SOUND OFF The Sound Off section is where you the reader/ emailer is heard. What you have to say is put in this section for all the readers to see. Of course certain content is edited for appropriateness issues. This is a family friendly magazine, and certain content is just not proper. We hope you enjoy this section as much as we do. Keep an eye out for your comments appearing in these very pages. You have our attention, so SOUND OFF!
Comics Thank you for starting for review comic books. Out of all of the review websites out there Family Friendly Gaming is my favorite. It is so neat to see you guys reviewing comic books finally. I have such a hard time getting good reviews of comic books from anyone out there. There are so few Christian voices. My church is like they are evil. They say the same thing about video games. I have used the tools and resources that Family Friendly Gaming provides to show that there are some good video games out there. I needed the same thing for comic books. It can be hard being a parent and trying to find safe, moral, and ethical content for our chil-
Family Friendly Gaming
dren. So many places rejoice in the evil. It is so wonderful that Family Friendly Gaming finds so much good out there, and stands up to the evil.
better selection than the first. We also found a kids section there. We are going to that store once a month to pick up some comic books for reviews.
Have you considered looking into Christian comic books? Is that something that Family Friendly Gaming may do in the future?
That is an excellent question. I would love to review some Christian comic books. I will need to do some research to find ones that are available for purchase. That is certain a great direction for going forward. It would be wonderful to shine the light on some good, moral, and ethical comic books that build up the spirit versus tearing it down. Thank you so much for that suggestion. Looking for Christian comic books has been added to my list
- Barb {Paul}: Barb, Thank you so much for your amazing words of encouragement. We appreciate them greatly. So glad you are enjoying our expansion into comic books. We are working our way into this slowly as we get the time and financial resources. We found a second comic book store in our area that has a
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of things to do.
World of Tanks is T.
I know Dragon Quest Builders 2 is online (don’t recall if the first one has online in it). That one has violence, and magic. It is E10+. That game is a mixture of Dragon Quest role playing and Minecraft. Minecraft is one that is online but does not really have the role playing elements in it. Trove is another Minecraft like game.
Hi, We, as a family, have never owned a video game console before and our 11 year old wants to play. It was also recently suggested to us that if he were to play an MMORPG it might help him socially because he really struggles to make friends. I am wondering where to start as far as console and games for him to try. We have strong Christian values and want him to play something that will enhance rather than distract from our values. Any suggestions? Thank you for your time. Carrie {Paul}: Carrie, When it comes to consoles it depends on which system(s) you are using. A lot of the MMORPG’s on console are rated thirteen and older only, and they have definite problems with them. DC Universe Online is T and has magic, false gods, and violence. Genshin Impact is T and has magic, violence, and false gods. I have been told No Man’s Sky has gotten better but that is rated T. League of Legends is T, Dota 2 is T. Star Trek Online is T.
Aetherlight can be played on Android and iOS: about-the-game/parents Aetherlight is made by fellow believers. Life Academy is PC and also made by fellow believers: There are online games like Fall Guys that are free to play. More action orientated though. Your child could meet people through voice chat in duos and squads. There are other options to meeting people than MMORPGs. There are doing things like live streaming through Twitch or YouTube. Your son could meet people that way. Say he likes Lego
Family Friendly Gaming