Welcome to our Spring 2025 issue!
It’s been a joy looking ahead to Spring while preparing this issue over the chilly winter days! Inside, you’ll find up-to-date information and useful contacts for families at every stage, from pregnancy to teens, plus plenty of ideas for things to do, places to visit and events to attend this Spring.
New this issue. We’ve introduced a section for familyfriendly dining, with a few ideas of where to stop to grab a bite. I’d love to hear your thoughts and recommendations so please drop me a line if you have any gems you’d like to see added to the list!
Exciting competitions. Enter for a chance to win a meerkat experience at Exotic Zoo, a family ticket to Shrewsbury Food Festival, a family ticket to Shropshire County Show and a pair of myFirst AirWaves headphones. We also have a discount offer for party packages from PJ the Showman on page 3.
A big thank you to our wonderful advertisers! We couldn’t create this magazine without them. Please continue to support these hardworking local businesses and don’t forget to mention that you heard about them through the
Lastly, a big thank you to you for reading!
Rebecca Norman - Editor
rebecca@thefamilygrapevine.co.uk | 07880 282000 www.thefamilygrapevine.co.uk/shrewsbury-telford
Print publication dates are the 1st week in March, July and November.
Artwork deadlines for print editions are the 10th of the month prior to publication. Discounts are available for series bookings in consecutive issues. If you'd like to feature in our next edition please do get in touch.
4 WIN a pair of myFirst AirWaves headphones 4 WIN a family ticket to Shrewsbury Food Festival 13 WIN a family meerkat experience at Exotic Zoo 19 WIN a family ticket to Shropshire County Show
Citizens Advice Shropshire, 0808 278 7894
Citizens Advice Telford & Wrekin, 0808 278 7988
Social Services
Children’s Services: First Point of Contact, 0345 678 9021
Telford Safeguarding: out of hours emergency duty team, 01952 676500
Police & Crime Prevention
CrimeStoppers: report crime anonymously, 0800 555 111 Police (non-emergency), 101 Refuge National Domestic Violence
Helpline, 0808 2000 247
Youth Offending Service, Shropshire, 01743 261841
Youth Offending Service, Telford & Wrekin, 01952 385985
Baby & Childrenswear
Baby Stop Baby Shares: collecting & sharing baby products. Shrewsbury, babystop.uk
It’s Feet First. Dogpole, Shrewsbury, 01743 622617
Little Stars: Quality, pre-loved baby, children & maternity wear. Shrewsbury, littlestarscharity.org
Shoe b do, Frankwell, Shrewsbury, 01743 341006
Toggs & Cloggs, Newport, 01952 811180
Toggs & Cloggs, Shrewsbury, 01743 248880
Baby Equipment
Baby Stop Baby Shares: collecting & sharing baby products. Shrewsbury, babystop.uk
Blue Lotus Birth Pools: birth pool hire, one-stop stress-free home birth service, @bluelotusbirthpools
Newbie & Me Baby Store, Wellington, 01952 245891
Tiddlers & Nippers: innovative, stylish, problem-solving products for families, tiddlersandnippers.com
Books, Toys & Gifts
Bears on the Square, Ironbridge, 01952 433924
Build-a-Bear Workshop, Telford Town Centre, 01952 944029
E-Collectica Board Games, Shrewsbury Market Hall, 07804 687884
Labyrinth, Shrewsbury, 01743 243791
Merrythought Handmade Teddybears, Ironbridge, 01952 433044
Polly Pea: children’s clothing & gifts. Shrewsbury Market Hall
Sensory Superstars: sensory play resources. Shrewsbury, sensorysuperstars.co.uk
Severn Stories (Usborne), 07929 363276
Shrewsbury Duck Store, Shrewsbury, 01743 246080
The Toy Box, Ironbridge & Shrewsbury, thetoyboxironbridge.co.uk
The Wooden Play Den, Newport, thewoodenplayden.co.uk
Vinegar Hill, Shrewsbury, 01743 248817
Wittypics: learn to draw caricatures kits (6yrs+), wittypics.co.uk
All The Love Photography: newborn, maternity & family. Shrewsbury, @allthelovephoto
Amy Bray Photography, Telford, amybrayphotography.co.uk
APT Photography, Shrewsbury, aptphotography.co.uk
Bill Leighton Studio, Shrewsbury, 01743 352323
Catherine Evans Photography, Shropshire, 07971 634646
Elisha Pickles Photography: motherhood, maternity, newborn, family. Shrewsbury, @elishapicklesphotography
Elizabeth Faye Photography, Jackfield, 01952 973939
Janine Speake Photography, 07557 269891
JOL Photography, Shrewsbury, 07528 569568
Natalie L Photography, Telford, natalielphotography.uk
Simply Magical Photography, Telford, 07875 719054
Victoria J Photography: maternity, newborn, cake smash & milestone. Condover, 07817 963316
Child & Family Welfare
Baby Steps: free money & advice service from Citizens Advice T&W, babystepstelford.org.uk
CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably), 0800 58 58 58
Cavalier Centre: wellbeing courses with horses. Much Wenlock, 01952 443752
Childline, 0800 1111
Di Smart Life Coach: child & family support, 07896 955911
Healthwatch Shropshire (improving NHS services), 01743 237884
Healthwatch Telford & Wrekin (improving NHS services), 01952 739540
Jade Taylor Creative Counselling, Shrewsbury, 07572 923093
Katie the happiness coach: wellbeing for kids, teens & in schools, 07912 435221
Little Stars, Baby bank, tots-teens clothes, school uniform (referral only), littlestarscharity.org
Live Well Talking Therapies for Children & Adults, 07471 202562
Liz Somerville Consultancy: coaching for parents, 07845 216089
Me Time: for mums, creche included. Southwater & Hollinswood, 01952 872280
Missing People Helpline, 116 000
National Association for Children of Alcoholics, 0800 358 3456
NSPCC Helpline, 0808 800 5000
PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide Helpline, 0800 068 41 41
Samaritans, 116 123
Shropshire Child Contact Centres, Shrewsbury & Wellington, 07762 641778
TCC Play & Creative Arts Therapy, Telford, 07814 202764
Telford & Wrekin Baby & Toddler Bank, tcsbabybank@gmail.com
Telford & Wrekin CVS, 01952 916035
Telford Crisis Support: School Uniform Project, admin@telfordcrisissupport.org.uk
The Green Oak Foundation, Counselling, Shrewsbury, 01743 340880
Young Minds: parents’ helpline, 0808 802 5544
Build a Story Stack: Family learning, for adults & their children, 0800 321 3617
Family Learning courses, Gateway Centre, Shrewsbury, 01743 562063
Family Lives: support, info & online courses for parents, 0808 800 2222
Little Gannets: fussy eating support with nutrition advisor, 18mths-10yrs, littlegannets.co.uk
Montessori Rainbow: parenting skills workshops, montessorirainbow.co.uk
NCT: new baby, first aid & weaning courses, nct.org.uk
PANDAS helpline: PND support & advice, pandasfoundation.org.uk
Shropshire Parenting Team: Sleep Tight workshops, 01743 250950
Shropshire Parenting Team: Understanding Your Child, 01743 250950
Teens with Tots: 10am-12pm, parents up to 22yrs. Palmers Café, Shrewsbury, @teenswithtots7
Tuesday Time Out: social for young parents & their children. The Lodge, Monkmoor, @SYAClubs
Gingerbread National Helpline: support & advice for single parents, 0808 802 0925
Foster Care Associates (FCA), Midlands, 0800 023 4561
New Chapters Fostercare. Shropshire & Telford, 01952 463251
Parallel Parents, 0800 0234450
Progress Care Solutions Fostering, 01902 561066
Shropshire Fostering, shropshirefostering.co.uk
Telford Fostering, telfordfostering.co.uk
Together4Children: regional adoption agency, 0300 111 8044
Bereaved Parents
Child Bereavement UK, 0800 02 888 40 Child Death Helpline, 0800 282 986 Cruse Bereavement Support, 0808 808 1677
The Lullaby Trust: Bereavement Support Line, 0808 802 6868
Child & Family Health
Al-Anon (incl. Alateen) Meetings in Shrewsbury & Telford, 0800 0086 811
Alcoholics Anonymous National Helpline, 08009 177650
Beat Eating Disorders Helpline, 0808 801 0677
Child Therapy Telford: NLP for kids, Wellington, 07966 819194
Children’s Occupational Therapy Services, Shrewsbury, 07765 123213
Children’s Physiotherapy, Shrewsbury, 07967 622258
Epilepsy Action Helpline, 0808 800 5050
Frank: information about drugs & solvents, 0300 123 6600
Healthy Lifestyles Service, Telford Council, 01952 382582
In the Loop, Lip Reading & Deaf Awareness, sally@intheloophearing.co.uk
Journey in Mind: emotional wellbeing for children, teens, parents & schools, 07507 641859
Meningitis Now Helpline, 0808 80 10 388
Sarah Waterfall Acupuncture: traditional care for anyone 12yrs+. BAcC member, 07967 294021
Shropshire Epilepsy Support, 07879 190742
Wrekin View Counselling: CBT & Equine Assisted therapy for all ages, wendy.garratt@ wrekinviewcounselling.co.uk
Natural Health Centre, Radbrook, Shrewsbury, 01743 248878
Reiki, massage coaching. Newport, 07817 743481
Shrewsbury Family Chiropractic, Shrewsbury, 01743 588190
Shrewsbury Osteopaths, Sweetlake, Shrewsbury, 01743 365746
Nuffield Health Shrewsbury Hospital, 01743 282500
Princess Royal Hospital, Telford, 01952 641222
Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, 01743 261000
Severn Hospice, Shrewsbury, 01743 236565
Severn Hospice, Telford, 01952 221350
Health Visitors
All Shropshire Health Visitors, 0333 358 3654
All Telford & Newport Health Visitors & School Nurses, 0333 358 3328
Shropshire School Nurses, 0333 358 3654
Shropshire School Nurses, text service, 07507 330346
Speech & Language
The British Stammering Association Helpline, 0808 802 0002
Victoria Everall: speech & language therapist, Shrewsbury, victoriaeverall.co.uk
Children with SEND
Autism West Midlands Helpline: free local info & advice sessions, 0121 450 7575
Autonomy: self-help & social group for people who have autism, shropshireautonomy.co.uk
British Dyslexia Association helpline, 0333 405 4567
Contact a Family Helpline: support for families with disabled children, 0808 808 3555
Disabled Children’s Team, Shropshire Council, 0345 678 9021
Empathy for Special Children: support for neurodiverse children & families, empathyforspecialchildren.org
National Deaf Children’s Society, ndcs.org.uk
One to Learn Dyslexia Tuition, AMBDA
Qualified, Shrews., 07949 215094
Opportunity Preschool (fully inclusive), Shrewsbury, 01743 247600
PODS (Parents Opening Doors) Forum, Telford, 01952 271532
Pony Pals Wrekin, Equine & Movement Therapy, 07948 981047
REMAP: providers of free bespoke disability aids, remap.org.uk
Scope, disability helpline, 0808 800 3333
SEND & Inclusion (Telford & Wrekin), 01952 381045
SENDIASS Telford: info, advice & support service for parents, carers & children, 01952 457176
Sensory Inclusion Service for children with hearing and/or visual impairment, 01952 385269
Shropshire Autistic Supporters, Shrewsbury, 01743 356298
Shropshire Dyslexia Consultancy: diagnostic assessment, 07961 563627
Shropshire Information Advice & Support Service (IASS), 01743 280019
Telford Children’s Autism Hub: info, advice & support for families in Telford, 01952 262062
Telford SEND Team, telfordsend.org.uk
Wrekin Forest School, near Kynnersley, 07888 851813
Carers Support
Shropshire Carers Support Team, 01743 341995
Telford & Wrekin All Age Carers Centre, 01952 240209
Telford & Wrekin Carers Centre, 01952 240209
First Aid Training
Cognet Training, Shrewsbury & Telford, info@cognet.training
Key Skills First Aid, Shropshire, 07891 868367
St. John’s Ambulance First Aid Courses, 0344 770 4800
Family Planning & Well Women Clinics
OpenClinic: sexual health services, 0300 404 2996
Baby Vision: 4D Ultrasound Scanning, 01743 709064
Birth Nerd: antenatal & hypnobirthing classes. Shrewsbury, birthnerd.co.uk
Blue Lotus Birth Pools: birth pool hire, one-stop stress-free home birth service, @bluelotusbirthpools
Light Harmony Holistic Health: Pregnancy massage. Lawley, Telford, 07864 305204
NCT: in person & online antenatal classes, nct.org.uk
Shropshire & Mid Wales Fertility Centre, 01743 261202
Midwives & Doulas
Birth Nerd: doula. Shrewsbury, birthnerd.co.uk
Shrewsbury Midwife-Led Unit, Mytton Oak House, RSH, 01743 261216
Wrekin Midwife-led Unit, Princess Royal Hospital, Telford, 01952 565706
Bumpboost: aquanatal exercise. Quarry Swimming pool, Shrewsbury, 0345 000 7003
Exercise with Baby, Hadley & Shrewsbury, 07826 791633
Ilybeayoga: pre & post-natal yoga. Shrewsbury, ilybeayoga.com
In Good Hands Massage: Massage for new mums. Shrewsbury, 07878 360882
Lauren Hilton Pilates: pregnancy & postnatal. Shrewsbury, laurenhiltonpilates.co.uk
Mum & Baby Yoga & Pregnancy Yoga: Jenna Blair Yoga Wellbeing Centre. Shrewsbury, jennablairyoga.co.uk
Pregnancy yoga, Yogalicious, Shrewsbury, 07751 218656
Birth Nerd: breastfeeding support. Shrewsbury, birthnerd.co.uk
Health visitor baby clinics: appt. only. Telford, 0333 358 3328
La Leche League (Breast-feeding Support) Helpline, 0345 120 2918
Little Gannets: baby weaning support & baby brunch clubs (6-12mths), littlegannets.co.uk
National Breastfeeding Helpline, 0300 100 0212
Register your baby’s birth, Shropshire, 0345 678 9016
Register your baby’s birth, Telford & Wrekin, 01952 382444
Baby Massage
Baby Massage: Jenna Blair Yoga Wellbeing Centre. Belle Vue, Shrewsbury, jennablairyoga.co.uk
Little Massage: baby massage classes. Newport & Shifnal, Newport@thelittlesensory.co
Tippy Toes Reflexology, Shropshire, 07834 546357
Baby Sensory
Baby Sensory Shrewsbury: Bayston Hill, Hadnall & Ford, babysensory.com/ shropshire
Baby Sensory. North Telford, Shifnal & Newport, 07974 359980
Hartbeeps Shrewsbury: multi-sensory classes, 8wks+. Shrewsbury, hartbeeps.com/shrewsbury
Jiggy Wrigglers, Shrewsbury, jiggywrigglers.com
Jiggy Wrigglers, Telford, katie@jiggywrigglers.com
Little Glow sensory room: newborns to pre-walkers. Newport & Shifnal, Newport@thelittlesensory.co
Museum Babies: drop-in sensory play, 0-18mths, Tues 10-12. Shrewsbury Museum, 01743 258885
Baby Groups
Baby sign groups with Elaine. Newport, 07817 743481
diddi dance: Shrewsbury, Telford, Wem, Oswestry, Church Stretton, Whitchurch, 07967 430682
Home-Start Bump to Baby Club. HLC Monday, High Ercall Tuesday, 01952 872280
Home-Start Bump to Baby Club: Mon am. Gratitude Café Wellington, 01952 872280
Little Mess Shrewsbury: messy play, 6m5yrs, 07528 169219
Little Mess: messy play, 6m-5yrs. Shifnal & Telford, 07455 179014
Montessori Rainbow: Mini Monti’s baby group, Telford, montessorirainbow.co.uk
NCT Bumps & Babies. Shifnal & Telford, @ncttelfordandwrekin
NCT Bumps & Babies: Mon. Jungleland, Telford, @ncttelfordandwrekin
Parent & Baby drop in: Thursdays 9-11am. Novello Lounge, Telford, 01952 292697
Puddle Ducks Baby & Preschool
Swimming: 0-4yrs. Newport, Shrewsbury, Telford, 01925 393193
The Nesting Space Community: nurturing spaces for mums & babies. Shrewsbury, @the_nesting_space_community_
Tot Time Telford: interactive baby & toddler classes, Weds, birth-3 yrs, tottime.co.uk
Tums & Tinies: Thurs 9.30-10.45. Park Lane Centre, Woodside, Telford, familiesintelford.co.uk
Tums & Tinies: Tues 9.3010.45. The Hub on the Hill, Sutton Hill, familiesintelford.co.uk
Under 1s group. Dawley Christian Centre, Telford, familiesintelford.co.uk
Waterbabies: teach your baby to swim, 0-5yrs,wibblewobble@waterbabies.co.uk
Childminders & Babysitting
Current list of childminders at Shropshire Family Information Service, ShropshireFIS@Shropshire.gov.uk
Ofsted Childcare Register, reports.ofsted.gov.uk
Sitters, The Babysitting Service, sitters. co.uk
Visit Live Well Telford for current list of childminders, livewell.telford.gov.uk
Toddlers Monday am
Bicton Baby & Toddler Group: 1012. Bicton Village Hall, Shrewsbury, 07974 863153
Drop In & Play: 9.30-11. Park Lane Centre, Woodside, familiesintelford.co.uk
Ketley Methodist Toddlers, Telford, 01952 223275
Little Gannets Teddy Bears Picnic Club: under 5s, prebooked only. Admaston, littlegannets.co.uk
Sea Change Trust Talk & Play: 10am3pm. Bell Tent, Quarry, Shrewsbury, enquiries@seachangefamily.org
Story Time: 0-5yrs, term time, prebooked only. Silver Threads Hall, alan. watkins@thesilverthreadshall.org.uk
Teens with Tots: 10am-12pm, parents up to 22yrs. Palmers Café, Shrewsbury, @ teenswithtots7
Tibberton Baby & Toddler Group: 9-11am. Tibberton Village Hall, 07903 403310
Wrekin Forest School: Roarers, 10-12.30. Near Kynnersley, 07888 851813
Toddlers Monday pm
Trinity Tots: 1.30-3.00. Trinity Centre, Meole Brace, Shrewsbury, 01743 362399
Toddlers Tuesday am
ABC Coffee Club, St Giles Church Hall, Shrewsbury, 01743 246639
Baby & toddler group. Grange Primary School, Shrewsbury, 01743 462984
Cinema parent & toddler group: 10am12pm, soft play & cartoons. Wellington Orbit, 01952 743377
Lawley Smallies: 9.30-11am. St John’s Church, Lawley, Telford, 01952 581705
Little Dragons, 10am, St Georges Church, Frankwell, Shrewsbury
Little Fishes, 10-11.30am. Above Palmers Café, Shrewsbury
Messy Tuesdays: 0-5yrs. Silver Threads Hall, alan.watkins@ thesilverthreadshall.org.uk
Orbit Toddler Group (term time), Orbit Cinema, Wellington, 01952 743377
Pontesbury Little Dragons: 10-11.30am. St Georges Church
Rise & Shine: 9.30-10.45. The Hub on the Hill, Sutton Hill, familiesintelford.co.uk
Sea Change Trust Talk & Play: 10am12pm. Leegomery Community Centre, enquiries@seachangefamily.org
Shrewsbury URC Toddler Group: 9.45-11.45. By English Bridge, surctoddlers@gmail.com
Stay & Play Group: 9.30-11.30. Dawley Christian Centre, Telford, 01952 505108
Tiny Tots: 0-5yrs, 10-11.30. St John’s Church, Muxton, Telford, 01952 670033
Toddler Tuesdays: 10-11.30. The Hub Newport, 01952 814338
Woodies’ Early Learners. Woodlands Primary School, Madeley, Telford, 01952 386070
Worthen Toddlers, Worthen Village Hall, 07969 554695
Toddlers Tuesday pm
Sea Change Trust Talk & Play: 1.15pm3.15pm. Jubilee House, Madeley, enquiries@seachangefamily.org
Toddlers Wednesday am
4 All Foundation Stay & Play: 0-3yrs, 9.30-10.30. Ditherington, Shrewsbury, 0800 321 3617
All Saints Toddler Group (term time), Wellington, 01952 248554
Boardroom Gaming Café, 10am-12pm. Wellington, boardroomgamingcafe.co.uk
Drop In & Play: 9.30-11. The Hub on the Hill, Sutton Hill, familiesintelford.co.uk
Happitots: 10-11.30. Riversway Elim Church, Shrewsbury
Ketley Methodist Toddlers, Telford, 01952 223275
Little Conkers Stay & Play: term-time only. Crosshouses CC, near Shrewsbury, see Facebook group
Little Fishes, St Andrews Church, Shifnal, 01952 463694
Little Munchkins: 10-11.30am, 0-4yrs. MOD Donnington community centre, sian.makin105@mod.gov.uk
Loppington Toddler Group: 9.30-11. Loppington Village Hall, loppingtonvillagehall.co.uk
Montessori Rainbow: Curious Minds stay & play, Telford, montessorirainbow.co.uk
Parent, Baby & Toddler Group: 9.0510.30. John Wilkinson Nursery, Broseley, 01952 882950
Sea Change Trust: Drop-In, 10am12pm. Pontesbury Pavilion, enquiries@seachangefamily.org
Shawbury Toddlers: 10am. Shawbury Village Hall
Toddle-In: 10am. St Peter’s Church Hall, Monkmoor, Shrewsbury, 01743 232723
Toddler group: 10-11.30am. Church Preen Preschool, 01694 771797
Toddler Storytime: 10.30-12. The Hub Newport, 01952 814338
Wildlings: 10.30-12 (monthly in winter). Shropshire Wildlife Trust, Shrewsbury, shropshirewildlifetrust.org.uk
Toddlers Wednesday pm
Brynhafren Stay & Play: 1.30-3pm. Crew Green, 01743 884455
Home-Start Chatterbox parent & child group, Hadley, 01952 872280
Playing Together: 0-5yrs, 1pm-1.45pm, 2pm-2.45pm. The Wakes, Oakengates
Toddlers Thursday am
All Saints Toddler Group (term time), Wellington, 01952 248554
Condover Baby & Toddler Group: 9.30am. Condover Village Hall
Edgmond Toddlers, Edgmond Village Hall, @Edgmondtoddlers
Inside Out Learning, Belle Vue, Shrewsbury, inside-out-learning.co.uk
Mini Mammoths at the Museum: 2-4yrs, 10.30-12 term time. Shrewsbury Museum, 01743 258885
Oxon Toddlers, Gains Park Hall, Bicton Heath, Shrewsbury, 01743 231302
Trinity Tots: 10.00-11.30. Radbrook Community Centre, Shrewsbury, 01743 362399
Toddlers Thursday pm
Playing Together: 0-5yrs. Brookside Community Centre, Telford, 01952 382180
Playing Together: 12.30-2. Brookside Central, Telford, brooksidecentral.co.uk Toddler group. John Randall School Nursery, Telford, 01952 388390
Toddlers Friday am
Ford Baby & Toddler Group: 10am-12pm. Ford Village Hall, 07974 863153
GreenShoots Playgroup: 9.30-11.30am, 0-5yrs. Coalbrookdale Community Centre, 07810 518719
Home-Start Playing Together parent & child group, Hadley, 01952 872280
Inside Out Learning, Belle Vue, Shrewsbury, inside-out-learning.co.uk
Ladybird Tots & Toddlers: 10.00-11.30. Trinity Centre, Shifnal Parents & Toddler Group. Horsehay Methodist Church, Telford, telfordmeth.org.uk
Rise & Shine: 11.15-12.30. Park Lane Centre, Woodside, familiesintelford.co.uk
Soft & Sensory Play: 0-5yrs, term time, pre-booked only. Silver Threads Hall, alan.watkins@thesilverthreadshall. org.uk
Wrekin Forest School: Roarers, 10-12.30. Near Kynnersley, 07888 851813
Toddlers Friday pm
Playing Together (Strengthening Families). Park Lane Centre, Woodside, Telford, parklanecentre.org.uk
Toddlers Other Groups
Barnabas Church Centre, Shrewsbury, 01743 364101
Forest school sessions: Tues am, 2-5yrs. Hazles Farm, Stanton, 01939 250234
Kidslingo French: Mon 10.30am, 1-4yrs. Open to all. Canopy Nursery, Shrewsbury, marie.bourne@kidslingo.co.uk
Little Mess Shrewsbury: messy play, 6m5yrs, 07528 169219
Little Mess: messy play, 6m-5yrs. Shifnal & Telford, 07455 179014
Rhyme Time: 2nd Thur each month. Pontesbury Library, 01743 250610
Rhymetime: 1st Thursday each month. Much Wenlock Library, 01952 728293
Rhymetime: Mon am & pm. Shrewsbury Library, 01743 255308
Rhymetime: Mon am. Shifnal Library, 01952 461018
Stories & Rhymes: 1st Tues each month. Bayston Hill Library, 01743 872412
Stories & Rhymes: 3rd Thurs each month. Library at the Lantern, 01743 250810
Storytime: Weds am. Shrewsbury Library, 01743 255308
AIREA51. Stafford Park, Telford, 01952 947220
Apley Playbarn, Norton, near Shifnal, 01952 581002
Darwin’s Den, Darwin Shopping Centre, Shrewsbury, 01743 272322
Flip Out Telford, Indoor adventure park, 01952 977745
Inflata Nation, Telford, inflatanation.com
Preschooler Art, Craft & Messy Play
Creation Station, Shrewsbury & Telford, 07305 004677
Paint & Create Pottery Painting, Apley Farm Shop, near Shifnal, 01952 730220
Ready Steady Let’s Get Messy, Shrewsbury, letsgetmessy.co.uk
Splat n Splodge Pottery Painting Studio, Shrewsbury, 01743 588400
Story Rangers: interactive storytelling classes, 2yrs+. Shifnal, 07837 066180
Preschooler Music
Buzzy Beats, The Hive, Belmont, Shrewsbury, hiveonline.org.uk
Clatterbugs Music, Telford & Shrewsbury, 07747 632150
Hartbeeps Shrewsbury: multi-sensory classes, 8wks+. Shrewsbury, hartbeeps.com/shrewsbury
Hartbeeps, Telford, Newport & Shifnal, 07954 440623
Jiggy Wrigglers, Shrewsbury, jiggywrigglers.com
Jump In Trampoline Arena, Shrewsbury, 0330 223 3333
Jungleland, Trench Lock, Telford, junglelandtelford.com
Little Rascals at The Grapes, Bicton, Shrewsbury, 07501 855387
Little Seedlings soft play at Dobbies: 0-8yrs. Telford & Shrewsbury, dobbies.com/soft-play
Medieval Madness, Battlefield, Shrewsbury, 01743 466730
Panda-Monium Telford, panda-moniumplaytime.com
Pirates & Princesses Adventure Zone, Halesfield, Telford, 01952 582832
Soft Play at Shrewsbury Sports Village, 0345 000 7002
Telford Soft Play, Telford Ice Rink, telfordicerink.co.uk
Wacky Warehouse, Bridge Builder. Arleston, Telford, 01952 243741
Wacky Warehouse, The Two Henrys. Shrewsbury, 01743 450940
Woody’s Warren Playbarn, Park Lane Centre, Telford, 01952 683718
Woody’s Warren Café & Playbarn, Woodside, Telford, 01952 683718
Toy Libraries
Toy Library: Fri am. Cottage Care Centre, Newport, @newporttoylibrary
Role Play Centres
Big Street Little Feet, Madeley, Telford, 01952 443005
Giggle Street Shrewsbury, 01743 648848
My Little Play Place. St Georges, Telford, mylittleplayplace.co.uk
Tiny Town Newport, 01952 936600
If you have a family focused business you would like in our directory, submit it here:
The Arts Centre Telford (TACT), 2yrs+, theartscentretelford.com
Preschooler Gym
Gymfinity Gymnastics Club: 2yrs+. Telford, 07402 591554
Park Wrekin Gymnastics: 6mths+. Wellington, 01952 257646
Shrewsbury Gymnastics Academy: 0-5yrs stay & play; 3-5yrs structured classes, s2gym.com
Football Fun Factory: tots football fun, 2-5yrs. Telford, jakub@thefootballfunfactoryco.uk
Kickstars Football: 18mths-9yrs. Shropshire, 07739 469069
Little Kickers football classes: 18mths-8yrs. Shrewsbury & Telford, westmidlands@littlekickers.co.uk
Newport & Penkridge Tae Kwon Do, Lilleshall & Newport, 07783 690276
Toddler Takeover sessions: 1-6yrs. Jump In Trampoline Arena, Shrewsbury, 0330 223 3333
Jiggy Wrigglers, Telford, katie@jiggywrigglers.com
Moo Music. Darwin Community Centre, Shrewsbury, 07496 919810
Music Bugs, Shrewsbury & Telford, shrewsbury@musicbugs.co.uk
Preschooler Dance & Drama
7 Academy of Performing Arts: 3yrs+. Madeley, Telford, team@7academy.co.uk
Alisha-Jayne Dance Academy: 2yrs+. Monkmoor, Shrewsbury, 07532 430046
babyballet® preschool dance classes, 6mths-6yrs, 07527 354388
Ballet & Boogie: 3-5yrs. Footlights Dance School, Shrewsbury, 07946 630963
Boogie Babies: Fridays, 1pm. Pirates & Princesses Adventure Zone, Telford, 01952 582832
Carmichael School of Dance & Theatre Arts: ballet for 3-4yrs. Telford, 01952 619155
Dance Connection School of Dance, Newport, 07551 353737
Diana Griffiths School of Dance, Dorrington, 07570 966006
diddi dance: HLC Hadley, Jungleland Telford, Shawbury Village Hall, 07846 337910
diddi dance: Shrewsbury, Telford, Wem, Oswestry, Church Stretton, Whitchurch, 07967 430682
Elegance Dance School: 3yrs+. Shrewsbury & surrounds, elegancedanceschool.co.uk
Gem Academy: 2-18yrs. Madeley, Telford, 07883 586818
Glasshouse Mini: 3-6yrs. Bayston Hill, Shrewsbury, 07983 420058
KC Dance Centre, Shrewsbury, 07532 790412
Laura Deighton Dance Company. Dawley, Telford, 07913 132440
Mini Movers: dance drama & singing, 3-5yrs. HLC, Telford, 07980 919430
Tots on Ice, Telford Ice Rink, telfordicerink.co.uk
Mer-Babies: 3m-3yrs. Albrighton Hall, Shrewsbury, 07581 020687
Puddle Ducks Baby & Preschool Swimming: 0-4yrs. Newport, Shrewsbury, Telford, 01925 393193
Swim with Style: 4mths-4yrs. Shrewsbury, swimwithstyle.co.uk
Waterbabies: teach your baby, 0-5yrs, to swim, wibblewobble@waterbabies.co.uk
Daycare Nurseries
ABC Day Nursery Hadley, Telford, 01952 387190
ABC Day Nursery, Hollinswood, Telford, 01952 289168
ABC Day Nursery, Hoo Farm, near Telford, 01952 245257
ABC Day Nursery, Lightmoor, Telford, 01952 502572
Barn Owls Nursery at Shifnal Primary School, 01952 460500
Bojangles Nursery. Walford College, Baschurch, 01939 260006
Busy Bees Nursery, Priorslee, Telford, 01952 201727
Busy Bees, Shrewsbury Business Park, 0330 333 8133
Canopy Nursery, Bicton, Shrewsbury, 01743 649200
Castle House Nursery, Newport, castlehouseschool.co.uk
Central Park Nursery, Telford, 01952 292092
CHEC Mates Day Care, CHEC Centre, Madeley, Telford, 01952 586499
Childrensworld, Mere Park, Newport, 01952 929449
Chipmunks Nursery, Brookside, Telford, 01952 567101
Chipmunks Nursery, Stirchley, Telford, 01952 567122
Church Street Day Nursery, Wellington, 01952 250358
Club 0-5 Ltd, Halesfield, Telford, 01952 586400
Please tell advertisers you heard about them through the 'Family Grapevine' www.thefamilygrapevine.co.uk/shrewsbury-telford
Coalbrookdale & Ironbridge Nursery, 01952 433325
Daisy Chain @ Mytton Oak, Shrewsbury, 01743 243257
Daisy Chain @ Old Hall School, Telford, 01952 250035
Dorrington Nursery, Dorrington, dorringtonnursery.uk
Early Milestones Nursery, Leegomery, Telford, 01952 260303
Earlyworld Nursery, Hadley Park, Telford, 01952 272700
Earlyworld Nursery, Oxon Business Park, Shrewsbury, 01743 232500
Earlyworld Nursery, Stafford Park, Telford, 01952 292900
Explorers at Hadnall, Hadnall Village Hall, 01939 211711
Explorers at Sundorne, Shrewsbury, 01743 243996
Family Nurseries, Newport, 01952 324430
Farm Friends Day Nursery, Condover, Shrewsbury, 01743 874277
Halesfield Day Nursery Centre, Telford, 01952 583848
Happy Faces @ Packwood Haugh, Ruyton XI Towns, 01939 261615
Hazle’s Farm Day Nursery, Stanton upon Hine Heath, near Shawbury, 01939 250234
High Ercall Day Nursery, 01952 771305
High Ercall Nursery, 01952 771305
Hillside House at Hook-a-Gate Nursery, near Shrewsbury, 01743 860456
Hillside House, Lyth Hill Nursery, Shrewsbury, 01743 872203
Honeybuns Day Nursery, Wellington, 01952 246002
John Wilkinson School Nursery, 2yrs+, Broseley, 01952 882950
Kaleidoscope Nursery @ Oakengates, Telford, 01952 417093
Kaleidoscope Nursery @ St Andrews School, Shifnal, 01952 463259
Katie’s Kids Nursery, Monkmoor, Shrewsbury, 01743 242255
Kids Planet Day Nursery Apley, 01952 259270
Kids Planet Lawley Nursery, Lawley Village,Telford, 01952 630383
Ladybirds Nursery, Oakmeadow Primary School, Bayston Hill, Shrewsbury, 01743 875020
Little Dragons, St Georges, Telford, 01952 567756
Little Explorers, Frankwell, Shrewsbury, 01743 216726
Little Pixies Nursery, Nesscliffe, Shrewsbury, 01743 741554
Newdale Nursery, Newdale Primary School, Telford, 01952 387720
Oakengates Nursery School, Telford, 01952 387910
Old Park Primary School Nursery, Telford, 01952 567967
Play Days Day Nursery, Newport, 01952 820012
Radbrook Nursery & Preschool, Shrewsbury, 01743 243067
RAFAKidz Shawbury, 01939 742090
Redhill Nursery, Redhill Primary Academy, Priorslee, Telford, 01952 327170
Smiley Faces Day Nursery, Wellington, 01952 250438
Stargazers Nursery, Sweetlake Business Village, Shrewsbury, 01743 248448
The Ark Day Care Nursery, Pontesbury, 01743 791540
The Column Nursery, Shrewsbury, 01743 354779
The Mulberry Bush, Mount Pleasant, Shrewsbury, 01743 360300
The Nest, Short Wood Primary School, Wellington, 01952 387360
The Old Bank Nursery, Shifnal, 01952 463426
Tortoise Nursery School, Wellington, 01952 254040
Trench Tots Nursery, Telford, 01952 270058
Twiggy’s Day Nursery, Donnington, Telford, 01952 877567
Twyford Tots Nursery, Belle Vue, Shrewsbury, 01743 357083
Preschool Nurseries
Aqueduct Little Learners, Telford, 01952 872636
Baschurch Preschool & Nursery CIC, near Shrewsbury, 01939 260643
Beckbury Primary School Nursery, 2yrs+, near Shifnal, 01952 750287
Bicton CE Primary School Nursery, Shrewsbury, 01743 850212
Bowbrook Primary School Nursery, Bowbrook, Shrewsbury, 01743 816891
Brockton CE School Nursery, near Much Wenlock, 01746 785671
Buildwas Academy Nursery, 01952 387827
Captain Webb Primary School Nursery, Dawley, 01952 386770
Christ Church CE Primary School & Nursery, Cressage, 01952 510383
Church Preen Preschool, near Much Wenlock, 01694 771797
Clive CE Primary School Nursery, The Hill, Grinshill, 01939 220385
Condover Preschool, 01743 873518
Dawley CE Primary Academy Nursery, Dawley, Telford, 01952 386280
Donnington Wood Infant School Nursery, Telford, 01952 386640
Dothill Preschool: 2yrs+. Dothill Primary School, Telford, 01952 567410
Grange Park Primary School Nursery, Stirchley, Telford, 01952 387490
Grange Primary School Nursery, Shrewsbury, 01743 462984
Greenacres Primary School Nursery, Shrewsbury, 01743 464570
Greenfields School Nursery, Shrewsbury, 01743 236397
Hollinswood Primary School Nursery, Telford, 01952 386920
Holy Trinity Preschool, Belle Vue, Shrewsbury SY3 7LL, 01743 241195
John Randall Nursery, Madeley, Telford, 01952 388390
Ladygrove Primary School & Nursery, Dawley, Telford, 01952 388370
Lantern Academy Nursery, Ketley Bank, Telford, 01952 386961
Lilleshall Preschool Playgroup, 01952 604809
Little Acorns Nursery, Weston Lullingfields School, near Baschurch, 01939 260306
Little Bells Nursery, Belvidere Primary School, Shrewsbury, littlebells@ belvidere-pri.shropshire.sch.uk
Little Chicks Preschool, Shawbirch, Telford, 01952 248538
Little Greenfields Preschool, URC, Shrewsbury, 07570 058978
Little Prestfelde: 3-7yrs. London Road, Shrewsbury, 01743 245400
Little Seedlings Nursery, Priorslee Academy, Telford, 01952 387774
Long Mountain Preschool, Worthen, Shrewsbury, 01743 891320
Longden CE Primary School & Nursery, Shrewsbury, 01743 860514
Longden Nursery, near Shrewsbury, 01743 860514
Longford Preschool Playgroup, Newport, 01952 810280
Longnor Nursery, Longnor School, 01743 718493
Madeley Nursery School, Bridle Road, Telford, 01952 388210
Meadows Primary School & Nursery, Ketley, Telford, 01952 386230
Meole Brace CE Primary School Nursery, Shrewsbury, 01743 351027
Millbrook School Nursery, Leegomery, Telford, 01952 387640
Minsterley Nursery, The School House, Minsterley, 01743 791398
Mount Pleasant Nursery, Shrewsbury, 01743 249135
Much Wenlock Primary School Nursery, 01952 727634
Myddle Nursery, Myddle Primary School, 01939 290834
Newport Infant School & Nursery, Newport, a2074@telford.gov.uk
Oakengates United Church Preschool, Telford, hillizzy@aol.com
Old Park Nursery, Malinslee, Telford, 01952 567967
Opportunity Preschool (fully inclusive), 01743 247600
Preschool @ Radbrook Primary School, Shrewsbury, 01743 232895
Priorslee Pre-school, Community Centre, Telford, 01952 299979
Randlay Primary School Nursery, Telford, 01952 386986
Short Wood Primary School Nursery, Wellington, 01952 387360
Shrewsbury Cathedral Catholic Nursery, Castlefields, 01743 351032
Sir Alexander Fleming Nursery, Sutton Hill, Telford, 01952 327820
St John the Baptist CE(C) Primary School & Nursery, Ruyton XI Towns, 01939 260445
St Lucia’s Nursery, Upton Magna, 01743 709652
St Matthews Nursery, Donnington Wood, Telford, 01952 386260
St Patricks Catholic Primary School Nursery, Wellington, 01952 386160
St Peters CE Primary & Nursery School, Wem, 01939 232292
St Peters Nursery, Edgmond, near Newport, 01952 811692
St Thomas & St Anne’s Primary School Nursery, Hanwood, 01743 860400
St Winefride’s RC Independent School, Shrewsbury, 01743 369883
Sundorne Infant School Nursery, Shrewsbury, 01743 462087
Sunshine Preschool, Bomere Heath, 07743 197988
Teagues Bridge Preschool, Trench, Telford, 01952 617190
The Learning Tree Preschool, Muxton, Telford, 01952 327721
The Martin Wilson School & Early Years Centre, Shrewsbury, 01743 236520
The Nursery at St Mary’s Primary School, Shawbury, 01939 250323
Tiggywinkles Montessori Nursery, Newport, 07305 330645
Wilfred Owen School Nursery, Shrewsbury, 01743 282360
William Reynolds Primary School Nursery, Woodside, Telford, 01952 388280
Windmill Nursery, Brookside, Telford, 01952 386360
Woodlands School Nursery, Madeley, Telford, 01952 386070
Wrekin View Primary School Nursery, Wellington, 01952 388088
Wrockwardine Wood Infant School Nursery, Telford, 01952 387860
Work Opportunities
Talking Childminders, Telford, 01952 385424
School & Sportswear
Baker & Son Schoolwear, Wellington, 01952 641897
Mary’s Tots & Teens: School & other uniforms. Newport, 01952 400476 Newport Sports, 01952 272722
School Shop Direct, Shrewsbury, 01743 440449
Education Information
School Admissions, Shropshire, shropshire.gov.uk/school-admissions
School Admissions, Telford & Wrekin, telford.gov.uk/admissions
Shropshire Youth: Information Advice & Guidance for 16-18yrs, 01743 258850
Special Educational Needs (SEN) Team, 01743 254267
Telford SEND Team, telfordsend.org.uk
Home Education
Battlefield Bird of Prey Centre: individual or group sessions. Shrewsbury, 07719 909967
Fizz Pop Science, 5-12yrs, fizzpopscience.co.uk
Frankly Farm Tours: various topics. Broseley, franklyfarmtours.co.uk
Covers Shrewsbury, Telford, Newport, Shifnal, Much Wenlock & Wem
Montessori Rainbow: literacy club & study groups, 7-12yrs. Telford, Much Wenlock, montessorirainbow.co.uk
Park Hall Forest School: flexi-schooling, Oswestry, 07539 964719
Various sessions: 5-11yrs, 1st Fri of month. Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery, 01743 258885
Wrekin Forest School, near Kynnersley, 07888 851813 Primary Schools
Allscott Meads Primary School, 01952 385140
Apley Wood Primary Academy, Apley, Telford, 01952 980190
Aqueduct Primary School, Telford, 01952 984980
Barrow 1618 CE Free School, near Broseley, 01952 388640
Baschurch CE Primary School, 01939 260443
Beckbury Primary School, near Shifnal, 01952 750287
Belvidere Primary School, Shrewsbury, 01743 365211
Bicton Primary School, Shrewsbury, 01743 850212
Bomere Heath CE Primary School, 01939 290359
Bowbrook Primary School, Bowbrook, Shrewsbury, 01743 816891
Brockton CE Primary School, near Much Wenlock, 01746 785671
Broseley Primary School, Dark Lane, Broseley, 01952 567630
Brynhafren Primary School, Crew Green, 01743 884455
Buildwas Academy, Buildwas, 01952 387827
Captain Webb Primary School, Dawley, 01952 386770
Christ Church CE Primary School, Cressage, 01952 510383
Church Aston Infant School, Newport, 01952 386390
Clive CE Primary School, The Hill, Grinshill, 01939 220385
Coalbrookdale & Ironbridge Primary School, Telford, 01952 386620
Coleham Primary School, Belle Vue, Shrewsbury, 01743 362668
Condover CE Primary School, near Shrewsbury, 01743 872108
Crowmoor Primary School, Crowmere Road, Shrewsbury, 01743 235549
Crudgington Primary School, near Telford, 01952 386910
Dawley CE Primary Academy, Dawley, Telford, 01952 386280
Donnington Wood CE Junior School, Telford, 01952 386660
Donnington Wood Infant School, Telford, 01952 386640
Dothill Primary School, Severn Drive, Telford, 01952 386870
Grange Park Primary School, Stirchley, Telford, 01952 387490
Grange Primary School, Shrewsbury, 01743 462984
Greenacres Primary School, Shrewsbury, 01743 464570
Greenfields Primary School, Shrewsbury, 01743 236397
Hadley Learning Community (HLC)
Primary School, Telford, 01952 387088
Hadnall CE Primary School, Hadnall, 01939 210323
Harlescott Junior School, Shrewsbury, 01743 462087
High Ercall Primary School, High Ercall, 01952 387570
Hollinswood Primary School, Telford, 01952 386920
Holmer Lake Primary School, Brookside, Telford, 01952 387580
John Fletcher of Madeley Primary School, Telford, 01952 388188
John Randall Primary School, Madeley, Telford, 01952 388390
John Wilkinson Primary School, Broseley, 01952 882950
Ladygrove Primary School, Dawley, Telford, 01952 388370
Lantern Academy, Ketley Bank, Telford, 01952 386961
Lawley Primary School, Telford, 01952 388410
Lawley Village Academy, Telford, 01952 951200
Lightmoor Village Primary School, Telford, 01952 387620
Lilleshall Primary School, 01952 388430
Long Mountain CE Primary School, Worthen, 01743 891320
Longden CE Primary School & Nursery, Shrewsbury, 01743 860480
Longnor CE Primary School, near Shrewsbury, 01743 718493
Meadows Primary School & Nursery, Ketley, Telford, 01952 386230
Meole Brace CE Primary School, Shrewsbury, 01743 351027
Mereside CE Primary Academy, Shrewsbury, 01743 356283
Millbrook Primary School, Leegomery, Telford, 01952 387640
Minsterley Primary School, Minsterley, 01743 791398
Moorfield Primary School, Newport, 01952 386470
Mount Pleasant Primary School, Shrewsbury, 01743 249135
Much Wenlock Primary School, 01952 727634
Muxton Primary School, Telford, 01952 327007
Myddle CE Primary School, near Shrewsbury, 01939 290834
Newdale Primary School, Telford, 01952 387720
Newport Infant School & Nursery, Newport, a2074@telford.gov.uk
Newport Junior School, 01952 386600
Newtown CE Primary School & Nursery, Wem, 01939 233353
Oakmeadow Primary School, Bayston Hill, Shrewsbury, 01743 875020
Old Park Primary School, Malinslee, Telford, 01952 387250
Oxon CE Primary School, Shrewsbury, 01743 351948
Pontesbury CE Primary School, 01743 790226
Priorslee Academy, Telford, 01952 387927
Radbrook Primary School, Shrewsbury, 01743 232895
Randlay Primary School, Telford, 01952 386986
Redhill Primary Academy, Priorslee, Telford, 01952 327170
Sheriffhales Primary School, near Shifnal, 01952 460204
Shifnal Primary School, Shifnal, 01952 460500
Short Wood Primary School, Wellington, 01952 387360
Shrewsbury Cathedral Catholic Primary School, Castlefields, 01743 351032
Sir Alexander Fleming Primary School, Sutton Hill, Telford, 01952 327820
SS Peter & Paul Catholic Primary School, Newport, 01952 386450
St Andrews CE Primary School, Nesscliffe, 01743 741331
St Andrews CE Primary School, Shifnal, 01952 460226
St Edwards Primary School, Dorrington, near Shrewsbury, 01743 718462
St Georges CE Primary School, Telford, 01952 387750
St Georges Junior School, Shrewsbury, 01743 357133
St Giles CE Primary School, Shrewsbury, 01743 356579
St John the Baptist CE(C) Primary School & Nursery, Ruyton XI Towns, 01939 260445
St Lawrence CE School, Preston on the Weald Moors, 01952 387780
St Lucia’s CE School, Upton Magna, near Shrewsbury, 01743 709652
St Luke’s Catholic Primary School, Trench, Telford, 01952 388222
St Mary’s C of E Primary School, Shawbury, 01939 250323
St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Madeley, Telford, 01952 388255
St Matthews CE Primary School, Donnington Wood, Telford, 01952 386260
St Patricks Catholic Primary School, Wellington, 01952 386160
St Peters CE Primary & Nursery School, Wem, 01939 232292
St Peters CE Primary School, Bratton, Telford, 01952 387980
St Peters Primary School, Edgmond, near Newport, 01952 811692
St Thomas & St Anne’s CE Primary School, Hanwood, 01743 860400
Sundorne Infant School, Corndon Crescent, Shrewsbury, 01743 462087
Teagues Bridge Primary School, Trench, Telford, 01952 388450
The Martin Wilson School & Early Years Centre, 01743 236520
Tibberton Primary School, near Newport, 01952 387790
Trinity School, Ford, near Shrewsbury, 01743 850227
Weston Lullingfields CE School, near Baschurch, 01939 260306
Wilfred Owen School, Shrewsbury, 01743 282360
William Reynolds Primary School, Woodside, Telford, 01952 388280
Windmill Primary School, Brookside, Telford, 01952 386360
Wombridge Primary School, Hartshill, Telford, 01952 388040
Woodfield Infant School, Shrewsbury, 01743 343812
Woodlands Primary School, Madeley, Telford, 01952 386070
Wrekin View Primary School, Wellington, 01952 388088
Wrockwardine Wood Infant School, Telford, 01952 387860
Wrockwardine Wood Junior School, Trench, Telford, 01952 387880
Belvidere School, Shrewsbury, 01743 235073
Burton Borough School, Newport, 01952 386500
Charlton School, Wellington, 01952 386800
Corbet School, Baschurch, 01939 260296
Ercall Wood Academy, Telford, 01952 387300
Haberdashers’ Abraham Darby, Telford, 01952 386000
Haberdashers’ Adams: co-ed selective state grammar, boarding for boys. Newport, adamsgs.uk
Hadley Learning Community (HLC) Secondary School, Telford, 01952 387000
Holy Trinity Academy (Catholic), Priorslee, Telford, 01952 386100
Idsall School, Shifnal, 01952 468400
Madeley Academy, Castlefields Way, Telford, 01952 527700
Mary Webb School & Science College, Pontesbury, 01743 792100
Meole Brace School, Shrewsbury, 01743 235961
Newport Girls High School, 11-18yrs, 01952 797550
Priory School, Longden Road, Shrewsbury, 01743 284000
Shrewsbury Academy, 01743 276700
Telford Park School, Stirchley, Telford, 01952 387400
The Telford Langley School, Dawley, Telford, 01952 386700
The Telford Priory School, Wrockwardine Wood, 01952 386400
Thomas Adams School, Lowe Hill, Wem, thomasadams.net
Thomas Telford School, Telford, 01952 200000
William Brookes School, Much Wenlock, 01952 728900
Colleges 16 to 18 yrs
Haberdashers’ Abraham Darby 6th Form, Telford, 01952 386000
Haberdashers’ Adams: co-ed selective state grammar, boarding for boys. Newport, adamsgs.uk
Holy Trinity Academy (Catholic), Priorslee, Telford, 01952 386100
Idsall School, Shifnal, 01952 468400
“One of the biggest reasons we chose Derwen College for Josh was because Makaton is truly embedded in its culture. For Josh, Makaton isn’t just a tool – it’s his voice.”
So says the parent of a student at the Shropshire specialist college which is proud to be the first specialist college to be named as officially Makaton Friendly.
Makaton is a language programme that combines signs, symbols and speech to provide multiple ways to enable people to communicate. Derwen College uses Makaton throughout college, and has a team of tutors who train and support all staff. Performing Arts students, such as Josh, enjoy performing sign, song and dance routines in their studio sessions.
Josh’s mum, Julie says: “Since joining Derwen, Josh’s speech and signing have become so much more fluid and natural. He now has the confidence to express himself because he can communicate freely with both staff and students in a language they all understand.”
Fellow Performing Arts student Cai has Down Syndrome and learning and communication difficulties. His Mum, Marie, says the Makaton provision was a major reason that they pursued a place at Derwen College. She says: “Cai has been a Makaton user from a very early age and as a family we’d be lost without it. Derwen’s commitment to Makaton is fantastic. Derwen has been the first setting that our son has ever attended where he tells us he feels understood”.
Derwen College is a specialist day and residential college for young adults (aged 16–25) with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
Our pathways and programmes are tailored to meet individual student needs in preparation for adulthood Book early as spaces fill up fast!
Short Breaks and Respite Care for young people with special educational needs and disabilities.
Juniper Training: Employability skills for 16-18 year olds. Telford, 01952 299016
Madeley Academy, Castlefields Way, Telford, 01952 527700
Newport Girls High School, 01952 797550
Shrewsbury Colleges Group, scg.ac.uk
Telford College: school leaver courses & apprenticeships, 01952 642200
Thomas Adams 6th Form Centre, Wem, thomasadams.net
Thomas Telford School, Telford, 01952 200000
Walford College, Baschurch, 01939 262100
William Brookes School, Much Wenlock, 01952 728900
Independent Schools
Adcote School: all girls, 7-18yrs. Adcote, near Shrewsbury, 01939 260202
Concord College: 13-18yrs. Acton Burnell, near Shrewsbury, concordcollegeuk.com
Haberdashers’ Castle House School, Newport, castlehouseschool.co.uk
Old Hall School: 4-11yrs. Wellington, 01952 223117
Oswestry School Prep, 4-11yrs, 01691 653453
Oswestry School, 11-18yrs, 01691 655711
Packwood Haugh School: 4-13yrs. Ruyton XI Towns, 01939 260217
Holidays can be a great opportunity to relax with friends, meet new people and explore local attractions.
We have highly trained staff that can cater for individual needs.
Prestfelde School: 7-13yrs. Shrewsbury, 01743 245400
Shrewsbury High School: girls, 4-18yrs. Shrewsbury, 01743 494038
Shrewsbury School, 01743 280500
St Winefride’s RC Independent School, Shrewsbury, 01743 369883
Wrekin College: 11-18yrs. Wellington, 01952 265600
Haughton School: 5-11yrs. Madeley, Telford, 01952 387540
Overley Hall School: 8-19yrs. Wellington, 01952 740262
Queensway North, Hadley, Telford, 01952 388555
Queensway School South, Dawley, Telford, 01952 387670
Severndale Academy, Monkmoor, Shrewsbury, 01743 563333
Southall School, Dawley, Telford, 01952 387600
The Bridge School at HLC, Hadley, Telford, 01952 387108
The Seeds School: 14-16yrs. Telford, the-eds.org
Woodlands School, Wem, 01939 232372
Clare Potter Tuition, Church & Chetwynd Aston Village Hall, pottertuition@gmail.com
Clever Tutors: KS1-A-level, 11+ prep. Shropshire-wide, 01952 820936
English tuition: KS3 & GCSE. Shrewsbury, 01743 344845
French tutor, all levels & ages. Telford, 07473 072153
How to teach your reception child to read (parent tutorials). Shrewsbury, 07838 394362
Landau Tutoring: English - Primary, GCSE & A Level, 07957 981178
Lee Barnett: English language & literature tutor. Shrewsbury, 07792 273388
Maths & English Tuition, 8-16 years, Wem, 01939 234790
Maths & English tuition, Bayston Hill, Shrewsbury, kumon.co.uk/shrewsbury
MG Tuition Services: Shrewsbury & Shropshire area, mgtuitionservices.co.uk
One to Learn Dyslexia Tuition, AMBDA Qualified, Shrews., 07949 215094
TTS: GSCE & A Level tutoring, 07779 091068
Language Classes
Bright Owls: Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, EFL, 7yrs+. Shrewsbury, 07979 635157
Kidslingo: Fun French sessions, 1-11yrs. Shrewsbury, marie.bourne@kidslingo.co.uk
Sign language with Elaine: baby sign & family sign. Newport, 07817 743481
TTS: language tuition: Spanish, French, German & Italian, 07779 091068 Out of School Clubs
Aqueduct After Hours Club, Telford, 01952 872636
Central Park Nursery, Telford, 01952 292092
Coalbrookdale & Ironbridge Primary School Kids Club, 01952 386624
Dorrington Nursery, Dorrington, dorringtonnursery.uk
Dothill Childcare: 2-11yrs. Dothill Primary School, Telford, 01952 567410
Early Birds & Night Owls Club, St Andrews CE Primary School, Nesscliffe, 01743 741331
Earlyworld Kids Club, Oxon School, Shrewsbury, 01743 363310
Hazle’s Farm Breakfast & Afterschool Club, Shawbury, 01939 250234
High Ercall After School Club, 01952 771305
High Five Club: for Newport Infant School & Nursery & Newport Juniors, a2074@telford.gov.uk
Hollies After School Club, ABC Hollinswood, Telford, 01952 289168
Inside Out Learning: 4-10yrs. Belle Vue, Shrewsbury, inside-out-learning.co.uk
Old Park Primary School Nursery: after school club. Telford, 01952 567967
Redhill Primary Academy, Priorslee, Telford, 01952 327170
Shawbury Stars Childcare, St Mary’s School, Shawbury, 01939 250323
Short Wood Primary School, Wellington, 01952 387360
Trench Tots Out-of-School Club, Telford, 01952 270058
See also Sports Centres
Casey’s Cordingley Hall Summer Camp, 01952 606588
Central Park Nursery, Telford, 01952 292092
Church Street Holiday Club, 4-11yrs, Wellington, 01952 250358
Crossbar Coaching, various locations, 01952 677965
Earlyworld Kids Club, Oxon School, Shrewsbury, 01743 363310
Educating Kids Outdoors (EKO): Y1-Y8. Weston Park, 07876 658467
Embrace Holiday Clubs: Years 1-7. Shrewsbury, Telford, Shifnal & Wem, 01743 650646
Fizz Pop Science, 5-12yrs, fizzpopscience.co.uk
Football Fun Factory: football fun camps. Telford, jakub@thefootballfunfactory.co.uk
Inside Out Learning: 4-10yrs. Belle Vue, Shrewsbury, inside-out-learning.co.uk
Kings Camps: Sports & activity camps, 5-17yrs. Wrekin College, Telford, kingscamps.org
Pace Tennis Holiday Camps, Wem Tennis Club, dparry.tennis@gmail.com
Park Hall Forest School, Oswestry, 07539 964719
Passmaster U11 activity clubs, Shrewsbury, passmastercoaching.co.uk
PGL Adventure Holidays, 7-17yrs, Boreatton Park, Baschurch, 0333 321 2100
Project Farm: Farming holiday club, 4yrs+. Astley, Shrewsbury, 07311 436546
Shrewsbury Gymnastics Academy: holiday courses for girls 5-11yrs, s2gym.com
Shropshire HAF Programme: free holiday activities for eligible 4-16yr olds, @shropshirefamilyinfo
The Big House Holiday Club, St Andrew’s Church, Shifnal, 07971 518408
Treetops Kids Club, Mereside Primary School, Shrewsbury, 01743 358427
TTS Shrewsbury: school holiday activities, 9-15yrs, 07779 091068
Wrekin Forest School, near Kynnersley, 07888 851813
Do you have a favourite family-friendly place to eat? Let me know of any recommendations we can share at rebecca@thefamilygrapevine.co.uk
Bird’s Nest Café, Market Hall Shrewsbury, thebirdsnestcafe.co.uk
Boardroom Gaming Café, Wellington, boardroomgamingcafe.co.uk
Café at Shrewsbury Museum in the Square, Tues-Sat 10-3. Shrewsbury, 01743 258885
Café at Sleap Airfield, 01939 232882
Café on the Severn, Gateway Centre, Shrewsbury, 07398 425905
Gratitude Café, Wellington, 01952 243977
In Good Hands Café Shrewsbury, 07878 360882
Nerdy: family friendly café with extensive library of board games. Shrewsbury, nerdyshrewsbury.co.uk
Newport Youth Café Project, The Hub Newport, 01952 814338
Novello Lounge, Telford, 01952 292697
Oxon Priory, Shelton, Shrewsbury, 01743 271686
Paws Café: cat café, family sessions available. Shrewsbury, 07725 724958
River View Café, with separate playroom, Shrewsbury, 01743 537144
The Beacon Shrewsbury, 01743 344286
The Greenhouse Café, Shrewsbury, 01743 350000
Children’s Farms & Zoos
Exotic Zoo, Telford Town Park, exoticzoo.co.uk
Frankly Farm Tours: open farm, animal experiences. Broseley, franklyfarmtours.co.uk
Home Farm, Attingham, Shrewsbury, homefarmattingham.co.uk
Hoo Zoo & Dinosaur World, Telford, 01952 677917
Shropshire Falconry, near Wem (appt only), 01939 236541
Museums, Galleries & Historic Buildings
Blists Hill Victorian Town, Telford, 01952 433424
Coalport China Museum, Coalport Telford, 01952 433424
Enginuity: hands on science & engineering, Coalbrookdale, 01952 433424
Jackfield Tile Museum, Jackfield Telford, 01952 433424
Much Wenlock Museum & Visitor Information Centre, 01743 258885
RAF Museum Midlands, Cosford, rafmuseum.org/midlands
Shrewsbury Castle & Regimental Museum, 01743 258885
Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery, 01743 258885
Shrewsbury Prison: guided & self-guided tours, 01743 343100
Wenlock Priory (English Heritage), Much Wenlock, 01952 727466
Wroxeter Roman City (English Heritage), 01743 761330
Theatres & Cinemas
Odeon Cinema, Telford, odeon.co.uk/cinemas/telford/ Old Market Hall, Shrewsbury, 01743 281281
Telford Theatre @ Oakengates, 01952 382382
The Belfrey Theatre, Wellington, belfreytheatre.com
The Edge Arts Centre, Much Wenlock, 01952 728911
Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, 01743 281281
Wellington Orbit, Wellington, 01952 743377
Wem Town Hall, Box Office, 01939 238279
Birchmeadow Park, Broseley Bowring District Park, Wellington Carding Mill Valley & the Long Mynd Dale End Park, Coalbrookdale
Hartshill Park, Oakengates, Telford North Shropshire: Grinshill, Llanymynech, Nesscliffe
Severn Hospice Woodland Walk & Children’s Trail, Bicton Heath
Shrewsbury: The Quarry, Haughmond Hill, Lyth Hill, Reabrook, Battlefield South Shropshire: Stiperstones, Poles Coppice, Rectory Wood, Wenlock Edge Telford Town Park, 01952 382340
Telford: Apley Woods, Dawley Park, Granville Country Park
The Wrekin
Weston Park, Shifnal, weston-park.com
Other Places to Visit
Attingham Park (National Trust), near Shrewsbury, 01743 708170
Benthall Hall, Broseley, 01952 882159
Buildwas Abbey, near Ironbridge (free entry), english-heritage.org.uk
Hawkstone Park & Follies, hawkstoneparkfollies.co.uk
Leaton Forest, near Shrewsbury, 01939 290384
Sunnycroft House (National Trust), Wellington, 01952 242884
Wonderland: nursery rhyme & fairy tale theme park. Telford, 01952 591633
Further Afield
Alderford: aquapark, wild swimming, SUP & more, alderford.com
Alton Towers, altontowers.com
Black Country Living Museum, Dudley, West Midlands, bclm.com
Blue Planet Aquarium, Cheshire Oaks, Cheshire, blueplanetaquarium.com
Bridgnorth Cliff Railway, 01746 762052
Cambrian Heritage Railways, Oswestry, cambrianrailways.com
Cannock Chase: Go Ape, bike/walk trails, play areas, visitor centres, cannockchase.org.uk
Chester Zoo, chesterzoo.org
Chirk Castle, near Wrexham, 01691 777701
Cholmondeley Castle, Cheshire, cholmondeleycastle.com
Crocky Trail, near Chester, crockytrail.co.uk
Drayton Manor Family Theme Park & Zoo, Tamworth, Staffs, draytonmanor.co.uk
Dudley Zoo & Gardens, West Midlands, dudleyzoo.org.uk
Dudmaston Estate. Nr Bridgnorth, Shropshire, 01746 780866
Fantastic Funhouse: play frames, indoor football, go-karts. Oswestry, 01691 655515
Funzone, Whitchurch, 01948 661893
Habberley Trail: Outdoor nature & adventure trail, Kidderminster, habberleytrail.co.uk
Hack Green Secret Nuclear Bunker, Nantwich, Cheshire, hackgreen.co.uk
King Arthur’s Labyrinth & Bard’s Quest Maze, Corris, kingarthurslabyrinth.co.uk
Llangollen Railway, llangollen-railway.co.uk
Ludlow Castle, ludlowcastle.com
Monkey Forest, Trentham, Staffs, monkey-forest.com
Monkey Mania: Soft play & parties. Ludlow, 01584 300120
Museum of Cannock Chase, 01543 877666
Oaker Wood Leisure: outdoor pursuits. Near Ludlow, oakerwoodleisure.co.uk
Offa’s Dyke Centre, Knighton, Powys (closed in Winter), offasdyke.org.uk
Park Hall Countryside Experience, Oswestry, 01691 671123
Rednal Karting, near Oswestry, 07989 471307
Severn Valley Country Park, Bridgnorth, 01746 781192
Severn Valley Railway, Kidderminster, Worcs, svr.co.uk
Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre, Craven Arms, 01588 676060
Small Breeds Farm Park & Owl Centre, Kington, owlcentre.com
Stokesay Castle (English Heritage), near Craven Arms, 01588 672544
Talyllyn Steam Railway, Tywyn, talyllyn.co.uk
Tamworth SnowDome, snowdome.co.uk
The British Ironwork Centre, Oswestry, britishironworkcentre.co.uk
The Ice Cream Farm: fun for all agesattractions, ice cream & more! Cheshire, theicecreamfarm.co.uk
The Judge’s Lodging Victorian Experience, Presteigne, 01544 260650
The Kingswood Trust: outdoor family groups & events. Albrighton, 01902 558132
The Spaceguard Centre, Knighton, Powys, spaceguardcentre.com
Thinktank: Birmingham Science Museum, 0121 348 8000
Wacky Warehouse, The Gingerbread Man. Market Drayton, 01630 652771
Waterworld, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs, waterworld.co.uk
Welshpool & Llanfair Light Railway, wllr.org.uk
West Midlands Safari Park, Bewdley, Worcs, wmsp.co.uk
Whitchurch Heritage Centre, 01948 664577
Whittington Castle, near Oswestry, info@whittingtoncastle.co.uk
Wild Zoological Park, Halfpenny Green, wildzoo.co.uk
Xplore! Science Discovery Centre, Wrexham, xplorescience.co.uk
Leisure & Sport for Children with SEND
4 All Foundation: SEND Music, Drama & Dance clubs, for ICAN2 members. Admaston, 0800 321 3617
Battlefield Bird of Prey Centre, Shrewsbury, 07719 909967
Blossom & Bloom: stay & play, 0-5yrs, Tues am. PODS Hub, Telford, louise@podstelford.org
Cavalier Centre: accessible & inclusive equestrian centre. Much Wenlock, 01952 443752
Duck ‘n’ Dive: SEN & disability swim sessions. Telford, dndswim.co.uk
Fantasy Castles, Special Needs/Sensory Equipment Hire, fantasycastles.co.uk
High Flyers Youth Dance Workshops: 11-18 yrs. The Hive, Shrewsbury, officesidance@gmail.com
Jungleland, SEN Saturdays 8-9.30am, Trench Lock, Telford,
The Quarry Leisure & Fitness Centre, Shrewsbury, 0345 000 7003
Thomas Adams Sports Centre, Wem, 01939 237000
Wellington Leisure Centre, Telford, 01952 382720
Youth Clubs
Arleston Centre Youth Club: free, 1116yrs, Mon. Wellington, 0800 321 3617
AWS Donnington Youth Club: 10-16yrs, military/veteran families, sian.makin105@mod.gov.uk
Ditherington Youth Club: Y7-11. Shrewsbury, 07976 020819
Friday Night Youth Group: 10-14yrs. Horsehay Methodist Church, Telford, telfordmeth.org.uk
FunZone: various activities, Mon-Sat, 5-18yrs. Brookside & Stirchley, 01952 567140
Grange Youth Club: Y5-10, Mon, Weds. Shrewsbury, 07976 020819
Hub on the Hill Youth Club: free, 7-11/12-16yrs, Weds. Sutton Hill, Telford, 0800 321 3617
Ketley Youth Club: free, 9-16yrs, Thurs. Telford, 0800 321 3617
Lightmoor Village Youth Group: 10-18yrs, Weds eves. Oak Tree Centre, 01743 730005
Loppington Youth Club: 6-16yrs, Thursdays. Loppington Village Hall, loppingtonvillagehall.co.uk
Oakengates Youth Club: free, 7-11/12-15yrs, Fri. Telford, 0800 321 3617
Medieval Madness: SEN sessions available. Battlefield, Shrewsbury,
Moving & Grooving: Saturday sessions for SEND families. Shrewsbury, jamila.
Park Lane Centre Youth Club: free, 6-11/12-16yrs, Fri. Woodside, Telford, 0800 321 3617
Shell Club: 7-13yrs. Methodist Church, Wem, 07535 531530
Pony Pals Wrekin: Equine & Movement
Telford Bike Hub: adaptive cycles for hire & weekly sessions, 01952 380413
Telford Chin Woo: 4yrs+. Wellington,
Tiny Swimming: specialised SEN lessons, 6wks-4yrs+. Telford, tinyswimming.co.uk
Abraham Darby Sports & Leisure Centre,
Dawley Sports & Leisure @Langley
London Road Sports Centre, Shrewsbury, Much Wenlock Leisure Centre, Oakengates Leisure Centre, Telford,
Roman Road Sports Centre, Meole Brace, Shrewsbury Sports Village,
Stirchley Sports & Leisure @Park School,
The Circle at HLC, Telford, 01952 388470
SYA All About Youth: over 100 youth clubs, @SYAClubs
The Hub Newport: Mon 5.15-6.30pm, 9-13yrs. Newport, 01952 814338
The Lodge Youth Club: Y5-9, Thurs. Monkmoor, Shrewsbury, 07976 020819
Youth Café: Y7-10, Tues. The Hive, Shrewsbury, 07976 020819
Youth Group: 8-14yrs, monthly. Dorrington Village Hall, 07985 103213
Boys’ Brigade & Girls’ Association: 5yrs+. Find your local group, boys-brigade.org.uk
Girlguiding: Rainbows, Brownies, Guides & Rangers, girlguiding.org.uk
Girls Brigade: 4yrs+. Find your local group, girlsbrigadeministries.org.uk
RAF Air Cadets: 13-17yrs. Various locations, raf.mod.uk/aircadets/ Shropshire Army Cadet Force: 12-18yrs, 01743 231779
Shropshire Scouts, shropshirescouts.org.uk
Telford Sea Cadets: 12yrs+. Donnington, Telford, 01952 608014
Shropshire Aero Club: learn to fly, 14yrs+. Sleap, 01939 232882
Bowbrook Archers: 8yrs+. Shrewsbury, bowbrook-archers.co.uk
Long Mynd Archers, 01694 722767 Arts & Crafts
Arts Award: 5yrs+, 11yrs+, recognised qualification. Various locations, artsaward.org.uk
Bloom for Budding Artists: 6yrs+. Studio 39, Shrewsbury, bloom-art.co.uk Edgmond Pottery, nr Newport, 07795 170608
Kids’ craft workshops, Hobbycraft Telford, hobbycraft.co.uk
Messy Church: Thursdays 3.30pm, St George’s Pontesbury
Sallie Illustrates: 1-1 art lessons, Newport, 07969 641803
Saturday Lego Club, Library at the Lantern, 01743 250810
Saturday Lego Club, Shrewsbury Library, 01743 255308
Saturday Lego Club, Wem Library, 01939 236995
Sewing classes for children, Abakhan, Shrewsbury, 01743 353412
Shrewsbury Athletics Club: 9yrs+. London Road Sports Centre, 01743 342591
London Road Badminton Club, Shrewsbury, 01743 233665
Shrewsbury Storm Basketball Club, 01743 537077
Cycle track: various sessions. Shrewsbury Sports Village, 0345 000 7002
Kids Bike Club, Newport Cycling Club, newportshropshirecc.org.uk
Learn Cycling Bikeability: family lessons, Shrewsbury, learncycling.com
Mid Shropshire Wheelers, Shrewsbury Sports Village, midshropshirewheelers.com
Telford Bike Hub: bikes for hire, Learn to Ride sessions, 4yrs+, 01952 380413
Wrekin Riders BMX Race Club, Telford, wrekinriders@outlook.com
Bowling & Skittles
Hollywood Bowl, Brixton Way, Shrewsbury, 0844 826 3032
Tenpin Telford, 0333 034 6100
Camping & Youth Hostels
Youth Hostels Association, yha.org.uk
Cards & Board Games
Boardroom Gaming Café, Wellington, boardroomgamingcafe.co.uk
Games Café: Fridays 3-5pm, 5-18yrs. The Hub Newport, 01952 814338
Nerdy: family friendly café with extensive library of board games. Shrewsbury, nerdyshrewsbury.co.uk
Shropshire Junior Chess Club: 6-13yrs, members only. Nerdy Café, Shrewsbury, 01630 801860
Clay Modelling & Pottery
Paint & Create, Apley Farm Shop, near Shifnal, 01952 730220
Splat n Splodge Pottery Painting Studio, Shrewsbury, 01743 588400
Climbing & Mountaineering
Climbing Hut, Battlefield, Shrewsbury, 01743 295997
Conservation & Wildlife
Battlefield Bird of Prey Centre, Shrewsbury, 07719 909967
Cuan Wildlife Rescue Centre, Much Wenlock, 01952 728070
Haughmond Hill (Forestry Commission), 0300 067 4935
Severn Gorge Countryside Trust, severngorge.org.uk
Shropshire Ornithological Society, shropshirebirds.com
Shropshire Wildlife Trust: events & activities, shropshirewildlifetrust.org.uk
The Bog Visitor Centre, Stiperstones, bogvisitorcentre.com
Brompton Cookery School: Junior courses, 10-16yrs. Near Atcham, 01743 761629
Katie’s Kids Kitchen, Shrewsbury, 07971 499359
All Stars Cricket: 5-11yrs. Various venues, 08000 857998
Bomere Heath Cricket Club, @BomereHeathCC
Broseley Cricket Club, 01952 882877
Cound Cricket Club, 07962 149199
Lilleshall Cricket Club, @LilleshallCC
Newport Cricket Club,, 07791 272054
Shifnal Cricket Club, 01952 462033
Shrewsbury Cricket Club, London Road, 01743 363655
Wellington Cricket Club, Telford, 01952 251539
Wem Cricket Club, 01939 234680
7 Academy of Performing Arts: 3yrs+. Madeley, Telford, team@7academy.co.uk
Alisha-Jayne Dance Academy, Monkmoor, Shrewsbury, 07532 430046
Aspire Dance Company: Mondays, 1-17yrs. St Georges, Telford, 07774 516355
babyballet® preschool dance classes, 6mths-6yrs, 07527 354388
Carmichael School of Dance & Theatre Arts, Telford, 01952 619155
Cheer Athletics. Ketley, Telford, cheerathletics.com/telford
Chinese Dance Classes: 6yrs+.
Chinese Arts & Culture Centre, Telford, culturekind.org.uk
Dance Connection School of Dance, Newport, 07551 353737
Telford Athletic Club, general@telfordac.uk www.thefamilygrapevine.co.uk/shrewsbury-telford
Dance With Music: ballroom & Latin. Telford, 07818 476322
Darwin Gymnastics & Dance, Shrewsbury, 07720 957010
Diana Griffiths School of Dance, Dorrington, 07570 966006
Elegance Dance School: 3yrs+.
Shrewsbury & surrounds, elegancedanceschool.co.uk
Footlights Dance School, Shrewsbury, 07946 630963
Fusion Film & Stage School, Telford, 07847 376829
Gem Academy: 2-18yrs. Madeley, Telford, 07883 586818
Inspire Dance Company: 4yrs+. Lawley Village, inspiredancecompany.co.uk
KC Dance Centre, Shrewsbury, 07532 790412
Laura Deighton Dance Company: dance, acro & musical theatre. Telford, 07913 132440
LPA Shrewsbury, 4yrs+, 07784 367902
Newport Musical Theatre Academy, 07576 511971
ROAM Dance, Shrewsbury, roamdanceschool.co.uk
Shrewsbury Cheer, Dance & Gym: 5-14yrs, Sundays. Shrewsbury, 07935 173058
Street Dance Telford, HLC, 07951 902994
Telford Academy of Performing Arts, Telford, 07837 880012
Telford Stage Schools Academy: dance, drama & singing, 4-19yrs. HLC Telford, 07980 919430
Telford Synergy Dance: PAYG, free for under 5s. Telford, @telford.synergydance
The Arts Centre Telford (TACT), theartscentretelford.com
The Viv Kelly School of Dance, Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, 01743 344737
Topaz Dance School, Shrewsbury, 01743 272672
ToriArts Studios: learn how to sing, act, dance, train & fly! Wellington, toriartstudios.com
Urban Out Steppers: 3yrs+. Newport, @ UrbanOutSteppers
Whittingham Dance, Telford, 07984 159743
Catchlights: Musical theatre classes, 4-16yrs. Shrewsbury, catchlights.co.uk
Fusion Film & Stage School, Telford, 07847 376829
Get Your Wigle On, Shrewsbury, info@wigles.co.uk
Glasshouse: Maxis 7-10yrs & Teens 11-17yrs. Bayston Hill, Shrewsbury, 07983 420058
M3 Studios Performing Arts School: 3-18yrs. Telford, m3studios.co.uk
Moonstruck Astronaut Theatre Company, Telford, admin@moonstruckastronaut.com
Newport Musical Theatre Academy, 07576 511971
Paul Bench, voice & acting private coaching, training for Lamda exams. Shropshire, 01743 233164
PQA: performing arts academy, 6-18yrs. Shrewsbury Academy, pqacademy.com
Shropshire Youth Theatre: term time, 6-18yrs. The Hive, Shrewsbury, sytlisamorris@gmail.com
Stagecoach Theatre Arts, 4yrs+.
Shrewsbury & Much Wenlock, 07718 892738
Telford Stage Schools Academy: dance, drama & singing, 4-19yrs. HLC Telford, 07980 919430
The Arts Centre Telford (TACT), theartscentretelford.com
Top Hat Stage & Screen School: 4yrs+. Telford, 07780 665854 Fencing
Shrewsbury Fencing Club, 14yrs+.
Belvidere School, 01743 243033
Wrekin Sword Fencing Club: 8yrs+. Wrekin College Telford, 07968 202759 Fitness & Exercise
Blaze Trails Shropshire: free local parent & baby walking group, Search Facebook for group
Castle Country Club, various kids’ sports (members only), Rowton, 01743 884778
David Lloyd Club Shrewsbury, 01743 467755
Family Fun Fitness: free, all ages, Weds. Ditherington, Shrewsbury, 0800 321 3617
NCT Buggy Walks (seasonal). Telford & Shifnal, @ncttelfordandwrekin
Admaston Juniors Football Club, @ AdmastonJuniorsFC
AFC Telford United, 01952 640064 Ercall Colts Juniors, preschool - U18, ercallcoltsjfc.co.uk
Football Fun Factory: fun & development (3wk free trials), 5-12yrs.Telford, jakub@thefootballfunfactoryco.uk
Kickstars Football: 18mths-9yrs. Shropshire, 07739 469069
Lawley Lightmoor FC, 07827 232909 Meole Brace Juniors & Colts, Shrewsbury, meolebracejuniors.com
Meresiders FC: 4yrs+. Shrewsbury, 07584 076734
Newport Girls Football Club (U8-U15), @newportgirlsfootballclub
Passmaster: U11 girls & boys clubs, 1:1 & private coaching. Shrewsbury, passmastercoaching.co.uk
Shawbury United Junior Football Club, 4yrs+, @Shawburyutdjuniors
Shifnal Town FC (U12 - U17), 07986 563156
Shrewsbury Town Football Club, 01743 289177
Shrewsbury Up & Comers Football Club, shrewsburyupandcomersfc.co.uk
Telford Junior Football League, fulltime.thefa.com
Total Football Coaching: 4-18yrs. Shrewsbury, tfcshrewsbury@gmail.com
Wolves Football Development Centres: Reception-Y7. Shrewsbury & Telford, coaching.wolves.co.uk
Wrockwardine Wood Juniors FC: 4-16yrs. Telford, 01952 613086
Young Shrewsbury Football: Y5-10, Thurs. Monkmoor, Shrewsbury, 07976 020819
Little Seedlings Club: 4-10yrs. Dobbies Shrewsbury, 01743 874261
Little Seedlings Club: 4-10yrs. Dobbies Telford, 01952 677733
Adventure golf & disc golf, Telford Town Park, 01952 382340
Aqualate Golf Centre, near Newport, 01952 811699
Arscott Golf Club, Pontesbury, 01743 860881
Hawkstone Park Golf Centre, hpgcgolf.com
Horsehay Village Golf Centre, Telford, 01952 382639
Lilleshall Hall Golf Club, near Newport, 01952 604776
Meole Brace Golf Course, Shrewsbury, 01743 364050
Shrewsbury Golf Club, Condover, 01743 872977
Shrewsbury Golf Driving Range, 01743 354975
Telford Golf Academy, 01952 429977
Wrekin Golf Club, Wellington, 01952 244032
AIREA51, Stafford Park, Telford, 01952 947220
Darwin Gymnastics & Dance, Shrewsbury, 07720 957010
Edge Gymnastics. Much Wenlock Leisure Centre, 07929 889375
Elements Acro Gymnastics Club, Shrewsbury, 01743 860484
Jump In Trampoline Park, Shrewsbury, 0330 223 3333
Park Wrekin Gymnastics Club, Wellington, 01952 257646
Severn Gymnastics & Trampoline Club, Shrewsbury, 01743 241397
Shooting Stars Gymnastics: 3-16yrs. Telford, 07905 956644
Shrewsbury Cheer, Dance & Gym: 5-14yrs, Sundays. Shrewsbury, 07935 173058
Shrewsbury Gymnastics Academy, s2gym.com
Trampolining courses, Shrewsbury Sports Village, 0345 000 7002
Newport Hockey Club, 7yrs+, newporthockeyclub.co.uk
Shrewsbury Hockey Club, 01743 351916
Telford & Wrekin Hockey Club: 5yrs+. St Georges, Telford, @TelfordWrekinHC
Long Mountain Centre Pony Trekking, 01743 891274
Stoneyford Riding School. Annscroft, near Shrewsbury, 01743 860840
Telford Equestrian Centre. Near Donnington Wood, Telford, 07977 467455
The Wyke Equestrian Centre, Shifnal, 01952 460560
Ice Sports
Telford Ice Rink, telfordicerink.co.uk
Martial Arts
Bai Lang Kickboxing Academy: 4yrs+. Telford, 07960 524276
British Military Martial Arts: 4yrs+. Shrewsbury, Telford, Shifnal, 0800 389 3987
Combat Athlete Mixed Martial Arts, Telford, 07772 386578
JBS Martial Arts Academy: 3yrs+. Telford, @jbskickboxing
Kombat Kids: 4yrs+. Telford, 07730 899722
Kung Fu, Chinese Arts & Culture Centre, Telford, culturekind.org.uk
Kung Fu, London Rd Sports Centre, Shrewsbury, 07944 561708
Kyushinkai Martial Arts: 4yrs+. Madeley, Telford, kyushinkai.com
Mileham Karate Dojo, Shrewsbury, 01743 873013
Newport & Penkridge Tae Kwon Do, Lilleshall & Newport, 07783 690276
Roar Martial Arts: multi discipline classes, 4yrs+. Telford & Shrewsbury, roarmartialartsfitness.com
Shifnal Tae Kwon-Do, 07487 577978
Shropshire Goju Ryu Karate Academy, Broseley, 07809 007030
Telford Chin Woo: 4yrs+. Wellington, 07939 667003
Temple Martial Arts Kickboxing: 4yrs+. Shrewsbury, 07377 738687
Tetsu Karate-Do, Donnington & Sutton Hill, 07887 686738
Tiska Karate: 4yrs+. Wellington, 07902 427754
Trinity Martial Arts & Self Defence School:4yrs+. Dawley, 01952 862559
Universal Taekwon-Do: 4yrs+. Shrewsbury, 07803 131512
Valor Combat Systems: 4yrs+. Newport, Shawbury & Shrewsbury, 07794 577797
Wellington Tae Kwon-Do, 07887 456005
Motor Vehicles
Begin Off-Road: off-road motorcycle experiences, 4yrs+. Weston Park, 07581 442219
Shrewsbury Under 17s Driving Academy, 07751 244402
Music Groups
Shrewsbury Cathedral Children & Youth Choirs: 8yrs+. Shrewsbury, music@shrewsburycathedral.co.uk
Shropshire Music Service ensembles: rock & pop, orchestras, folk group, choirs, 01743 874145
Telford & Wrekin Music: rock clubs & orchestral ensembles, 01952 380981
The Rock Project, Shrewsbury & Telford, 07533 417768
If you have a family focused business you would like in our directory, submit it here:
Rugby & Mini Rugby
Shrewsbury Rugby Club Juniors, @shrewsburyrugby
Telford Hornets RFC: 6yrs-adult. Dawley, Telford, telfordhornetsrfc.co.uk
Snow Sports
Telford Snowboard & Ski Centre, Madeley, Telford, 01952 382688
Shrewsbury Squash & Racketball Club, shrewsburysquashclub.com
The Shropshire Squash Club, Shrewsbury, shropshiresquashclub.co.uk
see also: Sports Centres
Castle Country Club, (members only), Rowton, 01743 884778
Duck ‘n’ Dive swim lessons: school age. Telford, dndswim.co.uk
Mer-Fin Swim: 1yr+. Prestfelde & Albrighton Hall, Shrewsbury, 07581 020687
Newport Swimming & Fitness Centre, 01952 382740
Puddle Ducks Swim Academy: 4-10yrs. Newport, Telford, 01925 393193
Revive Leisure Club, Holiday Inn, Telford, 01952 527000
Streamline Swimming Academy. Wrekin College, Wellington, 07771 850694
Swim with Style: 4yrs+. Shrewsbury, swimwithstyle.co.uk
Hire a Canoe. The Quarry & Montford Bridge, Shrewsbury, 07397 005355
Ironbridge Rowing Club, 11-18yrs, 01952 432798
Pengwern Boat Club: junior rowing squads, 13-18yrs. Shrewsbury, pengwern-rowing.co.uk/ Shrewsbury Canoe Club, shrewsburycanoeclub.org
Shrewsbury Canoe Hire. Frankwell Quay & Attingham, Shrewsbury, 07440 556844
Shrewsbury Sub Aqua Club: snorkel 6yrs+/dive 12yrs+, 07975 840702
Shropshire Raft Tours, Ironbridge, 01952 427150
Boxing Sessions: free, 5-12yrs, Weds. Ditherington, Shrewsbury, 0800 321 3617
Multi Sports Sessions: free, 5-11yrs, Thurs. Coalbrookdale, Telford, 0800 321 3617
SYTri: running sessions, 8yrs+. Shrewsbury, sytri.org
Yoga for kids & teens: Jenna Blair Yoga Wellbeing Centre. Belle Vue, Shrewsbury, jennablairyoga.co.uk
Yogalicious: children’s yoga, 4-11yrs. Shrewsbury, 07751 218656
See also:
Music Teachers
Carpe Diem Guitar Tuition: 5yrs+. Telford, 07737 741860
Creative at the Keys: piano & keyboard tuition, 5yrs+. Telford, creativeatthekeys.com
Dan Jones Guitar School, Telford, 07872 101960
Electric, acoustic & bass guitar tuition, Shrewsbury, 07890 856218
Greenside Music: online piano lessons, 6yrs+, greensidemusic.co.uk
Music Heroes: private & peripatetic music tuition. Shropshire, 07966 040807
Neil Cowmeadow Guitar Tuition, Broseley, 01952 882928
Shropshire Music Service: instrumental lessons, instrument hire, workshops, 01743 874145
Singing lessons @ The Arts Centre Telford (TACT), theartscentretelford.com
Starter Guitar: tuition for children. Shrewsbury, 07817 068008
Telford & Wrekin Music Service, 01952 380981
Telford Music School, 01952 270027
Violin, Piano, Flute Tuition, Shrewsbury, 01743 245469
Outdoor Pursuits Centres
Arthog Outreach: outdoor adventurous activities in Shropshire, 01952 387378
JCA Condover Hall Activity Centre, 01273 647200
Love2Stay, Emstrey, Shrewsbury, love2stay.co.uk
PGL Boreatton Park, Baschurch, 0333 321 2100
Shropshire Adventures, South Shropshire, 01746 562608
Sky Reach High Ropes Course, Telford Town Park, 01952 382340
The Edge Adventure Activity Centre, near Much Wenlock, 01952 727491
Paintball, Laser Games, Karting
Flip Out Telford, Indoor adventure park, 01952 977745
Lazerland @ Jungleland, Trench Lock, Telford, junglelandtelford.com
Shropshire Paintball, Dorrington, near Shrewsbury, 07930 219568
Warped Sports: paintball & action adventures, Cosford, 01902 455455
Telford Steam Railway, telfordsteamrailway.co.uk
Rollerskates & Skateboards
Let’s Roll: family roller disco, Sundays. HLC, Telford, @roll.lets
Skaters Club: Saturdays 6.157.45pm. Sports Village, Shrewsbury, 07720 261817
SYTri: swimming sessions, 8yrs+. Shrewsbury, sytri.org
The Shrewsbury School Swimming Academy, 4yrs+, swim@shrewsbury. org.uk
Tiny Swimming: swimming lessons, 6wks-4yrs+. Telford & Rowton, tinyswimming.co.uk
Wem Swimming Centre, Wem, 01939 232460
Baschurch Tennis Club, 07951 264209 Boughey Gardens Tennis Club. Newport, 07912 672778
Broseley Tennis Club: 5yrs+, broseleytennisclub@gmail.com
Pace Tennis: coaching, 6yrs+. Wem Tennis Club, dparry.tennis@gmail.com
Shifnal Tennis Club, 07762 615270
Shrewsbury Lawn Tennis Club, shrewsburylawntennisclub.co.uk
Telford Tennis Centre. Oakengates Leisure Centre, Telford, 01952 382810
We Do Tennis: Coaching programme 4yrs+. Various locations, wedotennis.co.uk
Wem Tennis Club, @wemtennisclub Woodfield Tennis Club, Shrewsbury, 07887 951044
Drummond Outdoor: paddlesport courses & lessons. Shrewsbury, 01743 365022
• Hall Hire (online only)
• Sports Centres Soft Play Areas
• Places to Visit Battlefield Bird of Prey Centre, Shrewsbury, 07719 909967
Build-a-Bear Workshop, Telford Town Centre, 01952 944029
Ice-skating or soft play parties, Telford Ice Rink, telfordicerink.co.uk
Inside Out Learning: April-Oct. Belle Vue, Shrewsbury, inside-out-learning.co.uk Love2Stay. Emstrey, Shrewsbury, love2stay.co.uk
Paint & Create, Apley Farm Shop, near Shifnal, 01952 730220
Park Wrekin Gymnastics Club, Wellington, 01952 257646
Pizza Express: pizza making parties. Shrewsbury & Telford, pizzaexpress.com
Shrewsbury Gymnastics Academy, s2gym.com
Shrewsbury Prison: Archery Wars, 12yrs+, 01743 343100
Silver Threads Hall, Donnington, Telford, alan.watkins@thesilverthreadshall.org.uk
Skaters Club, Sports Village, Shrewsbury, skatersclub.org.uk
Wild Child Garden or room hire, Shropshire Wildlife Trust, Shrewsbury, 01743 284280
Wrekin Forest School, near Kynnersley, 07888 851813
babyballet® parties, 07527 354388
Bonbonniere: chocolate parties. Shrewsbury, 07962 815508
Console Heaven gaming van, 01743 455006
Creation Station Arty Parties, 07305 004677
Edgmond Pottery, near Newport, 07795 170608
Fizz Pop Science, 5-12yrs, fizzpopscience.co.uk
Football Fun Factory, Telford, jakub@ thefootballfunfactory.co.uk
Fun Science Shropshire, 07727 616170
Gem Academy Dance Parties, Telford, 07883 586818
It’s a Girl Thing: children’s pamper parties. Shrewsbury, 07939 016387
Julie’s Magical Experience. Newport, Telford & Wrekin, 07772 065426
Katie’s Kids Kitchen: cookery parties, 3yrs+, 07971 499359
Leo’s Loco Circus: circus skills workshops & shows. Telford, 07852 932318
Once Upon a Party Princess Parties, Telford, 07525 216087
Party packages: 4-17yrs. Casey’s
Cordingley Hall, Telford, 01952 606588
Passmaster football parties, U11s, passmastercoaching.co.uk
PJ the Showman: children’s & family entertainer, 07527 709545
Ready Steady Let’s Get Messy, Shrewsbury, letsgetmessy.co.uk
Really Wild Parties, Shropshire Wildlife Trust, Shrewsbury, 01743 284280
Splat n Splodge Pottery Painting Studio, Shrewsbury, 01743 588400
The Farm on Wheels, thefarmonwheels@gmail.com
Charlies Discos, Newport, 07930 311057
PJ the Funky DJ, Shropshire & Telford, 07527 709545
Skool Dayz Disco, Telford, @skooldayzdisco
Magicians & Clowns
Magic Kev: children’s magician & entertainer, 07968 818591
Face Painting
Fanci Faces, Shropshire, 07977 818759
Fantasy Castles, Shrewsbury & Telford, fantasycastles.co.uk
Rainbow Faces Ltd, Shropshire & Telford, 01952 606098
Party Supplies
Alexa & Bud: luxury backdrops and balloons. Shrewsbury, @alexaandbud Eco Party Kit Hire. Little Green Pantry, Wellington, thelittlegreenpantry.co.uk
Fantasy Castles, Shrewsbury & Telford, fantasycastles.co.uk
Play & Party, Harlescott, Shrewsbury, 01743 467457
Simplee Teepee, Shrewsbury, 07961 962273
The Playbus Company, Shropshire, 07801 554642
Thomas Allsorts: sweet shop with sweetcarts & mascots for hire. Dawley, 07719 010546
Tickle My Party, Shrewsbury, 07766 086677
Wild Tots Telford, soft play hire for 0-5 year olds, Telford, wildtotstelford@hotmail.com
AJS Bouncy Castle Hire, Telford, 07396 252059
Fantasy Castles, Shrewsbury & Telford, fantasycastles.co.uk
Fun-4-All: Inflatable Hire, Telford & Shropshire, 0800 311 8171
Inflatable Madness, Newport & Shropshire, 07576 667460
Liams Bouncy Castle Hire, Telford, 07784 827278
Premier Bounce: Bouncy castle & inflatable hire. Telford, 01952 929393
Shropshire Inflatable Hire, 07772 603000
Cakes & Party Food
Ami’s Bakehouse, Telford, amisbakehouse.com
Apley Castle Cakes. Telford, apleycastlecakes.com
Crystal’s Cupcakes. Sweetlake, Shrewsbury, 01743 213377
Laura’s Cake Boutique, Telford, 07500 111425
Mrs Spike’s Cakes, Shifnal, 07972 353880
The Gourmet Brownie Company, celebration cakes & brownie towers. Shawbury, 07903 235577
Enchanted Trail at Hawkstone Park Follies
Circus Funtasia, Donnington
Pirates Love Underpants at Theatre Severn
AGBO Rally at Weston Park
Peter Rabbit™ visit to Severn Valley Railway
A Very Victorian Easter at Blists Hill
Easter Bunny Clay Workshops at Coalport China Museum
Easter Egg Hunt at Attingham Park
Easter at Exotic Zoo – baby goats, chicks & rabbits
Easter Adventure at Comer Woods, Dudmaston Estate
Pilot Training at RAF Museum Midlands
Fairytale Eggstravaganza at Park Hall Countryside Experience
Crash Test Bunnies at Enginuity
Springtime Fun on the Farm at Frankly Farm Tours
Easter Eggstravaganza at West Midlands Safari Park
The Little Mermaid at Theatre Severn
14th-16th, 23rd-25th
Explore the possibilities of scrap paper at Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre 14th-20th
Wellington Easter Trail 15th-19th
Easter Bunny Grotto at British Ironwork Centre
Easter Bank Holiday Extravaganza at Wonderland 19th
Rude Science at Theatre Severn
Easter Special at Telford Steam Railway 21st
Comic-Con on the Zoo at Hoo Zoo & Dinosaur World
Alice's Adventures to Wonderland at Telford Steam Railway
May 3rd
Shrewsbury High School 140 Fair open to Shropshire families 5th
Princess Day at Hoo Zoo & Dinosaur World 10th-11th
There's a Monster in Your Show at Theatre Severn 10th-11th
Heavy Horse Weekend at Blists Hill 17th
A Dinosaur that Pooped a Rock Show at Theatre Severn
Shropshire County Show
24th-1st June
World War Two Week at RAF Museum Midlands
24th-4th June
Jurassic Week at Park Hall Countryside Experience
Teddy Bears Picnic at Telford Steam Railway
31st-1st June
Prehistoric Park with Nigel Marven LIVE at Hoo Zoo & Dinosaur World
June 1st
Dinosaur Adventure at Telford Steam Railway 8th
Cosford Air Show 15th
Tom Gates at Theatre Severn 28th-29th
Telford Fossil Festival, Exotic Zoo 28th-29th
Shrewsbury Food Festival
1st-2nd July
Bing’s Birthday at Theatre Severn 4th-5th July
Alderfest, Alderford Lake 12th July
Oakengates Carnival, procession and free family fun day at Hartshill Park 19th-20th July
Battle of Shrewsbury Medieval Festival, Battlefield 1403 25th-28th July
Space Camp Severn – Kids Festival, West Mid Showground
8th-9th Aug
Shrewsbury Flower Show 8th-10th Aug
Farmer Phil’s Festival, Ratlinghope 22nd-25th Aug
Shrewsbury Folk Festival, Family friendly music festival over August Bank Holiday