8 minute read

Babies ........................................ 7

Nannies & Au Pairs

My Travelling Nanny, temporary & holiday childcare, 0208 1333126

Children’s Centres

Crowborough Children’s Centre, Beacon Academy Sixth Form, Green Lane TN6 2XB, 01323 464380 Devonshire Children’s Centre, 43 Seaside, Eastbourne BN22 7NB, main office, 01323 464180 Hailsham at the Hailsham East Community Centre, Vega Close BN27 2JZ, 01323 464340 Hampden Park at the Health Centre, 12 Brodrick Close, Eastbourne BN22 9NQ, 01323 464144 Lewes at Malling Community Centre, Spences Lane BN7 2HQ, 01273 336870 Newhaven, Denton Island Community Centre BN9 9BA, 01273 517250 Old Town Eastbourne at Ocklynge Junior School, Victoria Drive, BN20 8XN, 01323 464570 Shinewater at Milfoil Drive, Eastbourne BN23 8ED, 01323 464170 Uckfield Children’s Centre, 1 Manor Close TN22 1DL, 01323 464300

These groups usually operate termtime only & are generally dropin groups for which the cost varies between FREE & about £4. For more structured classes check out the PreSchool Activities on pages 10-11.

► Crowborough Area


Little Fishes, United Church, Croft Rd, Crowborough, 0 - 3yrs, 9.15 - 11.15, 01892 665493 Rotherfield Baby and Toddler Group, Rotherfield Village Hall, Mondays 9.30-11am, Find on facebook: @rotherfieldbtg


Little Seeds, carers’ toddler group, St Richard’s Church Hall, Fermor Rd, £1 per carer, 1 0am-12noon, , 01892 611318


First Steps Parent & Toddler Group, Forest Fold Baptist Chapel, £1 per family, 10-11.30am, 01892 655661 Little Stars, baby & toddler group, St Mary’s Church, Hartfield TN7 4AG, 1st & 3rd Thu, 2-3.15pm, 07779 586460


Crowborough Library Storytime, 11-11.30am, 0345 6080196 Noah’s Ark, All Saints, Chapel Green, Crowborough, 9.3010.30am (call before coming for 1st time), 01892 652081

► Eastbourne


FREE mum’s support group, children welcome, More Than Cake, Eastbourne BN21 4DB, 12-2pm, 07944 730515 Hampden Park Library, Rhymetime, 10.30-11am, FREE, 0345 6080196 Little Wrens, Emmanuel Church, Greenfield Road, Old Town, £2 per family, 10-11.30am, 07762 621266 Panda, All Saints Centre, Grange Rd, 10-11.30am, £1 per child, 01323 419400 The Art House Café, Pre School Art Club, Grove Road, Eastbourne, 1.30-2.45pm, 01323 728691


Bopping Babies, 9:30-10:15am at Eastbourne Academy of Dancing, walking upwards, £3 per class, 07585 922887 Eastbourne Library, Rhymetimes, 10.30-11am, FREE, 0345 6080196 Focus Baby & Toddler Group, Kings Church Eastbourne, 10am-12pm (call to book), 01323 521125 Fun Time at Broadway United Church, Lindfield Rd, Hampden Park, 0-3yrs, 10 - 11.30am, term time, 01323 500686 Holy Trinity Church Toddler Group, 1011.30am, ages 0-5, 01323 736627 Little Luke’s, Parish Centre, Stone Cross, 9.30 - 11.30am, 07707 265891 Little Stones, Community Wise Centre, Ocklynge Road, 9.45am11.45am, 01323 722924 Little Trees Baby and Toddler Group, Willingdon Trees Community Centre, 10am12noon, 01323 504438 Noah’s Ark at St Mary’s Westham, babies - 4½yrs, 12.30 - 3pm, 07759 172992 Panda, All Saints Centre, Grange Rd, 10 - 11.30am, £1 per child, 01323 419400 Preschool singing, The Art House Café, Grove Rd, Eastbourne, 1010.45am, 07528 229251 Triangle Tots, Trinity Church Hall, Lower Willingdon, 9.30 - 11.30am. Term time only, 01323 489264 Wriggle Room, Towner Art Gallery, free drop in workshop for U5s, monthly/term time, 10am12pm, check website: towner.eastbourne.org.uk


Baby & Toddler group at KiddiCity GBP5 per fam, 1112pm, 07947 080902 Broadway Babes at Broadway United Church, Lindfield Rd, Hampden Park, 10 - 11.30am, term time, 01323 500686 Chalk Hill Toddler Group, St Mary’s Chuch, Church Street, Willingdon, £2.50 per family, 9.4511.45am, 01323 504659 Eastbourne Library, Rhymes & Stories, 10.30am - 11am, FREE, 0345 6080196 Focus Baby & Toddler Group, Kings Church Eastbourne, 10am-12pm (call to book), 01323 521125 Jack & Jill, St Mary’s Church, Eastbourne, 10am - noon, waiting list, term time only, 01323 645225 Little Lambs, St Mary’s Church Hall, Decoy Drive, Hampden Park, 9.30 - 11.30am, 01323 351248 RhymeTime for babies & toddlers, Willingdon Library, term time all welcome, 10.3011am, 01323 489473 Vicky Bees, Victoria Baptist Church, Eldon Rd, 10am11.30am, 01323 737974


Acorns, Bridgemere Centre, Eastbourne, 1011.30am, 01323 439700 Bopping Babies, 9:30-10:15am at Eastbourne Academy of Dancing, walking upwards, £3 per class, 07585 922887 Focus Baby & Toddler Group, Kings Church Eastbourne, 10am-12pm (call to book), 01323 521125 Fun, friendship and refreshments, Christ Church, Seaside, 10.30am12pm, FREE, 07845 070141 Giggles, Gateway Christian Centre, Lottbridge Drove, BN22 9PB, space limited book online, 1011.30am, 01323 351786 Let’s Get Together, St Mary’s Church Hall, Eastboune BN22 6PP, all ages welcome, 10am - noon, 07938 419704 Little Bears,Messy Play/Soft play/ Train event, Community Wise, 10am-11.30am, booking reqd, term time, , 07763 588781 Little Souls, Church Hall, Wellesley Rd, Eastbourne, 10 - 11.30am, £1 per family, term time only, 01323 731366 St John’s Meads Munchkins Parent & Toddler Group, Jubilee Hall, Meads, 10 - 11.30am, 01323 738671 Tea & Tots, St John’s Church, Polegate, 9.30 - 11.30am, term time, 01323 483259 Totz, St Elizabeth’s Church, Victoria Drive, Eastbourne, 10am12noon, 01323 649728


Elim Family Church Parent & Toddler Group, Hartfield Rd, 10amnoon, 01323 731843 Hampden Park Library, Storytime, 2-2.30pm, FREE, 0345 6080196 Little Wrens, Emmanuel Church, Greenfield Road, Old Town, £2 per family, 10-11.30am, 07762 621266 Mini Wilfs, St Wilfred’s Church Hall, Broad Road, Willingdon, 9.30 - 11.30am, £1.50, 01323 487885 Tots & Tinies 0-5yrs, Elim Family Church, 10:30amnoon, 07896 599517 Vicky Bees, Victoria Baptist Church, Eldon Rd,10am-11.30 am, 01323 737974


Who let the Dads out? All Souls Church Hall, Eastbourne, 6 & under, 10-11.30am, selected dates, 01323 731366 ► Hailsham


Buddies Playtime, Hailsham Children’s Centre, 10-11.30am, 0-5yrs, FREE, 01323 464180 Bunny Mondays, The Drive, Hellingly, Forest School, £2, just turn up 10-11.30am, 0-36 months, 01323 848490 Hailsham Methodist Church Parent & Toddler, 9.30 - 11.30am (not Aug or bank hols), find on Facebook


Little Gems, Christchurch, Ropemaker Centre, Hailsham, 10-11.30am, 01323 844428 The Hellihubs, parent, baby & toddler group, Hellingly Community Hub BN27 4EP, 9-10am, 01323 449415


Herstmonceux Tiddlers & Toddlers, Village Hall, Wed 9.30-11.30am, 0-5yrs, 07896 185120


ABC Playgroup, Hailsham Parish Church, 0 - 5yrs, Thurs 9.3011.30am, 01323 442410 Bunny Thursdays, The Drive Hellingly BN27 4EP, Baby massage, yoga, sing & sign, 10-11.30am, 0-1.5yrs, 01323 848490 Hailsham Library, Storytime, 11 - 11.30am, 0345 6080195


► Hailsham (cont.)


Hailsham Library, Rhymetime, 10.30 - 11am, 0345 6080195 ►Heathfield


Baby & Toddler Group. London House, Mayfield High St, £3 per family, 9-11am, 01435 873888 Horam Chapel Toddlers Music Group, Mon 2pm-3.15pm, U5’s with parents & carers, 01435 810372 St George’s Parish Room, Broad Oak, open school holidays (not bank hol.), 10-11.30am, 01435 862744


Heathfield Library, Rhymes & Stories, 10.30am - 11am, 0345 6080196 Little Warblers, Warbleton Church Rooms, Church Hill, TN21 9BD, 9.15-10.45am, 01435 830421 St Richard’s Toddlers, St Richards Church Hall, Park Rd, Heathfield, alternate weeks 1.303.30pm, 01435 862744


Welcome Toddler Group, Welcome Baptist Church, Heathfield, £1, 9.30-11.30am, 01435 864646


Burwash Common Babies & Toddlers Group, the Pavilion, Brushwash Common, 10am12pm, see on Facebook Little Punnetts Toddler Group, Punnetts Town Village Hall, £2 per family, 9am-12noon, 01435 831515


Fun Fridays, Skippers Hill, Mayfield, run by Kindergarten teacher, 18mths+, 9-10.30am, 01825 830234 Welcome Little Fish Toddlers, Welcome Baptist Church, Heathfield, 9.30-11.30am, 1435 864646 ►Lewes


Ringmer Tiddlers & Toddlers, Village Hall, 9.30 - 11.30am, see website


Lighthouse, baby & toddler group, the Trinty Centre, 9.30-11.30am, 01273 47437


Ladybirds playgroup, 0-5 yrs, Plumpton Green Village Hall, Lewes, 9.30-11.30am, term time, 01273 891086 Lighthouse, baby & toddler group, the Trinty Centre,, 01273 474377 St Peter’s Possom Toddler Group, St Peter’Church Chailey, free, new members welcome, 9-11am, 01825 722286 Toy Library, All Saints Centre, 9.30-11.30am, stay and play or just pop in and borrow, £2 per family, 01273 486391


Ringmer Tiddlers & Toddlers, Village Hall, 9.30 - 11.30am, see website The Lunch Bunch, The Trinity Centre, Lewes, Thu 12-1.45pm, 01273 483007


Busy Babies, for 0-12months and expecting parents, Ringmer Childrens Centre, 1-2.30pm, 01273 335100 Lewes Library, Storytime, 10.3011am, 0345 6080196 PlayGroup, All Saints, Lewes, 10 - 11.30am, £3 per family, howephil@gmail.com Woodland Playgroup/ Forest School Lewes, nature, craft, campfire, story telling & more, 2yrs+, 1011.30am, 07784 684541 (see advert)


Free Breakfast for families & children, Eastgate Baptist Church Lewes, from 9.30am, all ages welcome, 01273 488357



First steps, Peacehaven Children’s Centre, 9.30am - 11am, 6 months - 2.5 years, 01273 335100


Just Play, Peacehaven Children’s Centre, 1 - 2.15pm, 0-5 yrs, 01273 335100 Stay and Play session for 0-5yrs at Shakespeare Hall, 10.30-11.30am, drop in, £2 per session, 01273 510784


Munchkins, parent, baby and toddler group at Summerhayes Centre, Newhaven, 9am - 10.30amn, 01273 515301 Music Makers, Denton Island Community Centre, Newhaven, 10am - 12pm, 01273 517250 Newhaven Library Rhymetime, 10.30-11am, FREE, 0345 6080196 Parents & Tod, Peacehaven Leisure Centre,10-11.30am, U5s, 01273 588858

Newhaven - Friday

Peacehaven Library Rhymetime, 11-11.30am, FREE, 0345 6080196 ►Seaford


Seaford Library Rhymetime, 10.30- 11am, 0345 6080196 Tots Treats, St Luke’s Church Hall, Walmer Road, Seaford, 9.3011.00am, 07506 143476



Tots Treats, St Leonards Church Hall, Seaford, 9.30 - 11.00am, 07506 143476


Scallywags, Seaford Baptist Church, £1 per family, 9.3011am, 01323 896009 Seaford Library Storytime, 10.30 - 11am, 0345 6080196 ►Uckfield Area


Nutley Nutkins, baby/toddlers, Fords Green Pavilion Nutley TN22 3LH, term time, 9.1511am, 07525 210556 Maresfield Baby & Toddler Group, Village Hall, 9.30 - 11am, 07745 479407 Wadhurst Library Rhymes & Stories, 10.30am - 11am, 0345 6080196


Buxted Toddlers, Methodist Church Hall, 10 - 11.30am, 01825 733098 Little Acorns, Holy Trinity Church, 9.15 - 10.45am, please call before coming for the 1st time, 01825 733833 Uckfield Library Rhymetime, free music led play sessions 10.3011am, 0345 608 0196


Toddler Praise, Maresfield Church, Wed 10am, everyone welcome, 01825 732577


Jellybeans, Wadhurst Parish Church, 9.30-11am, 01892 782083 Over Ones, 12-24ms toys, stories, song time, Foresters Hall, Uckfield, 10-11.30am, FREE, 01825 765115


Twos Group, 24-36m, toys, crafts, messy play, song time, Foresters Hall, Uckfield, 9.4511am, 01825 765115

Pre-School Art & Craft

Crowborough Leisure Centre, Messy Monster,Tue 1010.45am, 01892 665488 Little Learners Messy Play and Mask-making, Uckfield, 07747 104974

Pre-School Dance & Drama

Art of Dance, Lewes & Hove, 2yrs+, professionally qualified teachers, 07976 068989 Boogie Beans, Peacehaven, toddler dance & music, Thurs, 10am, 07932 949468 Bopping Babies, at Eastbourne Academy of Dancing, walking upwards, 9:30-10:15am,Tues & Thurs, 07585 922887 Crowborough Leisure Centre, Mini Movers, Wed 1-1.45pm, 01892 665488 Diddi dance, funky pre-school dance, Eastbourne, Polegate, Willingdon & Uckfield, 07788 246073

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