État D'Esprit
S.PRI NOIR 04/2020 © Mi6 / AllPoints
Wow! What a striking force! Once again, S.Pri Noir smashed the Rap Game very hard with this new album without any false notes. Right away with the intro 'Multiplayer', the artist gives the album tone by explaining the reasons that led him to name this opus "state of mind". He starts to confess himself to his audience going even deeper with his confessions with the masterpiece song '100 regrets' - which plays on the ambivalence of the term "without regret / 100 regrets". The rapper from Les Fougères district in the 20th arrondissement of Paris shows his talent through these powerful tracks to the sound blowing a fresh wind on the rapper’s musical register, 'Salades' presented as one of the real favourites of the album with an alternation of three voices types from the palette of the artist’s talents. The rapper goes even further on the artistic side and decided to create a real storyline through the album through his interludes like 'Pin Code 878' which follows the evolution of a love story between S.Pri Noir himself and one of his crush. Like a true chameleon, the rapper who’s both artistic director of his music videos and fashion muse, shows us once again how versatile he is and how he uses all the strings to his bow to create a project powered by different sources of inspiration. S.Pri Noir knows how to delight his audiencewith dancing vibes like 'Night And Day' featuring French Afropop band 4Keus, summer hit 'Maman Dort' with rapper Alonzo, and hard-core Rap like 'Le Plan' featuring rapper Laylow. Released during the quarantine time, this album has made us travel and escape during these difficult times. Always where we do not expect him, S.Pri Noir proves once again that he has nothing more to prove about the infinity of his talent.
© Appoline Montier