20 minute read
from The Ridge 124
PAY it forward
Shamla Pather is a highly respected law practitioner specialising in commercial litigation, with a niche commercial client base. In addition to this, she has created a sterling reputation as being one of the leading family lawyers. She has an unusual, even unexpected approach to what she does and, skilled as she is, her primary driving force is her backstory. It’s that which has driven her actions, business ethics and keeps her focused.
Shamla was the only daughter – youngest of four – and grew up in a humble home with little money: “Still,” she smiles, “I was spoilt, because as lacking in formal education and impoverished as my parents were, they did everything to make our world better. They valued education, and the ability to stand on your own feet.”
Shamla considered herself an average scholar, but a brilliant university student: “For me to attend university required enormous sacrifices by my family. That alone was fiercely motivating. For a young Indian girl who, realistically, should have been getting married not studying law, the option of failing did not exist. For me to study, my brother had to give up his studies, which he did without question.”
Shamla worked extremely hard, supported wholeheartedly by her family: “For those four years, my sole job was to study, Stepping out into the world – particularly that of law – Shamla I broke found herself unprepared: “This from all relationships profession is a real character build, and if you are not resilient enough, career breaking. From which were bad the very outset, it was tough. for me, and I’ve risen like the I was considered nothing and nobody, and my self-confidence was entirely eroded. I was
Phoenix” repeatedly told I wasn’t good enough, until I believed it. It was my mum’s was to take care a form of abuse.” Shamla has of me, ensure I was mentally been in the industry for 24 years and physically equipped to now, and she’s determined a succeed. The memory of my large part of her legacy will be mum’s caring ways during to assist young, hard-working those years will never leave me; professionals to believe in that, together with my dad’s ‘I’ll themselves and their ability to always make a plan’ attitude, climb the ladder, despite personal shaped who I am, and how I and professional impediments. approach every aspect of life. My She realised the manipulation then boyfriend, now husband, and sacrifices she had had to taught me I could be anything endure, made her stronger. I wanted, and motivated me to Shamla is quick to add that work hard and achieve my goals. the journey wasn’t all negative. He still does this today.” She worked for a number of

stellar legal firms like Garlicke & Bousfield Inc, and Shepstone & Wylie, companies which not only valued her, but showed it: “These are big, well-oiled machines with good business practices and ethics, and they taught me an enormous amount. Not only did I build solid, respectful, and sincere relationships with them, but lasting ones. I defy anyone who says the big companies haven’t transformed – they have, and gender equality is firmly on their radar. I am proud to say I can call on both these firms for personal and professional assistance with ease and without any reciprocation required.” Along the way, Shamla found a mentor in an unusual quarter – Jacky Julyan, then a Durban advocate: “She was a formidable woman who allowed me to see my faults, but constantly pointed out my strengths. She took me under her wing, built me up, showed me how to escape toxic business relationships, and told me what an amazing lawyer I was. She was unselfish in her teaching and often stood up for me without hesitation. When you have a strong female role model like that, you know you can fly!” And she did. Today, two years into her own practice, Shamla smiles, “I broke from all relationships which were bad for me, and I’ve risen like the Phoenix. I understood it doesn’t matter what people think of you, it only matters what you think of yourself. I have learnt so many lessons along the way, identified abusive business and legal practices, and made sure I’m not that person.” She opened Shamla Pather Attorneys to cries of ‘What took you so long? You should have done it years ago. We knew you could do it’. The person shouting the loudest was husband and medical doctor, Dan Govender, who had always believed in her ability to open her own practice. She smiles, “He’s always seen something in me that I didn’t see. He made personal and financial sacrifices for me to grow and create my working space. Throughout our 24-year marriage, he has been, and remains, my best friend. “I may be a small firm in the scheme of things, but I’m a brand that’s recognised both locally and abroad. I’ve made sure I work super hard, inspire and encourage others, and
never take unfair advantage of my staff. I’m not an activist for feminism, I’m an activist for treating everyone as human beings. I will not help you because you’re a woman in need – I do it because you’re a human being in need.” Shamla always asks her staff to read Robin Sharma’s book, Leading Without A Title. “He urges everyone that no matter what you do in life, master it. Street sweeper, cleaner, sister, brother, friend, you name it, be the best you possibly can, and one day, someone will identify you, and you’ll grow.” One of Shamla’s great joys is identifying that person, and helping them on their way up. She says, “I’ve never forgotten where I came from, or the people who held me up and put me on this path. I can’t give back to my parents, so I give back in their name.” Shamla does pro bono work and contributes to innumerable charities, not just financially, but by rolling up her sleeves and providing meals for 80 elderly people every month. She also gives talks to probono.com on topics such as gender issues, empowerment, abuse, raising your children, the scourge of badly handled social media, labour issues. “My greatest compliment was paid to me by my 19-year-old daughter Jayde who said, ‘Mummy, I want my children raised the way you raised me, as I will know that they will be OK’,” says Shamla. “I believe strongly in fairness and justice, about integrity, being true to myself, about looking in the mirror and liking the person I am. I want to help and inspire young professionals to be masters of their destiny, to know it’s about what’s inside you, not what you wear. I want to help uplift them.” That’s why, for Shamla, it’s vital to Pay It Forward.
FOR MORE INFO uMhlanga: 202, 2 Richefond Circle, Ridgeside Office Park, uMhlanga Rocks; 031 003 8971; 082 777 4650 New Zimbali Office: Suite F04B, Zimbali Wedge Retail Centre, Ballito (opening April 2021) shamla@lawspa.co.za; www.lawspa.co.za
Congratulations Shamla Pather Attorneys.

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KS SHOPFITTERS are delighted to have been instrumental in establishing Shamla PatherÕs new office in Ballito, and wish her every success as she expands her business in KwaZulu-Natal.

Congratulations to Shamla Pather. Wishing you and your business all the best for the future. From PREMJIS JEWELLERS at Gateway and
Best wishes to Shamla Pather on the opening of your new offices in Ballito. We are super proud of your success and trust you will continue to change lives and livelihoods. May God bless your new offices.

– Sandy and Boston Moonsamy, Suavanne Boston Moonsamy, Shayuranne Boston Moonsamy, and Shivayanne Boston Moonsamy
In 2015 my family unit broke. It took Shamla Pather two years of working long days and nights, combined with sincerity and honesty, to complete my family unit again. We will forever be grateful to Shamla for all her effort and hard work. May the Almighty be with you and your family always. All the best to you in your new venture.
– The Sema Family

NATAL CONSTRUCTION wishes Shamla Pather all the very best. Dealing with her is like dealing with family. We wish her well on the opening of her Zimbali branch office.
– 031 309 4514

KIMESHAN'S TRUCKING are overjoyed at your expansion to Ballito. Only a few firms have managed to achieve such success in a short space of time, which can be attributed to your hard work and strong leadership. Congratulations and good luck for the future.
– Daran Naidoo, Director, 031 502 3657
Asha Lalbahadur, from attorneys and conveyancers A. LALBAHADUR & ASSOCIATES, would like to wish Shamla Pather much success with her new office, and hope to continue working together.
– Asha Lalbahadur, 072 425 6532 Suite 2, 16/18 Frosterley Office Park Armstrong Avenue, uMhlanga

– DLA Grain Distributors Enquiries:
082 443 4108
031 502 7441

Congratulations Shamla Pather. Your dedication to hard work is really inspiring. Wishing you many years of success as you achieve your goals.
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FAMILY would like to congratulate Shamla Pather in her new acquisition, and wish her many years of success.

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Designs on NATURE

Today’s architecture takes its cues from nature, where architectural vision mimics natural shapes and forms, makes use of natural materials, and integrates design features which link the built environment to the natural one.
Awareness of the inestimable value of human-nature connectivity has been growing over the past few decades, but the constraints of lockdown has opened us up
to nature’s role in our mental and physical well-being, with scientific proof that this connectivity promotes good health.
Bernice Rumble from Land Art Studio unpacks the concept of biophilic design: “It’s used in the building industry, to increase the occupants’ connectivity to the natural environment through the use of direct nature, indirect nature, and space and place conditions. In a nutshell, biophilic design offers health, environmental and

economic benefits for building occupants and urban environments, with few drawbacks,” says Bernice. Biomimicry is another related concept. Translated as “looking to nature for knowledge”, it’s a driving force for most architects and designers today. Bernice describes it as, “a conscious decision in design. You use nature as a model, where natural forms inspire you – it’s a visual sensitivity to nature.” Nature has lessons. “Nature runs on sunlight,” explains Bernice. “It only uses the energy it needs. It always fits form to function, recycles everything, rewards cooperation, banks on diversity, demands local expertise, and curbs excess from within. Nature is able to balance itself. We’ve lost that balance, and we need to regain it.” Clearly, if you’re designing and building from scratch, it’s easier to orchestrate. New eco estates focus on rehabilitation and sustainable living – their designs are based on the premise that nature promotes wellness and health. And it’s not simply about including cycling trails and outdoor gyms. Nature itself is the healer, so it’s about making that connection when you’re cycling, and equally, when you’re at work or at home. “As landscape architects, one of our leading principles is to breathe vitality into the spaces we design. We design for vitality.” »

Zululami Luxury Coastal Estate on the KZN North Coast is a prime example of biophilic design. The more subtle the building, the more unobtrusive, the more visually pleasing: “This building is ‘broken up’, so it’s not one heavy mass,” says Bernice. “There’s an inner courtyard too, so it’s possible to ‘work’ outdoors.”
Orientation matters. Whether for people or plants, the building’s orientation is a major consideration. “Making use of natural light is important, not only because it promotes wellness, but by maximising daylight, electric light usage is minimised. Natural ventilation is just as important – far better air quality than air-conditioning.”
The Zululami gatehouse has a lush green growing wall, and an exquisite roof garden

Where To Start
Buddleja saligna – False Olive Caodendrum capense – Cape Chestnut Dias cotinifolia – Pompon Tree Dombeya rotundifolia – Common Wild Pear Erythrina caffra – Coast Coral Tree Grewia occidentalis – Cross Berry Halleria lucida – Tree Fuchsia Nuxia floribunda – Forest Elder Ochna natalita – Natal Plane “Mickey Mouse” Bush Strelitzia nicolai’ – Wild Banana
TREES FOR SMALL GARDENS: Allophylus natalensis – Dune Allophylus Chionanthus foveolatus – Pock Ironwood Clausena anisata – Horsewood Deinbollia oblongifolia – Dune Soapberry Dovyalis caffra – Kei Apple Euclea crispa subsp. Crispa – Blue Guarri Olea europaea subsp. Africana – Wild Olive Loxostylis alata – Tarwood
GROUNDCOVER AND SHRUBS TO ATTRACT BIRDS, BEES AND BUTTERFLIES: Aloe species Aptenia cordifolia – Baby Sun Rose Asystasia gangetica – Creeping Foxglove Barleria obtuse – Bush Violet Bulbine Spp Chlorophytum saundersiae – Weeping Anthericum Geranium Spp Hypoestes aristata – Ribbon Bush Jasminum multipartitum – Jasmin Leonotis leonurus – Wild Dagga Tecoma capensis – Cape Honeysuckle with plants trickling down softly into the courtyard. Installation of these should always be done by specialists, as their knowledge and expertise matters, in particular, the roof garden, because of the required irrigation/ waterproofing. There are various DIY green wall fittings on the market today, but best to start small and do extensive homework.
The gatehouse is also constructed of wonderfully raw, natural, locally sourced materials, which play a major role in integrating spaces with nature, and maintaining constant visual contact with nature outside when you are indoors.

What do you need to begin your reconnect with nature?
“There are so many ways to begin. It could be a decision to create a collection of staghorn ferns on a timber screen, or orchids on a tree. You could decide to give over a quarter of your lawn to plantings which attract birds, bees and butterflies,” suggests Bernice.
But start with a quick analysis of exactly where you live – does your property fall into the category of coastal grassland or coastal forest? It’s important to plant trees and shrubs endemic to your region. All plant choices must consider aspect (sun/ shade), wind, salt air, root conditions and seasonal changes – a great indigenous nursery or landscaper will help you there. As Bernice says, “We are so fortunate to live in a sub-tropical region, where we have a vast plant palette at our disposal – our plant choices allow variation in form, texture, colour and size.”
It’s straightforward and easy to get going – and it’s so worthwhile. Apart from the soft visual pleasure, there’s something so satisfying when those birds, bees and butterflies choose you. *
picture dawn rouse
When you’ve experienced a trauma, you’re more compassionate towards others walking that road. You’ve walked in their shoes. It works in every corner of life – from empathy towards a new mum with post-partum depression, to leading a support group for other anxiety sufferers.
In the last few decades, alternative therapies have become far more widely accepted in South Africa. Reflexology, herbal supplements, homeopathy, massage and acupuncture are well entrenched modalities. There’s a clear leaning towards those therapies which treat the cause of the problem rather than its symptoms – on both the physical and metaphysical level.
Still, there are always sceptics. Ironically, Warren Whitfield was one of them.
Fourteen years ago, Warren registered at New York’s Lincoln Memorial Recovery Centre, training under the late Michael Smith who founded the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA). Michael – a GP and psychiatrist – had come across the work of Dr Wen in Hong Kong who, using only acupuncture, was highly successful in alleviating the withdrawal and cravings of drug addicts. He’d had low success, so began working with acupuncture. The success rate was phenomenal, and he was a convert.
Warren had flown halfway around the world for this course – the content of which he’d misunderstood. It took time for his scepticism to subside, but he became so invested in auricular (ears) acupuncture, that he went on to specialise and become a trainer. Today, he runs courses in South Africa: “This course is part of the third-year curriculum at Yale School of

Pathway to HEALTH
Psychiatry – they saw the efficacy of a non-verbal, drugfree method. Soon graduate schools worldwide will include this in their curriculum.”
Today, NADA has a footprint in over 40 countries, with more than 30 000 practitioners and 3 000 clinics globally.
With a less than one percent failure rate for curing addiction, the NADA five-point treatment system hasn’t altered in 40 years. Warren spent a great deal of time working in a clinic in USA: “One thousand clients a day were coming into the clinic for acupuncture; even the legal courts were referring addicts to the programme.” Warren was the first in South Africa to practice this five-point protocol and is an internationally certified trainer. He was the founder of the NADA SA and AcuDetox Clinics SA (Pty) Ltd. Today, he is NADA SA’s chairman.
Jono Rudolph and Warren opened Acu-Wellness in Ballito. It was their dream to open a wellness centre that offered every kind of modality under the sun, so they could offer people whatever was indicated for their specific requirements.
Jono is an Ozone specialist, and an AcuDetox practitioner with over 15 years’ experience in addiction counselling. He beat Hodgkin’s Lymphoma cancer using Ozone and

other modalities.
The word AcuDetox is an amalgamation of acupuncture and detoxification, and these healing tools are the primary, although not exclusive, focus at Acu-Wellness. The Acu-Wellness practice is a collaboration of specialist alternative health practitioners,
ABOVE: From left, Warren Whitfield and Jono Rudolph, alternative therapy practitioners.
who together provide a wide range of treatments which hone in on both the physical and metaphysical.
Warren believes everything begins with detoxification: “People aren’t detoxifying correctly. The body and mind are inseparable, so if your body is toxic, so is your mind.” He describes how most consults proceed: “The theory behind Chinese medicine is very simple. All diseases of the body or mind are caused by a toxin. It can be physical – alcohol, fungus, bacteria, etc, or abstract – thoughts, memories, traumas, emotions. We specialise in a ‘toxin evaluation’, where we spend an hour-and-a-half discovering the toxic event and uncovering what happened, where the ‘illness’ began. There’s always a timeline and a cause. We investigate disempowering beliefs. “People need to be detoxified correctly and relatively slowly. We complement it with the appropriate stem cell patch.”
Warren believes there’s very little with which their alternative therapies can’t assist: “We have clients with mental illnesses, stress, anger, anxiety – and at the other end of the spectrum, those who simply want to become healthy and detox or want to resolve hormonal imbalances. I’ve eliminated a lifetime of migraines in four weeks, and helped people stop smoking in one acupuncture session.
“People have become a great deal more health conscious. They’re also more open to non-invasive, nondrug based therapies, and are more comfortable with the concept that the mind and body are linked.”
The team at AcuDetox is highly skilled, passionate about their work, focus on you, your immune system and your wellbeing. They are healers. * FOR MORE INFO
Jono Rudolph: 064 695 0258; Warren Whitfield: 072 522 5325; www.acuwellness.co.za
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