8 minute read
from The Crest 102
Clean Eating Made Nutritious, DELICIOUS AND OH-SO-CONVENIENT
“Nutrimental was created to work hand in hand with our fitness studio, Body20,” says Almari Jansen. “To make your life, goal reaching, and choosing healthy foods easy.”
After opening Body20 in 2019, Almari was shocked by the bad eating habits people create for themselves, simply because they “don’t have time” or think that it’s better not to eat if you want to lose weight. “The lack of knowledge of how food can fuel your body was really concerning to me, so I realised the massive need for freshly prepared healthy meals.”
She first started off by prepping meals for her studio clientele, but soon expanded beyond that. “Healthy meals are not only important for weight loss and athletic performance, but also for a healthy mind. Constant fatigue, headaches and heartburn can all be related to a bad diet and can often be reduced by making better food choices.
“It’s important to me that clients receive their meals fresh and not frozen, so that it is even more convenient and easy to enjoy a healthy meal,” says Almari. “At Nutrimental we offer freshly prepared, calorie controlled meals; breakfast, lunch and dinner options which are delivered/ collected fresh once a week.”
FOR MORE INFO: order@nutrimentalsa.co.za

Girl Power To Local Women-owned Building Company FEM BUILD editor's choice
Shevaughn Visser says growing up with brothers seemed to have been a no-brainer by which career path she would follow, as did having a grandfather who always had her by his side fixing up the house. “I grew up quite the ladylike tomboy, not afraid of any challenge life threw at me. I always said, ‘If a man can do it, I can do it better!’,” laughs Shevaughn.
Graduating through Cambridge University homeschooling and working for her family business in engineering and hydraulics, then meeting her husband Derrick – a qualified builder – got Shevaughn into the trade. “Derrick inspired me to be the best I can be, and that if anything ever happened to him I would be able to see and fend for myself.
“Fem Build shows women that we too can do it. There is no task too big or too small if you just put your heart and soul into it,” says Shevaugh. “It is not an easy trade to be in, and every day I am still learning. But having a woman on site really works – we see more detail and intricate finer details to give it that perfect finishing touch.”
Fem Build offer many services – specialising in houses, granny-flats, roofing, waterproofing, tiling, plumbing, retaining walls and more. “We offer a hands-on service and will beat any written reputable quote. We are dedicated to maintaining professional standards and putting our clients first. We believe in nurturing our team members skills and providing growing levels of responsibility. It’s our people who are our foundation of success; our people bring unique skills, experience, expertise, energy and perspectives to our great team.”
FOR MORE INFO: 071 427 7647; fembuild7@yahoo.com


There is great excitement on the iThemba Campus, as Waterfall College staff and students has begun to use the muchanticipated STEAM Centre. Once complete, the centre will add six classrooms and two science laboratories to the school.
The construction project was kick-started by the generosity of one donor, who recognised the potential of this facility to enhance the Waterfall Schools experience for the students who learn there, and signifies the continuation of a powerful partnership between Waterfall Schools and Focus on iThemba.
As we have witnessed in recent years, learning is no longer confined to traditional classroom spaces and high school students are expected to be equipped with four key skill sets: Global Citizenship, Innovation and Creativity, Technology, and Interpersonal skills.
The centre will provide venues that promote active engagement, with spaces that can be used in various ways. The ground floor is being used for Mathematics, Commerce and IT subjects from the start of Term three, while the Science Labs, Art and EGD rooms will be fitted out with beautifully designed, bright and flexible furniture during the term.
“The integration of Sciences, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths allows for real-life learning experiences in real-life contexts, encouraging creative thinking and a dynamic approach to the world, rooted in a South African context. This is the vision we have for our school,” says Deputy Principal Bryony Green.
FOR MORE INFO: www.waterfallcollege.co.za
REWILD Your Skin
Esse is committed to providing skincare that is ethical and sustainable for the environment and for the people using it. Following Esse’s core principles, Esse has created a world-first probiotic treatment foundation available in 10 shades. This lightweight foundation includes a powerhouse of ingredients – such as one million probiotic bacteria per ml, aloe vera, jojoba oil, vitamin C and baobab fruit extract – for the ultimate in skincare. Some of the benefits of wearing Esse treatment foundation include: skin protection, repair, and hydration; natural coverage for improved skin tone and even complexion; SPF30 UV protection; strengthened barrier function and antioxidant protection.
Talented And Inspiring LOCAL ARTIST
Twenty-one-year-old Starlin Dlamini from Marianhill has always had a strong interest in arts and crafts. “Originally I was into pencil/ charcoal, then in high school I was introduced to different art elements that shifted my focus. I started adding colour to my work – which brought it to life,” he says. “Oil and acrylic painting grabbed me, and seeing works by the late Gerard Sekoto and George Pemba inspired me.”
Starlin says his work is mostly urban with a lot of expressiveness. “I like to show bristle brushstrokes because to me they tell a story. I’ve come to realise that in our everyday lives we cannot express ourselves enough, so I put all my emotions in pieces that speak for me,” he says. “Art to me has been a form of communication, and very
therapeutic. I’ve been healed by my quest for inner peace through soul searching, and I would like to share this amazing journey with the community around me.” Starlin works at Ray’s Kitchen, where his art can be viewed and bought. He would love the opportunity to study and broaden • THE CREST MAGAZ I N E ’S BEST KEPT SECRE T further in terms of experience and skill. “I also dream helping younger children discover and improve their talents. In many township I see children turning into the product of the environment, which doesn’t shape the community in the right way.” FOR MORE INFO: 084 548 9881; stolenstarzz@gmail.com

NEW EXCITING LINK HILLS PHARMACY AND CLINIC Looted... just 10 days after opening!

Pauline Randles and her committed team were thrilled to open their doors on 28 June, inviting the community into a unique new apothecary style pharmacy full of warmth, memorabilia and wonderful displays ... only to face the horror of looters crashing through the window on 12 July. Says Pauline: “It was surreal watching the mob rush past our store with trolley loads of looted goods, screaming and singing. 27 cameras in store picked up the footage as stragglers entered the store late in the day, and returned – until the mall was secured two days later. They trashed equipment and randomly helped themselves to selected items, but sparing the main server and back-up – thank goodness!

I felt so helpless and angry watching all this on my phone. I was resolute and decided to go back to the mall, which was still full of looters at 7am the next day. With the help of armed community men we looted our own drugs, so as to safeguard them at my home. We have a number of cancer patients who need morphine, and diabetics needing insulin. I will not allow civil unrest to interfere with our service to these patients. We dispensed emergency meds from my lounge, having loaded an ordering system on to my PC. Small miracles were evident, as we expected good to prevail over evil. A talented graffiti artist created a wonderful work of art on the boarded up window – we may just leave it there to keep us centred! We have to dig deep to pay the bills, but we are resilient and the staff have been amazingly positive against all odds. Thank you to the community, colleagues and friends who have lifted our spirits with flowers, treats and encouraging words. I cannot express my gratitude adequately enough.” From 1 August we are back to normal trade – wiser, stronger and more passionate to serve, despite the challenges we face.
At Thrive we’ve sourced the best natural, organic and local ranges to help keep you better than well. We are fully stocked with immune boosting vitamins and supplements, natural remedies, mom and baby products and natural and organic health foods.
VISIT US in store now or buy online at www.wethrive.co.za

This year Kloof Methodist Church, one of the three oldest churches in Kloof, turns 110 and celebrates with an exhibition of talented artists and crafters in the Upper Highway area – ranging from fine art and wildlife photography, to miniaturism, creation of classic motor cars from recycled parts and sugar art. The church hall will feature a stunning display of flowers supported by live music, a tea garden and boerewors and braai broodjies.
Checkers entrance 5, Watercrest Mall. Open 8-7 weekdays; 8-5 Sat; 9-5 Sundays and holidays

FOR MORE INFO: Saturday, September 4, from 9am; email: phillidaellis@gmail.com