Family Friendly Gaming #154

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Phantasy Star Online 2, Trials of Mana, Hayfever and more this issue.

Captain Tsubas Rise of New Champions kicking for the net!

ISSUE #154

May 2020



May 2020


Home Page

Section Page(s) Editor’s Desk 4 Female Side 5 Comics 7 Sound Off 8 - 10 Look Back 12 Quiz 13 Devotional 14 In The News 16 - 23 We Would Play That! 24 Reviews 25 - 37 Sports 38 - 41 Developing Games 42 - 67 Now Playing 68 - 83 Last Minute Tidbits 84 - 106

“Family Friendly Gaming” is trademarked. Contents of Family Friendly Gaming is the copyright of Paul Bury, and Yolanda Bury with the exception of trademarks and related indicia (example Digital Praise); which are property of their individual owners. Use of anything in Family Friendly Gaming that Paul and Yolanda Bury claims copyright to is a violation of federal copyright law. Contact the editor at the business address of: Family Friendly Gaming 7910 Autumn Creek Drive Cordova, TN 38018 Trademark Notice Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft all have trademarks on their respective machines, and games. The current seal of approval, and boy/girl pics were drawn by Elijah Hughes thanks to a wonderful donation from Tim Emmerich. Peter and Noah are inspiration to their parents.

Family Friendly Gaming

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Family Friendly Gaming


Editor’s Desk Constant Change One thing has become apparent to me recently. That thing is change. I know this may sound weird. It may sound strange that I am stating this since it is most likely common sense. It came to me recently when I was thinking about different topics to write about. I thought about all these different things that have happened. I thought about what might be changing soon. With certain things I am considering making certain changes. While I was thinking about what changes to possibly make it dawned on me that things keep changing. I know this is something that is true, and definitely does happen. Yet it sort of spoke to me at this point in time. I am writing this as so many people are freaking out over COVID-19. Plenty of employers are having their employees work from home. I love working from home. That concept is one of the most efficient and powerful concepts ever considered. Funny thing is working from home is nothing new. Back in farming days they worked from home. Canning, sewing, and other older professions are also work from home. My hope is after this Chinese disease dissipates that employers will continue to embrace work from home. The reality is more work gets done, workers are happier, and it helps the environment. Everyone involved wins in that scenario. It seems that the changes that are coming are getting here faster and faster. Maybe that is my perception. It is like contractions as the woman gets closer to giving birth. I know the Holy Bible talks about that with the end times. To me it seems like everything is coming faster and faster. There are all kinds of problems that just keep on coming. We seem to have less time to take a breath between problems and issues. Getting rest and relaxation seems harder to come by as we face issue after issue. People and places that used to be fine are becoming new problems on a weekly or daily basis. One thing that remains constant is reading the Holy Bible and prayer. Those two things bring me back to reality every single day. As I deal with so many wonderful problems on a daily basis I know God will continue to be there. I know God is with me. Which is why I love pointing all ya’ll to Him every single opportunity I get. I also

love explaining ways we can all obey God. It astounds me how many people in the entertainment industries are openly encouraging people to rebel against God. Those that are continuing to try to redefine reality, history, culture, mental illness, morals and ethics are all about disobeying God and serving Satan. I find it sad when they try to intimidate others into rebelling against God. They have tried those nasty tactics with us. We comprehend what they are trying. We recognize those tactics. Instead we choose to continue to obey God. That will never change. No matter what else changes for us. God bless, Paul Bury

Family Friendly Gaming

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Plum Crazy Normally the insanity of some people is only seen around Christmas. Maybe freaking out over presents instead of focusing on the birth of Jesus Christ is part of it. I don’t know. During this time of COVID-19 the pure crazy is out there in full force. From young adults getting and spreading the disease so they can still party at spring break to people buying out all of the toilet paper at retail. I see it every single day as I work part time for Instacart. I thought I would share some of these stories with you for your entertainment, and education. There was a lady at a Kroger trying to intimidate a worker into giving her a lower price on something. The ad stated what sizes were on sale. This lady got the wrong size, did not bother to read the ad, and then demanded the price be changed after she checked out at a self check out. The nice lady that works there (whom I know to be very nice) called over a manager to deal with the hateful customer. Want to know something crazy related to this story? The lady being all hateful, clueless, and ignorant is our next door neighbor. She did not even realize I was there watching her act so crazy. People on the road are not acting much better these days either. I was delivering someone’s groceries and following the apps directions on where to deliver them. There were two lanes going this direction on my side. I was in the right most lane doing the speed limit. Some impatient psycho suffering from some neurosis kept honking for me to go faster. They could have easily passed me. Every single light that was red they were honking once it turned green. Even when I was already moving forward. I don’t know what their problem was. Thankfully they eventually turned off and was able to share their brand of crazy with others. I was thankful they were gone. Plenty of people I have delivered to asked me if I have the virus. If I did could I deliver your groceries? Wouldn’t I be quarantined? This may not quite reach the level of crazy, but it certainly shows a lack of judgement and common sense. Kind of like store clerks wearing gloves and handling item after item from customer after customer. They also handle the money from multiple customers without changing those gloves. Notice how doctors and Page 5

nurses change gloves after working with each person? That is actually sanitary. I have seen people being angry and hateful to store clerks over what is being put back out on the store shelves. One person complained about the expensive toilet paper. They bought it anyways because they want to stock up. Pretty soon stores will have all kinds of toilet paper that won’t sell because the hoarders have a years supply at their house. For a possible fourteen day quarantine if they actually contracted the illness. Also remember Spanish Flu killed 50 million and infected 500 million. God bless, Yolanda Bury

Family Friendly Gaming

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Family Friendly Gaming

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Mission Statement


Family Friendly Gaming (FFG) was created in March of the year of our Lord 2005 as the first ever Christian video game magazine. The goal of Family Friendly Gaming is to report on video games from the family view point. Family Friendly Gaming takes a fair and balanced approach to all news, previews, reviews, interviews, features, and other articles found within. The secular video game media reports mainly on the most morally bankrupt games and call those games good. The major secular media reports on the bad side of video games mainly. Most other Christian media outlets claim video games turn the player into a zombie, or they completely worship video games. Family Friendly Gaming reports the good, and bad side effects to video games. It is the belief of the owners that readers are smart enough to come to their conclusions without those in the media handing opinions to them. Those of us at Family Friendly Gaming believe by giving you the facts, you can decide for yourself. There are plenty of really good video games on the market that teach wonderful lessons. Both inside the Christian video game market, and from non-Christian video game developers. Family Friendly Gaming seeks out these video games to bring them to your attention. Since it is unknown before playing a game how family friendly it is; it is possible that this magazine will preview a game, and then the review will expose problems previously unknown. Family Friendly Gaming promises to always ask the question: “how God feels about certain video games.” God’s opinion on the matter is more important than any mere mortal. Which is why the rest of the industry does not influence FFG. Page 7

Family Friendly Gaming


OFF Don’t Buy From Nintendo

The Sound Off section is where you the reader/emailer is heard. What you have to say is put in this section for all the readers to see. Of course certain content is edited for appropriateness issues. This is a family friendly magazine, and certain content is just not proper. We hope you enjoy this section as much as we do. Keep an eye out for your comments appearing in these very pages. You have our attention, so SOUND OFF!

Thank you for standing up for Christians in the video game industry. I will never buy another new game from Nintendo ever again. Your video FFG Chronicles Don’t Buy From Nintendo is one of the most powerful videos I have ever seen. I love how Family Friendly Gaming is open and transparent. You guys are adaptable and honest. By contrast Nintendo is a control freak that discriminates against Christians, and tries to destroy those that are diverse from them. I am sick and tired of video game companies acting this way. When Family Friendly Gaming likes something I know

Digimon Hello. I would like to discuss a lot of religious stuff with you. I’m honestly genuinely glad you made that review on one of the digimon games. It makes me feel a lot better that I didn’t have the motivation to keep on playing. Also, I would like to give you some much-needed appreciation for helping me to stay on the right path, with stuff such as your videos on which companies you should work with (I’d work at Activision.). Anyways, here’s the main topic. I’ve been dwindling on the subject of whether or not you think our Lord would be ok with me purchasing a

copy of ‘Pokemon Ultra Sun’. If He isn’t, please can you recommend me some holier monstercollecting games to play? Thanks in advance. - Nathan {Paul}: Nathan, It is all about the relationship with Jesus Christ. Should you play that game? That is honestly between you and

God. You need to see where the Holy Spirit is prompting you. Some questions to ask; Will this bring me closer to God? Will it move me away from God? As far as suggestions go, the Mega Man Battle Network games are generally good. One of them had players donate money to a Buddhist temple. The rest were okay. We collect chips of the enemies, and could then use those chips to assist us.

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you guys are not part of the booty kissing gaming media. You guys are willing to stand up to someone as big as Nintendo and they black list you because of their small minded and petty nature. Nintendo should take your calls. Family Friendly Gaming has over nine million readers. Your hard work has made them money. I am sick that Nintendo requires fluff articles to get reviewable copies of games. That is so messed up. All those bought off gaming media outlets are doing that to get free copies of games a few days early. I appreciate your honest reviews. I will buy used copies of Nintendo games because they get no money from used video game sales. Keep the faith Family Friendly Gaming. We the people

stand with you, and stand by you. We will support Family Friendly Gaming because you stood up to that bully Nintendo. I know I can trust you to do the right thing. It costs Nintendo less to pay out law suits than to actually obey the law. Which is why they do it. - Danny {Paul}: Danny, Thank you for your kinds words of encouragement. We appreciate you as a member of Family Friendly Gaming Universe. We also appreciate your support in this time. The more Nintendo feels the pressure the more they will need to upgrade their professionalism with the times. The more Nintendo faces less sales the more willing they will be to listen. Too many Christian families are giving money to a company that hates them, and is spending money to take away our rights to freely practice our religious beliefs. Christians need to stand together, and let their voices be heard. It is extremely telling that Nintendo jumps when one sexual deviant complains yet they refuse to budge when thousands of Christians ask for something. It is obvious that Nintendo refuses to do the Family Friendly Gaming

SOUND OFF Continued right thing. In my opinion it is time to let them be turned over to their sinful desires. If they want to behave in a professional manner we are still here and we are still willing to reopen that relationship with them. There are things they are required to do to make that happen. Their behavior over recent years defines them as servants of Satan.

Light Side Thank you for the Light Side of Gaming articles. They are such a joy to read. Family Friendly Gaming brings such sunshine into the entertainment industry. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love how Family Friendly Gaming focuses on so many people doing so many wonderful things that help ya’ll get better. I don’t know any other gaming media outlet that does that. I can not think of one. You gave chatters, retro gamers, Christian Game Developers and more love in your Light Side of Gaming articles. That is so awesome. I know Family Friendly Gaming has the Dark Side of Gaming out there. It was great to see some uplifting and positive stories on the good things happening within the video game industry too.

- Tracy {Paul}: Tracy, We appreciate you so very much. Thank you for your amazing words of encouragement. Years ago we had a lot of requests to hear about the dark side of the video game industry. We did that for some time. Then it hit me - in order for Family Friendly Gaming to be fair and balanced we needed to do some stories on the light side of gaming. We had done positive stories in the past but never put a mantra around them. So we started writing articles on the light side of gaming whenever

we found them, thought about them, or others brought them to our attention. Let us know ideas you have for that series. Would you like to be heard in Family Friendly Gaming? Want to Sound Off on something in video games, the website, the magazine, etc? Log on to the internet and go to our Comments page:, or send an email to: SoundOff@ Mail us comments at: Family Friendly Gaming 7910 Autumn Creek Drive Cordova, TN 38018

Family Friendly Gaming

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Family Friendly Gaming

Look BACK There has been a lot of history made here at Family Friendly Gaming. Let us take a look at some of the historic front covers to a few of the issues in our long and storied history.

QUIZ Family Friendly Gaming decided to do some fun little historic quizzes. Anyone who is not a business partner, advertiser, PR contact, or works for Family Friendly Gaming can answer these questions. Email answers to After three months the person with the most right answers will be logged in a future issue. Question: Can companies sponsor Family Friendly Gaming? Answer: Question: Do you enjoy watching R-rated movies? Why or why not? Answer: Question: Do you enjoy playing M-rated games? Why or why not? Answer: Question: Where can the Video Game Lies book be purchased? Answer: Question: Is there a page on how you can help Family Friendly Gaming? Answer: Question: Does Family Friendly Gaming have a Twitch channel? Answer: Question: Does Family Friendly Gaming have a Daily Motion channel? Answer: Question: Have you been to the advertise page on the Family Friendly Gaming website? Answer: Question: Where can you buy shirts that show off your FFG Universe pride? Answer: Question: When can you catch FFG Twitch streams? Answer: Question: What was the first video game system everyone at FFG played? Answer: Question: How long have you read/watched Family Friendly Gaming? Answer: Question: Are you one of the 8.88 million readers of FFG? Answer:

Family Friendly Gaming

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Family Friendly Gaming

Stop Freaking Out My patience is wearing thin of so many people freaking out over COVID-19. I am tired of all the fear mongers freaking people out. I am tired of the people freaking out drowning in worries. It made me realize this is why our culture needs more Jesus. This is why this culture needs more of the Holy Bible. Matthew 6:25-34 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? 28 “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the

fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? 31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. There is so much good content in there. First and foremost that came from Jesus Christ - the Son of God. The same fully man, fully God entity who died on the cross for our sins and was resurrected. You can find the tombs of all kinds of leaders of religions. The tomb for Jesus is empty which is one of the major differences. Another major differences is Christianity it is all done for you. Other religions demand you jump through all of these hoops. Jesus taught us to not worry about things. Anyone who claims to be a Christian freaking out is disobeying God. It is as simple as that. They have a lack of faith and trust in God. God is in control. God is in charge. People freaking out prove they do not trust God,

and do not know their role. The evidence of God being in charge is all around us, and within us. God takes care of us even when we are not aware of it. The Footprints in the sand is a great example of someone realizing this. If you get sick and die and know Jesus Christ then you will spend eternity with Him. All of your pain and suffering will end. I will continue to point everyone to God no matter my circumstances. I will not worry about getting sick. I will not worry about dying. I will live life. God Bless, Paul Bury

PRAYER Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and need Your forgiveness. Nothing I can do of my own power will give me true joy. I believe that You died for my sins. I want to turn from my enslavement to sins, and repent of them. I now invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my personal Lord and Savior. I welcome the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Family Friendly Gaming

In The



work with. For the Nintendo Switch version, Truck Driver supports solo horizontal grip and tilt controls. The game also gets HD Rumble support, which allows for subtle and fast changing vibrations that will increase the gaming experience.

Story Page(s) Truck Driver Ports to Switch 16 - 17 Nintendo Does NOT want your MONEY 18 Europa Universalis IV Emperor Announced 19 Physical Edition of Rolling Gunner 20 - 21 Super Destronaut Land Wars Releases 21 Duck Souls+ Releases 22 Galaxy of Pen & Paper Release Date 23

Since the game released on PS4 and Xbox One in September last year,

Truck Driver received a new photo mode, rain effects on windshields, wipers, and several updates that improve the overall player experience of the game. Currently, Truck Driver is getting a Unity engine upgrade, which will result in smoother frame rates, less stutters and an overall improvement in graphics with better shades and textures. Further improving the game will continue to be a priority for SOEDESCO and development studio Kokku. All the updates will be implemented into the Nintendo Switch version as well, which makes it a great addition to all trucker fans out there who’d like to be a truck driver on the road. About Truck Driver

Truck Driver Ports to Switch SOEDESCO® announced that Truck Driver is coming both digitally and physically to Nintendo Switch™. The well-received trucking experience released on Playstation®4 and Xbox One last year and has since received several significant updates. The Nintendo Switch version will come with these improvements, as well as Nintendo specific features, including tilt controls and HD Rumble support. Truck Driver offers a unique trucking experience with a wide range of cargo and interesting characters to Family Friendly Gaming

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When you inherit a truck from your father, you take a chance and move to a new city. Here, it’s up to you to make a name for yourself and earn the respect of the local community. Drive through a seamless open world, work with all kinds of people ranging from a constructor to a lumberjack and honor your father by making it as a Truck Driver! Features • Enjoy a trucking experience focused on your career as a truck driver • Build stronger relationships with the local community with each job • Customize your truck with tons of parts and tune it to your liking • Navigate through diverse landscapes and interesting locations Page 17

Family Friendly Gaming

In The News Continued Nintendo Does NOT want your MONEY Family Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in covering the family friendly video games is continuing our requested series on the DARK SIDE OF GAMING. This article is on the reality that Nintendo DOES NOT WANT YOUR MONEY. Does that reality confuse you? Do you immediately disagree with that statement? I personally cannot believe this is the truth. Sadly it is my experience. Back in May of 2014 Family Friendly Gaming exposed Nintendo’s ugly side in Nintendo Attacks Marriage. Right after that award winning article shined the light of truth on the nastiness of Nintendo black listed Family Friendly Gaming. They showed how petty and small minded they are. This should not really surprise anyone in the video game industry. Nintendo has always been corrupt demanding positive reviews, and articles to make them money. They discriminate against real journalists and are only nice to those that kiss their behinds. Nintendo wants to control the narrative hence the Nintendo Directs. I remembering gaming magazines like EGM having issues with Nintendo decades ago. Their swamp of corruption attitudes have been around for a long time. This inability to get along with diverse cultures is a black eye on Nintendo. One that continues to this day. I find it sad because I am willing to work with them knowing they are openly

In The News Continued

embracing rebellion against God. I can be the bigger person and have open and honest dialogue. Their arrogance and fat heads show the kind of closed minded bigots they really are. Their long history of discriminating against Christians has been well documented over the decades. Family Friendly Gaming is just another example. I continue to reach out to Nintendo. It continues to be a one sided dialogue. They ignore emails, letters, and phone calls. The last time I tried to call they would not even let me talk to anyone there. The person I talked to admitted Nintendo wants no sales from our 9.1 million readers. They actually acknowledged they want all ya’ll to stop buying their products and to never buy them ever again. I was shocked that they agreed they want none of your money ever again. Will you respect their wishes? I am shocked they are so hateful of Christians that they want no sales from us ever again. Being petty and small minded is one thing. Being this hateful for six years is a completely different story. I find their hate to be so disgusting.

Family Friendly Gaming

Europa Universalis IV Emperor Announced From the churches of Rome, the people are called to abide by the one true faith. From the palaces of Vienna, the subjects are commanded to obey their chosen ruler. From the streets of Paris, a new generation of citizens pursues its own zealous mission. All choose their path, all aspire to Empire. Paradox Development Studio announces Europa Universalis IV: Emperor an expansion for its classic game of early modern exploration and conquest. Emperor revitalizes gameplay for the Holy Roman Empire, the Papal State and other Catholic nations, while also adding greater interactivity in the management of a kingdom’s internal affairs. Features of Europa Universalis IV: Emperor include: • A Powerful Pope: Appoint cardinals, publish Papal Bulls and gather tithes. The Vatican and Papal Controller now have new abilities to sway the souls of Christendom. • New Holy Roman Empire Systems: Imperial Incidents provide new challenges to the Emperor’s power and authority. Will your empire follow a course to a centralized monarchy or decentralized federation?. • Revolutions Revamped: The spirit of Revolution is a contagion that must be either embraced or vigorously opposed. Use the guillotine and revolutionary guard to enforce the new way of thinking. • The Hussite Faith: Bohemia has an

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early game chance to embrace heresy and stand alone against the Pope until The Reformation. • Hegemonies: If you accomplish great feats, you should expect great rewards. Seize the mantle of honor for accumulating great wealth and armies. • New Missions: Over 20 new unique mission trees for a variety of European nations • Defender of Faith: With great responsibility comes great power. Earn more bonuses for defending a major religion than for defending a small one. • The Council of Trent and CounterReformation: Join other Catholic rulers to slow down the spread of the Reformation by making concessions to the unruly mob or harshly imposing the will of God. • Provoke Rebellions: Risk a larger rebellion now while you think you can manage it instead of waiting for discontent to take its course. Emperor will be accompanied by a major update free for all Europa Universalis IV players, that includes a redrawn map of west and central Europe, Crown Lands, new ideas and a host of other major changes. Family Friendly Gaming

In The News Continued

In The News Continued

Physical Edition of Rolling Gunner

Gun and learn the intricacies of each stage • Beautifully animated cutscenes marry gameplay and story • A pulse-pounding, high-energy original soundtrack composed by COSIO (Space Invaders Extreme, Groove Coaster)

Online video game retailer Physicality Games, in partnership with video game publishers Mebius and Mastiff, today announced the planned physical release of the acclaimed shoot ‘em up (shmup) Rolling Gunner on the Nintendo Switch™ system. Fans of Rolling Gunner are able to pre-order the physical edition exclusively from Physicality Games since the website went live in late March 2020. Rolling Gunner will be available to pre-order in Standard and Deluxe Editions. The Standard Edition includes a physical copy of the game housed inside a Rolling Gunner-themed collector’s tin with a clear display window that stylishly shows off the game’s explosive cover artwork. The Deluxe Edition of Rolling Gunner comes loaded with a physical copy of the game, a Rolling Gunner-themed SteelBook, a physical soundtrack, a cloth arcade-style control sheet, and a kinetic action artwork frame with five art cards, all housed inside a Rolling Gunner-themed collector’s tin with a clear display window.

Super Destronaut Land Wars Releases

About Rolling Gunner Developed by Project Rolling Gunner and directed by former CAVE employee Koizumi Daisuke (Akai Katana, Deathsmiles 2, Dondonpachi series), Rolling Gunner is a danmaku (bullet hell) style 2D horizontal shmup.

Get ready to blast your way through enemies in this new take on the classic arcade shooter experience! Ratalaika Games & Petite Games are proud to announce that Super Destronaut: Land Wars will be jumping its way onto Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 & Vita later this week!

The year is 2061 and an automated computer system called the BAC has turned technology against humanity. The world’s fate now rests in the hands of a courageous RF-42R STORK pilot who must destroy the system at its source using the Rolling Gun - a specialized weapon secretly built to combat the BAC.

Super Destronaut: Land Wars is priced for 4.99$/€ for all platforms and with cross-buy on SONY’s platforms. It’s time for a new point of view to the classic arcade shooter experience! In Super Destronaut Land Wars, it’s up to you take shoot down enemies and collect points to move on to the next level!

Game Features • Navigate across six stages blanketed in a hail of bullets from an unceasing onslaught of enemies and screen-filling bosses • Choose from three different STORK ships to pilot, each with unique attributes and firing patterns • Four difficulty settings allow players of all skill levels to jump in and enjoy a true danmaku experience • Save Replays and use Training mode to master the Rolling Family Friendly Gaming

Inspired by arcade classics, this new arcade experience mixes a first-person viewpoint with classic invader style shooting. Together, this unique mashup will test your skills across 30 different challenges! For a change of pace try arcade mode which mixes different playstyles like combo breaker and snail mode! Page 20

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Family Friendly Gaming

In The News Continued Duck Souls+ Releases Duck Souls+ is a fast-paced, action platformer about a little duck with an incredible skill to dash and a mission, find all the eggs to save his species. Ratalaika Games & Green Dinosaur Games are proud to announce that Duck Souls+ will be jumping its way onto Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PS4 & PSVita this week ! Duck Souls+ is priced for 4.99$/€ for all platforms and with cross-buy on SONY’s platforms. Duck Souls+ is a fast-paced, action platformer about a little duck with an incredible skill to dash and a mission, find all the eggs to save his species.

In The News Continued

Duck Souls+ is set in a cute and deadly fantasy world, where many traps will rip your wings off your body while you struggle to grasp the frail, fragile egg in your futile mission to keep your species alive. Run, jump and dash through a colourful and treacherous environment to save everyone and become a hero, if you can. Features: • 20 different levels and 5 different biomes to explore! • Play 100 hand-crafted brutal levels filled with deadly traps • Jump over spikes, climb walls, and avoid death • Challenge your platforming skills with hardcore difficulty • Survive over 20 different types of deadly traps • Collect 20 different hats and customize your duck!

Galaxy of Pen & Paper Release Date Plug in Digital and Behold Studios are pleased to announce the release of Galaxy of Pen & Paper™ on April 8th. This third opus will be available on Play Station 4, Nintendo Switch and Xbox One, and will come with a bundle containing all of the opuses of Pen & Paper series. Galaxy of Pen & Paper is a turn-based RPG that takes the pen and paper games of your childhood and launches them into space. Set in the year 1999, a group of friends brave the perils of a strange new galaxy, armed with dice and unique skill sets. The player creates their own Game Master and builds a party to play through a number of weird and exciting campaigns, earning prestige and unlocking new skills along the way. Galaxy of Pen & Paper expands on Get the three successful and awardwinning games Knights of Pen & Paper, Knights of Pen & Paper 2 and Galaxy of Pen and Paper in this discounted bundle! Enjoy hours and hours of adventures in these turn-based, retro style, pixel-art RPG full of danger, intrigue, and semi-appropriate cultural references! All games include all of their ever-released expansions with many new characters, enemies, quests and locations!

concepts from its predecessor, Knights of Pen & Paper, by featuring a larger universe, a greater variety of races, and an imaginative new sci-fi setting. Includes +1 Edition: new characters, classes, skills, planets, quests, and more than 3 hours of gameplay! Features: • Turn-based combat system • Customization options for a character build • Expansive galaxy with multiple systems and numerous planets to explore • Built-in dice mechanic for authentic tabletop game feel • Ability to increase or decrease the difficulty of battles Pen & Paper Bundle

Squad, Old School Bundle, Knight of Pen & Paper 1 or 2. Preorders open today. • Pen & Paper Bundle at 29,99$ with 20% off or 33% off if you already have Chroma Squad on Nintendo Switch

Galaxy of Pen & Paper and Pen & Paper Bundle will be available on April 8th on Nintendo Switch eshop and Xbox One. They will be available on April 7th on Play Station 4. • Galaxy of Pen & Paper at 12,49$ with 20% off on Nintendo Switch if you already have Chroma Family Friendly Gaming

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Family Friendly Gaming

We Would Play That! There are all kinds of cool family friendly video game ideas out there. This column features ideas of video games we would play. We hope games like these are created in the near future. Can you make it happen? I would love to play a video game based on having fun in the sun. Husbands and wives could go for a walk on the beach. Let the kids play in the sand and/or ocean. Fathers and mothers could go out in the water with the kids. Then come back and warm up on the beach and build a sand castle. Throw a frisbee back and forth if the kids are old enough. Maybe play with a beach ball on the beach. Flying a kite would be fun too. Could you imagine all of the cool and interesting things that could be done in a fun in the sun video game? The

beach is just one concept. Families could go to a skate park and have fun skating around. Maybe a father and his son does that. The mother and her daughter could play a bean bag game nearby. Lawn darts could be another game that is played by families. No chance of injury in the real world when families are playing it in a video game. What about remote controlled cars? Think about playing with them while at a park. Parks are another great locale that families could go to for some fun in the sun. There are so many wonderful places to go. There are so many cool things to do. Families can enjoy popsicles together outside and have them drip down on their hands. There can be running around playing tag or other fun outdoor games. The possibilities for a video game is right up there

with what we can do in real life. Know what would be really cool? The coolest thing is this game could encourage people to go out and experience these things for themselves in the real world. After playing there could be a message telling families to try the same thing outside when the weather is nice. How cool is that? What do you think? Would you play a video game like this? Can you see how many cool things could be put in this kind of a video game. Would VR make the experience of fun in the sun even better? What say you? Would you buy a video game that had this kind of a theme? Would you encourage others to play such a video game? Do you think such a video game could ever be created? What can you do to help Family Friendly Gaming bring this video game idea to the marketplace?

Luke 10:21

Welcome to our reviews section. We have a couple of rules when it comes to our reviews. The reviewer must give an honest accounting as to why he/she liked or disliked something. No fanboy reviews allowed here, or at the very least they are discouraged (after all everyone has their own personal biases, likes, and dislikes). Everyone also has different tolerances, and weaknesses - we strive to keep that in mind in our reviews. We have been burned ourselves by reviews saying a certain game is great, only to be greatly offended by that game. Reviewers must be kind in their reviews. A game may be horrible, but there is no need to degrade the developer, publisher, artists, etc. There is also no need for name calling. We review video games on five separate criteria: graphics, sound, replay/extras, gameplay, and family friendly factor. Review scale can be found here. The editor in chief coordinates reviews to have as much cohesion as possible. We are very open about the way we review video games. Each section starts with a 75 score, and can earn or lose points based on the content of the game, using our grading scale (found on the website). Parents, please do not take any of our reviews as gospel. Different people are offended by different things. We work hard here at Family Friendly Gaming to discern the good from the bad in the teachings of each different video game. What may seem harmless to our reviewer(s), could be a big deal to you. We encourage you to spend time with your children and investigate each video game yourself. Each review is written with you in mind, and we try to mention each problem we find. We are not perfect, and miss things from time to time - just as the ESRB does. The ESRB rating is merely a start, and since they ignore many of the moral and spiritual factors important to parents all across America, we do our small part to fill that huge void. We are a small ministry and your prayers are so very important to us. Questions, suggestions, comments, or got a game you would like for us to review? Then please email us at:


DVD Score Page Goosebumps 2 65 35 Supergirl Season Four 41 34 Nintendo 3DS Score Page Fire Emblem Warriors 54 26 Metroid Prime Federation Force 59 27

Xbox 360 Score Page The Black Eyed Peas Experience 68 36 Xbox One Score Page Plants vs Zombies Battle for Neighborville 47 30

Nintendo Switch Score Page Animal Crossing New Horizons 85 32 The Legend of Zelda Link’s Awakening 72 33

21 At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do. Family Friendly Gaming


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Personal Computer Score Page Plants vs Zombies Battle for Neighborville 47 30 PS2 Score Page Family Feud 90 37 PS4 Score Page Plants vs Zombies Battle for Neighborville 47 30 Wii Score Page The Black Eyed Peas Experience 68 36

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Family Friendly Gaming

I wondered how different Fire Emblem Warriors on the Nintendo 3DS actually was from the Nintendo Switch version. The biggest two differences are the graphics are not as good and the screen is much smaller. It is also painful to complete levels in Fire Emblem Warriors on the Nintendo 3DS. Why? The levels get longer level after level. Which means Fire Emblem Warriors quickly becomes a game that is not very good on a hand held. The issues families will have with Fire Emblem Warriors are magic, violence, lack of attire, enticement to lust, language, false gods, and more. A variety of different Fire Emblem characters from different games are brought into Fire Emblem Warriors. I am still a bit vague on how that worked but that is no big deal. We can easily swap characters and level up whomever we like. The English voice act-

System: Nintendo 3DS Publisher: Nintendo Developer: Omega Force, Team Ninja Rating: ‘T’ - THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Suggestive Themes, Violence}

Fire Emblem Warriors

Metroid Prime Federation Force



ing is decent. It impressed me to hear it on the Nintendo 3DS. I found myself bored killing over a thousand enemies in a level in Fire Emblem Warriors. It gets a bit repetitive. At times I ran past the same looking characters to beat the bigger one. Why would I do such a thing? Getting the bigger bad guy will win you that area. So the faster he is beaten the faster you conquer a square.

Thankfully Family Friendly Gaming did not spend a lot of money on Fire Emblem Warriors. Since I was familiar with the Nintendo Switch version I knew what to expect from the Nintendo 3DS version. I get confused in these Warrior games in terms of where to go to complete certain missions. The small map may have something to do with that. If you enjoy hacking and slashing through thousands of the same looking characters and seeing the same attacks over and over again you might enjoy the lengthy levels of Fire Emblem Warriors. I did not enjoy this experience. In fact I am not sure why this game was needed in our industry. Maybe there is an audience out there for Fire Emblem Warriors. I don’t know anyone who likes this kind of a game. - Paul

There are some video games that are a complete chore to play. Metroid Prime Federation Force is one of those video games. The controls in this handheld video game are horrible. Metroid Prime Federation Force gives gamers a tutorial in how to play. After that we start going into missions to blow away all of these creatures in the first person perspective. We get into these small mechs while playing Metroid Prime Federation Force. Metroid Prime Federation Force comes with local play, download play, Internet play, and amiibo support. Family members thirteen years and older only can struggle with the

Graphics: 45% Sound: 60% Replay/Extras: 70% Gameplay: 40% Family Friendly Factor: 55%

System: Nintendo 3DS Publisher: Nintendo Developer: Next Level Games Rating: ‘T’ – THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Fantasy Violence}

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controls within Metroid Prime Federation Force. Enemies take too many hits to be taken out in Metroid Prime Federation Force. I got a headache each time I played this first person shooter that has decent music. Metroid Prime Federation Force wants you to play with others, and enjoy some Blast Ball. Metroid Prime Federation Force tries to be Metroid, and to be multiplayer. It does neither of them well though. We can lock onto targets and shoot at them. If they are moving we won’t ever hit them unless we are right on top of them. In essence the lock on in Metroid Prime Federation Force is a complete

and total troll. I learned to aim a bit ahead to tag the enemies. Nothing like wasting missiles on the enemies because of the lock on. I did not enjoy Metroid Prime Federation Force. I do not like Metroid Prime Federation Force. This is a hand held video game that goes into the vault and I doubt it comes out anytime soon. Metroid Prime Federation Force was a painful experience on so many fronts. Save yourself some money and avoid Metroid Prime Federation Force. Used prices of Metroid Prime Federation Force should warn you there is something seriously wrong with this game. - Paul

Graphics: 55% Sound: 70% Replay/Extras: 60% Gameplay: 50% Family Friendly Factor: 60% Family Friendly Gaming


Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 The Black Order

SCORE: 66 Have you been watching the live streams I did of Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 The Black Order? If not please check them out here. I have been enjoying doing them and letting ya’ll pick my team members. There are plenty of heroes to choose from in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 The Black Order. The more I play the more I unlock as well. Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 The Black Order is a hack and slash video game where we play with characters from Marvel. Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 The Black Order starts us with the Guardians of the Galaxy and moves us to the Avengers, X-Men, and more. There is a team bonus if your

System: Nintendo Switch Publisher: Nintendo Developer: Team Ninja Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY{Mild Blood, Mild Suggestive Themes, Violence}

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team is connected in some way. There are a variety of cool and fun characters to play with in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 The Black Order. The issues families will have with Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 The Black Order are violence, blood, lack of attire, enticement to lust, magic, language, sexually suggestive content, and more. I noticed some of the battles can take some time. Especially if there are no revives and you are the last character standing. Wolverine can be good for the battles of attrition since he keeps healing. There are a variety of skills and items in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 The Black Order. I loved being able to upgrade special attacks in Marvel Ultimate Alliance

3 The Black Order. Certain explosive items can be picked up and thrown at enemies. They do a lot of damage and can hasten a long battle. Do not expect many of them to be around when you fight bosses though. Between levels we get a cool storyline that connects the dots. The graphics look nice, and voice acting is pretty good in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 The Black Order. I enjoyed my time with Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 The Black Order on the Nintendo Switch. I believe the older members of the family that are into Marvel will find a lot in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 The Black Order to enjoy. - Paul

Graphics: 59% Sound: 65% Replay/Extras: 75% Gameplay: 72% Family Friendly Factor: 58% Family Friendly Gaming

Plants vs Zombies Battle for Neighborville

SCORE: 47 Electronic Arts has run their name through the mud with pay gates, and pay to win video games. Plants vs Zombies Battle for Neighborville fits right in there. There are all kinds of helpful items to purchase. You must give EA even more money to get them. We collect coins in Plants vs Zombies Battle for Neighborville, but they are not used for anything besides leveling up. I am not willing to pay for victory inside any video game. An Internet connection is required to play Plants vs Zombies Battle for Neighborville. Why? I played Plants vs Zombies Battle for Neighborville completely offline with the quests only. Why did I need to connect online to play my own

System: PC/PS4/Xbox One(tested) Publisher: Electronic Arts Developer: Popcap Games Rating: ‘E10+’ - Everyone TEN and OLDER ONLY {Comic Mischief. Fantasy Violence}

property? EA and Ubisoft are the two companies stuck in this horrible business practice. Plenty of families boycott their games on that alone. We face violent content in this third person shooter. The sounds are annoying, and the AI of the enemies is horrible. The clumsy, clunky, and slow controls will add to the aggravation. Plants vs Zombies Battle for Neighborville does give families a split screen in case two of ya’ll want to suffer with this game at the same time. We can play as plants or zombies in Plants vs Zombies Battle for Neighborville. I am so disappointed with Plants vs Zombies Battle for Neighborville. I am thankful Family Friendly Gaming purchased this game on the Xbox One. Plants vs Zombies Battle for

Neighborville is also offending families on the Personal Computer, and Playstation 4. Popcap Games continues to run this franchise deeper underground. I feel Plants vs Zombies Battle for Neighborville is dull and boring. Plants vs Zombies Battle for Neighborville is one of those video games we can point to as what is wrong with the video game industry at this point in time. Pay to win, cash grab, dull, boring, slow, clumsy, clunky, Internet required, and more. All of these things could have easily been avoided. Plants vs Zombies Battle for Neighborville should have avoided these problems. - WMG

Graphics: 50% Sound: 55% Replay/Extras: 50% Gameplay: 40% Family Friendly Factor: 40%

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Family Friendly Gaming

Hopefully you have been watching the Twitch streams of Animal Crossing New Horizons. I love the crafting aspect of this game. Tools breaking so often is not so cool. We start with a tent, and move into a house. Then we can start upgrading the house. There are fish, bugs, and fossils to collect and donate in Animal Crossing New Horizons. Nook Miles are earned and can be used to pay off things, and purchase cool things. Things like expanding our pockets. Animal Crossing New Horizons does have a bit of a dark side though. Nintendo uses Animal Crossing New Horizons to discriminate against Christians, and point gamers away from God with holidays, and other content. Animal Crossing New Horizons celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ with

System: Nintendo Switch Publisher: Nintendo Developer: Nintendo EPD Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY {Comic Mischief}

Animal Crossing New Horizons

The Legend of Zelda Link’s Awakening



a bunny. Halloween is a big celebration in Animal Crossing New Horizons, but Christmas is much lower. Crafting is a major part of Animal Crossing New Horizons. Multiple family members can be on the same island. Only one island is allowed per Switch. This forces families to work together. We can help one another by dropping off tools and resources other fam-

ily members need. Animal Crossing New Horizons is one of those games that can be played every single day for a year. There are plenty of items to find, craft, and customize. There are other islands to visit, bugs, fish, and fossils to collect. Everything in Animal Crossing New Horizons is based on the real world. So noon here is noon in Animal Crossing New Horizons. The stores stay open a decent amount of hours. There are boxes to put items for sale if you come by when they are closed. Animal Crossing New Horizons is a very chill game that families can get into. For over a decade we have asked Nintendo to add a church and they have refused. They put in Eastern religious content and spit on Christians. Animal Crossing New Horizons is still a fun game that can be played at your own pace. - Paul

I am so thankful and grateful Family Friendly Gaming had enough money to purchase a copy of The Legend of Zelda Link’s Awakening on the Nintendo Switch. I also have a copy of The Legend of Zelda Link’s Awakening on the Gameboy. I remember this game fondly from back in the day. The Legend of Zelda Link’s Awakening might be one of the more family friendly Zelda video games of all time. We do run across witches, and other unsavory characters in The Legend of Zelda Link’s Awakening. Violence is the main content issue in this remade retro video game. I do feel the price is a bit high for rehash put into better

Graphics: 85% Sound: 90% Replay/Extras: 100% Gameplay: 79% Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: Nintendo Switch Publisher: Nintendo Developer: Nintendo EAD Rating: ‘E’ for Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY {Mild Fantasy Violence}

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looking graphics. The Legend of Zelda Link’s Awakening looks really neat and I like the shine in many areas. The Legend of Zelda Link’s Awakening is one of those games it is really easy to get stuck in. At times I had to look up my old notes to figure out how to do something. Things are not always connected like you expect them to be. There is a hint from a telephone but that is not always helpful in progressing the story. Hopefully you have been enjoying the live streams I have done of this game. If you missed them, please go here. There are plenty of Mario characters in The Legend of Zelda Link’s Awakening. That felt weird at first but makes

a lot of sense in the grand scheme of how Nintendo connects their franchises. Why not include enemies from Mario games in The Legend of Zelda Link’s Awakening? Dampe lets us create our own chamber dungeons in The Legend of Zelda Link’s Awakening. I enjoyed my time with The Legend of Zelda Link’s Awakening. I would like to see other retro video games get this graphically remake. I do believe they should start brand new no more than forty dollars. You can agree of disagree that is fine. I am disappointed that Nintendo ignored all of the professional media outreaches we made concerning this game. - Paul

Graphics: 65% Sound: 85% Replay/Extras: 65% Gameplay: 75% Family Friendly Factor: 70% Family Friendly Gaming

One thing I have come to expect from the Supergirl television show is – it will get worse ever single season. Supergirl Season Four is predictable extremist far left propaganda from start to finish. The cool thing about Supergirl Season Four is characters like Lex Luther and Agent Liberty. They are actually heroes and the good guys in this television show. The “good girls” in Supergirl Season Four according to the show are actually pretty wicked. Supergirl Season Four is sexist against men, promotes gender confusion, promotes sexual deviance, has violence, blood, bad language, and more. Supergirl Season Four supports lying, attacks the Constitution, and disobeying the law. Supergirl Season Four is typical liberalism where they disobey laws they don’t like, and demand we obeys their whacked out laws. Supergirl Season Four tries to redefine

System: DVD Publisher: Warner Bros Developer: DC Comics Rating: ‘NR’ for Not Rated

Supergirl Season Four

Goosebumps 2



hate. Magic and summoning dead spirits are a part of this show. Supergirl Season Four reinforces one truth I noticed in Seattle. Liberals go around demanding everyone just listen to one another. Truth is they don’t listen. They try to change your beliefs to fit their rebellion against God. They never listen, and they never attempt to compromise. Instead they arm twist to get their way after monopolizing the conversa-

tion. The black Jimmy Olson does not try to listen even though he says he will. The women in Supergirl Season Four love to ramble on and on. Brainy gets interesting near the end of the season. SPOILER ALERT! Supergirl dies at one point in Supergirl Season Four. We were so happy it happened. Sadly it did not last long, and some odd resurrection happened. Lena murders Lex in cold blood. She is supposed to be one of the good characters in the show. Supergirl Season Four is messed up from start to finish. Supergirl Season Four tries to celebrate mentally ill people for mutilating their bodies. It is disgusting on so many levels. The only saving grace of Supergirl Season Four is to root for the “bad guys.” I know this backwards show won’t let them win in the end. It is still fun to cheer for them while they are fighting the good fight against the evil, hateful liberals. - Paul

Goosebumps 2 is another Black Friday 2019 purchase I made that was pretty low priority for us. I was curious to see how the story would be brought back. Two middle school kids are running a business called Junk Brothers. They find a chest with a locked book in it. They unlock the book and free Slappy. This is where Goosebumps 2 starts to get really weird. I will get into that in just a moment. Slappy helps them and is nice to them. He wants to become part of their family. At first things are great in Goosebumps 2. Slappy helps them with his magic. Unfortunately Slappy’s magic makes things worse in most instances. SPOILER ALERT!

Graphics: 40% Sound: 40% Replay/Extras: 60% Gameplay: 40% Family Friendly Factor: 25%

System: DVD Publisher: Sony Pictures Developer: Columbia Pictures Rating: ‘PG’ for Parental Guidance Suggested {scary creature action and images, some thematic elements, rude humor and language}

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Take for example the tesla science experiment that works but blows holes in the classroom wall. The kids decide Slappy has to go, and then all the monsters are released. The issues families can have with Goosebumps 2 is bad language, violence, scary moments, witches, ghouls, mummies, and other horror creatures. Goosebumps 2 goes for more humor than scares. In fact there are few horror moments in Goosebumps 2 now that I think about it. I am not sure if that was planned. Goosebumps 2 is less scary than Goosebumps in my personal and professional opinion. The bonus content on the DVD disc of Goosebumps 2 is Gag Reel, Deleted Scenes, Slappy’s Audition Tape, Meet the Monsters, The Making of Goosebumps 2, and More. It

takes ninety minutes to watch Goosebumps 2. I feel like Goosebumps 2 is sort of ‘B’ grade when it comes to quality. Certain aspects of Goosebumps 2 are so predictable. Like the balloon monster and lightning. The end of Goosebumps 2 is the best part. It leaves the door open for a third movie. In fact the cliffhanger has me wondering when there will be a third movie. I suspect Goosebumps 2 did not do very well. It lost a lot of the charm from the first movie. Goosebumps 2 also went away from the kid scares. There are too many awkward cringe moments in Goosebumps 2 that were failed attempts at humor. - Paul

Graphics: 60% Sound: 65% Replay: 70% Gameplay: 70% Family Friendly Factor: 60% Family Friendly Gaming

I am getting through my retro pile little by little these days. I am finally to The Black Eyed Peas Experience. This home console dance video game is on the Wii and Xbox 360. I purchased a copy of the second for doing dance videos. You can check them out here. There is some good and some bad in this dance video game. Families will get exercise thanks to The Black Eyed Peas Experience. The bad in The Black Eyed Peas Experience is bad language, enticement to lust, lack of attire, sexual moves, and more. The Black Eyed Peas Experience generally registers the moves well. At times I did

System: Wii/Xbox 360(tested) Publisher: Ubisoft Developer: iNiS, Ubisoft Quebec Rating: ‘T’ – THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Strong Lyrics, Suggestive Themes}

The Black Eyed Peas Experience

Family Feud



not understand why it did not catch certain movements. Other times The Black Eyed Peas Experience gave me a score when I did not do something right. So it is wrong both directions. Many of the dance moves repeat so we can learn what to do, as well as visual clues on the screen. If you are a fan of this band then you will enjoy the The Black Eyed Peas Experience video game. If you are not a fan then The Black Eyed Peas Experience is a much harder sell. I like some of their songs, and not into other songs. Players can customize their dancers in a variety of different ways.

If you are into that kind of a thing. I personally believe the Kinect version of dance video games are better than the Wii Motion controls. That has been my personal experience with a variety of games. That is why I purchased The Black Eyed Peas Experience on the Xbox 360 with Kinect support over the Wii version. Four family members over the age of thirteen can dance The Black Eyed Peas Experience at the same time. I wish the older content had been left out, muted, or we had been given a family friendly mode in The Black Eyed Peas Experience. We do get exercise thanks to this game. - Paul

Graphics: 60% Sound: 58% Replay: 83% Gameplay: 79% Family Friendly Factor: 60%

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I am so thankful Family Friendly Gaming had enough money to purchase Family Feud on the Playstation 2. Since this game was from a few generations back I honestly did not expect a lot from it. I hoped for the Family Feud experience. Generally Family Feud gave it to me. There are a few issues here and there that I will get to in this review. I want to get the biggest issue with Family Feud out of the way. It is so obnoxious to have such a limited amount of time and have to type things in with the on screen keyboard. I wish Family Feud would stop the timer while I was typing at the very least. I could not get

System: Playstation 2 Publisher: Global Star Games Developer: Ingram Entertainment Rating: ‘E’ for Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY

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everything typed at the end in time. The graphics in Family Feud are not the greatest. They look okay for that era. The voices are nice in Family Feud. We get over one thousand survey questions in Family Feud. Multiple family members can enjoy Family Feud at the same time. There are hours upon hours of replay in Family Feud. The purchase price of Family Feud is pretty low so I know families will get their moneys worth out of Family Feud

on the PS2. I had so much fun playing Family Feud. Did you catch my video series on it? If not please click here. This is the kind of video game families can enjoy, support, and embrace. I love how Family Feud made me think. I did not always agree with the people surveyed but that is part of the game. I also had plenty of aha moments after I saw other answers. Family Feud helped me broaden my mind and expand my horizons. - Paul

Graphics: 80% Sound: 90% Replay/Extras: 100% Gameplay: 85% Family Friendly Factor: 95% Family Friendly Gaming


Hotshot Racing

System: PC/PS4/Xbox One/ Switch Publisher: Curve Digital Developer: Lucky Mountain Games Rating: ‘RP’- Rating Pending Release Date: TBA

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SPORTS Continued

Hotshot Racing

System: PC/PS4/Xbox One/ Switch Publisher: Curve Digital Developer: Lucky Mountain Games Rating: ‘RP’- Rating Pending Release Date: TBA

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CONTENTS Product Name Page(s) Phantasy Star Online 2 43 - 49 Adam’s Venture Origins 50 - 55 Captain Tsubasa Rise of New Champions 56 - 61 Command and Conquer Remastered Collection 62 - 67

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Phantasy Star Online 2

System: Xbox One/PC Publisher: Sega Developer: Sega Rating: ‘RP’ - Rating Pending Release Date: TBA

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Phantasy Star Online 2

System: Xbox One/PC Publisher: Sega Developer: Sega Rating: ‘RP’ - Rating Pending Release Date: TBA

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Phantasy Star Online 2

System: Xbox One/PC Publisher: Sega Developer: Sega Rating: ‘RP’ - Rating Pending Release Date: TBA

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Adam’s Venture Origins

System: Nintendo Switch Publisher: SOEDESCO Developer: Vertigo Gaming Rating: ‘RP’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY {Mild Violence} Release Date: May 29, 2020

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Adam’s Venture Origins

System: Nintendo Switch Publisher: SOEDESCO Developer: Vertigo Gaming Rating: ‘RP’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY {Mild Violence} Release Date: May 29, 2020

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Adam’s Venture Origins

System: Nintendo Switch Publisher: SOEDESCO Developer: Vertigo Gaming Rating: ‘RP’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY {Mild Violence} Release Date: May 29, 2020

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Captain Tsubasa Rise of New Champions

System: Switch/PC/PS4 Publisher: Bandai Namco Entertainment Developer: Tamsoft Rating: ‘RP’ - Rating Pending Release Date: 2020

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Captain Tsubasa Rise of New Champions

System: Switch/PC/PS4 Publisher: Bandai Namco Entertainment Developer: Tamsoft Rating: ‘RP’ - Rating Pending Release Date: 2020

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Captain Tsubasa Rise of New Champions

System: Switch/PC/PS4 Publisher: Bandai Namco Entertainment Developer: Tamsoft Rating: ‘RP’ - Rating Pending Release Date: 2020

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Command and Conquer Remastered Collection

System: Personal Computer Publisher: Electronic Arts Developer: Petroglyph, Lemon Sky Studios, EA Rating: ‘RP’ - Rating Pending Release Date: June 5, 2020

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Command and Conquer Remastered Collection

System: Personal Computer Publisher: Electronic Arts Developer: Petroglyph, Lemon Sky Studios, EA Rating: ‘RP’ - Rating Pending Release Date: June 5, 2020

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Command and Conquer Remastered Collection

System: Personal Computer Publisher: Electronic Arts Developer: Petroglyph, Lemon Sky Studios, EA Rating: ‘RP’ - Rating Pending Release Date: June 5, 2020

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NOW CONTENTS Product Name Page(s) Plants vs Zombies Neighborville 69 - 75 Bubble Bobble 4 Friends 76 - 81 Hayfever 82 - 83

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Plants vs Zombies Neighborville

System: PC/PS4/Xbox One Publisher: Electronic Arts Developer: Popcap Games Rating: ‘E10+’ - Everyone TEN and OLDER ONLY {Comic Mischief, Fantasy Violence} Release Date: Out Now

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Family Friendly Gaming


Plants vs Zombies Neighborville

System: PC/PS4/Xbox One Publisher: Electronic Arts Developer: Popcap Games Rating: ‘E10+’ - Everyone TEN and OLDER ONLY {Comic Mischief, Fantasy Violence} Release Date: Out Now

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Plants vs Zombies Neighborville

System: PC/PS4/Xbox One Publisher: Electronic Arts Developer: Popcap Games Rating: ‘E10+’ - Everyone TEN and OLDER ONLY {Comic Mischief, Fantasy Violence} Release Date: Out Now

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Bubble Bobble 4 Friends

System: Nintendo Switch Publisher: ININ Games Developer: Taito Games Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY {Mild Cartoon Violence} Release Date: March 31, 2020

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Bubble Bobble 4 Friends

System: Nintendo Switch Publisher: ININ Games Developer: Taito Games Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY {Mild Cartoon Violence} Release Date: March 31, 2020

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Bubble Bobble 4 Friends

System: Nintendo Switch Publisher: ININ Games Developer: Taito Games Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY {Mild Cartoon Violence} Release Date: March 31, 2020

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System: PC/PS4/Xbox One/Nintendo Switch Publisher: Zordix Publishing Developer: Pixadome Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY Release Date: Out Now

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Last Minute


CONTENTS Product Name Page(s) Trials of Mana Street Fighter V Championship Edition Black Clover Phantom Knights

85 - 91 92 - 97 98 - 103

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Last Minute Tidbits

Trials of Mana

System: Switch/PS4 Publisher: Square Enix Developer: Square Enix Rating: ‘T’ - THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Fantasy Violence, Suggestive Themes} Release Date: April 24, 2020

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Family Friendly Gaming

Last Minute Tidbits

Trials of Mana

System: Switch/PS4 Publisher: Square Enix Developer: Square Enix Rating: ‘T’ - THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Fantasy Violence, Suggestive Themes} Release Date: April 24, 2020

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Family Friendly Gaming

Last Minute Tidbits

Trials of Mana

System: Switch/PS4 Publisher: Square Enix Developer: Square Enix Rating: ‘T’ - THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Fantasy Violence, Suggestive Themes} Release Date: April 24, 2020

Family Friendly Gaming

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Family Friendly Gaming

Last Minute Tidbits

Street Fighter V Championship Edition

System: PC/PS4 Publisher: Capcom Developer: Capcom Rating: ‘T’ - THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Mild Blood, Mild Language, Suggestive Themes, Violence} Release Date: Out Now

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Family Friendly Gaming

Last Minute Tidbits

Street Fighter V Championship Edition

System: PC/PS4 Publisher: Capcom Developer: Capcom Rating: ‘T’ - THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Mild Blood, Mild Language, Suggestive Themes, Violence} Release Date: Out Now

Family Friendly Gaming

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Family Friendly Gaming

Last Minute Tidbits

Street Fighter V Championship Edition

System: PC/PS4 Publisher: Capcom Developer: Capcom Rating: ‘T’ - THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Mild Blood, Mild Language, Suggestive Themes, Violence} Release Date: Out Now

Family Friendly Gaming

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Family Friendly Gaming

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Last Minute Tidbits

Black Clover Phantom Knights

System: iOS, Android Publisher: Bandai Namco Developer: Bandai Namco Rating: ‘T’ - THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Violence} Release Date: Out Now

Family Friendly Gaming

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Family Friendly Gaming

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Last Minute Tidbits

Black Clover Phantom Knights

System: iOS, Android Publisher: Bandai Namco Developer: Bandai Namco Rating: ‘T’ - THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Violence} Release Date: Out Now

Family Friendly Gaming

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Page 101

Family Friendly Gaming

Last Minute Tidbits

Black Clover Phantom Knights

System: iOS, Android Publisher: Bandai Namco Developer: Bandai Namco Rating: ‘T’ - THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Violence} Release Date: Out Now

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Family Friendly Gaming

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Family Friendly Gaming

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