2 minute read


Course Name: DS1201

Instructor: Elena Manferdini


Assistant Teacher: Kumaran Parthiban

In Collaboration with: Aleksandra Lapshina

Neural Covenant is a research center located in Los Angeles, California. It hosts world-class scientists who conduct groundbreaking research on how to achieve symbiosis with artificial intelligence through neural lace, oversee neural handshake experiments between humans and A.I. agents and present their technological advancements to the public.

In April 2017, Neuralink was created by Elon Musk with the short-term goal of making a device to treat serious brain diseases in the short-term with the eventual goal of human enhancement, or what some call transhumanism. The concept has met many resistances throughout the science community at the time due to its highly speculative claims.

Now six decades apart, Elon’s granddaughter Ela Musk has led the research with groundbreaking revelations that made Cortical Stacks prevalent and “neural lace” possible throughout the world. The Cortical Stacks is a data chip that is implanted into the upper part of the cortical bone in the spine in which the chip acts as a receptacle for the human consciousness or Digital Human Freight (D.H.F.).

With the fear of the post-Anthropocene, Musk has made it possible for humans to understand and communicate with machines through neural lace and an agent mediator, also known as a Seelie. Built here in Los Angeles, Neural Tech is a bio-tech lab that became the birthplace of the prototype Seelie. These floating bio-engineered A.I.s can connect surrounding digital databases with their host human partners to translate complex computational data into tangible human consciousness.

While neural lace has already been widely accepted over the last two decades, Counsel Day is a biennale event that acts as an overwatch over the progress of neural-related A.I. developments. Hosted in the Cerebrum, Ela Musk, scientists, and government officials worldwide come together to discuss the benefits and potential risks of future neural-AI development plans.

The Cerebrum also serves as a second experimental ground for overseeing neural handshake experiments between humans and A.I. Agents. The butterflylike A.I. Agents of Cerebrum transform the parliament space into a different theme for every Counsel Day, changing the microclimate of the interior area using Hard Light fabrication. These A.I. agents can not only fabricate and maintain a healthy and well-balanced ecosystem for humans. Still, they can also give nearby Seelie human occupants feedback and alter design choices based on the user’s preference. This symbiosis with artificial intelligence is accelerating the abilities of humans to understand, analyze and pass the information and knowledge to other humans and machine intelligence. With these technological advancements, extraterrestrial colonization becomes not a matter of how but a matter of when.

It is said that the magnificence of the Cerebrum can be scented before it is seen. The rich smell of flowers and nature envelopes the visitors as they make their way to the parliament. All these interior wonders were constructed by Ela Musk’s synthetic agents to mesmerize and leave the audience in awe of Neuralink technology.

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