4 minute read
A - Z of Sports & Leisure for 5 years old to teens
Football (cont.)
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Eastbourne Borough FC, 8-14yrs, Boys & Girls, 01323 766265
Eastbourne Town Youth FC, Eastbourne, U6 - U18 teams, boys & girls, 07795 294443
First Touch Football Academy, weekly sessions and holiday camps, 07799 771272
Hailsham United Junior FC, U6U16 (mixed), 01323 844005
Hampden Park Sports Centre, Eastbourne, Little Tekkers Football, Tue 5-5.45pm, 4- 6yrs; football fun, Mon 4-5pm, 7-12yrs & Fri 4-5pm, 6-9yrs, 01323 509859
Horam and Heathfield Junior Football Club, U6 - U18 mixed to U15; girls U14/U16, 01435 865163
Jarvis Brook JFC, teams & training 4-18 yrs, recruiting new players for all ages, boys & girls, 07875 878835
Learn, Play, Achieve, Eastbourne Sports Park & Seaford, 4-15yrs, after school & holidays, 01273 463355
Little Kickers, fun football training, Eastbourne, Lewes, 5-8yrs, 07802 864719
Maresfield Dynamos Junior Football Club, coaching from U7-U16, 5-16yrs, mdjfc.co.uk
Pevensey & Westham JFC, U6U18 boys, girls, 07730 678857
Polegate Grasshoppers, U6-U15 boys; U6 - U13 girls, 07736 687472
Premier Mini Soccer, Seaford, sat am 9-11.30am, all abilities, 3yrs+, 07862 261094
Premier United, Seaford, U7U16, boys & girls academy, 07862 261094
Ringmer Rovers, U7 - U16, boys & girls plus academy for 5-7 yrs, 07747 616051
Seaford Town Youth Football, U7 - U17 & girls U7-U16 teams, seafordtownfc.com
Sovereign Saints, Eastbourne, 4yrs -U17 teams & trainees, boys & girls, 07778 557538
Sussex County Football Association, can help you find your nearest club, 01903 753547
Uckfield Grasshoppers Junior FC from U6s - U17s, girls U7sU16s, uckfieldgrasshoppers.co.uk
Bay View Park Golf Course, Pevensey Bay, junior green fees/membership & lessons, 01323 769384
Crowborough Beacon Golf Club, all abilities welcome. Individual and group lessons for juniors, 01892 661511
Dale Hill Golf Club, Ticehurst, coaching & junior memberships, Sun pm coaching open to nonmembers, 01580 201090
East Sussex Golf Academy, Lottbridge Golf Club, Eastbourne, 4yrs+, 01323 520400
East Sussex National, Little Horsted, junior memberships & lessons, 01825 880088
Horam Park Golf Club, junior coaching & holiday courses, pitch & putt course, 01435 813477
Lewes Golf Club, coaching, competitions etc, 01273 483474 Piltdown Golf Club, junior memberships, coaching, competitions, 01825 722033
Royal Eastbourne Golf Club, junior coaching, events etc, 01323 744045
Gymnastics and Trampoline
Acting Moon Bigtop School of Circus Arts, learn Aerial Trapeze, Silks, Hoop and Gymnastics, 01323 325957
C.A.C.L Gymnastics Club, 4-16yrs, weekly in term-time, Eastbourne & Hailsham, 01323 730467
Downs Leisure Centre Seaford, Up ‘n’ Downs Trampoline Club, Fri pm, 4-18yrs, upndownstc@gmail.com
Downs Leisure Centre, Seaford, gymnastics,Thur 4-6pm, 5yrs+, 01323 490011
Eternity Gymnastics, Hampden Park Eastbourne, home school gymnastics, Thu am, 5yrs+ 07925 052397
Fun Abounds, gymnastic & indoor trampoline centre, Uckfield, babiesadults, 01825 768479
Jump Trampoline Club, Hailsham, 4yrs to adult, 01323 508604
Peacehaven Leisure Centre, gymnastics, Thu pm, 5-15yrs, 01273 588858
Sky High Trampoline Park, Peacehaven, weekends & school holidays, U5s: 9am-10am, 5yr+: 10am-6pm, 01273 580029
Sovereign Centre, gymnastics lessons, 4-11yrs, 01323 738822
Uckfield Gymnastic Club, from crawling to adults, led by British Gymnastics qualified coaches, office@uckfieldgymnastics.co.uk
Uckfield Leisure Centre, trampolining, 3yrs-adults, Sat am, 01825 761160
Uplands Sports Centre, Wadhurst, gymnastics, 5yrs+, 01892 782136
Urban Jump, trampolining & activity centre, Ghyll Road Industrial Estate, Heathfield, 01435 863277
Hockey ➡ see online
Glebe Field Riding School, Chiddingly, pony days, parties, lessons, 01825 872198
Hamsey Riding School, Lewes, hacking & lessons, 5yrs+,07735 006169
Horam Manor Stables, hacking, lessons, pony days, birthday parties, 4yrs+, 01435 812955
Meadows Equestrian Centre, Downash, nr Hailsham, 4yrs+, 01323 848777
Polegate Equestrian Centre, Polegate, lessons & hacking, pony parties, own a pony days, 4yrs+, 01323 483975
Priory Court Farm, Polegate, pony days & riding lessons, call for dates and details, 07736 698262
Leisure and Sport for Children with Additional Needs
Aspens, Saturday clubs, after school, Rock & Pop, Teens, 0345 450 0060
Buzz Active, Eastbourne: sailing, windsurf, multi-activities; Cuckmere: paddlesport; Bushy Wood: adventure days; 1 to 1 experiences, 6-14yrs, 01323 463300 (see advert p.16)
Create Music, Orchestra 360, inclusive, creative music group for children & their family, 5-18yrs, createmusic.org.uk
Eastbourne Otters, 1:1 or 1:2 swimming classes for beginners or lengths, in Eastbourne, 07936 592840
Eastbourne Seagulls FC, Sports Park, 10yrs+, 01273 668590
Fun Abounds, indoor trampoline centre, Uckfield, SEN sessions, Sat pm, 01825 768479
Funky Teens, Heathfield Youth Centre, alt. Sat pm, 13-19yrs, 01273 335130
Funky Teens, The Joff, Peacehaven Youth Centre, alt. Sat 2-6pm, 1319yrs, 01273 335130
Newhaven, Lewes & District Mencap, social Fridays 7pm, all ages welcome, Riverside Hall, Newhaven, 01273 517345
Ninja Arena Eastbourne BN21 3NW, activity & obstacle course, SEN Sun 5.156.15pm, 01273 054949
Riding for the Disabled, East Sussex, call for details of nearest groups, 07850 522 768 Robinson Academy of Drama, Eastbourne, movement, mime & drama, autistic specialised classes Sat, 07507 533708
SASBAH, social activity programme for those with physical and/or learning difficulties, 01825 873045 Swimming SEN session (no waves, music or features), Sovereign Centre, monthly 1st Sat, 9.30-11am, 01323 738822
Martial Arts
Eastbourne Shorin Ryu Karate, 4yrs+, 07853 304405
CMA Karate, Hailsham, Uckfield, Wadhurst & T-Wells, 5yrs+, 01323 848677
Eastbourne Kyokushinkai Karate Club, St Catherines College, 7yrs+, Mon eve, 07977 094347
Frontier School of Karate & Kickboxing (FSK), Heathfield, Uckfield, Battle, Crowborough, 5yrs+, 07970 686054 (see advert)
Karate Academy, Cornfield Lane, Eastbourne, 7yrs+, 07952 670349
Karate for beginners with Complete Martial Arts, Stone Cross, Eastbourne, 4-11yrs, Tue, 07983 609263
Karate Jitsu Kai, Hailsham & Eastbourne, 6yrs+, 01424 854178
Kicks Eastbourne, Cornfield Lane, 8yrs+ 01323 370479
Kids Self Defence Class, Boss Gym Eastbourne, Tues & Thurs 5pm, 5-10yrs, 01323 301991
MSK Martial Arts, family karate, junior judo, Hampden Park, Eastbourne, 4yrs+, 07870 611949
Red Oak Karate Club, Lewes, 12yrs+, 01273 890687
Sama Karate & Kickboxing, Eastbourne & Hailsham, 3½yrs+, 01273 580577
Seaford Karate Club, Downs Leisure Centre, 5 yrs+, Mon & Wed, 07812 381877
Taekwondo Lewes, free trial lesson, female instructor, Southover School BN7 1JP, Thur, 5-11yrs, 07834 486789
TAGB Tigers, Ratton School Eastbourne, Tues 6-7pm; Lewes Y.M.C.A , Thu 6-7pm, 3-11yrs, 07711 084513
The Martial Arts Centre, Eastbourne, traditional Korean martial arts, 4yrs+, 07540 179194
Tiger Kickboxing, Downs Leisure Centre, Seaford, Mon/Tue/Sun, 5yrs+, 01323 873753
Uplands Sports Centre, Wadhurst, Judo, 4yrs+, 01892 782136
Vision Taekwondo, Uckfield, Crowborough 3yrs+, 07746 533214
White Crane, Lewes, Fridays, Dog boxing kung fu 7pm, 07976 260710
White Crane, Lewes, Mon & Wed Kids Kung Fu 6pm, Taichi 7pm, Kung Fu 8pm, sparring/weapons 9.30pm, 07976 260710
Music Groups and Teachers ➡ see online