Roi Arhtur When? From 23/08/2019 to 25/08/2019 Where? Breal-Sous-Montfort, Britanny, FRANCE We are starting to reach the end of the summer and we're already dreading the end of the festival season, but the Britain festival of Roi Arthur which claims loudly its origins makes us forget our fears with this amazing festival: warm and welcoming. We must admit that we have rarely seen a festival that knows how to take care of its audience, its volunteers and especially its guests. It's very important for us to mention that we were treated as royalty at this festival, which really has the notion of sharing and welcoming people. Simple Britain phenomenon with its legendary human warmth or real altruism? We still hesitate on the answer. The festival opens its doors for the 10th time and it was is sold out. The public is present, the bar is open and the first concerts finally begin. In short: all the conditions are met to spend an unforgettable weekend. Although the festival is best known for its diverse musical universe; from the French variety to the electro scene; there are three beautiful names of rappers that emerge from the line-up: Supreme NTM, Koba La D and Youssoupha. Supreme NTM – one of the pillars of French Rap since the 1990s who has influenced the future of Rap in France since its inception in Paris – is on stage and it’s so good to see Joey Starr and Kool Shen back on stage. It almost feels like we’re back in the past, and it’s not bad for us. The two rappers, who have now become legends, give us 10,000% in this fiery concert. It's even more unforgettable as it's part of the band’s farewell tour. More than 15,000 festival-goers from all generations, go back with them to their greatest hits, such as 'Ma Benz' – and it is clearly impossible to pretend to know French rap if you have never heard this legendary song – ‘Seine-St-Denis Style’ and ‘Laisse Pas Traîner Ton Fils’. In a bit more than an hour of concert, 30 years of career passes by and you can feel the palpable emotion that reigns in the audience. Long awaited, Youssoupha enters the stage in front of an audience that groans with impatience. The rapper offers a show worthy of his talent by alternating between discussion with his audience and conscious Rap as with his hits 'Par Amour', 'M'en Aller' and 'Les Disques De Mon Père'. It was a great moment of emotion that moved the audience when he invited his son on stage for an improvised and touching duo. This 40-year-old rapper from Kinshasa, Congo, has become one of the masters of conscious and conscious Rap in France and has not failed to honour his reputation. The proximity of Youssoupha to his audience is almost disconcerting to see on stage, where most artists chain the tracks, the rapper prefers to sit down and take the time to talk with his audience and it's a beautiful thing to see. It was under a blazing sun that the village of Arthur welcomed thousands of festival-goers and curious people in the streets of downtown Bréal-sous-Montfort. All day long, concerts, treasure hunt, an escape game, photo stand or creative workshops have allowed the public to enjoy the festive spirit of the festival for free and we must admit that's a rare phenomenon. We are already looking forward to coming back next year and seeing what this festival has in store for us. Words © The Magazine Team Photography © Nico M