1 minute read

Important Numbers

Change Your Address Online!


USPS (United States Postal Service) https://moversguide.usps.com

It's quick, easy, safe, secure and you'll receive an Email notification confirming your change of address. Please visit the USPS's website above for more information.

DMV (Dept. of Motor Vehicles) www.oregondmv.com

DMV uses the same address for all vehicles registered in your name and Driver License, Permit or ID Card. By providing them with your new address, they will change the address on the following: 1. Your Drive License, Permit or ID Card record. If they are currently valid, the DMV will send and address sticker to your new address that you must place on your card. 2. Every vehicle registration record where you are the owner and where it is your address being used on the registration. Please visit the DMV's website above for more information.

Oregon Voter Registration www.oregonvotes.gov | 866.673.VOTE and TTY 800.735.2900

Please visit the website above for more information.

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