Family Friendly Gaming #168

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July 2021


DreamWorks Spirit Lucky’s Big Adventure lets families ride along.

Issue #168


July 2021


Home Page

Section Page(s) Editor’s Desk 4 Female Side 5 Comics 7 Sound Off 8 - 10 Look Back 12 Quiz 13 Devotional 14 In The News 16 - 23 We Would Play That! 24 Reviews 25 - 37 Sports 38 - 41 Developing Games 42 - 67 Now Playing 68 - 83 Last Minute Tidbits 84 - 108

“Family Friendly Gaming” is trademarked. Contents of Family Friendly Gaming is the copyright of Paul Bury, and Yolanda Bury with the exception of trademarks and related indicia (example Digital Praise); which are property of their individual owners. Use of anything in Family Friendly Gaming that Paul and Yolanda Bury claims copyright to is a violation of federal copyright law. Contact the editor at the business address of: Family Friendly Gaming 7910 Autumn Creek Drive Cordova, TN 38018 Trademark Notice Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft all have trademarks on their respective machines, and games. The current seal of approval, and boy/girl pics were drawn by Elijah Hughes thanks to a wonderful donation from Tim Emmerich. Peter and Noah are inspiration to their parents.

Family Friendly Gaming

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Family Friendly Gaming


Editor’s Desk Hope Springs Eternal I am very open, transparent and honest about what is going on in our lives. Family Friendly Gaming started as a straight gaming media outlet for families. One of the few conservative gaming media outlets. We have always had a goal of pointing everyone to God. We want to bring as many of ya’ll with us into heaven when our mission on Earth is done. At some point Family Friendly Gaming became a hybrid media outlet blog. Or at least there are those in the world who see us as part media outlet and part blog. Since we write about personal things as well as publish press releases from video game companies. The same goes for the videos and live streams. They started out as straight laced straight faced videos of the games. They turned into so much more over the years. We have done a plethora of different things and styles that help millions all over the world. The Chinese virus COVID-19 has caused a lot of damage, change, death, and destruction. We had to let some people go. Yolanda is working a part time job. I have a day job. All of those pay the bills. My hearts desire is to work Family Friendly Gaming full time. Sadly the pay is not there. We have contacted somewhere between one hundred and two hundred companies about advertising. As you see new advertisements and sponsorships please click on the link to check out their products. That is how we get more advertisements. We need your help and your support. If you decide to purchase their product based on their advertisement then awesome. If you don’t then just checking it out helps us out. Advertisement needs to be a winwin proposition. The advertisers need to get something for their money. Just like we need the advertisements, sponsorships, and donations.

in terms of sponsorships and advertisements. We have seen growth that gives me hope. I believe one day God will bless us to the point of being able to do Family Friendly Gaming full time. Until that time I do my best. I strive to be better and improve things at Family Friendly Gaming one day and one idea at a time. I am thankful for everyone of our advertisers, sponsors, donators, readers, and viewers. Times have been hard for a great many families this last year and a half. I have hope it will get better. I have faith that God has our best interest at heart as we continue to serve and obey Him. I believe the sun will start shining again for millions of families all over the world. Are you ready for it? God bless, Paul Bury

I don’t know about you, but I like to stay active. I am constantly doing something. Whether it is reading, writing, shopping, talking, gardening, cleaning, or something else; I am always finding ways to get things done. I cook, can, and plan. I create, try, and search. There are all kinds of ideas I get about a cool new art and craft to share with all ya’ll. As I get time in my schedule I test and see how it will work. When I am satisfied with the end result then here comes a video. That reminds me I want to thank all ya’ll that have been purchasing the arts and crafts items I have done videos on. Thank you so much for supporting me, my family, and Family Friendly Gaming. I love how that is such an easy way so many of ya’ll are able to support us. When you do not have the time and materials to create the items I have shown it is so wonderful that you can make a purchase on the Family Friendly Gaming Store page. I am also very thankful to everyone buying copies of Paul’s books who have asked me to sign them as well. Thank you for supporting Family Friendly Gaming as well. Without you we would cease to exist. Which is why it is so important for every single reader to prayerfully consider ways they can continue to support this free magazine, free website, and free videos. Without your support this all ceases to exist. If we have blessed you in any way, please consider supporting Family Friendly Gaming in the future. There are plenty of ideas on the How You Can Help Us page on the website.

love taking walks in our family. We get to meet and talk to so many wonderful people in our neighborhood. There are so many neighbors that have seen us walk, pick up our dogs poop, and be patient to let their cars go by before crossing the street. I get comments quite often about princess and how she is a happy girl today. Princess loves to watch others as well. Whether it be a person, animal, or car. She just stops and stares at them. I am working on keeping her away from the snakes. The birds better stay away from her because she tries to catch them. I am not sure what she will do if she ever catches one. Thankfully she has listened and stays away from the worms now. If I could just get her to stay away from the bees. Her potty training came along nicely even though it took some time. God bless, Yolanda Bury

Gardening is another wonderful way to keep active. I will warn you that you will probably be sore that evening or the next day. Gardening can be very physical. Those stubborn weeds do not want to leave the dirt they have invaded. That is their home and they don’t care that they will choke out your plants, fruits, and vegetables. Paul and I both love gardening. He handles most of our little garden, strawberries, and blueberries. I take care of the other plants that make things look nice. I do not get out there gardening as often as I would like. I do enjoy seeing the flowers that come from the plants. Princess is also impressed with them. Although to be fair she will sniff grass, clover, trash, and anything else she happens to run across. Then she will sneeze after sniffing them. Guess what she does after sneezing? She goes right back to sniffing them. Then she looks at me after the second or third sneeze and wants to know what am I doing to cause this.

I have written about getting down and depressed before. There are days I am so exhausted from the day job and then tons of press releases waiting on me. I know that most of the people in PR and Marketing see us as slaves and could care less that we are doing this work for them pro bono. What gets me and insults me sometimes is when they bug me after we have done so much to make them so much money. Yet they never once think of doing anything to help us continue to exist. I could just stop it all at some point and they would lose out on reaching the Family Friendly Gaming Universe audience. Which would cut into their profits. Maybe some day I will get fed up with it and do just that. I am not trying to guilt trip them into thinking of others and finally doing the right thing. I am expressing my perspective on this issue.

Speaking of the most recent addition to our family princess, she loves going for walks. Taking a walk is another great way to stay active. We

We have seen some massive improvements in 2021 Family Friendly Gaming

Being Active

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Family Friendly Gaming

Lesson-based education & Fun

Colossians: 9781935915010 | 1 Peter: 9780976054870 | 2 Peter: 9780976054887 | Phillipians: 9781935915010 | James: 9780976054863 1 Timothy: 9780976054825 | 2 Timothy: 9780976054894 | Interactive Parables: 9780976054801 | Interactive Parables Spanish: 9780976054818

Interactive Bible Series for Windows by GraceWorks Interactive

alog features 150 t a c 0+ s Th i ilable Homeschoo a v a 0 l tit 0 0 les 9 f . o

DVD-ROMs contain PowerPoint Bible stories, 3 - 5 on each disk. The PowerPoints contain stunning lifelike still graphics. Not cartoons, but computer generated photorealistic imagery. Their purpose is to provide a great backdrop while the teacher articulates the story, there is no audio, but a lesson outline is provided for the teacher along with Bible references. Each story also has a printable PDF activity sheet and a coloring page. 14 DVD ROM titles $10.99 each Easter 1 Easter 2 Christmas Failure and Redemption Fifty Days Jesus Saves John Baptist Miracles of Jesus 1 Miracles of Jesus 2 Obedience Parables of Jesus 1 Parables of Jesus 2 Power and Glory Women of God

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The comics are a further resource. Children love to read them and learn Bible stories. 6 COMIC titles $1.50 (issues 1-4) $2.99 (issues 5,7) Issue 1 Jonah Issue 2 Samaritan Issue 3 Adam & Eve Issue 4 Christmas Issue 5 Easter Issue 7 Titanic

ISBN 9781904064947 ISBN 9781907731006 ISBN 9781907731013 ISBN 9781907731068 ISBN 9781907731075 ISBN 9780957152304

For a complete listing, visit our reference only website

Products can be ordered from your local Homeschool Retailer.

Advertisement Family Friendly Gaming

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Mission Statement


Family Friendly Gaming (FFG) was created in March of the year of our Lord 2005 as the first ever Christian video game magazine. The goal of Family Friendly Gaming is to report on video games from the family view point. Family Friendly Gaming takes a fair and balanced approach to all news, previews, reviews, interviews, features, and other articles found within. The secular video game media reports mainly on the most morally bankrupt games and call those games good. The major secular media reports on the bad side of video games mainly. Most other Christian media outlets claim video games turn the player into a zombie, or they completely worship video games. Family Friendly Gaming reports the good, and bad side effects to video games. It is the belief of the owners that readers are smart enough to come to their conclusions without those in the media handing opinions to them. Those of us at Family Friendly Gaming believe by giving you the facts, you can decide for yourself. There are plenty of really good video games on the market that teach wonderful lessons. Both inside the Christian video game market, and from non-Christian video game developers. Family Friendly Gaming seeks out these video games to bring them to your attention. Since it is unknown before playing a game how family friendly it is; it is possible that this magazine will preview a game, and then the review will expose problems previously unknown. Family Friendly Gaming promises to always ask the question: “how God feels about certain video games.” God’s opinion on the matter is more important than any mere mortal. Which is why the rest of the industry does not influence FFG.

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Family Friendly Gaming

SOUND OFF The Sound Off section is where you the reader/ emailer is heard. What you have to say is put in this section for all the readers to see. Of course certain content is edited for appropriateness issues. This is a family friendly magazine, and certain content is just not proper. We hope you enjoy this section as much as we do. Keep an eye out for your comments appearing in these very pages. You have our attention, so SOUND OFF!

February Devotional Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you for your February Devotional book. Your book has inspired me, and helped me draw closer to God. You are so talented that it astounds me you made such a great book. I was also inspired by your January Devotional book. I told my pastor about your books. I hope he will tell the congregation. I showed him the books and my pastor was impressed as well. He loves to see his flock grow spiritually. Are more devotional books coming? I really hope so. I would love to read more of them. May God bless you and all of the amazing work you have done for His Holy King-

Family Friendly Gaming

dom. Forever and ever AMEN! - Shawn

wonderful ways as well. Will there be more? Yes I plan on it. I was trying to get some ideas down for the next Future Glimpses book but that has been slow going. Could you pray for me concerning something? My heart’s desire is to do Family Friendly Gaming full time. Financially it has never been there. So I have to work a day job.

{Paul}: Shawn, Thank you so very much for your amazing words of encouragement. I really appreciate them. I am also so very pleased to hear they have spoken to your heart, blessed you, and helped you grow in the Lord. That is why I do what I do. I work diligently to point people to God. I strive to help brothers and sisters in Christ think about Jesus, include God in all their dealings and decisions. Your message has blessed me in many

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With the pandemic we had to let some people go, and Yolanda works a part time job now as well to assist with the finances. I pray every day for God to provide financially for Family Friendly Gaming. When that happens I will have more time to write more books more often. What I can do is prioritize the March Devotional book ahead of the next Future Glimpses book. I will pray about that and seek God’s guidance. Thank you again. May God bless and keep you.

Building a Coalition Your Building a Coalition article is one of the most profound, intelligent, thoughtful, and powerful news stories I read in my entire life time. Good job with that article. There was a song in one of the Pond DVDs about working together. Family Friendly Gaming shows that you want to work with others. What about those in the cancel culture? Would you work with some of those companies too? Would you give them an opportunity to correct the mistakes of their past? Would you let them show they are no longer discriminating against Christians and conservatives? Would you let them into your

circling the wagons? How far has Family Friendly Gaming gotten with this campaign? - Tommy {Paul}: Tommy, You flatter me sir. I am shocked, stunned and surprised you hold that article in such high esteem. I am only human and make plenty of mistakes. I don’t want to be up on a pedestal because of the potential fall. Thank you for those kind words of encouragement. Excellent and amazing questions thank you for those. I want to start with the last question. We have slowly been getting progress with this concept. As I write this there is a banner ad on our website for Paladin Dream.. That came from artiDream cles we have been writing on this very topic. We are in the process of contacting a plethora of companies and others are consistently contacting us concerning opportunities. I thought long and hard about contacting companies within the cancel culture. They have a very bad image in our community. Take Nike and Coke for example. They have made some radical decisions that has led to boycotts of their products. Since I believe in redemption we have reached out to both of those companies. Coke re-

Family Friendly Gaming

SOUND OFF Continued sponded that they appreciated our offer and could only partner with those that align with their core values. I let them know I was giving them an opportunity to improve their horrible public image. I was giving them the opportunity to prove they do not discriminate against Christians and conservatives. I have not heard back. I also have not heard back from Nike. The Bible talks about humbling oneself, repenting and turning to God. If they never do that, then its on them. We will give them the opportunity to turn from their evil ways. We will witness to them and do the right thing for the kingdom of heaven. How they respond is on them. We have been mistreated by a plethora of companies over the years. We still keep the door open to them to do the right thing going forward. We forgive them, and show them mercy. If they continue to follow Satan in rebellion against God that is their decision. We will never force them to do the right thing. We will never force them to be moral and upstanding. We do spend more time working with companies that align with the true, real, genuine, honest, merciful, loving, and caring morals and ethics. I know this might be controversial to some. Why would we work with someone that aligns against us? Ultimately we want Family Friendly Gaming

them to come to Jesus. We want them to turn from their wicked ways. Canceling them for canceling others won’t do it. With that said we aren’t buying products from companies that are doing such evil things. Instead we are buying from others while we hope and pray they humble themselves, repent and turn from those wicked ways. They have free will to make their own decisions.

Villagers & Heroes Your live stream of Villagers & Heroes was fantastic. I downloaded this app on my iPad and started playing it. Thank you for showing off this game. I am surprised there is so much content in it. Will you be doing any more live streams of Villagers & Heroes? - Garth {Paul}: Garth, I am so pleased you enjoyed our sponsored live stream of Villagers & Heroes. For those that missed it please click here.. I would love to do some here more live streams of Villagers & Heroes on our YouTube channel. In fact I reached out to the company to see if they wanted me to play some more of Villagers & Heroes for Family Friendly Gaming Universe. Hopefully they respond soon

and we can get more of that game going. There are some sponsored live streams we play where I never want to see the game again. Villagers & Heroes is the exact opposite. I enjoyed playing it and would happily play it some more. It would also be great if Villagers & Heroes ported over to the Nintendo Switch. It would be even easier for us to do live streams of it with that setup. Lord willing we will be able to do more live streams of Villagers & Heroes in the near future. No promises though.

Would you like to be heard in Family Friendly Gaming? Want to Sound Off on something in video games, the website, the magazine, etc? Log on to the Internet and go to our Comments page: comments.html, or send an email to: Mail us comments at: Family Friendly Gaming 7910 Autumn Creek Drive Cordova, TN 38018

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Family Friendly Gaming

Look BACK BACK There has been a lot of history made here at Family Friendly Gaming. Let us take a look at some of the historic front covers to a few of the issues in our long and storied history.

QUIZ Family Friendly Gaming decided to do some fun little historic quizzes. Anyone who is not a business partner, advertiser, PR contact, or works for Family Friendly Gaming can answer these questions. Email answers to After three months the person with the most right answers will be logged in a future issue. Question: Can companies sponsor Family Friendly Gaming? Answer: Question: Do you enjoy watching R-rated movies? Why or why not? Answer: Question: Do you enjoy playing M-rated games? Why or why not? Answer: Question: Where can the Video Game Lies book be purchased? Answer: Question: Is there a page on how you can help Family Friendly Gaming? Answer: Question: Does Family Friendly Gaming have a Twitch channel? Answer: Question: Does Family Friendly Gaming have a Daily Motion channel? Answer: Question: Have you been to the advertise page on the Family Friendly Gaming website? Answer: Question: Where can you buy shirts that show off your FFG Universe pride? Answer: Question: When can you catch FFG Twitch streams? Answer: Question: What was the first video game system everyone at FFG played? Answer: Question: How long have you read/watched Family Friendly Gaming? Answer: Question: Are you one of the 8.88 million readers of FFG? Answer:

Family Friendly Gaming

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Family Friendly Gaming

The Beatitudes Part 1 Jesus taught many wonderful things over the years he was on Earth teaching the people. The Beatitudes is one of those lessons that contains so much important information Matthew 5: 1-2 Now when Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, 2 and he began to teach them. Even the setting shows amazing wisdom. He went above the people so he could be seen and heard. He sat down to show how relaxed true and real learning actually is. Jesus really showed the heavenly perspective. The worldly and fleshly perspective is well known and seen every single day by those living for self. The heavenly perspective is such a better path to live. Matthew 5:3-5 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. 5 Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Jesus starts out talking

Family Friendly Gaming

about blessings. When you are poor in spirit the kingdom of heaven is theirs. When you mourn you will be comforted. The meek will inherit the Earth. These are exactly the opposite of the might makes right concept so many people try to enforce on everyone on our planet. There is a theme building as well. That theme is the poor, down trodden on Earth are going to be awarded and blessed in heaven. This passage makes us think about how we treat others. If we abuse people on Earth then we won’t be rewarded for it in the next life. Many of the people Jesus was teaching were poor. They did not have much. They were oppressed. There were slaves there. Many people faced all kinds of hardships in that area of the world in that time frame. Matthew 5:6-7 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. 7 Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. 8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. The blessings for those facing hardships continue in this passage as we contin-

ue through this chapter. I absolutely love how Jesus teaches if we hunger and thirst for righteousness we will be completely taken care of. Think about that. If your goals align with the kingdom of heaven you will find blessings. How pure is your heart? Have you even thought about it? Are you trying to keep yourself pure? If you are pure of heart you will see God. How awesome is that? Talk about a real goal to have in life. Do you work to attain that goal? Do you work on keeping yourself pure? God Bless, Paul Bury

PRAYER Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and need Your forgiveness. Nothing I can do of my own power will give me true joy. I believe that You died for my sins. I want to turn from my enslavement to sins, and repent of them. I now invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my personal Lord and Savior. I welcome the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Family Friendly Gaming

In The



Within them, you can take turns to execute an action, whether blasting enemies, capturing targets, or stealing objectives. After all turns have been taken the next

Story Page(s) Lemnis Gate Coming This Summer 16 - 17 Ys IX Monstrum Nox releases July 2021 for Nintendo Switch and PC 17 - 18 Utopos On STEAM 18 Medieval Dynasty Major Roadmap Update 4 19 To The Rescue! Announced 19 Bratz Total Fashion Makeover Now Available 20 Wreckfest brings you more DLC 21 Sonic Fan Game Helps Feed Hungry Kids 22 AI War 2 Zenith Onslaught Expansion and AI War 2 Titan Edition Out 22 - 23 Street Power Football Available Now on Stadia 23

round begins. This ingenious time loop mechanic lets you progressively build strategies, whether online or local, in both 1v1 and 2v2 matches. As more Operatives enter the fray, the potential for creative cunning rises. There are seven operatives in total, each bringing a distinct primary weapon and special ability. Combine all of your Operatives’ powers and use time as a weapon in the exhilarating, turn-based FPS battles of Lemnis Gate, landing across PC and console summer 2021.

Lemnis Gate Coming This Summer

Ys IX Monstrum Nox releases July 2021 for Nintendo Switch and PC

Get ready for Lemnis Gate! The thrilling, turn-based strategy shooter is set to play havoc with your perception of time when it launches summer 2021.

NIS America is excited to announce that Ys IX: Monstrum Nox will be available for Nintendo Switch on July 6, 2021 in North America, July 9 in Europe, and July 16 in Oceania. Ys IX: Monstrum Nox will be available for PC on July 6.

Scheduled for release on Steam, as well as PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, Lemnis Gate blends skill and strategy with unique time travel mechanics. THE RULES ARE SIMPLE Defeat opponents across five, 25-second rounds.

Renowned adventurer Adol “the Red” Christin and his companion Dogi arrive at Balduq, a city annexed by the Romun empire, only for Adol to be detained before setting foot inside. While imprisoned, he meets a mysterious woman named Aprilis who turns him into a Monstrum, a being with superhuman Gifts and the power to exorcise monsters. Now, Adol must ally with his fellow Monstrums to fend off the fearsome threats

The twist is they’re the same 25 seconds, repeated. Family Friendly Gaming

About the Game:

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Family Friendly Gaming

In The News Continued

In The News Continued

Utopos On STEAM Indie game developer Utopos Games is proud to announce the upcoming release of Utopos, an action-packed online spaceship arena fighting game inspired by the original Atari® split-screen version from 1993. Produced by the same team that brought you the popular URG shooter, Utopos offers 8-player frantic arena action suitable to trigger-happy fans of the genre.

emerging from a shadowy dimension called the Grimwald Nox, as well as unravel the mysteries of the Monstrum curse, and the truth behind the unrest within Balduq. Key Features: Feared Protectors: Play as any of the six notorious Monstrums, each with their own unique Gifts that grant abilities such as scaling sheer walls or detecting hidden objects to protect the city from shadowy creatures. The World Within the Walls: Explore the massive city, accept quests to aid the townsfolk, and enter the Grimwald Nox to vanquish the threats to Balduq. Strength of the Night: Familiar mechanics such as Flash Move and Flash Guard allow you to outmaneuver your foes, while new additions such as Gifts and Boost Mode further augment your ability to fight.

Utopos takes place in a colonized world inhabited by humans who left the earth in the search of a better life in the Asteroid Belt. Rocketship fights have become a popular sport and it’s up to you to fight your way to the top. Choose your ship and weapons and fight against other players to see who is the ultimate Rocketship fighting champion! Utopos is a multiplayer online game but does include AI-controlled bots that fight just like humans, allowing you to hone and master your skills before taking on live opponents. Utopos has been praised during early playtesting for its great way for families to bond together over a great gameplay experience. Parents who enjoyed the original game in the 90s have fun introducing the classic shooting-genre to the next generation of gamers, including their kids who enjoy the challenge and thrill of old-school retro-gaming. Join a session with your friends and family and partake in an intergalactic space battle out of this world. The current version available via Early Access supports up to 8 simultaneous combatants.

Medieval Dynasty Major Roadmap Update 4 The time has come! Here is the next Medieval Dynasty Roadmap Major Update. This time, we’ve added new resources, new tools and activities, a hairy new companion, and a whole lot of fixes and optimizations. It’s hard to imagine the growth of a community without proper resources. From now on in addition to iron, now you can also dig copper and tin. You will find copper and tin in caves, and these deposits are easy to reach. To find iron though, you have to dig a little bit deeper, into the caves themselves. To get access to their depths, you will need to build mines. Down below is the home to the valuable iron ore. After collecting those precious ores, you, or your people, can take them back to your village smithy. The blacksmith will smelt the raw tin and copper ores into tin and copper bars, which you can then combine and create the coveted bronze bars. Iron is a simpler process - you can convert iron ores straight into iron bars. Use these valuable bars to create a whole new range of copper and bronze tools and weapons. There is a whole new underground world with hidden treasures waiting to be discovered by you. We also added a new model of transportation - a donkey. He is slower than your old friend, the trusty horse, but he can carry more stuff than his bigger cousin. And he’s also cheaper. The perfect value-for-money companion.

To The Rescue!, the heartfelt dog shelter management sim from developer Little Rock Games and publisher Freedom Games, celebrates National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day by announcing its official charity companion, The Petfinder Foundation. Help dogs find their forever homes in the virtual world and real-life alike with To the Rescue!. This sim follows the journey of one dog lover’s mission to open a shelter, care for canines, and unite man’s best friend with loving new families. In addition to enjoying this uplifting adventure, every purchase of the game will benefit the efforts of the organizations and animals who inspired this tale, as Little Rock Games will be donating 20% of the title’s profits to The Petfinder Foundation. The Petfinder Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that gives grants to shelters and rescue groups across North America to increase the effectiveness of animal adoption programs. These critical practices are also reflected in To The Rescue!, where volunteers will get to know the pups’ personalities and individual needs and use this invaluable information to make matches that will last a lifetime. In addition to meeting with prospective new dog moms and dads and playing with the puppers, life as a volunteer in To The Rescue! spans the full shelter experience, from feeding hungry mouths and managing medication to behind-the-scenes efforts like financing the operation.

Game Details: Release: Nintendo Switch: July 6, 2021 (NA) / July 9, 2021 (EU) / July 16, 2021 (ANZ) PC: July 6, 2021 PS4: Available Now Platforms: PS4, Nintendo Switch, PC Genre: JRPG Player(s): 1 Text: English / French Audio: English / Japanese Ratings: ESRB T / PEGI 12 / USK 12 / ACB M

“When we chose the charity partner for our game we wanted to make sure our donation would have the biggest impact possible,” said Olivia Dunlap, co-founder, Little Rock Games. “We’re proud to partner with the Petfinder Foundation and are overjoyed that To The Rescue! will have a tangible impact both raising awareness of animal shelters and helping fund their amazing efforts.

Publisher: NIS America, Inc. Developer: Nihon Falcom Corporation

Family Friendly Gaming

To The Rescue! Announced

To The Rescue! launches Q3 2021 on Nintendo Switch and Steam via Windows PC and Mac for $19.99. Page 18

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Family Friendly Gaming

In The News Continued

In The News Continued

Bratz Total Fashion Makeover Now Available

Wreckfest brings you more DLC

MGA Entertainment (MGA), the world’s largest privately held toy company, and Outright Games, the leading worldwide publisher of family-friendly interactive entertainment, have released the new free to play fashion-forward mobile game BRATZ Total Fashion Makeover, available globally on iOS and Android.

The Super Truck Showdown tournament and the Off-Road Car Pack are out now for PC, Xbox One™ and PlayStation®4! This event is all about Stadium Super Trucks hitting both dirt and tarmac. The new epic track, the Rattlesnake Racepark, pays homage to real super truck dirt tracks with signature steep jumps, technical turns and majestic mountain scenery.

BRATZ Total Fashion Makeover, Developed by Graphite Lab, takes fans on an epic journey, guided by Cloe, Sasha, Yasmin and Jade, as they transform from undiscovered talent, to become the most elite fashion icons in the world. Users can create their own unique BRATZ

character and win ‘match 3’ puzzles to earn coins that can be used to design their bedroom, create their character’s individual wardrobe and become the ultimate fashion influencer in the world of BRATZ. BRATZ Total Fashion Makeover Key Features: Create and customize a BRATZ avatar 2D illustrated graphics faithful to the original BRATZ designs Play fun ‘match 3’ puzzles to earn coins to customize fashion looks and create glamorous settings 100s of fashionable clothes and accessories to collect Single and multiplayer events to earn extra special rewards “We are thrilled to continue our partnership with MGA to develop this brand-new mobile game title that will delight fans of all ages and it’s a great privilege to have the opportunity to work with this iconic brand,” said Terry Malham, CEO of Outright Games. “With so much excitement for a new BRATZ mobile game, we’re excited to help all fans become their own Bratz character and start their own adventure through the world of fashion, fortune and puzzles. We believe this will be the perfect app to celebrate this landmark 20th anniversary for the brand.” “For 20 years, BRATZ has reigned as an iconic brand that continues to innovate and inspire passion from fans worldwide,” said Isaac Larian, Founder and CEO of MGA Entertainment. “To celebrate the 20th anniversary of BRATZ we wanted to provide our loyal fans with new ways to enjoy their favorite brand in a way that is accessible to everyone, anywhere in the world.” Family Friendly Gaming

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Car Pack #10 aka the Off-Road Car Pack Expand your garage with three new vehicles! Trooper: This legendary American beast is built to last, and will take you to off-road hell and back without breaking a sweat. Trophy Runner: Previously a workhorse from Asia, this custom-built super truck will give anything a run for its money on dirt. Sandstorm: This mean machine eats dirt like there’s no tomorrow, and excels on twisty off-road tracks with tight corners! The tenth DLC pack is included in Season Pass 2. About Wreckfest Expect epic crashes, neck-to-neck fights over the finish line and brand-new ways for metal to bend – These are the once-in-a-lifetime moments that can only be achieved in Wreckfest, with its true-to-life physics simulation crafted by legendary developer Bugbear, who also brought you FlatOut 1, 2 and Ultimate Carnage. Burn rubber and shred metal in the ultimate driving playground!

Awesome Cars – Old, banged-up, patched-together cars that simply ooze style! From old American heavy-hitters to agile Europeans and fun Asians, you won’t find anything like this in other games. Meaningful Customization – Change not only the look of your cars but also upgrade their body armor Receive free updates that add new tracks and tournament challenges with unique rewards! Multiplayer – Wreck your friends online and take racing to the limit while chasing for demolition dominance! Page 21

Family Friendly Gaming

In The News Continued

In The News Continued

Sonic Fan Game Helps Feed Hungry Kids

encouraging players to explore and find secrets. Levels are set up similar to the classic games: 2 acts of regular levels followed by a third act, which is a boss fight.

Street Power Football Available Now on Stadia

The fan-made game, Sonic Robo Blast 2, was one of the featured games at the SpeedGaming Marathon for No Kid Hungry’s event on May 13-16. Seasoned Sonic speedrunner, Argick, ran the game live. Argick was joined by 70+ runners and over 130 runs from a range of platforms and genres with the goal of raising $30,000 for No Kid Hungry, a national campaign to end childhood hunger in America. 1 in 6 kids in America could face hunger this year and every $1 donated can help connect a child with up to 10 meals.

The game also offers players the chance to play as Tails or Knuckles offering different abilities to explore and conquer levels. Similar to the games of old, multiplayer is also present in the form of online co-op where a friend tags along in single player from their own PC, split-screen races, capture the flag and more.

Publisher Maximum Games and developer SFL Interactive today announced that Street Power Football is now available on Stadia. Head over to the Stadia store today to play over-the-top street soccer games against a tricked out soundtrack.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 has been in development since 1998 and recreates classic Sega Genesis era Sonic gameplay in 3D thanks to a modified version of the Doom Legacy source port of Doom. The gameplay features 3D platforming with multiple branching paths

AI War 2 Zenith Onslaught Expansion and AI War 2 Titan Edition Out Now

Sonic Robo Blast 2 has been growing a larger following over the last few years as the game has received major upgrades bringing the game to an almost complete state. The game has especially found a home in major speed-running communities being featured at events such as SpeedGaming. About Sonic Robo Blast 2 Sonic Robo Blast 2 is a free 3D Sonic the Hedgehog fan-game built using a modified version of the Doom Legacy source port of Doom. SRB2 is closely inspired by the original Sonic games from the Sega Genesis, and attempts to recreate their design in 3D. details like powerful new elite Cruisers that you can put in a new slot in your fleets, to galaxy-spanning empires like the Dark Zenith and the Zenith Architrave, this expan-

Featuring freestyle soccer champion Sean Garnier, Street Power Football features a premier roster of global freestyle, panna, and street soccer ambassadors, including Liv Cooke, Melody Donchet, Andrew Henderson, Raquel Benetti, and Garnier himself. Players perform signature moves from each ambassador on stages around the world. The game has six distinct game modes, loads of customization, a pumping soundtrack, insane arcade action and more: Become Street King: Create your own character and become the protégé of Street Legend Sean Garnier as you rule the streets with your baller moves. Six Unique Game Modes: Dance-like Freestyle, 3v3 Street Power matches, Trick Shot, sion is filled with new tools to use and new foes to best. Wormhole Borers let certain AIs alter the map topology, while Nomad Planets alter the map topology on their own

as they roam around. The Zenith Miners consume entire planets, and Golem variants abound. There are also options to make some of the new factions your allies, and take on the AI together. AI War 2 and its expansions are available now on Windows PC, Mac, and Linux platforms.

Arcen Games is excited to announce the release of a new expansion for its space strategy cult hit AI War 2 -- AI War 2: Zenith Onslaught -- available now on Steam for $9.99!

Multiplayer co-op has been feature-complete for months, but is still undergoing testing. The original intent was a simultaneous launch with Zenith Onslaught, but the novel heavily-multithreaded shared-simulation approach has required more testing time than expected. Please feel free to join in and share any feedback you have! The multiplayer in this game required some novel design work that we hope can be useful to other developers; once we’re past the last of the bugs we hope to present our findings so that other games in other genres can benefit from our work in making self-correcting mod-safe multi-threaded complex simulations of arbitrarily large sizes a reality. We expect no more than 1-2 more months of MP beta, as the bug count falls with weekly updates.

To celebrate, the new and definitive AI War 2: Titan Edition is also available today on Steam -- including the first two DLCs and the base game. The most devious and acclaimed artificial intelligence in strategy gaming has continued to morph over the last year, with many major updates culminating in our recent Paradigm Shift (tutorial and overview videos included in link). AI War 2 is a grand strategy/RTS hybrid that reverses many of the conventions of both genres. Take territory without attracting attention, build your empire with care, and adapt to an ever-evolving galactic battleground. The Zenith Onslaught expansion is absolutely jam-packed with features. From “small” Family Friendly Gaming

Panna Cage Battles, Elimination and Become King story mode. Signature Tricks and Superpowers: Play with style and stun your opponents with sick tricks like Boyka’s backflip, Liv’s around the world or Melody’s special moves. Unleash amazing superpowers and blow away the competition. Style Points: Customize your team with stylish street fashions, custom emotes, tattoos, and more! Authentic Streetstyle Culture: Play with the best Street and Freestyle players in the world, including Sean Garnier, Liv Cooke, Melody Donchet, Andrew Henderson, Raquel “Freestyle” Benetti, Daniel Got Hits, Javi Freestyle and many more! Build the Hype: Turn up the volume with hyped-up tracks from The Black-Eyed Peas, DJ Snake, Snap, and Daniel Got Hits as you take to streetstyle stages from around the world, including the official Red Bull Street Style World Championship stage.

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Family Friendly Gaming


We Would Play That! There are all kinds of cool family friendly video game ideas out there. This column features ideas of video games we would play. We hope games like these are created in the near future. Can you make it happen?

a video game? Would it be for kids only? Would it be for the entire family? There is potential with this franchise to have more than one kind of video game. There could be a video game that lets kids explore the various cool locales in Mr Roger’s Neighborhood. They could interact with a digital version of the host and other There are plenty of wonderful characters from the show. Kids television shows that could be could learn a variety of things made into a variety of different about being kind, caring, lovcool, fun and interesting video ing, and considerate. games. It would be amazing Another idea for a game to see a Mr Roger’s Neighwould be something for the borhood video game. There entire family. A party game is a board game based on the television show. A video game that all ages of the family could enjoy together. Think would be fantastic. There could be all kinds of cool top- like The Bible Game on the PS2 and Xbox. This Mr Roger’s ics covered. Each chapter in the video game could cover an Neighborhood Party Game important topic that was cov- could have families competing in a variety of fun mini games ered on the television show. based on the characters and locales of Mr Roger’s NeighCould you imagine a Mr borhood. Imagine a speedy Roger’s Neighborhood viddelivery mini game based off eo game? What kind of cool of Mr McFeely. Maybe we things could you see in such

could have an obstacle course around the castle of King Friday XIII. A song mini game with Lady Aberlin. There are so many potential ideas that could be done in a Mr Roger’s Neighborhood Party game. What are some ideas you can think of? A Mr Roger’s Neighborhood could also usher in a new age of really cool and fun video games for kids and families. There are other children’s franchises that were neglected back in the day. Take Davey & Goliath for example. There was a Captain Kangaroo video game for Windows 98. His franchise could certainly be brought back to kids and families as well. Would you play a Mr Roger’s Neighborhood video game? Would you buy it for a child or younger sibling? Can you see how this idea could be something amazing for families for years to come?

Hebrews 6:9-12 9 Even though we speak like this, dear friends, we are convinced of better things in your case—the things that have to do with salvation. 10 God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. 11 We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, so that what you hope for may be fully realized. 12 We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised. Family Friendly Gaming

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Welcome to our reviews section. We have a couple of rules when it comes to our reviews. The reviewer must give an honest accounting as to why he/she liked or disliked something. No fanboy reviews allowed here, or at the very least they are discouraged (after all everyone has their own personal biases, likes, and dislikes). Everyone also has different tolerances, and weaknesses - we strive to keep that in mind in our reviews. We have been burned ourselves by reviews saying a certain game is great, only to be greatly offended by that game. Reviewers must be kind in their reviews. A game may be horrible, but there is no need to degrade the developer, publisher, artists, etc. There is also no need for name calling. We review video games on five separate criteria: graphics, sound, replay/extras, gameplay, and family friendly factor. Review scale can be found here. The editor in chief coordinates reviews to have as much cohesion as possible. We are very open about the way we review video games. Each section starts with a 75 score, and can earn or lose points based on the content of the game, using our grading scale (found on the website). Parents, please do not take any of our reviews as gospel. Different people are offended by different things. We work hard here at Family Friendly Gaming to discern the good from the bad in the teachings of each different video game. What may seem harmless to our reviewer(s), could be a big deal to you. We encourage you to spend time with your children and investigate each video game yourself. Each review is written with you in mind, and we try to mention each problem we find. We are not perfect, and miss things from time to time - just as the ESRB does. The ESRB rating is merely a start, and since they ignore many of the moral and spiritual factors important to parents all across America, we do our small part to fill that huge void. We are a small ministry and your prayers are so very important to us. Questions, suggestions, comments, or got a game you would like for us to review? Then please email us at:

CONTENTS DVD Score Page My Hero Academia Two Heroes 35 70 Star Trek Voyager Season Seven 34 48

The Bard’s Tale Trilogy 69 32 Truck Racing Championship 51 30

Evercade Score Page Atari Collection 1 84 36 Data East Collection 1 76 37

Xbox Series X Score Page Knockout City 75 33 Truck Racing Championship 51 30

Nintendo Switch Score Page Animal Pairs 70 27 Balloon Pop for Toddlers & Kids 75 26 Knockout City 75 33 Rain on Your Parade 83 29 Truck Racing Championship 51 30 PC Score Page Knockout City 75 33 Rain on Your Parade 83 29 The Bard’s Tale Trilogy 69 32 Truck Racing Championship 51 30 PS4 Score Page Knockout City 75 33 Truck Racing Championship 51 30 PS5 Score Page Knockout City 75 33 Xbox One Score Page Knockout City 75 33 Rain on Your Parade 83 29 Page 25

Family Friendly Gaming

Family Friendly Gaming was given a digital download code for Balloon Pop for Toddlers & Kids on the Nintendo Switch. This downloadable only video game is for children two years old and older. We can change the size and speed of the balloons. The balloons can go slowest, slow, normal, fast, or fastest in terms of speed. The size of the balloons are tiny, small, normal, big, and large. The download size for Balloon Pop for Toddlers & Kids on the Nintendo Switch is 137 meg. That can be important for families with not a lot of memory space on their Nintendo Switch. I am not aware of a physical copy version of Balloon Pop for Toddlers & Kids on the Nintendo Switch in the United States. It would be awesome if winterworks does a compilation of their games on a cartridge. Maybe even release it on the Evercade.

System: Nintendo Switch Publisher: winterworks Developer: winterworks Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY

Family Friendly Gaming

Balloon Pop for Toddlers & Kids

Animal Pairs


SCORE: 70 balloons that will change the weather in Balloon Pop for Toddlers & Kids.

The controls in Balloon Pop for Toddlers & Kids are completely touch based. We tap the balloons to make them pop. There can be a variety of objects within the balloons in Balloon Pop for Toddlers & Kids. The balloons in Balloon Pop for Toddlers & Kids can be normal, contain numbers, big letters, small letters, colors, or animals. There are also

As the child taps the balloon in Balloon Pop for Toddlers & Kids they will get a voice telling them what it was. Say for example a cow was in the balloon in Balloon Pop for Toddlers & Kids. Once the child pops the balloon they will hear cow. This can help kids learn letters, numbers, colors, and animals. Balloon Pop for Toddlers & Kids can be great for educational purposes. Balloon Pop for Toddlers & Kids is a great downloadable app that kids can use to learn pre school content. Older gamers are not the target audience of Balloon Pop for Toddlers & Kids. I want to be very clear about that. I believe Balloon Pop for Toddlers & Kids does a great job reaching the target audience. It was a pleasure for me to play and review Balloon Pop for Toddlers & Kids on the Nintendo Switch. - Paul

Graphics: 70% Sound: 70% Replay/Extras: 70% Gameplay: 75% Family Friendly Factor: 90%

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Family Friendly Gaming was given a digital download code for Animal Pairs on the Nintendo Switch. Animal Pairs is a video game designed for kids and toddlers. What is Animal Pairs all about? What do we do in Animal Pairs? I will attempt to answer those questions in this review. Animal Pairs is a card matching game. The best way to think of Animal Pairs is it is a memory game. Tap two cards and see if they match. When two cards match they go away. That player is given those cards as their trophy for finding a match. Animal Pairs allows for up to four family members to play at the same time. There can be a certain amount of luck involved in Animal Pairs when playing with more than one person. Why do I say that? When we do not know what is hidden under the cards it can be random chance in finding a specific pair. Also the

System: Nintendo Switch Publisher: winterworks Developer: winterworks Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY

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first player in Animal Pairs can be at a disadvantage. The other players get to see what they checked and then if they find the other animal in that pair they know exactly what to go for. That is the core of memory as well. Families could play blind and pass the Nintendo Switch around. That way no player knows what the other players saw. Animal Pairs has some neat special effect sounds while I played it. I wish Animal Pairs had some kind of background music going. That would have been nice. The touch controls work really well. At first when I was playing Animal Pairs I kept hitting buttons trying to get the game to start. It would be neat if that control scheme had been added as well for those that prefer that control method. I

could see some kids being confused by the touch only control scheme at first. Animal Pairs goes as low as four cards in a two by two grid all the way up to sixty-four cards in an eight by eight grid. The more cards the harder it is to find all of the pairs. For me when I was playing Animal Pairs it just took a bit longer. I could not always recall where every single animal was. Eventually I found matches and got all of them paired up. Animal Pairs is a downloadable only video game on the Nintendo Switch. As of the point this review is being written Animal Pairs is selling for $7.99. If your kids are into animal memory games and like to play matching on the Nintendo Switch then Animal Pairs could be something for them. I personally think the price point should be a bit lower for the amount of content included. - Paul

Graphics: 70% Sound: 70% Replay/Extras: 60% Gameplay: 70% Family Friendly Factor: 80%

Family Friendly Gaming


Rain on Your Parade SCORE: 83 Thanks to the Xbox Game Pass Family Friendly Gaming was able to play and review Rain on Your Parade. This downloadable only video game is available on the Nintendo Switch, Personal Computer, and Xbox One. Rain on Your Parade can also be played on your Xbox Series X. I am not aware of any enhancements for the Xbox Series X in relation to Rain on Your Parade though. We play a cloud in Rain on Your Parade. We rain on humans, and objects in this video game. Maybe we need to grow a park or put out some fires. We do more than rain water in Rain on Your Parade though. We can also unleash thunder, lightning, meteors, acid rain, and more in Rain on Your Parade. There are objectives to complete in each of the fifty levels within Rain on Your Parade. Some objectives are

required and some are not. Rain on Your Parade references a plethora of different video game franchises. This can be levels, dialogue, and more. There are numerous references that long time gamers will catch. The graphics in Rain on Your Parade are okay. Rain on Your Parade looks better than most disposable video games. The music in Rain on Your Parade is a lot of fun. There is plenty of quirky humor in Rain on Your Parade as well. We can customize our cloud however we like in Rain on Your Parade. That includes being able to draw

System: Nintendo Switch/PC/ Xbox One(tested) Publisher: Unbound Creations Developer: Unbound Creations Rating: ‘E10+’ - Everyone TEN and OLDER ONLY

Family Friendly Gaming

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on the cloud whatever face we want. This could include something offensive if the player decided to do so. Clouds only contain so much water. Thankfully most of the levels contain areas where we can fill back up. We can fill up on more than water in Rain on Your Parade too. I had fun playing Rain on Your Parade. If I had the bandwidth I would love to do streams of this game. Sadly for Rain on Your Parade there are plenty of games that came in the physical copy format that are way ahead of it on that list. On top of that competition has gotten really high in terms of companies paying us to play their games. As much as I might want to, Rain on Your Parade is really low on that totem pole. - Paul

Graphics: 78% Sound: 86% Replay/Extras: 88% Gameplay: 82% Family Friendly Factor: 80%

Family Friendly Gaming

Truck Racing Championship

SCORE: 51 Truck Racing Championship came across as a free download on Xbox Game Pass. This game has one of the most amazing features I have ever played in a racing game. The brakes will overheat so we must water them. If you don’t then you spin out. You can be going straight in this game and using the gas only and totally spin out too. Sometimes you will spin out in Truck Racing Championship and get dropped multiple places even though the other trucks never pass you. The coolest thing about Truck Racing Championship is the music. Truck Racing Championship has some great rocking music to go along with the spin outs. My dad played Truck Racing Championship for a bit and described Truck Racing Championship as trying to roller skate on an ice rink through all of these meandering curves. I feel like

System: Nintendo Switch/PC/ PS4/Xbox One/Xbox Series X(tested) Publisher: BigBen Interactive Developer: N-Racing Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY

Family Friendly Gaming

Truck Racing Championship controls like a brick. We get going sideways with these trucks and there is no fixing that ever. Truck Racing Championship looks okay. I played Truck Racing Championship with some friends on the Xbox Series S. I got all of these pen-

alty points for the poor controls and wound up losing even though I cross the finish line first. Don’t bump the orange cones in Truck Racing Championship. Don’t go off the pavement in Truck Racing Championship either. Taking turns in Truck Racing Championship can be quite the challenge. At times Truck Racing Championship controls like a brick. The penalties can be turned off in Truck Racing Championship. Truck Racing Championship contains Solo (Career, Quick Race, Championship Events, and Time Trial), Multiplayer (Split Screen, Quick Race, Search, and Create), and Extras (Show Room, Options, Stats, and Credits). The local multiplayer is nice to have. Two family members can suffer at the same time. If you can place better than last place in the forced tutorial you are doing better than me. - Peter

Graphics: 60% Sound: 70% Replay/Extras: 45% Gameplay: 20% Family Friendly Factor: 60%


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Family Friendly Gaming

I am very thankful Family Friendly Gaming has the Xbox Game pass to get free games like the Bard’s Tale Trilogy. The Bard’s Tale Trilogy contains remastered versions of three classic video games. The three video games within The Bard’s Tale Trilogy are The Bard’s Tale Tales of the Unknown, The Bard’s Tale II The Destiny Knight, and The Bard’s Tale III Thief of Fate! These three games show their age, but not as bad as I thought they would. Plus they get better with each game. When you start one of the three games within The Bard’s Tale Trilogy you are given a choice of Normal or Legacy Mode. The Legacy Modes are much more difficult. If you like a hardcore challenge then definitely try Legacy Mode. We can create characters, roll dice for their stats and have them join our party. As we progress in this first person dungeon crawler we run across ene-

Publisher: inXile entertainment Developer: inXile entertainment System: PC/Xbox One(tested) Rating: ‘T’ - THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Fantasy Violence, Use of Alcohol, Simulated Gambling}

Family Friendly Gaming

The Bard’s Tale Trilogy

Knockout City


SCORE: 75 three of them to be made. I do know there is a fourth game in this franchise.

mies we can battle or run away from. Battles can go badly very quickly in The Bard’s Tale Trilogy. This downloadable video game compilation contains violence, lack of attire, enticement to lust, false gods, alcohol, gambling, and more. As I played The Bard’s Tale Trilogy I kept thinking someone must have liked this kind of game back in the day for at least

The music is pretty good in The Bard’s Tale Trilogy. I love being able to have a bard as a character in The Bard’s Tale Trilogy. Although they can be difficult to keep alive early on. There are so many classes in The Bard’s Tale Trilogy that is made my head spin. The graphics look okay in The Bard’s Tale Trilogy. The graphics improve from one to two, and finally to three. The retro roots can be seen there as well. If you like dungeon crawlers and learning how to play retro games then The Bard’s Tale Trilogy might be something for you. I realized after a few hours that The Bard’s Tale Trilogy is not the kind of game I am into. I prefer a little more direction on what to do and how to do it. I don’t like searching for how to heal my characters either. Historic gamers will be interested in The Bard’s Tale Trilogy. - WMG

Graphics: 60% Sound: 75% Replay/Extras: 90% Gameplay: 60% Family Friendly Factor: 60%

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I am very thankful we were able to get a free copy of Knockout City on the Xbox Series X thanks to Peter’s Xbox Game Pass. Were you able to participate with my stream on Twitch when I played Knockout City? That was the first time I ever played this game in my entire life. Talk about playing games blind. I played Knockout City the day after it was released. The match making in Knockout City is spotty at best. I would lose a match and win a match in this three on three dodgeball video game. Players can take two hits before they lose a point and must respawn. The timing of catching the ball is spotty at best in Knockout City. I wonder if lag had something to do with it. I would wait until the right time according to the training to catch the ball. In a match I would take a hit instead of catch the ball or deflect it away. Catching

System: Nintendo Switch/PC/PS4/ PS5/Xbox One/Xbox Series X Publisher: Electronic Arts Developer: Velan Studios Rating: ‘E10+’ - Everyone TEN and OLDER ONLY {Fantasy Violence}

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happened when I did not have a ball. Deflecting happened when I was holding a ball. Certain balls in Knockout City have cool effects. The sniper ball and multi-ball were my two favorites. I hated getting hit by the moon ball even though I was set up properly to catch it. I never knew if I would get a good team or a bad team in Knockout City. I did get MVP early on while playing Knockout City. I ran across some amazing players in Knockout City that showed me some fascinating skills I never knew were in this downloadable only video game. The stages in Knockout City are fascinating as well. Some of them have things that can help you and some have objects that will help you. I love using

the glider in Knockout City. Like plenty of modern video games there are all kinds of skins and changes that can be made to your player. Some things are unlocked with leveling up and others are purchased in the store. The balance in terms of gameplay to being able to purchase items in the store are horrible in Knockout City. After playing for one hour I was unable to purchase anything. Other online games like Fall Guys Ultimate Knockout have a much better game play to store purchase ratio. The issues families can have with Knockout City are violence, lack of attire, enticement to lust, and more. I was shocked to see Knockout City encouraging mental illness like having males dress like females. I hope Knockout City improves with time. - Paul

Graphics: 70% Sound: 80% Replay/Extras: 90% Gameplay: 65% Family Friendly Factor: 70%

Family Friendly Gaming

I am finally done with the Star Trek Voyager television show. I knew this one might be a real tough one to sit through. Thankfully I made it through and never need to see this show ever again. Star Trek Voyager Season Seven finishes the show are poorly as the entire series has been. Star Trek Voyager Season Seven tries to claim their poor leadership is better than Captain Kirk. I am not drinking the kool-aid. The issues families can have with Star Trek Voyager Season Seven are violence, lies, attack on God’s system, anti-male, anti-wealth, anti-capital punishment, sex outside of marriage, enticement to lust, evolution, lack of attire, blood, and more. Star Trek Voyager Season Seven tells you to do whatever makes you happy. It does not matter if it makes other people unhappy as long as you are happy. The rights of holograms is all over Star Trek Voyager Season Seven. I am baffled how

System: DVD Publisher: Paramount Developer: CBS Rating: ‘NR’ - Not Rated

Family Friendly Gaming

Star Trek Voyager Season Seven

My Hero Academia Two Heroes



holograms can be physically touched in Star Trek Voyager Season Seven. SPOILER ALERT! Neelix leaves near the end of Star Trek Voyager Season Seven. I thought he wanted to see Earth and join the Federation? He can break the prime direction since he is not officially in the Federation.

The final episode of Star Trek Voyager Season Seven starts thirty-three years in the future where admiral Janeway time travels to get the crew home faster than the thirty years it took her. The Borg supposedly have a conduit that can get them right to Earth. This flies in the face of what happened in Star Trek TNG. I expected some convenient way for the crew to get instantly home. The whole heroes welcome does not make much sense to me. Star Trek Voyager Season Seven leaves open certain threads like the Marquis. Is all forgiven because they spent a few years on a Federation starship? The temporal prime directive is thrown out the window. The Borg are generally neutralized in Star Trek Voyager Season Seven. It takes close to nineteen hours to watch Star Trek Voyager Season Seven. There are a couple of interesting short bonus features. - Paul

Graphics: 50% Sound: 60% Replay: 50% Gameplay: 40% Family Friendly Factor: 40%

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A few weeks after we had been vaccinated my dad suggested we go shopping as a family. We could browse and find interesting and cool things we might be interested in purchasing. My dad found some cool things and I found My Hero Academia Two Heroes on DVD. I knew about My Hero Academia Two Heroes thanks to some of the YouTubers I watch. I was very interested in seeing this movie. I used to be completely against anime. I agree with my dad and prefer to buy American whenever I can. Still I have started to get into anime just a little bit. My Hero Academia is one of those shows I am into. I even watch some of My Hero Academia in Japanese. I prefer it in English since my reading skills need improvement. I am thankful my dad continues to help me get better at reading by using the Holy Bible.

System: DVD Publisher: Funimation Developer: K.Horikoshi/ Shueisha Rating: ‘TV-14’ for FOURTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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My Hero Academia Two Heroes expands the fantasy universe of this show where 80% of the population has some sort of powers. Many of the known characters from the television show are in this movie. There are some characters missing but that is to be expected. It took me ninety-six minutes to watch My Hero Academia Two Heroes from start to finish. There is little bonus content to speak of. I still enjoyed watching this movie. The issues families can have with My Hero Academia Two Heroes are violence, blood, lack of attire, enticement to lust, perverts,

and some bad language. It is neat to see some different Quirk team ups in My Hero Academia Two Heroes. The storyline is interesting in My Hero Academia Two Heroes. There are some twists and turns I was not expecting. We meet some interesting characters at a crucial moment in the show. I love this scientist island that was created and can float around wherever it wants to be in the world in My Hero Academia Two Heroes. The animation in My Hero Academia Two Heroes looks great. The voice acting is good, and there is plenty of Japanese culture in My Hero Academia Two Heroes like bowing and getting embarrassed by compliments. I enjoyed my time with My Hero Academia Two Heroes. I am going to go watch it again. - Teen Gamer

Graphics: 65% Sound: 70% Replay/Extras: 69% Gameplay: 80% Family Friendly Factor: 68%

Family Friendly Gaming

I am so thankful I found the Evercade system and had the money to make a purchase. The Atari Collection 1 contains twenty games from the Atari 2600 and the Atari 7800. The twenty games are Centipede, Adventure, Alien Brigade, Asteroids, Missile Command, Crystal Castles, Food Fight, Desert Falcon, Motor Psycho, Canyon Bomber, Gravitar, Double Dunk, Ninja Golf, Steeple Chase, Night Driver, Tempest, Video Pinball, Aquaventure, Yars Return, and Sword Quest. Viewers on Twitch and Youtube have been treated to live stream/videos for some of those games. I had a blast playing these twenty games on the Evercade system. It is also really neat that the Evercade can connect to a television and the Atari Collection 1 can be played that way as well. The Atari 7800 games are Alien Brigade, Ninja Golf, Food Fight, and Motor Psycho. Those games looked way better than I expected. Plus the cost of the retro systems and all of the cartridges would be

System: Evercade Publisher: Evercade Developer: Atari Rating: ‘12’ - Everyone TWELVE and OLDER ONLY

Family Friendly Gaming

Atari Collection 1

Data East Collection 1


SCORE: 76 back all kinds of memories. I played that game a lot on the Atari 2600. For me Atari Collection 1 is nostalgia brought into the physical copy format. The manual contains all kinds of useful information like the controls. Motor Psycho and Ninja golf are two stand outs for me. I really enjoyed those two games once I figured out how to play them.

more than what the Atari Collection 1 cost. These are really retro video games so do not expect the greatest graphics or music. Especially on the Atari 2600 games. The iconic sounds and music are present. Playing Asteroids for example brought

Atari Collection 1 can provide a lot of fun for a lot of hours. When the Evercade VS system releases then two family members can enjoy the multiplayer games at the same time. I look forward to that. Atari Collection 1 shows that there is a market for retro video games i the physical copy format. I know there is a second collection for Atari on the Evercade as well. I hope to play and review that one when there is time. Atari Collection 1 has a great menu screen that allows us to select which of the twenty retro video games we want to play. It is easy to pop in and out of games if we want a different experience. - Paul

Graphics: 70% Sound: 90% Replay/Extras: 100% Gameplay: 90% Family Friendly Factor: 72%

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My heart is very grateful to be financially blessed enough to purchase Data East Collection 1 on the Evercade system. This cartridge contains ten video games from different systems and eras. The games on Data East Collection 1 are Bad Dudes, Burger Time, Midnight Resistance, Side Pocket, Karate Champ, Joe & Mac 2, Fighter’s History, Two Crude Dudes, Magical Drop II, and Burnin’ Rubber. Plenty of games for families to enjoy on the hand held or on their television sets. The range of different kinds of games on the Data East Collection 1 cartridge are really good. We have side scrolling shoot them ups, arcade action, puzzle, platformer, sports, puzzle and more. Some of the standout games for me on the Data East Collection 1 cartridge are Burger Time, Side Pocket, Joe & Mac 2, and Magical Drop II. Fighter’s History is a Street Fighter II clone that was actually decent for its day. I hope to

do a live stream of these games at some point in the future. I might wait for the release of the Evercade VS so we can play multiplayer on games like Fighter’s History. I have not made up my mind. The manual that comes in the Data East Collection 1 case is fantastic. It is very helpful on some of these games to see what the controls are. Especially a game like Burnin’ Rubber where things like jumping were a bit more difficult to figure out. At least it was for me. The controls for games like Midnight Resistance and Karate Champ always felt a bit off to me. I eventually adapted to them while I played this really low priced cartridge. Side Pocket can be very challenging to figure out the power and angle on such a small screen. The issues families can have with Data East Collection 1 are violence, lack of attire, enticement to lust, and more. Bad Dudes and Two Crude

System: Evercade Publisher: Evercade Developer: Evercade Rating: ‘12’ - Everyone TWELVE and OLDER ONLY

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Dudes are great examples of beat em up video games that could be offensive to families. I messed with those games a little bit but never really got that deep into either of them because I am not into games like that. I get bored attacking the same looking enemies over and over again. Midnight Resistance reminds me of Contra. Many of the games within Data East Collection 1 are clones of other franchises. That does not mean they are not fun though. All in all I like the Data East Collection 1 package on the Evercade system. Families can get a physical copy of a fantastic compilation of video games that range eras, ages, and genres. I really feel like there is almost something for everyone in the Data East Collection 1 cartridge. I hope to see more collections like the Data East Collection 1 in the future on the Evercade system. - Paul

Graphics: 60% Sound: 85% Replay/Extras: 85% Gameplay: 80% Family Friendly Factor: 70%

Family Friendly Gaming


eFootball PES 2021 Season Update

Family Friendly Gaming has enjoyed the PES video games for many years now. At some point we decided the PES franchise is better than the Fifa franchise. It has been that way for some time now. We will see what Fifa does in another review. We are reviewing eFootball PES 2021 Season Update before Fifa 21. Last year eFootball was added in front of PES and the year. This year Season Update is added to the end of the name. Why? I have no idea.

System: PC/PS4/Xbox One Publisher: Konami Developer: PES Productions Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone Release Date: Out NOW Family Friendly Gaming

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SPORTS Continued

eFootball PES 2021 Season Update

We had a blast playing eFootball PES 2021 Season Update on the Xbox One. This is a very solid soccer game that feels like the real thing. There are all kinds of foot movements players can do while trying to score goals in eFootball PES 2021 Season Update. It is not easy to score in eFootball PES 2021 Season Update either. Which means this game is a lot like the real thing on the real fields. eFootball PES 2021 Season Update looks great and it sounds great.

System: PC/PS4/Xbox One Publisher: Konami Developer: PES Productions Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone Release Date: Out NOW Family Friendly Gaming

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CONTENTS Product Name Page(s) Tales of ARISE 43 Neo The World Ends with You 50 The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles 56 Project Triangle Strategy 62

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Tales of ARISE


Players will be immersed in the story of Rena, the star that has been ruling the Dahna planet with an iron fist for the past 300 years. Renans have been depleting Dahna of its natural resources, enslaving most of the planet’s population in order to do so. This tale follows the fight to free Dahnans of their fate and will be experienced through the eyes of Alphen, an iron-masked Dahnan fighting to free his people, and Shionne, a girl from Rena, who’s on the run from her countrymen.

System: Switch/PC/ System:Nintendo PC/PS4/Xbox One/ PS4 Xbox Series X Publisher: Publisher:Square BandaiEnix Namco Developer: Square Enix Developer: Bandai Namco Rating: Rating:‘RP’ ‘RP’--Rating RatingPending Pending Release Date: Summer 202110, Release Date: September 2021 Family Friendly Gaming

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Tales of ARISE


Tales of ARISE carries the DNA of the franchise while pushing the envelope further using the BANDAI NAMCO Studios developed “Atmospheric Shader” adding a new touch to the graphics making them look like hand-drawn. This will enhance the players’ immersion, along with a vivid new world where they will explore numerous biomes. Combat has also changed adding more direct effects and attacks, to provide a better sense of spectacle and more direct player feedback based upon their actions.

System: Switch/PC/ System:Nintendo PC/PS4/Xbox One/ PS4 Xbox Series X Publisher: Publisher:Square BandaiEnix Namco Developer: Square Enix Developer: Bandai Namco Rating: Rating:‘RP’ ‘RP’--Rating RatingPending Pending Release Date: Summer 202110, Release Date: September 2021 Family Friendly Gaming

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Tales of ARISE


“We want Tales of ARISE to represent a new milestone for the Tales of franchise,” said Yusuke Tomizawa, Producer on Tales of ARISE, BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. “The game has a new artistic direction, making the most out of the Unreal Engine and our newly developed “Atmospheric Shader” to push the graphics quality, and make players feel like they are in a painting. With a story that is more mature and hits on more essential themes than previous games we hope players will be fully immersed in Alphen and Shionne’s journey.”

System: Switch/PC/ System:Nintendo PC/PS4/Xbox One/ PS4 Xbox Series X Publisher: Publisher:Square BandaiEnix Namco Developer: Square Enix Developer: Bandai Namco Rating: Rating:‘RP’ ‘RP’--Rating RatingPending Pending Release Date: Summer 202110, Release Date: September 2021 Family Friendly Gaming

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Neo The World Ends with You


SQUARE ENIX announced that the action role-playing game NEO: The World Ends with You will release on July 27, 2021 for the PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system and Nintendo Switch™ system and confirmed a PC version of the game will be available on the Epic Games Store this summer. Pre-orders for physical and digital versions for PS4™ and the physical version for the Nintendo Switch™ system versions of the title are available.

System: Nintendo Switch/ PS4/PC Publisher: Square Enix Developer: Square Enix Rating: ‘RP’ - Rating Pending Release Date: July 27, 2021 Family Friendly Gaming

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Neo The World Ends with You


The long-awaited follow-up to the RPG classic The World Ends with You follows protagonist, Rindo, as he explores the heart of Tokyo to uncover the mysteries behind the sinister “Reapers’ Game,” a life-or-death battle for survival in which he has been forced to take part. A new trailer, that debuted today, offers an introduction to a new cast of characters, a vibrant and fashionable equipment system, the game’s hyper-stylish action battle system, and much more.

System: Nintendo Switch/ PS4/PC Publisher: Square Enix Developer: Square Enix Rating: ‘RP’ - Rating Pending Release Date: July 27, 2021 Family Friendly Gaming

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Neo The World Ends with You


NEO: The World Ends with You combines a striking, anime-style Shibuya with fast-paced gameplay, an amped-up soundtrack from composer Takeharu Ishimoto (THRILL Inc.), and an intriguing story to create an unforgettable experience. Players can explore and enjoy the sights, sounds, and culture of this bustling city, fight monsters alongside their allies in flashy battles, and complete missions as they learn more about the “Reapers’ Game” and fight to change the fate they’ve been handed.

System: Nintendo Switch/ PS4/PC Publisher: Square Enix Developer: Square Enix Rating: ‘RP’ - Rating Pending Release Date: July 27, 2021 Family Friendly Gaming

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The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles


Set in the late 19th century during Japan’s Meiji Period and England’s Victorian era, The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles follows Ryunosuke Naruhodo as he works to sleuth out the truth in witnesses’ testimonies and clear his clients’ names in court. Players will unravel the mysteries behind 10 thrilling cases alongside a zany cast of over-the-top characters – including the local ace detective Herlock Sholmes.

System: Nintendo Switch/ PC/PS4 Publisher: Capcom Developer: Capcom Rating: ‘RP’ - Rating Pending Release Date: July 27, 2021 Family Friendly Gaming

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The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles


System: Nintendo Switch/ PC/PS4 Publisher: Capcom Developer: Capcom Rating: ‘RP’ - Rating Pending Release Date: July 27, 2021 Family Friendly Gaming

The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles features exciting bonus content including eight additional mini-episodes and three alternate costumes that were previously released as DLC content in Japan. The collection also provides an inside look into the artwork, music and voice recordings of the games through the newly added Art Gallery and Auditorium. Page 58

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The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles


In true Ace Attorney fashion, players will put their attorney skills to the test to gather evidence, question key witnesses and defend their clients in the courtroom. For the first time in the series, The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles debuts two new gameplay experiences that are sure to raise the stakes, both in and out of the courtroom. During investigations, players will team up with Sholmes to engage in a “Dance of Deduction” to identify mistakes in the detective’s overboard logic and uncover new facts.

System: Nintendo Switch/ PC/PS4 Publisher: Capcom Developer: Capcom Rating: ‘RP’ - Rating Pending Release Date: July 27, 2021 Family Friendly Gaming

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Three nations battle for control of the dwindling resources of salt and iron Command a group of warriors as Serenoa, heir of House Wolffort, in a tangled plot where your decisions make all the difference. Key choices you make will bolster one of three convictions—Utility, Morality, Liberty—which together make up Serenoa’s world view and influence how the story will unfold.

System: Nintendo Switch Publisher: Nintendo Developer: Square Enix Rating: ‘RP’ - Rating Pending Release Date: 2022 Family Friendly Gaming

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System: Nintendo Switch Publisher: Nintendo Developer: Square Enix Rating: ‘RP’ - Rating Pending Release Date: 2022 Family Friendly Gaming

When faced with truly momentous decisions, multiple characters will weigh in by casting their votes on the Scales of Conviction. In these moments, the allies and decisions you make can determine the fate of whole nations and the continent of Norzelia itself. Page 64

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Finding the best location in turn-based battles can tip the tide of combat in your favor. Position units on higher ground to take control of the battlefield and gain the advantage with increased range. You can also flank enemies on both sides, then strike from behind for a powerful follow-up attack. Elemental chain reactions are also an important part of combat. For example, use fire to melt icy terrain, then use lightning to electrocute it. Push the enemy into the electrified water to see sparks fly!

System: Nintendo Switch Publisher: Nintendo Developer: Square Enix Rating: ‘RP’ - Rating Pending Release Date: 2022 Family Friendly Gaming

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NOW CONTENTS Product Name Page(s) It Takes Two 69 - 75 Captain Tsubasa Rise of New Champions 76 - 79 Monster Hunter Rise 80 - 83

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It Takes Two


It Takes Two ups the ante in co-op innovation and puts players on a thrilling ride to enjoy either on the couch or online with a friend. Lauded by Game Informer as “a roaring success” and “one of the year’s best games,” It Takes Two brings players on a wild journey as Cody and May, a clashing couple who must learn to work together and overcome their differences to escape the fantastical world they’ve found themselves in.

System: PC/PS4/PS5/Xbox One/ Xbox Series X Publisher: Electronic Arts Developer: Hazelight Studios Rating: ‘T’ -THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Animated Blood, Comic Mischief, Fantasy Violence, Language} Release Date: Out Now Family Friendly Gaming

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It Takes Two


“We’ve got a real game-changer here and the co-op genre is going to have no idea what hit them,” said Josef Fares, Founder and Game Director at Hazelight Studios. “There will be times the game will have you laughing, other times when it will pull at your heart strings and even moments where your pulse is racing because the gameplay is just that frantic. It’s all there, and we can’t wait to hear what fans have to say about it.”

System: PC/PS4/PS5/Xbox One/ Xbox Series X Publisher: Electronic Arts Developer: Hazelight Studios Rating: ‘T’ -THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Animated Blood, Comic Mischief, Fantasy Violence, Language} Release Date: Out Now Family Friendly Gaming

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It Takes Two


“Hazelight goes beyond innovation and are true disruptors in their approach to game making, building experiences that bring players together in original ways,” said Steve Pointon, SVP 3rd Party Content & Development at Electronic Arts. “They are in every sense electronic artists and we are honoured to have supported them with their inspiring vision for It Takes Two, an action adventure that intimately blends humour, heart and gameplay in a co-op experience like no other.”

System: PC/PS4/PS5/Xbox One/ Xbox Series X Publisher: Electronic Arts Developer: Hazelight Studios Rating: ‘T’ -THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Animated Blood, Comic Mischief, Fantasy Violence, Language} Release Date: Out Now Family Friendly Gaming

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Captain Tsubasa Rise of New Champions


As previously revealed, players will be able to create their own avatar in the EPISODE: NEW HERO. Upon completion of this mode, they will be able to export their avatar and make them join their dream team! By creating their dream teams and taking part in the Division Matches, players will be able to compete against each other on the global stage. The more they win the higher ranking they will reach!

System: Nintendo Switch/PC/PS4 Publisher: Bandai Namco Developer: Tamsoft Rating: ‘E10+’ - Everyone TEN and OLDER ONLY {Mild Blood, Mild Language, Mild Violence} Release Date: Out Now Family Friendly Gaming

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Captain Tsubasa Rise of New Champions


The Champions Edition will be exclusive to our E-commerce store, adding to the already packed Collector’s Edition a customised jersey.

System: Nintendo Switch/PC/PS4 Publisher: Bandai Namco Developer: Tamsoft Rating: ‘E10+’ - Everyone TEN and OLDER ONLY {Mild Blood, Mild Language, Mild Violence} Release Date: Out Now Family Friendly Gaming

The Legend Edition is something a bit more special, including a premium Captain Tsubasa table football table, made by one of the most respected manufacturers in the world - René Pierre*, on top of the Champions Edition and exclusive to the BNEE E-commerce Store. Page 78

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Monster Hunter Rise


Following the blockbuster success of Monster Hunter: World and its massive Iceborne expansion, the latest installment in the action RPG franchise transports players to the colorful Kamura Village, as they prepare to defend themselves against a rapidly approaching calamity called the Rampage. Hunters can tackle these challenges solo, or with up to three other players in local or cooperative online play, while also taking advantage of the versatility of the Nintendo Switch system, which allows for hunting anywhere, anytime and with anyone!

System: Nintendo Switch Publisher: Capcom Developer: Capcom Rating: ‘T’ - THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Alcohol Reference, Blood, Violence} Release Date: Out Now Family Friendly Gaming

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Monster Hunter Rise


To overcome the looming Rampage, the hunters of Kamura must make use of the new Palamute hunting companions and “Wirebug” grappling mechanic as they engage in the series’ trademark action-packed combat. The “Canyne” Palamute companions join the series favorite “Felyne” Palicoes in assisting players while out on a hunt. In addition to lending their considerable offensive capabilities to any fight, Palamutes can also carry hunters on their back to swiftly chase any fleeing monsters and traverse the open maps. Wirebugs, on the other hand, allow hunters to nimbly grapple in any direction during a hunt, and can be paired with each of the 14 weapon types to create unique “Silkbind Attacks.” Damaging monsters with these new attacks will make them susceptible to the new “Wyvern riding” technique, which allows players to temporarily take control of a monster and yields spectacular battle sequences during a hunt.

System: Nintendo Switch Publisher: Capcom Developer: Capcom Rating: ‘T’ - THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Alcohol Reference, Blood, Violence} Release Date: Out Now Family Friendly Gaming

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Last Minute


CONTENTS Product Name Page(s) DreamWorks Spirit Lucky’s Big Adventure Fallen Legion Revenants World’s End Club My Universe Pet Clinic Cats & Dogs

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Last Minute Tidbits

DreamWorks Spirit Lucky’s Big Adventure

DreamWorks Spirit Lucky’s Big Adventure, a brand new open-world adventure video game, launches this summer and it’s been revealed that Isabela Merced (Dora and the Lost City of Gold, Instant Family) will be voicing the main character, Lucky Prescott. Merced will also star as Lucky in the upcoming DreamWorks Animation feature film, Spirit Untamed.

System: Nintendo Switch/PC/ PS4/Xbox One Publisher: Outright Games Developer: Aheartfulofgames Rating: ‘E’ for Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY Release Date: June 25, 2021 Family Friendly Gaming

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Last Minute Tidbits

DreamWorks Spirit Lucky’s Big Adventure

System: Nintendo Switch/PC/ PS4/Xbox One Publisher: Outright Games Developer: Aheartfulofgames Rating: ‘E’ for Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY Release Date: June 25, 2021 Family Friendly Gaming

Lucky embarks on a fun-filled quest for hidden treasure in Miradero. Teaming up with her best friends, Abigail & Pru, and her beloved mustang, Spirit, she goes on a wild adventure, exploring the wonders and dangers of the frontier. Page 88

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Last Minute Tidbits

DreamWorks Spirit Lucky’s Big Adventure

BE LUCKY – Star in a new adventure with your fearless best friends Abigail and Pru. BOND WITH SPIRIT – Groom Lucky’s faithful mustang to help him grow stronger and trek to new regions. RIDE THE FRONTIER – Explore a wild, open landscape full of collectibles. SHOW YOUR STYLE – Give Lucky a new look with outfits and accessories collected throughout the game. LIVE THE LIFE – Rescue animals in danger, help the townsfolk, compete in horse races, take photos and more!

System: Nintendo Switch/PC/ PS4/Xbox One Publisher: Outright Games Developer: Aheartfulofgames Rating: ‘E’ for Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY Release Date: June 25, 2021 Family Friendly Gaming

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Last Minute Tidbits

Fallen Legion Revenants

System: Nintendo Switch/PS4 Publisher: NIS America Developer: YummyYummyTummy Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY{Fantasy Violence, Mild Language} Release Date: Out Now Family Friendly Gaming

The world is covered in miasma, and the remnants of mankind have taken refuge in a floating castle ruled by a madman. Swap between the charismatic politician Lucien and the vengeful ghost Rowena, and make political maneuverings in the castle above as you fight off monsters in the wasteland below. Page 92

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Last Minute Tidbits

Fallen Legion Revenants

System: Nintendo Switch/PS4 Publisher: NIS America Developer: YummyYummyTummy Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY{Fantasy Violence, Mild Language} Release Date: Out Now Family Friendly Gaming

The world is covered in miasma, and the remnants of mankind have taken refuge in a floating castle ruled by a madman. Swap between the charismatic politician Lucien and the vengeful ghost Rowena, and make political maneuverings in the castle above as you fight off monsters in the wasteland below. Page 94

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Last Minute Tidbits

World’s End Club

The “Go-Getters Club,” a group of misfit students from all over Japan, find themselves trapped in a strange theme park during a class trip. In order to unravel the mystery of their circumstances and find an escape, they must take part in a “Game of Fate” that will test their bonds of friendship! With colorful visuals, charming characters, accessible gameplay, and a compelling story, this is an experience you will never forget!

System: Nintendo Switch Publisher: NIS America Developer: Too Kyo Games Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Mild Violence} Release Date: Out Now Family Friendly Gaming

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Last Minute Tidbits

World’s End Club

Friendship 101: Step into the shoes of a quirky and colorful cast of characters, and put their bonds to the test as they unravel the mysteries that surround them! Charm and Mystery: Immerse yourself in a vibrant world where playful scenery meets strange phenomena, making for an unforgettable visual journey. From Page to Platform: Switch between visual novel and platforming in this unique adventure, elevating your story experience to new heights.

System: Nintendo Switch Publisher: NIS America Developer: Too Kyo Games Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Mild Violence} Release Date: Out Now Family Friendly Gaming

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Last Minute Tidbits

My Universe Pet Clinic Cats & Dogs

Do you truly care for the well-being of your feline and canine friends? Have you always dreamt of discovering the veterinary profession? Seize the opportunity by running your own veterinary clinic and taking care of sick cats and dogs! Pay close attention during the medical exam, define the type of treatment your patients need and care for their well-being through various activities.

System: PC/PS4/Nintendo Switch/MAC Publisher: Microids Developer: It Matters Games Rating: ‘E’ for Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY Release Date: Out Now Family Friendly Gaming

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Last Minute Tidbits

My Universe Pet Clinic Cats & Dogs

Bandaging a wound, administering an anti-worm treatment, doing an X-ray or even preparing medication… you’ll know everything about the health of our favorite four-legged companions!

System: PC/PS4/Nintendo Switch/MAC Publisher: Microids Developer: It Matters Games Rating: ‘E’ for Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY Release Date: Out Now Family Friendly Gaming

Achieve your dream and learn to run your own clinic by following the story. Advance your veterinary career to unlock new treatments, recruit staff, expand your clinic and welcome more distressed animals. Page 102

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Last Minute Tidbits

My Universe Pet Clinic Cats & Dogs

Plenty of cats and dogs to discover – Get acquainted with the 10 species of dogs and 10 species of cats available, each featuring different fur variations! For the dogs, you’ll find the popular Labradors, the magnificent Huskies or even the adorable Corgis. Regarding cats, you’ll be able to take care of elegant Siamese, the majestic Persians, or even Bengals, with their notorious spotted fur resembling those of leopards. Can you recognize them all?

System: PC/PS4/Nintendo Switch/MAC Publisher: Microids Developer: It Matters Games Rating: ‘E’ for Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY Release Date: Out Now Family Friendly Gaming

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