Family Health & Life Magazine - Mid June to Mid July 2010 Issue

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Family Health & Life JUNE-JULY 2010 ISSN 1920-8855


In This Issue


Natural Cures Through Homeopathy


Do You Need A Will ?


Healthy Alternatives to Caffeine

VITAMIN D Are You Getting Enough of It ?

PM 42007514

Family Health & Life JUNE-JULY 2010

IN THIS ISSUE 6 Under the weather

Exploring the importance of Vitamin D and why getting just more of it may be useful

8 Homeopathy - A gentle approach to permanent cure

How this alternate healing method may help you more than just cure an illness

10 Babies & Sign Language - Yes its Possible !

Our sign language expert throws light on how babies communicate using sign language and why parents should learn it.

12 Beat the Java Itch

Coffee may not be your only alternative when looking for something that wakes you up in the morning.

14 Labels Reading 101

What do food labels mean? Should we really read them ?

15 Out with the old - In with the new

Personal coach Guy Letts has some suggestions that can help enhance your life and career

16 Noble Silence

One mans personal journey into exploring meditation the hard way and the fruits it bore

18 Interest Rates - Risk or Opportunity

The true meaning of how interest rates can be our friend as well as a foe

20 When should I make a Will

Why making a living will could be the best parting gift for your family

23 Back to the Basics

Helping your pets live better, feel better and yes Happier too!

ALSO 19 Book Reviews 19 Fun Food facts 24 Fun Human Body Facts 25 Recipes 26 Cosmetic Review 3


Family Health & Life Issue 2, Vol 1 June-July 2010 Published by



Agnitio Media Corporation Toronto Airport Corporate Centre 2680 Matherson Blvd., Suite #102, Mississauga, Ontario L4W 0A5 Tel : 905-486-0197 Website: Email: Hello Folks ! Publisher & Editor in Chief Ian Khan Photography STOCKLIB by EPICTURA Creative Director Sabeen Syed Contributors Kendra Fleming, Beverley Isla , Jana McLean, Melissa Manzo, Sarah Maughan, Guy Letts, Drew Tapley, Bob Neil, Clint N Ali, Ashley Hain, ISSN 1920-8855 Circulation 5000 copies Controlled Letters to the Editor Advertising Inquiries Graphic Design South Productions Notice Agnitio Media Corporation and the people associated with it take no responsibility for any claims made by the advertisers & do not endorse any products or services advertised. The publisher takes no responsibility for any content that is published in this magazine. All articles are purely the opinion of the writers. No part of this publication may be reproduced in all or in part, without written permission from the publisher Canada Post Publications Agreement No 42007514


Summer is probably my most favorite season of the year. The Outdoors is alive and there are just so many possibilities when it comes to enjoying the sunshine and the weather. By now you must have either already gone on a summer vacation or are looking forward to one. If you haven’t, then its time to explore and go places right here in Ontario. You would be surprised at what you can find ! We have had an overwhelming response to the first Issue of Family Health and Life (FHL). Readers have loved the content and sent us hundreds of comments and kudos, which has not only strengthened our resolve but also lifted our spirits. Thank you so much for your patronage. This issue of FHL brings with it a new wave of practical information. I am excited to have a few new contributors on board who have provided us with some excellent food for thought. In this issue you can read about the importance of Vitamin D, Sign language for Babies, Homeopathy, Changes in Canadian Interest rates, and some other very interesting topics. I am also pleased to inform you that FHL is now also being distributed at select Fitness and Health Clubs around the GTA. If you would like us to distribute the magazine to any specific area or location, let us know. Lastly in our first issue we featured the Circle of Hope Cancer Foundation and also had the opportunity of attending their yearly get together held in Brampton. It was truly an inspirational experience to see so many people support Cancer Survivors and their families and we wish that more such organizations would help support other causes. If Family Health & Life magazine can be of any help in promoting a cause that you support, please let us know and we will do the best we can. We at Family Health & Life would love to hear back from you. Drop us an email at with your comments, questions and suggestions and even topics that you would like us to cover in our future issues. I assure you that it is our constant endeavor to make Family Health & Life better with every issue. Enjoy Reading and Have a Great Summer! Here is to healthy living! Regards Ian

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Feature Article

Under the weather?

You may just need a little of the sunshine vitamin by Kendra Fleming



aughter may be the best medicine, but these days Vitamin D is running a close second. Previously thought to only prevent childhood rickets, its multiple benefits were unknown until recently. Today Vitamin D is the most talked about supplement in the medical community! Never before has a vitamin received such marquee treatment; turning it into the virtual celebrity of vitamins.

What has sparked its popularity and why is it so important to you and your family? Well, according to Statistics Canada: 1.1 million Canadians (or about four percent of the population) are considered Vitamin D deficient. The Canadian Pediatric Surveillance program states that the prevention of rickets using Vitamin D is largely overlooked in Canada; logically, one can assume that the benefits of Vitamin D are overlooked too.

Whether it be a laissez faire attitude towards vitamin supplementation, or a lack of general knowledge, it is clear that Canadians should be better informed about the benefits of Vitamin D. Studies prove that a lack of Vitamin D can result in osteoporosis, certain cancers and autoimmune diseases, multiple sclerosis, depression and schizophrenia. I am sure the average Canadian would think twice about Vitamin D if they knew the potential damage resulting from deficiencies as well as the health benefits related to a diet that includes Vitamin D as a daily supplement.

What is it? Coined the “Sunshine Vitamin”, Vitamin D is naturally produced by the body when exposed to sunlight. The main source of Vitamin D is created after exposure to ultraviolet B rays, so all you have to do to get your daily dose is spend a little time out in the sun. Vitamin D is a nutrient that helps the body use calcium and phosphorous to build and maintain strong bones and teeth. In adults, inadequate levels can lead to weak bones resulting in Osteomalacia (a softening of the bones) and Osteoporosis (decreased bone mass and tissue). Both of these afflictions can lead to serious fractures, and severe bone deterioration. Low levels of Vitamin D during childhood can cause rickets, a disease that results in soft bones and skeletal deformities. Additional consequences of insufficient levels in children include seizures, fractures, lower-limb deformities, abnormal growth of teeth, as well as delayed developmental milestones. Vitamin D is also crucial to the health of pregnant women and is necessary during the first trimester to provide the calcium needed for fetal bone growth. Inadequate levels of the nutrient can result in low birth weight, thwart bone growth, and increase the possibility of neo-natal rickets.

Where to get it? Although the best source of Vitamin D is from the sun, the Canadian Cancer Society does not recommend relying solely on the sun for our daily intake. The use of sunscreen is important to ward off skin cancer, which decreases the absorption of Vitamin D; however, levels can be maintained through the use of supplements and through foods that contain Vitamin D. Health Canada


Today Vitamin D is the most talked about supplement in the medical community! Never before has a vitamin received such marquee treatment; turning it into the virtual celebrity of vitamins.

Recommends following the Canadian Food Guide and drinking two cups of milk or fortified soy beverages a day.

Why are Canadians at risk? Canadians are more susceptible to Vitamin D deficiencies than our neighbors to the south because of our geography. We only get half a year of optimal vitamin D sun. Our long, dark Canadian winters make it hard for us to get enough natural sunlight to synthesize the vitamin. Within Canada there are also Vitamin D disparities between categories of race and ethnicity. Statistics Canada found that Caucasians have substantially higher concentrations of Vitamin D than the levels of non-Caucasians. People with darker skin pigmentation are more at risk of Vitamin D deficiencies because they make less of the vitamin. Adults over the age of 50 are also at significant risk because our bodies’ ability to make the vitamin decreases with age.

How much Vitamin D should you be getting? Health Canada’s recommendations 0-1year: 200 IU per day 2-50 years: 200 IU per day 51-70 years: 400 IU per day + 70 years: 600 IU per day

Children Health Canada recommends that breastfed infants under the age if 1 receive a Vitamin D supplement of 400 IU per day. Supplementation should begin at birth and continue until the diet includes enough Vitamin D from food sources or until the child reaches the age of 1. Infant formulas in Canada are fortified with Vitamin D and contain adequate amounts of the vitamin. After the age of 1, all infants should receive at least 200 IU of Vitamin D per day.

Adults over the age of Fifty. The recommended intake level of Vitamin D is higher for those over 50 in order to maintain good bone health. While the Canada food guide is a good source for nutrition, Health Canada states that adequate levels of Vitamin D cannot be found from food alone: supplementation is necessary for those over 50 to prevent bone fractures. A daily vitamin supplement of 400 IU daily is recommended, and is easily purchased at your local drug store or pharmacy. Health Canada reminds Canadians that there are risks to taking too much vitamin D, as with taking too little. Canadians should not exceed the recommended daily intake level set for adults (2000 IU/day) from either a supplement, or through diet. Too muc. h Vitamin D can cause increased amounts of calcium to be deposited in the body, which can lead to calcification of the kidney and other soft tissues including the heart, lungs, and blood vessels. As with anything and everything: moderation is key Add a little spice to your life by getting outside and enjoying the sun, we all know we could use it and with precious little time to enjoy it, outdoor activities are a sure fire way to get your Vitamin D. But don’t forget the sunscreen, and since it will limit your intake of Vitamin D from sunlight alone, you could also add a little spice to your shakes or juice drinks by mixing a Vitamin D tablet into your favorite morning beverage and let the sunshine vitamin do the rest!

Kendra Fleming is a freelance writer, who contributes to newspapers and magazines writing about yoga, health and family. She has a BA in Sociology with a minor in English and is currently working on her first children’s novel. She lives just north of the GTA with her family. Contact


Natural Cures


A gentle approach to

permanent cure

To view health in its entirety is to look at the different school of thoughts to how our bodies are viewed.

by Beverley Isla


e all will eventually reach a certain realization that who we really are is not the shell or body we live in. Rather, we are consciousness, a being that encompasses an inner force or what some school of thoughts call the Vital Force or “Immaterial Wesen�. It is this vital force that orchestrate our bodies to help us grow in the most natural and gentle way. For as long as we do our part in keeping our temporary shell safe, our inner being will do its role in maintaining an internal equilibrium. Through the awareness of this inner, invisible wesen that everyone possess, we can come to understand what would

happen should this force be disrupted. This brings us to the different approaches that medicine exemplifies. Different schools of medicine have taught various views to this concept. For example, allopathic medicine may view that a particular physical symptom is the cause to a breakdown in our bodily functions....called disease or illness. Holistic medical fields, on the other hand, believe that it is not that particular symptom that is of utmost importance but the whole being. Notably, Classical Homeopathy highlights the vital force as being the first to acknowledge a mistunement in our bodies. The symptoms we observe when we feel an alteration in our health is really our vital force communicating to us that there is something going on that should be noticed. Therefore, the role of symptoms is really to let us know that our inner wesen is weaning. So how does homeopathy approach illness or the disturbance of our whole being in relation to bringing out complete and permanent health? If there is an imbalance to our internal equilibrium communicated to us through symptoms, the intention of a homeopathic remedy is to initiate the body’s ability to heal itself. (Remedies are prepared from plant, mineral and animal products. They are also tested and proved only on humans). Contrary to the allopathic approach to cure, homeopathy intends to focus not on the one


symptom the patient talks of but rather focuses on the person as a whole. In addition to the patient’s physical illness, their mind and emotions are considered as well. In this way, the homeopathic practitioner sees their patient, not through a tunnel vision, but from a holistic perspective. Through inductive reasoning, all the patient’s symptoms can then start to paint the whole picture for the homeopath. Unlike allopathic medicine, once all the symptoms are determined, only then can the right remedy be known. The appropriate remedy will lift not only the physical symptoms but can relieve mental and emotional upsets as well. Homeopathic medicine also differs from allopathic medicine through their primary principles. Firstly, the law “like cures like” is one of the foundations of homeopathy in which a remedy that is closest to arousing a similar suffering to the one it is supposed to cure will lead to a gentle, permanent healing with no side effects. In this field, painful treatments including surgery are avoided at all costs. As Hippocrates states, “disease is born of like things and by the attack of like things people are healed.” Homeopathic remedies also uses very minute doses to the extent where there are no molecules of the source in the substance. Yet, it is this very

dilute solution where the medicinal powers are beyond our senses that our innermost ailments can be permanently cured. In addition, using one remedy in this minimum dose is of importance in the strategy of healing. In this way, single dose remedies will prevent complications as well having the most powerful effect. In contrary, allopathic medicine does not acknowledge our dynamic vital force as playing a crucial role in homeostasis. Rather, disease is seen as the cause of itself however it is not possible for the cause to be identical to the effect. For this reason, allopathic medications are opposite to the symptom itself in order to suppress the symptoms. It is believed this will annihilate the disease. Allopathic medical practitioners also focus on one symptom without giving attention to the whole picture. But what occurs is a temporary alleviation before the symptom or illness returns stronger, only aggravating the whole mistunement of the vital force. A harmful aspect of allopathic prescribing involves the use of large, frequent doses of unknown compounded medical substances. Not only does this weaken the body further, if used repeatedly, a new disease may erupt. As explained in Hahnemann’s Organon 6th edition, a main allopathic method is drainage where nature is imitated only bringing

stronger irritations. For instance, agonizing surgical procedures include: amputations, vomiting, bloodletting, extracting bodily fluids, electric shocks for paralysis and eliciting nosebleeds for headaches. As such, any attempts to relieve the disease symptoms through “opposite” principles will increase the malady furthering our vital force from initiating the body’s self healing powers. With society’s standards, notably North America’s medical school of thought, the public has been trained to view their health in a restrictive manner. Patients have become used to going to the doctor for a quick visit to fix a particular symptom. This leads to an expectation of immediate results through the suppression of their symptoms. Allopathic medicine may still be dominant in some countries but as more people realize the scars it has left on many, alternative medicine will continue to pave the way. As more and more experience this inner transformation, health will no longer be taken for granted but a way of life for many. Beverly Isla is founder of www.everlastinghealthdirectory. com and author of “Making It In High Heels” released in 2008. Beverly finds it satisfying to take on projects and work experiences that can help others reach their potential as well as assist meaningful projects to gain more international distribution. Contact her at

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Young Mothers

Babies & Sign Language

- Yes its Possible !


They are then able to communicate their wants before using their spoken language. Instead of playing a guessing game and increasing your frustration level, imagine showing your wee-one the signs for ‘milk’, ‘more’, ‘finished’, or ‘sleep’. Teaching your baby a simple language early can help them when they are able to produce spoken words. Baby’s first words are usually those that they can also sign. Baby sign language promotes development of language skills and helps their understanding of communication. It is a great way to start the acquisition of language skills!

The main reason to teach babies sign language is because it decreases baby’s frustration and alleviates temper tantrums.

ASL is a century old language. However, using sign language with hearing children started in the 1980s when Special Needs teachers began using it with their students. Improvements of language skills were amazingly clear. It quickly spread to hearing parents using it with their developing child as a mode of early language development. The effectiveness of this program is proven as the trend grows and more families sing the praises of this easy and valuable learning skill. Presently, baby sign language is mainly used in North America, but with the help of the internet, it is quickly spreading world-

Jana McLean BA, BEd, DipEd

aby sign language has become a great way to learn together and bond with your baby. You probably have heard of baby sign language from one of your friends. Baby signs can become a common vocabulary you can use with your baby. It is derived from American Sign Language (ASL). Baby signs are not the same as ASL used by Deaf adults which is a formal language with its own syntax and grammar. The simple and natural version of baby signs is easy, practical and fun! Taking a class to learn some new signs, singing songs and meeting new moms is the new and cool thing that parents are doing today with their hearing babies.


wide. Parents everywhere understand it is a fun and worthwhile tool for both you and your child. “Does sign language affect my baby’s language development?” is often the first asked question of curious parents. 100% absolutely not! Babies want to talk and they prove this through their continual babbling. When they are physically able to talk, they will. In the meantime, sign language will bridge the communication gap until the baby learns how to produce words. Studies have only shown that sign language will only accelerate the development of a child’s language and reading skills. Signing babies also accumulate larger vocabulary than nonsigning babies. When signing with your baby make sure to continually talk to them so that they maintain a valuable exposure to both the verbal and signed language. Parents should have no concern that signing will hinder their speech development. It is best to teach babies to sign between the ages of 6-12 months. Many babies are seen producing their first sign before their first birthday. Signing early will give you an early start in learning the signs, but do not


be frustrated as your baby will only be able to produce the signs around 8-10 months. Learning sign language with an older child is also beneficial for various reasons. Today, many daycares and preschools are taking on this fun way of communicating in their daily schedule because they are seeing the direct benefits. Viewing a music class or drop-in play group, you will often see signs intermingled with their sing song routines. Toddlers pick up signs extremely fast, and they love singing their favourite songs with a few signs sprinkled throughout the tunes.

their favourite toy. Making up signs is discouraged because it is confusing for both of you if you forget your invented signs. Stick with the ASL, it is a beautiful language and if you happen to forget the sign it is easy to learn it again. Taking a structured class will also teach you some signs of your child’s favourite songs. You will be amazed how entranced your child becomes when you are signing and singing!

There are many ways of learning some basic everyday signs to teach your baby. You will find various books (adult and kid centred), videos, flashcards and YouTube can also be very helpful. Attending sign language classes conducted by sign language expert is definitely the best way to learn. Just like any language, “if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it”. You will want to learn signs that motivate your baby such as signs for mommy and daddy, milk, or

Learning baby sign language is really for everyone! With the magic of sign language, you are bound to hear less tears, see and feel less frustration, and understand when you’re child is tired or hungry. What could be better for you and your child than that? Author: Jana McLean (BA, BEd, DipEd) Certified Teacher Email:

Jana has been teaching for 10 years as a Special Needs teacher. Presently, she does early intervention with babies with a hearing loss. In her free time, she loves to play Ultimate Frisbee, sew, and of course, teach baby sign language! She has a passion for giving all children necessary tools for communication, and if her voice was better, she’d be a professional singer!

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Beat the Java Itch:

Healthy Alternatives to Drinking Coffee

by Melissa Manzo


Whether you seek taste, texture or stimulus from your daily pick-me-up, these three all-natural options can be satisfying substitutes for coffee.


or many of us, starting our mornings with a Cup o’ Joe in hand has become a necessity -we rely on its smell, its taste and its stimulating effect to get us up and going for the day. While coffee does have its upsides, it most definitely has its downsides as well: it can cause nervousness, sleeplessness, and worse yet, addiction. Kicking the habit cold turkey could cause a series of other maladies: headaches, shakiness, irritability, and so on. Why not substitute, then, your regular java intake with something a little healthier, and that’s just as

satisfying, stimulating and comforting as your habitual daily grind? Not convinced the java bean’s healthier counterpart exists? We beg to differ, with the following three healthy alternatives to drinking coffee. If you are seeking an alternative that is just as stimulating as coffee, but that omits its jitter-y side effects, then do as the South Americans do: drink yerba maté, a tea-like beverage so popular in countries such as Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay, that they have “maté houses” as opposed to North American coffeehouses. Yerba maté contains three different stimulant compounds, called xanthines, one of which is caffeine. However, the combination of the three compounds increases energy without producing the subsequent “crash” effect commonly caused by coffee. Maté is rich in antioxidants, those powerful agents that fight off oxidative, cellular damage, thereby reducing the risk of diabetes, cancer and heart disease. According to Dallas Clouatre, Ph.D., member of the American College of Nutrition and contributor to health publications including Total Health, maté inhibits LDL (low-density lipoprotein) oxidation, which is linked to damage of artery walls and the formation of plaques. Looking to shed a few pounds in addition to kicking off your coffee itch? Maté can help with that too. A study conducted in 1999, in Lausanne, Switzerland, has shown that maté has a thermogenic effect, meaning it actually encourages the body to burn calories. The green South American leaves also increase metabolism, slow down digestion (consequently reducing food intake and suppressing appetite), and can therefore aid in weight loss. Though yerba maté provides a myriad of health benefits, its smell and taste must be acquired, to say the least. If aroma is your

utmost criterion when it comes to coffee substitutes, then why not opt for Rooibos, the latest coffeehouse craze to come from the distant Cederberg Mountains of South Africa. Rooibos, meaning “red bush,” has a subtle sweetness to it, along with hints of vanilla and caramel. Rooibos is technically a tisane, an herbal, caffeine-free infusion. Interestingly enough, however, it is also a legume, one of the greatest sources of soluble fibre, as well as other essential nutrients such as folic acid, iron, calcium and magnesium. As is the case with maté, this ruby red infusion is also a significant source of antioxidants. If your idea of a soothing pick-me-up is something along the lines of a (calorieinducing) mochaccino, then carob powder may satisfy both your chocolate and coffee cravings. Yet another member of the legume family, carob, which comes primarily from the Mediterranean coast, has a cocoa-like taste. Carob powder has a total fibre content of over 80%; has been shown to have an effect on lowering LDL cholesterol; improves digestion; is caffeine-free; and once again, is a terrific antioxidant. Whether you seek taste, texture or stimulus from your daily pick-me-up, these three all-natural options can be satisfying substitutes for coffee. Add milk, honey, cinnamon, or whatever your taste buds desire to any of the beverages, and voilà! You have a maté latte, a sweet-red rooibos or a cina-carob-cino –the recipe to kicking off a bad habit and possibly developing a whole other healthier addiction.

Melissa Manzo is a freelance writer from Montreal, and contributor to online lifestyle publications. With a B.A. in Arts and Languages, she also boasts a background in cultural event management and in the spa and beauty industry. Contact her at


Health Corner

Label Reading 101

Canned Beans By Sarah Maughan B.A, RHN


o you’re at the grocery store and you need to get some beans for your famous bean salad. You have 2 hours until that BBQ so that already cuts out dried beans and now you’re left with dozens of canned beans to sort through. What do you grab - The cheapest? The most attractive label? The biggest can? The closest in your reach? Reading labels takes only a few seconds, and if it takes longer than that then the ingredient list is too long and does not contain natural ingredients so it’s best to skip that product. Now I know what you’re thinking “but Sarah, all canned beans contain the same nutritional information don’t they?”. Yes, they do, BUT their ingredients differ widely. The nutritional label and the


ingredients go hand in hand, after all the ingredients are what hold the nutrition (ie. Vitamins and minerals), not a set of numbers on a label. Just because something contains 24 grams of carbohydrates doesn’t equate to vitamin and mineral status. Where are they carbohydrates coming from – whole grains or sugar? Okay so back to canned beans, all brands are not created equal because some contain preservatives and chemicals and others do not. Ingredient List 1 – Chickpeas, water, salt, Disodium EDTA Ingredient List 2 – Organic chickpeas, water, kombu seaweed They both contain chickpeas, which is great because that’s the ingredient you need. However, one contains Disodium EDTA. Do you know what that is? According to, it is used to “sequester metal ions in aqueous solutions...[to reduce] water hardness in laundry applications...and used extensively in the analysis of blood”. Wait a

second, none of those uses have ANYTHING to do with food. Interesting. For this product is acts as a preservative, but do you really want to be consuming something that also has the above functions as well? You can only wonder what it is doing to your body. So if your recipe doesn’t call for Disodium EDTA and you just want the chickpeas then buy the other brand that uses natural seaweed to keep the beans shelf stable. A bonus to the use of seaweed is that it breaks down the fibers to help make it easier to digest – it’s a win-win! Beans beans the musical know the rest. So the next time you’re heading down the grocery aisle, remember that not all brands are created equal, and read the ingredients along with the nutritional label because it is the ingredients that you are consuming that provides the nutrients, not a label with numbers. Sara Maughan is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist at totum lifescience www.totum. ca. She can be reached at

Personal Development

Out With the Old, In With the New

by Guy Letts


pring has finally sprung. Everywhere we are surrounded by a bounty of new growth as trees and plants begin to thrive. Spring cleaning is also well underway as we dust off our patio sets, prepare our garden beds, and clean out the garage. Everything is anew. What better time to grow a little and do some spring cleaning on ourselves. Whether we are talking about starting an exercise routine, a 100 mile diet, or taking up a new activity, now is the perfect time to follow nature’s lead and implement some changes in your life. Here are ten points to help you put your desires, aspirations and goals into action. n 1) Make sure you clearly define what it is that you want. Don’t just say you want to lose weight, be specific and say how much weight you want to lose and over what time period. Have specific definitions and targets for the things you want to achieve. n 2) Be realistic and don’t set your goals too high. Make sure that the things you want are achievable and manageable otherwise you’re setting yourself up for failure. Sometimes we use self-defeating behavior and ensuing failures as a way to justify and rationalize our current state, ‘Well, I tried to lose weight...’

n 3) Keep the number of your goals manageable. If there are six things you want to achieve, don’t try to do all six at once. Break your goals down into smaller groups, and deal with a few at a time, then move on to the next set of goals. I would recommend undertaking no more than three goals at a time. n 4) Have concrete strategies, actions and tasks associated with the goals you want to achieve along with timelines. Again, it’s about being as specific as possible. Don’t be afraid to ask others for ideas about strategies or actions that will aid you with your goals. n 5) Write down your action plan. This will help make it a real, material thing as opposed to being an abstract idea. It will also act as a guide that can be easily referenced. n 6) Look at your action plan daily as a means of orientating yourself to the task at hand. Have your goal and plan accessible to you throughout the day to help you stay focused. I would recommend reading it three times throughout the course of the day. n 7) Visit your overall strategies and timelines regularly to stay on track and to make any necessary adjustments to your overall plan if need be. n 8) Don’t worry if you get off track. Sometimes things happen, whether by design or by accident, that change our

circumstances. Avoid getting stressed if you are diverted from your plan. Deal with the situation, collect your thoughts, restructure your plan, and resume your course of action. n 9) Take negative comments in stride. Many people relish in the failure of others and act as inhibitors to positive movement and change. Remember, these are their issues, not yours—move through them as you do with the wind. n 10) Have perseverance and stick to your plan. Your will is what drives action, and action is necessary for change—stay focused. If you keep to these simple rules and really desire change, then the change you want will be the change you have. I am reminded of a poem I learned in grade eight by Mark Twain: ‘Habit is habit and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but to be coaxed down the stairs a step at a time.’ Remember, be patient, instant selfgratification and quick fixes rarely results in any real long-term, lasting change.

Guy Letts is a certified coaching practitioner and founder of New Leaf Personal and Professional Coaching Services. You can contact Guy by email at, or visit his website at



Noble Silence Ten Days in a Vipassana Meditation Retreat One Mans Personal Journey into Exploring Meditation the hard Way and the Fruits it Bore



ost of us find it difficult to keep quiet in a movie theatre during a film, or for a few hours in the library. The most I had ever gone without talking to anyone is probably a day, and even then, it would have been on my own terms with a dozen films, CDs and magazines at my disposal. It was, therefore, not an easy decision for me to enter a Vipassana Meditation retreat for ten days and take a vow of complete silence. Everyone has their own reasons for wanting to do a course of Vipassana, but if you’re looking for a vacation or free lodgings for ten days—this is no Holiday Inn. There is work of a very emotional nature to be undertaken here; and you go deep—as in take a canary with you and spare batteries for your headlamp. You won’t see anything approximating “normal” society inside one of these retreats, and you will be expected to attend ten hours of guided meditation sessions each day. You function alone and entirely within your own headspace, which means you will fight demons you didn’t even know about, as well to the ones you have eluded for years. Sound like fun? So, why on earth would anyone do such a thing? I’m not a monk. I style my hair, eat meat, drink beer, play rock music, curse, and watch horror movies. I had just finished a very intensive postgraduate degree which left my mental and emotional closet in need of a good clean. I had given myself a month of down time and decided this was the right moment for me to clean out my closet with the Buddhist technique of Vipassana (literally: “to see things as they really are”). I had heard about it six years ago whilst on a trip to India when I was dabbling with meditation. Years later, a leaflet in the library advertising local courses gave me the opportunity to read further into it, and eventually sign up. My girlfriend thought I was nuts, along with most of my friends. What follows is a very brief diary of each day as I lived it at the Ontario Vipassana Meditation Centre, about an hour from Toronto.

by Drew Tapley

to the Meditation Hall. Matt, my roommate, undoubtedly felt as I did with his earlier enthusiasm of yesterday hidden somewhere under the blankets. I didn’t know this of course, because I couldn’t ask him. Day one of noble silence had begun, and the noise was deafening. It was an odd sensation beyond uncomfortable when we both got dressed in silence and tried to avoid eye contact. After twelve hours inside my own head, it was still only 5 p.m. Today has been the longest day of my life—alone with me, myself and I. At this point, I cannot conceive of another nine days of this, let alone one more day. If I am to reach day ten at all, which seems highly unlikely right now, I have to take each day as it comes; and sometimes each hour. It’s now blindly obvious how daily distractions and little occupations consume our time. Without them, time is a vacuous hole to fill. My mind has been shovelling snow into a furnace all day. I have felt the weight of every minute passing through me, and heard it chime aloud like a high school assembly clock. I have tasted every breath going in, and coming out. Finding the right meditation posture takes some doing, and the popular choice is either kneeling or sitting crossed legged. I already have more blankets and cushions than a Saudi prince, but my lower back is still very sore and I chance upon a legless wooden chair from the store room that some other interns are using.

The grounds of the Centre are nestled within 140 acres of woodland, and split into two halves to segregate men and women into separate living, dining and recreation areas. The Meditation Hall is also gender divided for meditation. During my stay, I couldn’t actually keep a written diary as all writing materials were prohibited, along with reading material, music, mobile phones, DVD players, and any other form of stimuli.

The lunch in here is delicious wholesome goodness, and worth enduring five hours of morning meditation for.


I generally feel stronger today, more at ease with the technique, and better acquainted with the idea of what a day means in this place.

As the sound of a gong disturbed my sleep, I realized it was 5 a.m. and time to head

DAY TWO I awoke this morning as if I had just walked off the set of Star Wars. My dreams were so vivid and complex that I was expecting Yoda to be asleep under my bed.

The concept of noble silence is beginning to gain more definition. There are several signs within the Centre reminding interns of the house rules; chief amongst them being to maintain noble silence at all times. All forms of communication are barred: gesticulation, eye contact and physical contact of any kind. This has proven somewhat difficult when sharing a room with someone. Strictly speaking, holding the door open or intimating if the light can be turned off are both forms of communication. There can be no half measures, so I have made a decision from the onset to abide by the rules to the best of my ability. However, I’m rather curious over how it’s technically possible to break one of the five precepts (to abstain from telling lies) when you can’t speak.

DAY THREE I have the distinct impression that I have unwittingly annoyed my roommate. Of course, I have no way of knowing for sure, or even apologising. Did I turn off the bedroom light before he had finishing reading the ceiling tiles? Today I am searching for a reason to stay another seven days. Judging by the body language I witness from the other interns—I am not alone in this struggle. The first day was a novelty, and the second day felt familiar and productive. I have decided that this course is like heart bypass surgery, and I wouldn’t hop off the table midway through that! We’re still developing the technique with breathing meditation, and on day five we’ll start to work deeper with sensory meditation. Even at this stage, I’ve started a process of cleansing which I can feel at work. The seating posture is not working for me anymore, so I borrow a wooden foot stool that looks like a sawn-off section from a church pew. A young woman starts sobbing from across the Mediation Hall. She’s obviously very upset, and I notice a few other interns are disturbed by this and probably want to comfort her. The instructor watches her closely but is reluctant to interrupt an apparently necessary process at work.

This article will be continued in our next issue. Drew is a freelance writer and book editor originally from the UK, and now living in Toronto. Contact him at


Financial Corner

Interest rates:

Risk or opportunity?

The answer is YES by Neil Bobb, Fellow, Society of Actuaries


oth the good news and the bad news is this: interest rates have been at record lows for so long that they feel like the norm.

For anyone with variable debt, or with recently acquired or refinanced debt such as a mortgage or loan, things couldn’t be better. Rock-bottom interest rates have offered an opportunity for consumers to apply more of their money to the repayment of the principal on a mortgage or other loan. With rates as low as they are, it is reasonable to assume that they will soon be on the way up. Why? Because as the economy has improved, the need for record low rates is diminished, and inflation presents a more prevalent risk. If the overnight rate increases as predicted in the final quarters of 2010 and into 2011, interest rates on everything are expected to follow suit. In fact, longer term fixed mortgage lending rates have al-ready begun moving up in response to rising long term bond yields. In February, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty introduced more stringent mortgage standards in place to help protect consumers from taking on too much debt – part of an ongoing effort to ensure homebuyers don’t go too deeply into debt and to curb speculation. For the average Canadian, a prudent move would be to review personal finances before higher rates become a reality. Even if you are in a decent financial position now, would rising rates put you at risk? Now is a good time to take any needed precautions to ensure that your spending and debt won’t cripple you when higher rates arrive. You don’t want an additional debt burden to force


you to withdraw funds from your savings or from money that you need for day-to-day and other planned expenditures. If you are looking to make the most of lower rates while they are still here, review your mortgage de-tails. If you have breathing room in your cash flow today then a variable rate may still be a good option. Today’s variable rates are significantly lower than 5 year fixed mortgage rates. If you are mortgaged to the max and if you have a variable rate mortgage, consider locking in at today’s rates. On a broader level, other things you can do to prepare for the possibility of higher rates might include reviewing the maturity dates on any GICs or other fixed income vehicles you own. If you have GICs that need rolling over, consider choosing a short timeframe so your money won’t be locked in at a lower rate when higher rates be-come available. If you moved to GICs during the downturn in the markets, consider whether they are still the right investment decision for you as markets recover. Decisions on how rising interest rates will affect your finances and your investment portfolio should not be made without the advice of a financial professional. Call us to discuss the factors that affect your personal situation. We have the knowledge and up-todate information that can help you make an informed decision about your portfolio.

This article presents general information only and is not a solicitation to buy or sell any investments. Neil Bobb, Fellow, Society of Actuaries is a consultant with Investors Group can be contacted at



Authors: Nicky Jenkins & Leigh Brandon Publisher: McGrawHill ISBN: 978-0-7-163362-8


Anatomy for Yoga is an excellent resource if you want to see what Yoga I really doing for you. The book opens up with an introduction to the Human Body and talks about things such as postures, body planes and body systems. A majority of the book is dedicated to Yoga Postures, their importance and an anatomical and muscular view of the positions. The illustrations are very detailed and give a clear picture of which muscle groups are affected by every covered Yoga posture. Authors Nicky Jenkins and Leigh Brando have covered every posture in great detail and the book is an excellent resource to understand Yoga postures. A must have for every Yoga enthusiast.

Author: Steve Coffman, B.Sc. Publisher: Yorkshire Publishing ISBN: 9780881443936


A highly researched treasure trove of useful and factual information about living healthier and better naturally. Ezekiel’s Medicine opens up new world of medicine using biblical methods and remedies to treat a huge range of medical conditions. Quoting references from the Bible, the book has a unique approach to medicine and is an easy read for the rest of us. The book provides an in depth analysis of what the author calls “ Gods Low Cost Health Care Plan”. The book is a great read.

Fun food facts Aunt Jemima pancake flour, invented in 1889, was the first ready-mix food to be sold commercially. Caffeine: there are 100 to 150 milligrams of caffeine in an eightounce cup of brewed coffee, 10 milligrams in a six-ounce cup of cocoa, 5 to 10 milligrams in one ounce of bittersweet chocolate, and 5 milligrams in one ounce of milk chocolate. California’s Frank Epperson invented the Popsicle in 1905 when he was 11years-old. Capsaicin, which makes hot peppers “hot” to the human mouth, is best neutralized by casein, the main protein found in milk.

Cast iron skillets used to be the leading source of iron in the American diet! China’s Beijing Duck Restaurant can seat 9,000 people at one time. Chocolate contains phenyl ethylamine (PEA), a natural substance that is reputed to stimulate the same reaction in the body as falling in love. World wide, consumers spend more than $7 billion a year on chocolate. Annual per capita consumption of chocolate is 12 pounds per person. Fried chicken is the most popular meal ordered in sit-down restaurants in the US. The next in popularity are: roast beef, spaghetti, turkey, baked ham, and fried shrimp.

Fortune cookies were invented in 1916 by George Jung, a Los Angeles noodle maker. Each American eats an average of 51 pounds of chocolate per year. Goulash, a beef soup, originated in Hungary in the 9th century AD.



When Should I

Make a Will About Wills

by Clint N. Ali MBA BSc Licensed Paralegal

The scariest part of living is thinking about your death, but it is important to make sure that your family and other loved ones are provided for if anything happens to you. If you do not have a Will then now is the time to give it serious thought. If you have made a Will and you want to make amendments then do so now because it will be too late to make those changes if something should happen to you. Always make sure that your wishes are properly documented because the court shall look at your Will as the final proof of your wishes regarding your assets on your death. Remember - if you do not have a written Will the courts will assess what is to happen to your assets and they will order the disposal


of your assets in the way they believe is best. The problem is that this may not be according to your wishes; so make sure you look seriously at the making of a Will at the earliest.

What is a Will? A Will is a document containing your instructions and wishes as to how your property and assets are to be distributed after your death. Any person, of any age, should seriously consider a Will at the earliest. A Will should not only be for people who have reached an age where death is not far away. People die at all ages and a Will is needed especially if you have assets and property to be allocated to those you wish to benefit. A Will is the expression of the person’s wishes concerning how their property is to be distributed. It is a written statement, signed in compliance with the various formalities covered by legislation. It is a legal document containing the names of the people you want to benefit, as well as details of your possessions at the date of your death. The people you want to benefit are called beneficiaries.

Your property or possessions will include everything you own, such as your home, land, vehicles, bank accounts, benefits of insurance policies, furniture, boat, investments such as shares, personal jewellery, artwork, and so on. A Will is the only way you can ensure your assets shall be distributed according to your wishes after your death.

What is a Valid Will? A valid Will is a Will that is accepted by the court and put into effect by the court granting what is known as probate. Probate is approval or acceptance by the court of how your assets are to be dealt with. A valid Will must have the following features: • It must be in writing - handwritten, typed or printed. • It must be signed with your signature at the end of the document. • It must be witnessed by at least two other people present at the time of signing. They need to acknowledge they were present and must sign the Will as witnesses in your presence. They do not have to be together at the same time of signing.

A Will is the expression of the person’s wishes concerning how their property is to be distributed. It is a legal document containing the names of the people you want to benefit, as well as details of your possessions at the date of your death. If your Will is not made in this manner then the court may not accept it and it would be unenforceable (the courts Will not enforce it). The court has discretion to grant probate (probate is confirmation that the Will is valid and accepted) and your possessions could be disposed of as if you hadn’t made a Will at all. When the court exercises this discretion, it has to be satisfied that the document sets out clearly how you wanted your assets to be allocated or distributed.

About Completing a Will Most people know that they need to put together a Will sometime before they die.

Unfortunately, the majority of people do not have a Will. They do not think about writing up a Will until they are past the age of 50. Writing a Will doesn’t need to be expensive. Once it is done you can rest easy, knowing that your wishes Will be followed after your death. Most Wills can be composed quite simply. Others are more complex and involve more people, substantial assets, and cash. These Wills should be discussed with lawyers who specialise in this area. While a Will is not critical if you do not possess much (e.g. property for distributions), you may have personal items


Law such as jewellery, manuscripts, or trophies that you want to be left to specific people. Having a Will clarifies this and saves any arguments later on.

• If you die without spouse, children or parents, but are survived by brothers and sisters, then your estate will be divided equally amongst those brothers and sisters.

If your estate, possession and property are valuable, you should ensure that a Will sets out your wishes and instructions clearly. It might be inconvenient for you to set up a Will while you are alive, but it could save arguments and fighting amongst your beneficiaries.

There are a number of reasons why you should make a Will as soon as you can. These are: • To protect your loved ones. • Making a Will is one of the only ways to be certain that your lifetime’s work and assets, built up over the years, are passed on to the people you want. It provides security for your family and those you are responsible for. Most of your life would be spent building up your assets. These may consist of home, car, insurance policies and other investments, etc. You Will want those assets to go to the people you choose, rather than to someone else. • Smooth transfer of assets. • Having a Will enables your assets to be transferred smoothly on your death. You need to prepare a detailed list of your assets, as well as your personal goals before putting your plan in place. Your ultimate plan will involve investment advice and planning, so that there is a provision for the orderly transfer of your assets. • To secure your children’s future. • If you have children (under adult age), you may wish to nominate guardians and make arrangements for their upkeep and education. • If you are currently in your second marriage, you need a Will to protect the members of your new family. A marriage generally invalidates any Will made prior to the date of marriage, so unless you have a new Will including reference to your new family, your new family may not get the protection you want. • If you die without a Will your partner could stand to lose assets and mementos that rightly belong to him/her • Also, if you die without a Will, your estate Will be subject to additional taxation that could be avoided

Why Make a Will?

Because most of us do not know when we are going to die, we should approach the drafting of a Will as if we haven’t many days left on this earth. This is important because it saves arguments amongst family members and beneficiaries after your death.

If a person dies without making a Will then the rules according to law shall apply. If you die without a Will the term is; you have died “intestate”. If you die intestate then the Succession Reform Act Ontario 1996 rules apply on how your property is distributed, and who the beneficiaries would be. It may not be according to your wishes, so dying intestate is not a good position to be in as far as your beneficiaries are concerned. Because most of us do not know when we are going to die, we should approach the drafting of a Will as if we haven’t many days left on this earth. This is important because it saves arguments amongst family members and beneficiaries after your death. Additionally, what happens if you are in a coma or become incoherent and there is no Will with regards to your hard earned assets? Fortunately, there is an option most consider when preparing their Will and that is having a Power of Attorney for Property and for Personal Care in place. The Power of Attorney options allows you to appoint someone to take care of your health care and property in the event that you are incapable to do so. The following are a few examples of what could happen if you died intestate. You may not be particularly happy about some of them. • If you die without spouse or children, but are survived by your parents, then your parents will generally receive all the assets of your estate. • If you die and are survived by a spouse, then the whole of your estate will generally pass to your spouse. • If you die and are survived by a spouse and children, the estate will most likely be divided between your spouse and children, as determined by the courts. The split of your estate between your spouse and children can cause problems for your spouse, who may have to sell a family home in order to pay out the shares to the children.


Another important point is that if you currently have a Will, but have divorced or have had other unforeseeable circumstances affect your life, you should consider amending your Will accordingly to prevent your estate from falling into the hands of individuals you would not want it to. For example, a divorced former spouse can still inherit from your estate because a divorce does not automatically cancel a Will. Clint is a Licensed Paralegal and works for Ali Law Professional Corporation. He can be contacted at

Natural Pet Health

Back to the Basics by Ashley Hain HBA, RMT


ften we wait until we are diagnosed with an illness before we take action to improve our health. I was guilty of this with my 18 year old cat, Snapper, who was diagnosed with kidney disease three years ago, and suffered from frequent urination, constipation, and vomiting. His future looked bleak. Yet, after seeking guidance from a holistic veterinarian and committing to changing his diet to organic unprocessed food, the results were astounding. About six months later, his coat was silky smooth, most of his symptoms subsided, and he generally seemed more content. Not only did friends and family notice a visible difference in Snapper, but also blood work from the vet confirmed his transformation. Whether your pets are in tip-top shape or not, here are a few suggestions that will keep your furry friends in deep delight: n 1. Give your pet a daily groom. Daily brushing for your pets not only removes dirt and secretions directly, but also stimulates the skin’s natural elimination processes as well. Holistic veterinarian, Dr. Pitcairn, author of Dr. Pitcairn’s Complete Guide to Natural Health For Dogs and Cats, said it best, “a clean animal is a beautiful animal, and more importantly, a healthy one.”

n 2. Carve out time for touch daily. Like people, pets have an innate need for touch for the same reasons as we do. Animals are emotional creatures with thoughts and feelings; as humans, they experience pain, loneliness, and anxiety. Each dog has a sweet spot that gets their back legs kicking in pure pleasure when you rub their tummy, and you know when you have found your cat’s favorite spot along their back or under their chin. n 3. Feed your pet a fresher, more natural diet. This suggestion is truly the key to unlocking your pet’s potential. Just as nutrition enthusiasts promote unprocessed whole foods for us, your pet will also benefit from a raw and/or fresh food diet. It is certainly a lot easier to open a bag of kibble, however; over the long term, the extra effort will result in longevity and a much higher quality of life, especially for aging pets. In my case, I started feeding my cat organic cooked millet, parsley, and fresh fish. I would cook up a batch of millet, chop up a bunch of parsley, and store them in the fridge for up to five days. For the fish, I kept it frozen and would cut off a small piece, thaw it in hot water, and then mix it in. I set out two meals a day, one in the morning and one in the early evening, and ensured the food was at room temperature; it is easiest for them to digest, according to my research. For the first few days Snapper refused to eat his new fresh food; I basically had to force feed him by bringing the bowl to him and putting the food in my hand; he finally gave in. Within a few months, he started pawing at me for certain foods I was eating such as eggs, oatmeal, and beans and rice. I later

learned these foods were actually good for him; animals are intelligent indeed! There may be a bit of trial and error at first, and bouts of frustration, though the pay-off will make it all worthwhile. In terms of fresh vegetables, according to Dr. Pitcairn’s Complete Guide to Natural Health For Dogs and Cats, the bestliked vegetables for dogs include alfalfa sprouts, lettuce, and mixed greens, finely grated carrots and zucchini, parsley, and potatoes. Spinach, Swiss chard, and rhubarb should be avoided as it interferes with calcium absorption. Cats generally do not like eating vegetables. Wheatgrass is loved by almost all animals. Nutritionally, it is a natural cleanser, helping to detoxify organs, especially the liver and intestines, and helps to prevent tumors from forming in their digestive tract. The best way to add wheatgrass to your pet’s daily diet is to chop it finely and add it to their food, or buy wheatgrass juice and give them a little saucer full daily. As we make a commitment to improving health for ourselves and our children, it is important to recognize that our pets can greatly benefit from a revamp in diet and daily touch as well. While I only became interested in holistic pet health when I discovered my cat had kidney disease, I believe it is never too early to start a healthy regime to promote optimal wellness in our beloved pets.

Ashley Hain is a Registered Massage Therapist, certified in reflexology, and is currently practicing in Toronto, Ontario. She welcomes any questions in the realm of holistic healthcare. Email:



Fun Human Body Facts The left side of your body is controlled by the right side of your brain while the right side of your body is controlled by the left side of your brain.

Infants blink only once or twice a minute while adults average around 10.

Your nose and ears continue growing throughout your entire life.

Your heart beats around 100000 times a day, 36500000 times a year and over a billion times if you live beyond 30.

The brain uses over a quarter of the oxygen used by the human body.

The smallest bone found in the human body is located in the middle ear. The staples (or stirrup) bone is only 2.8 millimeters long.

Humans have a stage of sleep that features rapid eye movement (REM). REM sleep makes up around 25% of total sleep time and is often when you have your most vivid dreams.

Your sense of smell is around 10000 times more sensitive than your sense of taste.

Adult lungs have a surface area of around 70 square metres!

As well as having unique fingerprints, humans also have unique tongue prints.

Red blood cells carry oxygen around the body. They are created inside the bone marrow of your bones.

The colour of a humans skin is determined by the level of pigment melanin that the body produces. Those with small amounts of melanin have light skin while those with large amounts have dark skin.


It takes the body around 12 hours to completely digest eaten food.

Antibiotics are only effective against bacteria, they won’t help in fighting off a virus.



Top BBQ safety Tips


Grilled Avocado and Tomato Salad INGREDIENTS 10 vine ripened tomatoes, quartered 1 Sun dried Tomato, cut into strips 4 avocados, peeled, halved, and pitted 1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil 2 lemons 1 red onion, sliced 1/4 cup pine nuts, toasted light brown in the oven 1/4 pound Parmesan cheese


Check your grill thoroughly for leaks, cracking or brittleness before using it.


Clean out the tubes that lead into the burner.


Make sure the grill is at least 10 feet away from your house, garage, or trees.


Store and use your grill on a large flat surface that cannot burn (i.e.concrete or asphalt).


Don’t use grills in a garage, porch, deck or on top of anything that can catch on fire.


Keep children away from fires and grills. It is a good idea to establish a safety zone around the grill and instruct children to remain outside the zone. A chalk line works great for this purpose.


Have a fire extinguisher, a garden hose attached to a water supply, or at least 16-quarts of water close by in case of a fire.


Don’t wear loose clothing that might catch open flame. The flame can easily flashback along the fluid’s path to the container in your handsthe grill, they are flammable!

DIRECTIONS 1 Preheat grill to medium heat. 2 Cover large platter with tomato quarters, set aside. 3 Place avocado halves in a bowl and drizzle with two tablespoons olive oil, juice of one of the lemons, salt and pepper. Place each half, flat side down, on a hot open grill for about 30 to 45 seconds. Cook on the flat side only. When well caramelized, remove and place on top of the plated tomatoes. 4 In another bowl, squeeze the other lemon over the sliced red onion and mix well. Add the remaining olive oil, season with salt and pepper. Place onions in the empty avocado pit holes. Spoon the remaining lemon/olive oil mixture over avocados and onions. 5 Top with green goddess dressing, distributing generously on all sides. Sprinkle pine nuts and grate cheese on top. 6 Drizzle with a little bit of chopped coriander or basil for a unique taste.


Girl’s Corner

Tested by FHL HERBAL ESSENCES SHAMPOO The Herbal Essences shampoo smells fresh and keeps the hair shining. It also helps with Fizziness and works well in the blistering summer heat. Perfect for the summer !

OLAY PRO-X AGE PROTECTION SPF30 BOX This product is ideal for the hot summer when you need something which helps prevent wrinkles as well as protects you from the sun.

OLAY REGENERIST ANTI-AGING EYE ROLLER Nice little package with a lot of punch. Say goodbye to dark circles and puffy eyes. The roller applicator is convenient and non messy.

SECRET CLINICAL SPORT MARATHON FRESH A stronger deodorant for the summer. This new sport marathon fresh stick can work wonders not only for an active lifestyle but also in Toronto’s summer days.


U TAMPONS Bright colored, individually packed. Nice to carry around in the purse. This is the renewed feminine hygiene product from U, but with a great new look.

Family Health & Life does not endorse any of these products. All products tested by Family Health & Life for review purposes only.



Tough Jigoku Puzzles by KrazyDad, Book 93 Level: Difficult

Sudoku 5 7


Jigoku Jigoku #1 9

8 2




1 5 2

4 6








9 2


3 A

2006 Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each Šcolumn and each 3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9. Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column and each

3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9.

Challenging Mazes by KrazyDad, Book 33

Slitherlink 5 3 2 2




Maze #1

> and < connections between squares indicate that one number is greater than or less than another. If you use logic you can solve the puzzle without making guesses.

Need a little help? The hints page shows a logical order to solve the puzzle. Use it to identify the next square you should solve. Or use the answers page if you really get stuck.

1 9





3 2

For more puzzles, visit

6 9 4

1 7 4 4 1

7 5 3 6 B

Instructions, Tips, Answers, Reprints & More Sudoku Puzzles Online!


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