Po r t f o l i o 裴
PE I Fa n g - Ju n g
“Design is the method of putting form and content together. Design, just as art, has multiple definitions; there is no single definition. Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that's why it is so complicated.� - Paul Rand
裴 芳 榕 PE I Fa n g - Ju n g
As a designer I graduated from visual communication master’s degree in Birmingham City University. In the course, I specialized in the use of graphic design and the knowledge of wayfinding as a communicator can directly represent the ideas and concepts of the image that a creator wants to express.
For my experience Design plays an important role in our lives. For graphic design, visual graphics are crucial communication media. However, graphic is powerful tools, which represent complex information, not only through the words and sound but also through visual conveyance of meaning. This is the reason that a good design is touching users’ heart.
CONTENT Works collection gallery
Wayfinding Design - Interactive environmental installation
Pictogram Design - Department store's pictogram
Logo Design - The exhibition of Fragments of Hakka
Layout Design - Flatpack Festival - Publication " The principle of effective pictogram"
Illustration - Self-exploration - Poetry
Printmaking - The collection of printmaking
Product Design - Bicycle Rack-Trailer - Money is power
01 Wayfinding Design
Wayfinding inform an audience of where they need to go, how to find it and what to do once the arrived.
Research Methods
Creative Thinking
Technique: - Lotus creative thinking - Overlap creative thinking
Using 5 Steps formal Analytical methods
Through testing and sketch up the ideas will come out design solution
Research Creative thinking
Print based information design: diagram, visualization
Information design
Interactive information design: ipad app incorporates sound and moving imagery as part of UX
– forms
Environmental information design: signage, wayfinding, exhibition and large scale installations
Creative Thinking
Applying the principles of interactive environmental installation can enhance city navigation for tourists.
Experinment Testing
A journey of foreign tourist
Interactive environmental installation
Focal point
Tourists need and interested
Foreign tourists
Near by the public transportation
The principle of interactive environmental installation 1. The interactive installation should have a focal point. 2. The installation should provide the information that tourists need or interested. 3. The installation should create an environment to attract tourists engage with it.
Designed by: PEI FANG JUNG PhotoMontage technique
02 Pictogram Design
“ Symbols provide a shorthand pictorial representation of a place, a service, or an action.The man and woman icons for public toilets are probably the most pervasive public symbols.� (Gibson, 2009)
Pictograms directly depict relatively simple concept
Brief Design a family of pictogram in department store’s floor directory to help visitors find their direction easily.
Principles - Simplify Pictogram should be understood easily and quickly. - Contrast Contrast elements of pictogram can be recognised well. - Group Elements should link to each other and form a family. - Intuitive Pictograms directly illustrate relatively simple concept.
Design process
Use five colours
For Department store
skibbereeneagle website, Bullring centre
03 Logo Design
The logo design for the exhibition called Fragments of Hakka
Fragments of Hakka
K: 80 M: 90
Typeface: Handwriting
Y: 85
04 Layout Design
- Flatpack Festival
- Publication
Flatpack Festival Flatpack is a festival which takes over venues across Birmingham every March. It draws people from far and wide with a mixture of films, performances, contraptions and surprises, and has been described as “magnificently eclectic” (Time Out), “joyously inventive” (the Guardian) and “the UK’s most creatively curated film festival” (the Independent).
My Publication Pictogram is everywhere. We are surrounded by it and it is delivered to us in diverse ways. From the moment we get up in the morning, we engage with pictogram that has been designed for specific purpose; the symbols on the street to guide people; the symbolic system in the airport. We are constantly engaging with the communication of pictogram design. The aim in this book is to provide an inspirational guide to the discipline of symbols, not just an introduction to the theories of pictogram, but a book that includes methods and knowledge on the use of experimenting to express the key of pictogram design. Therefore, I want to investigate the pictogram design knowing how the pictogram communicate with viewers by using visual image to deliver simplify and intuitive message.
Designed by: PEI FANG JUNG
05 Illustration
Part of me
Without you
Angel or Devil
06 Printmaking
The collection of printmaking
Lino cutting Screen print
Lino cutting
Victoria building
Adventures in Wonderland Multi-colour printing
Screen print
PEI FANG JUNG Business card
07 Product Design
Bicycle Rack-Trailer
Money is power
Bicycle Rack-Trailer Let's go shopping.
This bicycle rack can be easily converted into a bicycle trailer cart to carry additional groceries securely. When not needed, it is a nice-looking addition as the back seat/rack for beloved bike.
How to use
Go to shopping
Ready to go home
Money is power Save money, and feel the increased weight.
Save money either now or in the future are valued by people, understand savings have a better future, we want people to be able to develop a saving habit.
Everytime whe you put in a coin, holding a dumbbell in hand will make you feel satisfied from light to heavy. A little more weight, a little more sense of accomplishment.
Combing the Image of dumbbell with coincan. When people saving money at the same time be able to feel the weight, a little bit of accumulation can be felt not only increase the sense of accomplishment dumbbell, creating better saving habits. Moreover, they can exercise can be said that the combination of fun!
T ha n k yo u fo r yo u r re a d i n g! 裴
PEI Fang-Jung