, familyofchristonline.com
’ A Word from Pr Jeanne “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” ~ Romans 15:13 Greetings in Christ to all at Family of Christ! It is with joy and gratitude that I join you in the ministry of the gospel; sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. I look forward to connecting with you and serving alongside you. As followers of Christ, living into these days of Easter, these words from the Apostle Paul speak to us . . . we are a people of joy, hope and peace! I don’t mean to say that our lives are easy because we are followers of Jesus. Rather, at the heart of it all is the love of God through Jesus. God has chosen us to be a people of hope. Each day is a gift and each day comes with challenges. May you find hope here at Family of Christ and may you be a source of hope for someone else. God has chosen us to be a people of joy. As we gather in worship, prayer, study, and service may all we do together reflect the joy God has given us in his abundant grace. God has chosen us to be a people of peace. There are so many wonderful ministry happenings here at FoC. As you partake in the mission of “making disciples, making a difference,” I encourage you to prayerfully and peacefully take time to think about how you might continue to invest or begin to invest in life here at Family of Christ. A few words about me . . . I am married to Gregg, and our son Manny is 8 years old, in 2 nd grade. I grew up in Burnsville, attended college at Purdue University (yes, I’m a Boilermaker fan!), and have a degree in Meteorology. I worked in business for 17 years, and have a master’s degree in International Business. I graduated from Luther Seminary in 2006 with a Master of Divinity degree, and was ordained in May 2008. My first call was at Calvary Lutheran Church in Willmar, MN. I served as the pastor of discipleship and outreach. I had a wonderful experience at Calvary, but time was flying by as our little boy was growing. So we made a family decision for me to leave my call and be a stay-at-home mom with Manny. While “on leave from call,” I served as a pulpit supply pastor for a number of churches in western Minnesota. It was a nice way for me to stay connected to pastoral ministry while being more present with my family. We moved back to the Twin Cities area in December of 2011. Beginning in July 2012, I served as interim pastor at Family of Christ in Lakeville, MN (yes, the same name but a totally different church!). As hoped and expected, they called their next pastor, and my time ended in January, 2014. I so enjoyed my time working with them during their transition. I’m often reminded that in the midst of change, God is ever present, leading and guiding, loving and calling us to continue following him. When I’m not working as pastor, I love to walk our dog (Reggie – golden retriever mix), read or play games with Manny, and organize and clean out stuff (I am the opposite of a pack rat!). Thank you for the opportunity to join you in the mission we share, sharing our love of the risen Christ, during the coming months. May God’s peace shine on you this day.
~ Pastor Jeanne Aamot 2
& Table of Contents News & Special Events . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 & 5
Sundays Beginning May 25
8:30 & 10:30 am
Adult Education & Study Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 How You Can Help . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Church Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Preschool & Children . . . . . . . . . 9 Confirmation & Beyond . . . . . . . 10 2014 Mission Trips . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Summer Camps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Music Opportunities . . . . . . . . . . 13 Meet the Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Beginning June 11
6:30 pm Summer Worship at Family of Christ Sundays Starting May 25 and continuing through August 31, we hold two worship services on Sunday mornings: 8:30 and 10:30. The earlier service typically leans more toward a classic style of worship, utilizing our hymnbooks, and the later service leans more contemporary in style, often utilizing our Summer Band. Musicians are called together for Wednesday evening & Sunday morning rehearsals between services so they can lead music at 10:30. Also, there is an opportunity between services on Sunday for a pastors’ adult education class, with the subject matter yet to be determined. Those classes begin June 1. Wednesdays WOW! (Worship on Wednesdays), our informal summer midweek worship, runs from June 11-Aug. 20. Come for a supper from the grill at 6:00 PM, provided by the Spartans (our men’s group), and stay for our 40-minute worship service at 6:30. Our summer worship focus is “Dining Through the Bible.” These services are especially convenient for those who find themselves absent from worship on any summer Sundays.
See our complete online calendar at http://tinyurl.com/kjy643f
& Net Working Sessions Our visioning task force, Making Waves, has enjoyed many conversations with church members about the future direction of our ministry together. The group will continue those conversations with the staff and with youth, plus host living room conversations in a couple of neighborhoods. Further, members of our task force will be interviewing leaders in our communities (such as city managers, high school counselors, a police chief) to discover their understanding of our changing demographics in the southwest metro. Over the summer, the Making Waves team will start compiling some of its discoveries into a report for the church council, which will in turn seek a way to share these discoveries with the congregation.
Goodbye, Pam, and Thank You! Pam Schumacher, our connections coordinator, is finishing up her time with us, ending her role on our staff, and preparing to move to Boise, Idaho. We wish to celebrate her wonderful ministry among us, and send her off with our thanks and our blessings. We’ll do this at all worship services on May 11. Be sure to share your good wishes and your prayers for her and her husband, Mark, and their children, Alex and Conner.
Synod Assembly Minneapolis Area Synod (ELCA) is meeting in assembly May 2-3 at Lord of Life Lutheran Church, Ramsey, Minnesota. This annual meeting is chaired by Bishop Ann Svennungsen and brings a variety of matters before Lutherans in the metro area. Our delegates are Greg Provo, Laura Oman, Pr Jeanne Aamot, and Pr Josh Nelson. Keep the assembly in your prayers, that our church may continue to provide a loving witness to our community.
Stewardship Corner A message from Chris Nelson, congregation president: During our annual congregational meeting in January, I promised we would keep everyone informed about our church finances by reporting periodically on our year-to-date income relative to our expenses. See the numbers below, which represent the first quarter of 2014. So far, our giving is 6.3% less than our 2013 ‘year-to-date’ levels. Our goal for this year is to try to keep pace with, and hopefully even exceed, 2013. This would be a significant accomplishment for our church. Please take a moment and review where we stand, and let me, or anyone on council, know if you have any questions. Thank you for your continued faithful generosity, and blessings to you all in this Easter season! General Fund Balance Income as of 1/01/14____ thru 3/31/14
Expenses thru 3/31/14
General Fund Balance as of 3/31/14___
Strength for Your Journey of Grief & Loss Losing someone we love is one of life’s most challenging passages. Learning about the process of grief, along with sharing our experiences in a caring, supportive, and confidential setting, helps us to cope and leads to personal growth and healing. Family of Christ is hosting the ongoing series "Living & Growing Through Loss” through May 19. People experiencing similar losses have the opportunity to meet in small groups to share concerns. Small groups are facilitated by those who are trained in the grief process and group dynamics. Many have experienced the death of a loved one. There is no cost to participate & church affiliation is not required. Session Format:
5:30–6:00pm Gathering (a delicious supper is provided at each session) 6:00–6:30 pm: Speaker
6:30–7:30 pm: Adult Small Groups 6:00–7:30 pm: Children’s Group (ages 8-12)**
** Telephone interviews are necessary before attendance in children’s group due to the sensitive nature of the topic and ages of the attendees. To register for the Children’s Group, call Karen Atkins: 952-460-0030. Remaining Sessions at Family of Christ: * May 5: From the Dead Earth Rises a Green Shoot: Gordy & Betty Olson; Founders, Lutheran Partners in Global Ministry * May 12: Life After Loss: How to Put the Pieces Back Together: A panel discussion by The Renaissance Ladies--Marjie, Laurie, & Linda * May 19: The Way Forward: Pastor Jeanne Aamot; Family of Christ
Bee Happy for Spring! On March 20, the two Family of Christ beehives were unwrapped from the winter. Great news — all the little buzzers are doing fine! These days, that’s not always the case. Too many hives struggle to survive against known and unknown causes. That’s why FoC is doing its part to keep the bees healthy, because their prosperity is directly linked to our own. Remember the honeycombs we sampled after worship one Sunday last fall? Honey left over after the sampling was returned to the hives, to add to the bees’ winter food. Now pollen patties have also been added. These nutrients will help our thousands of guys and gals power up as they’re waiting for first blooms. Around the second week of May, FoC kids will again paint bee boxes to house our expanding colony, as two successful hives are divided into four. We’re planning for a June event that will allow folks to bee-come more connected to the pollinator world all around us. This will include suiting up for an up close and personal bee experience at our hives. Then, in the fall, we plan to hold a honey harvest, which will include extracting honey from the combs by bicycle-powered centrifuges which will be peddled ... and peddled ... and peddled by you. Jim Sulerud is looking for one or two of you excited bee people to accompany this ongoing bee project here at Family of Christ, shepherded by the University of Minnesota Bee Squad. Email Jim at jim.sulerud@gmail.com. See our complete online calendar at http://tinyurl.com/kjy643f
& Classes Bible Dive — A Sunday School Class for Adults Sundays • 9:15-10:15 AM We meet on Sundays to dive deeper into the Bible texts used in worship that day. Feel free to join us at any time. Facilitated by Randy Ruckdashel, Bible Dive meets in the conference room throughout the school year. Pastors’ Adult Education Class This summer, we will again offer an adult ed class on Sundays between worship services. Summer worship is at 8:30 & 10:30, so the class will likely run from about 9:30-10:20 AM. Watch future FoC publications for more info!
Women’s Study Groups You’re invited to join one of our women’s study groups. This is a summary of the groups, along with the name of the person to contact if you have questions or would like to join. Additional information, including study content and start dates, is available at the Women’s Ministry display in the narthex. Book Study Group Monday afternoons • meets twice per month • 4:00 PM Usual meeting place: The Bistro in Chanhassen Contact Kris Spangrud: kris@familyofchristonline.com Bible/Book Study Groups Monday evenings • meet twice per month • 7:00 PM We meet at rotating locations Contact Tracy Sudak: tracy.sudak@embarqmail.com Tuesday afternoons • meets weekly • 1:30 PM We meet in the conference room at church Contact: Tracy Woods: tjwoods82@hotmail.com Friday mornings • meets weekly • 9:30 AM We meet at Family of Christ Contact: Leann Thompson, leann@familyofchristonline.com
Making Connections Our booklet entitled “Making Disciples, Making Connections” is available in the narthex. It lists more opportunities for study, learning, & discussion.
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. ~ Psalm 119
Volunteer Opportunities
Bread Bakers Needed Volunteers are needed to make communion bread for Sunday worship. We provide you with the simple recipe, which uses frozen dough. If you can help in this special ministry, please contact Pam Schumacher at pam@familyofchristonline.com .
May Bountiful Basket Need: Canned tuna (A list of needed items is always posted on their website: bountifulbasketfoodshelf.org)
El Salvador Mission Trip Our mission team traveling to El Salvador is collecting baseball caps in all sizes, money to buy books in Spanish, and large suitcases that can be left in El Salvador. In addition, they’re still collecting hotel size toiletries for the moms of our sponsored students. Look for a collection box in the narthex. Thank you!
Kits for Refugees Make a personal care kit for refugees who have fled from violence in their home countries & are living in tent camps. Directions for making the kits are posted near the kitchen. The kits are easy to assemble and costs are reasonable. Place completed kits (along with $2.65 for toothpaste & shipping) in the box labeled Personal Care Kits by Sun., May 11. This is a wonderful family project which helps make children aware of the suffering of many people in the world and how there are ways to help them. Questions? Elaine Larson (952-442-2881; lars710@mediacombb.net ) Feed My Starving Children Help end starvation in children around the world by packing meals at FMSC. Our last session before we take a summer break is Wednesday, May 21, 9:30-11:30 AM. No need to sign up — just show up at 18732 Lake Dr E, Chan. Questions: Ron & Elaine Larson — lars710@mediacombb.net Tree House Service Opportunity Every other month, FoC provides a meal for at-risk youth who utilize Tree House, a Christian outreach program in Chaska that provides hope, guidance, and unconditional love. Volunteers are needed to provide food & to help serve on Thursday, May 22. Middle/high school youth & adults may help with this special meal. There is a sign-up sheet on the CIA bulletin board near the kitchen. Questions? Contact Dawn Peterson ( tdnjkpeter@aol.com ) Teachers Needed Teachers are needed for Sunday school and Christos — we can’t have classes next year if we don’t have teachers. Please connect with me (Teri Burns: teri@familyofchristonline.com ) for more info, or just be bold and sign up. Ho Ho Ho!! Men's Group invites everyone, men & women, to take part in Chaska’s "Christmas in May" service project Sat., May 3. The event is held to improve homes for residents who are unable to do it themselves. Meet at the Guardian Angels school cafeteria (217 W. 2nd St.) at 7 AM for continental breakfast and to receive an assignment. You’ll be done late morning to mid-afternoon. Lunch and snacks are provided. Questions? Kelly Lynk ( m_lynk@hotmail.com ) Calling All Handymen Luther Crest Bible Camp in Alexandria needs us to help get the camp ready for summer. The Men’s Group is coordinating this service project, which is open to all men (even if you’ve never attended Men’s Group meetings). Leave from FoC on Fri., May 16, at 3:00 PM, grab dinner on the drive, stay overnight at Luther Crest, & drive home late Sat. afternoon. (If you can’t leave on Fri., you may drive up Sat. morning.) Questions? Gary Dosdall: garyd@fapw-cpa.com
See our complete online calendar at http://tinyurl.com/kjy643f
Newcomers’ Events Whether you’re brand new to Family of Christ or you’ve been around for a while, if you want to know more about us, come to a Newcomers’ Event.
Town Hall Meeting Sunday, May 4 • 8:45 & 10:15 AM Meet with church council members, ask them questions about FoC, offer feedback. Come to the narthex for this informal meeting.
Enjoy a light lunch in a casual social setting … meet other newcomers, church council leaders, pastors, & staff … tour the building & learn more about FoC … ask questions, theological & Practical … explore ways to get connected.
Parents of High School Seniors/Soon-to-be Grads Are you a parent of a high school senior who is preparing to move on to the next chapter in his or her life? There are many issues parents need to deal with when children reach this age. Join with Family of Christ staff and other parents of seniors on Wednesday, May 7, 7:00 PM, at Pastor Kristie’s home (2446 Highover Trail, Chanhassen) to think through, discuss, support, and pray over this very interesting and challenging time of life. Over dessert & a glass of lemonade or wine, you will find support, ideas, and resources for dealing with this time of change and transition – and find comfort in the fact that you are not alone! Please RSVP to Leann Thompson ( leann@familyofchristonline.com ) or sign up on the kiosk in the church narthex.
Professional childcare is provided for age 4 & younger (let us know if you need it for older children). You may let us know at that time if you’d like to join FoC.
Please note that same evening at 6:30 PM there is a BBQ at church for high school juniors and seniors, to provide an opportunity for seniors to celebrate the transition in their lives and pass on the torch to the juniors. Contact lindsey@familyofchristonline.com for more information on that event.
For more info, please contact Pr Kristie at kristie@familyofchristonline.com .
We’d love to get to know you better! Scan the code to introduce yourself to us and/or to sign up for our e-newsletter.
Downtown Lunch Bunch Downtown Lunch Bunch is taking the month of May off. We’ll meet again on June 9 at a place still-to-be-determined. If you work in Minneapolis, we’d love to have you join us the second Monday of each month (except May!) at 11:45 AM for lunch & conversation at a downtown restaurant. For more info, contact Rod Bubke: rod.l.bubke@ampf.com Batter Up! Join the FoC softball team! The Chaska Church Softball League (coed) takes place on Monday nights from June 2 through July 21, with 3 more weeks of playoffs following the regular season. All games are played at Lions Park in Chaska. Game times are 6:15 and 7:30. We have a lot of fun, and even win a few games (we were undefeated in regular-season play last year)! Contact John Oman ( j_oman@yahoo.com ) by May 19.
& Family of Christ Preschool Important Dates: * May 20 — End-of-year family picnics * May 21 — Graduation for the Monkey class, 7:00 PM
Register for Fall Preschool FoC Preschool offers classes for 2-, 3-, 4-, & 5-year-olds, a Jump Start Kindergarten class, afternoon enrichment classes, and optional Lunch Bunch and Stay & Play for afternoon care. For more info or a tour, contact Susan Schmidt: preschool@familyofchristonline.com ; 952-380-9838. Summer Fun! The preschool offers some really fun summer camps for 3-5 year olds! Back by popular demand is our Monday Morning Garden Camp running on select Mondays throughout the summer. We also feature In the Deep Blue Sea on June 24-26, and 3, 2, 1 Blast Off on July 29-31. For more information or to sign up for a summer camp, visit our website or contact Susan Schmidt (952-380-9838: preschool@familyofchristonline.com ) See pg. 12 for more info on summer camps. THANK YOU! Thanks to everyone who came to our Country Fair in April. A good time was had by all! A big thank you to those who donated or bid on items from our silent auction — we truly appreciate your support of Family of Christ Preschool!
Children’s Ministry Sunday School
May 4: Teacher appreciation day & last day of Sunday school classes. Come say thank you to your child’s/children’s teachers! The Sunday school children also sing in worship this morning.
Summer Fun! Summer Sunday school begins June 1. This is a multi-aged class for ages three through 2nd grade. We hold the class during the 10:30 AM service only. After the children’s message, bring your kids down for classes taught by our wonderful Family of Christ youth. There will be a movie, craft, and Bible story every week. No need to register — just come!
Can You Help? We really need teachers for Sunday school and Christos — our sign-ups for 2014-15 so far are really thin! We can’t have classes next year if we don’t have teachers. Please consider connecting with me (Teri) for more information, or just be bold and sign up.
Sunday School & Christos Making your summer plans? Don’t forget about the fun summer camps offered here at Family of Christ. For kids ages 3 through 5th grade there’s Luther Crest Day Camp June 16-19. For K-8th graders, there’s Musical Camp July 7-11. See our summer camp section on pg. 12 for more details about both. See our complete online calendar at http://tinyurl.com/kjy643f
& Confirmation Important Dates May 3 — 5:00: Affirmation of Baptism service May 4 — 2:00 PM: Affirmation of Baptism service
High School What Now? High school juniors & seniors are invited to a BBQ on Wednesday, May 7, 6:30 PM, at Family of Christ. Seniors, celebrate your year and pass on your wisdom to the juniors. Please RSVP to Dean Brown- dwb4700@gmail.com or Lindsey Ruhland- lindsey@familyofchristonline.com Parents, see pg. 8 for your own “What Now?” activity that night. Bagels and Bible Study Sundays, May 4 & 18 • 10:15 AM Meet in the youth room to enjoy an Einstein Bros Bagel & a casual discussion of the day’s scriptures. Newcomers are always welcome! Grad Recognition is Sunday, June 1. Seniors, please turn in a photo to the church office and fill out a brief questionnaire about your future plans at www.tinyurl.com/focgradrecognition . Juniors and parents, we need your help in honoring our seniors! Please sign up to help at http://www.signupgenius.com/ go/30E0F4DABAC2BA46-grad
Mission Trips Payment Final payments are due May 1 for those paying by installments: $225 for the middle and high school trips and $600 for El Salvador. Mission Trip Send-off is Sunday May 18. Please attend either the 9:15 or 10:45 worship service for a special blessing, & wear your mission trip shirt. If you don’t have your shirt yet, you can pick it up that morning in the youth room. There may still be spots available on the mission trips. Please contact the trip leaders to find out more (p. 11). Adult leaders are needed for the high school trip. Talk to Lindsey if you’d like to be a leader or if you need more info.
For info about this year’s middle- & highschool mission trips & retreats, see page 11.
2014 Middle School Youthworks Martin, South Dakota • July 27-August 3 Martin offers a warm mix of a small town South Dakota community with Native American heritage. Martin boasts a Native American population of nearly 50%. Martin is the county seat of Bennett County, in which about 35% of the population lives below the poverty line – nearly three times more than the South Dakota state average. Spend the week leading Kids’ Club and working on home improvement projects. At the end of the week, visit popular tourist sites around Rapid City. Contact Lindsey Ruhland with questions ( lindsey@familyofchristonline.com ).
PLEASE CHECK WITH TRIP LEADERS TO SEE IF THERE ARE ANY SLOTS OPEN ON THE MISSION TRIP THAT INTERESTS YOU. Adult leaders are needed for the high school trip. Talk to Lindsey if you’re considering being a leader and for more information.
NEW! The Soul Sisterhood Retreat July 6-10 • South Fork Farm • Lester Prairie, Minnesota For girls who have completed 6th-8th grade. Spend a week on an all-girl adventure! The Soul Sisterhood retreat inspires young women to learn new skills, discover new passions, make new friends, and build confidence through trying and creating — all in a Christ-centered, supportive environment. For more information, check out www.thesoulsisterhood.com or talk to Lindsey Ruhland.
High School Heifer Ranch, Perryville • Arkansas July 26-August 3 Heifer’s Alternative Mission Trips combine experiential learning, team building, and service activities. Participants experience the challenges of living with hunger and poverty. They develop a deeper understanding of the complications that hunger and poverty present, and become inspired to create change that brings possibility and hope to the world. The program is a great educational tool that teaches about the value of giving your service to others. The week will end with a fun sightseeing activity in or near Little Rock. Contact Lindsey Ruhland with questions ( lindsey@familyofchristonline.com ).
College & Adult El Salvador ● July 10-20 Twenty adults & young adults will enjoy amazing hospitality, participate in a work project, and meet their sponsored students on the FoC/Gethsemane mission trip. Still needed: big suitcases to leave in El Salvador and cash donations to purchase books for Seeds of Hope sponsored students.
See our complete online calendar at http://tinyurl.com/kjy643f
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In the Deep Blue Sea… June 24 - 26, 2014 Time: 9:00-11:30 AM Cost: $60; for 3-5 year olds All God’s creatures great and small, the Lord God made them all. From the tiny shrimp to the great blue whale, we’ll discover the rich variety of sea life, as we pretend to take a submarine voyage and go scuba diving. 3 – 2 – 1 Blast Off! July 29 - 31, 2014 Time 9:00 - 11:30 AM Cost: $60; for 3-5 year olds We will take an imaginary trip to Outer Space and take a look at the wonders God created. Stars, constellations, and planets will be explored as we blast off in our rocket ship. Monday Morning Garden Club June 2, 9, 23, July 7, 21, August 4, 11 Time-9:00-11:30 AM Cost: $140; for 4 & 5 year olds We'll start the summer by planning and planting our garden boxes. We'll keep a garden journal and record our observations. We'll measure the growth as the summer goes on. Add garden art projects, stories, songs, snacks, a little tasting of our garden produce and you get a lot of fun and learning. Our Bible connection will be on creation, gardens in the bible stories, and how God provides for us with the beauty and food a garden produces. This camp is most appropriate for 4 and 5 year olds, but we will consider older 3's.
Luther Crest Preschool & Elementary Day Camp June 16-19 Pre-kindergarten: 9:00-11:30 AM; Cost: $50 K-5th Grade: 9:00 AM — 3:00 PM; Cost: $75 ($85 for kids staying overnight on Wednesday the 18 th) Once again the counselors from Luther Crest Bible Camp in Alexandria, MN, will be with us to lead this fun, Christ-filled week of day camp. This camp is for all students age 3 through 5th grade. There is an opportunity for the 3rd-, 4th-, and 5th-graders to stay overnight Wednesday.
Musical Camp July 7-11 • 9:00 AM — 2:00 PM; Performance: July 11, 7:30 PM Cost: $75 Let once again by McKenzie Woods & Emily Sanders, this camp is for kids K-8th grade who come together for the fun of learning, rehearsing, & performing a musical. For more info & to register: http://familyofchristonline.com/children/summer-camps-a-vacation-bible-school.html
Appreciation HUGE thanks to our many musical volunteers! Over 100 musicians, both young and “not quite young,” have been involved in music at FoC this last year. From leading worship with the praise bands, playing instruments with the chamber players, bells with the bell choir, pit orchestra for the musical, singing with a youth choir, even playing the nose whistle like Pastor Josh, music has been fantastic this school year! Jessica, Ron, Mary, Andrea, Lynn, and the entire staff here are so grateful to all the people who’ve stepped up to make our music program not only musically good, but also Spirit-driven. The sincere, giving hearts of our volunteers, and their willingness to put hours and hours into what the congregation hears for just a short time each week are what make the directors’ jobs so meaningful and fulfilling. Thanks to you all!!
Summer Music Opportunities Have you ever thought, “Man, I’d love to be on a worship team, but can’t afford all that practice time ... not to mention performing at two services one Sunday morning each month, from September through May.” Well, do I have a deal for you: FoC Summer Band! There are no prescribed Sundays, so you can join our band any week you want, even if you can only do one weekend this summer. Practices are on Wednesdays at 7:15 PM after WOW worship service, lasting about an hour, with a warm-up at 9:45 AM on Sundays. Then we do one service and BAM! we’re done. It’s a pretty sweet deal. There is mostly familiar music during the summer and a more laid-back approach to practice. Please consider trying us out! Contact Jessica ( jessica@familyofchristononline.com ; 612.483.5843) and let me know what Sunday(s) you’d like to participate. Special offer: Any new musician who tries us out this summer gets a FREE hug from Jessica. This is a can’t-miss opportunity. See you in the summer!
Senior Pastor Josh Nelson 952-934-5659, ext. 13 josh@familyofchristonline.com
Pastor Kristie Hennig 952-934-5659, ext. 12 kristie@familyofchristonline.com
Leann Thompson Director of Faith Formation 952-934-5659, ext. 24 leann@familyofchristonline.com
Pastor Jeanne Aamot 952-934-5659, ext. 14 jeanne@familyofchristonline.com
Teri Burns Minister to Children & Families 952-934-5659, ext. 21 teri@familyofchristonline.com
Lindsey Ruhland Minister to Youth & Families 952-934-5659, ext. 30 lindsey@familyofchristonline.com
Jessica Gensmer Director of Worship & Music 952-934-5659, ext. 23 jessica@familyofchristonline.com
Susan Schmidt Family of Christ Preschool Director 952-380-9838 preschool@familyofchristonline.com
Kris Spangrud Finance 952-934-5659, ext. 18 kris@familyofchristonline.com
Marilyn Syverson Church Administrator 952-934-5659, ext. 10 marilyn@familyofchristonline.com
Jolene Satre Communications/Website 952-934-5659, ext. 11 jolene@familyofchristonline.com
Greg Provo Custodian 952-934-5659, ext. 26 greg@familyofchristonline.com