readers are smart enough to come to their conclusions without those in the media handing opinions to them. Those of us at Family Friendly Gaming believe by giving you the facts, you can decide for yourself. There are plenty of really good video games on the market that teach wonderful lessons. Both inside the Christian video game market, and from non-Christian video game developers. Family Friendly Gaming seeks out these video games to bring them to your attention. Since it is unknown before playing a game how family friendly it is; it is possible that this magazine will preview a game, and then the review will expose problems previously unknown. Family Friendly Gaming promises to always ask the question: “how God feels about certain video games.” God’s opinion on the matter is more important than any mere mortal. Which is why the rest of the industry does not influence FFG. Page 7

Family Friendly Gaming

SOUND The Sound Off section is where you the reader/emailer is heard. What you have to say is put in this section for all the readers to see. Of course certain content is edited for appropriateness issues. This is a family friendly magazine, and certain content is just not proper. We hope you enjoy this section as much as we do. Keep an eye out for your comments appearing in these very pages. You have our attention, so SOUND OFF!

YouTube How has the video creation been going thanks to COVID-19? -Anthony {Paul}: Anthony, It has been going great. Thanks

to getting to work from home I now get an extra hour per day to work on Family Friendly Gaming work. That was the commute time every single day. I have been able to stream on either Twitch or YouTube every single day. We have been able to get videos done, and gotten some additional rest time. We are also getting more and more sponsored videos which helps us financially. More and more companies realize how competitive it has gotten and have been joining in the long line of companies that want to sponsor us to play their games. In the past companies were like: “hey here is a free game, do all this work for us.� Now those companies are realizing that they have to compete with the companies that are paying us to record videos of their games. Since the sponsored videos go to the front of the line,


those that want free labor with out any payment for our hard work are losing opportunities to reach the constantly expanding Family Friendly Gaming Universe. They realize if they want to compete they must also put some skin into the game.

Book of the Year! Video Game Lies is one of the most important books I have ever read in my lifetime. Thank you for writing it. I am astounded at how simple the truth is and how elegantly you were able to relay that truth. There are lies in that book that I said. Reading Video Game Lies opened my eyes. You wrote a book of the year that should be on the New York Times Best sellers list. More gamers need to read Video Game Lies. Thank you so much for writing that book. I have been telling everyone I know about this book and quoting parts of it for them to learn. I hope any video game related schools make sure to have a copy of this book and any other book you have written. You are an extremely talented author. Will you be writing more

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books in the future? -Thomas {Paul}: Thomas, First and foremost thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement. They mean a lot to me, and everyone here at Family Friendly Gaming. There is quite the story behind the book Video Game Lies. I had dealt with many of those lies over and over again. I wrote them down, analyzed them, prayed about them, and came up with Biblical answers to them. As this little project grew and grew it became apparent that this would not be a series of articles but an actual book. The Holy Spirit impressed upon my heart to get this book written. I faithfully obeyed. I have written numerous other books since that book. Video Game Lies is in its third edition where additional chapters were added and older content has been upgraded for the current times. I have other book ideas that I want to work on when I can find the time to do so. I have some thoughts on a new Future Glimpses book. There are also new Devotional books I would like to write someday. I would Page 9

love for the Devotional books to have one book per month.

One book for January, February, March, etc. I have the content Family Friendly Gaming

SOUND OFF Continued for a few more months but not enough to complete a year at this time. It takes a lot of time, effort, and proofing to make it through an entire book. I keep my ear open to what God wants me to do next. For anyone who has not read Video Game Lies, please check it out here here..

Dark Side of Gaming - Cover Me I know of no other video game media outlet that gives as much behind the scenes at Family Friendly Gaming. Your article Dark Side of Gaming - Cover Me showed me some things I never knew. I thought the people in PR and Marketing were awesome and helpful. I did not know they were so manipulative and deceitful. Thank you for educating me to a reality and truth I was not previously aware of. - Carla {Paul}: Carla, Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. We are real here at Family Friendly Gaming. Part of being real is sharing the behind the scenes

content so ya’ll can see what we go through on a daily basis. There are days these things bother me. There are days I laugh about someone in PR and Marketing asking two days after they sent over a code if the review as online yet. As if we had nothing better to do than to work for them for free. I am open, transparent and honest. I tell it just like it is. I have tried a variety of different ways of getting the same lesson across for over a decade now. I realize that most video game companies want fanboys reviewing their products. That way the fanboys will make them more sales. They don’t want honest criticism to improve their products. They want sales, and as many as possible. Why aren’t they ever content? I want the video game industry to get better. The longer I have been in it the worse it has gotten. The evil that was once a little here and there is now prevalent all over the place. We confronted liars in PR and Marketing in the past and were black listed by those companies for standing for truth, and integrity. Those moves

costs those companies all kinds of sales because many in Family Friendly Gaming Universe will no longer give them any money. At the end of the day they cost themselves more money by supporting liars and deceivers. We have shamed them even more by continuing to cover their products and treat them with respect. They made themselves look bad, and it gets worse for them on a daily basis. Would you like to be heard in Family Friendly Gaming? Want to Sound Off on something in video games, the website, the magazine, etc? Log on to the internet and go to our Comments page:, or send an email to: SoundOff@ Mail us comments at: Family Friendly Gaming 7910 Autumn Creek Drive Cordova, TN 38018

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Family Friendly Gaming



There has been a lot of history made here at Family Friendly Gaming. Let us take a look at some of the historic front covers to a few of the issues in our long and storied history.

Family Friendly Gaming decided to do some fun little historic quizzes. Anyone who is not a business partner, advertiser, PR contact, or works for Family Friendly Gaming can answer these questions. Email answers to After three months the person with the most right answers will be logged in a future issue. Question: Can companies sponsor Family Friendly Gaming? Answer: Question: Do you enjoy watching R-rated movies? Why or why not? Answer: Question: Do you enjoy playing M-rated games? Why or why not? Answer: Question: Where can the Video Game Lies book be purchased? Answer: Question: Is there a page on how you can help Family Friendly Gaming? Answer: Question: Does Family Friendly Gaming have a Twitch channel? Answer: Question: Does Family Friendly Gaming have a Daily Motion channel? Answer: Question: Have you been to the advertise page on the Family Friendly Gaming website? Answer: Question: Where can you buy shirts that show off your FFG Universe pride? Answer: Question: When can you catch FFG Twitch streams? Answer: Question: What was the first video game system everyone at FFG played? Answer: Question: How long have you read/watched Family Friendly Gaming? Answer: Question: Are you one of the 8.88 million readers of FFG? Answer:

Family Friendly Gaming

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Family Friendly Gaming

Revenge It bothers me deeply to hear all of these people demanding revenge for something that may or may not have been justified. Don’t they know how bad revenge is? Don’t they know how Satanic they are actually being? Romans 12:9 Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. Those that are demanding revenge are rebelling against God. I cannot fathom how people can demand revenge for anything. Sure it is a normal human reaction to want to get back at those who have wronged you. I even feel it myself. When a Democrat talks about stealing the religious rights of Christians and putting us in Concentration Camps. I certainly want them to recognize how they are acting just like the Nazis. I acknowledge God will punish them for their evil,

vile, and wicked statements. It might be normal human reaction to want to get back at those who tried to steal the election from President Trump. Am I really going to stoop to their low level? Will I really repay evil for evil? Ezekiel 25:15-16 “This is what the Sovereign Lord says: ‘Because the Philistines acted in vengeance and took revenge with malice in their hearts, and with ancient hostility sought to destroy Judah, 16 therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am about to stretch out my hand against the Philistines, and I will wipe out the Kerethites and destroy those remaining along the coast. Notice what happens to those that take revenge? They face the wrath and complete destruction by God. Is that outcome you really want? Do you really want to invite your own destruction? I know it can take time to let things go when you have been wronged, or you feel a certain group of people have been wronged. Acting like the devil will not help your

case. Leviticus 19:18 Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord. Do you obey God or do you disobey? That is really what it comes down to. Anyone out there demanding revenge for something is showing that they are rebelling against God. They are disobeying God. They are obeying Satan who is actually their true father. God Bless, Paul Bury

PRAYER Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and need Your forgiveness. Nothing I can do of my own power will give me true joy. I believe that You died for my sins. I want to turn from my enslavement to sins, and repent of them. I now invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my personal Lord and Savior. I welcome the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Family Friendly Gaming

In The



Multiple improvements and new features have been added to Tour de France 2020, including: Liège-Bastogne-Liège (“The Old Lady”), a 266km race of steep climbs

Story Page(s)

A redesigned interface that provides better anticipation of the course and position of competitors An immersive first-person camera

Tour de France 2020 on PC Out Now 16 - 17 Jurassic World Evolution Complete Edition Coming to Switch 17 - 18 Lemnis Gate Announced 19

Stellaris Console Edition’s Third Expansion Pass Launches 20 ArcheAge Celebrates Six Years of Adventure 21 Commandos 2 & Praetorians HD Remasters Out Now 21 - 23 Okay 1984 22 - 23

A deeper time-trial where posture and sprint management are crucial for success A more realistic AI that grabs any attack opportunity All the teams of the Tour De France 2020 with their official jersey Tour de France 2020 is now available on PC and consoles (PlayStation®4 and Xbox One)

Tour de France 2020 on PC Out Now

Jurassic World Evolution Complete Edition Coming to Switch

Two days before the beginning of the official competition, delayed because of the Covid-19 pandemic, NACON and Cyanide are happy to announce the release of Tour de France 2020 video game on PC.

Frontier Developments plc (AIM: FDEV) revealed Jurassic World Evolution: Complete Edition will bring the full Jurassic World Evolution experience to Nintendo Switch™ on November 3, 2020, and is available to preorder now from the Nintendo eShop. Based on Universal Pictures and Amblin Entertainment’s blockbuster film franchise and created in collaboration with Universal Games and Digital Platforms, the game expands on official Jurassic World film lore and puts players in charge of one of cinema’s greatest tourist destinations.

The 2020 edition of Tour de France video game is the very first to land on PC. Players will be able to dive into the Pro Leader mode where they’ll have to create their rider, choose their specialization, and improve their results over consecutive seasons to ultimately become the leader of the Pro Cycling ranking. Family Friendly Gaming

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Family Friendly Gaming

In The News Continued

In The News Continued Lemnis Gate Announced Frontier Foundry unveiled Lemnis Gate, the exciting turn-based combat strategy shooter with revolutionary four-dimensional gameplay. Lemnis Gate will be the second title published under Frontier Foundry, the newly founded Frontier-owned games label dedicated to championing diverse games from around the world. Developed by Ratloop Games Canada, Lemnis Gate tasks players with defeating opponents in brain-bending 1v1 and 2v2 arena matches. Players have 25 seconds to execute an action, be it blasting an enemy, manoeuvring an operative, or setting up their next move. After all players have taken turns, the next 25-second round begins.

Following the highly successful release of Jurassic World Evolution on PC, PS4 and Xbox One, Jurassic World Evolution: Complete Edition lets players experience it all on the move - anytime, anywhere.

of the park at their fingertips, players can construct attractions, as well as containment and research facilities as they bioengineer new dinosaur species that think, feel and intelligently react to their environments.

Packed with every piece of DLC released since launch, Jurassic World Evolution: Complete Edition includes all three major narrative expansions: Jurassic World Evolution: Return to Jurassic Park, Jurassic World Evolution: Claire’s Sanctuary, and Jurassic World Evolution: Secrets of Dr. Wu, as well as four Dinosaur Packs and the Raptor Squad Skin Collection.

Guided by key characters from the films, including Dr. Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum), Dr. Alan Grant (Sam Neill), Dr. Ellie Sattler (Laura Dern), Claire Dearing (Bryce Dallas Howard), and Dr. Henry Wu (BD Wong), players can put their building and management skills to the test. With multiple ways to play, players can choose whether to control the big picture with deep, accessible management options or go hands-on to confront challenges on the ground or in the air in action-based gameplay. Every choice leads to a different path and spectacular challenges arise when “life finds a way.”

Players can immerse themselves in every aspect of their very own Jurassic World as they take control of operations on the legendary Isla Nublar and the surrounding islands of the Muertes Archipelago. With the fate

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There are five rounds in total, giving rise to a near endless variety of incredible and creative plays. Set up ambushes, fix past mistakes, and develop unbeatable game plans to outthink and outwit adversaries. By using non-linear logic, abstract thinking, and outlandish manoeuvres, no two battles are ever

the same. Past, present, and future collide. Not only does Lemnis Gate’s mind-melting time loop mechanic breathe new life into the first-person-shooter genre, it also changes the very concept of teamwork through an innovative feature called ‘auto co-op’. This gives one player control of five deep space operatives, effectively enabling two players to duke it out in bustling, ten-character matches. Auto co-op shines in couch-based multiplayer, redefining both collaboration and competition as pad-passing players’ face-off with friends or work together by taking the hot-seat. There are countless possibilities and endless outcomes. This turn-based strategy shooter subverts one of the world’s most popular genres, challenging players to throw out the rule book as they exploit time itself in this ultimate cognitive test. That’s why it’s already winning accolades, including the ‘best gameplay’ award from the Montreal Independent Game Awards 2019, an ‘outstanding original game’ nomination from the Unreal E3 Awards 2019, and a spot at the finals of the Ubisoft Indie Series 2019. In Lemnis Gate, mental and physical warfare merge. Execute audacious strategies, master your hero’s abilities, and think several moves ahead to achieve a victory that reverberates across time itself. Lemnis Gate is available to wishlist on Steam now, and will be launching on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in early 2021.

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Family Friendly Gaming

In The News Continued

In The News Continued

Stellaris Console Edition’s Third Expansion Pass Launches

ArcheAge Celebrates Six Years of Adventure

Paradox Interactive released the continuation of Stellaris: Console Edition’s journey through the galaxy with the Distant Stars Story Pack, the first piece of content included in the title’s third expansion pass. Distant Stars is available today on both PlayStation®4 and Xbox One for $9.99*, or can be purchased along with two upcoming DLC packs in the full Expansion Pass for $24.99 / £19.99 / €24.99*. With Distant Stars, Stellaris:Console Edition gives players a massive new sandbox to explore, populated with new anomalies and strange beings that can only be found at the edge of the galaxy. As players explore the galaxy’s nooks and crannies, their discovery will be rewarded with new technology, resources and valuable worlds to colonize. Featuring surprises that may help or harm ambitious explorers, the new Distant Stars DLC will include: Behind Closed Doors: Discover hidden traces of an ancient gateway network, unlocking a sealed path to the remote L-Cluster outside our own galaxy. Is this door holding something out, or keeping something in? Sensors are Picking up… That Can’t be Right: Encounter dozens of new anomalies and events for your intrepid scientists to observe and analyze, and a galaxy of wonders for them to discover. Brave New Worlds: Plot unexplored unique

solar systems, each with their own story to tell. Gain technology, resources, and valuable worlds to colonize. There’s Always a Bigger Fish: Come face to face with a number of unique gargantuan creatures that exist and thrive in the vacuum of space. But approach with caution, because whether gentle giants or something more sinister, these legendary behemoths have existed long before you and will do what it takes to survive long after. The third expansion pass will also deliver new content into 2021, with new updates planned that will add the massive economic expansions of MegaCorp and the rock-hard Lithoid species, who are literally sapient stones that eat minerals for breakfast (and lunch, and dinner). Featuring the same deep strategic gameplay as Paradox’s original Stellaris, with rich and diverse alien races and emergent storytelling, Stellaris: Console Edition puts the complexity of the galaxy at your thumbsticks. Whether you’re exploring the unknown, discovering the mysteries of the universe, or conquering it for the glory of your empire, console players have more inter-galactic strategy awaiting them than ever before. * This represents suggested pricing. Pricing is set by the retailer and incremental differences may occur based on region. Family Friendly Gaming

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gamigo is excited to announce the sixth anniversary of their fantastical MMORPG ArcheAge! Players can look forward to a month filled with special in-game adventures and social media events. Six eventful years have passed since ArcheAge first opened its gates in Europe and North America. In the mythical world of Erenor players can follow their dreams of fame and fortune while traveling the vast continents of the online world solo or together with their friends. This September, players can use the Hashtag #AABirthday to express their love for their favorite game on Twitter or join one of the many giveaways and double events for precious rewards. Erenor’s more creatively inclined heroes may want to participate in the Akasch Community Contest to see their very own costume they designed in the game!

Commandos 2 & Praetorians HD Remasters Out Now Publisher Kalypso Media and developers Yippee! Entertainment, Raylight Games and Torus Games have announced that Commandos 2 & Praetorians: HD Remaster Double Pack is now available to purchase on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The double pack contains remasters of both iconic titles, with each available for individual purchase via the PlayStation and Microsoft stores. The remasters themselves contain full high-definition refurbishments of their Pyro Studios predecessors, adding revamped tutorials and campaign missions, controller support, as well as an integrated version of Praetorians – HD Remaster’s multiplayer mode. Both Commandos 2 - HD Remaster and Praetorians - HD Remaster launched earlier in the year on PC via Steam and the Kalypso Store. The Nintendo Switch version of Commandos 2 - HD Remaster is set to launch winter 2020-2021. Commandos 2 & Praetorians: HD Remaster Double Pack and its individual titles are now available to purchase on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC via Steam and the Kalypso Store. In Commandos 2 – HD Remaster, take control of an elite group of Allied commandos who must venture Page 21

Family Friendly Gaming

In The News Continued

In The News Continued

deep into enemy territory and utilize their combined expertise to complete a series of progressively demanding missions. In this World War II genre-defining classic, explore interactive environments and use unique skill sets to complete missions against seemingly impossible odds.

heart of the Empire itself in Italy, in the crusade to become Emperor. Learn to combine units and exploit enemy weaknesses to emerge victorious. Features:

Features: Experience every tutorial and campaign mission revamped in high definition Access authentic WWII vehicles, scenarios and weaponry such as tanks and bazookas 10 missions spanning 9 day/night environments, all with realistic weather effects Steal, climb and swim to accomplish missions within fully interactive environments Play as an eclectic cast of characters, including Green Beret, Sniper and Whiskey the dog Experiment with skills and approaches in

OKAY 1984 Family Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in covering the family friendly video games is continuing to be the voice of diversity in the gaming media, and media at large. Something rather profound came to me recently while studying history. The way the political left is acting is just like the totalitarian state in 1984. The whole OK BOOMER insult attempt when we the free thinkers of America decide to exercise our freedoms instead of join them in oppression. I now have a response to everyone who says: “OK BOOMER!” My response is: “OKAY 1984!” It actually fits their radical extremism as well as how they are acting. They are thought police demanding everyone go along with their destructive behavior. Ultimately it is about freedom versus oppression.

challenging, against-the-odds style gameplay In Praetorians - HD Remaster, relive the celebrated real-time strategy classic in high

definition. Set amidst the political machinations of an emerging Roman Empire, prove a legionnaire’s worth on the battlefields of Egypt, the combat theaters of Gaul and the

I am sure the supporters of the corrupt swamp of the totalitarian state won’t appreciate being told: “OKAY 1984!” It is in my mind at least one of the funniest responses to their oppressive demands. It shows what they are really about. It shows what they are actually trying to do. I expect plenty of ignorance when I start using this response. How many of the young uns have actually read that book? Their education may actually be lacking in that department and reference. If it is then it might be a good opportunity to allow them to expand their horizons and learn for a change. No more coddling them as they are offensive to others. Let them get a taste of their own medicine along with a rather prophetic and interesting

Family Friendly Gaming

Demonstrate militant might with remastered tutorials, campaign and skirmish missions Play solo or head-to-head with fully integrated multiplayer Choose from three armies, each with an assortment of unique strengths and weaknesses Play through 20 campaign missions set in the combat theatres of Egypt, Gaul and Italy Utilise characters and unit types, each with unique abilities and formations Make use of varying terrain to strategically plan battles Engage in fast-paced real-time combat. combat. book. How do you think: “OKAY 1984!” will work? Is this something you are willing to say to those accusing you of being a science denier? Will you use it when they come up with the racist, sexist, homophobic false accusations? Will you respond when they use the offensive: “OKAY BOOMER!” completely inaccurate jab after they lost a debate? Do you think: “OKAY 1984!” could catch on and go viral? Do you think the political left might try to silence and censor it because it is accurate, true, and part of reality? I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day. God bless, Paul Bury Emperor Family Friendly Gaming

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Family Friendly Gaming


We Would Play That! There are all kinds of cool family friendly video game ideas out there. This column features ideas of video games we would play. We hope games like these are created in the near future. Can you make it happen? Wisdom Tree made a lot of great video games back in the past. The NES Christian video games where the David (Wisdom Tree) beat the Goliath (Nintendo) is well known in the halls of the video game history. Wisdom Tree has even released compilations of their retro video games on other systems. Know what is actually lacking? There has been a trend lately to remake video games from the past. We have seen this happen for a variety of franchises in the video game industry. From Final Fan-

tasy to Spyro. From The Legend of Zelda to Ratchet and Clank. There have been plenty of franchises that have gotten remakes. The remake concept has been great for the video game industry and done a monster amount of sales. Nostalgia gamers eat it up. There are some remakes that could and should be done. The Christian Wisdom Tree video games need to be redone in the remake fashion. Porting a game to a new system is fine. Remaking it is something entirely different that is extremely awesome. Christian gamers could get behind the Wisdom Tree Christian video games in remakes. Churches could get behind Wisdom Tree Christian video games done in the remake fashion. Family Friendly Gaming would definitely get behind Wisdom Tree Christian video games

that are remade. Could you imagine playing Spiritual Warfare, Bible Adventures, Exodus, Joshua and the Battle of Jericho, Sunday Funday, Bible Buffet, and King of Kings again in the modern style of graphics and engine? How cool would that be? This kind of an idea would certainly be historic. We do not know of any Christian video games that have been released in the remake vein. Families could play some good video games that have great messages. It could be used to combat all the evil, darkness, and wickedness in the video game industry. Ideas like this one do not come from us. They come from the Holy Spirit. God gets all of the credit, honor and glory for ideas like this one.


DVD Score Page Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone 62 35 Mutant X Season One 65 34 Nintendo Switch Score Page Little Town Hero 59 27 PC Score Page Marvel’s Avengers 60 26 One Punch Man A Hero Nobody Knows 53 29 Rugby League Live 4 75 30

Ephesians 5:3-7 3 But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people. 4 Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving. 5 For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person—such a person is an idolater—has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. 6 Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient. 7 Therefore do not be partners with them. Family Friendly Gaming

Welcome to our reviews section. We have a couple of rules when it comes to our reviews. The reviewer must give an honest accounting as to why he/she liked or disliked something. No fanboy reviews allowed here, or at the very least they are discouraged (after all everyone has their own personal biases, likes, and dislikes). Everyone also has different tolerances, and weaknesses - we strive to keep that in mind in our reviews. We have been burned ourselves by reviews saying a certain game is great, only to be greatly offended by that game. Reviewers must be kind in their reviews. A game may be horrible, but there is no need to degrade the developer, publisher, artists, etc. There is also no need for name calling. We review video games on five separate criteria: graphics, sound, replay/extras, gameplay, and family friendly factor. Review scale can be found here. The editor in chief coordinates reviews to have as much cohesion as possible. We are very open about the way we review video games. Each section starts with a 75 score, and can earn or lose points based on the content of the game, using our grading scale (found on the website). Parents, please do not take any of our reviews as gospel. Different people are offended by different things. We work hard here at Family Friendly Gaming to discern the good from the bad in the teachings of each different video game. What may seem harmless to our reviewer(s), could be a big deal to you. We encourage you to spend time with your children and investigate each video game yourself. Each review is written with you in mind, and we try to mention each problem we find. We are not perfect, and miss things from time to time - just as the ESRB does. The ESRB rating is merely a start, and since they ignore many of the moral and spiritual factors important to parents all across America, we do our small part to fill that huge void. We are a small ministry and your prayers are so very important to us. Questions, suggestions, comments, or got a game you would like for us to review? Then please email us at:

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Playstation Score Page Madden NFL 97 90 36 Nascar 98 87 37

Sega Saturn Score Page Madden NFL 97 90 36 Nascar 98 87 37 Stadia Score Page Marvel’s Avengers 60 26 Xbox One Score Page Battletoads 63 32 Marvel’s Avengers 60 26 One Punch Man A Hero Nobody Knows 53 29 Rugby League Live 4 75 30

PS4 Score Page Marvel’s Avengers 60 26 One Punch Man A Hero Nobody Knows 53 29 Rugby League Live 4 75 30 PS4 VR Score Page Iron Man VR 58 33

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I am so pleased Family Friendly Gaming went half and half with me on the cost of Marvel’s Avengers on the Playstation 4. There was quite a bit of hype surrounding this super hero video game. Some of it was earned and some of it has been a really big let down. More on that in this very review. The issues families will have with Marvel’s Avengers are violence, lack of attire, enticement to lust, bad language, blood, and more. Marvel’s Avengers is a pretty dark video game visually way too often for my tastes. The storyline is also on the darker side. The concept of good guys and bad guys gets really muddied up in Marvel’s Avengers. Expect plenty of glitches in Marvel’s Avengers. If you watched my Twitch live streams of Marvel’s Avengers then you saw some of those. Patches are being released to hopefully fix these bugs. There

System: PC/PS4/Stadia/Xbox One Publisher: Square Enix Developers: Crystal Dynamics Rating: ‘T’ - THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Language, Mild Blood, Violence}

Marvel’s Avengers

Little Town Hero



is also supposed to be additional content added later. I do not know if it will be free or require payment though. Expect to fight a lot in Marvel’s Avengers. We have very powerful heroes that can get easily trashed by these lame AIM agents. Why? How? The complex controls can be confusing at times in Marvel’s Avengers. I had to replay mul-

tiple missions multiple times because of how cheap the computer is. Marvel’s Avengers led to more frustration than fun in certain areas and certain levels for me. An Internet connection is required at all times to play Marvel’s Avengers. If your Internet goes out you cannot play the game you purchased. How lame is that? Certain levels require us to play certain characters. Which is not cool when you do not really like that character. Why force us to do that Square Enix? I would like more choice personally. If the predictable storyline draws you in then you might forget how much money you spent on Marvel’s Avengers. I only paid half and question the purchase as I write this review. At least I got a fair amount of streams that were edited into videos out of Marvel’s Avengers. - Teen Gamer

All of the makeup in the world cannot hide the reality that it is a pig. That is how I feel about Little Town Hero on the Nintendo Switch. Family Friendly Gaming purchased the Big Idea Edition with all kinds of extras. This game comes from Game Freaks. The same company that makes the Pokemon video games. Little Town Hero has a music collaboration with Hitomi Sato and Toby Fox. I was so excited to play Little Town Hero on the Nintendo Switch. Did you catch my live stream of Little Town Hero? If you missed it please click here. I did wind up beating the first battle off screen. It really comes down to luck of the ideas you get. Expect battles in Little Town Hero to take forever. We get ideas and they can do

Graphics: 60% Sound: 60% Replay/Extras: 60% Gameplay: 60% Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: Nintendo Switch Publisher: Game Freak Developer: Game Freak Rating: ‘E10+’ - Everyone TEN and OLDER ONLY {Fantasy Violence, Mild Suggestive Themes, Use of Alcohol}

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things like damage the characters hearts or they are cards that battle. I did notice the computer cheats with the battle system. They would have cards similar to mine and be able to attack even when they should have no battle points left. If the card kind of battling was not obnoxious enough in Little Town Hero we do it on a board. We do laps on this board where we can hit certain spaces and get support from other characters. These can be very helpful if they randomize in a way that helps the player. Little Town Hero frustrated me to end because it was all so random. At least in most card battling video games we can build a better deck and work toward easy wins. Little Town Hero feels so small on so many fronts. The storyline makes little sense. A young man who has a rival wants to leave town. He is not allowed to. So he wants to get into the castle to get permission to leave. He spends to much time trying to break into

the castle. He disobeys some rules and obeys others. Playing a mischievous brat did not really connect with me. Younger gamers hate the complex battle system. So who is the target audience? Little Town Hero had so much potential. The lame battle system that is actually broken is the reason this game is such a flop. The issues families will have are violence, lack of attire, enticement to lust, alcohol, tobacco, and more. I wanted to like this game so much. After playing Little Town Hero I never want to see it again. Maybe when I do an all break I should be able to attack their hearts. That would speed up this game. A two player mode would have been nice too. - Paul

Graphics: 60% Sounds: 75% Replay/Extras: 60% Gameplay: 40% Family Friendly Factor: 60% Family Friendly Gaming


One Punch Man A Hero Nobody Knows

SCORE: 53 Did you catch the stream me, my dad and brother did of One Punch Man A Hero Nobody Knows? If you missed it please click here. We played this game on the PS4. One Punch Man A Hero Nobody Knows can also be found on the PC and Xbox One. The live stream of One Punch Man A Hero Nobody Knows really showed what is missing from this game. Want to know what that is? One Punch Man A Hero Nobody Knows is missing all of the characters at first. The player must play through the game and unlock each of the characters. How do we know what to do to unlock the characters in One Punch Man A Hero Nobody Knows? Look it up online. How lame it that? What about families that do not have the Internet? Just

System: PC/Xbox One/PS4(tested) Publisher: Bandai Namco Games Developer: Spike Chunsoft Rating: ‘T’ - THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Mild Blood, Mild Language, Suggestive Themes, Violence}

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play One Punch Man A Hero Nobody Knows until they figure out how to unlock the characters? You can get a good head start on the characters by completing the story mode and all sub quests. How powerful is Saitama in One Punch Man A Hero Nobody Knows? He is as powerful as he is in the anime. So everyone just picks Saitama to win in one punch right? Not exactly. Saitama always arrives late and One Punch Man A Hero Nobody Knows is three on three combat. So if you pick him you only have two fighters fighting three fighters and must hope you will survive long enough for him to arrive. That means your opponent will be ultra aggressive. The issues families will have with One Punch Man A Hero Nobody Knows are violence, blood, bad language, lack of attire, enticement to lust, and more. One Punch Man A Hero Nobody Knows feels like an action role playing game that eventually unlocks

a fighting game. The fighting in One Punch Man A Hero Nobody Knows is meh at best. We can juggle opponents near endlessly. In fact if you are on the receiving side of that One Punch Man A Hero Nobody Knows feels broken. I expected a lot more from One Punch Man A Hero Nobody Knows. I was hoping to play through the story like Dragonball Z Kakarot. At least let families use all of the characters in the local versus right away. Forcing us to play through the story mode in One Punch Man A Hero Nobody Knows is really lame. One Punch Man A Hero Nobody Knows left a bad taste in my mouth. This is a game I do not want to see again. - Teen Gamer

Graphics: 40% Sounds: 60% Replay/Extras: 65% Gameplay: 50% Family Friendly Factor: 50% Family Friendly Gaming

Rugby League Live 4 SCORE: 75 Hopefully you were one of the many viewers that watched Peter and I live stream Rugby League Live 4 on the Xbox One. If you missed it then please click here. It took us some time to figure out the controls in Rugby League Live 4. Peter insisted we play blind and not look at the instruction manual. Rugby League Live 4 looks great and it sounds good too. I am very impressed with the graphics in Rugby League Live 4. The players look good coming in. We do have cheerleaders in Rugby League Live 4. There is also some women’s league in Rugby League Live 4. We never unlocked that. Don’t want to play women anyway. The defenses are extremely stout in Rugby League Live 4. It is really hard to get through that line and break a long run. Since we do not

System: PC/PS4/Xbox One(tested) Publisher: Tru Blu Entertainment Developer: Big Ant Studios Rating: ‘G’ - General

totally understand the rules we were lost in what was happening with bunkers. We did eventually figure those things out. Rugby League Live 4 can be a bit of a mystery. The controls in Rugby League Live 4 are overly convoluted. We have played a plethora of Rugby video games that have easier to learn controls. We had fun playing

Rugby League Live 4. This is a fun Rugby video game if you are willing to devote the time and energy to learning it. There are over one hundred teams in Rugby League Live 4. The career mode is neat to play if you want to immerse yourself in Rugby. There are numerous modes and options available in Rugby League Live 4. There are tutorials available in Rugby League Live 4. We should have taken them at first. Multiple family members can enjoy Rugby League Live 4 at the same time. There are also online video game modes available in Rugby League Live 4 for those that like to do that. You know how it is hard to score in some hockey video games? Rugby League Live 4 is the hockey version of Rugby in that regard. Expect difficulty getting points in this game. - Paul

Graphics: 85% Sound: 75% Replay: 80% Gameplay: 60% Family Friendly Factor: 75%

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Family Friendly Gaming

My dad told me about Battletoads back in the day. So I thought it would be cool for us to play it. Noah (aka Teen Gamer) also joined us in playing this game. Did you enjoy our Twitch streams of this game? If you missed them please click here. Make sure to follow us on Twitch. It costs nothing and you can chat with us while we are playing games like Battletoads and more. I am not very impressed with Battletoads personally. Battletoads is overly difficult in obnoxious ways. Which would be fine if the game worked well. Take the motorcycle racing level. It looks like we are lined up going through a hole and we take a hit. One hit and it is go back to the last continuation spot. Thankfully I noticed certain aspects of Battletoads could be skipped. Like having

System: PC/Xbox One(tested) Publisher: Xbox Games Studio Developer: Rare Rating: ‘E10+’ – Everyone TEN and OLDER ONLY {Animated Blood, Cartoon Violence, Crude Humor, Mild Language}


Iron Man VR



to press the right button to sled on the specific platforms. The issues families can have with Battletoads are violence, offensive language, crude humor, face palm humor, false gods, arrogance, and more. Battletoads does have some funny parts. Some it felt forced to me, and others made me wonder if the writers were trying to break the fourth wall. Battletoads gets repetitive after awhile. We bash and crash enemies in the Final Fight game play mechanic, solve some small puzzles, and fight more guys.

Want to know a real bummer about Battletoads? It is a digital download only. There are no physical copy versions of Battletoads on the Xbox One or Personal Computer. Making matters worse Battletoads is 9.1 gigs in terms of size. You may need to delete other games to have enough room for Battletoads on your hard drive. Unless you use an external drive like I do. That costs additional money of course. Battletoads is bright and colorful with all kinds of complex controls. I do not see many families or casual gamers playing Battletoads on the PC or Xbox One. Battletoads is more for the hardcore gamers wanting a challenge. I appreciate Rare bringing Battletoads back to the industry. I feel the gaming industry has moved on from this kind of a video game for the most part. I think Battletoads in VR would be really interesting. - Peter

There are some days I hate being right so often. I had a suspicion that Iron Man VR was the kind of a video game that would get me sick from just playing it. If you watched my YouTube live streams then you know I was completely right about that. I wanted to like Iron Man VR so much. I am probably being too kind to this virtual reality video game in my scoring. We fly around as Iron Man in this video game. We blow away all kinds of different enemies while solving the mystery of the ghost hacker attacking us. We do story element areas which help with the motion sickness since we

Graphics: 60% Sounds: 65% Replay/Extras: 70% Gameplay: 60% Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: PS4 VR Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment Developer: Camouflaj Rating: ‘T’ THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Mild Language, Violence}

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hop to specific places by pointing and interacting with characters as they talk to us. The story element portions of Iron Man VR control way better than flying around shooting things. The controls in Iron Man VR can be wonky at times. I ran into multiple glitches while playing Iron Man VR on the Playstation 4 in virtual reality. We need two PS Move controllers and the Playstation Eye to play Iron Man VR properly. I did not have much fun playing Iron Man VR. Things like shooting baskets should have been awesome in Iron Man VR.

Sadly it was horrible. Which ultimately explains the entire experience with this video game. The storyline is the only saving grace in Iron Man VR. The complex controls are difficult to remember, and use when the timer is counting down to complete a mission. Add in enemies constantly shooting us while trying to find specific locations and you can see why Iron Man VR is a frustrating experience. I ran into walls, buildings, and more trying to traverse through Iron Man VR. The bad language and enticement to lust issues were not needed in this game. - Paul

Graphics: 65% Sounds: 60% Replay/Extras: 55% Gameplay: 50% Family Friendly Factor: 60% Family Friendly Gaming

I am very thankful we had the money to purchase Mutant X Season One. Actually we have the entire show (in three seasons), and I will break out the reviews one season at a time. It is easier to remember the content when I do it that way. I remember this show from the broadcasting on television on Saturday afternoons. I did not see it all the time so I wanted to check out the entire thing on DVD when I had the chance. What is with all the running in Mutant X Season One? We have two things that always happen in each of the twenty-two episodes of Mutant X Season One. Those two things are running and martial arts fighting. The mutant powers are used usually at the end to finish someone off. Like their powers are the icing on the cake. If you have these powers why not lead off with

System: DVD Publisher: Tribune Entertainment Developer: Fireworks Entertainment Rating: ‘NR’ - Not Rated

Mutant X Season One

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone



them? Why fight for a few minutes? It feels like filler to me. The issues families can have with Mutant X Season One are violence, blood, lack of attire, enticement to lust, bad language, and more. Mutant X Season One is very anti-male, and antimarriage. The religious belief of evolution is also taught in Mutant X Season One. The order of the episodes makes no sense. In episode twenty-one the leader of Genomex is imprisoned, and the corporation is conquered by a powerful mutant. In episode twenty-two Mason Eckhart is free and the corporation is under his control. Something about Mu-

tant X Season One that completely confounds me is the phrase “New Mutants.” Mutant X Season One uses it constantly. There is no mention of the first mutants. So what makes this corporation mutating people new? New York is given that name because it came from Yorktown. So it is a new version of the previous town. Mutant X Season One never once mentions the first mutants. Since they are so secretive it can’t be the X-Men. The CGI is good looking in some areas and lacking in others. I really like the ship Mutant X has in Mutant X Season One. The corporation Genomex is hunting down the new mutants while Mutant X is trying to get them into a Mutant Underground. It is interesting how different powers interact with one another in Mutant X Season One. I can see why Mutant X Season One did not last long. The lack of a cohesive storyline is the biggest problem with this show. - Paul

I never watched any of the Harry Potter movies before. I never read any of the Harry Potter books. All of the occult connections, and rebellion did not really interest me personally. I decided recently that I wanted to check out the Harry Potter movies for Family Friendly Gaming. So I asked for the complete movie collection for my birthday. Since I am writing this review you can probably figure out that I did get it. Also if you watched the FFG Haul live streams then you know I received this collection. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is the first movie in the series. I can tell this movie is getting up there in age based on the special effects. There are also quite a few tame parts in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone too.

Graphics: 60% Sound: 65% Replay: 70% Gameplay: 70% Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: DVD Publisher: Warner Bros Developer: Heyday Films, 1492 Pictures Rating: ‘PG’ for Parental Guidance Suggested {Some Scary Moments and Mild Language}

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This movie starts to reveal this fantasy world. Witches and warlocks are honored and revered in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Dark arts are part of the training for those gifted with the power of magic. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone does not really go into how some people are normal and some are occultist. There are certain Satanic themes that run through Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. The biggest one is the rebellion. These kids rebel and get away with it over and over again. In fact when they are caught and punished the movie makes it look like a bad thing. There is something special about Harry Potter that we was able to stand up to some evil character when he was a baby. He is then given the Cinderella treatment at his aunt and uncles house. It takes 162 minutes to watch Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone from start to finish. The whole point of this movie is to wow you

with its world and the chosen one main character. He is not the smartest nor is he the strongest. He does have some courage to him which makes him the main character of this franchise. Talking to animals is an interesting occurrence in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is pretty standard for these kinds of movies. The hero is a kid which makes Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone really weird. He has friends that assist him in his quest. SPOILER ALERT! In the end Harry must stand alone. If he had never shown up the bad guy would have never gotten the stone. Let that sink in for a bit. Bypassing all that security was actually never needed. - Paul

Graphics: 60% Sound: 62% Replay/Extras: 60% Gameplay: 68% Family Friendly Factor: 59% Family Friendly Gaming

When I go back and play retro sports video games I am usually not expecting much. Especially after I got the game for such a low price. Madden NFL 97 on the Sega Saturn surprised me on so many levels. Every so often there was a stellar Madden video game. Madden NFL 97 was one of those years. Did you catch the live stream Teen Gamer and I did of Madden NFL 97? If you missed it please click here. The first thing we noticed about Madden NFL 97 is how quickly it loaded compared to modern current generation video games. Madden NFL 97 puts modern current video games to shame. Graphically Madden NFL 97 looked way better than I expected it to. We have fun sound bytes from John Madden that en-

System: Playstation/Sega Saturn(tested) Publisher: EA Sports Developer: EA Tiburon Rating: ‘KA’ – Kids to Adults

Madden NFL 97

Nascar 98



hance the gameplay of this sports title. The modes in Madden NFL 97 are All Time Records, Exhibition, Season, Tournament, and Options. I really like how Madden NFL 97 controls. We can run and pass in this video game. I loved being able to get good gains because I figured out how to avoid the defense in Madden NFL 97. I always felt like I had a chance to break a big gain whether

I did or not. Madden NFL 97 made me feel like my choices when running with the ball mattered. All of the NFL teams are present and accounted for from that era. I love seeing the Houston Oilers again in video games. The presentation of Madden NFL 97 is top notch. There are plenty of plays to choose from in Madden NFL 97. Two family members can enjoy Madden NFL 97 at the same time. Teen Gamer and I both had fun playing Madden NFL 97. We worked together to figure out the controls and then were off the races once we knew what buttons to press at what times. I would love to see more football video games in the vein of Madden NFL 97 on the Playstation and Sega Saturn. Do you agree? - Paul

I am so thankful Family Friendly Gaming had the money to purchase Nascar 98 on the original Playstation. Nascar 98 can also be found on the Sega Saturn. It is sad that so many new Nascar video games do not play as well as Nascar 98. That is a statement within itself if you know the history of this franchise. EA squandered it and it has floundered hopping around to different developers and publishers. There are twenty-four cars and drivers in Nascar 98. We also get ten official NASCAR tracks in Nascar 98. On top of that there are six fantasy

Graphics: 90% Sound: 85% Replay: 90% Gameplay: 95% Family Friendly Factor: 90%

System: Playstation/Sega Saturn Publisher: EA Sports Developer: Stormfront Studios Rating: ‘KA’ for Kids to Adults

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courses included in Nascar 98. The graphics look good in Nascar 98 for its era. The southern rock soundtrack sounds good in Nascar 98 too. Did you catch the live stream we did of Nascar 98? If not please click here to see the video of that live stream. We had some fun with this game. We do have a rather unique style of playing Nascar video games. I won’t spoil the surprise for you though. Just know that it is worth your time to enjoy the live streams and videos we do here at Family Friendly Gaming. Nascar 98 includes Season, Arcade, and custom racing. Families can adjust the dif-

ficulty and how many laps they race to further tailor the racing experience to their personal tastes. There are numerous adjustments players can make to the vehicles in Nascar 98. The left turns control really well in Nascar 98. Ultimately it can come down to one thing with any video game. Is it fun? We had all kinds of laughs thanks to playing Nascar 98. Viewers got some enjoyment from watching us play Nascar 98 as well. It is possible to win races in Nascar 98 if you can keep your concentration going. - Paul

Graphics: 90% Sound: 90% Replay/Extras: 80% Gameplay: 90% Family Friendly Factor: 85% Family Friendly Gaming


PGA Tour 2K21

PGA TOUR 2K21 is built around the belief that golf is for everyone. Whether you’re a pro who’s no stranger to the dance floor or a weekend warrior looking to try your luck for the first time, there’s something here for you. Rookies can take advantage of real-time tutorials, tips and shot suggestions, while veterans can master their games with advanced features, including Pro Vision, Distance Control, Shot Shaper and Putt Preview. Tee it up solo or hit the links with friends by playing local and online matches, including Alt-Shot, Stroke Play, Skins and 4-Player Scramble.

System: Nintendo Switch/PC/ PS4/Xbox One Publisher: 2K Sports Developer: HB Studios Rating: ‘E’- Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY Release Date: Out Now

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SPORTS Continued

PGA Tour 2K21

System: Nintendo Switch/PC/ PS4/Xbox One Publisher: 2K Sports Developer: HB Studios Rating: ‘E’- Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY Release Date: Out Now

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CONTENTS Product Name Page(s) Cooking Star Restaurant 43 DRAGON QUEST XI S Echoes of an Elusive Age Definitive Edition 50 Handball 21 56 WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE? 60 School Teacher 64


49 55 59 63 67

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Cooking Star Restaurant

You are a young ambitious chef eager to open your first restaurant, but things are not going to be that easy. Your customers are craving uniqueness and succulent meals, which will require you to juggle with a lot of factors if you want to succeed. You’ll have to be a pro in every domain from welcoming your guests warmly to the choice of the best recipes, delivered through mini games, as well as offering a top class service and upgrades to keep your restaurant highly rated!

System: PC/PS4/Nintendo Switch Publisher: Microids Developer: Old Skull Games Rating: ‘RP’ - Rating Pending Release Date: November, 2020

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Cooking Star Restaurant

System: PC/PS4/Nintendo Switch Publisher: Microids Developer: Old Skull Games Rating: ‘RP’ - Rating Pending Release Date: November, 2020

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Cooking Star Restaurant

System: PC/PS4/Nintendo Switch Publisher: Microids Developer: Old Skull Games Rating: ‘RP’ - Rating Pending Release Date: November, 2020

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DRAGON QUEST XI S Echoes of an Elusive Age Definitive Edition

System: Xbox One Publisher: Square Enix Developer: Square Enix Rating: ‘RP’ - Rating Pending Release Date: December 4, 2020

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DRAGON QUEST XI S Echoes of an Elusive Age Definitive Edition

System: Xbox One Publisher: Square Enix Developer: Square Enix Rating: ‘RP’ - Rating Pending Release Date: December 4, 2020

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DRAGON QUEST XI S Echoes of an Elusive Age Definitive Edition

System: Xbox One Publisher: Square Enix Developer: Square Enix Rating: ‘RP’ - Rating Pending Release Date: December 4, 2020

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Handball 21

System: PC/PS4/Xbox One Publisher: Nacon Developer: Eko Software Rating: ‘RP’ - Rating Pending Release Date: November 2020

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Handball 21

System: PC/PS4/Xbox One Publisher: Nacon Developer: Eko Software Rating: ‘RP’ - Rating Pending Release Date: November 2020

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System: Nintendo Switch/PC/ PS4/Xbox One Publisher: Microids Developer: Appeal Studios Rating: ‘RP’ - Rating Pending Release Date: November 17, 2020

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System: Nintendo Switch/PC/ PS4/Xbox One Publisher: Microids Developer: Appeal Studios Rating: ‘RP’ - Rating Pending Release Date: November 17, 2020

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School Teacher

System: Nintendo Switch/PC/ PS4/Xbox One Publisher: Microids Developer: Magic Pockets Rating: ‘RP’ - Rating Pending Release Date: November 3, 2020

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School Teacher

System: Nintendo Switch/PC/ PS4/Xbox One Publisher: Microids Developer: Magic Pockets Rating: ‘RP’ - Rating Pending Release Date: November 3, 2020

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NOW CONTENTS Product Name Page(s) Battletoads 69 - 75 WWE 2K Battlegrounds 76 - 79 Tetris Effect 80 - 83

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The wait is over! Rash, Zitz and Pimple are returning at last to smashhit their way through an all-new action-packed adventure of choreographed chaos, and couch co-op may never be the same again. System: PC/XBONE Publisher: Microsoft Games Developer: Rare Rating: ‘E10+’ - Everyone TEN and OLDER ONLY {Animated Blood, Cartoon Violence, Crude Humor, Mild Language} Release Date: Out Now

Family Friendly Gaming

1-3 players will take control of the Battletoads and team up to storm through wild and unpredictable stages with only one rule – expect the unexpected. Teamwork makes the dream work in a drop-in, drop-out gameplay blast, filled with over-the-top gameplay moments that anyone can enjoy, but only a True ‘Toad’ can master. Page 70

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Family Friendly Gaming



System: PC/XBONE Publisher: Microsoft Games Developer: Rare Rating: ‘E10+’ - Everyone TEN and OLDER ONLY {Animated Blood, Cartoon Violence, Crude Humor, Mild Language} Release Date: Out Now

Family Friendly Gaming

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Family Friendly Gaming



System: PC/XBONE Publisher: Microsoft Games Developer: Rare Rating: ‘E10+’ - Everyone TEN and OLDER ONLY {Animated Blood, Cartoon Violence, Crude Humor, Mild Language} Release Date: Out Now

Family Friendly Gaming

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Family Friendly Gaming

WWE 2K Battlegrounds


System: PC/PS4/Xbox One/Switch/ Stadia Publisher: Take Two Interactive Developer: Saber Interactive Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Cartoon Violence, Mild Suggestive Themes} Release Date: Out Now

Family Friendly Gaming

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Family Friendly Gaming

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WWE 2K Battlegrounds


System: PC/PS4/Xbox One/Switch/ Stadia Publisher: Take Two Interactive Developer: Saber Interactive Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Cartoon Violence, Mild Suggestive Themes} Release Date: Out Now

Family Friendly Gaming

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Family Friendly Gaming

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Tetris Effect


System: PC/PS4/Xbox One/PC VR/PS4 VR Publisher: Enhance Developer: Monstars, Resonair Rating: ‘E for Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY Release Date: Out Now

Family Friendly Gaming

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Family Friendly Gaming

Tetris Effect


System: PC/PS4/Xbox One/PC VR/PS4 VR Publisher: Enhance Developer: Monstars, Resonair Rating: ‘E for Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY Release Date: Out Now

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Last Minute


CONTENTS Product Name Page(s) Namco Museum Archives Vols 1 and 2 85 - 91 NAIRI Rising Tide 92 - 95 Scarlet Nexus 96 - 99 Weaving Tides 100 - 103

Family Friendly Gaming

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Family Friendly Gaming

Namco Museum Archives Vols 1 and 2

Last Minute Tidbits

Volume 1 includes: Pac-Man, Galaxian, Xevious, Mappy, Dragon Buster, DigDug, The Tower of Druaga, Sky Kid, Dragon Spirit: The New Legend, Splatterhouse: Wanpaku Graffiti and the exclusive adaptation of Pac-Man Championship Edition Plus! Volume 2 includes: Battle City, Pac-Land, Dig-Dug II, Super Xevious, Galaga, Rolling Thunder, Mappy-Land, Legacy of the Wizard, Dragon Buster II, Mendel Palace and an exclusive adaptation of Gaplus!

System: PC/PS4/Xbox One/Switch Publisher: Bandai Namco Developer: B.B. Studios Rating: ‘E10+’ - Everyone TEN and OLDER ONLY {Animated Blood, Comic Mischief, Fantasy Violence, Mild Language, Use of Tobacco} Release Date: Out Now

Family Friendly Gaming

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Family Friendly Gaming

Namco Museum Archives Vols 1 and 2

Last Minute Tidbits

System: PC/PS4/Xbox One/Switch Publisher: Bandai Namco Developer: B.B. Studios Rating: ‘E10+’ - Everyone TEN and OLDER ONLY {Animated Blood, Comic Mischief, Fantasy Violence, Mild Language, Use of Tobacco} Release Date: Out Now

Family Friendly Gaming

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Family Friendly Gaming

Namco Museum Archives Vols 1 and 2

Last Minute Tidbits

System: PC/PS4/Xbox One/Switch Publisher: Bandai Namco Developer: B.B. Studios Rating: ‘E10+’ - Everyone TEN and OLDER ONLY {Animated Blood, Comic Mischief, Fantasy Violence, Mild Language, Use of Tobacco} Release Date: Out Now

Family Friendly Gaming

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Family Friendly Gaming

NAIRI Rising Tide

Last Minute Tidbits

System: Personal Computer Publisher: HomeBearStudio Developer: Hound Picked Games Rating: ‘NR’ -Not Rated Release Date: Out Now

Family Friendly Gaming

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Family Friendly Gaming

NAIRI Rising Tide

Last Minute Tidbits

System: Personal Computer Publisher: HomeBearStudio Developer: Hound Picked Games Rating: ‘NR’ -Not Rated Release Date: Out Now

Family Friendly Gaming

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Family Friendly Gaming

Scarlet Nexus

Last Minute Tidbits

System: PC/PS4/PS5/Xbox One/ Xbox Series X Publisher: Square Enix Developer: Square Enix Rating: ‘RP’ - Rating Pending Release Date: TBA

Family Friendly Gaming

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Family Friendly Gaming

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Scarlet Nexus

Last Minute Tidbits

System: PC/PS4/PS5/Xbox One/ Xbox Series X Publisher: Square Enix Developer: Square Enix Rating: ‘RP’ - Rating Pending Release Date: TBA

Family Friendly Gaming

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Family Friendly Gaming

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Weaving Tides

Last Minute Tidbits

System: PC/ Nintendo Switch Publisher: Crytivo Developer: Follow the Feathers Rating: ‘RP’ - Rating Pending Release Date: 2020

Family Friendly Gaming

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Family Friendly Gaming

Weaving Tides

Last Minute Tidbits

System: PC/ Nintendo Switch Publisher: Crytivo Developer: Follow the Feathers Rating: ‘RP’ - Rating Pending Release Date: 2020

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Family Friendly Gaming

BUY IT RIGHT NOW HERE Family Friendly Gaming


Family Friendly Gaming

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Family Friendly Gaming


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