7 minute read
Books, Toys & Gifts
Artpod, Rottingdean, fantastical art & science shop, children’s workshops & parties, www.artpodbtn.com Bluebelle & Co, online & at 80 Trafalgar St, Brighton, children’s clothing & homeware, 01273 685026 Caricatures & animal portraits by Lesley Harvey, drawn from your favourite photo, 07722 236741 (see advert) Daisy Daisy, toys, fancy dress etc, 6 Gardner Street, Brighton BN1 1UP, 01273 875638 Goodmoney, gift vouchers supporting the local businesses, www.goodmoney.co.uk Imagine Eating Lemons: A Children's Introduction to Mindfulness by Brighton-based author Jason Rodes, www.graffeg.com/products/imagineeating-lemons (see advert p.10) Plastic Free Baby, mum run ecofriendly online shop, natural, biodegradable & recyclable products, www.plasticfree.baby Playpress Toys a Sussex based company offering eco-friendly buildable connectable playsets, www.playpresstoys.co.uk Popolo Ceramico Brighton & Hove, baby & children's hand/ footprints on ceramics, 3D casts/plaster impression, children's painting kits, 07564 773921 (see advert) Squiggle & Bean, handmade crochet toys & comforters, www.squiggleandbean.co.uk Sussex Days Out, discount card with up to 25% off on places to visit, eating out, shopping, E-Sussex, towncitycards.com/ fgvbri (see disocunt voucher) The Book Nook, First Avenue, Hove, independent specialist children’s bookshop, www.booknookuk.com The Flamingo Family book series, Eddy Finds a Family & more to come, by local author Sarah McGeough, theflamingofamily.co.uk The Perfect Pamper: pampering baby shower parties, 01273 447841 Timeless Toys, 103 Portland Rd, Hove BN3 5DP, plastic free, planet friendly wooden toys, www.timeless-toys.co.uk Top Class Caricaturist, Sean Savage, 07507 293996 Wigwam Toys 140 Preston Drove BN1 6FJ, quirky, traditional, designled toys & gifts, 01273 505504
ECO-FRIENDLY GIFT WRAPPING? This year, why not try FUROSHIKI - the Japanese way of wrapping things! No cello tape, no ribbon/string required! Use any square cloth (18in.x 18in. for example), as a guideline the cloth should be 3 times the size of what needs to be wrapped. Second hand scarfs are great for that and can be part of the gift or can be reused! Find the folding instructions online!

Parties: Venues, Entertainment & more
Hall Hire > more online
Yellowave Clubhouse, hireable room on the beach, 01273 672222 (see advert p.17)
Party Venues > more online
High Sports Climbing Centre, Withdean Sports Complex, bouldering, rock box & roped climbing, 4yrs+, 0345 3631177 (see advert p.15) Yellowave Beach Sports, café, beach games & volleyball, hireable room on the beach, 01273 672222 (see advert p.17) Knockhatch Adventure Park, farm, Froggies indoor play, playbarn, adventure playgrounds, 01323 442051 (see advert p.17)
Party Entertainment > more online
Animazing, parties, talks & displays with reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates, owls & mammals, Reg: AW047, www.animazing.co.uk (see advert) Balance Kids yoga parties, 2-16yrs, 07584 208913 Bow Arrow Tag, combination of archery, paintball & dodge ball, 7yrs+, 01273 230624 Cartoons & drawing parties + face painting with Lesley Harvey, 5yrs+, within 10 miles of Seaford, 07722 236741 (see advert) Circus Brighton, interactive circus show & free play on equipment, 0800 4334618 David Tricks, children’s magician & party entertainer, 4-7yrs, 8-10yrs + adults, 07769 938496 Excel Activity Group: Nerf gun, Bubble football, Archery tag & Dodgeball parties, 01344 305763 Fairy Dust Events, children’s party entertainment for boys & girls, 0800 4334618 Hartbeeps, sensory music parties for 1 year olds up to pre-school, 07786 446119 (see advert p.8) Jonny Ponny: Traditional party games, drama games & theatrical storytelling, 4-12yrs, 07879 832857 Magic Mr Steve, complete children’s party packages, fixed prices, 07906 026354 Miss Sparkle, themed parties, magic, bubbles, treasure hunts, games, balloons, 0-8yrs, 07944 301948 (see advert) Mr Pineapple Head, family clown show & children’s entertainer, silent slapstick to music, 01273 473913 Music with Mike, musical party entertainment, 1-6yrs, 07528 004428 Paradox Palace Brighton House of Illusions & Wonders parties, 5yrs+, 01273 964000 Pelotas Circus Workshops, balloon modelling, glitter tattoos & face painting parties, 07765 604556 Popolo Ceramico Brighton & Hove, paint-your-own pottery party packages, 07564 773921 (see advert) Sew Fabulous, Studio 10, Brighton Open Market, all ages, 07897 275200 SportsCool Brighton, multi-sports birthday parties, 5-11yr, 07710 506598 Twig the Pixie Parties, a ‘real’ pixie/pirate/superhero entertainer! 3-7yrs, www.twigthepixie.com
Bouncy Castles, Inflatables, Party Supplies, Cakes > see online

Find full listing online, scan QR code or visit:
thefamilygrapevine. co.uk/brighton-hove/ directory/parties/

Health, Wellbeing & Beauty
Centred Space Yoga classes, yoga for menopause, 1-2-1s, workshops & Thai Massage Treatments, www.centredspace.net Craniosacral Therapist specialising in Women’s & children’s well-being, Brighton & Lewes, 07880 811403 Everybody Therapy, Massage & Beauty treatments delivered to you, 07955 921823 Howl choir, drop-in adult choir where your pre-school children are welcome, Hove, Fri am, www.howl.org.uk (see advert) Kore Rooms, family & relationship counselling in Hove, 07885 827849 Mumbop, dance fitness fun where you can bring the little one to!, 07809 646018 Physiotone: physiotherapy, acupuncture & clinical pilates, 07545 445656 Restore Fitness Therapies, pilates, women & men, group or 1 to 1, face to face & online, 07919 185100 Rockwater Life, wellness & fitness hub, group outdoor sessions from venue’s seafront decking, rockwater. uk/rockwater-life Salt Space, salt therapy can help immunity, lung and skin health in children (6mths+) & adults, saltspace.co.uk (see advert) The Blissful Group Prenatal, postnatal & general Aqua Yoga, stretch, strengthen, relax in warm pool, 07926 274616 The Nest Family Club, Hove BN3 3EW, classes & events for parents with childcare onsite, www.thenestfamilyclub.com Tree of Life, large range of therapies: osteopathy, homeopathy, acupuncture, nutrition, massage, 01273 220159 Ubermummies, fitness session where you can bring your child, Hove Stoneham Park/Rockwater & online, 07909 542280 uflourished, business & confidence coaching, hypnotherapy & emotional freedom therapy, 07717 842448 Victoria’s Adult Ballet classes on Tue, Silver Swans for over 55s on Wed, Hove, 0845 6894014 WomenInHarmony, yoga and Thai massage for pregnancy and postpartum, Brighton, 07920 403657 Women’s Wellbeing Retreat Days, enjoy some breathing space at Rock Farm near Steyning, releaseforwomen.org.uk WRAP, beauty treatments, women’s health, massage/ physio, Pilates & yoga, with onsite childcare, 01273 359349
“Even after just one half an hour visit to Salt Space I saw a marked improvement in his breathing.” (Recent Croup)

Support • Additional Needs

Food Bank / Pay As You Feel & Other Help & Support
The Real Junk Food Project
Brighton: Shop Bevedean Hub, 13 Leybourne Parade BN2 4LW, MonFri 2-4pm; Cafes: The Gardner BN1 1UN, daily except Tue, 11-4pm; St Luke's Church BN1 5DD, Tues & Weds 12.30-2pm; Hollindean Community Centre BN1 7BH, Thurs 12.30-1.45pm. BrightStore: weekly social store, Hollingdean, Mile Oak, Hove & Whitehawk, membership-based (currently has a waiting list).
Brighton & Hove Food
Partnership, list all the Food Banks in the area, go to their website: www.bhfood.org.uk/ directory-map/ incl. information on where to get help if struggling to afford food; where to donate food, money and volunteer if you would like to help.
Free School Meals:
www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/ schools-and-learning/free-schoolmeals to check eligibility. BHCC Help & Support: www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/ benefits-and-financial-advice/helpand-support
Parenting Courses & Support
Brinley First Aid Training, for nurseries, preschools, charities & all groups, special local rates, available, all levels, brinleyfirstaidtraining.co.uk Dad-La-Soul, support group for dad, monthly events with and w/out kids, currently Worthing area, dadlasoul.com Mothers Uncovered: creative support network for mothers & workshops, some free, mothersuncovered.com Sophie Thwaites, OT, helping children to read, write, sit still, coordinate their bodies, 07584 857861 Toddlerology, troubleshooting & help with toddlers, 07810 892635 Triple P Parenting Courses, 01273 294471
More information on support for parents & children > see online
Find the listing online, scan QR code or visit:
thefamilygrapevine.co.uk/ brighton-hove/directory/ a-z-support-and-services/
Children with Disabilities & Additional Needs
Amaze & PaCC Coffee Mornings for parents & carers, Moulsecoomb 4th Thu, Hangleton 3rd Tue, 01273 772289 Amaze, support & advice for parents of children with special needs & disabilities, 0-25yrs, 01273 772289 Aspens; support services for those with autism/other complex needs, 01892 822168 Barnardo’s Brighton & Hove Link Plus, family based overnight/ day care for children with disabilities, 01273 411767 Belltree Music Therapy CIC,Hove, BN3 1PH Music Therapy 0-100yrs, 01273 776454 Brighton Dyslexia Specialist, private dyslexia assessments for under 16s, 07794 405225 Brighton Expert Tutors, specialist 1:1, warm & nurturing environment, incl. therapy dogs, 4-15yrs, 07800 952078 Childcare Inclusion Fund: funding to help children who need extra support to attend childcare, 01273 293523 Dads Like Us, Stoneham pub function room, Hove, last Thu 7.30-9.30pm, informal social group, 01273 772289 Dyslexia Inspire, dyslexia assessments & specialist tuition, Hove, 07886 258534 Parent Carers Council, forum for parent carers of children with any condition, 01273 234862 PRESENS: Pre-school special educational needs service, 01273 294944 (term time) Red Pebble Special Needs Group, Manor Gym, Whitehawk BN2 5EA, Fri 4-6pm, 07506 105265 Seaside View Child Dev Centre, Brighton General, for children with disabilities & their families, 01273 265780 Sophie Thwaites, OT, helping children to read, write, sit still, body coordination, 07584 857861 Special Educational Needs Team, 0-25yrs, 01273 293552 Triangle, 7 Hunns Mere Way, Brighton, support for children with complex needs, 01273 305888 Whoopsadaisy, Pavilion, Preston Park, conductive education for children with cerebral palsy, 01273 554178
Find the full listing online, scan QR code or visit