Auckland Autumn 2013

Page 1

Spring iSSue 2012

ISSN 1178 5268

AUCKLAND / ISSUE 33 / Autumn 2013


Family Values

How to encourage the best from your child


Board of Trustees Elections Have your say

A news magazine and online resource for families


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Th Safekids The Safe ekids Creative e Questt iss all aboutt ring up you your ur child children’s dren’s en’s o ad d or o creative air. We want them to make a video, write a radio ad, create an illustrated story to show why it’s so important to wear a helmet when riding a bicycle, scooter, skateboard or roller blades. Their creations can WIN! Great prizes for them and their school are up for grabs, plus the chance to be the star of Safekids’ safety campaign. To enter, get your children to ask their teacher to visit our website. Encourage them to get involved and be part of the Safekids Creative Quest - it could really make them famous!


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*Prizes include cash for winning schools, and surprise prizes provided by sponsors for winning classes or students. In total, the prize pool is valued at $20,000. For more information, visit our website or email



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30/01/13 2:05 PM

inside this issue 6



Face painting fun and a yummy cake to bake

20 Let’s go camping

12 Kids’ view

We ask kids about what values are important to them



Have your say in your child’s education


Anxious children


Disciplining other people’s children

10 Secure attachments in children

Family values

11 Mind your manners

Helping the nervous child excel

Your house, your rules?


The Board of Trustees elections and how you can get involved Getting the best from your child’s education starts in the home

The importance of family and how to instil Tips on improving behaviour values in children 21 Online safety Identifying gifted children Protect your child in a web-savvy world Is your child an overachiever?


About Us Publisher Robyn Willis Design & Production Moody Shokry Advert Production Target Press Production Office Editor Vanessa O’Brien Assistant Editor Rachel Taniwha Digital Editor Fiona Smith

Contributing Writers

Lee Keenan, Michelle van Dyk Diane Levy, Mary Grant Rose Blackett, Joseph Driessen Karyn Riley, Dr Yaso Kathiravel Elaine Schou, Sarah Holland Claire Gourley, Philippa Murphy Fiona Oliphant, Crissi Blair Wayne Webb

Advertising Sales Tina Barriball, Shona Robb, Nicky Barnett, Jane Hunter, Vanessa Newman, Katrina Wright

Office Manager Raelyn Hay Office Administrator Jackie Pithie

Reach us at: Family Publishers (NZ) P.O. Box 36-004, Christchurch 8146, NZ Ph. 03-355-9186 0800285 510 Fax: 03 3559 183 Mobile. 0274-359-414

Distribution: Printed and distributed quarterly approximately two weeks before each major school holiday. 65,510 distributed through early childhood centres, primary and intermediate schools, Christchurch City Council offices, recreational facilities, libraries and service centres, selected medical and midwifery premises and McDonalds restaurants.The opinions expressed in this publication are not those of the publisher unless indicated otherwise. No part of this publication may be reprinted without the expressed written permission of the publisher. Family Times is not responsible for unsolicited material. Family Times is funded and published solely through the support of its advertisers. They support us, please support them.

2013 and 2014 primary and intermediate school term dates


Term 2, 2013

Monday 6 May to Friday 12 July

Term 3, 2013

Monday 29 July to Friday 27 September

Term 4, 2013

Monday 14 October to no later than Friday 20 December

Term 1, 2014

Between Monday 27 January (at the earliest); and Friday 7 February (at the latest) to Thursday 20 April


Special features 16 Fit families

Injury management for children

17 Baby and toddler

Natural winding. Help soothe baby

18 Birthday Parties




Family-friendly options for outdoor fun

22 Top reads

Holiday reading ideas

Resource information 14 Calendar of events 15 Entertainment 23 Marketplace

Look out for these icons throughout the publication for the chance to win great prizes. In this issue, you can win a Mocka Highchair, Lego ® and Draw Something games!

Easter Family Fun Save up to 30% off with our Most Popular Combo Tour Take a guided tour through the world famous Waitomo Glowworm Caves and Ruakuri Cave. Be amazed by the thousands of magical glowworms above as you glide silently by boat and marvel at the limestone formations and crystal tapestries.

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2013 and 2012 secondary and composite school term dates Term 2, 2013

Monday 6 May to Friday 12 July

Term 3, 2013

Monday 29 July to Friday 27 September

Term 4, 2013

Monday 14 October to Friday 20 December

Term 1, 2014

Between Monday 27 January (at the earliest); and Friday 7 February (at the latest) to Thursday 20 April

Remaining public holidays 2013 25 April 2 June 27 October 25 December 26 December

Anzac Day Queen’s Birthday Labour Day Christmas Day Boxing Day

Terms and conditions: Up to 30% saving is on individual cave prices compared to combo tour price. Activity book and goodie bags only available with ‘Most Popular’ combo tour (Waitomo Glowworm Caves and Ruakuri Cave). Activity book and goodie bags for children up to 14 years inclusive. Available while stocks last. All other standard Discover Waitomo cave terms and conditions apply.

From the editor From the editor M

y mother didn’t support my decision to leave school at y mother didn’t support 17-years-old to become an officemy junior decision to leave school atall the at a stockbrokers’ firm. But with 17-years-old to become an office junior wisdom of youth, the all-important support at a stockbrokers’ firm. Buttowith allsome the of my peers and the desire make wisdom of youth, the all-important support money, I took the plunge anyway. of Mum my peers thehigher desirehopes to make had and much forsome me. money, I took the plunge anyway. But when things got tough at my first job Mum much higher and the had rose-tinted shadeshopes camefor off,me. she But when things got tough at my first was the last person to suggest that I gojob and rose-tinted shades came off, she backthe to school. was the lasttoperson to stick suggest that I go You have learn to it out and live back to school. by your decisions, she said. You can’t give have to learn to stick it out and live upYou at the first hurdle. byTo your decisions, she said. You can’t a wounded baby animal trying togive up at the first hurdle. find its feet, that advice sounded callous To athe wounded babyand animal trying to I - not kind, warm fluffy support find its feet, that advice sounded callous was looking for. But she was right. Lesson -learned: not the there kind, are warm fluffy support bigand consequences to I was looking for. But she was right. Lesson flippant and unwise decisions. learned: there the are real big consequences to So I started career I wanted flippant and unwise decisions. – journalism – much later than I could So I and started the real career I wanted have, I always have a slight twinge –ofjournalism – much later than I could regret when I think of the years lost. have, and I think always have ahave slight twinge But I don’t I could made it in of regret when I think of the the years lost. this career without learning hard But don’t I could made it in wayInot to think give up, and tohave stand by my this career without learning the hard decisions whatever the consequences. way up, and to stand by my This not kindtoofgive tenacity, determination and decisions whatever the consequences. work ethic was an unspoken value in This kind ofMy tenacity, and our family. sister, determination brother and I were work ethic was an unspoken value in never expected to be the best – just the our sister, could brother bestfamily. that weMy possibly beand withI were the never expected to be the best – gifts and talents that we had. just the best thatimportantly, we possiblyour could be with More family had the gifts and talents that we had. values about being good human beings. More importantly, ourwas family had Honesty, above all else, treasured. values about being good human beings. We were taught to honour each other, Honesty, above all else, was treasured. We were taught to honour each other,


The anxious child Filling the gap Filling the gap II

f you’ve spotted bright flashes of colour, s your child a worry wart? Do you find recycled materials and a hive of activity in yourself constantly reassuring, cajoling, f you’ve spotted bright flashes colour,and random sites throughout the city,of chances are coaxing your child? Are they expert at avoiding recycled materials and a hive of activity in it’s the work of Gap Filler. new experiences? random sites throughout the city, chances Gap Filler is an urban regeneration initiativeare it’s the work of activates Gap Filler. that temporarily sites within their the It’s natural for parents tovacant try and reassure Gap Filler is an urban regeneration initiative city with creative projects for community benefit, anxious child and to find themselves doing so that temporarily activates vacant sites within the to make for aBut more interesting and dynamic city repeatedly. unfortunately, when parents city with creative projects for community benefit, are constantly reassuring, it can often have the post-quakes as the rebuild continues. toIfmake a more interesting dynamic unwanted effect of encouraging the childtry tocity you’reforfeeling hungry theseand holidays, post-quakes as the rebuild continues. there must be wood-fired something to athink visit that to the newreally outdoor clay, If you’re hungry Pallet these holidays, fear. pizza oven atfeeling the Summer Pavilion, try All children experience fears and anxieties as a visit to the new outdoor clay, wood-fired and support each other in our successes based on the old Crowne Plaza Hotel site in apizza normal part of development as Pavilion, they grow. oven at the Summer Pallet and disappointments. Today, although Victoria Square. The pizza oven is available for Fear thethe dark, and monsters andall support othercountries, in our successes basedofon old burglars, Crowne Plaza Hotel site in by we live in each different we still community groups to hire, and was designed under theSquare. bed areThe all common inischildhood. and disappointments. Today, although Victoria pizza oven available for talk to each other regularly about what’s CPIT architecture students. But persistent worrying and negative thinking we all live in different countries, we still community groups to hire, and was designed by going on our lives, celebrate the ups and The temporary pavilion spearheaded can prevent children fromwas enjoying normal life talk to each other regularly about what’s CPIT architecture students. commiserate on the downs. by Gap Filler. It took more than 2500 hours experiences. going on our lives, celebrate the–ups and to The istemporary pavilion wasvolunteers spearheaded It wasn’t a perfect family life I don’t complete by more thancomponent 150 in There often a genetic to anxiety commiserate on the downs. by Gap Filler. It took more than know if anybody has that – but we collaboration with 40 businesses,2500 and ishours made out It wasn’t a perfect family – Istood don’t complete by more than 150 volunteers certainly learned values thatlife have oftomore thanchildren 3000 wooden pallets painted in a vivid All experience know if anybody has that – but we collaboration with 40 businesses, and is made out us in good stead for living. blue, plus other materials salvaged and borrowed fears3000 andwooden anxieties as aa vivid certainly learned that have stood ofamore pallets painted When the Familyvalues Times’ editorial team as resultthan of earthquake damage. It also features normal part of salvaged development us intogood stead for living. plus other materials and borrowed met discuss ideas for this edition, we ablue, concealed garden and creative landscaping as grow. Family Times’ editorial team integrated as a resultinto of earthquake damage. It also features hitWhen on thethe idea of family values, and what the they walls. Since its completion at met to discuss ideas for this edition, we a concealed garden and creative landscaping they mean in society today. the end of 2012, it has been popular as a place hit on theare idea of family values, what to integrated walls. its completion at Values a deliberate decisionand that relax andinto hangthe out, and Since has hosted live music, they mean in society today. the end of 2012, it has been popular as a place we make, and deserve some thought and anxious children often have an anxious Values arefor a deliberate decision that to relax and hang out, and has hosted live music, – especially parents who want to parent close relative. In the case of the If oryou’ve spotted bright we make, and deserve some thought build a strong family with kids who are parent, they may be inadvertently modelling flashes of colour, recycled – especially If behaviour you’ve anxious orspotted anticipatorybright anxiety. prepared for for life.parents who want to build a strong family with kids who are If youmaterials think your childand may have a problem a hive of in So check out our main feature about flashes of colour, recycled prepared for life. this area there are ways you can help. family values this edition, and keep activity in random sites materials and a hive of So check ourfor main about turning the out pages lotsfeature more parenting throughout the city, • Have consistent daily routines in family values this edition, and keep activity in random sites advice, tips, competitions and ideas for place that promote feelings of security and turning the pages for lots more parenting chances are it’sthe thecity, work holiday entertainment. throughout reduce anxiety levels. advice, Enjoy!tips, competitions and ideas for of Gap Filler. chances are it’s the work holiday entertainment. • Take the time to listen to your Enjoy! of Gap Filler.and show child. Acknowledge their feelings acceptance of them. Reflect back verbally what they tell you without criticising or giving advice.


A new Hellers CoCktAil sAusAge rAnge for tHe wHole fAmily.

Hellers new Gluten free Cocktail Sausages are perfect for any fun occasion, as a treat or even as a handy and simple meal idea for kids that they’ll be sure to love. They come in 3 great varieties - Skinless, Cheese and Original. These tasty original kiwi classics recapture the fun of yesteryear, and with the great new flavours there’s a Cocktail Sausage to suit everyone. They’re also gluten free and

cinema, performance and community events. It is well worth a visit these holidays. cinema, performance and community events. It is If you fancy a dance these holidays, how well worth a visit these holidays. about the recently completed Dance-o-Mat, If you fancy a dance how an outdoor dance floor?these This isholidays, its second lease about the recently completed Dance-o-Mat, on life; now it’s based on the corner of Cashel happened before? How it to happen? an outdoor danceTerrace floor?likely This is its second lease Street and Oxford (formerly home of Make a now plan for if it does happen e.g.of mum on life; it’s based on the corner Cashel the Tap Room). Keen dancers can attach their being toOxford pick them up from school. Streetlate and Terrace iPod/mp3 player/Discman or (formerly phone intohome the of the Tap Room). Keen dancers can attach their headphone jack in ayour converted laundromat • Suggest child writes down their iPod/mp3 player/Discman or phone into the washing pop inin$2a “worry and dance to their worriesmachine, and files them box”. Then headphone jack inIt’s a converted laundromat own music on site. a site designed to the problem solve together on how to deal fill with washing machine, pop in $2 and dance to their void for many dance venues damaged or moved them. Alternatively, have them imagine a box own music oncan site.put It’salla their site designed the in which they worries to andfillshut since the earthquakes. void for many dance venues damaged or moved the lid ona putter them. around instead? Try miniPrefer since thea earthquakes. golf with difference, with two new holes (at aEncourage putter around instead? Try mini• Prefer them to added change 801 and 832 Colombo Street) totheir what “red” thoughts (unhelpful thoughts) to “green” golf with a difference, with two new holes (at is planned to be a city-wide mini-golf project. thoughts (positive thoughts). For example, “I’ll 801 and 832 Colombo Street) added to what Apart from a bit of exercise and a splash of get it wrong,” to a“Even if I make a mistake, I’ll is planned to be city-wide mini-golf project. colour, it provides information on-site about do better next time.” Apart from a bit of exercise and a splash of which building originally stood, as a form of colour, it provides information on-site about remembrance. • Teach your child relaxation skills to which building originallyon stood, as a form of For more upcoming events make them information feel more in control of their bodies. remembrance. and out Do projects, breathingcheck exercises and progressive muscle For more information on upcoming events tensing and relaxing exercises. Have them close and projects, check out their eyes and imagine a favourite place they like to go to. And if necessary, try these strategies on yourself.

For school age children, ask them how likely is it that the event they are worried about will happen. Get them to “put on their detective hat” and look for evidence. Has it

By Michelle van Dyk, registered psychologist.

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Disciplining other people’s children Imagine this: another child – not your own – pushes your child away from the slide.


ow about a small visitor who insists on walking around your house with a glass of bright orange juice; a little troupe of four-year olds (yours included) who start running around in circles in your living room, or a teenager who you have only met once before who strolls to your fridge and helps himself? It is very difficult when you find adult friends whose company you really enjoy, but their children are a nightmare to have in your home. Disciplining other people’s children in such a way as not to offend the other parent is very tricky. What’s a parent to do?

When the other parent is not present

When you are in your own home, supervising other people’s children, you have full rights and the responsibility to protect all of the children and your property. It is much easier to front up to other people’s children and demand reasonable behaviour when there is no adult audience. Simply treat the child as if they were your own. The household rules apply to everybody. It is much harder, however, when you have the parent of the miscreant present.

Get up and go over

You have to overcome your eternal hope that “If I don’t notice it, maybe it will go away.” It is always easier to stop a situation before is escalates. Neither can you deal with children by remote control. It simply doesn’t work to sit in your chair and bleat, “Will you kids just behave?”


or hope that, if you keep looking away, the behaviour will stop. The first step is to get up. Go over to the child who is misbehaving and stand right next to them looking stern. Often that is all that is needed to stop the behaviour.

House rules apply to everyone

Rather than tell a particular child to do something or to stop doing something, you are much more powerful – and much less likely to offend the mother – if you begin what you have to say with “The rule of this house is…” or “In this house we…” That way, it isn’t personal to one child. It is much harder for the parent or child to feel aggrieved.

When you are in your own home, supervising other people’s children, you have full rights and the responsibility to protect all of the children and your property. Fake confidence if necessary Stand there, looking absolutely confident and determined that your household rules will be followed. It is difficult for gentler souls to do, but the best incentive is knowing that if you don’t get in early and stop the behaviour, it is only going to get worse. If you don’t feel that strong, fake it.

Kiwi hospitality

We Kiwis have strange rules of hospitality. When children come around to our place to play, we say, “Now James, you’re the host. You need to share your toys nicely.” As we go to

someone else’s house, we often lecture, “Now James, we are going to Fergus’ house. You are the guest and it would be polite to play what Fergus wants to play.” When you think about it, that means that James never gets to play with toys or choose the game.

Sharing systems

You will be better off with clear and transparent sharing systems. Teaching your children that it is possible to have a system for sharing means they can generalise the concept to all sorts of other situations. Many games today come with an old-fashioned egg timer. If not, it’s one of the better,

cheaper pieces of parenting paraphernalia that you can buy. Teach your children to take turns and to give up their turn when the sand runs out. For a start, you may need to supervise the system in action, but it is amazing how quickly children can initiate and put into effect a system that is transparent and fair. By Diane Levy Diane Levy is a family therapist and well-known public speaker. She is the author of the best seller Of Course I Love You…NOW GO TO YOUR ROOM!, “They Look So Lovely When They’re Asleep,” and “Time-Out for Tots, Teens and Everyone in Between.

feature story

Family values Imagine a world with no set rules or guidelines, no boundaries, and no belief system. Would it be a case of every person for themselves? Would there be inherent values to care for people and treat people with respect? Would future generations continue following in the footsteps of the actions and behaviour of those who went before them? Now imagine the same situation on a smaller scale – your family – and it becomes clear that values play a key role in building strong families and societies. Assistant editor Rachel Taniwha explores the importance of family values and how to instil them in the family home.


hether it’s spoken or not, or whether it’s even realised, each person has their own core values and beliefs. It’s from these values that parents and caregivers raise children to become the best that they can be. Each family is unique, with its own strengths and weaknesses.

The modern family Firstly, let’s take a look at what constitutes a family. These days, the modern New Zealand family is made up of all different shapes, sizes and ethnicities, and that’s just touching on it. There are foster families, single parent families, blended families, and the list continues. Census data from 2006 (the 2011 Census was delayed due to the Christchurch earthquakes) shows that couples with children are the most common household type, at just under a third of New Zealand households. However, they have decreased in proportion over the past 20 years,

with couple-only and one-person households becoming more common.

The importance of values Now, what holds these family units together? Families Commission Social Policy Evaluation and Research Unit (SuPERU) director Anne Duncan says Families Commission research shows that many families see strong family relationships being governed by values such as honesty, trust, respect and mutual support. “Values helped guide family members about what behaviour was or wasn’t acceptable, and gave them principles to live by.” According to the Families Commission’s report What Makes Families Tick? (2006), most people put a high value on having a strong, supportive family life and many participants considered that values enriched not only their own families but society more broadly. However, there is a wide scope to what people

Values can be personal, traditional, religious, cultural or a combination. see as being the “right values.” Values can be personal, traditional, religious, cultural or a combination. The report concluded that there is no one “right” set of values, but that different families have different sets of values.

The importance of family and cultural values Renowned advocate of Maori language education and the Kohanga Reo movement,

Dame Iritana Tawhiwhirangi, said the real strength of New Zealand resided in the strength of extended whanau/families, while speaking at a Waitangi Day forum earlier this year. When she was growing up, there was an obligation for the extended whanau, hapu and iwi to care for everyone and to share available resources. “Survival depended almost entirely on the resources of the sea, land and forests, which the hapu had dominion over at the time. It was these resources that were the “riches” that mattered.” She feared that government assistance compromised the extended family’s role and the inherent Maori culture in which the whanau supported each other. “The extended whanau is marginalised, and to


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feature story our detriment, we have allowed this to happen. Even more fearful is that we have fallen into the trap of believing the money alone will overcome all adversities. “When we had meagre funds we survived. This is not to undervalue funding but rather to question whether such resource is enabling people to grow in dignity, purpose, responsibility and hope or whether we pursue policies that are disregarding our culture.” The Parenting Place CEO Bruce Pilbrow further affirmed the paramount importance of family. “Your family has to come first, and everything will compete for it.”

Ideas for parents The Parenting Place creative producer John Cowan said “family values” had become a difficult term, and that a good place to start was with a family mission statement clarifying what was important and then forming a strategy to instil those values into children. “Though children primarily learn values from watching their parents’ actions, this needs to be reinforced and clarified by having right and wrong clearly spelled out for them in the context of community. “The best investment we can make against future relationship turmoil, criminal behaviour and even mental instability is to teach character within our families in a relaxed and friendly way.” Cowan said that consistent family mealtimes

Each family is unique, with its own strengths and weaknesses.

were a natural training ground for children, “a place where parents and children talk about values, cultural preferences, and current events. Children learn perspective from their parents and parents also learn an amazing amount from their children.” Furthermore, children gain a chance to grow in self-esteem and learn life skills, as well as good manners, in a non-threatening setting, and as long as care is taken to keep conversation positive. The family dynamics become healthier and everyone will enjoy the increased sense of belonging, said Cowan. Pilbrow agrees that family dinner time is the ideal setting for open communication. He says that his family has always valued communication and “nothing is taboo.” “We often ask around the table – to each other – what was the best part and what was the worst part of your day? It is amazing what comes up and what we end up solving as a family. Just learn to turn the world off, have a conversation and open up communication opportunities.”

The value of respect “As parents, we want to launch young people who have a strong sense of self and the character and compassion to do the right thing, not just because there is a reward in it for them, but because it is the right thing to do. Respect for self and others is a core value that motivates many other positive attitudes and behaviours,” says Cowan. By instilling the core value of respect, children will learn how to adapt in social situations, which will help both their own self-image and their role in society as they become adults. Being respectful is having an attitude of

Family values are not old-fashioned

When people speak about family values it can seem sometimes quaint and mundane. But values are the things we base our lives on and out of which our children’s character is built. Do you remember being sent back to say sorry for saying something mean, or your parents going back to pay the man at the service station what he had undercharged them? These lessons help build habits of goodness into the fabric of our children’s lives. It is interesting that the two building blocks of character are considered to be “empathy” and “altruism.” When our behaviour towards others comes from a soft heart or genuine empathy for how our actions affect those around us, we are learning to live in community and to live out of the values we have been taught. Altruism is doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do. It is the way we act because our character has been trained over the years through adults’ teaching and modelling. The values of kindness, honesty, generosity and dependability are found in all societies, and where these values are honoured the

honouring other people and caring about their boundaries and rights as well as our own, said Cowan. Being respectful means showing courtesy and treating other people’s belongings with care. Perhaps a good place to start is for parents to decide which values they want to pass on to their children. The Parenting Place family coach Jenny Hales suggests identifying the top

children practise them. There are no societies in which cowardice is extolled as something to be aspired to. Children are not born naturally knowing how to act. In fact, their basic question tends to be, ‘’How will I know how to act unless someone shows me?” They need big people to show them how to act and to insist on early habits of goodness. Compliance in the little things like saying “please” and “thank you” leads to compliance in the bigger things and a healthy respect for adult authority. Loving parents who kindly but firmly insist on the values they as a family affirm will be delighted at the freedom they enjoy as their children grow older and own for themselves the honest, helpful, courageous character that they have been inspired to have. By Mary Grant Mary Grant is a co-founder of Parents Inc. and currently director of Faith4famlies where she offers parents a simple ways of passing on faith to their children. Visit

five qualities that parents want to demonstrate in their family. These could be hospitality, truthfulness, kindness, forgiveness and loyalty, or a variety of other important qualities and values. Children learn from parents, said Hales, so it’s important for parents to demonstrate and live the values they preach. “If it is not important to us – it is not going to be important to them.”

Kids! Visit the Sky Tower’s Sky Deck these school holidays to test your knowledge of the Solar System and learn some amazing facts bound to impress your school teacher! Plus, you will get your hands on a



Total Tower Admission rates apply. While stocks last.


Discounted parking is available for Sky Tower visitors (when you spend $20 or more) – pay only $5 for the first 3 hours. One Popsicle Blasta per child (14 years and under). All children must be accompanied by a paying adult. Children 5 years and under go free. Validate your car park ticket when purchasing Sky Tower passes. With the exception of the Auckland Resident and GrabOne Total Tower Experience Pass offers, this offer is not available in conjunction with any other offer.


Hunting for cheetahs: identifying the gifted child AHunting for cheetahs:

student who does well academically, has an excellent report card, wins awards and is recognised by teachers and their peers as a “high achiever” is considered “gifted” in our education system. This child obtains results well beyond expectations for their chronological age and is easy to student who does well academically, has spot in most classrooms. an excellent report card, wins awards and In contrast, a student who does not achieve, is recognised teachers and their peers as no matter whatbytheir intellectual potential or a “high achiever” is considered “gifted” in our developmental level, is usually overlooked for education system. enrichment activities and gifted programmes, This child obtains results well beyond extension opportunities. expectations for their chronological age and is Stephanie Tolan, an author on gifted children, cleverly metaphor to clarify the easy to uses spot aincheetah most classrooms. pitfalls of just using achievement-based In contrast, a student who does not identifiachieve, cation for gifted students.

The cheetah is the fastest animal on earth. They are flashy animals and impressive beings that are unique within the animal kingdom. Identifying cheetahs is easy - they are the only animals that can run 112kph. But as Tolan highlights, cheetahs are not always running. In reality, they cannot maintain no matter what their intellectual potential or their top speed for a sustained period of time. developmental level, is usually overlooked for When a cheetah is stationary, it can be identigifted programmes, enrichment activities and fied simply by knowing its other characteristics. extension opportunities. For a cheetah to run at top speed it must be Tolan, an on gifted fullyStephanie grown, healthy, fit author and rested. It must have children, cleverly uses Besides a cheetah metaphor plenty of room to run. that, it is bestto clarify the to pitfalls of out justwhen using itachievementmotivated run all is hungry and there antelope tofor chase. basedare identification gifted students. IfThe a cheetah to aanimal small cage, it cheetahis isconfined the fastest on earth. soon becomes incapable of running 112 kph.

Is it still a cheetah? If a cheetah has only 30 kph rabbits to chase for food, it won’t run 112 kph while hunting. If it did, it would flash past its They are flashy animals and impressive beings prey and go hungry. that are unique within the animal kingdom. Is it still a cheetah? IfIdentifying a cheetahcheetahs is fed a is easy - they are the only animals that zoo diet it is likelycan to run 112kph. But as Tolan highlights, cheetahs are not sleep most of the day always they cannot maintain and mayrunning. not runInatreality, all. their for a sustained period of time. Is ittop stillspeed a cheetah? IfWhen a cheetah is sickis stationary, it can a cheetah or its legs have been beifidentified simply by knowing its other broken, it won’t even characteristics. walk... can ittorun? For ahow cheetah run at top speed it must be Is it, then, only a fully grown, healthy, fit and rested. It must have potential chee plenty of room to run. Besides that, it is best tah? motivated to run all out when it is hungry and Like healthy cheethere are antelope to chase. tahs in the wild, If a cheetah is confined to a small cage, it high achieving gifted soon becomes of running 112 kph. students can beincapable easy it still aIfcheetah? to Is identify. a child teaches themself If a cheetah hasLatin only 30 kph rabbits to chase at five,it reads forage food, won’t at run 112 kph while hunting. If it the eightflash grade did,year it would past its prey and go hungry. level at age six or does algebra in year two we Is it still a cheetah? can safely assume that child is a highly gifted If a cheetah is fed a zoo diet it is likely to child. From the outside these activities can be sleep most of the day and may not run at all. viewed as “achievements.” Is it still a cheetah? However, from the child’s worldview they a cheetah isatsick orown if its pace, legs have been to areIffunctioning their according broken, it won’t even walk... how can it run? their own biological design and innate mental Is it, then, only a potential cheetah? capacity. Tolan states that “such a child has Like healthy cheetahs wild,and highsomeachieving clearly been given roomintothe “run” thing run for.can They are healthy andIffita child and giftedto students be easy to identify. have notthemself had theirLatin capacities crippled.” teaches at age five, reads at the However, schools have samealgebra impact year eight grade level can at age six the or does on children that zoos do on cheetahs. If in year two we can safely assume that childthey is a highly gifted child. From the outside these

identifying the gifted child A

Characteristics that may indicate a child is gifted Thereare arecertain certaincharacteristics characteristicsthat thatmay may There indicatea achild childisisgifted. gifted.ItItisisimportant importanttoto indicate note notethat thatgifted giftedchildren childrenare arenot notaa heterogeneous heterogeneousgroup. group.They Theymay mayhowever however exhibit exhibitsome somebut butnot notnecessarily necessarilyallallofofthe the following followingcharacteristics: characteristics:  A sophisticated verbal vocabulary ■ A sophisticated verbal vocabulary  An advanced or asynchronous ■ An advanced or asynchronous development  development An early intellectual ability in early ■ An early intellectual ability in early childhood childhood  A seemingly insatiable thirst for ■ Aknowledge seemingly and insatiable thirst for new learning new learning  knowledge A high leveland of physical activity and often sleep than same-aged ■ Aless high levelrequirement of physical activity and often peers less sleep requirement than same-aged  peers They may appear cautious in new situations, possiblycautious due to ainfear ■ They may appear newof failure  Are highly sensitive and may experience situations, possibly due to a fear of failure intense emotions ■ Are highly sensitive and may experience


 ■  ■  ■  ■  ■  ■   ■ ■

intense emotions Have narrow fields of interests and Have narrow passion areasfields fromofa interests young ageand passion areas fromability a young An early to age distinguish between An earlyand ability to distinguish reality fantasy, howeverbetween they may often and escape to a however fantasy-rich world reality fantasy, they may An early insight social/moral/ethical often escape to a into fantasy-rich world issues An early insight into social/moral/ethical A greater reasoning power and ability to issues manipulate A greater reasoning power and ability to Socially very able with leadership skills manipulate however, may be dominant and often Socially with leadership skills aware very they able are “different” however, may be dominant Are individual… borderingand on often aware they are “different” unconventional at times Are individual… bordering Seek the company of olderonpeers and unconventional at times adults Set high standardsoffor themselves, Seek the company older peers andwhich adults canhigh be standards unobtainable resulting in Set for high, themselves, which perfectionism. can be unobtainably high, resulting in perfectionism.

activities can be viewed as “achievements.” However, from the child’s worldview they are functioning at their own pace, according to their own biological design and innate mental capacity. Tolan states that “such a child has clearly been given room to “run” and something to run for. They are healthy and fit and have not had their capacities crippled.” However, schools can have the same impact cage an intelligent child’s brain with low exon children that zoos do on cheetahs. If they pectations and no child’s room for speed, cage an intelligent brain with we lowmight observe the dull-eyed and silent look we found in expectations and no room for speed, might captive cheetahs. observe the dull-eyed and silent look found in Perhaps one day a cheetah raised in the right captive cheetahs. environment, with the right opportunities and Perhaps one day a cheetah raised in the right motivations, will run faster than 112 kph. environment, withlimit the aright opportunities and We should not cheetah’s potential, just motivations, will run faster than 112 kph. as we should not limit that of a gifted child. We should not limit a cheetah’s potential, just By Rose Blackett as weBlackett should not limit that ofofa NZAGC, gifted child. Rose is the president SENG Board of Directors, MoE advisory board. By Rose Blackett Rose Blackett is the president of NZAGC, SENG Board of Directors, MoE advisory board.


Board of Trustees – what to expect The election date for this year’s trustee elections is looming, and nominations are fast approaching with the final deadline of 2 May.

Boards also: 


his year’s election theme is “Step forward” “Piki Ake” - acknowledging the importance of parents, caregivers and community members rising to the challenge by standing for election. For parents who want a say in the future of their child(ren)’s school and education, standing for election is a great way to get involved. School trustees have a very important role in making sure every child achieves their potential at school. It’s a vital role for ensuring quality education for our children. The trustee elections are the largest democratic event in the country, involving the election of a board of trustees for more than 2400 state and state-integrated New Zealand schools every three years. Trustees are elected by parents and staff members. More than 13,000 people are needed to form the school boards and more than 110,000 people have taken on the trusteeship role since 1989. The board of trustees has overall responsibility for the governance of a school. It sets the educational goals and strategic direction of the school in consultation with parents, staff and students, and monitors performance against these. Boards are accountable for the performance of the school and students’ achievement, and must ensure that the school complies with the law and is a responsible employer. Boards are also responsible for overseeing the management of personnel, curriculum, property, finance and administration.

 

Work with the principal and consult with staff, students and the community. Monitor progress and let parents know how the school is progressing against its annual targets and how well students are achieving. Decide how the school’s funding will be spent. Select the school’s principal and support the development of all staff. Oversee the management of staff, property, finances, curriculum and administration.

The school’s principal is the board’s chief executive and manages the school operation in line with the board’s policies. The membership of the school board includes elected parent representatives, an elected staff representative and the principal. If the school has students above Year 9, the board also includes a student representative. This year’s election date is set for 30 May and all parents of students who are enrolled full-time are eligible to vote for parent representatives. Results are declared on 5 June. Trustees need to reflect their local community, have a commitment to children and education, and have the skills to ultimately help the school lift student achievement. Trustees do not have to be parents nor have children at the school they stand for: rather a variety of skills and experiences, work well in a team, the ability to ask challenging questions and good

communication skills. New Zealand School Trustees Association (NZSTA), president Lorraine Kerr says that board members are entrusted by the community to ensure the success of schools and a bright future for children. “We need an education system where all children are expected to succeed and one where we all take shared responsibility in ensuring this happens. As a member of a school board you can make things happen – you can make a difference.” You can contact your school if you want to find out about standing for election, nominating someone else and voting in the election – they

The connection between sensory experiences in the early years and brain development Most of us are aware of the influence of early sensory experiences on babies’ brain development to some degree.


abies are born genetically pre-disposed to interact with their environment and it is through their senses that they take in and respond to stimuli in their environment. Of the five senses, the tactile (touch) sense is the most sensitive at birth. Smell is also more highly developed than the ability to see, distinguish sounds clearly or taste. The final sense is proprioception; the sense that enables us to balance on different surfaces and to move through space and around objects without constantly falling over or hitting furniture. Meaningful experiences translate into meaningful responses as the infant learns to expect and anticipate events in the world around him. So, the more an infant is smiled at, talked to, held, rocked and stroked the more the brain’s neurological connections will favour those experiences, which result in the infant developing appropriate responses. Building on that foundation relies on providing an environment that stimulates all the senses. A simple example: crawlers learn to act on their environment by spotting (vision) a desired toy at the end of the rug, crawling over the rug (tactile, is it soft, thick, knobbly, smooth), then finally grasping the toy, which results in conscious perception of the toy as the neural pathways respond


to the various stimuli and form an internal (mental) picture of the external object. A child’s world can be enriched by providing a variety of textures, sounds, smells, tastes and people, places and objects to see, things to climb over, round and through, to swing or climb on, and above all by being emotionally involved. By Lively Minds Limited Lively Minds Limited is an online educational toy store that keeps the whole child in mind when considering which toys to stock and sell to early childhood providers, parents and grandparents. It only stocks toys that engage, stimulate and activate the senses.

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Childhood trauma

Competitions, giveaways and vouchers


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will be happy to help. NZSTA also provides free advice and support for interested potential trustees. For more information, visit or phone 0800 ELECTION (0800-353-284).

Helping kids bounce back

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ng baki Optimum sleepave fun e kids th Maximise yourH child’s learning potential

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Kia Kaha Christchurch

Eight-page supplem ent on “the new normal”


To subscribe, simply email: with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line, or sign up at

ERO BOOKLETS FOR PARENTS The Education Review Office has published two new booklets for parents.  How is my child doing? Questions to ask at school.  School Trustees - Helping you to ask the right questions. Contact for copies or visit our website

Secure relationships – the key to school success Most parents intuitively know that loving their children is the key to their offspring’s happiness.


ne important aspect of a parent’s love is the formation of a secure attachment. Attachment is a technical name for the need of a child to feel secure and safe within the relationship with the parent. Whenever a child feels anxious or distressed, they feel a strong biological need to be reassured by their parent or caregiver. This need arises spontaneously in the child’s mind and must be satisfied by the protective and loving behaviour of the caregiver. When the parent reassures the child, providing respectful and thoughtful attention to the child’s needs, then the child will form a secure attachment. The remarkable aspect of having a secure attachment is that it frees the child up to become exploratory, playful and eager to learn. The secure attachment acts like a “base camp” for the child to explore Mount Everest. As long as the base camp - in the form of a loving and reliable parent- is there, the child feels safe enough for the adventure to begin. Thus happy toddlers will explore the kitchen cupboards and cause chaos! Secure nippers will rush into the surf, knowing dad will be there to rescue them. The child will carry this security in their heart when they go to school, and it will encourage them to make friends, to take risks like enrolling in a new sport, exploring difficult subjects, raising their hands to ask their teachers questions, and in general to see school as an exhilarating ride of exploration and learning.









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Competitions, giveaways and vouchers

Helping kids bounce back

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psychologically secure, less free to explore and play and they are less likely to be successful learners at school. One reason why some children are less secure than they could be is because their parents are preoccupied with their own issues and do not realise that their child is going through a moment of distress that needs their reassurance. Of course parents can’t be 100% perfect responders at all times. However it pays parents to free themselves up psychologically so that they can give their children the attention and responsiveness they deserve and need. When our children are especially distressed, anxious or insecure because of a challenging situation, we need

development and progress. Thankfully most parents are superb at their job and love their children with a great deal of thoughtfulness and skill. These parents, either intuitively or through learning and reflection, provide their children with the base camp of a secure attachment relationship, and set them up for a life-long journey of adventure, learning, achievement and success. By Joseph Driessen, education consultant. Driessen speaks to parent and teacher groups about education. Email


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The remarkable aspect of having a secure attachment is that it frees the child up to become exploratory, playful and eager to learn.

to drop tools and be there for them. Paradoxically, the more parents give this solid reassurance when the children really need it, the more resilient the children will become. Insecurely attached children can sometimes seem very resilient and independent, and parents might believe that by withholding their reassurance and care they are creating a strong child. Research shows, however, that this so-called strength is in fact a superficial appearance, and that deep down the child is battling very high stress levels because of the lack of reassurance. High stress levels interfere with the optimal development of the neural brain networks and tend to make the child anxious and less willing to take risks. Another mistake that parents need to guard against is giving their children mixed messages about being reassured. When a parent reassures and calms their child but does so impatiently or angrily, then the child can become confused about the very nature of love. Their childlike minds reason “when I need your love you become angry with me.” This can cause the child to become ambivalent about how reliable parents and caregivers actually are, and this ambivalence can hinder their wholehearted attempts to discover their world. At school these children can show ambivalent attitudes to both the process of learning and relating to teachers as caregivers, and this slows their

Quarterly e-newsletter




Behind every successful school child is a caring, loving, reliable and supportive parent who has successfully laid down a secure attachment relationship with their child. It is worthwhile for parents to be on guard for the mistakes that can be made when forming the attachment bond with children. Some children develop what is called an insecure attachment, in which the base camp doesn’t seem as reliable to the child as it ought to be, giving them a sense of insecurity. They feel less

b Optimum sleepave fun e kids th Maximise yourH child’s learning potential

Co s and away

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parenting publication

Kia Kaha Christchurch

Eight-page supple ment on “the new norma l”

To subscribe, simply email: with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line, or sign up at

Check out our Competitions online and win!

IN CIN EM AS Breastfeeding help by mothers for mothers LA LECHE LEAGUE OFFERS: • Mother-to-mother support • Telephone help • Trained breastfeeding counsellors • Regular meetings • Books and leaflets for sale • Lending libraries

CONTACT US: (09) 846 0752 EMAIL:


Mind your manners Have you ever been horrified by the way your children speak? Are you constantly reminding your kids to be polite and say “hello”, “please” and “thank you”? Is a lack of respect, shouting and bad language turning your family environment into a war zone?


arenting author and time management/life balance educator Karyn Riley offers simple tips for parents to encourage good manners and strategies for dealing with undesirable behaviours.

Communicate Take time out to talk about what’s not working. Sit down together as a family, come up with and write down your family vision and values. Display this on your fridge, wall or somewhere visible. Refer back to this when necessary. If your child complains and compares their situation to friends or other families, try using the broken record technique, repeating or reiterating statements such as “In our family we…” or “This isn’t working.”

Boundaries Remind children of what’s acceptable and what’s not. Encourage and reinforce desirable behaviours as you observe them. Ignore any minor slip-ups and take action on unacceptable behaviours by addressing problems as they occur. Withdraw your attention or privileges until they use good manners – ask your children to wait if they interrupt, remind them to be polite when asking for or receiving something, or to use their quiet voice or speak nicely. If necessary, have a quiet chat with your child at a more appropriate time about what’s acceptable and what they might do differently next time.

No matter what you say, children will follow and behave according to your or others’ example.

Lifestyle check-up Consider what’s going on in their (and your life) right now. Perhaps there’s been a lot of recent change, upheaval, stress, a new baby or even problems with friends or at school. Are they (and you) getting adequate sleep, physical activity and eating healthily? Think about what might be behind the behaviour - boredom, lack of attention or boundaries, too much screen time or feeling over-scheduled? Address any areas of concern so you can focus on improving specific behaviours.

Positive role models Children are like sponges; they take in everything they observe, verbally and nonverbally. No matter what you say, children will follow and behave according to your or others’ example. Be mindful and aware of how you speak and what you’re saying around children. Remain calm and patient when dealing with behaviours such as swearing, shouting or physical abuse. Role model the desired behaviours – be the change you want to see in

Help is @ hand


ometimes you need some information or an answer to a curly question. Why not pick up the phone and call the relative support agency? You’ll find professional caring people ready to assist you.

Help for Busy Mums

“Keep the YOU in Mum” mentoring

programmes (NZ-wide) • Find life balance • Prioritise/manage time effectively • Get motivated • Improve confidence • Eliminate overwhelming ‘To Do’ lists • Achieve more by focusing on less • Set step-by-step, achievable goals. Contact Parent Educator/Author Karyn Riley: Phone: 03-344 2924

Wor k shops on th e W harf

Bust the boredom these holidays. Get your kids active with fun, FREE workshops in Wynyard Quarter! Free drop-in sessions between 11am-2pm. For a full workshop timetable check out our website today. 11

your child or family.

action where possible.


By Karyn Riley

Keep the problem with your child. Take time out together to ask their opinion on making good choices, what they’ve learned and brainstorm ideas for solutions and/or consequences, linked to the behaviour or

Karyn helps women have more time, more balance and more fun in their lives. For more information, visit

Harraways oats – simply the best breakfast. Winter is a great time to get your kids in the kitchen and encourage them to explore cooking. Preparing natural breakfast foods is an easy and fun way to start. New Zealand Oats make a simple and quick hot and tasty breakfast. Many children enjoy preparing a breakfast of hot oats in the microwave. Oat Singles are convenient, nutritious and allow the control of a serving size. Watch out for the “Hot Spoon” promotion of colourchanging spoons; collect the series and have fun eating a breakfast of hot oats. Increasing the use of oats in daily meals and

baking is also an easy way to increase dietary fibre levels for your family. Oats Singles sachets can be used in many dishes; add a sachet of plain Oat Singles to thicken a stew or casserole, or use honey and golden syrup Oat Singles to make individual quick steam puddings; check out the recipe at School students; watch out for New Zealand Food Week 20-26 May, http://www. Connect with Harraways on Facebook to see the many local events that are happening all over New Zealand.

Great giveaways for autumn…....

This issue Lee Keenan visits Dairy Flat Primary School to ask about the importance of family and family values.

Nathan Ames, age 9

It’s easy to win fantastic prizes with Family Times. Just fill in the entry form and post it to us by the due date, or enter online at This month we have a fantastic line up of prizes with more great giveaways… Good luck! Check out last issue’s lucky winners online.

Blackmores – Conceive Well Gold. For the very best start in life

In our family my brother and I have been taught definitely no swearing or we could get grounded! We have to respect other people’s property and opinions. I feel I can talk to my parents about almost everything. We have also been told to treat other people the way we would want to be treated and that if someone is mean to move away and forget about it.



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Orlagh Stratton, age 10

Blackmores introduce Conceive Well Gold; a pre-conception supplement that supplies key nutrients needed to put the body into ideal preparation for conception and pregnancy. Specially formulated to be taken for up to six months prior to conception, Conceive Well Gold supports regular normal ovulation and healthy conception. In an easy-to-take onea-day capsule or tablet, Conceive Well Gold contains key nutrients required for healthy early stage pregnancy and foetal development. We have 10 packs of Blackmores Conceive Well Gold to give away.

I have three sisters and we have been taught to be respectful of others and to always be honest. My family mean a lot to me. I know that they are always there if I have hard times and they give us love as well as food and shelter. We have rules at home like no swearing and putting your knives and forks down after dinner. We always have to say “please” and “thank you” to people.

Kyra Torrington, age 10

My brother and I have to always say “hello,” “goodbye,” “please,” and “thank you.” We always have to return things we have borrowed or if we find something to hand it in to our parents or an adult. My family are always there to cheer me up when I need it and they help with the hard stuff. If someone is not being nice I have been told to move on and get away.

LEGO® Chima Lennox’ Lion Attack

Fletcher Coburn, age 9

Crug is after the CHI powering the mighty Lion Attack vehicle. Protect the lion tribe’s CHI with Lennox’ Lion Attack, featuring big claw attack function, lion head front and disc shooter! We have five packs of this fantastic new LEGO® Chima to give away!

I have three brothers and we are definitely not allowed to swear or we get really told off. We have to be respectful and honest. We have rules too, like putting plates away and washing up after dinner. They taught me that if I don’t have anything nice to say, then to say nothing at all. My family are always there to help me if I come home grumpy. It’s a safe place.


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Birthday party voucher for Dialled Indoor Skatepark

Be the coolest kid on the block and have your next party at Dialled Indoor Skatepark! We have a party voucher to give away that entitles you to a three-hour session for up to 10 kids, table and chairs to set up party and a goodie bag for the birthday child. Dialled Indoor Skatepark caters for skate, scooter and BMX and has professionally built ramps and structures including a foam pit and also a great on-location shop. Bring a great attitude, bar ends and helmet (hire gear is available).Visit 36 Parkway Drive, Rosedale,



Mike the Knight

Mike the Knight is a new CG-animated, action-packed series following young Mike - an energetic, cheeky yet bountiful knight-intraining who is driven by his passion to help others and, along the way, be the best knight he can be. Through comedy and adventure and with his rallying cry “be a knight, do it right,” Mike learns the power of responsibility and how to do things the right way. Available now at all leading retailers for RRP $16.99. We have five copies of this DVD to give away.


Mocka original highchair The Mocka original highchair sets the standard in highchair safety, functionality and quality. From first solids through to first days at school and beyond, the Mocka original highchair adjusts to provide a safe, comfortable, and sturdy first chair as your child grows. Holding up to 60kg in weight, your Mocka original wooden highchair will become a treasured piece of furniture that your children will use for years to come. Multiple tray settings, adjustable seat and footrest heights and armrests allow the highchair to grow safely and comfortably with your child. We have a Mocka original highchair to giveaway! Visit www.


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Rainbows End Experience Kidz Kingdom at Rainbow’s End this school holidays. The completely covered outdoor area has been open since Boxing Day and is proving fantastically popular with children eight-years and under, and with birthday groups. The indoor complex complete with animated shows, play structures, interactive technology and birthday rooms will be completely open on 27 April. Rainbow’s End would like to give Family Time readers the opportunity to win a free family pass to join them soon!

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Draw Something What would you like to be when you grow up? We’d love to see a drawing of you in your dream job; it might be something that you have imagined that doesn’t even exist yet! Send us your picture and be in to win an amazing $50 prize pack from Crayola!

There’s no need to be an artist to win this fun-filled Draw Something game based on the hit app. While one player draws, everyone else shouts out their guesses at what they’re drawing. Whoever guesses the word earns coins along with the drawer, and the harder the word, the more coins you earn! Collect 15 coins for the win. RRP: $34.99. We have five Draw Something games too giveaway!


Three entry age groups: preschool (age 1-4), 5-8, 9-12. Create your design on an A5 sheet or download the template and entry form from Post in to PO Box 36 004, Christchurch 8146. Entries close on 5 May 2013.


Congratulations to our favourite summer food design competition winners from our last issue. They are:

Nerf Elite

“Pooh Bear eating ice cream from a cup in his garden” Ariel Holloway

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Ariel Holloway – Age 4

Nerf Elite is the new range from Nerf. Nerf Elite Blasters have new technology that makes the blasters fire faster and further than ever before. Complete your mission even in the shadows with the Firestrike blaster! This compact blaster’s precision light beam targeting gives you laserlike focus even in low-light conditions. Speed and mobility are yours with the quick draws and fast firing of the Strongarm blaster. It has the same long-range power as other N-STRIKE Elite blasters (sold separately), and it rapid-fires six darts when you pump the slam fire slide repeatedly while holding the trigger. We have five packs containing the Firestrike and Strongarm blaster to give away.

, ,WIN N I W

Jessica Zhang, Auckland, Age nine – 12 years

Misha Simpson, Auckland, Age five – eight years


Anzac Day Chole Kingi-McCarthy – Age 7

Pounamu Millar-Grey – Age 9

Xma Ease – providing a natural, non-steroid approach that works

The 25th of April is a very special day for New Zealanders and Australians. Do you know why? What does ANZAC mean? When did the tradition of the dawn service first start? Why do we wear the red poppy, and play the Last Post? This book will tell you all these things and more, and it’s crammed full of fascinating pictures as well. We have three copies of this book to give away!

Xma Ease is a fantastic daily management tool for eczema and other chronic skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis. Xma Ease is a nonsteroid topical cream that contains all natural ingredients. Plant-based oils like jojoba, evening primrose oil, apricot, avocado, manuka and essential oils of lavender are blended with grapefruit seed extract, aloe vera, comfrey and colloidal silver and all combined in a low irritant, non-greasy base. Buy online at (free delivery throughout New Zealand) or available from pharmacies New Zealand wide.

Just Draw It!

Aimed at anyone who would like to be able to pick up a pencil and just draw, this book provides a foolproof way to pick up the skills - and most importantly the confidence - to sketch and experiment without the hang-ups and inhibitions that can all too often get in the way of our creativity. We have three copies of the new book to give away!





Just tick the things you want to win AUTUMN 2013

 Blackmores – Conceive Well Gold For the very best start in life

 LEGO® Chima Lennox’ Lion Attack  Birthday party voucher for Dialled Indoor Skatepark

 Mike the Knight DVD  Mocka original highchair  Rainbows End Family Pass  Xma Ease – providing a natural, nonsteroid approach that works Draw Something

 Nerf Elite  Anzac Day  Just Draw It!  Auckland Zoo Name Address City Phone

To be in the draw to win, enter online at or write your name and address on the back of an envelope or postcard and send to: Auckland Competition, PO Box 36 004, Christchurch to reach us by 5th May 2013, unless stated otherwise. Only one entry per household.

Auckland Zoo Explore the world at Auckland Zoo these school holidays. With our Intrepid Explorers holiday programme, you’ll discover Africa, explore the rainforest and go walkabout in Australia. Collect stamps as you travel around the world and go in the draw to win an 11 day Intrepid Borneo Family Adventure including return flights for 2 adults and 2 children, courtesy of Intrepid Travel and Tourism Malaysia. For more details, go to www. Family Times has five

family passes (2 adults and 3 children) to Auckland Zoo to give away!


cool activities

Calendar of Events O

ur wonderful summer has come to an end, but there’s still time to get out and about before winter arrives. Check out some of the family friendly events below.

13 April Books for Chooks! – This is a book fair at

The Mt Eden War Memorial Hall to raise money for rescued animals at The Animal Sanctuary. Cost $5 entry for the first hour only. From 8am. All books for adults and kids $1 or less.

13 April

April-June Auckland Dockline Tram – Jump aboard the Dockline Tram and take in the sights of the Auckland City waterfront. Visit www.

Movies in Kaipatiki - Take a bean bag and a picnic and enjoy the free movie screening of The Labyrinth with family and friends. At 7pm, Tui Park, Ramblers Crescent. Riding high on the Magic Bikes under cover in Kidz Kingdom at Rainbow’s End

13-14 April

April-June APO 4 Kids - Sing, dance and conduct along in an exciting, interactive one-hour concert for pre-schoolers and their adults. For more details visit

V8 Supercars ITM 400 Auckland fan trail – Get along the 1.4km free fan trail from

Pukekohe Train Station to Pukekohe Park Raceway. From 7am-10am and 5pm-7pm. There will be kids’ activities and entertainment along the way.

13-14 April

11 April V8 Supercars ITM 400 Auckland Queen Street Pit Stops - Experience

your favourite team’s pit stops - Holden, Ford, Nissan and Mercedes. This free event includes music, face painting and a car racing simulator. From 11am-4pm, Lower Queen Street, Central Auckland.

MOTAT’s Military Month! – If this sounds like you and your family, get involved in MOTAT’S special military activities. Full details at

13 April, 11 May, 8 June Saturday Kids Impossible Project

13 April (every Saturday) Auckland Art Gallery – Take part in free

creative activities designed for the whole family. Stay as little or as long as you like. From 1-3pm,

13 April

- Kids can discover for free what can be “experimented with” from the non-fiction collection. Tupu Youth Library, 102R Dawson Road, Otara, from 11am-1pm.

14 April (every Sunday) Manurewa Markets – Enjoy the food

Kids Only Market – Get along to this

great event for free, where kids and young people are the stall holders. They will sell toys, kids’ clothing, games, books, crafts, sports gear, baking and more. Full details at www.

13 April Kaukapakapa School Country Fair

- Kaukapakapa School’s biennial gala event features Cookie Time rides and activities, along with raffles, a silent auction, entertainment, food, petting zoo, and horse rides. From 10am2pm, 977 Kaipara Coast Highway.

13 April Titirangi Festival of Music – Family-

friendly activities with stage performances, face painting and street performers. Great food and instrument workshops. From 10.30am-8pm,

and atmosphere with your family at this great Sunday market. The market supports the parish of Manurewa by donating to their food bank. Visit

14 April St Helier’s school fair - A community fair

with something for everyone. There will be lots of games for all ages, a mouth-watering array of food and a wide range of crafts and plants available to purchase. From 10am-2pm.

14 April Gladstone school gala – Get along to

a fantastic day out for the whole family. Great food and amazing rides. Something for everyone! From 10am-2pm, visit www.

22 April-3 May Maritime Museum – “What if?” – Travel back through time and uncover

Lots of fun for the kids on the brand new Choco Express in Kidz Kingdom at Rainbow’s End. moments that have changed our world. Get your time travellers’ notebook and follow the trail. Visit

5 May and 2 June

22 April – 3 May

day out to enjoy food, entertainment and the most important thing…fun! Visit www.

Devonport Navy Museum – Every school holidays the museum has some fantastic events happening. The new children’s playground is up and running featuring large sized objects off real naval ships! Check out details at www.

22 April – 3 May Lake House Arts Centre – The beautiful

Arts Centre in Takapuna is running spectacular holiday classes alongside Wood Sculpture Live 2013. Full details and class bookings at www.

27 April Taniwha and Dragon Festival – Auckland’s first event to celebrate the many bonds shared by Maori and Chinese people. Open to all. A powhiri will be followed by a day-long festival featuring Maori and Chinese entertainment, culture and food. Visit www.

Coatesville Market – A great family friendly

4 May and 5 June (continues first Saturday of the month) Block Party – Get creative for free with Lego at the Howick Library, 25 Uxbridge Road, Howick, 1.30pm-3pm.

12 April, May, June (every Friday onwards during term time) Friday after school activities – Great educational games and fun for children aged 5 to 12-years, 3.15pm-4pm, Papatoetoe Library, 30 Wallace Road.

25-26 May Gluten Free Food and Allergy Show – A great informative show for families suffering from these illnesses. Learn and taste. ASB Showgrounds. Visit

Kidz Kingdom at Rainbow’s End

Northern Arena INTENSIVE LEARN TO SWIM SCHOOOL HOLIDAY PROGRAMME A lesson a day for five days teaching all aspects of swimming in order to enhance enjoyment & confidence in the water whilst also learning the skills to survive. 09 421 9700 surf: email: 8 Polarity Rise, Silverdale, Auckland

phone: 09 421 9700 find: 8 Polarity Rise, Silverdale


Follow us on:

Kidz Kingdom at Rainbow’s End will be fully open on the 27 April! This exciting $3.7m development comprises of a completely covered outdoor area and a large indoor complex complete with new birthday rooms, the Small Talk Café and amazing play structures. Outside there are brand new rides to add to the existing exciting rides available for the younger market. There are new infant and toddler areas as well, which means that little ones can play whilst their older brothers and sisters enjoy the bigger rides. The brand new birthday rooms have interactive technology with characters communicating directly with the birthday groups: this is something very special to remember.

Children will be enthralled with “The Story of Kidz Kingdom,” which introduces new characters Princess Sapphire, Sir Prised A Lot, Magician Enzo and Iris the Fairy. Along with Rai and Bow, Kidz Kingdom is their home at Rainbow’s End. Kidz Kingdom has so much to do and caters totally for children eight-years and under. It’s completely covered all year round so you don’t have to wait until summer to have your special day or birthday party; your child’s birthday can be celebrated at the best birthday venue in New Zealand. On the official opening day, 27 April, there will be lots of entertainment, giveaways and competitions, so it’s the perfect day to come and join in the fun at Rainbow’s End!


25-26 May Armageddon Expo. Meet the voice of


Lisa Simpson, Yeardley Smith, at Armageddon expo in Hamilton plus stars, gaming, comics, fun and fantasy for all the family. Visit www.

1-3 June Manukau Live Steamers – Ride the trains

and admire the various visiting locomotives during Queens Birthday Weekend. From 11am4pm,

10 June – 26 July

celebration and entertainment that will bring a modern take to a centuries-old Maori tradition. Auckland will come alive with a series of concerts, family events, art exhibits, kapa haka, contemporary dance and kite flying. Visit www. Compiled by Lee Keenan

Do you want to get fit, lose weight, get stronger and more flexible, increase coordination, learn to defend yourself and become bully safe? Or learn selfcontrol, respect, get confidence and find new friends? At Kumgang Taekwondo you can get it all and much more. Kumgang Taekwondo has classes for five to sevenyear-olds, children, teens, adults, ladies only, families, beginners and advanced. Check out for more information or phone 09-479-9180.

A great place to go for gift making and birthday parties. The Bead Hold offers a wonderfully creative and fun time for all ages. For full details, phone 09-845-1345 or visit www.

 Northern Arena Register now for lessons in one of four purpose-built swimming pools. Northern Arena caters for baby through to adult swimming lessons, giving everyone on the North Shore the opportunity to learn how to swim. Visit

 Kauri Museum Discover the fascinating story of New Zealand’s pioneering days through the use of kauri timber and kauri gum. Explore the many exceptional displays and galleries inside the museum. Visit

 MOTAT’s new under fives gallery Tinkering Tots This new gallery is designed for the under-fives to play in a fun imaginative environment while learning about simple machinery like ramps and diggers. Visit

 Extreme Edge and ClimbZone Come and experience New Zealand’s newest and largest ultimate indoor and outdoor climbing experience. First timers get a free safety lesson. Caters for all ages and abilities. Visit

 Stardome

Explore, imagine and discover at Auckland’s favourite observatory and planetarium. A visit to Stardome is truly a unique and fun learning experience for the whole family. Visit www.

 Sky Tower View Auckland’s panoramic view at Sky Tower. BEADS!

BEADS! * Gorgeous

NEW STOCK! * School Holiday Classes * Bead Birthday Parties * Adult Beading Classes The Bead Hold

161 Pt Chevalier Road, Pt Chevalier OPEN 7 DAYS

09 845 1345 15

Discover some of New Zealand’s history at the Kauri Museum.

 The Bead Hold

22 June – 22 July

Kumgang Taekwondo

s the first school term draws to an end, it’s time to think about some autumn holiday entertainment ideas. We’ve put together some fun options to get you started.  Rainbows End

Kidz Kingdom is open to the public from 27 April. The indoor complex is opening, joining the completely covered outdoor facility for children eight years and under. The best fun in New Zealand for kids! Visit www.rainbowsend.

Kauri Museum Matariki – Otamatea Primary School present displays using traditional and non-traditional materials to celebrate Maori New Year. Visit www. Matariki Festival 2013 – A month of

cool activites

Kids! Visit the Sky Tower these school holidays. Learn fun space facts and get a free Popsicle Blasta. Visit for full details.

Holiday specials  The Three Billy Goats Gruff

Get along to The Bruce Mason Centre in Takapuna and be entertained with colourful characters, toe-tapping tunes and madcap adventures! A fantastic, family holiday event. Ticket bookings essential,

 It’s My Turn to Cook Tonight- Bosch school holiday programme Get your children cooking in your home using your food with a nationwide free, online event. From 22– 24 April, visit www. for information.

 MOTAT’S Soldier Soldier

Round up the troops, experience and complete a boot camp. Sure to impress! For full details and times visit

 Kauri Museum holiday programme

What was it like for children 100 years ago? Step back in time and explore. Try gum polishing and enjoy craft and toys of the period. Visit

 Northern Arena Learn to swim at Northern Arena, swim school of the year, intensive learn-to-swim holiday

programme. Open for bookings on 09-4219700 or visit for more details.

 The Bead Hold Take part in The Bead Hold’s fun holiday classes. For full programme details and bookings phone 09-845-1345 or visit www.

 Stardome Observatory These school holidays book to see The Little Star That Could. Following the show, take a guided tour of the night sky, rocket launching and activities in the space room. Bookings 09-624-1246 or autumn-school-holidays-2013/.

 Lollipops Playland and Cafe Book now for Lollipops school holiday programme. Call 09-441-6157, email northshore1@ or check the website www.

 Kidactive holiday programme Learn… laugh… live. Kidactive believe in challenging kids to be active and “give it a go.” They are Auckland’s largest online booking system for holiday programmes, and offer exciting activities. Visit Compiled by Lee Keenan

Fit Families

Managing your kids’ sport injuries Injuries happen at all levels of sports participation and getting injured at some point is really inevitable.


n injury to a child can be concerning and worrying, and parents need to have a good idea of what to do when an injury occurs. It helps to have good health care providers such as a physiotherapist and a sports doctor. It’s also important to keep a good channel of communication between your coach, physiotherapist and sports doctor. Good team work ensures a good outcome. Sport is a big part of kids’ lives. In New Zealand, a SportNZ survey released in late 2012 discovered that about 99% of boys and girls of all ages took part in one or more sport and recreation activities during the year. Children are becoming more competitive in sport at an earlier age and it is common for children to start sports such as gymnastics and

swimming at three to four-years-old. Children are not miniature adults – they are physiologically and psychologically different. The differences can impact on their ability to perform specific athletic skills and influence the type of injuries they may sustain. Parents and coaches need to recognise the range of medical issues and injuries surrounding children in sport. The following questions could be considered when seeking care from your health care provider for your child.

1. How long will it take for function to return? 2. What type of rehabilitation exercises are needed?

3. How long will it take to return to practicing sport?

4. How long will it take to return to full sports participation?

If your child needs surgery, you should consider the following questions: 1. Are there alternatives?

2. 3. 4.

What is the rehabilitation required pre and post–surgery? What are the potential complications and how will that affect a return to sport? When is the optimum time to have the operation?

Sport and physical activity should be fun and incorporated in all daily activities for positive

health and emotional development. If your child is injured, effective health care management will allow them to return to sport happy and with normal function. By Dr Yaso Kathiravel and Elaine Schou Dr. Yaso Kathiravel is a sports medicine doctor based at Moorhouse Medical Practice and Elaine Schou is a sports physiotherapist based at Sports Med.

Trampolines – the staple of many Kiwi families J

umping on a trampoline is so much fun for children! The freedom of being airborne, the games, the tricks. It’s a key feature in the backyard – or front yard – of many New Zealand families. Trampolining is an excellent form of exercise, and the physical benefits include increased fitness through regular use, improved flexibility as jumping on a trampoline strengthens and lengthens muscles, stronger bone density, better joint, tendon and ligament function, and improved posture and balance. According to GymSports New Zealand, trampolining also develops muscle control, balance, co-ordination and motor skills and can help improve self esteem; a child gains confidence as they master new skills. This can translate into a better self-image that may help improve academic success. Regular use can also teach persistence; it often takes many tries to master a skill on the trampoline, but a child will persist because of the fun-factor. This teaches the important lesson that doing something right is worth the effort. Safety however is a big issue – little fingers can get caught in springs, and children can fall onto the bars, collide into each other, fall off the trampoline or land awkwardly. Injuries range from minor bumps, bruises, sprains and cuts to serious injuries such as broken bones and

concussions. Safekids New Zealand director Ann Weaver says that parents should take every precaution to avoid injuries that could lead to long term complications or permanent disabilities. “By taking simple and sensible steps, trampolining can be enjoyed as a safe and healthy activity by the whole family.” Trampolines have advanced throughout the years, and there are many varieties to choose from including safety enclosures and springfree versions. It pays to do your homework. • When buying a trampoline, make sure that it complies with NZ Safety Standards. • Place the trampoline away from structures and objects (i.e. trees, fences). Have a safe fall zone of at least 2.5 metres with a soft, energy absorbing ground (i.e. woodchips, sand or soft lawn). Consider a trampoline with a sturdy net enclosure. • No somersaults or flips. Children and adults should not attempt tricky manoeuvres unless they have received professional training or have professional supervision. • Keep it age appropriate and use correctly. Check if the trampoline is suited to the age of your child, and read the user manual for correct and safe use. • Take turns. Never allow more than one child on the trampoline at the same time. By Rachel Taniwha

Family fitness events


t’s time to take the layers Park. Get in early to book, www.tryathalon. off and head outside to 21 April exercise. Here are a few Beach Half Marathon – This events you can participate in Orewa event is for all ages. Just 45 minutes north of Auckland City. Included in the events to as a family. 7 April – 21 July Run Auckland – Auckland’s largest fun run and walk series consisting of six great races at various locations throughout the city every three weeks: 5km or 10km. Kids 2km or 4km. Full details at www.runauckland.

14 April The Big Walk – The Foundation for Youth Development is walking for Kiwi kids to fundraise and help reach more young people every year, build great communities and change lives. Registrations at www.

14 April The Weet–Bix Kids’ TRYathlon – This is your chance to give a kids’ triathlon a go! The race is on the North Shore at Woodhill

choose from is a 5km walk/run aimed at families. www.orewabeachhalfmarathon. com.

26 May The Hobsonville Point Run Challenge – This event is a fun run or walk with a difference that takes in the interesting and historic surrounds of the old Hobsonville Airbase. Obstacle courses and fancy dress! Visit

22 April Tri Woman Triathlon - For girls and their mothers or grandmothers: check out the Tri Woman All Female Triathlon Series at Point Chevalier. Entrants must be 11-years or older and can enter individually or as a team. Challenge yourselves to this swim/ bike/run event. Visit Compiled by Lee Keenan


SCHOOL HOLIDAY PROGRAMMES BOOKINGS NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE Auckland's largest online booking system with over 100 courses to choose from. Don't let your kids get bored these holidays, we offer indoor and outdoor activities along with arts, crafts and so much more for all children aged five years plus. telephone: 974 5135 16

Basic tips about wind for your newborn W

ind is an innate function, everpresent from the moment of birth and throughout our entire lives.

Digest these facts • Wind takes up room in the stomach, therefore the more wind you release, the more room for food sustenance. • Wind moving through the digestive tract naturally causes spasms of pain and contributes to the behaviours of inconsolable crying, colic and reflux. • Winding your child is a necessity to enable calm digestive processes.

Advantages of implementing consistent winding patterns • Provides calm digestive practices for all newborns. •

Stimulates deep attachment through touch-to-touch and eye-to-eye time.

• Provides deep developmental sleep for your baby, which enables breaks for you that will aid your milk supply if breastfeeding. • Enhances a peaceful, secure relationship between parent and child. • Consistent practices allow your child to understand that you are helping them. As time passes, they will soon relax with your provision of a burping pattern.


What to do when your child gets hiccups Hiccups are your child’s natural digestive reflex to expel excess wind. They are a good thing when they appear. Whenever hiccups present themselves, proceed with these simple steps.


Gently move your baby into an extended hold – over the shoulder is good for this - making sure their torso is elongated. If your newborn is still enjoying the foetal position then obviously don’t elongate them too much.


The amount of hiccups you release varies. However, about the first 10-15 hiccups release air after which, the hiccups become slightly uncomfortable for your baby. It’s a matter of comforting them through this at this point.

Reducing wind intake while feeding • When feeding, make sure your child is lying flat with their torso elongated unless still in the foetal stages. This gives their digestive system the room it needs to process. • Never latch your child onto the breast or give the bottle if they are

upset or inconsolably crying. This will have them gulping as they drink causing more pockets of wind. • If bottle feeding, make sure you keep the teat full of milk at all times. Never let your child finish the bottle completely. • If bottle feeding, only tighten the lid so it catches. The tighter the lid, the harder your child will need to suck and this potentially heightens wind intake. • If bottle feeding, feed a little, then burp, then continue feeding. For example, if you are feeding your newborn 30mls of formula, break this into two 15ml lots of feeding over half an hour each. If 60mls, break this up so it takes an hour to feed the whole amount to your wee one. Feed slowly and wind intermittently. By Philippa Murphy – Postnatal liaison/educator and director of Natural Winding. *Family Times ran a promotion last edition about a national survey – held for parents – on colic and reflux. One hundred and fifty three families responded with a deeply expressed wish to help others by bringing more awareness. Philippa Murphy, the researcher of this study, now invites mental health and childcare organisations, media, funders and parents to express an interest if they’d like to get involved in birthing this wish. Please contact

baby & toddler

Fun Fun animal faces animal fac F Fun animal faces Fanim Fun Fun animal fac Scrumptious birthday Scrumptious birthday cakes F Fun animal faces Snow leopard F F

If yo or a



che aceyour paintingkids, quickly turns children into If you’re looking for a creative outlet that will benefit parties on t amazing animals and mythical monsters, or a fun way of entertaining them, why not consider face painting? ace painting quickly turns muc and is a hit both at home and at birthday

amazing animals and myth

inve parties. step: by comfortable and is a hit both at home and ep St cheaper ones can, are more Holland Ifmuch you’re looking forByaSarah creative outlet willandbenefit your that Goodthat materials practice are the kids, parties. : on the skin, easier to paint with and go Sarah is a professional face and body artist. She ep st by The two cornerstones of quality face painting. ep or a fun way ofSt entertaining them, why not consider face painting? aceGood painting quickly turns child materials and practic

ace painting quickly turns children into amazing animals and mythical monsters, much further. They are absolutely worth the and is a hit both at home and at birthday trains and oversees anProfessional experienced team of artists bec paints don’tamazing cause irritation animals like and mythical investment, as are quality brushes and sponges and balloon twisters around New Zealand. She two cornerstones of quality f parties. and is a hit both at home and at ba cheaper ones can, are much more comfortable aceare painting into thatchildren allow you to make the most of your paints. Good materials and practice the quickly turns loves supporting new artistsBy andSarah providesHolland a range ofProfessional paints don’t caus p parties. on thethe skin, easieryou’ll to paintprofessional with and go animals and mythical monsters, Sarah a professional The sooner you start painting, better two cornerstones of quality amazing face painting. equipment to help youisget started. face and body artist. She Good materials and practice ar further. worth the fortrains is airritation hit both like at home and at birthday oversees an experienced team of artists become, so what are youmuch waiting for? They are absolutely Professional paints don’tand cause Visit more and inofrmation. love by lovemaking makingaaafuss fussof ofthe thebirthday birthdayperson person by love making fuss of the birthday person by two cornerstones of quality p investment, as are quality brushes and sponges parties. and balloon twisters around New Zealand. She facetw making makingthem theman anextra extraspecial specialbirthday birthdaycake. cake. making them an extra special birthday cake. P Professional paints don’t cause irr that allow you to make the most of your paints. loves supporting new artists and provides a range of Good materials and practice are the In our house we we have a “birthday hat”hat” andand In our our house have “birthday In house we have aa “birthday hat” and The sooner you start painting, the better you’ll professional equipment to help you get started. two cornerstones of quality face painting. aa“birthday plate” – this makes it lots of fun, “birthday plate” plate” –– this this makes makes itit lots lots of of fun, fun, a “birthday become, so what are you waiting for? Professional paints don’t cause irritation like Visit for more inofrmation. asaswell as creates an occasion and a family well as as creates creates an an occasion occasion and and aa family family as well tradition. tradition. tradition. These two cakes are my absolute favourites These two two cakes are are my my absolute absolute favourites – inThese fact I madecakes myself the carrot cakefavourites for my – in fact I made myself the carrot cake for for my my – in fact this I made myself carrot cake birthday year… verythe very scrummy! birthday this year… very very scrummy! birthday this year… very very scrummy! Side view. Sponge metallic white (mixed 1½ tsp tsp vanilla vanilla essence essence Pour into into aa well-greased well-greased 26cm ring tin, tin, use use with Outline in black and paint lines 1½ Pour 26cm ring a little silver for “pop”) over the inside ears, blend out to create 3 cups self-rising flour a scraper to get it all out of the bowl. Bake 1 3 cups self-rising flour a scraper to get it all out of the bowl. Bake 1 metallic white (mixed with Sponge Outline in black and paint lines face, focusing oncool the in front depth. cup hot, hot, strong strong coffee coffee hour at at 180°C. 180°C. Allow to to the of tinthe forface 15 11 cup hour Allow cool in the tin for 15 a little silver for “pop”) over the inside ears, blend out to create and creating ears. ¾ cup cup cocoa cocoa (no (no this this is is not not aa mistake!) mistake!) minutes before before turning out onto onto serving serving platter.on the front of the face ¾ minutes turning out platter. face, focusing depth. Side view. With a thin brush, outline the Sponge metallic white (mixed with Add leopard markings on forehead Outline in black and paint linessoda tsp baking Allow to to cool. cool. 22 tsp baking soda Allow and creating ears. to prep – 15 minutes nose and paint the muzzle. a littleTime silver for “pop”) over the and cheekbones in black, and inside ears, blend out to create eggs Time to to prep: prep: 15 15 minutes minutes 22 eggs Time Sponge metallic withlines Outline white (mixed inwhite black(mixed and paint Time minutes with with white andOutline paint teeth face, focusing on to thecook front–of60the face depth. paint a pink nose and lips Sponge – spray metallic these Highlight Time to to cook: cook: 60 60 minutes minutes Make the fruit coulis a little silver for “pop”) over the a little silver for “pop”) over the Time Make the fruit coulis inside ears, blend out to create inside e This cake is perfect if you’ve got a crowd to (optional). and creating ears. heavily with glitter whilst still wet. Po cake so you don’t have to use as many to make For the fruit couli This cake is perfect if you’ve got a crowd to Blend the berries in a food processer face, focusing on the front of the face face, focusing on the front of the face Grab the kids and come roller skating it’s depth. depth. cake so you don’t have to use as many to make For the fruit couli This cake is perfect if you’ve got a crowd to Blend the berries in a food processer 1-2 tsp icing sugar feed – easy to make, impressive to white look at(mixed and with Side view. With a thin brush, outline the cu Sponge metallic Add leopard markings on forehead Outline in black and paint lines look amazing amazing – you just have to to be be aaand bit subtle subtle 2 cups of either either strawberries, strawberries, boysenberries, boysenberries, feed ––delicious. easy to to make, make, impressive to look look at at (or with with aa hand hand held held beater beater or orand blender) until andinteractive, creating ears. creating ears. itit look fun, great perfect bit feed easy impressive (or blender) 100% It’sa little huge and generously serves nosefitness and paint muzzle. silver forto“pop”) over the 2 cups of anduntil cheekbones in black, and– you just have inside ears, blend out to create Grab thethe kids and come rolle ch To serve getting rid ridfor of the the apple apple when when you are cutting blackberries or raspberries raspberries (fresh (fresh or or frozen) frozen) and 100% 100% delicious. It’spushed huge and and generously completely mashed. mashed. Sweeten Sweeten with with aa little little icing icing whole family. All skates are provided 12-16 people. If you are for time you getting of you are cutting blackberries or and delicious. It’s huge generously completely white and paint teeth face, focusing on the front of the face depth. paint a pink nose and lips – spray these Highlight with fun, interactive, great fitness yo Many families are picking up the offer of using Extra berries or mint leaves The Music Fairy is excited to announce Rosie so come and join the party music, disco it!!) Dust with icing sugar. Serve with the fruit Icing sugar to taste serves 12-16 people. youears. are pushed forcoulis time Icing sugar to taste sugar ifif you you need need to. to. could serve with ice cream –are butpushed the fruit Dust with icing sugar. Serve with the whole fruit family. All skate serves 12-16 people. IfIf you for time sugar (optional). and creating heavily with glitterit!!) whilst still wet. forjust the to Ferrymead Heritage Park as a special children’s Icing sugar to dust Roulette as her latest Music Fairy performer. Pony Parties & Their Farmyard Friends offer lights, games and prizes for $8 per Grab the kids and come roller skating it’s coulis and cream. you could serve with ice cream – but the fruit and mix is with a magic coulis and cream. youcream could serve ice combination. cream – but the fruit Many families are picking upRosie the offer of using so come and join the party m in birthday party venue. You can book and hire You may have seen appear recently on cute ponies and farm animals especially for person (includes skate hire). Regular public great fitness and perfect Ifcoulis your and cake tin is smaller 26cm in fun, interactive, For the the cream coulis and cream cream mix is is aathan magic combination. Whip the the cream cream and and yoghurt yoghurt Ferrymead Heritage Park asTalent, a special children’s For cream mix magic combination. Whip lights, games and prizes for ju Make the cake Grab the kids and come roller ska Po a tram at Ferrymead: take rides and hold your New Zealand’s Got and heard her children’s entertainment. They travel to sessions are at Rolleston, Prebbleton and family. skates provided diameter youtin willis toothan much mixture, butthe whole If you youYou haven’t gotand food processor... cup whipping cream your cake cake tin is have smaller than 26cm in for Whip cream cream with with aa beater beater or or whisk whisk until birthday party venue. can book hire Turn theAlloven onare to 180°C. Place all your party or Whip If haven’t got aa food processor... 11 cup whipping cream IfIf your smaller 26cm in until person (includes skate hire). fun, interactive, great fitness and fu own party for up to two-and-a-half hours in wonderful singing. Rosie can come as your event, or alternatively, new Many families are picking up the offer of using The Music Fairy is excited to announce Rosie Kaiapoi. Birthday parties, fundraisers, sobut come and theplain party music, whizz disco or processor. this can beyou a bonus – justtoo grease few muffin You could could use aand a cake cake mixer, hand held beater 2-3join Tbsp yoghurt. diameter will have have mucha mixture, mixture, thickened and and soft, soft, make make sure sure you you watch what tramown at Ferrymead: take hold your ingredients in ayoghurt. kitchen You use mixer, aa hand held beater 2-3 Tbsp plain diameter you will toochildren’s much but thickened what sessions are atperformer. Rolleston, for the whole family. All skatesPre ar pr yourspecially very tram, bringawatch your party food Music Fairy at yourrides special birthday party. to Christchurch is their designed Ferrymead Heritage Parkindividual as a special Roulette as her latest Music Fairy Ponyown Parties & Their Farmyard Friends offer 40th’s, holiday programmes and lessons are lights, games and prizes for justorthe $8until per tins and make cakes for alater. The Grab kidsthick and come roller skatingyou - it’sare or a hand whisk. If you use a hand whisk you 1-2 tsp icing sugar this can be a bonus – just grease few muffin doing because if you whip it for too own party for up to two-and-a-half hours in Blend for 2 minutes and smooth. Many families are picking up the offer of using Many families are picking up the offer of using Kaiapoi. Birthday parties, fun or a hand whisk. If you use a hand whisk you 1-2 tsp icing sugar this can be a bonus – just grease a few muffin you are doing because if you whip it for too so come and join the party music for on the tram or Ferrymead can cater instead The Music Fairy performance is one-hour indoor children’s party venue. Rain or shine, birthday party venue. You can and hire You speciality. may have seen recently cute ponies and farm animals especially for Phatsk8’s TheyRosie even appear sell skates and on w person skate hire). public mixture your cakebook tin needs to about 2cm (includes fun,Regular interactive, greattin, fitness perfect your very own tram, bring your own party food Pour into a well-greased 26cm ring usePony aand Parties will really really need to “go for it” for for about five tins and andinmake make individual cakesyour forbe later. The longcan it will will turn into butter – itit Ferrymead needs tooffice look Ferrymead Heritage Park asfive ayour special children’s Heritage Park as a special children’s If you’re looking for a creative outlet that will benefit kids, 40th’s, holiday programmes a lights, games and prizes for just on $8 will need to “go for it” about tins individual cakes for later. The long it turn into butter – needs to look if you desire. Contact the park or visit long and consists of songs from the Music host your party with their a tram at below Ferrymead: take rides and hold New Zealand’s Got Talent, and heard her children’s entertainment. They travel to accessories. Visit, phone sessions are at Rolleston, Prebbleton and the top before you cook it. family. All skates are provided for on the tram or Ferrymead can cater instead to get itfor all the outwhole of the bowl. Bake 1fully-catered hour birthday party venue. You can book and hire birthday party venue. You can book and hire minutes until the mixture is smooth and creamy mixture intwo-and-a-half your cake cake tin tinhours needsinto to be be about about 2cm 2cm scraper To serve serve a bit bitpony thicker than thick yoghurt. Stir inalternatively, the Phatsk8’s speciality. TheyRegu eve person (includes skate hire). ph for more details. Fairy & Friends CD and stage show, dancing, minutes until the mixture is smooth and creamy riding and farmyard party your needs To a thicker than thick yoghurt. Stir in the own partymixture for up toin wonderful singing. Rosie can come as your your party or event, or new Ingrid on 03-349-9924 or 027-387-0065. Many families are picking upKaiapoi. the offerBirthday of using parties, so or a fun way of entertaining them, why not consider face painting? fundraisers, come party music, disco ificing you desire. Contact park or visit at 180°C. Alloworto coolleaves inand thejoin tin the for 15 minutes aoffice tram at Ferrymead: take rides andRolleston, hold your aistram atspecially Ferrymead: rides and hold your accessories. Visit www.phats thethe mixture needs to be like thick yoghurt. below the top before before youparty cookfood it. Park as40th’s, Extra berries mint yoghurt and sweeten sweeten to taste taste with sugar. sessions arebirthday at Prebble musical games, fairy dust and fairy bubbles and programme - entertainment galore! Visit with your veryWhat own tram, bring your own ––take the mixture needs to be like thick yoghurt. below the top you cook it. Extra berries orlights, mint leaves yoghurt and to icing sugar. Music Fairy at your special party. to Christchurch their designed Ferrymead Heritage a special children’s you need holiday programmes and lessons areplatter. games and prizes for just $8 per for more details. before turning out onto serving Allow own party for up to two-and-a-half hours in own party for up to two-and-a-half hours in Ingrid on 03-349-9924 or 027 Kaiapoi. Birthday parties, Icing sugar to dust even some face-painting! Bookings at www. or see party feedback for on theFor tramthe or Ferrymead can cater The Music Fairy performance is one-hourfundrais indoor children’s party venue. Rain or shine, Icing partyinstead venue. You can book and hiresugar to dust cake birthday Phatsk8’s speciality. even sell skates and (includes skate hire). Regular public to cool. They person cheaper ones can,your arevery much more comfortable ace painting quickly turns children into By Sarah Holland your very own tram, bring your own party food and l own tram, bring your own party food 40th’s, holiday programmes or phone 0508 FAIRY 4 U Use what’s in season – To make this more To serve What you need on Facebook. Book a party with a difference: if you desire. Contact the park office or visit long and consists of songs from the Music Pony Parties can host your party with their a tram at Ferrymead: take rides and holdVisit, 2What cups sugar accessories. Use what’s in season – To make this more To you need sessions areanimals atphone Rolleston, Prebbleton andserve for onfrozen the or Ferrymead can cater instead forto onpaint theand tram or Ferrymead instead on the easier with and go amazing and mythical Sarah is & a tram professional face and body artist. She even se Phatsk8’s speciality. They (0508-324-7948). phone monsters, 03-329-7266 or 027-424-7768 more details. economical use berries for the coulis Fill the the centre centre of the skin, ring with with fresh berries For the cakefor Make the the cake Fairy Friends CD and stage show, dancing, fully-catered pony riding farmyard party canIIcater party for up to two-and-a-half in 1For cupthe yoghurt - own any sort, but plain is best Ingrid onhours 03-349-9924 or 027-387-0065. economical frozen berries for the coulis Fill of the ring fresh berries cake Make cake Kaiapoi. Birthday parties, fundraisers, Make the fruit coulis ifuse you desire. Contact the park office or visit if you desire. Contact the park office or visit much further. They are absolutely worth the and is a hit both at home and at birthday trains and oversees an experienced team of artistsand accessories. Visit www.phatsk8.c musical games,In dust and fairy bubbles programme entertainment galore! Visit and fresh fresh berries berries for garnish. garnish. Infairy summer when (if berries berries are out out of season season- use use grapes or or fresh fresh cups sugarsoftened Turn oven oninholiday toa 180°C. 180°C. Place all all(orand lessons your very own tram, bring your own partyBlend food the 200g butter, foodprogrammes processer 40th’s, are and for summer when (if are of grapes 22 cups sugar Turn the berries oven on to Place for more details. for more details. Ingrid on 03-349-9924 or 027-387 investment, as are quality brushes and sponges parties. and balloon twisters around New Zealand. even some face-painting! Bookings www. feedback onsort, the tram or Ferrymead instead 1½ tsp yoghurt vanilla essence berries are in in season season and aren’t aren’t expensive just at She mint and leaves). Berries Berries can be be expensive expensiveor sosee cup yoghurt any sort, but plain plain is best best can cater ingredients in aaPhatsk8’s kitchen whizz or processor. processor. with a hand in held beater whizz or blender) untileven sell skates speciality. They are and expensive just mint leaves). can so aa partyberries 11 cup --for any but is ingredients kitchen or that allow you to make the most of your paints. Good materials and practice are the loves supporting new artists and provides a range or phone 0508 FAIRY 4 U of on Facebook. Book a party with a difference: if you visit for 3200g cupsbutter, self-rising flourdesire. Contact the park office or completely Sweeten with a little icing use fresh fresh for for everything. everything. little trick is is to to put put an an apple apple in in the the centre centre of of the the use 200g butter, softened Blend for 22mashed. minutes or until untilVisit thick and smooth. accessories., phone little trick softened Blend minutes or thick and smooth. berries are out of season use grapes or fresh minutes until the mixture is smooth and creamy The sooner you start painting, the better you’ll (0508-324-7948). two cornerstones of quality face painting. professional equipment to help you get started. phone 03-329-7266 or 027-424-7768 for more details. 1 cup hot, strong coffee sugar if you need to. on 03-349-9924 or 027-387-0065. Ingrid mintlike leaves). become, Berries can expensive a littlefor?– the mixture Visit needs to be like thick yoghurt. sobe what are youso waiting Professional paints don’t cause irritation for more inofrmation. ¾ cup cocoa (no this is not a mistake!) trick is to put an apple in the centre of the cake Whip the cream and 2 tsp baking soda Use what’s in season – To make this more so you don’t have to use as many to make it yoghurt 2 eggs economical I use frozen berries for the coulis look amazing – you just have to be a bit subtle Whip cream with a beater or whisk until Castle Park, conveniently situated just south south Castle conveniently just and freshPark, berries for garnish.situated In summer when getting rid of the apple when you are cutting thickened and soft, make sure you watch what For the fruit couli of Amberley on SH1, is an excellent venue of Amberley on SH1, is an excellent venue berries are in season and aren’t expensive just you are doing because if you whip it for too long it!!) Dust with icing sugar. Serve with the fruit 2 cups of either strawberries, boysenberries, that provides activities for for the the whole whole family. family. that provides activities use fresh for everything. coulis and cream. it will turn into butter – it needs to look a bit blackberries or raspberries (fresh or frozen) Laser tag, paintball, an obstacle course ByLaser Claire tag,Gourley paintball, an obstacle course thicker than thick yoghurt. Stir in the yoghurt Icing sugar to taste and climbing wall are are popular choices Join Claire’s free online cooking programme and aa climbing wall popular choices If you haven’t got a food processor... and sweeten to taste with icing sugar. for birthday parties, corporate groups and during every school holidays. Check out www. for birthday parties, corporate groups and You could use a cake mixer, a hand held beater For the cream school groups. Castle Park also has one of school groups. Castle Park also has one of or a hand whisk. If you use a hand whisk you To serve 1 cup whipping cream the only carousels in New Zealand. Children the only carousels in New Zealand. Children will really need to “go for it” for about five Fill the centre of the ring with fresh berries (if 2-3 Tbsp plain yoghurt. can safely safely enjoy enjoy the the outdoor outdoor play play area area or or can the petting petting farm. farm. The The animals animals love love attention, attention, the particularly the the miniature miniature horses horses Molly Molly particularly Side view. a thin brush, outline the Sponge metallic white (mixed with Add leopard markings forehead Outline in black and paint lines and her heron daughter Princess.With Castle Park and daughter Princess. Castle Park nose and paint the muzzle. a little silver for “pop”) over the and cheekbones in black, and Restaurant & Bar has an extensive menu inside ears, blend out to create & Bar hasallan extensive menu ofRestaurant wrapping to cover the partygoers and and paint teeth wrapping and gets that treat. Repeat is a pre-wrapped gift and to wrap it in irthday parties a momentous occasion Highlight with white face, are focusing on the front of the faceneed paintuntil a pink nose and lips – spray these including rock-grill, and can cater for any depth. including rock-grill, and cater the music atcan each childfor soany they all the last layer of wrapping has been removed, loose layers of gift wrap or newspaper, with a full of fun and and create many (optional). and laughter, creating ears. heavily with glitterensure whilst stillincluding wet. stops function including children’s parties. function children’s parties. get a turn. Suitable for any age group (even very restarting and stopping the music each time. small treat in each layer. happy memories for years to come. small toddlers can play, perhaps sitting on an You can use different treats for each layer to To play the game, sit the children in a circle, Here are two old classics from times past that adults lap and with their help unwrapping and add a bit of mystery and keep the children play some short snippets of music and have are still delighting many at birthday parties The Music Fairy is excited to announce Rosie passing the parcel). interested longer. them pass the parcel to the next person in today. Roulette as her donkey latest Music Fairy performer. & Their Farmyard offerthe tail to all Parties party goers, you may Friends the circle. WhenGrab the the music the person Pass the parcel Pin on the kidsstops, and come roller skatingOut - it’sof fairness Pony You may have seen Rosiesheet appear recently on cute ponies and farm animals especially for like to make sure you have enough layers holding the parcel removes one layer of fun, interactive, great fitness and perfect This can be played either outside or in. All you Draw an outline of a donkey on a large New Zealand’s children’s entertainment. They traveloftocardboard and for the whole family. All skates are provided place this up Got on aTalent, wall orand heard her wonderful Rosie canpiece come as your your party or event, or alternatively, corkboard new Many families are picking up the offer of using so come and join the party music, disco at a low height.singing. On a separate yourparticularly special birthday party. to Christchurch is their specially designed Ferrymead Heritage Park as a special children’s lights, games and prizes for just $8 per of card, draw a Music tail, orFairy if youatfeel The Music performance indoor children’s party venue. Rain orcreative, shine, find a small birthday party venue. You can book and hire person (includes skate hire). Regular public scarf Fairy or fluffy fabric to is one-hour long and of songs Pony Parties can host your party withact their a tram at Ferrymead: take rides and hold your sessions are at Rolleston, Prebbleton and as the tail. Place a pinconsists at the top of thefrom tail the Music & Friends fully-catered pony riding and farmyard party own party for up to two-and-a-half hours in Kaiapoi. Birthday parties, fundraisers, (take care here).Fairy Make as manyCD tailsand as stage thereshow, dancing, games, fairy andPut fairy bubbles and programme - entertainment galore! Visit your very own tram, bring your own party food 40th’s, holiday programmes and lessons are are children andmusical put their names ondust these. even some face-painting! Bookings at www. or see party feedback for on the tram or Ferrymead can cater instead Phatsk8’s speciality. They even sell skates and a large mark onto the donkey whereout thefor child Do you you want take the family family Do want to take the for orout phone 0508 FAIRY 4U on Facebook. Book a party with a difference: if you desire. Contact the park office or visit accessories. Visit, phone needs to aim. Each child is blindfolded and has a dinner but but struggle struggle to know know where where to to take take dinner to (0508-324-7948). phone 03-329-7266 or 027-424-7768turn for more details. Ingrid on 03-349-9924 or 027-387-0065. one-at-a-time to place the tail where they them? Winnie Winnie Bagoes Bagoes Ferrymead Ferrymead is is your your them? think itfamily-friendly should be. Therestaurant. closest to the actual local There’s local family-friendly restaurant. There’s aa spot is the a prize Kids’ ready!). great kids’winner menu,(have the popular popular Pizza great kids’ menu, the Kids’ Pizza Your ideas School (which is great for birthdays at only only School (which is great for birthdays at Do you remember fun birthday games from $10 per child), and the famous Winnie’s kids’ $10 per child), and the famous Winnie’s kids’ your childhood? Have you dreamt up your party at the the end end of every every school holidays. holidays. party at of school own, some “oldies”when or dothinking you have Youupdated need look look no further further You need no when thinking some other friendly fun entertainment ideas? Please of a great restaurant that you can of a great friendly restaurant that you can share them with us so we can spread the fun take the whole family too. Visit Winnie take the whole family too. Visit Winnie around. information to Family Times, BagoesSend Ferrymead at 22 Waterman Waterman Place, PO Bagoes Ferrymead at Place, Box 36 004, Christchurch or email admin@ Ferrymead, phone 03-376-4900, Ferrymead, phone 03-376-4900, 27 By Rachel Taniwha

Step by step:

Snow leopard : ep st by Step by step: Step Snow leopardSnow leopard


Snow leopard II Step by step: Snow leopard


Chocolate cake and Chocolate cake berries and berries 1 2








2-4-6-8 who wants 3 1to2roller2-4-6-8 1 skate?2who Ferrymead 2 Ferrymead 2-4-6-8 5 to roller s 1 4 Park Heritage 2 who wants 3 Pony Parties The Music Fairy 2 Heritage Park 2-4-6-8 who w to roller skate? Ferrymead to roller ska Ferrymead 2-4-6-8 who wants Ferrymead The Heritage Park Music Fairy parties 3 1 Pony Parties Heritage Park to roller skate? Heritage Park Ferrymead Heritage Park

Fun animal faces Step by step:

Snow leopard




Castle Park

Old-fashioned 1 2 birthday3party fun4 B

Ferrymead Heritage Park

2-4-6-8 who wants to roller skate?


The Music Fairy Winnie Bagoes Ferrymead - your local familyfriendly pizza restaurant

Pony Parties

FT_Autumn 13 ChCh.indd 27

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FT_Autumn 13 ChCh.indd 27

mn 13 ChCh.indd 27

21/03/13 10:52 AM FT_Autumn 13 ChCh.indd 27

FT_Autumn 13 13 ChCh.indd ChCh.indd 28 28 FT_Autumn


FT_Autumn 13 ChCh.indd 27

20/03/13 3:05 3:05 PM PM 20/03/13

Fun animal faces FunF animal faces Fun animal animal faces faces F Fun anima Snow leopard F Fun animal faces FF F Snow leopard F Fun animal faces Fun animal fac Snow leopard Fun anim Snow leopard F Snow leopard F

If you’re looking for a creativ or a fun way of entertaining t

parties parties

If you’

cheaper ones can, are much more comf ace painting quickly turns children into on the skin, easier to paint withor andagofu amazing animals and mythical monsters, much further. They are absolutely worth and is a hit both at home and at birthday If you’re looking for a creative outlet that will benefit your kids, investment, as are quality brushes and s parties. Iforyou’re looking for a creative outlet that will benefit your kids, cheape painting quickly turns children into a fun way of entertaining them, why notace consider face painting? that allow you to make the most of Good materials and practice are the onyour the animalsface and mythical monsters, or a fun way of entertaining them, why notamazing consider painting? The sooner you start painting, the bette two cornerstones of quality face painting. make the most of your paints. ace painting quickly turns children into much and is a hit both at home and at birthday If you’re looking for a creative If cheaper you’re looking for amore creative outlet will yourso kids, ones can, arepainting, much comfortable ace painting quickly children into Bythat Sarah Holland become, what are you waiting investm for? Professional paints you’ll don’t cause irritation likebenefit The sooner you start the better amazing animals andturns mythical monsters, parties. cheaper ones can,are are much more comfortable outlet that will benefit your quickly children into By Sarah Holland face and body artist. She on the skin, easier to paint with and go amazing animals andturns mythical monsters, Sarah is a professional become, so what you waiting for? andace is a painting hit both at home and at birthday par- or athefun way ofto entertaining them, why not consider face painting? that al Good materials and practice are the on skin, easier paint with andworth go the animals and mythical monsters, Sarah a professional and bodyteam artist. much further. They are absolutely andamazing is a hit both at home and at birthday trains isand an face experienced of She artists kids, or a fun way of entertain- ties. aceso p The twooversees cornerstones of quality face painting. By Sarah Holland further.asThey are absolutely the and is a hit both at and home and at are birthday trains and oversees anaround experienced team of artists Good materials practice the two cor- much investment, are quality brushes worth and sponges parties. and balloon twisters New Zealand. She amaz Professional paints don’t cause irritation like Sarah is aones professional andmore body comfortable artist. Ifyou looking for aShecreative outlet that will benefit your kids, becom ing them, why not consider cheaper can, areface much ace painting quickly turns children into By Sarah Holland nerstones of quality face painting. investment, asyou’re aremake quality and sponges parties. and balloon twisters Zealand.a range She that allow to thebrushes most of your Good materials and practice areProfessional the supporting newaround artists New and provides of and is a h trains and oversees an experienced team of paints. artists loves on the skin, easier to paint with and go amazing animals and mythical monsters, Sarah is a professional face and body artist. She paints don’t cause and irritation like cheaper or a start fun way ofthe entertaining them, why not consider faceof painting? that allow you to makepainting, the most of your paints. Good materials practice are the ones supporting new artists and provides a range face painting? The sooner you better you’ll loves two cornerstones of quality face painting. professional equipment to help you get started. parties. and balloon twisters around New Zealand. She much further. They are absolutely worth the and is a hit both atof home andface at birthday trains and oversees an experienced team of artists can, are much more comfortable on the skin, The sooner start painting, the better you’ll professional two cornerstones quality painting. equipment tofor help youinofrmation. get started. become, so you what areartists you waiting for? Professional paints don’t cause irritation like Visit more loves supporting new and provides a range Good investment, as areare quality brushesfor? and sponges Visit paint and balloon twisters around New Zealand. She easier withdon’t and go much They so what youtowaiting Professional paints cause irritation more inofrmation. cheaper ones can, more comfortable ace painting quickly turns childrenbecome, By SarahforHolland ofinto professional equipment helpare youmuch get started. two areGood absolutely worth investment, acea range painting ch that allow you to make the most of your paints. loves supporting new artists and provides materials andthe practice are theas are of quickly turnscorn Visit for moretoinformation. on the skin, easier paint with and go amazing animals and mythical monsters, Sarah is a professional face and body artist. She quality brushes andofsponges that allow you to mythica The sooner you start painting, the better you’ll professional equipment to help you get amazing two cornerstones quality face painting. started. animals andProfessio much further. They are absolutely worth the and is a hit both at home and at birthday trains and oversees an experienced team of artists and is a hit both at home and at become, so what are you waiting for? Professional paints don’t cause irritation like Visit for more inofrmation. investment, as are quality brushes and sponges and balloon twisters around New Zealand. She parties. parties. that allow you to make the most of your paints. loves supporting new artists and provides a range of Good materials and practice are the Good materials and practice a The sooner you start painting, the better you’ll professional equipment to help you get started. two cornerstones of quality face painting. two cornerstones of quality face Side view. Sponge metallic (mixed Add leopard mar Outline in black linesfor? so what areand youpaint waiting Professional paints don’t cause white irritation like with become, Visit for more inofrmation. Professional paints cause ir a little silver for “pop”) over the anddon’t cheekbones inside ears, blend out to create face, focusing on the front of the face depth. paint a pink nose and and creating ears. heavily with glitter w Side view. Sponge metallic white (mixed with Outline in black and paint lines a little silver for “pop”) over the inside ears, blend out to create face, focusing on the front of the face depth. Side view. With a thin brush, outline the Sponge metallic white (mixed with and creating ears.Add leopard markings on forehead Outline in black and paint lines Side view. With a thinPony brush, outline the Farmyard Friends o Sponge metallic with Add leopard markings on forehead Outline in black and lines the muzzle. a little silver for white “pop”)(mixed over the and cheekbones in black, and inside ears, blend outpaint to create Parties & Their Grab the kids and come roller skating - it’snose and paint Ifponies you’re lookingespecially for a c nose and paint the muzzle. little silver cheekbones inlips black, andthese Highlight inside ears, blend out to create with white and paint teeth face,a focusing on for the“pop”) front ofover the the face depth. paintand a pink nose and – spray cute and farm fun, interactive, great fitness and perfect Sponge metallic white (mixed with animals Outline in blac Highlight paint teeth face, focusingears. on the front of the face depth. paint a pink nose and lips –still spray (optional).with white and creating heavily glitter whilst wet.these orand aentertainment. fun way inside of enterta children’s They travel to forwith the whole family. All skates are provided a little silver for “pop”) over the ears, ble Sideare view. Add leopard onwet. forehead (optional). Side view. Sponge metallic white (mixed (mixed with and creating ears. white with glittermarkings whilst still With a thin brush, outline the or alternatively, new Outline in black and paint linesMany families orface event, picking up the offer of using heavily so come and join the party music, disco face, focusing on theyour frontparty of the depth. Pony and cheekbones in black, and paintGrab the nose the muzzle. with a little for “pop”) a little silversilver for “pop”) over over the kidsand andpaint come roller skating - it’sspecially designe inside ears, blend out to createFerrymead Heritage Park as a special children’s to Christchurch is their lights, games and prizes quickly for justand $8 per creating ears. cheaper ones can, are much mo ace painting turns children intogreat cute a pink nose and lips – spray these heavteeth face,face, focusing on the front of the face depth. the focusing on the front of the paint a pink nose and lips – spray these fun, interactive, fitness and perfect Highlight with white and paint teeth indoor children’s party venue. Rain or sh birthday party venue. You can book and hire person (includes skate hire). Regular public The Music Fairy is excited to announce Rosie on the skin, easier to paint with amazing animals and mythical monsters, childr ily with with glitterglitter whilstwhilst still wet. and creating ears.ears. face and creating heavily still wet. for(optional). the whole family. AllParties skatescan are host provided Pony your party with th a tram at Ferrymead: take rides andParties hold your sessionsand are ataoffer Rolleston, and The Music Fairy is excited to announce Rosie Roulette asforehead herand latest Music Fairy performer. Pony & Theirare Farmyard Friends offer your Many families picking up the of using much further. They are absolute isAdd hit both atPrebbleton home and at birthday Side view. With a music, thin brush, outline the Sponge metallic white (mixed with GrabOutline leopard markings on the kids in and come roller skating it’s black and paint lines so come join the party disco fully-catered pony riding andlines farmyard p Sponge metallic white (mixed with own party for up to two-and-a-half hours in Outline in black and paint Kaiapoi. Birthday parties, fundraisers, Roulette as her latest Music Fairy performer. Pony Parties & Their Farmyard Friends offer may have seenand Rosie appear recently on cute ponies and farm animals especially for to Ch Ferrymead Heritage Park as a and special children’s You the kids and come roller skating - it’s nosefor and paint the muzzle. a little silver for “pop”) over the Grab cheekbones in black, and investment, as are quality brush parties. fun, interactive, great fitness and perfect inside ears, blend out to create lights, games prizes just $8 per programme - entertainment galore! Visi a little silver for “pop”) over theseen your very own tram, bring your own party food inside ears, blend out to create 40th’s, holiday and lessons are You may have appear recently on cute ponies and farmvenue. animals especially for New GotRosie Talent, and heard heryou children’s entertainment. They travel indoo Sponge metallic white (mixed with birthday party You can book andnose hire and interactive, greatAll fitness andare perfect Highlight with white and paint teeth face, focusing on the front of the face fun, paint atoprogrammes pink lips –Zealand’s spray these O for the whole family. skates provided depth. person (includes skate hire). Regular public that allow to make the mos Good materials and practice are the or see party fee face, focusing on the front of thesinging. face for on the tram or Ferrymeadchildren’s can cater instead Grab th depth. Phatsk8’s speciality. They even sellMusic skates andGot The Fairy is excited to announce Rosieover New Zealand’s and heard her entertainment. They travel to wonderful Rosie can come your your party oratevent, or alternatively, new Many families arecreating picking up the offer of using Pony aTalent, little silver foras “pop”) thepainting, a tram Ferrymead: taketwo rides and hold your for the whole family. skates are disco provided (optional). and ears. heavily with glitter whilst still wet. int so come and join theAll party music, sessions are at Rolleston, Prebbleton and The sooner you start cornerstones of quality face painting. on Facebook. Book a party with a differe and creating ears. if you desire. Contact the park office or visit fun, inte accessories. Visit, phone Roulette as her latest Music Fairy performer. Pony Parties & Their Farmyard Friends offer wonderful Rosie canbirthday come asparty. your your party event, or to alternatively, newhours in Many families are picking offer of using MusicKaiapoi. Fairysinging. at Birthday your special to Christchurch isfor their specially designed Ferrymead Heritage Parkup asthe a special children’s fullyface, focusing onfundraisers, the front of the face depth Grab the kidsjoin andthe come roller own or party up two-and-a-half so come and party music, lights, games and prizes for justskating $8disco per- it’s parties, become, soon what are youfor waitin Professional paints don’t irritation likephone 03-329-7266 or 027-424-7768 for more details. the Ingrid on 03-349-9924 orfood 027-387-0065. Youcause may have seen Rosie appear recently cute ponies and own animals especially forparty Music Fairy atholiday your special birthday party. to Christchurch isfarm their specially designed Ferrymead Heritage a special children’s The Music Fairy performance is one-hour indoor children’s party venue. Rain orown shine, birthday party venue.Park You as can book and hire progr and creating ears. fun, interactive, fitness and$8perfect your very tram, bring your lights, games andgreat prizes for just per person (includes skate hire). Regular public 40th’s, programmes and lessons are Many familiesGot areTalent, picking and up the offer of using sowww com New Zealand’s heard her children’s entertainment. They travel to The Music Fairy performance is one-hour indoor children’s party venue. Rain or shine, birthday venue. You book long and consists of songs from the Music Pony Parties can host your party with their a tram atparty Ferrymead: takecan rides and and holdhire your for the whole skates are provided for on the tram or Ferrymead can cater instead person (includes skateAllhire). Regular public sessions are atfamily. Rolleston, Prebbleton and Phatsk8’sHeritage speciality. They sell children’s skates and Ferrymead Park as aeven special lights, g The Music Fairy is excited to announce Rosie wonderful singing. Rosie can come as your your party event, or alternatively, new long and consists of songs from the Music Pony Parties can host your party withoffice their Many families picking the and offer of using aown tram at Ferrymead: takeup rides hold your Fairy & Friends CD, stage show, dancing, fully-catered pony riding and farmyard party party for are up to two-and-a-half hours in on Fa so comeare andatjoin the party music, disco if youor desire. Contact the park or visit sessions Rolleston, Prebbleton and Kaiapoi. Birthday parties, fundraisers, accessories. Visit phone birthday party venue. You can book and hire person Roulette as her latest Music Fairy performer. Pony Parties & Their Farmyard Friends offer Music Fairy at your special birthday party. to Christchurch is their specially designed Fairy & Friends CD and stage show, dancing, riding and farmyard party Ferrymead Heritage Park a special children’s own party for up to two-and-a-half infood Grab the kids and it’s musical games, fairy dust andor fairy bubbles and programme -pony entertainment galore! Visit your very own tram, bringas your ownhours party phon lights, games and prizes for just $8 perroller for more details. Kaiapoi. Birthday parties, fundraisers, 40th’s, holiday programmes andcome lessons are skating - fully-catered Ingrid on 03-349-9924 027-387-0065. Grab the kidsyour and come roller sk tram atFairy Ferrymead: take rides and hold session You may have seen Rosie appear ponies and farm animals for Thea Music performance is one-hour indoor children’s party venue. Rain or shine,especially musical games, fairy dust and fairy bubbles andrecently on programme -cute entertainment galore! Visit birthday You can book and hire your own tram, bring yourcan own party food fun, interactive, great fitness and perfect even some face-painting! Bookings at www. or see party feedback for onvery theparty tramvenue. or Ferrymead cater instead personholiday (includes skate hire). Regular public 40th’s, programmes and lessons are Phatsk8’s speciality. They even sell skates and fun, interactive, great fitness and own party for up to two-and-a-half hours in Kaiapoi New Gotthe Talent, and heard her children’s entertainment. They travel toeven long and consists ofZealand’s songsBookings from Music Pony Parties can host your their some face-painting! at www. or party see feedback tram at Ferrymead: take rides and hold your for ondesire. the tram or Ferrymead can cater instead forRolleston, the wholePrebbleton family. skates or phone 0508 FAIRY 4U on Facebook. Book a party withparty awith difference: ifa you Contact the park office or visit sessions are at and Phatsk8’s speciality. They even sellAll skates andare provided accessories. Visit, phone for thecan whole family. All skates your very wonderful own tram, bring your own party food 40th’s,a singing. Rosie come as your your party or event, or alternatively, new Many are picking the Fairy & Friends CD and stage show, dancing, fully-catered pony riding and farmyard party or phone 0508 FAIRY 4 U on Facebook. Book a party with a difference: own forContact up tofamilies two-and-a-half hours in offer of using youparty desire. thefor park office orup visit so come and join the party music, disco (0508-324-7948). phone 03-329-7266 or 027-424-7768 more details. Kaiapoi. Birthday parties, fundraisers, accessories. Visit, phone Ingrid on 03-349-9924 or 027-387-0065. Many families are picking for up the offer of using so come and join the party musi on the tram or Ferrymead can cater instead Music your special birthday Christchurch is their Visit specially designed Heritage Park as afood special children’s musical fairyFairy dust at and fairy bubbles and party. Phatsk8 programme -to entertainment galore! (0508-324-7948). 03-329-7266 or 027-424-7768 your very ownFerrymead tram, bring your party for moreown details. lights, games and prizes for are just $8 per phone 40th’s,on holiday programmes and lessons Ingrid 03-349-9924 or 027-387-0065. Ferrymead Heritage Park as a games, special children’s lights, games and prizes for just $ if you desire. Contact the park office or visit are picking upisthe offer of accesso using TheMany Musicfamilies Fairy performance one-hour indoor children’s venue. Rain or shine, some face-painting! birthday party venue. You can book and Phatsk8’s hire Bookings at www. or seeparty party feedback for on the tram or Ferrymead can cater instead personThey (includes hire). and Regular public speciality. evenskate sell skates birthday party venue. even can book and hire person (includes skate hire). Reg for more details. Ingrid o Ferrymead Heritage Park as a special children’s long and consists of songs from the Music Pony Parties can host your party with their a tram atthe Ferrymead: rides and holdaccessories. your or your phone 0508 FAIRY 4 U on Facebook. Book a party witha atram difference: if you desire. Contact park officetake or visit sessions are at Rolleston, Prebbleton and Visit, phone at Ferrymead: take rides and hold sessions arecan at Rolleston, Prebbl birthday party venue. You book and hire Fairy & Friends CD and stage show, dancing, fully-catered pony riding and farmyard party own party for up to two-and-a-half hours in (0508-324-7948). 03-329-7266 or 027-424-7768 If you’re looking forown a creative outlet that hours will inbenefit Kaiapoi. your Birthday kids, parties, fundra more details. Kaiapoi. Birthday parties, fundraisers, phone Ingrid on 03-349-9924 or 027-387-0065. party for up to two-and-a-half a tram at Ferrymead: ridesbubbles and holdand your musical games, fairy dust take and fairy programme - entertainment galore! Visit your very own tram, bring your own party food 40th’s, holiday programmes and lessons are your very own tram, bring your own party food or a way of entertaining them, why not consider painting? 40th’s, holiday programmes own party for face up to two-and-a-half hours inand even some face-painting! Bookings at www. or see party feedback for on the tram or Ferrymead can cater instead Phatsk8’s speciality. They even sell skates and ontop the wings, tram orworking Ferrymead can cater Sponge top and bottom with a Sponge a darker colour around Starting from the edge of the Outlinefor the Addinstead a small bodyPhatsk8’s and antenna speciality. your very own bring your ownThey foods ortram, phone 0508 FAIRY 4party U even on Facebook. Book a party with a difference: if you desire. Contact the park office or visit Visit, phone if you desire. Contact the park office or visit light colour. the edges, blending accessories. the two face, working in, outline in from the top down. Outline the with a thinner brush and white accessories. Visit www.phatsk8. Side view. Sponge metallic white (mixedones withcan, Add leop Outline in black and paint lines for on the tram or Ferrymead can cater instead (0508-324-7948). phone 03-329-7266 or 027-424-7768 for more details. cheaper are much more comfortable ace painting quickly turns children into By Sarah Holland Ingrid on 03-349-9924 027-387-0065. for more details. colours. black,aor thick to thin. bottom wings from theout cheek bones, embellishments (optional). Ingrid on 027-38 little silver for “pop”) overskin, the easier and chee inside ears, blend to create if you desire. Contact the03-349-9924 park office oror visit on the to paint with and go amazing animals and mythical monsters, Sarah is a professional face and body artist. She in. Always work thick to thin. face, focusing on the front of the face depth. paint a pink n much further. They are absolutely worth the and is a hit both at home and at birthday trains and oversees an experienced teamfor of more artistsdetails. and creating ears. heavily with investment, as are quality brushes and sponges and balloon twisters around New Zealand. She parties. that allow you to make the most of your paints. loves supporting new artists and provides a range of Good materials and practice are the The sooner you start painting, the better you’ll professional equipment to help you get started. two cornerstones of quality face painting. become, so what are you waiting for? Professional paints don’t cause irritation like Visit for more inofrmation. Pony Parties & Their Farmyard Grab the kids and come roller skating - it’s cute ponies and farm animals es fun, interactive, great fitness and perfect children’s entertainment. They for the whole family. All skates are provided your party or event, or alternat Many families are picking up the offer of using so come and join the party music, disco to Christchurch is their specially Ferrymead Heritage Park as a special children’s lights, games and prizes for just $8 per indoor children’s party venue. R birthday party venue. You can book and hire person (includes skate hire). Regular public Pony Parties can host your part a tram at Ferrymead: take rides and hold your sessions are at Rolleston, Prebbleton and fully-catered pony riding and far own party for up to two-and-a-half hours in Kaiapoi. Birthday parties, fundraisers, programme - entertainment ga your very own tram, bring your own party food 40th’s, holiday programmes and lessons are or see for on the tram or Ferrymead can cater instead Phatsk8’s speciality. They even sell skates and on Facebook. Book a party with if you desire. Contact the park office or visit accessories. Visit, phone phone 03-329-7266 or 027-424 for more details. Ingrid on 03-349-9924 or 027-387-0065.


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ISSN 1176

issue 2011


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Sponge metallic white (mixed with Outline in black and paint lines a little silver for “pop”) over the inside ears, blend out to create face, focusing on the front of the face depth. and creating ears.

Ferrymead Heritage Park



to roller skate?


Side view.

Party in Space!

2-4-6-8 who wants to roller skate?

Grab the kids and come roller skating - it’s fun, interactive, great fitness and perfect for the whole family. All skates are provided Many families are picking up the offer of using so come and join the party music, disco Ferrymead Heritage Park as a special children’s lights, games and prizes for just $8 per birthday party venue. You can book and hire person (includes skate hire). Regular public a tram at Ferrymead: take rides and hold your sessions are at Rolleston, Prebbleton and Head to Stardome for aKaiapoi. birthday own party for up to two-and-a-half hours in Birthday parties, fundraisers, Blast off adventure that’s of this world. your very own tram, bring your own party foodtruly out 40th’s, holiday programmes and lessons are into for on thespace tram or Ferrymead can cater instead Includes a planetarium show, private room hire, a fully Phatsk8’s speciality. They even sell skates and for nextthe park equipped kitchen and unlimited access to our if youyour desire. Contact office or catering visit accessories. Visit, phone spacedetails. gallery and exhibits. birthday for more Ingrid on 03-349-9924 or 027-387-0065.



Pony Part

Heritage Park

Helping kids bounce back

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2-4-6-8 who wants NZ’s No.1 parenting publication

Snow leopard Check out our Competitions Ferrymead online and win! ISSue



4 2



With a thin brush, outline the Add leopard markings on forehead nose and paint the muzzle. and cheekbones in black, and paint a pink nose and lips – spray these Highlight with white and paint teeth (optional). heavily with glitter whilst still wet.

Pony Parties Pony Parties & Their Farmyard Friends offer cute ponies and farm animals especially for children’s entertainment. They travel to your party or event, or alternatively, new to Christchurch is their specially designed indoor children’s party venue. Rain or shine, Pony Parties can host your party with their fully-catered pony riding and farmyard party programme - entertainment galore! Visit or see party feedback on Facebook. Book a party with a difference: phone 03-329-7266 or 027-424-7768

09 624 1246 / / FT_Autumn 13 ChCh.indd 27

The Music Fairy

The Music Fairy is excited to announce Rosie Roulette as her latest Music Fairy performer. You may have seen Rosie appear recently on New Zealand’s Got Talent, and heard her wonderful singing. Rosie can come as your Music Fairy at your special birthday party. The Music Fairy performance is one-hour long and consists of songs from the Music Fairy & Friends CD and stage show, dancing, musical games, fairy dust and fairy bubbles and even some face-painting! Bookings at www. or phone 0508 FAIRY 4 U (0508-324-7948).

27 27


FT_Autumn 13 ChCh.indd 27


Autumn camping – it’s not too late! The days may be shorter and the evenings cooler, but the autumn school holidays can be a great time of year for a family camping trip.

Northland and Coromandel Otamure Bay (Whananaki) campsite The sea is probably still warm enough for swimming in autumn at Otamure Bay, north of Whangarei. This large campsite is set back from a stunning white sand beach. Facilities include drinking water, toilets and cold-water showers. Campers self-register after Easter. You can play (or relax) on the beach, explore the coast or take a walk through the nearby Motutara Recreation Reserve out to a headland andpowered secludedsites bays. The is also popular for for and hotarea showers. fishing and diving. Camping is an ideal way to spend time in the outdoors and get close to nature. It’s Waikawau campsite an adventure Bay for children: setting up a tent, It’s not hard to see why this is DOC’s most cooking and eating outside, exploring the popular North Island summer campsite. Pitch nearby beach, lake-shore or forest and making your tent in an extensive farm park next to the new campsite friends. sweeping sandy beach,Enjoyable about 40 camping km north of experiences aretoyoung Coromandelwhen town.children You need bookcan online contribute to a are life-time appreciation andavaillove although there always plenty of sites of thefrom outdoors. able late summer onwards. This campsite hasThese cold showers campsitesand areanallon-site suitableshop. for families. Fly a kite throw frisbee on the beach that Check outormore at stretches north of the campsite. Look out for New Zealand dotterel and West variableCoast oysterCanterbury and the catcher, which breed there in summer. Walks in Peel Forest campsite the area include the 10km Coromandel WalkA grove of native trees surrounds this campsite way, which follows an old bridle path between between Peel Forest and the Rangitata River, Stony and Fletcher bays at the end of the peninnorth of Geraldine. You have abike choice standard sula. You can also mountain thisofroute. tent sites, powered sites and cabins, and there are By Fiona Oliphant, Department hot showers too. It pays to book thisofcampsite. Conservation


Autumn camping – it’s not too late!


he weather is often settled and an earlier sunset means it’s easier to get kids to bed in a tent than in mid-summer. The Department of Conservation (DOC) The days may beandshorter and has a range of affordable family-friendly campsites in some beautiful settings – the evenings cooler, but the beachside, bush and lake. At this time of year autumn school holidays you should have no problem getting a can tent site. Many DOC campsites just require to selfbe a great time of yearyoufor a register when you get there. family camping trip. Camp fees are generally $6-$10/night for adults and $3-$5/night children (5 toand 17-years-old) he weather for is often settled an earlier and under-fives are free. Higher fees may apply sunset means it’s easier to get kids to bed for powered sites and hot showers. in a tent than in mid-summer. Camping is an ideal way to spend time in Department Conservation theThe outdoors and getofclose to nature.(DOC) It’s hasadventure a range offor affordable family-friendly an children:and setting up a tent, campsites in eating some beautiful settings –the cooking and outside, exploring beachside, bush and lake. or Atforest this time year nearby beach, lake-shore and of making you should have no problem getting a tent site. new campsite friends. Enjoyable camping experiences when children are young Many DOC campsites just require youcan to selfcontribute to a life-time appreciation and love register when you get there. of Camp the outdoors. fees are generally $6-$10/night for adults These campsitesforare all suitable families. and $3-$5/night children (5 to for 17-years-old) Check out more at and under-fives are free. Higher fees may apply


Before you go:

C Choose a camping destination that matches your family’s experience and interests. C Check the long-range weather forecast and be prepared to change plans or pack up early if the weather looks bad. C Go through your camping equipment – put up the tent at home, test the cooker, check fuel supply, sleeping mats, and torches etc. C Make sure you take plenty of easy-toprepare food, warm and weather-proof


Sharing the road safely

iwis love to get out and have fun on their bikes, especially when the weather is good. To ensure everyone has fun and are kept safe on the roads, it is vital that all road users share the road safely. It is in the best interests of all road users to prevent crashes by being aware of each other, giving each other plenty of space and behaving responsibly.

Safety tips for cyclists

• Be prepared: plan a safe route and

check your bike before you start – brakes, tyres, chain, reflectors and lights.

• Be seen: wear high visibility or

brightly coloured clothing. Use front and rear lights at night, in low light or rain.

• Be aware: watch for potholes, rub bish, grates, pedestrians and other hazards.

• Be predictable: make eye contact with other road users to ensure they are aware of you and signal your intentions clearly.

• Be confident: ride in a straight line, at least 1 metre from parked cars


clothes, insect repellent, sun screen, first aid kit etc. C Let the kids choose a favourite toy and take wet day activities. C Consider camping with other families who have children of similar ages, and if you haven’t camped before, going with others who are more experienced. C You may be able to borrow or hire camping equipment if you don’t have your own. C Check out the camping care code and practice “no trace” camping.

and take the middle of the lane when you have to.

• Be patient: slow down near parked or lined up vehicles. Pass slowly and only when safe.

The main campsite closes on 1 May for the winter but after this you can self register and camp at the nearby Clarke Flat amenity area. Peel Forest is a precious remnant of podocarp forest that once covered a large area in mid-Canterbury. Explore the rich and diverse forest on a variety of tracks within the reserve and discover ancient giant totara, matai and kahikatea trees on the Big Tree Walk, and a huge diversity of ferns on the Fern Walk. Wooded Gully (Mt Thomas) campsite Wooded Gully campsite lies in the foothills of the Southern Alps, an hour’s drive from Christchurch and about 12 km from Ashley Gorge. Facilities include water and toilets, and dogs are allowed on a leash. This is a great spot for families, with open grassed areas for games, a stream to play in and lovely picnic sites. It’s also the starting point for walks that range from one hour to a full-day traverse of Mt Thomas Forest. Lake Mahinapua campsite Take time out at the sheltered and tranquil Lake Mahinapua campsite in forest surroundings, just south of Hokitika. This popular overnight and day stop is generally quiet in the autumn. There is water and toilets and picnic tables as well as a boat ramp and jetty. Yachting, kayaking and swimming are favoured activities and there are short bush walks. The nearby Mahinapua Walkway (which can also be cycled) is a longer option around the lake.

By Fiona Oliphant, Department of Conservation

 

 

7.30 to 6pm all day or half days Babies to 5+ Professional caring staff Great staff ratios Free 20 hours ECE for over 3 Get ready for school programme

Free sessions 1pm-5pm for 3-6 year olds

• Be considerate: try not to hold up the flow of traffic – if necessary, pull over to allow vehicles to pass.

• Be responsible: know the road rules

and follow them. Wear an approved helmet, make sure it fits firmly and keep it buckled up. If your helmet is dropped or becomes dented or broken in a crash, replace it immediately.

On the road  Ride in single file to let traffic flow past.

 Make sure there is a strong rider or adult at both the front and rear of the group – if there’s only one strong rider, then they should ride at the rear.

 Ride at a speed the slowest member of the group is comfortable with. Information provided by Bike Wise.

22B Willcott Street

846 8436

Next to the Mt Albert Railway Station

Five good starting points to online safety for kids It’s always a bit worrying to think about the dangers in the world and how to protect your kids from them all.


ike most complex issues though, it’s easy to be paralysed by over-analysing the situation or overreacting to the potential rather than the reality. There are certainly dangers in unfiltered and unfettered internet access, but with a few simple things to remember you can turn the problem from all-consuming worry to cautious oversight.

1 Stranger danger

The idea of not talking to strangers or accepting gifts from people you don’t know is one we already teach our kids in the modern world. It’s time to extend that lesson to the online world. If they don’t know a person then teach them that giving out your details, making phone calls or sharing information carries the same dangers as in real life.

become a hundred times more complex and the content can be almost anything. Keep an active eye on what they are doing and review the browser history occasionally to make sure they aren’t heading into dangerous territory. Remember that even the most net savvy of us can search an ambiguous term that has a double meaning and be surprised at the results.

4 Activate content filters

You can employ many commercial filtering packages to protect, block or alert to any unsavoury or unwanted materials. Review these on a regular basis on all your devices. Remember that internet does not only mean PC; it can also be smart phones, game consoles and tablets. The best place to start is to activate the “safe search” option on Google. Do a Google search on “net-filtering for families” and you’ll find plenty of advice and resources online.

5 Don’t overreact- adjust

Something that kids often don’t think about is the idea of personal information such as date of birth, surnames and real names. Often online games use avatars and profiles that do not use your real name or details. Teach your kids to guard that information and treat it as top secret and not to be shared. Encourage the use of avatars and online identities that celebrate your children’s fantasy, not their reality.

There is no one solution to all your online safety issues. The online world is amazing, complex and educationally rich, as well as potentially dangerous. Encouragingly for parents though, the wealth of family friendly material has grown substantially as more and more of our lives go online. The best thing to do is to stay interested in your kids’ online activity and adjust your strategy and what you know about the online world as you go. By Wayne Webb

This seems obvious, but the computer is a worse babysitter than the television. When you factor in the online component, the interactions

Wayne Webb is a community services manager for SmallWorlds - an online gaming site that caters to a 13-plus age range - an avid technology fiend and the father of two children who also love “screen things.”

2 The value of privacy

3 Watch your kids


Password protection Here are a few tips on selecting a password:

 Select a unique pass word.

 Do not use your street name,

suburb or city, or other easily identifiable descriptors such as a birthday, middle names, or initials.  Let the principal or person in charge of the kindergarten or school know the password you have chosen from day one.

 Give the password to those you have selected to pick up your children.  Talk to your children from an early age about stranger danger. However, make the conversation age appropriate. You don’t want them to mis trust all adults.  Keep the password in place until you believe they are mature enough to make good judgement calls.


Crissi Blair lives with her family in west Auckland and spends her time reading and writing, mostly about children’s books. Crissi organised the Storylines Festival of New Zealand Children’s Writers and Illustrators for three years and publishes the useful guide New Zealand Children’s Books in Print which is updated every year. Visit for more information.


Junior Fiction

Picture Books Bear Has a Story to Tell Philip C Stead Illustrated by Erin E Stead Allen & Unwin Hardback $24.99 ● Bear wants to tell a story but all his friends are preparing for winter - Mouse is gathering seeds, Duck is getting ready to fly south - and they all need his help. Then Bear has to hibernate himself. When spring comes, Bear can’t remember what his story was, but this time his friends help him. Illustrations show the cuddliest bear ever and the spare wintery background.

WishyWashy World By Joy Cowley Illustrated by Philip Webb Clean Slate Press Hardback $25.99 ● This is eight new stories (also published as school readers) about longtime favourites Mr and Mrs Wishy-Washy and their animals. There’s a laugh in every one even though they are written in simple language suitable for a very new reader. The rotund Mrs Wishy-Washy has a constant battle to keep everyone clean and organised, particularly when the animals love mud and playing around. Warm and friendly illustrations capture the personalities perfectly. Ages 5-7.

The Terrible Suitcase By Emma Allen Illustrated by Freya Blackwood Scholastic Paperback $21 Hardback $31 ● A little girl turns five but instead of the backpack she wants she gets “the terrible suitcase.” She’s very cross about it and hides in the class cardboard rocket. But then another child comes in crying so to distract the suitcase is offered as a space food container, then a toolkit, until lots of children are playing happily and the suitcase has new status as a treasure. A good school introduction. Ages 3-7.









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Childhood trauma

Competitions, giveaways and vouchers

Helping kids bounce back

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Footsteps Through the Fog By Margaret Mahy Illustrated by Gavin Bishop Puffin Paperback $19.99 ● Anthea is blind so when she goes to the beach with her brothers and sisters they have to take care of her, but when fog comes rolling in it’s Anthea who can find the way home. Braille title on the front and alphabet on back flap. Royalties to the Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind. Lovely smudgy illustrations capture the foggy beachscape. Ages 4-10.

Dear Scarlett

A First Book of Nature

By Fleur Hitchcock Nosy Crow Paperback $19.99 ● Scarlett (11) receives a box of things left to her by her dead jewel-thief father. She then discovers that her dad wasn’t a criminal after all and there’s a rumour that he has left a treasure trove of diamonds, but how is she going to find them? There’s a dangerous couple after Scarlett’s secret too, and her new friend Ellie to help her work things out. A funny enthralling family mystery. Ages 9-12.

By Nicola Davies Illustrated by Mark Hearld Walker Books Hardback $32.99 ● Poems and stylised illustrations using linocuts, paint and collage capture the seasons and the outdoors from stargazing to bird-watching, seasonal farm activities like haymaking and milking, familiar animals like chickens and sheep and wildlife including deer and squirrels. An English publication so some animals like squirrels will not be familiar to New Zealand children but the pages of a book are a great place to meet them. A large treasure of a book. Ages 3-10.

Mr & Mrs Bunny Detectives Extraordinaire By Mrs Bunny, translated from Rabbit by Polly Horvath Illustrated by Sophie Blackall Schwartz & Wade Hardback $33.50 ● Madeline’s parents have been abducted by foxes. She meets Mr and Mrs Bunny (yes they are rabbits) who have just decided to become detectives. Unfortunately they aren’t very good, but they try hard, whilst also trying to fit into the town they’ve just moved to. Luckily Madeline is able to understand Rabbit, and might just find her parents in spite of her “helpers.” Ages 9-12.

Azzi in Between

Sally Bangle: Unexpected Detective

By Sarah Garland Frances Lincoln Hardback $32.99 ● War was closing in on the town where Azzi lived with her family. They had to leave in a hurry, with just a few possessions. They travel by boat to a new country. Everything is different. Azzi goes to school and learns to speak a new language. Gardening lessons gives her an idea to help her family feel more at home. This touching and traumatic tale enables a better understanding of differing cultures. Ages 5-12.

By Melinda Szymanik Tale-Spin Media, 2013 Ebook US$2.99 ● If you haven’t tried reading an e-book yet, try this mystery novel about Sally whose sea-captain dad disappeared seven years ago. When she does a project about the headmistress’ father, Professor Angstrom, she discovers he was on the voyage where her father disappeared and Sally will do anything - even visiting a mental hospital, breaking and entering, and dealing with some dangerous people - to find out what really happened. Ages 8-12. Available from most e-tailers.

Anzac Day: The New Zealand Story. What it is and why it matters By Philippa Werry New Holland Paperback $24.99 ● Explore the story of Anzac Day, from the Gallipoli Campaign and the Great War, through to the commemorative services held annually throughout the country. Find out the background behind Anzac biscuits, the Last Post and more. Timeline, maps, paintings, photographs, newspaper clippings and info graphics tell the story in great detail. Ages 8-12.

Kids’ Garden Adventure By Don Burke (Burke’s Backyard) New Holland Paperback plus kit $30.00 ● This is a great time of year to plant a garden. This kit will inspire kids to get their fingers dirty with lots of different activities to do with plants, from planting seeds to making an eggshell garden or a scarecrow, and experiment with changing the colour of flowers. Blending fun with science and craft. The kit includes a small spade, a thermometer and compass, and a tiny torch (great for hunting snails at night).


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By Odin Redbeard Illustrated by Sarah Horne Nosy Crow Paperback $14.99 ● Vulgar‘s new teacher, Otto the BoneCruncher, gives lessons in tough Viking stuff like hunting, fighting and exploring, which turns out to be more difficult than Vulgar expected. Then Otto takes them on a school trip. After a long, hard walk and giant slugs for dinner, it gets dark and decidedly spooky, not helped by Vulgar’s scary campfire story. Funny and dramatic with great scratchy ink drawings throughout. Ages 5-8.

Knowledge books

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