0430425959 | jf19870509@gmail.com | http://editor.wix.com
Jiang Fan May
Beyond IBA Gorgswerder Eco Villadge Chen Dong, Jiang Fan, Maria L. S., Ratih Renaningtyas A more intense pattern of urban development is under consideration for the semi-rural district of Georgswerder in the northern sector of Wilhelmsburg in response to Hamburg’s housing needs and the relatively close location of Georgswerder to the inner city. Community consultation during the Hamburg IBA established strong support for urban consolidation in the district, which is principally in private land ownership.
0430425959 | jf19870509@gmail.com | http://editor.wix.com
Jiang Fan May
However, the high value landscape of woodland and water meadows requires a sensitive development approach. The key landscape elements identified in the study area are the water and vegetation systems. The defining element of the district is the Dove Elbe, a tributary of the Elbe cut off from the main river by the Wilhelmsburg dykes. A still backwater of great character, the Dove Elbe extends in a north-westerly direction for 18km through a protected biodiversity corridor termed the Wilhelmsburger-Dove Elbe Achse in the metropolitan landscape plan of Hamburg. Beyond the Dove Elbe, the larger setting is a 700 year- old cultural landscape of long, narrow fields, which originally extended from thatched-roof farmhouses constructed along the high ground of the Jenerseitedeich, creating a distinctive linear village. A number of historic houses survive but the linear village has been infilled with low-density suburban houses in recent decades, which nevertheless reads as a heritage streetscape. The area is bounded on the east by the main autobahn connecting Bremen, Hamburg and Berlin, which is scheduled for road- widening by the Federal Government. A family- owned factory producing premium quality wheels and castors for industrial vehicles has operated in the rural setting next to the autobahn for 70 years, and exports its products worldwide.
0430425959 | jf19870509@gmail.com | http://editor.wix.com
Jiang Fan May
A recent attempt at higher density housing in the form of an eco housing cluster on Kirchdorfer Strasse, the main north-south arterial route of the district has produced energy-efficient dwellings but with little sensitivity to the cultural landscape. The future program of urban consolidation demands a more considered urban design approach, which will accommodate an increase in population density but still retain the distinct character, uses and ecological functions of the Georgswerder landscape. A large parcel of farmland known as the Bullert Meadows in Georgswerder East, held in single ownership, presents the opportunity for urban development Beyond IBA on a greenfields site, based on creative ways to integrate eco housing, agricultural production, water management and clean industry within an urban pattern respecting the cultural landscape, extending the Metrozone principle and Climate Change theme of the Hamburg IBA to the next phase of urban development in Wilhelmsburg.
0430425959 | jf19870509@gmail.com | http://editor.wix.com
Jiang Fan May
ISSUES The main issues identified in the study area are: • the site has great potential as an attractive residential area, especially for families, with the abundance of green open space available in the area; • the cultural landscape of water meadows drains to marshland with numerous man-made ditches forming field boundaries for land drainage and irrigation. Along with the bio-diversity corridor of the Dove Elbe, the area provides natural habitat for a large number of protected species. A sensitive approach to development is needed in order to retain these landscape features and functions; • the Jenerseitediech is a heritage streetscape which includes a number of historic thatched-roof farm houses. Sited on the high ground of the dyke, the historic farm houses began the linear pattern of the low-density settlement extending along the narrow roadway on top of the dyke, which is a distinctive characteristic of Wilhelmsburg’s rural villages. • the traffic volumes and noise pollution of the autobahn, and the use of narrow rural roads as truck delivery routes are constraints to future residential development in the area. • public transport access to the site is currently poor as it is not directly located on the 154 bus route. OBJECTIVES The main objectives to address the issues raised above are: • to provide a new mixed-use neighbourhood that maintains the character of the village- like neighbourhood and takes advantage of the available green space; • to retain the character and function of the landscape elements of the site, including the water drainage system, the biodiversity reserve along the Dove Elbe, ruderal vegetation along the roadways and drainage ditches, and the pattern of long, narrow agricultural fields; • to retain public access to the Dove Elbe; • to conserve the biodiversity and retain the cultural and ecological functions of the site;
0430425959 | jf19870509@gmail.com | http://editor.wix.com
Jiang Fan May
• to provide design solutions and strategies to work with and take advantage of the flooding profile to create a neighbourhood that can still function when flooding occurs; • to protect the heritage streetscape from impacts of the development such as visual impacts and noise impacts; • to increase public transport accessibility the new mixed-use neighbourhood; • to provide design solutions that will reduce the noise impact from the autobahn and rearrange truck delivery route for existing and proposed industrial activities; • to increase public transport accessibility the new mixed-use neighbourhood.
0430425959 | jf19870509@gmail.com | http://editor.wix.com
Jiang Fan May
STRATEGIES The main strategies to achieve the objectives are: • a linear patter n of development as a response to the cultural landscape; • public space corridors aligned on key elements - the bio-diversity corridor along the Dove Elbe and view corridors to and from the heritage items; • a noise barrier in the form of a 5-storey building block zoned for light industry as part of the mixed-use development on the Hamburg IBA Metrozone principle; • re-location of an historic thatched-roof farmhouse threatened with demolition by the autobahn widening to a site adjoining the Dove Elbe biodiversity corridor as the nucleus of a primary school for the neighbourhood; • arrangement of the truck delivery routes taking advantage of the access route from the new industrial development in Peute east of the autobahn and restriction of truck routes in the site to the carefully-widened Sperlsdeicher Weg; • as a response to the flooding risk, provision of non-living residential functions and public space at the existing ground level in the new building types; with streets and living areas on a raised level so individual dwellings and the overall neighbourhood can still function when local flooding occurs; • provision of a mix of housing typologies that can provide living space among productive agricultural fields, creating an appropriate increase in density within the rural setting; • provision of a public transport loop through the site as an extension of the 154 bus route
0430425959 | jf19870509@gmail.com | http://editor.wix.com
Jiang Fan May
Beyond IBA The Water System Design Jiang Fan Bullert site is a meadow located in the eastern part of Wilhelmsburg, on a dead arm of the Elbe River. It has the Energy Hill to the north, a high way to the east, traditional farmland to the south and a large residential area to the west. An overall master plan of the site has been proposed. It aims to build up a selfsufficient neighborhood with an integrated system of buildings, water, vegetation and streets.There are mainly three issues of the site’s water system.
This water system design aims to help in building an efficient and sus- tainable new neighborhood on city edge by designing water houses with various of building forms and reasonable height limits, artificial lagoon with both purification functions and recreational purpose, efficient rubber dam system for seasonal and sufficient bridges providing connections within the project. The vision of this proposal is to extend the idea of self-sufficient neighbor- hood in the group proposal. According to the group master plan, the water system is the integration of water catchments, rivers, artificial lakes and drains. These water elements work well with the roof gardens, parks, noise buffer and crops. They not only provide water supply to these vegeta- tion, but also contribute to the overall water cycle system as well as flood control. In this water system design, this vision is also upheld because a self-sufficient water cycle system is economical, sustainable and clean. Precipitation, surface water and underground water system are expected to form a circulating system in order to achieve self-sufficiency.
0430425959 | jf19870509@gmail.com | http://editor.wix.com
Jiang Fan May
They not only provide water supply to these vegeta- tion, but also contribute to the overall water cycle system as well as flood control. In this water system design, this vision is also upheld because a self-sufficient water cycle system is economical, sustainable and clean. Precipitation, surface water and underground water system are expected to form a circulating system in order to achieve self-sufficiency. The vision also concerns interactions with green space network and streets network.
0430425959 | jf19870509@gmail.com | http://editor.wix.com
Jiang Fan May
Beyond IBA The Water System Design
0430425959 | jf19870509@gmail.com | http://editor.wix.com
Jiang Fan May
The New Chinatown A Pedestrian and Heritage Dustrict Vision China Town as a fine grain walkable 24/7 precinct with a tenancy mix con- sisting of commercial, food and unique future office space.
0430425959 | jf19870509@gmail.com | http://editor.wix.com
Jiang Fan May
Existing situation : Positives and Negatives • P.China Town has the potential of 24/7 activated precinct. • N. China Town is badley isolated from Darling Harbour by the Harbor Street. • N. Dissconnection of public space between China Town and rest of the city. • N. walkability is usually interrupted by car traffic. • P. Significant food and retail businesses that contribute to late night aconomy and enter- tainment. • P. China Town has a significant location between Central Business district and residential city South and West. • N. City of Sydney is surrounded by arterial roads that separate ir from the water.
• create conditions to make the heritage buildings more economically viable, by introducing for new tenancy mix that embrace new job trends, such as Co • worker Hubs. - Improve walkability in street by widening the pedestrian areas and reducing car lanes and On • street car parking. • Tunneling Goulbourne Street to create continuity of pedestrian traffic in Sussex street. • Introducing for a platform to connect China Town
• China Town as a fine grain walkable 24/7 precinct with a tenancy mix consisting of commercial, food and unique future office space. • Protecting Heritage items, and retain zoning for fine graine, which contribute to more hu- man scale and diverse businesse that intesify liveability in the precinct. • Using TDR concept to protect heritage and buinesses.
0430425959 | jf19870509@gmail.com | http://editor.wix.com
Jiang Fan May
Development Mechanism Fain Grain- Structures of short stature, special characteristics and are important to the Asian community, socially and economically. High Density- Buildings identified as heritage but have been developed and reached the limit of their development capacity. New Buildings- Existing buildings that will receive development rights transferred from the heritage buildings in Chinatown. Heritage- Heritage buildings listed on the NSW heritage list and those who are not regis- tered but were identified as having an important characteristic and aesthetics and should be protected.
0430425959 | jf19870509@gmail.com | http://editor.wix.com
Jiang Fan May
The New Chinatown Urban Infill
0430425959 | jf19870509@gmail.com | http://editor.wix.com
Jiang Fan May
0430425959 | jf19870509@gmail.com | http://editor.wix.com
Jiang Fan May
The New Chinatown Urban Infill
0430425959 | jf19870509@gmail.com | http://editor.wix.com
Jiang Fan May
The New Chinatown Urban Infill
0430425959 | jf19870509@gmail.com | http://editor.wix.com
Jiang Fan May
Hang Zhou Water City A blue belt connect Historical Area and New CBD Jiang Fan , Li Weiwei
0430425959 | jf19870509@gmail.com | http://editor.wix.com
Jiang Fan May
Hang Zhou Water City A blue belt connect Historical Area and New CBD Jiang Fan , Li Weiwei
0430425959 | jf19870509@gmail.com | http://editor.wix.com
Jiang Fan May
Hang Zhou Water City A blue belt connect Historical Area and New CBD Jiang Fan , Li Weiwei
0430425959 | jf19870509@gmail.com | http://editor.wix.com
Jiang Fan May
Hang Zhou Water City A blue belt connect Historical Area and New CBD Jiang Fan , Li Weiwei
0430425959 | jf19870509@gmail.com | http://editor.wix.com