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Beating the Bounce: Why you

Beating the Bounce: Why you Need a Good Sports Bra!

A SPORTS BRA’S MAIN OBJECTIVE IS TO REDUCE MOVEMENT OF BREAST TISSUE. B y doing this, you reduce the impact on your breasts and thereby protect ? larger breasted ladies. At Sarah Elizabeth we believe that women should find not aged and this can lead to sagging. Good support is therefore an essential the tissues and ligaments only the right support, but part of your exercise kit. from permanently stretchalso the right style of sports Not wearing a good sports ing due to the impact of bra so that they can go out bra can lead to damage of exercise and sport. In theory and live an active life. the cooper’s ligament and its simple - reducing the Being a long-distance your breast’s skin. A good movement leads to less runner myself, I really sports bra should protect strain on your breast tissue understand the importance your breasts, allowing you and you avoid pain and of wearing a sports bra that to exercise pain free, reduce discomfort when exercising. allows you to feel supported strain on breast tissue, mi But finding the right sports so that you can go out and nimised breast movement bra is a real struggle for so feel confident while exercis and reduce the chance of many women, especially ing. The day I discovered breast sag and long-term a great fitting supportive breast damage. sports bra my life literally Top three tips when buy changed. No more doubling ing a sports bra: up or feeling self-conscious, 1. Consider what sport or and thankfully sore breasts exercise am I doing? Match were a thing of the past. the level of support you Why do you need a good need to the bra options. If it sports bra? Every woman’s is a high impact sports, like breasts are supported by running, horse riding, Cross Cooper’s Ligaments and if Fit, then you need to choose this tissue is permanently a sports bra that offers stretch it can become dam you high impact support. A


more structured option is going to be best choice. If you are doing a less impact activity, like Pilates, then choose a sports bra that offers moderate dynamic support. 2. The snugger the band the better, it helps to stabilise and anchor the bra to your body and thereby reducing movement. HOWEVER, you still need to breathe and move, especially if you are participating in a cardiovascular activity. It’s about fi nding the balance between a snug band and being comfortable. 3. Here is my top tip - when you try on a sports bra move around. Do not just stand in front of the mirror, actually jump up and down, jog on the spot. Move around in the fi tting room, you will soon discover whether that style works for you.

My favourite sports bras:

I love my Panache Sports bra and for ladies doing high impact sports this is defi nitely one of my go to options. The moulded cups offer outstanding support and a defi ned shape. Most importantly, this bra SIGNIFICANTLY reduces bounce and movement – research shows 83% less bounce. For larger breasted ladies the non-padded Panache Sports Bra is a fantastic option.

The Epic Sports Bra by Freya offers high performance support with full coverage for ladies looking for comfort while exercising. High-tech COOLMAX fabric pulls the moisture away from the skin with a fast-drying action. It offers great shape, lift and supports by encapsulating the ? breast rather than traditional compression.

For larger breasted ladies the new Extreme Control Plus from Anita is an outstanding choice. It has a double strap combination that offers stability and support. The Energise from Elomi is another good option that offers good support as each breast is

supported and movement is reduced.

I have fi tted and helped hundreds of women fi nd the right sports bra for them. If there is one bra that I think women should invest in it is a good sports bra. Living an active, healthy life is so important and I believe no woman should feel inhibited from doing this because of breast movement. A good sports bra allows you to go out and not have to worry about the bounce but rather focus on being healthy and active.

If you need help, advice or to book a fi tting please get in contact. We can’t wait to help you get active and beat the bounce. By Sarah Swainson. Contact Sarah Elizabeth on sarah@sarahelizabeth.co.za or visit www.sarahelizabeth.co.za.


Mum’s Mail has a sports bra from Sarah Elizabeth to give away, valued at approximately R1500.

Visit www.mumsmail. com to enter.

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