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Local Businesses • Competition • Grown-Ups' Wellbeing

Local Businesses & Services
Brighton & Hove Citizens Advice Bureau, Hove Town Hall, Tisbury Rd, Hove BN3 3BQ, 0808 278 7815 Brighton & Hove Community Works, connects charities/ volunteers & businesses, bhcommunityworks.org.uk
Black Olive Construction, expert builders in Brighton, specialising in conversions & delivering exceptional construction services, blackoliveconstruction.co.uk
Crimestoppers, charity, help fight crime without revealing your identity, 0800 555 111
Sussex Police, non emergency incidents, report on line or call, 101 or 01273 470101
Lease Advice drop ins, Platf9rm Hove, BN3 2AF, Fridays twice a month, check website, for dates: leaseadvice.org/brightonEastbourne, Wealden & Lewes
Family Grapevine, edition for sale, opportunity for flexible P/T editor, james@thefamilygrapevine.co.uk

The Green Cleaner, finding you eco cleaners for a cleaner, healthier home, 01273 726886 www.mpb.com/en-uk
ParentShield, child-safe & parent friendly mobile network, parentshield.co.uk
The Recruitment Lab, find full or PT roles in the local community, 01273 805811
Zedify, green cycle courier, same & next day deliveries, zedify.co.uk
Health, Wellbeing & Beauty
Dyson Gymnastics Club, adult gymnastic, rear unit 101 Conway St, Hove BN3 3LA, Fri 8-9pm, 07760 669393
(see advert p.18)

Centred Space, Yoga classes, yoga for menopause, 1-2-1s, workshops & Thai Massage Treatments, centredspace.net
Craniosacral Therapist specialising in Women’s & children’s well-being, Brighton & Lewes, 07880 811403
Howl choir, drop-in adult choir where your pre-school children are welcome, Hove, Fri am, howl.org.uk
Kore Rooms, family & relationship counselling in Hove, 07885 827849
Mumbop, dance fitness where you can bring the little one to!, 07809 646018
Salt Space, salt therapy can help immunity, lung & skin health in children (6mths+) & adults, saltspace.co.uk
Tree of Life, large range of therapies: osteopathy, homeopathy, acupuncture, nutrition, massage, 01273 220159
Ubermummies, fitness session where you can bring your child, Hove Stoneham Park/Rockwater & online, 07909 542280
Up to Scratch Beauty Room, Woodingdean, Brighton, 07786 363295