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Become a certified Health Coach
Looking for Flexibility in your Career whilst Raising a Family?
If you think about your behaviour modifi cations, last visit to the doctor they mentor, inspire, guide, how much time did he/she and motivate clients by actually spend with you? understanding them as Did you get the chance to an individual - anyone can discuss how you really feel, transform their health but or to take a look at your for each of us, the drivers overall health and wellbeing and motivators are very - or discuss diet, nutrition, different. stress or activity levels? Our clients know what Generally, the answer is no. they should or shouldn’t
Most doctors only have be doing but lack the drive a few minutes to spend and motivation. A health with each patient. It’s coach works with each not that they don’t want person as an individual to to spend more time with help them create a new patients, they simply don’t future in relation to their have enough time. health that is clear, exciting,
At a recent Health in line with their values and Coaching conference in the geared towards their preferUK, Dr Rangan Chatterjee ences. Health Coaches voiced his frustration at not have the luxury of time that being able to spend more medical doctors don’t, to time discussing lifestyle delve deeper into the hows changes his patients could and whys of preventative make and expressed care. So the real issue is a his support for Health ‘behavioural change’ one Coaching to become an but it is also exactly where and this is the role of the integrated part of a doctor’s health coaches can help! Health Coach. The great practice. The landscape of So What Exactly Does a thing about becoming a Health healthcare has changed. Health Coach Do? Coach is that you can build it in Chronic disease now far The primary goal of a and around raising a family. It outweighs acute illness, Health Coach is to help can be a part time or full time with 80% of premature their clients commit to a career. You get to choose. deaths today being caused permanent lifestyle shift, Does this sound like by lifestyle diseases. overcoming all the barrisomething that would excite
And yes, that means 80% ers that commonly stop and inspire you? are avoidable. This is where people changing. Health Please visit our website at www.healththe medical profession coaches help their clients coachesacademy.co.za and book a call or struggles to fi nd solutions, work through lifestyle and download our information pack today.