ISSUE NO.3 // JUNE 2019
FEATURING Dinos // Sam Tompkins // DOXX and much more
Contents 1
Dinos p.21
Sam Tompkins p.9
• Editor's Speech p.3 • Punchlines p.4 • Reviews p.15 • Playlist p.27
Doxx p.31
Di#se p.5
Kidaki p.35
• Who's Laylow?p.28 • Nekfeu's Come Back p.29 • Summer Festival p.37 • The Team p.39 • Credits p.42
Photography Cover © Fifou
A new issue and a huge pride in sharing the results of a hard work to offer you every three month a magazine even better than the previous one. This work is above all a real passion that come from a deep love for Rap music and all its benefits. Hip-Hop? I stumbled upon it when I was 9 years old, I was secretly listening to Diam’s and I often pretended to be sick so I could stay in my room and take full advantage of the lyrics of the one who will unknowingly become, one of my greatest inspirations. This woman who expressed her ill-being and pain in her Rap, made me a new person. Step by step I became this young teenager passionate about Rap and writing, with the only desire to conquer the music world. This magazine is the culmination of many sacrifices I made out of love for Rap. And once again, I’m here to introduce you these rappers you probably don’t know yet, or the ones you’ve already heard of, to give them the chance to share their passion with you and how they feel about their music and also their new projects. Each interview is a way to restore the Rap’s nobility and give importance to the human beings behind the artists, who did the same thing as me to conquer the music industry and create their fanbase. We’re all in the same boat, trying to fulfill our greatest dreams through Rap. This magazine is also a subliminal message to all those artists who decided to turn their backs on the press and journalists because they felt betrayed and misunderstood by them. I’m here to tell you that all journalists are different: what unites us, you and I, is this love for Rap so powerful that it has taken advantage over the rest of our lives. I wanted to tell you that this magazine will always be used to make you shine and enhance your art and not the other way around. That’s how my mother raised me. Mama? One more magazine. You can be proud of my background and my stubbornness. This victory is ours because I never had any other goal than to be your pride Mama Lova. A massive thanks, to all those who believe in this magazine and make it live thanks to their sharing, their feedback, their support and also their investments. Thank you for being the best audience we could ever dream of with the team mag. And finally, an endless thanks to Adélaïde, my partner in crime, my ally, my best friend and now my associate. The one who has supported me since the first day, before joining me in this adventure and giving the best of herself in everything she undertakes. Thank you for being who you are, thank you for being my soul mate G. With all my love, Fanny Hill Scott
Punchline "If it all comes down to telling my hate, pray that one day I'll change the theme." PNL
''Jealousy: a disease that often affects your people.'' Kalash Criminel
''I see them pretending to be happy for me, while wondering how much I earn per month.'' Ninho
''Every pain I go through is a step I reach.'' Nekfeu
"I hate you like that sentence that says: 'It was too good to be true'." Lomepal
''When you had bread, we had nothing. We worked our ass off for it. Now, it's three-course meal and waiter go ahead, pour some more wine in my glass." Georgio
Drawings ŠDiCreem
What about Di#se? This young rapper is 17 years old. Is he talented, bright and full of future? Yes, he is. He was announced as the hope of the French Rap on social media, opening his heart for an authentic and very touching interview. Di#se, whose real name is DÊsirÊ, is an ambitious rapper from Quimper in Brittany, has sincerely amazed us when it comes to his career. His latest single, 'Genie', already listed in several Spotify playlists of the best rappers, has set the bar very high and can convince new listeners. The young rapper tells us everything about his devouring desire to break into rap thanks to his tenacity and talent. Can you tell me about your career? I started rap in 2014, when my big brother left Cameroon to join me in France. He is the one who passed on the love for this style of music, and things took a professional turn in 2016 when I participated in the Buzz Booster contest in Brittany. Basically, it’s an association called Hip Hop New School, which aims to promote Hip Hop culture in Brittany, but also throughout France. I won the final in Marseille and from there everything accelerated. I was signed by a label and then I could start working on my first album. I heard that this first album named Parfum was due out early September? Waaa! There are leaks around me! I see you already have a lot of info! (laughs) What I can tell you right now is that it's a really introspective album. The first album of an artist is a bit of a business card and people need to know who you are. The challenge behind this album was to propose something in keeping with my "artistic versatility". It was important to me that people could pin down the man I am behind my music. Why did you choose to focus more on introspection? I'm still young, and to my mind I didn't have the experience to talk about the world in general. I didn't want to fall into a meaningless and boring stuff. I preferred to focus on myself and the way I see things. What prompted you to call yourself Di#se? First, it was the diminutive of my first name, and secondly, on a piano, some keys are "above" others and it was a little ego trip touch to mean that.
'' I'd like to do a feat with Damso, because I already know what kind of music I can make with him. '' Can you describe your Rap to an English public who doesn't know you yet? I think my Rap is different from other rappers because I'm more on the "search". I'm really a versatile artist who touches a lot of different style, and I always try to find that little thing that others don't have. In truth, I adapt to all kinds of production - whether it is Rap, R'n'B or even the Bolero. I also think that lyrically, I am really authentic and sincere. I'm not afraid to put my fragility forward. Are there artists that inspire you? Yes, I like artists like Richard Bona and Stromae. I also find that Kendrick Lamar is also looking for new sounds, just as I am.
If you had to choose to make a feature of only one artist, who would you choose? I would say Damso, because I already know what kind of music I can make with him. I already have proposals in my head that I would like to make to him. For the moment, I'm going to bet on the success of my first album Parfum (laughs). The bet is that it works as it did for the Angèle's debut album. [e.d: a young Belgian artist of 23 years who began by playing as support act of the concerts of Damso in 2017, before the release of her first album named Brol, released in 2018, which will be awarded two prizes at Victoires De La Musique in France in 2019 and hit the Top Charts. She's now perceived as a feminist Pop artist in France and Belguim].
It's hard to break into rap in 2019 with so many rappers in the industry? Yes, it's difficult, of course, because nothing guarantees you success and everything is random. There are rappers who are real killers in terms of flow, lyrics and instruments and, unfortunately, they do not stop working. It is often a problem of trend. It’s enough that if you make songs that do not correspond to the current musical fashion, one will never hear about you. It's hard to build a real fanbase around you and find people who really support you. And what do you do to stand out from others and build your own fanbase? I'll tell you the truth: I have a lot of trouble with social networks and that's not what I handle best. When my song 'Genie' came out, we got a lot of views, but I do not typically get a lot. I'm not booming on Instagram. It proves that it's music that speaks to people and not our efficiency on social networks. The most important thing is that people share my songs - that's all that matters to me.
Working with Youssoupha is a great opportunity to introduce you to a new audience. Have you benefited from his advice? He's a great guy, whether it's spiritually or humanly, it's someone who inspires me a lot. With him, I had a huge discussion about the vision we have of music and it really stayed in my mind. If one day he calls me for a feat, I say yes for sure, I have no doubt about it. Some time ago, you mentioned that when you decided to devote yourself fully to music, the rest of your family in Cameroon had trouble understanding this decision. Things have changed now since you were described as one of the upand-coming stars of French rap? Not really. It's a difference of environment, you know. In Africa, it's more complicated to have the openness that we have here in the West. There, school rhymes with success. Even if you are born with a talent for football or music, if you
want to succeed, you will have to come to Europe, because it is extremely rare to succeed while living in Africa. Everything is much more tough there. If you succeed, your family is happy for you, but the real question everyone asks is "How lucky is he to succeed?" When my family remains skeptical about my career, I do not take it personally because I know we are often the fruit of our environment - if they had lived here, they would think differently. I heard that you write on notebooks all the time. Is writing is a constant need? Writing is a big part of my life. I'm talking about what I know about myself, my weaknesses and what I'm beginning to understand about the world. I do it from the moment I find that what I say is relevant. Otherwise, I prefer to keep it quiet.
How do you imagine your career will look in 5 years? I hope to become one of the most important artists in France. I wanna make it. That's what I want in any case. Do you see yourself doing this feature with Damso? This feat will not wait 5 years - it will take place before (laughs). DillyDiese Words © Fanny Hill Scott Photography 1 © Vittorio Bettini 2 © CD92/Julia Brechler
'' I'm not afraid to put my fragility forward. I hope to become one of the most important artists in France. '' You were announced to play at two famous summer festival in France which are FrancoFolies De La Rochelle and Vieilles Charrues. That’s super impressive ! Did you expect it? For the Vieilles Charrues, I have to admit that I was prepared somehow. Let me tell you the story behind it. My manager had contact with them because they have followed my entire career since the Buzz Booster. The programmers of the festival came to see me at one of my concerts and that's when I knew they wanted me. But I'll admit that the day it was announced publicly, even if it was a month later, it was like I had just discovered it! It was a crazy day cause everyone was texting me and I was like a kid who won something you know. (laughs)
sAm tompkins A breathtaking talent, a natural ease with almost an angelic voice, here is the perfect combo to give birth to a dazzling artist such as Sam Tompkins. The one who made himself known by busking in the streets of Brighton is now signed by a label but still remains this artist with his heart on his hand with an indescribable talent. The several videos taken by fans during his street performances allowed him to create the hype on the networks and to see his career take off. It is with a great sincerity that Sam opened his heart in this interview about his career, his inspirations and his social involvement. The young artist put forward by American influencer Amber Rose, Youtuber Zoella was also on tour with Krept & Konan. He’s now about to become one of the best British artists of his generation confides to us the start of his musical journey, his relationship with his fans and his way of living with music as a true passion. How can you describe yourself and your music to a French audience? My music is from the heart. It’s true to who I am. You can try and label it with genres, but I never am able to. The idea of what I want my music to be is something people can resonate with and understand. You may not always have experienced the same things as someone, but you can empathise and that’s what my music is.
When did you realize you were born to sing? I don’t think I ever thought to myself that I was “born to sing”, I think it was born to inspire, and I think that realisation happened pretty late. Maybe last year, I had that thought process. I loved making music, but when I realised the responsibility that came with it, my whole life made sense. It gave me perspective and I almost felt there was a purpose. What kind of student were you younger? Have you always knew you wanted to be an artist? I wasn’t great in school. Whenever my teachers spoke to my parents, it was always; “Sam has a lot of potential, but he’s throwing it away by acting out.” However I think I did genuinely just know I was never gonna have a “normal” job. I originally wanted to be a footballer, then it was a skater and then I fell into music organically - I had always loved it and loved to sing - but, yeah, that’s what happened to be honest. You posted your first video on YouTube aged of 15-years-old... What did motivated this decision? A lot of people always say this. The whole “15 years old thing”. I actually posted my first YouTube video of me singing at 11 years old. The reason no one knows about it is because people were horrible about it at school and
made me feel like I wanted to take it down. So, I did. I think the reason I did was because I have always been impulsive. Just done things in the spur of the moment and mostly enjoyed the events after. This one wasn’t though. At the time it felt like the end of the world, but it’s all relative. I wish I hadn’t deleted it now though. The first time I saw you, you were busking on Brighton streets and it was amazing... It was a cover of 'Fallin' from Alicia Keys. How did you decide to busk? The reason I started busking is because I wanted to buy a hat once when I was 16 and couldn’t afford it. So my friends convinced me it was a good idea and I did it. That’s really how music started being a serious thing for me as well.
'' My music is from the heart. It’s true to who I am. You can try and label it with genres, but I never am able to.'' Do you think busking was one of the things who helped you grow on social media? Yeah 100% sure. A few videos went crazy viral and it was history. Only 22-years-old and all the things you can do as a vocalist is impressive! Were you taking singing lessons when you were younger? Everything I did is self taught. Never been one for being taught anything. I’m terrible in those scenarios. I don’t even think I can taught myself, it just happened naturally for me from just listening to music growing up and imitating my favourite artists. I saw on your social media that you often post tolerance messages and your not afraid to react to haters? Is it important for you to express yourself this way? What people think of me is none of my business, but
every now and then I do like to start a conversation about the way we speak to each other online. Can be very damaging. We are all gonna at the end of the day and no matter how think our skin is, it’s always tough reading things about us on social media. As the popular phrase says: fuck the haterz. You're really active on social media and share loads with your fans... Do you think is it something important to do for a 21st-century artist to promote himself or is it something you would normally do? I mean if I wasn’t an artist, I would probably still be open with my friends and family about who I am and how I am. I just probably wouldn’t do it on social media as much. The reason I do it is because I have a few hundred thousand people following me on all platforms. If I don’t use that platform to create a positive discussion about certain aspects of life that pretty much be everyone faces, what’s the point?
'' As the popular phrase says: fuck the haterz.'' You seem to be a really sensitive person who's not afraid to show his feelings through his songs... Is it hard for you to do that? It’s not hard I don’t think, it’s exhausting though. (laughs) Having to almost relive an emotion twice just so you can write a song about it is hard as fuck. Can you tell me where does your inspiration come from? Inspiration comes from my life, my experiences, people around me and their experiences and mixing all that together to create something that lasts forever is inspiring in itself. Which artist do you admire? I admire every artist because they’re all doing it their own way. Even if people think some artists are better or worse than others, they’re all just doing their own thing and that’s the most admirable thing of all.
You took your time before signing to any record label and you finally did it with Island Record U.K. Was it important for you to take your time finding the perfect label who will suit the best to you and your musical vibe? Yeah, been fucked over in the past and wasn’t gonna let that happen again. When Island came calling, it just felt right.
A few weeks ago you've done an amazing live show at The Great Escape which is the most famous festival in Brighton where you come from... How did you feel about playing at this iconic festival? It was really moving. Last year I was busking outside of it. This year I’m on the line up playing to a packed out room of people.
Is your fans can expect an album coming soon? Not an album just yet. There is something on the way though.
What's next? You will just have to wait and see.
You're currently on the roads performing across the U.K on different venues and festivals... How do you feel on stage? On stage Sam is pretty much the Sam I wanna be forever. Very happy. (laughs)
SamTompkinsUK Words © Fanny Hill Scott Photography © Caleb Desouza
''Having to almost relive an emotion twice just so you can write a song about it is hard as fuck.'' How is it to meet your fans? It must be impressive to see that wherever you're performing, you've got fans to support you... Yeah, meeting fans is one of the most insane parts of the job. Hard to articulate it, but it’s a feeling of appreciation I don’t think I could replicate. They all have some respect for me as a person as well. Never take the piss in terms of how they treat me. Always respectfully converse with me and then sometimes ask for a picture. Mostly it’s genuine conversation, maybe a hug. Talking about why we like certain songs of mine. It’s incredible that it’s even possible for me.
GIMS Le Zénith Nantes 12/03/19 A queue that stretches for hundreds of meters, fans waiting for hours, and seats used only to stand during the concert. No doubt - we are indeed at Gims concert. Named Maitre Gims since his debut in his first band, called Sexion D'Assault, that pierced the eyes of the general public in 2010 with their title 'Désolé' became a classic in French Rap. This 33-year-old artist recently posted on social networks that he wants to keep only ‘Gims’ as a stage name. The Franco-Congolese star of the French scene is as comfortable with R'n'B, as he is with Pop music. He set fire to this Zénith of 8000 people. Gims - his real name Gandhi Djuna - may not have gone unnoticed thanks to his title 'Sapé Comme Jamais', broadcast in countless London nightclubs for months after its release. However, he has served his audience across almost 10 years of a career, and has met the expectations of his fans during this concert. The singer is also a showman, thus combining frenzied melodies and engaging choreography. The artist, who has gained respect from many hits, has also come to interpret them on stage, from 'Bella' to 'Est-Ce Que Tu M'Aimes' which has exceeded 95 million listens on Spotify. The singer has nevertheless managed largely to interpret the songs of his last album Ceinture Noire released in March 2018 with the excellent titles 'Mi Gna', 'Corazon' featuring Lil Wayne and 'Tu Ne Le Vois Pas' featuring with Dadju - his own brother, who has also become an important figure in the French music scene.
© Appoline Montier
La Cigale Paris 18/03/19
Le Zénith Lille 31/03/19
Vibrant! This live show was so alive! Impossible to emerge unscathed from this event – it was filled with emotions and surprises!
«Little Polak will grow big»
It's impossible to miss the diversity spread throughout the concert, from the interpretation of the most touching and introspective songs from Gringe's latest album whose real name is Guillaume Tranchant - named Enfant Lune. The heavy presence of meaning and emotion of the songs such as 'Scanner' - where the rapper of 39 years discusses the overdose of his little brother who left him in irreversible pain - and 'Pièces Détachées' - where he evokes the absence of his father and the repercussions that the absence of paternal figure had throughout his life - left a shock wave in this mythical Parisian concert hall. The atmosphere is at its peak when the rapper who has already proven himself in the cinema - and who is also in the movie Damien Wants To Change The World - begins to resume the song '6:16 Des Histoires A Raconter’ when, suddenly, his eternal acolyte Orelsan joins him on stage to bring back together the flagship piece of the group they formed together named Les Casseurs Flowteurs. In short, this concert was a perfect mix between joy, emotions and surprises! I’d say that Gringe gave everything he had to delight his fans and pushed himself to 1000% on stage, without ever forgetting to give us his flawless flow and sharp punchlines. This is the kind of concert we want more often!
Wow it was good, it was powerful, it was overheated! We can say that PLK from his real name Matthieu Pruski - young Parisian of 22 years old - set fire to the Zenith of Lille and smashed this dazzling gig! He didn't go halfway for sure! The talented rapper nicknamed PLK - a contraction of the word ‘Polak’ which means Polish in slang - has been able to highlight its origins in the best way possible. We have to admit that he smashed everything from the beginning of the show by starting his show with the enraged banger '250'. Then he continued with his best hits and we were not disappointed with the energy released by the one who grew up in the 14th arrondissements of Paris. He unleashed the crowd when he played his audience’s favorite songs such as ‘Polak’, ‘Dis-Moi Oui’ and ‘Monegasque’. Throughout the concert PLK interacts with its audience saying “It’s just the beginning, we start slowly for now but you’re not ready for what's coming next!” He knew how to heat up the crowd till the end of the show when he interprets ‘Emotif (Booska P)’ and ‘Dingue’ with a boiling energy. In brief, this gig was really “un truc de dingue”! [e.d: 'a crazy thing' in French] We’re still asking for more!
© Fanny Hill Scott
© Judith Delourme
Deux Frères
24/05/2019 Blackbird Entertainment
05/04/2019 QLF Records
Wow, it's a real shock! Since the beginning of the year 2019, I had not yet listened to an album with so many emotions! DJ Élite has set the bar very high, so high that other DJs wishing to release a mixtape of this type might have trouble competing with such a project. He’s often seen as the DJ of Nekfeu and S-Crew being beatmaker, sound engineer, DJ and producer proves that he’s first and foremost an artist in his own right. The concept is simple, Elite - whose real name is Eliott Pullicino - who's director of the recording studio and the Blackbird label - will gather his most faithful comrades on an album as sweet as bloody. Between summer production like 'Notting Hill' with Doums, or 'J'Perds Le Contrôle' with Changerz, or the remarkable title 'J'Avance' with Georgio, or big banger 'Don't Really Know' with Aaron Cohen and Kemal, passing through the accoustic ballad 'Morning Mist' of Anaïka, it's impossible not to find happiness. The young artist of 28 years succeeded the humble feat of adding his own musical signature without ever distorting the flow of each other featured artist. Similar to a surprise pouch filled with treasures, the album of DJ Élite is already one of my favorite albums of 2019. English friends, you should immediately listen to this incredible mixtape between English artists and French ones and hear them working their voices together in the most beautiful way possible! This is a MUST LISTEN without any moderation, because it's surely the album that will make you love French Rap.
© Fanny Hill Scott
You have obviously seen the posters of the output of this album in the London underground, and you probably ask yourself: "Who are they?". The answer is here: it's PNL, two ambitious brothers with the ability to surpass others and who managed to enter the legend of French Rap. Oh yes, nothing more. The third album of the two brothers Ademo and N.O.S from Paris, was able to mark the spirits with its breathtaking beats, sincerity and enthusiasm that have created two forces that nothing seems to stop. They were able to come back in force by appearing at the top of the Eiffel Tower in the single 'Au DD' which marked their return. This new album is more introspective than before, and Tarik and Nabil – from their real names - have laid bare as in 'Deux Frères', one of the flagship pieces of the album where they explain the bonds that unite them as well as the more melancholy sound in 'La Misère Est Si Belle'. They seem to make a statement about what they have become over time and what success has not changed; their deep melancholy. Throughout the album we can see that the instrumental itself manages to serve the emotion, accompanying the variations of the voice. In my eyes, PNL has just signed his best album here and he is sure he will be remembered by a good number of people. Once again, PNL manages to beat all records, remaining a legend of French Rap as they always said "The world or nothing".
© Appoline Montier
Tristesse Business
26/04/2019 Foufoune Palace Bonjour / MCA
01/03/2019 JWU / Warner Music France
What about this album left me speechless? A perfect mix of sensuality, sensitivity and self-giving, supported by soft, new and ambitious production. Luidji, the young rapper from Paris, who debuted in 2011 and signed his first feat with Dinos, delivers us a perfect mix of emotion and sweetness that resembles the perfect symphony of The Weeknd while adding much more energetic and vibrant production that brings a real charisma to this album. There is a kind of extreme sincerity and sometimes even disconcerting, because it becomes more and more rare to find an artist who simply speaks about himself, his life and experiences without egotrip becoming more and more banal in rap. Luidji talks about him, though, I'm sure everyone can understand his lyrics through songs like 'Vent D'Hiver' and 'Tu Le Mérite'. Huge amount of love for 'Nazaré', that we found fresh and innovative with its production. The same for 'Plus Haut' which gave us chills and reminds us without a doubt the musical sensitivity of Sampha.
Hamza’s second album, is it worth it? Yes, definitely. After long months of waiting, Hamza has finally released his new album entitled Paradise, it’s enough to announce the colour of this new album released in March 2019. Often described as one of the Belgian breakthrough of recent years, Hamza offers to his fans a quality album with unexpected collaborations like the sound 'HS' with SCH, 'Minuit 13' with Christine And The Queen - renowned Chris now - and Oxmo Puccino one of the pioneers of French Rap or even ‘Dale x Love Therapy’ with Aya Nakamura the female artist of the year in France. True to form, Hamza stucks to his own style that perfectly reflects this condensate music both depressed and naughty. This album of 17 tracks retains similarities with his previous album 1994. Lots of people talk about this album and react about it on social network, especially on Twitter. The debates go on between generations and different opinion. Hamza completely stands out from other rappers by revisiting R'n'B music with his mastery of the autotune and his innate sense for the beats.
For fans of catchy songs that don’t neglect the lyrics, you can't miss out on 'Femme Flic' and 'Neon Rouges' which are songs that bring incomparable authenticity to other albums released in recent months. He says in 'Veuve Cliquot' and his groovy beat that he's "not in the ranking of rappers to follow" and we wanted to reverse the trend and put forward the one which, in our eyes, deserves much more credit.
After one week of release, Paradise achieved a good start with a total of 9,362 albums sold. There’s no doubt that Hamza keeps his title of “Sauce God” once again, as he renamed himself since his beginnings in music.
© Fanny Hill Scott
© Gloria Dominiak
From 23/03/19 to 31/03/19 From 27€ to 41€ We went to Lille in the north of France on Sunday March 31st to discover the Rap scene of this Lille festival and we were not disappointed! Sunday was the last day to close the festival but also the one that put the Hip-Hop scene ahead - no less than 5 concerts that took place at the Zenith of Lille which can hold up to 8000 people - and yet despite the size of the place, it emanated a friendly atmosphere as if it were a small, private concert. We were surprised to feel this sensation in the middle of this crowd filled with overflowing energy. Who was there? We start slowly with the artist Nusky, a young rapper with a unique and promising style, before seeing Kikesa on stage. The young man from Nancy is known for his song 'La Dernière Fois Que Je Parle De Toi', and he’s considered a rapper in the making - assimilating Pop and Hip-Hop with disconcerting ease. We then start to build pressure with Georgio and his live show at more than boiling point. In all honesty, I’ve never seen an artist as close to his audience and with such energy to share. [e.d: Our interview with Georgio is available here in our latest issue]. Caballero & JeanJass - two Belgian rappers known for being shifted in their Rap, arrived on a stage with a scene for their show - a car and telephone booth. Much more chill and melodic than the other three previous artists, they were able to bring us a breath of fresh air in this Zénith. It's finally PLK to show on stage when the atmosphere is at its peak. The young Parisian of Polish origin has managed to keep his audience always so excited and ready to create pogo for each song. Our favourite? We can’t deny that we had a huge crush for Georgio, simply and surely because he went into the crowd, his microphone in hand, and participated in the chaos created by his audience. We had never seen this from an artist as established and known as Georgio! Around the festival? The prices are those of a festival; a little expensive without being too excessive. To entertain the public between each performance, the festival-goers were able to have access to some activities, such as photobooth and merchandising, without forgetting the famous and essential refreshment bar to go to refresh themselves and to serve a pint.
© The Magazine Team
From 03/04/19 to 07/04/19 From 35€ to 75€ What about this high-colored festival with a breathtaking French rap scene? It was dazzling, even divine! Surely the best festival of 2019 so far. La crème de la crème. Who was there? The real question would be: who was not there? Impossible not to find fitting shoe for his foot for lovers of Hip-Hop! Are you rather conscious of lyrical Rap? Youssoupha, Dinos and Scylla & Sofiane Pamart were there to seduce you musically and lyrically. You do not want to take the lead and preferred to listen to the new hits out recently? No worries, Maes and RK should delight you in this case. Still not what you're looking for and preferred bigger banger with a unique and recognizable flow among a thousand artists? Nepal and Doums should leave you speechless for sure. Heavyweights of the French Rap such as SCH - joined on stage by PLK. Through the emerging artists such as Di#se, or the international legends and essential artists such as GrandMaster Flash were all present this Sunday, April 7 to finish this festival in style with more bubbling concerts than ever before. Our favourite? It’s a struggle between the flow and the rhythmic of Nepal, the unique and catchy beats of Doums - on which we are about to dance all summer with the song 'Notting Hill' he recorded with DJ Élite for Blackbird album - and the more refined style of Dinos. It's impossible to choose between these three, it would be like separating the three musketeers! We let you decide and give your opinion on the question. Around the festival? Nothing to say - there was something for everyone! Bars, restaurants, refreshments - all available between each concert. Impossible to be bored and lose love for this festival for even a minute! With reasonable prices and adapted to the average age present on the scene - between 18 and 25 years - the festival Chorus has set the bar very high! This is without counting on the sublime setting and the breathtaking view of the venue La Seine Musical nestled on an island in the middle of the Seine in Boulogne-Billancourt, one of the most beautiful residential areas of Paris.
© The Magazine Team
Dinos 21
It was at the Parisian Chorus festival that we went to meet Dinos, a French rapper who is admired and adulated in France. A few hours before going on stage to perform his greatest hits such as 'Les Pleurs Du Mal', and his legendary single 'Helsinki', perceived by critics as one of the most excellent songs of its type of our generation. Dinos agreed to to share with us all the wisdom that he has with a certain serenity. Although, he remained mysterious about his upcoming album Taciturne, which should see the light of day in 2019. Dinos was expressive when it came to talking about music and inspiration. The one who seduced the lovers of the French-speaking Rap with his song 'Namek', responded with a lot of sincerity on what makes him who he is and what he thinks of our generation. Can you describe your music to an Anglophobic public on the sidelines to know you? What I do is pretty lyrical, it's a rap that takes different forms - whether conscious or not. I would say that it is a mix between the old and the new generation. One of your first EPs, released in 2013, was called L'Alchimiste and was referring to the book by Paulo Coelho. You also released a song called 'Spleen' - once again we think of Baudelaire. There are a lot of references to literature throughout your career; Montesquieu, Cyrano, etc. Literature seems to be an important part of your Rap? It's true that I like literature a lot - at one time I read a lot. In my lyrics, I am inspired by what I see and what I live. If, for example, my new hobby is to go to the theater, I'll talk about Tartuffe, Sganarelle and all those things. Same if I watch a series or something else. Right now, I'm watching 'Oz' and I want to talk about his characters. It's really my environment that inspires me. And your inspiration, in its entirety, where does it come from? From everything. Every person has a special relationship with what's going on in their life. I can make a song about this interview as well as about my day or something else. Right now it's my life that inspires me. In truth, I am more inspired by personalities such as Tesla who imposes respect than by writers. In my eyes it is more important to speak of those who have brought something to humanity.
What age did you start writing your first lyrics ? I was 12 years old when I started Rap. I lied in my lyrics - I said that I sold drugs and all that you know (laughs). You did a lot of featuring with rappers such as Youssoupha, Disiz, Sadek, Nekfeu ... It is not difficult to meet your respective worlds? What makes the strength of a featuring is to meet his pen with that of another person. Sometimes it is even the encounter between two opposing worlds that makes the beauty of the thing such as the feat. of Medine and Booba on 'Kyll', or Public Enemy and AC / DC, or even the collaboration between Jay-Z and Linkin Park. Mixing cultures this way is something good I think.
'' In my eyes it is more important to speak of those who have brought something to humanity.'' There is a collaboration that you have preferred and for which you keep a particular memory? There are several, but I especially remember the one with Youssoupha and Nekfeu. For the feat. with Youssoupha, we went to the studio at 11pm and we went out at 8am. With Nekfeu, we met before our respective careers grew. We recorded this in a small room, it was our "home studio" of the time - even if it was a little precarious. I keep a special memory of these two collaborations there, because it was live, we did this together, it was not a case of "send me your verse and I send you mine". Speaking of featuring, during your concert at La Cigale in Paris, you invited PLK, Maes and Dosseh to join you on stage. I imagine that they are rappers with whom you have a particular link ... Can we hope to see a featuring with one of them for your new album Taciturne? Yeah why not, that would be cool indeed. It's a business to follow ...
In many of your songs you often talk about money and love as being related as for example in your song 'Rue Sans Nom' where you say "Mom was telling us that true wealth is having something that money cannot buy" and in 'Placebo' you add "I want gold for my mother, I want love for myself "... Assimilated love and money is impossible in your eyes? No, it's the opposite. You see, if you have a long relationship with someone and you start with financial or other lack at the beginning of your collaboration and then over time you earn money together, you realize that everything is much better . It helps to realize how you developed and how you grew up together. For me, the two go hand in hand.
Artistic flourishing seems to be something really important to you ... Yes completely. I greatly prefer quality over quantity. It is true that I took three years before returning with Imany but if you make good music, people don’t forget you. And in any case, the success is not eternal. I'm sure there are artists who have rocked you as a teenager and now you do not pay attention to them. It's life. There are people with whom you share a lot of things. For example, being younger, and yet now if you meet them in the street, you barely say hello to them. It's the human brain that's like that - it's a fixation on something or someone for a while and it fades. People forget you but that does not mean they hate you.
Nothing is ever acquired in your eyes? Not at all. You can be worshipped today and forgotten tomorrow or in 10 years. As I said, it's life. You can't control these kind of's out od your desicion.
'' I have a problem with friendships. I can not make new friends, I have always been with the same people since I was young.'' 24
'' A featuring with either PLK, Maes or Dosseh ? Why not ? It's a business to follow...'' And you think that Rap has changed your dating? Whatever your socio-professional setting, it will always change your relationship with other. In truth, I have a problem with friendships. I can not make new friends, I have always been with the same people since I was young. I meet lots of new people but that does not mean that I become friends with them. I assume that if you want to be friends with me, we have to be able to trust each other. We must have gone through situations where I realized that we could count on one another. For me, friendship is something that is built over the long term, unlike love where you can fall in love with someone after only two or three dates. Can you talk to me about the song 'Parle-Moi' that you composed for the soundtrack of the film Black Snake?
What inspired you? In truth, I stood in front of the microphone and I said what I had in my heart without thinking. I did not even pre-write this song, everything was written through freestyle. (laughs) That's what also happened with Taciturne, my next album. At the moment, I'm working on it and I do almost everything in freestyle without even writing. I can not sit myself down at home and write. There are people who have particular ways of writing, but not in my case. Right now, I do everything on instinct. When asked if Rap is a fad in your interview for the Inrokuptibles, you answer that "Rap is a hybrid being that can not die". Can you imagine how French Rap will look in 10 years? It's a hard question. Imagine it in just 6 months! I think we are part of a generation that has to
move forward with its time. There are people, whether rappers or not, who say "The Rap was better before", but it is precisely these rappers from older generations who have helped Rap evolve as we know it now. So, if you want Rap to be different from before, it's up to you to change things. I agree that we are "losing" the Hip-Hop culture and I feel sorry for it. But this is a generational problem; we lose more and more the notion of culture to replace it with the culture of "showing off". Is there a feature you would like to do with an English artist? I already made a sound with Kojey Radical but I have not released it yet - I keep it in reserve for the moment. I love English music too much! I really like Jacob Banks, J.Hus, Skepta, and Dave too. Giggs is an artist that I love to death too. In terms of female artists, I will say Mabel and Mahalia and, of course, Jorja Smith. PunchyDinos Words Š Fanny Hill Scott Photography Š Fifou
Playlist Nekfeu
Dj Elite x Doums
"Les Etoiles Vagabondes"
"Notting Hill"
"Au DD"
Roméo Elvis "Malade"
Fang The Great
"Tu Le Mérite"
13 Block
"Fuck le 17"
Drawings © Gabriel Dominiak
Laylow Laylow an artist far too advanced for the ordinary mortal. Lately, Laylow, an artist from Toulouse, has turned the Rap game upside down and we can say that he smashed everything. Yet, we almost know nothing like Jon Snow about this mysterious artist. Born in 1992, he was in France for the first years of his life, before emigrating to Tunisia and then to Ivory Coast, with his mother. He returned to France at the age of thirteen and began to be passionate about Rap. The one who was performing with Sir'Klo started a solo career in 2016 with a debut EP called Mercy. He multiplies featuring with other rappers including Wit, Sneazzy or Di-Meh which allowed him to be propelled to the front scene after the release of his first album. He shows to his audience aesthetic video clips coming straight from the future – with sounds of diverse atmospheres – from melancholy to madness. Laylow has established himself with his own style that he calls ‘Digital’. On the other hand, the use of autotune music has become an emblematic part of Laylow’s voice as well as his fashion style. We can say that the rapper was able to create a very intriguing fictional character so far. In December, Laylow released the video clip ‘Maladresse’ who reached 1,5 million views on YouTube. In this video stuffed with special effects worthy of the biggest Hollywood blockbusters, Laylow sees himself plunged into a futuristic, dark world, where he’s supposed to kill his other self in order to reborn in his bionic form. There’s no doubt he was inspired by sci-fi movies to stand out from others rappers. With already 4 albums to his credit - Mercy, Digitalova, .Raw and .Raw-Z - all released very quickly, Laylow shows us his determination to conquer his audience. As 2019 isn’t over yet, Laylow has not said its last word and may still surprise us.
© Gloria Dominiak
NEkFeu '' C'est le retour de Ken Master...'' The moment has finally arrived, and after two and a half years of waiting, Nekfeu is finally back on the stage and did not fail to make his mark on the event. He has decided to hit hard and score with a phenomenal return worthy of his legend. Indeed, Nekfeu, whose real name is Ken Samaras, came out of his silence after a long absence by deciding to return to the cinema to mark the release of his third studio album called Les Étoiles Vagabondes. On May 13, he posted on social networks that he’s back and that his album and the related feature film will be broadcast in the cinema in a single session on Thursday, June 6, 2019 in the French cinemas of the branch Gaumont PathÊ. A trailer is then unveiled with extracts of this feature film and the voice of Nekfeu nicknamed "the Fennek" telling us the story of the wandering stars. After weeks of expectations and a palpable excitement, we went to France for the screening of the film and we were not disappointed - far from it! The purpose of this film? Explain the reasons for this silence, which lasted more than two years. Nekfeu, this French rapper of Scottish and Greek origin of 29 years old, who grew up in Paris and made his debut in collectives of rappers L'Entourage and 1995, gets naked and expresses the reverse of success. The one who conquered the French youth with his meaningful lyrics full of truths, his mesmerizing voice and his passion for rap simply expresses with his words how the excitement of his breathtaking success in 2015, with the release of his first solo album, Feu, made him lose what really pushed him to write since his debut in rap almost 15 years before. Nekfeu gives the tone of this film by saying "Tonight I played in front of 80,000 people but I have never felt so alone". This film is simply a quest for oneself; that of a human being who was caught in the turmoil of success and lost himself in front of the public, who always asked for "more songs, more album, more Nekfeu". Nekfeu here expresses with great courage his doubts, his fears, his need to flee when everything becomes oppressive. He expresses with touching sincerity how he found himself face to face, confronted with his emotions with so much on the heart and yet not strong enough to write and express it. Confronted with the "white page syndrome" Nekfeu will then go to relax on his homeland on the island of Mytilene in Greece to take time for himself before coming back even stronger. He went to Japan and United States to found inspiration and recording songs always surrounded by his band of faithful musicians and beatmakers. We must also congratulate the incredible realization of the breathtaking images of this film, directed by Syrine Boulanouar - one of the directors and close to Nekfeu with whom he has already made some of his clips - and Nekfeu himself. This film has gathered more than 100,000 people between France, Morocco, Canada, Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland for a single session before being named number one in the French box office and stealing the show from Avenger: Endgame. Simultaneously, he also released his album. and then we realise that his two years of absence were completely justified. The lyrics mixed with instrumental parts, each one bettering the other, pro-
pelled Nekfeu direcly to the top ofthe French charts before being also applauded for being the most listened to album stream across 24 hours in the world. A feature of extreme richness, both denouncing inequalities as here in the title 'Les Étoiles Vagabondes' where he says "A young Arab guy who makes silly things, is a thug to France. A little black child is the same, but when it's a little white kid, it's just a naughty child". He continues to speak of the migration of these people who are fleeing their country because of wars to find refuge in Europe when he denounces: "They will tell you that we can't welcome all the misery of the world. Give them back what was stolen from them, here are my arguments" in the song 'Le Bruit Qui Court'. This pen also takes therapeutic aspects as in 'Alunissons' with "Sometimes I ask myself if I really exist ? In my life, I'm just a spectator. So I hurt myself, but discreetly. My psychiatrist said to me, "It's just an aspect of your fear." And when I I feel bad, I feel a little more alive". Where the tempo is slower and the voice of the rapper becomes more suave on this song when he hums. The rapper has once again shown his ability to talk about love and feeling, including in this incredible feature on 'Dans L'Universe' with the French singer Vanessa Paradis, where their two worlds marry in a disconcerting beauty. Even though this song was produced by one of the most talented beatmakers of our generation Hugz Hefner, we can also reconized his melodic signature on 'Cheum'. Between big banger, melodic sweetness, reflection on the place we occupy in the universe and the fact that some pieces already become classics in just a few hours, it is certain that this rapper has not failed to surprise us in recent weeks. It seems important that the album takes a different and particular approach after seeing the film, and those who have not had this chance will never grasp the intensity. Nekfeu broke all records in any category with his album and his film with his triumphant return and we can only wish him the best for the future.
Drawings Š Robin Amar [Instagram's Artist : @robin_amar] Words Š Fanny Hill Scott
The 22-year-old rapper from a small town near Metz in the East of France, talk to us with a dazzling kindness to tell us about his influences, his musical ambitions and his notion of happiness. The one who gave everything to see his career take off, speaks to us with great humility of the choices that pushed him towards music and the relationship he has with his fans. Doxx – whose real name is Dorian – told us without any taboo how he started his musical journey following a heartache that will lead him to reach millions of views on YouTube gathering thousands of followers thanks to his true sincerity. Although he has always done everything in his power for his desire for musical recognition, he doesn’t forget where he comes from and always has a word to thank his fans in particular in the song ‘Merci’ that he dedicated to them. Once again, one can only fall under the spell of the young rapper. Can you tell me a little more about your beginnings in music? I started music eight years ago now and it really started from nothing. One night at the boarding school, I needed to express how I felt after a breakup... It just started this way. In the end, I really enjoyed the emotion it gave me and since that day I've never stopped. And little by little, I find myself here now. (laughs) Speaking of breaking up, I often hear that your fans discovered you after a heartbreak and that your music helped them get better... It must be strange being a young artist and hearing "Man, I’m going through a heartbreak and your sounds are helping me get over it"? Honestly, it’s not that awkward... It’s the purpose of my music to share things with people and to write down what they feel. Heartbreaks are common to everyone, and generally, we all go through the same emotions. It means a lot to me when I hear that because I feel like I’ve been able to help people and it’s rewarding. Don’t you think it’s a pain sometimes to always be referred to a “melancholic rapper”? It’s just annoying from the moment I try to do something else in my music and I get blamed for it. Writing sad songs makes you a sad person and I don’t feel like locking myself in that role and making more heartbreak sounds anymore. Past is past and I want to try something else now. But at some point, I don’t mind being associated with this melancholy theme because I wanted it at the beginning and it remains a recurring theme in my songs. In the end, my grief is still my best weapon because it’s what made me know from my current audience.
''The million views on YouTube have changed lots of stuff in my life but not the person I am.'' Two years ago, I heard that you studied cooking before you got into music... Yes, I did a professional baccalauréat in France everything went well, but from the moment I wanted to go to university, I quickly realized that it wasn’t for me. I knew right away that I wanted to get 100% into music. Did your family support you in this process? At first, they were a little reluctant, that’s true, but I would have reacted exactly the same if I had a child who had said to me: “I quit everything to get myself into music.” It's kind of scary. Then, when they saw that it was working pretty well for me and also that I was very happy with what I was doing, they were very supportive.
Have you ever regretted your decision? It’s true that it's a difficult environment and it’s hard to stand out, but for nothing on earth, I would get rid of music. And if I had to start all over again, I’d make exactly the same choice. Can you describe the particularity of your Rap to an English audience? I’d say it’s a very chill Rap with quite rock sounds, with a lot of guitar and piano. On the vibe’s side, it’s more melancholic and closer to what XXXTentacion used to do. He’s an artist that I admired a lot. Are there artists who inspire you in terms of careers and musicality? I would say Nekfeu. In term of musicality,
he’s very strong, and I also love what he represents. He’s a true source of inspiration with his texts and beats. However, I listen to quite everything, so I’m also inspired by rock sounds and that’s what makes my sounds so diverse. It’s amazing the pace at which you chain up projects... In 2018 you released three EPs. You must have already several recorded songs... Not really actually. (laughs) I’m always creating new songs. I don’t like to be idle, I always have to embark on a new project. For the future, I think I’ll take my time and really get deeper on the creation process and come up with something even more perfected than before. Every artist tries to reach perfection. I’ve done so many projects that I haven’t had time to make video clips for some of the songs I wanted to. It’s a small mistake I did, but the main thing is that all these projects have made my fans happy about it and that’s the most important thing.
Speaking of your clips, there really great and the visual is crazy especially in 'Ca Va Mieux'... Who do you work with? I almost always work with a Belgian video maker named Guillaume Dubois. He’s the one who made half of my videos. It’s true that they are very good and that the rendering is great, but we both would like to push things even further in the video making because we know that we are not at 100% of our capacity. What is holding us back is the lack of means, of budget... It’s not easy sometimes, but we can work on these things to make it possible. I guess it’s hard to create your network? It’s something difficult that’s true, to develop our network, have your list of contacts... It takes time to build a career. I’m not from Paris and it was very hard for me to break into music because our chances are not the same if we’re not from the capital. Everything’s going a lot faster there but I won’t let it get me down.
What about the beatmakers? Personally, I don’t compose music, it’s never been my thing. In term of composer and producer I often surround myself with Higrec, he’s excellent in what he does and he’s also a good friend of mine. I often ask for beatmakers to send me instrumentals by mail and then I make my selection before I start writing. If I have a theme idea in mind it’s important for me to talk about it, but I’m more focus on the beats before starting to write anything. It’s important that the beats match with my states of mind. The main stuff with my music is to talk about how I feel. It’s impressive, your videos make millions of views on YouTube, but you still give the impression of being an ordinary young man that we might meet randomly even though you generate thousands of followers through your social networks... How do you manage this notoriety? I’m still a normal guy you know. Millions of views have changed lots of stuff in my life but not the person I am. I stayed in the city where I grew up, I still hang out with my friends... The essential is to be yourself, to be humble and to never become arrogant. You always have to remember where you come from.
''It takes time to build a career.'' In ‘Oh Merde’ you say: "And the life as a star is coming closer, I can see it. At least, it will save me and tell me: 'Don’t jump'."... Is celebrity something you’re not afraid of? It’s scary, but I also make music for those things like earning money, take care of my family’s financial condition... And above all, to personally grow throughout my songs. Music saved me for sure. It’s honest to talk about money, a lot of people avoid the subject... It’s human to want to make money, we’re all like that. If you can do something you love
while earning money, it’s the perfect combo. You shouldn’t miss it. The most important thing is to be passionate about what you do. You have a wonderful writing and the lyrical side of your Rap is something that often stands out when we talk about you... Have you always had this talent to play with words that way? I only talk about what I feel without giving me a hard time. Obviously, I add a little technique and sensitivity to what I write, but it’s something quite natural for me. I really write by instinct. We always feel like you’re trying to share a message in your songs... In ‘Nuit Blanche’ you say "Listen to my songs it’s my way of talking to you" and in ‘Parle-Moi’ in feat with Tsew The Kid you say "Your name begins with an S" you also continue in 'Crier' when you say "All my words, all my songs only wanna reach one heart"... Is music your way of confessing yourself? I’m always true and honest in my music... If the person for whom I’m writing these texts, listen to these songs where I am sending a message, I’m happy because I was able to express myself and say what I feel. Everything is always simpler through my music. What’s next? I’m working on my live tour, which will take place in September, October and November. Nothing makes me happier than meeting my fans who come to see me in concert. I have a new project that will also come out around the same time. I’d like to show a new universe through it while remaining myself. I'd like to have the chance to play Zenith one day. [e. d: One of the largest concert halls in France that can welcome up to 9.000 people]. Doxxtv Words © Fanny Hill Scott Photography 1 © Guillaume Dubois 2 © Mathilde Miossec
It's quite hard to set up a rendezvous with this young rapper who has just been propelled to the front scene with his title 'Une Balle Qui Tue'. Friendly, easy-going and really frank this young artist originally from Madagascar introduce here his world through this interview full of sincerity and confidences. From Cloud Rap to a nostalgic vibe, Kidaki knows how to be versatile and seduce new fans. Why Kidaki as a pseudonym? I used to dance, and my idol was a well-known American dancer, Kida The Great. At first, when I started Rap, my name was Kida. And, one day my friend said to me, "Why not Kidaki?" And I hooked and it has remained since. How did you get the need to make music? It was meant to be. I'm a very edgy boy, basically. I had to make the music in order to be able to get out what I had in me.
''I'm like a new XXXTentacion.'' How would you describe yourself to an English public who doesn't know you yet? I'm a versatile rapper in some ways. With me, my audience can expect everything. (laughs) I can make super sad songs, as well as completely the opposite, with much happier beats. I'm like a new XXXTentacion. I could see that you are as comfortable with singing and rap... Is there a discipline that you prefer? Honestly, I feel comfortable in these two elements. You know, I sang on my own at the beginning. I started Rap with some friends, then I was told it worked, and I used my voice for both and try to mix the two. Things have changed, now I work more my singing voice than my Rap. (laughs) Can you tell me about the importance of 1Minute2Rap [e.d: Instagram account that offers battles between different young talents every month and is becoming more and more popular on networks] in your career? In truth, 1Minute2Rap has helped me, especially to win followers, and show people what i could do. At first, I had not more than 1000 followers and now we are more 27.000 subscribers. But many things have changed now: I work with producers and I have nothing to do with the account, it's over now. You often mention XXX Tentacion, we even saw him make an "appearance" in your last video. His death must have upset you?
It's true that his death marked me. He was my music idol. It's true that I often talk about him in my songs and 'Une Balle Qui Tue' is a kind of tribute to the artist he was. I can already tell you that he will will continue to appear in all my other clips. Did you expect such success for this song? In all honesty, I wasn't expecting such success at all. When I released my first song 'J'Ai Grandi' I reach 50k views. Which wasn't huge compared to 'the killing ball' which has now surpassed one million views on YouTube. In fact, I just asked my followers to help me reach the 100k and then growth carried on and I was really shoked. Around me, people don't see me the same way anymore. Before they didn't take me seriously - it has changed now. How did you manage this sudden notoriety? It doesn't really change your everyday life. (laughs) It's just that now people have started to stop me in the street to take pictures with me. I think you have to keep your head up and choose your friends carefulyl, and do not hang around with anyone. After success and buzz, people will covet you more and want to enjoy your status. But for now, all that remains manageable. I heard you had a special relationship with your mother? Yeah, with my mum, we're really close. It's true that we fight often, sometimes I like her as much as I hate her. (laughs) I have to say in my songs that I will succeed, because when she listens to my music I know that she feels reassured and she hopes that I haven't left school for nothing. She starts to be proud of me, but at first she was struggling to be. Are you working on a project right now? Yes totally, I'm preparing my first EP. This is my very first project consisting of 8 sounds. I hope it will be available by this summer. For now, I have no ideas for the title. but it will come. Kidaki Words Š Gloria Dominiak Photography Š Antoine Perell
Summer Les Ardentes
LesVieilles Charrues
La Nuit De L''Erdre
Beauregard Bordeaux
festival Europavox Brussels Lille
Brussels Summer Festival
Main Square
ouse Marseille
The team 39
Wanna join the team ? Apply to a.rap.a.cup.of.tea@ , tell us who you are, what kind of music you’re into, send us examples of your previous work, etc... Everyone’s welcome, whether you’re journalist or just someone fancy to write about music. If you like design, editing or even advertising, let us know ! a.rap.and.a.cup.of.tea a.rap.and.a.cup.of.tea.mag
Drawings © Tiffany Oger
Tiffany Oger My name is Tiffany, I'm 23 years old and I'm a true world traveller! I travel a lot - I visit 18 countries so far - and I find a real serenity in travelling and getting to know new cultures. I find it enriching and exciting. I quite always travel with my older brother Kévin who's also passionate about travel and we have created a travel blog together to share our adventures, give our good tips etc... Beside travel, I'm studying to be a teacher for young children because I really like to share my knowledge and teach to younger. I think it’s important to make them aware from their young ages of basic values such as respect, tolerance, and ecology purpose which is an important. I’m also very interested in graphic design and visual creativity.
Adélaïde Dominiak-Gorski My name is Adélaïde and I'm 21-years-old. I'm passionated about travel and learning new languages. I like how it feels like to travel, to visit a new country and to discover other cultures. I think it’s always a good way to grow up and learn more about life. London is my favorite destination but I love Poland as well because it’s so peaceful and nature is everywhere. In music, I often listen to R'n'B and Hip-Hop songs. I'm the social media and marketing manager of the magazine and I'm also the person in charge of Instagram and Twitter account of the magazine. I love doing that because that’s a nice way to interact with the community.
Jyaimislespieds Sibling_Travel
Gloria Dominiak My name’s Gloria and I am 18 years old. I was born in France but I’m really proud of my Polish origins, coming from both of my parents. I’m also from a huge family, with an artistic dad, so we all grew up with art around us. That’s why I’m really into art and creation. What I like the most in my life is Music. Indeed, I write songs and I love singing. For me, Daniel Caesar and Marco McKinnis are my main inspirations. I’m a big fan of Mariah Carey and Sik-k too. I also really like Asian culture, like Korean Rap mangas, animated movies - it’s all quite fascinating for me. I wish I could travel to Asia – that is one of my dreams.
Omar Zaki Hi! My name is Omar, and I’m a futur teacher. I’m really into music, and aim to be a music teacher one day! I play the guitar, which I love more than anything. Listening to music never gets boring - so much variety! I really like pop music. I love Bruno Mars, Charlie Puth, and a lot of other artists too. I’ll listen to just about anything, but that’s the stuff that particularly gets me. I also really like psychology, and so one day I hope to qualify in that to some degree! So that’s me. It’d be really cool to be able to use psychology in teaching, and maybe one day I’ll even try teaching it! My dream is to work under the NHS as a Clinical Psychologist - all in good time! I love music, I love psychology, and that’s me.
Founded by : Fanny Hill Scott Publisher : Fanny Hill Scott Advertising :
Adélaïde Dominiak - Gorski
Design : Tiffany Oger /
Fanny Hill Scott
Social Network : Adélaïde Dominiak - Gorski
Translator / Corrector : Omar Zaki Contributors : Valerie Bouvet
Robin Amar Lucie Madrilene Ephelide Léa Robert Yuma Production Debora Alloyeau Nim & Anastasia Catalyst Music Mahassine Ajroud Annaïg Harnois Asterios Spectacle Laura Bris Perrine Chevalon A Gauche De La Lune Joris Morato