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It is currently the year 2009. Recent reports have begun to appear proclaiming ancient seers and prophets have predicted that the date December 21, 2012 will in fact mark the end of humanity. Can this be possible? What are these 2012 predictions specifically and what is behind them? Is this a massive hoax or a reality that should alarm us? This article will try to answer these pressing questions. The origin of these 2012 predictions comes from the Mayan calendar. The Mayans were a preindustrialized society that thrived in Meso-America between 300 and 1000 CE. The Mayans established precise astronomical and astrological instruments through which they based their means of measuring time, their calendar. The Mayan calendar is made up of a series of "counts" which mark time in terms of epochs. One of these "counts" is known as the long count and it measures a length of time of approximately 5,000 years. The Mayans put a great deal of symbolism into the passage of milestones and it was believed that the expiration of the long count would signify a major event for humanity. Scholars have estimated that the long count will "expire" on December 21, 2012. What does this mean for humanity? There is no specific meaning to inferred from the passage of the long count. It simply signifies that a certain amount of time has elapsed. That is, at least, one explanation of it. Another explanation, which has gained popularity among subscribers of mystery theories, is that the expiration of the long count will result in a major catastrophe for humanity. Thus some believers in this theory have postulated their own hypothesis about what may transpire on that date. These 2012 predictions run the gamut with some predictions theorizing that a planetary collision make take place. However some people believe that with the expiration of the Mayan long count a new era of human evolution which will be less materialistic and more spiritual will come to pass. Regardless of what transpires it seems clear that there is no reason for alarm. There is not agreement among the experts even about what is supposed to happen and the best course of action seems to be to continue living your life.
We stay on top of all the latest 2012 Predictions [http://2012hoax.net] at our site. We believe that regardless of whether anything of significance happens on December 21, 2012, that good judgment and reason should be humanity's guiding force. We recently published 2012 End of the
World [http://2012hoax.net/making-sense-of-2012-end-of-the-world-predictions/] and look forward to your feedback.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bryan_Stolkentree
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