Fanbase Music Mag Issue 12

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ISSUE 12 MUSIC MAGAZINE Competition …..


Brett Botha Yesterday’s Pupil

Aaron Nel

Freddie Van’Dango

January 2012 – 1 Year Anniversary Edition

♦ Editors Note

Christmas Extravaganza

♦ Team Profile ♦ The Writing is on the Wall


♦ Christmas Extravaganza Review ♦ Featured Bands / DJs • • • • •

Mr. Brett F Botha Aaron Nel Yesterday’s Pupil Freddie Van’Dango Axel Batsch

♦ Looking Back – 2011 ♦ Danni’s Punk Pit ♦ Jo’s Corner ♦ Competition ♦ Togger of the Month ♦ Tattoo’s & Piercings ♦ Contact Page




Editors Note

ow what a journey it’s been for Fanbase Music mag this past year. As we approach a new year, we also approach our 1 year anniversary. Yes can you believe it, we are in our 12th issue and already been going for a year. It hasn’t always been easy and a lot of times I felt a little despondent. I could not have achieved all we have without my awesome team who is the real reason the mag featured every month for the past year. Danni, Jo and my awesome Mom. You guys are my rock and I love you guys so much!!! Thank you , thank you, thank you. I can’t go on without mentioning past members who have since left the mag but also helped with the success of the mag to date. So Stini, Michael Williams, Patrick (Fly) and Tammie Ann Barnes, you are all still part of this mag coz we wouldn’t be in our 12th issue without all your help, so thank you so much. OK so what have we got in store for you in this killer issue?? First up our front cover features 2 artists, an awesome band doing well on the radio and MK. I am talking about none other than “Yesterdays Pupil”. Check out this awesome interview in Danni’s Punk Pit section. Danni also interviews Freddie, from Idols Fame. These are both great features and I’m so proud of Danni for bagging these interviews ☺. The other artist is our one and only Brett Botha, check out my interview with this interesting musician and find out what he's up to these days. I get to interview an awesome musician by the name of Aaron Nel, who is rapidly making a name for himself in the music industry, so go check him out ☺

With it being our 1 year anniversary I take a look back over the months at the past musicians who graced the front cover of Fanbase. I did some research to find out what each band/musician is up to since featuring on the cover - so go check out this article ☺ Last but not least we review an awesome Christmas Extravaganza for the disabled, which boasted some musicians such as, Brent Harris (Just Jinger), Jack Stone, and Dave van Vuuren amongst others. Finally in Jo’s Corner she looks at some funny new years resolutions, which we all know is hard to stick to as the year goes by, but I do hope whatever you’re up to in the new year , it helps you to become a better person and make a difference to the world. Also in Jo’s Corner she has some funnies in the “Just for laughs” and also an inspirational new years quote of the month.

Once again, thanx to my awesome team for a great year and a huge big thank you to you, the reader for supporting us over the months coz if it wasn’t for your great Birthday wishes: love and support we will not be doing this – so a big “rock” thank you. st Dalton 21 Dad : 28th Happy! Happy!

To the awesome musicians we featured over the months and everyone who we have either partied with, rocked out with or just shared a drink with an awesome convo. I salute you all. It’s been an absolute pleasure to get to know you and hope to continue the friendship into the future. Here is to the next year of FANBASE! Keep rocking Duzzy, Danni, Jo and Mom

Team Profile The “Green Day” fanatic Journalist Name: Daniela

Nickname: Danni / Greenday Fave saying right now: "To do something that you feel in your heart that's great, you need to make a lot of mistakes. Anything that's successful is a series of mistakes." Billie Joe Armstrong Greatest ambitions in life: Become a music journalist and follow Green Day around the world!! Fave shoes: My Green Day chucks and doc martens (Oh and my crazy high heels). Fave item of clothing: Black hoodie What’s playing in your CD player/iPod right now? Green Day's Warning CD and some Aerosmith

The Boss / Editor / Journalist Name: Duwyne Nickname: Duzzy Fave saying right now: Mamu or Lani Greatest ambitions in life: In the words of Just Jinjer’s song “What he means”, “ PEACE , LOVE MORE, TOLERANCE (Live by that and you won’t go wrong) Fave shoes: All Stars What’s playing in your CD player/iPod right now: Rock till you drop volume 4 (but I find myself playing “Flyleaf- all around me” on repeat... That women’s voice is amazing.

The Girly Journalist

Name: Joanne Nickname: Jo Fave saying right now: Yebo Greatest ambitions in life: To be a teacher Fave shoes: Black boots Fave item of clothing: Jeans What’s playing in your CD player/iPod right now: Seether


Indie RockN'Roll South Africa Really like what the guys at FANBASE music magazine are doin! more people need to start putting in an effort , before complaining about the South African music scene! Duzzy replies: Thanx for the mention and yes you’re right, we need more people to promote S.A music out there, coz we do have the talent. Together, Indie RockN'Roll South Africa and FANBASE music magazine will put SA music on the map!


Thank you for finding our concert for people with disabilities a worthy cause! Please call the event secretary for VIP tickets to the show! Sent in by the organizers Thank you!!! for publishing our Christmas Extravaganza for people with disabilities!! I am a fan FOREVER Sent in by Danielle van Eck --oOo-From myself and on behalf of the organizers of the Christmas Extravaganza for people with disabilities...I would like to sincerely thank you for advertising this special event in your issue of this month's Fan Base Music Magazine! Blessings and Peace xxx Sent in by Marisa HippieHeart Horn Fantastic a fan forever!!!! Sent in by Mary Van Vuuren

Christmas Extravaganza for People with Disabilities December 2011 REVIEW by: Wendy Jane Sewell Mitchell

December 16th 2011 saw the very first Christmas Extravaganza in South Africa for the physically challenged. Produced by Reinhardt Massyn and held in the swanky Ballroom of the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg, the event was a wonderful charity benefit for the disabled, their helpers and loved ones. Upon entering the Ballroom I was struck by the overwhelming stage set up, flanked by 2 enormous projection screens. The volunteer crew were welcoming and hard at work ensuring that everyone was comfortable and well taken care of. Tables for the guests were filled with a variety of appetising snacks and tasty treats with a cheery snack pack for all attending, was placed under every seat. The room was awash with excitement and anticipation as the lights be gan to dim. Our MC for the afternoon, Mr Rudi Muller extended a warm welcome, proceeded to introduce the first act which was The Jack Stone Band. Opening with their heart-warming rendition of Leonard Cohen's hit Hallelujah, Jack Stone's distinctive golden voice was backed by stellar musicians PJ Smitsdorff on drums and vocals, Glenn Veale on bass, and Avzal Ismail on keyboards. Additional backing vocals were provided by the members of the group Everlane. The lovely Marlene Schalkwyk followed with a sweet and touching performance of the song 'A thousand times' followed by the sensational country rock duo Alter Irving. They took to the stage in style and pleased the crowd with their rocking version of the classic Jolene. Ari Serilis the chairperson of the Quadraplegic Association of South Africa or QASA spoke to us about how the Christmas Extravaganza came into being, and reminded us that people with disabilities need the support of their communities everywhere. Ari then surprised us with a spontaneous performance on his harmonica, and the audience roared with appreciation! The young and vibrant Cordelia set the tone for the next set of artists, entertaining us with her track 'Die Rede' The Tshwane Gospel Choir, under the directorship of Rixi Roman on bass and Tshepo Monareng on keyboards took to the stage in their brightly coloured outfits, and took the mood to another level, singing Melodi ya Tshwane and Mahlo a bona ke metsu. Fresh faced AJ van der Meschdt performed his refreshing number Sewe Seisoene, before The Jack Stone Band took to the stage once more, to thrill us with a further 4 songs. Their song Angel was dedicated to Hayley Gowar, who was instrumental in inspiring the creation of this event.

As the lights dimmed once more, the room grew quiet as Idols sensation Brandon October was introduced. He walked through the audience, and was engaging with people as he made his way to the stage, while singing 'Burn for you.' Brandon brought his hard to resist personality and charmed audience members, creating a marvellous rapport. Dynamite comes in all shapes and sizes, and Brandon certainly exploded when he launched into his Queen Medley! AJ van der Mescht treated us to his version of the song Free Falling, after which Brent Harris took to the stage. A cornucopia of lighting and sound exploded in union, adding immensely to the already memorable experience. Performing songs from The Kings of Leon to Police's Message in a bottle. Brent's drum solo was nothing less than spectacular. Beki Nene was welcomed with open arms, and was followed by Erin Fourie (backed by Carl Landsberg on keys) Erin had us spellbound with her performance of When a child is born, Have yourself a merry little Christmas and other memorable hits. Bev Gowar – Haley’s Mom thanked the organisers, the artists and everyone involved in making this dream concert a reality with a heart rendering speech. Bridgette Dos Santos graced the stage and beamed as her dream to perform with Frank Panaou came true. This brave young lady is currently awaiting an urgent liver transplant. Prime Media 94.7 has collected the necessary funds for her operation, and Bridgette now awaits her match. Frank and Bridgette performed their duet Winter Hope with style and grace. Reinhardt spoke to us about how much work had gone into making this wonderful event possible. Also taking care to mention the backstage, sound and lighting crew hard at work behind the scenes, and thanked the long list of sponsors that was both incredible and moving to hear. Both Marlene Scalkwyk and Cordelia once again took us on a musical journey with their lovely voices, after which the talented and suave Frank Panaou charmed us with his renditions of classics such as My Way, Mrs Jones and finished with a Frank Sinatra Medley. Everlane entertained us with their brilliant original song 'All I see is you' David van Vuuren backed by his guitarist mesmerised with his stage presence. Opening his set with the song Sex on Fire, he showed us once again why he is our Idols winner for 2011. Performing streets of Philadelphia, Troublesome mind, Vincent and his original song If we don't fear, David had us in the palm of his hand and all eyes were upon him when he sang I can't help falling in love with you' dedicated to his sister Laura, as he performed with his father playing guitar with him for one song. Reinhardt spoke to us about how much work had gone into making this wonderful event possible. Also taking care to mention the backstage, sound and lighting crew hard at work behind the scenes, and thanked the long list of sponsors that was both incredible and moving to hear.

Both Marlene Scalkwyk and Cordelia once again took us on a musical journey with their lovely voices, after which the talented and suave Frank Panaou charmed us with his renditions of classics such as My Way, Mrs Jones and finished with a Frank Sinatra Medley. Everlane entertained us with their brilliant original song 'All I see is you' David van Vuuren backed by his guitarist mesmerised with his stage presence. Opening his set with the song Sex on Fire, he showed us once again why he is our Idols winner for 2011. Performing streets of Philadelphia, Troublesome mind, Vincent and his original song If we don't fear, David had us in the palm of his hand and all eyes were upon him when he sang I can't help falling in love with you' dedicated to his sister Laura, as he performed with his father playing guitar with him for one song. Cindy Alter from the Alter Irving band, and Brandon October performed O Holy Night for the grand finale, and were joined on stage by artists and crew alike. What a truly wonderful close to this very special experience that left us all blessed and with hope that good in an otherwise seemingly uncaring world does indeed exist.

Wendy Jane Sewell Mitchell


This isn’t the first time that we have featured this unique artist. Having played for bands such as Kissed by Katie and The Cheap Bad Habits and also featured as a solo artist in our mag before, I’m left wondering if there is anything else left to say about Mr Brett F.Botha? Well having just moved to the city of Johannesburg and rapidly making a name for himself there, Brett has still got a great future ahead of him and we are very honored to be featuring him on the front cover this month. Enjoy the interview! Interviewed by : Duwyne Clayton

So Brett let’s get right into it. You have recently moved to The city of Jo’burg. How is it in JHB and how does the music industry differ from Durban? For one there are a lot more venues haha, but even that said , it’s a lot harder finding shows up here. Being by myself here in JHB, as music goes, has been a challenge for me, getting to know the scene , sortve waiting in the bushes for my turn to strike. 2012 IS My Time Now!!!

Having played with some awesome bands in Durban such as “Kissed by Katie” and “The Cheap Bad Habits” and making a name for yourself in Durban what can we expect from Mr Brett F. Botha in the city of Jozi? My new music Video For "Save Me" is on the drawing board at the moment, planning all that with a very talented video director, Janine Strydom and I’m getting a band together up here. Finding the right muso's in early February gonna get started with the Mr Brett F. Botha First Official Album.

You are currently putting a band together now? What can we expect from them ? YES! found some old members from my previous trip up here , awesome guys and GIRL, but still in the process of finding a decent shredder to back me up on stage :)

Having played with bands “Kissed by Katie” who have a Pop Rock feel to the band, what kind of music can we expect to hear coming from you now that you are starting up in Joburg? Well I’m sort of going towards a more Fall Out Boy / Paramore type of vibe but we gonna see how the album goes, wanna throw in a lil bit of country rockabilly vibes into to the mix as such. Get the feet tapping and butt cheeks shaking :) HAHA

You have some material that we are familiar with such as “Man Inside” but have you been working on new material and how has that journey been now that you have relocated to Joburg? Uhm… It’s been different hey, at first I was writing a lot of depressing stuff. , You know with the move and leaving my familly and friends behind, also having to deal with a lot of my mistakes and all round just finding my happiness, and I’m at peace , and ready to Rock n roll :)

Is there any chance of you coming back to Durban or is Joburg home now? At the moment JHB is home, but ‘Ill go wherever the music flows. But I and will always have a huge love for Durban and everyone I know in it, it is my home, and for my brothers and sisters in band's there - I will always have a cold beer and a warm bed if they're ever up here :D

You have played along some awesome musicians Fokof and Van Coke. How have those experiences been for you? These are the experiences that cannot be forgotten, but also a major learning curve to how hard it is to make it and stay in the limelight, I can only hope that I will someday make such an impact on the music industry like these bands have, PELE!

Where can people get hold of your music? Well as always on: FaceBook, Reverb nation, also the album will be in stores sometime next year...

Where can people see you perform in 2012? Tanz Cafe, Cool Running's , various Pretoria venues (AMPT) but I will keep you guys posted!

A A R O N N E L Interviewed by: Duwyne Clayton

I first saw Aaron play a few years ago at the Barnyard production called “Rocking all Over the world”. I was lucky enough to see the show four times and each time I was so impressed with Aaron’s guitar playing and performance. Fast forward a few years later who would have thought I would be here interviewing that same guy for Fanbase Music Mag. Doing productions for places like Barnyard etc is only a drop in the ocean in comparison to what Aaron can do. He is also a phenomenal solo songwriter and performer and this is my main focus on this great musician at the moment. Hope you enjoy the interview.

First of all Aaron thanks for doing this interview. It’s really awesome featuring you in our Mag? Thanks a lot Duwyne. It is awesome to be featured. Thanks for the “heads – up”!

Where did it all start with you wanting to be a musician? I guess once I started playing I immediately fell in love with it – the music that is. To give you an example of what I mean, I remember the first song that my piano teacher taught me at the age of 5, I sort of went ahead and learnt to sing the whole damn thing along with the piano accompaniment. Quite frankly, I was the 2nd youngest of four kids and all my siblings were even more talented than me! So anything less would have been a failure in that context.

Do you come from a musical back round? Well, that’s hard to say. As far as I can remember, none of my grandparents were professional musicians or anything like that. I don’t even think they played instruments. In my culture – being Afrikaans – it is the done thing to go for piano lessons when you are 5 so your parents can show you off at the Sunday braai. So I have my culture to thank in a large way. But somehow it stuck with me to continue playing, and the rest is history. On the other hand, my older brother – who is also a muso – has done some research and alleges that our male ancestry is littered with story tellers, preachers and musicians. If that’s true it will explain a lot!

You’re a very good songwriter, where do you get your inspiration from and what is the process like? Well, first of all, thank you very much. There’s so much that influences me. At the end of the day it has to be a case of “practice makes perfect”. The disciplines of being an artist are extremely important to start with. I spend a lot of time practicing guitar, probably around 6 hours a day. It’s also important to study. If you can’t interpret music the way it was meant to be played, then your whole “end product” is bound to be off the mark by a greater or lesser degree. These things are important when attempting to write/produce songs/music.

If I were someone who has never heard your music, what experience would I get going to one of your gigs? One thing that I have learnt as a performer is that people can tell when you’re not giving it your all. So on that note, I’d say that people can always expect a high standard of performance. I try and treat the music I play with huge respect, while actually singing the songs gives me a unique insight into the songs. Everyone has bad performances once in a while, or you’re bound to make a mistake somewhere in your performance. But if you’ve left everything behind on the stage, you’ve had the best performance you could give.

Do you have rituals before going on stage? No rituals. I just have little routines. Why, do you know someone who has rituals? Eish! No, no. I disappear into the change room at around 45mins before the show and do vocal warm ups for around 15 – 20mins, then, I get changed, have a beer, have a smoke. It’s nice to have people to talk to before the gig.

Are there any albums or recordings out there that we can get our hands on or in the near future? Yes! I’ve released two solo albums to date. My most recent release is “Uncovered” (2010) I also released “Jump the Traffic” in 2008.

You have been involved in some productions such as tribute to the Eagles , Eric Clapton and Friends, and one of my favorites Rocking all over the world at the Barnyard. How is doing something like that different to doing your own solo stuff and which do you enjoy more? It’s true I do a lot of cover work. My philosophy is that I decided that I’m a working musician a long time ago. The thing that’s kept me going is the performance aspect of what I do. So I do enjoy the thrill of working with like minded professionals, as well as making friendships and professional relationships that go beyond the confines of corporate work. We’re all artists at the end of the day. As far as my original stuff is concerned I am still tinkering with the live performance aspect. I want to get the arrangement 100% right for performance specifically, so that when the music is performed, it is slick and accurate. To this end I must say that finding the right musicians to play your original material is a very complicated endeavor! I perform a lot with various musicians, and they all have fantastic skills.

You have worked and met some awesome people in the industry. That must be so cool working with such good talent? What do you think of the future of S.A music? That has to be one of the biggest perks of being a touring musician. It is both humbling when you perform next to people who you have such awe for, and yet so valuable as far as gaining experience goes. Melanie Lowe is someone I’ve worked with 4 years ago, and I’m just so grateful for the lessons I learned from someone like her. It’s the little things when you’re on the road, like what’s healthy alternative diet on the road. You can’t survive on McDonalds! You’ll die looking like Elvis!

What do you wish for the future in terms of your music? The main thing is to get the musicians together, rehearse properly, and play the right gigs. If I plan properly, I may just succeed, so here’s to that!

Where can people catch you playing in 2012? One of the projects I’m involved in which I really love performing is “Memoirs: the Music of Simon & Garfunkel” . Next year on 24 Feb I’ll be in Stutterheim in the Eastern Cape. The following week we’ll be at the Savoy Theatre in PE. After that there’s a show with the Barnyard from March – May. After that, some more Simon and Garfunkel shows in Pietermaritzburg in May, and a possible tour to Cape Town in the latter half of 2012

Thanks so much for doing this interview Aaron? It’s a pleasure! Thanks so much for the opportunity, and keep on Rocking!

LOOKING BACK…………. Wow, I still can’t believe we’re into our “One year anniversary” issue of Fanbase Music Mag. Over the months we have been very privileged to feature some awesome people in the mag. In this article I take a moment to look back over the past year at all the musicians that have graced our front cover and featured in our issues. Hope you enjoy the trip down memory lane as much as I did, and thanks for all the support over the past year.

Issue 1 (Kissed By Katie) In January 2011 Fanbase Music Mag was born. Having been a big fan of “Kissed by Katie”, it was an obvious choice for me to have them on our very first issue of Fanbase, and what an awesome interview I had with Katie Windt. Recently “Kissed by Katie” have dis-banded as a band and Katie Windt is now living it up in America, Brett F. Botha living in Jo’burg and making a name for himself as a solo artist and Steph Plevier drumming for metal band Stellawood Decapitation

Issue 2 ( Esjay Jones) Having a good response with our first issue I was even more excited about featuring Esjay Jones, a celebrity in her own right, from Stealing Love Jones fame. At the moment Esjay is still living and rocking in U.S.A and doing very well for herself, performing with well known artists such as Linkin Park and Aaron Lewis to mention just a few. Well done Esjay ! we are very proud of you - keep the South African flag flying high !

Issue 3 (Catlike Thieves) Issue 3 was such a good edition for us, with Catlike Thieves doing very well on MK and the radio stations around the country. So they were an obvious choice to have on this issues front cover. I remember meeting up with them at Jackie Horner for the interview and it was the funniest interview to date with the band being so fun and down to earth. At the moment they have been busy touring and opening up for big acts such as The Parlotones. They have also released more videos that can be viewed on MK.

Issue 4 (Truth and its Burdens, Facing the Gallows and The Dead will tell) Issue 4 was the first time we featured 3 bands on one cover. Lead singers of the bands Truth and its Burdens, Facing the Gallows and The Dead will tell, came together for a special photo shoot for the front cover of this issue. At the time of this issue all 3 bands were opening up for The Ghost inside tour, which was very exciting. All 3 bands have been doing well for themselves, touring and playing loads of gigs and continuing making a name for themselves in the music world.

Issue 5 (Alan Oller, brother of Billy Joe Armstrong from Greenday) By far Issue 5 has been our most successful issue with reaching over 2000 views. It was our great pleasure with lots of excitement for having Alan Oller on the front cover, half brother of Billy Joe Armstrong lead singer of Greenday. Greenday were just so excited to see their brother featuring on the front cover that they put the mags link up on their website, which helped us to get a lot of reader exposure. Thanks so much to Alan for taking time out to let us interview him and thanks to Greenday for placing the link on their website. Alan plans to record an album of his songs and to release in 2012, so look out for that !

Issue 6 (Spoonfeedas) Issue 6 saw the new look for Fanbase Music mag where we changed the logo and layout of the magazine . Well known band Spoonfeedas was the choice of band to grace our revamped issue. Spoonfeedas have been working hard on a new music video for their song called Fear, which was written for the Natal Sharks rugby team. Some of the Shark players will be taking part in funny cameo roles. Out sometime after February 2012.

Issue 7 (Red Light Stereo) With the new look well in place we were starting to make a name for the mag and our number of readers increased. Awesome super group Red Light Stereo graced the cover of Fanbase. As a big fan of this group it was such an awesome privilege to feature them on our mag. At the moment the band have been busy touring and making a big name for themselves. Their music videos are being played regularly on MK and they have lots of airplay on various radio stations.

Issue 8 (Arno Carstens) Wow, I remember the excitement I felt when I bagged the interview with one of my all time heroes in music, Arno Carstens. This was really such a dream come true, talking about Springbok Nude Girls, his solo career and just the music scene in general. My heart still jumps an extra beat when I think of this issue. At the moment Springbok Nude girls are touring again and there is even talk of a new album in the pipeline. Arno still performs as his solo project New Porn, which is also doing very well at the moment.

Issue 9 (The Anti Retro Vinyl’s) The Anti Retro Vinyl’s, formerly known as The Otherwise, were the band that graced our Issue 9 cover. Having just changed their name it was awesome being able to be one of the first magazines to interview them and ask them about the name change. We have also formed such a good relationship with the band and it gives me great joy to announce they are another one of my favorite bands of all time. Since featuring them in Issue 9 The Anti Retro Vinyl’s have been very busy with gigging around South Africa and even being able to open up for South African band Springbok Nude Girls. Their new hit Lipstick and Late Nights made it to No. 1 on the 5FM local rock chart, which is such a huge achievement. Well done guys!

Issue 10 Krystle T Issue 10, wow what an amazing issue. I look back at the issue with fond memories of interviewing one of the hardest working musicians in the country, Krystle T. This lady deserves every bit of praise and good fortune that comes her way. She has released an album and recently also been working on the stage production for Cinderella, which is doing very well, with airplay on Top Billing and keeping us all glued to our T.V sets to see the interview with Krystle T. We are so proud of this girl and just love her to bits!

Issue 11 Fiery Hill Issue 11, the Christmas edition - and as it was the Christmas season, I decided to grace this issue with my own band Fiery Hill. Yes, a very controversial move but I don’t regret it as it was fun being interviewed by Danni and featuring on the front cover. At the moment Fiery Hill are looking forward to having a lot more gigs and getting our name and the message out there. We hope to be in the studio soon to continue working on our debut album - so look out for us !

Well readers that’s our trip down memory lane. If you would like to view any of our past issues please visit our webpage on : and don’t forget to spread the word……….

Hey everyone!! ;) HAPPPPPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!! I hope we all have our resolutions made, (the ones we never keep, I don’t think I will ever get around to getting that gym contract, but the thought is there at least!!!!) We have some awesome interviews for you all to check out this month! In my Section I have the great Freddie Van’Dango, which I’m sure you remember from Idols. I would like to thank Marli Van Rooyen and Sandra Fenner for the photos that you will all see in his spread. Next you will read about Axel Batsch, a one man band who I am sure you will all be intrigued by. Last but not least, I am so proud to say I interviewed Yesterday’s Pupil!!!!!!!!!! I know that you will love all these entertainers beautiful answers. Check out our T.I.T.S. page and our poem of the month! I hope you all have a fantastic month ahead!! I would like to wish my two best friends a very happy birthday for this month, Jess and Nathan I love you both! PS I love the whole team at Fanbase, let’s make this a year to remember!! :D Keep it Punk! XXXX

Interviewed by : Daniela de Almeida

YESTERDAY’S PUPIL Wow this has got to be one of my proudest moments; I am so honoured to have had the opportunity to interview “Yesterday’s Pupil”. South Africa has so much talent and I am so proud that Fanbase is able to share this insight with people around the world. Thank you Peach, you are amazing and a true inspiration. X ps Guys are you too tired to disco????? Cause I’m not ;) xx Firstly I have to say we are honoured to do an interview with you! Please tell our readers about Yesterday's Pupil. Thank you kindly! My name is Peach van Pletzen and Yesterday's Pupil is my solo project.

Who inspires your lyrics? Time, life, people, relationships, anything that is real in a person's life usually inspires something in one way or another, the unreal things do as well.

How did you come up with the concept for the music video "Too tired to disco"? Louis Minnaar and I shared some ideas, brainstormed, chatted and philosophized about it lots and the result was that video.

Tell us some crazy facts about yourself? I don't have a smartphone which is hectic apparently, I rock an old Nokia. One of my craziest tour nights ever went down in Durban just over 2 years ago. I don't eat sushi although a part of me suspects that there could be a slight chance that I might be able to get into it.

Why are you known as "Peach"? I've been called Peach since High School. I’ve never been able to shake the name for some reason. My initials are P-H, so people called me P-H and then P-H evolved into P(eac)H, its quite hectic! What makes South Africa a special place for music? We have great music, musicians and artists in this country and it only seems to be getting better. I believe more SA Artists are going to break through onto the world stage within the next few years. What is it like to see yourself on MK? I hardly ever watch TV, and I don't have DSTV, but when I do see myself it usually takes me back a bit to that time and the memories behind creating the video and all the stuff that was going on surrounding that period of time, almost like a little reminder. Time is a rather interesting thing I scheme.

Who drives you to keep going in this industry? Deep down inside I love it and I think I can't go against it, but I definitely can't always go with it either, so I reckon balance is the key. Get the balance right. What music do you listen to in your car? Current mixes of work and other projects etc. Also whenever an artist I respect releases something new I will definitely have that in my car for a few weeks. Other than that I listen to the old stuff, by the legends, we still have so much to learn from the past. Yesterday's pupil, you see? Have you ever met a celebrity who has left you feeling a bit star struck? If so, who was it? I don't recall, I recently met Skrillex and a bunch of other big names at The Lowlands Festival in Netherlands. I wasn't so much star-struck, we just had a regular conversation. Someone like Freddie Mercury would have left me star struck no doubt!

You seem so humble, yet you have this incredible talent that most would sell their souls for, how do you stay grounded? Thank you, I hope that is true! :) All the action is on the ground and I honestly don't dig flying too much. I am also very aware that despite coming a long way from where I once started out I still have a long way to go and tons of new things to learn through errors of enthusiasm and my successes. I think once a person considers themselves to be the best at something or done learning they usually start to leave the ground a bit. What makes you tick? Arrogance, ignorance, intolerance, irrelevance and ambulance.

What are your plans for 2012? Lots of New Music! Touring, and hopefully even more shows overseas, certainly learning more and definitely creating and sharing more music! Will you be coming to Durban soon? DAMN I HOPE SO!! :) It has to happen, 2012!

Axel Batsch Interviewed by : Daniela de Almeida

“Even though XL plays as a one man band, he doesn’t use any back up tracks. Everything is played live. A loop station assembles the sound of a band. The ukulele is used in an unconventional way (octaved as bass, distorted or percussive) which makes it possible to include a variety of styles such as various ethnic – folk elements, reggae, rock, blues, jungle, house and drum and bass. In his songs XL tends to get philosophical as well as political at times. Essentially though, he is following a hedonistic approach and intends to remind us to appreciate beauty and make the most of the one life we’re leading.”

How did you get into the music industry? I don't consider myself to be in the music industry , more like an occasional visitor. Music is a part of me. After learning the first few chords on the guitar as a teenager, I started writing songs. From there I always played in bands and gigged here and there and enjoyed it but never depended on music as a source of income.

What message do you want to get across to your fans? Life is beautiful and precious and way too short to waste any time in anger ... live now ... live fully but not selfishly

What sets you apart from the rest? The secret recipe of xl is that everything you hear on stage is done live by one man, a ukulele and a few gadgets. This one man band plays a variety of styles in a minimalistic way. I'm using a loop station and build proper compositions over a back up beat (done by beat boxing) and bass line (played with ukulele through an octaver) which are more or less constantly repeated. The challenge I face is to keep this interesting and dynamic.

Tell us a bit about your past. I was born in East Germany, came to South Africa to travel, fell in love with the country and its people, came again and again and eventually stayed. I’m a qualified land surveyor, have a masters in African Studies but worked in many fields such as construction, social work and now as a teacher. I worked with many musicians over the years and recorded a number of albums. Initially it was rock music that formed the foundation to be combined with a variety of styles. Now I follow the motto that everything is possible. Are you a family man? My family is a very important part of my life. It feels like I’m more dependent on my family than my family on me. I receive a lot of support and strength. The concept of family goes further than kin though. I consider everyone who is close to me my family.

Are you working on any projects for 2012? 2012 will be the year that my CD "cornUKEopia" will be launched. Obviously I'd like to play a lot. Concerts will be the place to buy the CD, so come along.

Describe your proudest moment! There are quite a few . Going on tour in South Africa with Ratamahatta in 2001, making it onto the main stage after an open mic competition with a toy ukulele at Splashy in 2004, playing with Nux Schwarz and John Ellis at Splashy in 2011, but more recently, I’m still very proud to leave the studio and hold a product in hand which turned out to be what I had in mind, with a big thank you to Colin Peddie the sound technician at Sonic Studio.

Who is your inspiration? Many could be named but to keep it short I'd like to mention Dub FX and Ricoloop, who are the two loop masters that inspired me to do what I'm doing now.

What CD is in your car at the moment? I don't have a car . At home: Tumi and the Volume.

Sum yourself up in 4 words! :) Love – Life - uke - loop

'Two In The Shirt� is a provocative clothing company based in California, USA. Also known as T.I.T.S the company has grown tremendously over the past year and is a key sponsor to many international celebs throughout the world. The Kartal Group has specialized in the state of the art online store that supplies all the latest ranges available to the public in South Africa. I hope to see you all wearing them soon! Thank you again to T.I.T.S for my rad new tops!! I have been wearing them everywhere!!! So trendy and edgy! Fits in with the perfect Punk Rock life style! xx

FREDDIE VAN’DANGO Interviewed by : Daniela de Almeida

I have a sneaking suspicion that many ladies are going to thank me for interviewing this lovely man, Punks and Punkettes I present you with, an interview with Freddie Van’Dango!!! You probably all recognize him from Idols, the crazy awesome dude with the unique voice and perfectly cropped pants!!! Enjoy Freddie’s witty answers!!! Sending you so much love Mr Van’Dango x

Freddie, you did so well in Idols and created a huge and loyal fanbase! Do you recommend that all up and coming singers go and try their luck on Idols?

What has been your proudest moment as a musician?

I could only recommend that you do "the idols experience" if you are ready and comfortable with being the kid in the corner. The "hahahaha depression corner." The "Mom, Dad and friends were lying to me corner."

Do you now get recognized wherever you go?

but that said, it's an amazing opportunity to showcase your talent. To jam and have a great time. I think that the musicians of our country are way too proud. Music is supposed to be shared, just like love.

Rastas have it tough!) Now... much more stares. Hello and thank you for making me blush!

I'm proud to be called a musician. My heroes are all musicians.

I usually got "checked out" by people for having long hair (because it's so weird having long hair hahahaha.

How do you deal with all the negative and positive press? I don't really follow the press, but my friends and I always have a good laugh. It's great to have good things written about you. It's even funnier to have ridiculous things on billboards. Haters make me famous and the love makes it a magical experience. Tell us 3 things about yourself that nobody knows! I'm Batman. I'm Batman. I'm Batman. What artists do you look up to? I look up to any artist that keeps pursuing with passion and who tries to be original. Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Kenny Powers and that dude who can't sing for &%$#, but keeps on making music. What is your most favourite song to sing and why?

So tell me about the projects you are working on. Any albums up your sleeve? I've been working on this album my whole life I suppose, but the first single is due for early Feb next year. Album is due March. Where is your favourite place to perform? My favorite place to perform is anywhere where the vibe is great. My dream venue is Oppikoppie!!!!!!! Need I say more? So what is your daily routine? My daily routine..? Waking up. In between. Sleeping. ( everyday is different) Are you planning to tour SA soon? If so, you HAVE to come to Durban! (That is an order!! ;)) Yes!!!!!!!!!! I want to play everywhere. What are your pet peeves?

Creep by Radiohead. It's the most beautiful song EVER.

I don't know what that means. ;) ;)

Why is music so important to you?

Here is your chance to speak to your fans, what would you like to say to them?

What is life without music!? Without sound!? Emotion being converted into melody? I choose to be blind. Please don't ever take my music away!!!!

I couldn't even begin to thank you enough. I never expected this. I'm not that kid in the corner anymore. Hahahaha!!! Let's dance together from this point forward. Let's start a revolution. Why not? Love ( #$%^ the hypocrites)

Coffee Shop Poetry…… Trace Down my Back

An unexpected meeting, Intense stares as your fingers crawled up my thigh, Educing dizzy highs, An urge to kiss, Resisting each attempt, So as to drag out this earthy yet sensual moment, Your arm creeps across my bare shoulders, Your fingers trace down my back, Calves tighten, eyes close, Your mouth moving onto my neck, Bite my lip, close my eyes and turn away. I always hide away in the shadows, This is where you found me. You make me want to play in the dark. Yet you always make me wait.

Greetings Fanbase people - it’s Jo here. So the New Year is finally upon us and its Fanbase Music Mag’s 1 year anniversary - how awesome is that!! So I’ve been looking back at all the Jo's corner issues we did this year i.e. Kissed by Katie's farewell, Kylie Cilliers make up artist, Rebecca Nicholas from BiteMe cupcakes, wow what a year!!! In this issue of Jo's corner we look at New Years resolutions. We all know how to make them but can we actually stick to them when the New Year comes around? Take a look at these funny new years resolutions, have a laugh and remember, “you can be the change you see in yourself”. Also take a look at the New Years jokes and quote I’ve added. Have a blessed New year everyone. Stay safe and see u in 2012 for more exciting Jo's corner tit bits.

Love and light always

CUPCAKE WINNERS : Marilyn Green & Col Reed Well done and thanks for entering ………hope you enjoy the cupcakes!!!!! Cupcakes by : BiteMe Cupcakes


General Funny New Years Resolutions I will......................... - Start washing my hands after I use the restroom. - Stop drinking orange juice after I just brushed my teeth. - Stop licking frozen flag poles. - Only get divorced and remarried once this year. - Watch more movie remakes. - Go back to school to avoid paying my student loans. - Only eat white snow - Keep it to myself that I have trouble with authority when I'm being interviewed. - Spend less than $1825 for coffee at Starbucks this year. - Claim all my pets as dependents on my taxes - Funny Technology Related New Year's Resolutions - Watch more cute and cuddly kitten videos on YouTube - Check my work e-mail account at least once this year - Switch my username to “password” and my password to “username” to make each a lot harder for hackers to figure out - Watch less T.V…. in standard definition - Stop buying worthless junk on Ebay, because QVC has better specials - Start using Facebook for something other than Farmville and stupid quizzes - Help kids stay safe by not texting on my cell phone while eating McDonald’s and speeding through crosswalks in school zones with a frost covered windshield - Avoid fingertip soreness by learning to play “Rock Band,” instead of a real guitar - Start a blog about how I would write more often if I had something important to write. Only make one blog entry and leave it published for years - Talk with a robot voice all the time - Funny New Years Resolutions about Weight Management - Funny New Year's Resolutions Video Song - Lose weight by hiding it someone you'll never find it. - Gain enough weight to get on The Biggest Loser. - Buy new clothes big enough to account for next year's holidays. - Start smoking to lose weight - Lose weight by inventing an anti-gravity machine - Lose weight by living on the moon - Find a more accurate scale - Build biceps by increasing reps of Ding Dong curls to 3 sets of 15 - Stop buttering my doughnuts - Eat more fruit... snacks


CE HOSTING & WEB DESIGN SERVICES Contact : Chris Engels email:

NAME THE BAND THAT FEATURED ON THE FRONT COVER OF FANBASE MUSIC MAGAZINE ISSUE 9 AND STAND A CHANCE TO WIN A CD CASE HOLDER First correct e-mail received with the correct answer together with your name and contact details to will be the winner!!!!! GOOD LUCK !


TylaTyla-Skye Fenton Photography

What do you like about photography? I love how it's a way of expressing creativity and if you're really talented with photography you can see a person’s personality and soul. I also like how you can be in complete control, especially with manual photography. I believe a photographer is only as good as he or she can control their camera and make a beautiful image without help from technology, anyone can take a photo on auto, but the best photos are taken on manual.

What style of Photography do you like? I love portraiture and using natural lighting, but I also like using studio lights, however I am by no means a strobest. I like to take photographs of people with style and I love pin-up style photos. Creative and alternative wedding photography is also one of my favourite things to photograph.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years in terms of your photography? I hope to own my own studio and possibly photographic art gallery, be a well known creative wedding photographer and also have a high end DSLR's such as the Nikon D3s and D3x.

Describe a day in the life of a photographer? Wake up, feed my Bearded Dragon and various other pets such as tarantula's, a frog and rats. Go on my blog (a constant source of creative inspiration), jot down idea's, and then edit, edit, edit! Whether it be clients photos, my creative work or perfecting a new technique in Photoshop. All through the day I check my emails from clients and check Facebook and maybe upload a few images. I also surf the web for tutorials and keep up with the latest fashion photography.

Interviewed by : Duwyne Clayton

What advice do you have for up and coming photographers? Know your camera inside and out, research how to use it to its full capability and maybe even take a course. Always be creative and keep a journal of ideas and inspirational pictures.

Out of your portfolio, give us the one image you’ve taken recently which really blows your mind. I try and make every image blow my mind. But it'd have to be the photos in the set where I projected images onto the model, those were really fun to take and turned out exactly how I pictured them in my mind. Especially the one with the cherry blossom branch.







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