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Health, Wellbeing & Beauty • Competition
“Even after just one half an hour visit to Salt Space I saw a marked improvement in his breathing.”
(Recent Croup)
Health, Wellbeing & Beauty
Centred Space Yoga classes, yoga for menopause, 1-2-1s, workshops & Thai Massage Treatments, centredspace.net
Elisabeth Reichert-Eckersley, online life coaching, 07752 630319
Howl choir, drop-in adult choir where your pre-school children are welcome, Hove, Fri am, howl.org.uk (see advert)
Kore Rooms, family & relationship counselling in Hove, 07885 827849
Mumbop, dance fitness fun where you can bring the little one to!, 07809 646018
Restore Fitness Therapies, pilates, group or 1 to 1 & online, 07919 185100 Rockwater Life, wellness/fitness hub, outdoor sessions from the seafront decking, rockwater.uk/rockwater-life
Parenting Courses & Support
Dad-La-Soul, support group for dad, monthly events with kids or/and social, Brighton & Worthing, dadlasoul.com
Mothers Uncovered: A creative support network for mothers & workshops, some free, mothersuncovered.com
Sophie Thwaites, OT, helping children to read, write, sit still and coordinate their bodies, 07584 857861
Toddlerology, troubleshooting & help with toddlers & older children, 07810 892635
Triple P Parenting Courses, 01273 294471
More information on support for parents & children, Family Welfare, First Aid
> see online
Find the listing online, scan QR code or visit: thefamilygrapevine. co.uk/brighton-hove/ directory/a-z-support../

Salt Space, salt therapy can help immunity, lung and skin health in children (6mths+) & adults, saltspace.co.uk (see advert)

The Blissful Group Prenatal, postnatal & general Aqua Yoga in warm pool, 07926 274616
The Nest Family Club, Hove, classes & events for parents with childcare onsite, thenestfamilyclub.com
Singing Mamas Choir, Hove Methodist Church Hove Wed am, for women with & without children, lizziebaker190@gmail.com
Support • Additional Needs
Children with Disabilities & Additional Needs
Amaze & PaCC Coffee Mornings for parents & carers, Moulsecoomb 4th Thu, Hangleton 3rd Tue
Amaze, support & advice for parents of children with special needs & disabilities, 0-25yrs, 01273 772289 (9.30am-2.30pm)
Aspens; support services for those with autism & other complex needs, 01892 822168
Barnardo’s Brighton & Hove Link Plus, family based overnight/ day care for children with disabilities, 01273 411767
Belltree Music Therapy CIC, Hove, BN3 1PH 01273 776454
Brighton Dyslexia Specialist, private dyslexia assessments for under 16s, 07794 405225
Brighton Expert Tutors, specialist 1:1, nurturing environment, incl. therapy dogs, 4-15yrs,07800 952078
Childcare Inclusion Fund: funding to help children who need extra support to attend childcare, 01273 293523
Contact a Family, advice for families with a disabled child, 0808 8083555
Dads Group, Stoneham pub function room, Hove, last Thu 7.30-9.30pm, informal social group, 01273 772289
Dyslexia Inspire, dyslexia assessments & specialist tuition, Hove, 07886 258534
Hangleton & Knoll Parent/ Carer Group, for parents with a child with a disability/ additional needs, 01273 410858
Let’s Play, Play Therapy for emotional and behavioural difficulties, 3-11yrs, 07782 338496
Parent Carers Council, forum for parent carers of children with any condition, 01273 234862
PRESENS: Pre-school SEN service, 01273 294944 (term time)
Red Pebble Special Needs Group, Manor Gym, Fri 4-6pm, 07506 105265
Seaside View Child Development Centre, Brighton General, for children with disabilities & their families, 01273 265780
Sophie Thwaites, OT, helping children to read, write, coordinate their bodies, 07584 857861
Special Educational Needs Team, 0-25yrs, 01273 293552
Tree of Life, range of therapies: osteopathy, homeopathy, nutrition, acupuncture, massage, 01273 220159
Ubermummies, fitness sessions where you can bring your child, Hove & online, 07909 542280 uflourished, business & confidence coaching, & emotional freedom therapy, 07717 842448
Up to Scratch Beauty Room, Woodingdean, Brighton, 07786 363295
Victoria’s Adult Ballet classes on Tue, Silver Swans for over 55s on Wed, Hove, 0845 6894014
WomenInHarmony, yoga and Thai massage, Brighton, 07920 403657 WRAP, beauty treatments, women’s health, massage/ physio, Pilates & yoga, with onsite childcare, 01273 359349
Triangle, 7 Hunns Mere Way, Brighton, intensive support for children with complex needs, 01273 305888
Whoopsadaisy, Pavilion, Preston Park, conductive education for children with cerebral palsy, 01273 554178
Special Schools
Downs View Link College, Brighton BN1 6WQ, 16-19yrs, 01273 507719
Downs View School, Woodingdean BN2 6BB, 2-16yrs, 01273 601680
Hamilton Lodge School & College for deaf children, Brighton BN2 0LS, 01273 682362
Hill Park School, Portslade BN41 2FU, 4-16yrs, 01273 422855
Homewood College, Queensdown Rd, Brighton BN1 7LA, 11-16yrs, 01273 604472
Find the full listing online, scan QR code or visit thefamilygrapevine.co.uk/ brighton-hove/directory/ additional-needs/
Brighton & Hove Maternity Voices Partnership, bsuhmaternityvoices.co.uk
First Embrace Birth and Baby, active birth antenatal, pregnancy yoga, hypnobirthing, Hove & Brighton, 07917 418279
Julia Gray, group and 1-2-1 Hypnobirthing classes, birth & postnatal doula services, 07944 546631
LushTums, Preparing for Birth Course, birthing partner attends for free, Tue, 07908 949419
Mummyshock, unique 10-week therapeutic postnatal group for new mums & their babies, mummyshock.org.uk
NCT Brighton & Hove, workshop, baby group, find on Facebook, @ NCTBrightonHove
OsteoSian, paediatric osteopath, helps with issues from birth/feeding, reflux, colic, The Space, Hove, www.osteosian.co.uk
Positive Reasons-Hypnobirthing, full antenatal & relaxation programme, 07956 573713
Sacred Pregnancy Circles in Sussex, 07915 406520
Antenatal & Postnatal Exercise
Blissful Bumps, Pre & postnatal aqua-yoga, help pregnancy aches, pains, 07926 274616
Brighton Pilates Studio, Ralli Hall, Hove, pre & post natal pilates, 01273 911710
Fit Mums buggy fitness classes, St Ann’s Wells, Preston Park & The Level, 07790 538958
Hannah West Therapy, pregnancy/ postnatal massage & C section scarwork, hannahwesttherapies.com
Ubermummies, fitness session where you can bring your child, Hove Stoneham Park/Rockwater & online, 07909 542280